Number of sexual partners

Number of sexual partners
Your favorite game

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Dark Souls 2


Chrono Trigger

Six hundred

Dark souls 2

Fuck you


Resident Evil 4


jon arbuckle


Metal Gear Solid

Fatal Frame II

might and magic 4

2 New Vegas

Deus Ex

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Unreal Tournament 2k4


15 heroes III

Just had sex with my first gf who Is smoking hot a few days ago at 23 years old and it was the best thing ever.


final fantasy tactics

kingdom hearts 1

1 my wife
Warcraft 3

6 million

1 (We are now married)
Seiken Densetsu 3/Trials of Mana

Shining Force II

I don't fucking know, I have more than one favorite I guess

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Maybe try taking a shower?


Okay c*mbrain

Cataclysm: DDA

I lost my virginity to her and we've been together for 3 years now

Mother 3

Senran Kagura

Victoria 2

Jon Arbuckle
Eat shit

Fire Emblem

jet set radio future


Is the Trials of Mana Remake looking good in your opinion? Also is that shit stand-alone or do I have to play the previous 2 Mana games?

Planescape: Torment.

Battlefield 4


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>1 my wife
>1 (we are now married)

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lost my virginity to a prostitute

1 (your mom)
fugging youre mom :^)

fire emblem sacred stones

I dont know

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ya nvm i change my answer
i have too many favorite games to choose
same amount of sexual partners though


How is the losing-your-virginity-to-a-prostitute experience?

>best thing ever
Doubt. Sex is pretty ok at best


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Skyrim for fun
Silent Hill 2 for tears


Halo 3

5 including a threesome once. Perfect Cherry Blossom.


Pokemon Platinum

>3000 sex partners

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Wow. K
It’s actually really sad that you feel that way. I’m so sorry.

Warcraft 3

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0 (Age 36)
Super Metroid

the most I've gotten was a blowjob, so I'd consider that half

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Jet Set Radio Future

I hope we get a Lasagna Cat S3 without having to wait another ten years

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Candy Crush

almighty wizard tell me your wisdom

2.6 septillion
MLB Slam! for the Nokia N-Gage

Alan Wake


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does getting your dick sucked through a condom count

Which one?


I thought that after my first session, but once you get better at it, find new positions, and have emotional attachment for the person, then sex can be pretty fucking great.


Based Dante

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I have had two sexual partners in terms of what is called "penis in vagina" intercourse. I've received oral sex from, let's say, 5 or 4 women and 1 guy. I also have sex in online chatrooms, that was probably with hundreds of people; maybe over a thousand.

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze

Metal Gear Solid 3

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Katana Zero

I really don't want to talk about it, it was terrible but it broke my fear of having sex (kind of)

It is if you do kinky stuff
For example being bound up and being teased

>tfw 20 and virgin
Is it too late for me bros?

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>fallout: new Vegas

Vice City

25 here, I have fully given up and enjoy life by myself

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yes. you're supposed to have sex in high school like literally everybody else (unless you were a sexy kid so your uncle molested me)

Fair enough user, hope you're doing all right now.
I'm a virgin and has sometimes thought about prostitutes, but have come to the conclusion that I'd rather avoid it to be quite honest with you.

do you think the decade long gap was intentional?

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SOMA (2015)


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not at all, work on your character and confidence
If you're still low on confidence just become a tranny or have gay sex

about 20-30.
3 or 4 legit girls, the rest were street walkers in like a 5 year period. All unprotected of course. No stds before anyone asks. Did a lot of drugs and i am about to finish college.

Favorite game is either Miku Future Tone or Fatal Frame Maiden of Blackwater

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1, my wife
single player: sleeping dogs
multiplayer: overwatch

Why aren't you aiming for wizardhood? Don't you want great arcane power?

do prostitutes count?

20 is still a child basically.

Are you ugly or a sperg? If latter, just learn to be more socially graceful

based christian

6, Xenogears

Paper Mario

Anons, sex is sex. Please make sure your first is one you actually care for. Don't make the same mistake I did and ruin it with a shitty hooker.

the fact that it came after ten years made it even better.


It's weird, but not completely irredeemable. 24 is when you need to start panicking.

Super Mario Bros. 3

Dude, im 29 and kisless virgin.
Not even ugly, but extremely antisocial

time to become a wizard user

based and faithfully marriagepilled


Mega man zero 3

too late bro, i could have avoided it but my dick said " user you are 19 and you need to get rid of your v card who gives a shit if she is a slut just fuck already"

Skies of Arcadia

John Arbuckle

what were the other 4?

Raymond, I have had two sexual partners in terms of what is called... penis-in-vagina intercourse. I've recieved oral sex, uh, from... let's say five... four women and then one guy. I also used to have sex in, uh, online chatrooms, that was probably with hundreds of people, maybe over 1000.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3

Kid Icarus Uprising

Kirby's adventure
I also like chubby Latinas and skinny black girls

Chrono Trigger

my brother

Super Mario world

i have no idea
legend of mana


vanilla WoW

Not really ugly, but not super pretty either. I'm tall though and not fat, too skinny however.
And also somewhat of a sperg.
I know I'm not completely lost since more girls have come on to me than I've come on to girls. I just reject niggas because I have too much mental shit going on.

