>”Videogames should be about having fun.”
ITT: ass-fucking retarded statements constantly spouted here
I really want to fuck this vampire tbqfh
Where are her feet,user
Ok, so what should they be about?
>>”Videogames should be about having fun.”
Prove it wrong. It's called a game for a reason.
I want to smell Hikari's anus!
big tiddy anime girls if you’re a cumb rain
Illiciting different emotions, like all art, not just fun
What about horror games? You are willingly exposing yourself to unsettling imagery that makes you want to avoid it by instinct. How is being scared “fun”?
>hurr durr why you want to have fun with your hobby????? bideo games should be serious!!!!
I have fun getting scared and shit, it’s not my fault if you’re retarded
You're right, I want my games to be as soulcrushing as the rest of my life.
If you think being scared bars you from having fun then you're too retarded to have this conversation
>games are art
>OP is a straight person that certainly doesn't try to multi-suck dicks during a session
This is art, yes
very dumb bait thread, how about
>videogames should have more girls with fangs
>Roman Catholoc church not the one true church of your God, Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
>like all art
ok, what are your ten favorite BAFTA nominated games
Then why not walk into a black neighborhood late at night instead? You’ll be scared as hell, and you might get some free anal sex along the way.
>this game ruined my childhood
>this game ruined the series
it doesnt make any sense
I miss '80s vidya commercials.
>anime website
>only redditards hate anime
I do because I live in one. Some of the best people I've ever met here. Never respond to my posts ever again. Free anal sex would be nice though.
satisfaction and enjoyment
these are distinct from fun. fun is about immediate amusement, it has no value apart from when you are having it. satisfaction however comes from a sense of accomplishment or achievement and enjoyment comes from introspection in relation to the experience
things you do for fun are toys, not games. toys are designed to be immediately fun, they have no start or finish you pick it up and play with it. A game however, by definition, is a system of rules and an objective. This introduces fluctuation in ones experience of the game, and necessarily means fun can not be optimized since you are bound to meet challenges or have less exhilaration from one moment to another. games are about trying to complete them and the awareness one has of their efforts and the efforts of others towards this goal, the appreciation they might have of realizing a new strategy or mechanic or accomplishing a tricky step.
a good and proper game is simply not going to be fun at all times, and therefore playing games 'for fun' is not a good choice, there are other things you could do for fun which provide more fun
OP a shit, but that's a cute demi-chan.
>"Metroid: Other M was a good game!"
I'd still consider that just fancy talk for fun.
I understand you don't have a lot going for you and you really want your hobby to mean something but they are fucking video games my dude.
thats ok user, ill do the deep thinking, you can grow the crops
>video games
it applys to all games
What are the most artistic games? Give me five games that you think are art.
Look, I'm all for the idea of working hard for a goal and being rewarded for your trouble, that's why games were popular in the first place. But the journey should still be enjoyable as well. If it's boring bullshit, I'm not gonna fucking bother, no matter how good the end result is
if its boring people wont play it
a game should try to maximize the amount of fun it has, but playing the game 'for' fun then becomes something like playing the game 'for' the UI features.
A bad UI can make you just quit a game too, and a good UI you might take note of but it really isnt going to be a reason you play the game. Nobody ever quit a game with a decent and fully workable UI who would have continued playing it if only the UI was better.
The same is with fun, if anything a bad game that just happens to be fun will only cause bitterness. People will still not play it because its still a bad game, and they will think "i wish this game didn't suck because it is fun"
>I bought a game in a genre that I know I hate
>what the fuck I hate the game
>this game sucks, you lied to me Yea Forums how could this happen?
I really agree with this. It needs to have both. It needs to be rewarding at the end and fun throughout the journey. BotW was the perfect example that had a fun journey but did a shitty job of rewarding the player at the end.
You really can't have a good game unless you do both
you fangs and saw teeth fuckers deserve the rope
Have fun