Does Fire Emblem Three Houses stand an unironic chance at winning GOTY?

Does Fire Emblem Three Houses stand an unironic chance at winning GOTY?

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>Fire Emblem
>Unironically anything positive

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Who ever pays the most will get it.

Waifu games don't win GOTYs

It unironically has the best chance any Fire Emblem game as ever had. But I honestly can only see it going to Death Stranding this year since it's the big AAA darling that normalfags will eat up with a spoon.

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It's the best game this year but it's not something game "critics'" can show to their parents and not be embarrassed by.

It'll probably be Resident Evil

>japanese game
>nintendo game
>niche genre
0% chance

IMO no. The game has shit-tier presentation so all the journos will bend over backwards to give the award to Death Stranding because it's a moviegame.

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This desu. Regardless of whether or not something deserves it, if it's any of these three, they'll literally never win

Tbqh I can see Death Stranding ending up being super divisive and polarizing, given what we’ve seen so far. Which might allow a different game to sneak in and win the open field (probably not Three Houses though sadly)

>RPG by a Japanese developer
>winning GOTY

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Its my favorite game in the series but i'd be shocked if it was even a nominee

>caring about libshit award ceremonies
Neck yourself OP.

Nah, deliveryman simulator is winning GOTY easy.
But honestly who gives a shit about that anyways
>Cowbosy 2 won best soundtrack
What a joke

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A chance? Yes, but not a good one. GotY usually goes to massive AAA titles or 2deep4u indie shit. 3H is a great game, but it doesn't have the budget or writing chops to make too many GotY lists.

Death Stranding and BL3 are the clear frontrunners and haven't even been released yet. Sekiro also stands a good chance.

But Nintendo games are some of the only Japanese games to win GoTY.

>caring about GOTY

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Only the ones western boomers recognise like Mario, Metroid and Zelda

>wronged gay poeople
>strategy game
That’s a hard no m8

Wait, really? Its basically Persona: Fire Emblem edition. Can't believe this series panders so much to its weeb crowd

Yeah but it isn't about high school kids so it's not cringe

>Death Stranding
Never nincel


If Persona 5 got nominated I think this can get at least that, too.

Even if it was the best SRPG ever Fire Emblem is "too anime" for award givers.

Wow a game that is a 7/10 at the best won't be game of the year

It is my personal GOTY.
That's the only important one.

>Only the ones western boomers recognise like Mario, Metroid and Zelda
No as only BotW and Super Mario Galaxy.
That's it.

>played Edelgard's route first
>character motivations make no sense
>nothing about the Church of Seiros or Those Who Slither In The Dark is explained
>I learned nothing about the Church, the children of the Goddess, or why they need to die as Edelgard says
>I don't know who or what TWSITD are, and I don't know what their end game is
>I'm still not sure why Edelgard feels the need to do the things she does unless she's actually a puppet of TWSITD or just outright bat-shit insane
>they spend the last half of Part 2 hyping up the eventual confrontation with Those Who Slither In The Dark
>it never fucking happens
>the credits role after Rhea is dead and you marry your waifu

What the fuck did I just play? Are the other three routes better? They had better be. I don't understand anything after having played Edelgard's route. She was starting to grow on me by the end of the game, but now I hate her with a burning passion because she never tells you anything and pretends like her enemies are the bad guys when she acts like a fucking sociopath. Like at the end, if you have her fight Dimitri, he'll ask her why she feels the need to conquer and kill. Her only response is "Why do you fight back lol just submit :^)". WHAT?!?! What the fuck is that?! That's your justification for engulfing the entire continent in a massive, bloody war?! That's how you plan on painting your enemies as the bad guys?
>"Oh, they just shouldn't have fought back. If they didn't fight back, this war wouldn't have happened. See Dimitri is evil and crazy because he fought against me and my bloody, bat-shit crazy regime :^)"
>"You see the Church is evil because they fought back against my attempts at destroying them. And Dimitri is a mad-man monster for not bending knee. I'm not actually just a puppet of Those Niggers Slithering In The Sewers my dearest Professor; I know I haven't actually told you anything about their origins or what they want but just trust me you dumb fuck :^)"

>if it's any of these three, they'll literally never win
BoTW is both Japanese and a Nintendo game. You're only doomed if you meet the "niche" criteria because that means normalfags won't like you

japanese games are not allowed to win goty

I feel cheated. I never should have sided with Edelgard.

But does it even make a difference? I read that the Golden Deer of all factions actually fight Those Who Slither In The Dark at the end of the game. So Should I play the game again as a different faction? Will I actually learn about the Church and the Slithery Boiz? Because that's what I want. I at the very least wanted to understand what the fuck was happening, and with the Empire I never did. I didn't care if I ended up playing as the "bad guys", I just thought it'd be interesting. I at least thought things would be explained and that the character motivations would make sense.

Jesus fucking Christ. GOTY? FUCK NO. This is worse than Awakening, at least the Black Eagles route is...

>BoTW is both Japanese and a Nintendo game
Outside of SM Galaxy and BotW which Nintendo games have won many GOTY awards in the past 20 years?

Nah this worthless pile of shit video game that has shitty slow paced combat is ass. It's fucking turn based strategy, you take turns letting the enemy beat on your ass which is fucking dumb. Mix that with the vast amounts of faggotry and the byleth being a half faggot too, it's dog shit.

Games that use outdated shitty mechanics like turn based strategy needs to just die.

I'm pretty sure I've seen this post before.

>japanese game
>not zelda

fuck the hell no

Yeah, the game tries to make you think there's a reason behind Edelgard's sperging, but it's just "muh revenge crests bad i am justice" shit
Honestly just play BL for a better story/cast and then GD for actual answers about the plot/TWSITD confrontation. Church is just a GD reskin that doesn't ruin every BE/recruited character with a different ending map, most of the story is still the same

Too much meaningless support conversations

A game needs to have wider appeal and a bigger budget to be a serious contestant for that title.

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>that image

GOTY from whom? The VGA is even more rigged then the Oscars.

No it doesn't, not even close
Still a great game

>woman is the villain and least popular protag
that's gonna be a no

your left out Metroid (97) Prime btw

The game is really quite boring. The combat (I'm playing on hard) is smartphone game tier easy. The conversations between characters are mostly bad. The only time interesting stuff happens is when ''DEEPEST LORE'' is revealed.

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I'm assuming that this was meant as a reply to my posts.

Yeah, this is what I figured. I've started my second playthrough and chose the Blue Lions. Golden Queers are next. Is the Church really as bad as everyone says?

Switch GOTY probably

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>It unironically has the best chance any Fire Emblem game as ever had.
Based on...?
Writing is all over the place, maps are meh, game-play is even bigger meh and animations are Berserk anime tier joke.

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That's the villain path

Church isn't bad it's mostly just a worse version of GD apparantly so the most skippable (haven't done GD)

>Deer - Lore and answers you want regarding those things
>Church - More lore and more answers regarding (you)
>S support Sothis - even more information about you and your crest
>Eagles - worthless garbage fanfiction after you completed all 3 above
>Lions - if you give a shit about Dimitri
t. 3H summed up

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