ITT: Post tropes you hate

>you have to 100% the game to get the true ending

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>you have to 125% the game to get the true ending

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>you have to replay the game x amount of times to get the true ending

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>Permanently missable content

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It lines up with the game's themes, but it kind of sucks because the gameplay itself is kind of a slog to get through. Everything else was great, though, so I'm really tempted to keep going through it again for the good ending.

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>main character has to act like an irrational retard to conclude act 1 or act 2 of the game

>Each difficulty has their own rewards for beating it
>Beating the highest difficulty doesn't unlock the rewards of the other difficulties

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are you fucking with me? does Soul Hackers really have more than one ending? I beat it once and never went back, didn't even bother with the extra dungeon

Yeah, if you beat the Rebirth? dungeon that's unlocked after beating the game once, then you can do the real NG+, which changes the story a little bit. Let's just say someone who dies near the end doesn't have to if you go through all of this.

>"Oh no, we're to weak to beat the final boss"
>"Don't worry, the power of friendship and/or our unyielding spirit will help us"
>Queue in boss's defeat
It's cute the first time but it gets old afterwards

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>the super secret weapon is missable not because of what you need to do to get it but because of how quickly you can speed through the game to reach it
Guess which game I'm talking about

>Rookie who doesnt have a week on the team who is way over his head being cocky
>Gets btfo immediatly
Anyone reading this may think of Akira from Astral Chain, recently playing SMT IV Apocalypse made me dislike Asahi immediatly because of this. it boils my blood, seeing these retards even if they get their comeuppance.

>item or weapon that you can only get after you 100% the game
>nothing to use it on/no New Game+

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>ancient evil has awaken
>magic profecy
>chosen ones

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>NPC you have to follow walks faster than your walk speed but slower than your run speed

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>The ancient evil is actually a bitch nigga and gets stomped.
>The prophecy was bullshit.
>You weren't even the chosen one at all but fuck if that's going to stop you.
Dragon Quest is the best.

>you have to 100% the game to get the true ending
>devs pad out the content with a literal million puzzles and collectibles scattered throughout the map so 100%ing the game becomes a complete slog and takes far, far longer than it should

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>have to do some erroneous shit to get a hidden achievement

what a cute boi

>Need to 100% the game for true end with there being permanently missable content

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>boss has multiple forms

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>good end unobtainable after you get bad end
Fuck you Undertale you creepy piece of shit.

I'm enjoying BotW, but it's disappointing how you only get the green tunic after doing almost everything the game has to offer.

>Deletes some files
eh nottin personel furfag

Minish Cap

Stop playing weeb games.

>Locking the ending behind side-quests

>modifying games

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>boss drops item or a rare item
>before you can pick it up the game cuts to a cutscene
>after cutscene the item is no longer there

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Those shitty forced slow walking segments while a character is spewing exposition at you. Technically not a cutscene, so you're not allowed to skip it.

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>you have to beat the game over 300 times to get 100%
Has anybody ever gotten every route in Shadow the Hedgehog

>Antihero/rival comes in to same the day
>Has a line like "If anyone is going to kill you, it's going to be me"

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>the devs claim that there's a true ending in the game but literally no one has found it yet

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>segment where you lose all your gear and are forced to stealth around to collect it all back

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I think half life 2 created these, but holy fuck, did Gears of War perfect the whole rulebook

>The best weapon of the game is dropped/given by/after the final optional boss

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>Play game section
>There should reasonably be a checkpoint here
>there isn't
>die and repeat a whole section over

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>character leaves your party
>you get them back hours later
>they are the same level they left at

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>you need to beat the game to unlock easy mode

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>true final boss

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>Character leaves your party
>They had rare equipment on them
>It's gone

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Pokemon black and white?

>>you need to beat the game to unlock easy mode
>Only one save slot
>You can't do a new game without deleting your previous save first
>Deleting the save deletes the easy/hard mode unlock

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>walk speed too slow to keep up with NPC
>run speed too fast for NPC to keep up

What do you have to do?

Every shrine. 120, I think.

>Clear game on hard difficulty
>Don't get achievement for completing game on medium or easy

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I thought the big meat of the game were the seeds.

All those secret weapons and items in Oracle of Ages/Seasons on Gameboy Color. What's the point of having the Master Sword or Big Goron's Sword if i've already done everything there is to do?

But you didn't beat medium or easy.

>have to avoid fighting an extra boss in order to get the good ending and fight the real final boss

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There isn't even a real reward for that. I'm sure the only reason there are so many, is so that everyone will find a decent amount of seeds without trying too hard.

>What's the point of having the Master Sword or Big Goron's Sword if i've already done everything there is to do?
You're supposed to use them in the 2nd game, user. Not in the one you've already completed.

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wtf I only did 46 and I thought I got most. Where are they hiding?
That's a shit ton of stamina.

>Game has the most fiercely autistic fanbase

Reminder that BW2's "Easy Mode" is a lie since enemy stat numbers don't change at all, just the level number, so you're effectively playing Normal Mode with less exp gain, ironically making it harder

>you have to beat the game on the second highest difficulty to unlock the highest difficulty
>game lingers on your character's body after dying for twenty minutes
>unlockables are tied to save files
>multiplayer achievements

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I really dislike having to unlock harder difficulties.
Uncharted was terrible with this.

this is probably the only time you see him not be an angsty teenager

>To Brother Gil - Bro, I found the sword, like you told me. But there were two. One of 'em had a lame name, Something II. It was a dingy, old thing with flashy decorations, something you'd probably like. So I went with Excalipur. I'll be back after I find the Tin Armor.

