You didn't let those wretched ghouls into Tenpenny Tower did you?

You didn't let those wretched ghouls into Tenpenny Tower did you?

Attached: 24_Tenpenny_Tower.png (240x240, 16K)

i stay the fuck away from that place every outcome sucks

Tenpenny owns the building and he has every right to keep ghouls out if that’s what he wants. Doesn’t mean he isn’t a dick though.

>not killing everyone and turning it into your private palace

You gotta get the ghouls to make peace then kill Roy through stealth.

Didn't he not care, but was just doing what his people wanted? You convince him to let them in by convincing other people it won't be that bad.
Then it is bad and they murder everyone anyway.
That quest always rubbed me the wrong way, you try to do something good and it just eats your ass. At least a hint on a terminal or something would have made it better, so you can find out what they're really planning.

he does not. noblesse oblige. to hoard is to be unfit to have, and your right to not be stolen from by those in need gets revoked. revolution is the way of the world

>side with megaton everytime
>finally decide to do an evil run, nuke the city for a nice apartment
>mfw i ran into moira the ghoul

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Shot 'em all, filthy zombies.

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I'm really offended at this, can someone instead post the non-racist edit.

>Didn't he not care
In the quest yeah. I always thought this was strange though because it’s established that he hates ghouls and he even tells you this himself. I didn’t really mind the lack of a “good” ending though. I wish there were more gray outcome quests.
How was Roy Phillips in need? He and his gang had a perfectly fine living situation to begin with. He wanted to live in luxury and got angry when he was told no.

I did. And I blew up Megaton.


i helped them
and then happened
after that in my second run i helped the tower people, and master sandman'd the ones i didn't like

I love nuking Megaton and enslaving everyone. With the use of mods, I force them into slave training and feed them human remains and turn them into junkies. Meanwhile I pimp out the whores of the wastes and give them all the STDS they didn't have already. I also slaughter all the kids at little lamplight, because those Super Mutants should have done it ages ago.

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killing the ghouls is literally the best option

actually I didn't care abyout any decision I had to make in F3

If this quest had come out in a game nowadays then I genuinely believe that the vast majority of players would view what the ghouls did as a good thing.

Have any of you sided with Legion? Nothing like punching any and all degenerates to death in the Mojave.

Sometimes I want to but then I remember they're fucking hypocrites and don't practice what Caesar preaches and it would bug me too much to play through the whole game supporting them.

of course, 100% achievements on my game
i didn't care for it, i think in general it wasn't fleshed out enough for their goals to really come across well. I feel it, just isn't right for me without more content.

>when you side with the ghouls and tenpenny tower goes to absolute shit
>mfw good karma

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But that's why it's funny

I just like the excuse to be an asshole and look completely ridiculous. tbf yes man has probably most fun out come
>tfw 2 INT explosives, melee character takes over New Vegas with an army of robots.

I want to get back into the game to do a legion run but I never get past primm


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This shit will run on win7 i5-7600k right?

I didn't liked how I get good karma for helping the ghouls and bad karma for killing them, when they are pretty much as bad as raiders, the tower people were up their own asses but they weren't bad.