You can get a total of three bars, including the default. Then it caps. There actually aren't enough shrines to cap both hearts and stamina.

fucking alundra does this shit way too often...

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>quest marker points to an inaccessible area
>have to go to a completely separate area or do a completely unrelated quest to gain access to said area
>game does nothing to indicate this

>game has recovery system
>shooting is cover, shoot, cover
>weapon inventory is limited to 2 main weapons
>pistols and other small firearms are just big as a fucking rocket launcher
>game has barebones MGSesque radar-based stealth
>game has also mandatory stealth segments
>game is open world just because
>open world is empty and dead with about 5 copy and pasted side activities
>you can't kill civilians at all
>you can't cause havoc at all
Fuck the entirety of the ps3/xbox360 era and fuck MGS V and all the fuckers who still dare to defend this piece of shit praising the shittest gameplay ever.

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I wanna do things to that shota

What's this from?

>finish turret section, escort mission, or some other segment that nobody likes
>an NPC comments on how nobody likes those segments
Why did you waste devtime making that shit then?

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Looks like Etrian Odyssey III.

>get the true ending
>it doesn't answer any questions you might have had, in fact it just throws a bunch of sequelbait at you and is just unsatisfying
they never made a sequel

>the ancient prophecy was literally just some bullshit the main villain's henchman made up
>even the main villain thinks it's stupid
>main characters fall for it anyway

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>How are we gonna stop the villain from destroying the world?

>We're gonna do exactly what he wants. But we're gonna believe in the Power of Friendship while we do it!

Final Fantasy has never been high literature, but it had never veered into hack shonen territory before FFXIII. Even FFVIII, which had a similar plan, at least made it seem somewhat plausible.

Megaman legends

>Final boss: "If you destroy me it will spell the end of the world...!"
>"Well then... Maybe the world isn't worth saving!!"

>if you kill him you'll be just like him.

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>I can never use the dark power within me, or I may end up hurting the people I care about!

It's the same fucking story beats every goddamn time. I'm so sick of this shit.

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>you have to 100% the game to grt the true ending
>btw there's a time limit lol
Fuck Atelier Totori

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>defeat minor villain
>"heh, not bad"
>*teleports away*

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>fighting villain
>deplete villain's health
>villain stuns you and runs away
This shit is a fucking meme in world of warcraft at this point

>nearly all of these are from trash eastern games

fuck weebs

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Oh fuck, wrong thread.

>boss bodies you in the cutscene after you beat him
Nothing gets me more furious. Atleast have the boss power up temendously and body you via gameplay instead of doing it in a cutscene

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>supposed to lose fight with boss
>use up all your healing and buff items during the fight.

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>The true ending is triggered by asinine flags during the main story, which no sane person would think mattered for anything

Weren't there some complaints about Yooka-Laylee for doing exactly that?

>You require a certain item to progress through the game
>It's possible to permanently lose that item
>Sometimes it isn't even obvious that you screwed yourself over once it's lost until way later in the game

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boss/mob gauntlets.
and bosses that spawn mobs, for that matter.

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I was thinking of EYE divine cybermancy, haven't played that one.

Factually incorrect, the stats do change. However, even with that, simply gaining less exp makes it overall harder.

>you have to replay the game 3 or more times of times to 100% the game

fuck nier

I was thinking ToS with the character titles you get at the inn late in the game.

>The true ending is DLC

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>Side-superboss appears mid-level
>Defeating it drops an unique loot.
>Somehow manage to damage it enough so you can kill it next turn.
>Ally AI goes and kills the main boss, finishing the level.

I felt robbed.

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Asura's Wrath.

>Be finished with 90% of the story
>Main villain isn't even the true villain
>Have to fight god and his disciples right after

>time limit missions

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He said tropes you HATE.

>Boss you're supposed to lose to
>beat it on Newgame+ nothing special happens

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enemies who have hyper armor and you can't cancel your attack animations so they don't flinch.

Shadow the Hedghog
Megaman Battle Network 4
Castle Crashers
Pokemon series games with 3 versions and version exclusive legendaries.

>locked late game door in early game dungeon
bonus points if it's a pain in the ass to get back to

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Persona 5

>supposed to lose to boss
>battle isn't just heavily rigged against you, it is programmed to be impossible
>your hours of dedicated grinding and preparing and even modding in order to have the satisfaction all for nothing when the game will not allow you to lower the bosses HP below 1

It's tolerable if it gives you a short cutscene afterwards commenting on the fact that you beat them and/or just the normal cutscene slightly modified to account for it. What'd really be cool is if you could beat the presumed unwinnable fight against the Big Bad Evil Guy before he gets his gauntlet of ultimate power or whatever and the game just ends to credits right there. An alt ending like that would be cool and would be nice if the boss just straight up kicked you ass instead of being absolutely unwinnable even if you're good.

>starting weapon actually secretly becomes the best weapon late game
>game allows you to sell/toss/destroy it with no way of getting it back

That was already datamined to hell and back, there's nothing more.

That or characters talking during heavy action moments. Hated that during the Daemon x Machina demo

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It was merely a setback

>New Game +
>You have less health and literally nothing else changes

>Game breaks the 4th wall all of a sudden
>It's necessary for the plot
Unless the game already shows us that it will break that wall from the beginning (even then it's questionable for me), that's a load of bullshit

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