You didn’t even read the thread you dumb nigger.

also reeee normies

>mfw 24
I don't care tho. The problem is the social pressure.

Ayy, I feel you. Sometimes I get curious if butt stuff would feel better, but that's the gateway to faggotry

SMT: Nocturne

Since this is a blogfag thread I may as well ask, how old were you guys? 19 here, still a kissless, handholdlees virgin. Starting to think I am destined to become a wizard, I'm too ugly to get a attractive gf and too weird to relate to normalfags.

Reminder that 36% of college men (freshmen - senior) are virgins (55% of those surveyed were 21 or older)

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Too lazy to tally up the number but I estimate around 70 plus people now. I'm a huge slut. Into gangbangs and threesomes.

>favorite game
Currently? Tie between Smash Ultimate and Dead Cells.

Legend of the Dragoon

Sex is as good as the person you do it with. Sex with someone you genuinely love and who loves you is the greatest thing ever, though most people never actually experience it.


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Resident Evil 4

John Arbuckle, zero.
Door slamming noice

M&L: Superstar Saga
How do i not be a sperg. I’m physically active, relatively social, and look decent, but i just can’t get a girl

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Persona 2

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>v card
you are such an underage pussy piece of shit holy fuck
it's called VIRGINITY you god damn lying waste

Call of Duty: Black Ops

I'm 20, and have had (gay)sex a couple of times.
How it works is, no one is magically going to go up to you and ask you to fuck them, especially if you're male.
You've got to have motivation and want it, then you've got to go out looking, whether it's a dating site, a bar, a club etc.

Finally and most importantly, if you don't want to have sex, don't have sex.
No one cares if you've had sex or not, and those who do are insecure

Ummm yikes sweetie...

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Fallout New Vegas or Diablo

23, met an equally awkward 4/10 girl in classes and hit it off. Neither of us had ever held hands (romantically) with someone else before so every step was spaghetti as fuck, but it was worth it. Don't trap yourself in the mindset that it's ever too late for you

Uhm...what would happen if I were to try crystal meth once? How does it feel?

Dark Cloud 2

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Six thousand

Dark Souls 2

Get Fucked



75. Saga Frontier

Monster Hunter
(I'm almost 40)

chrono trigger

do children only count as .5 or something?

Zero, unless Rosie Palms counts.
Rockman X



My nigga. Do you also think they’re announcing a sequel/remake every Nintendo direct, only for it to be some Xenoblade bullshit? Floating waterfalls get me every time.

Also 18


Dead Space 2

Dragon's Dogma

I assume .5 is like a handy or bj

Majora's Mask


I unironically enjoy vydia more than sex.

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Ratchet and Clank 1

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Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door

does video sex with my e-wife almost everynight count?
Super Mario Sunshine or Xenoblade X I guess

No but there is one woman I have actually slept with and one woman who gave me a handjob at least. I thought I'd count that as. 5

ratchet and clank 3

Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd

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Quake 3

Banjo Kazooie

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Castlevania: SoTN

I don't want someone to ask me to fuck them, but I feel like finding a girl I actually like would be like finding a needle in a hay stack. I see girls I find cute, but I just don't see pursuing a normalfag as worth it in any way.

Dooes cocaime really feel good or is it just like having a shitton of cofee. Everytime I see someone on it he just looks extremely agitated, not enjoying it

2 left and right hand
Victoria 2

0 but im at my 18's so idk if i still having a chance.

Saints Row 2

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Truly depressing that most males get 3 at most if they're lucky.


Chrono Trigger

This. Even just bumping heroin is an experience thousands of times better than sex could ever be.


lost count
Majora's Mask

Doom II

he fucked himself

7 if a blow job counts if not 6
Pokemon crystal

Shitposting on Yea Forums

0.5 we were both drunk as shit and half way through she threw up and I passed out
Either Pikmin2 or TF2


Dwarf Fortress


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Metal gear solid 3

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Wait passed out drunk girls don't count?

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something over 25-30 I lost count

super mario world

25 Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2

T. Brock turner

video games don't fill the void anymore

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Chrono trigger

hey guise

21, could've lost it a lot earlier because I'm actually pretty good looking , athletic, smart, sometimes even funby but it's just that I was batshit insane in high school after being over medicated on amphetamines since I was a small child. I also had a lot of ... anti social personality traits. I really liked stabbing and burning things, and tried to an hero after having psychotic breaks with reality and couldn't deal with all the violent fantasies and alcoholism anymore. I was basically a young Jeffrey Dahmer except I wasn't fucking gay

Eventually I met people who were just as batshit as I used to be through treatment programs and am somewhat normie now.

Mass Effect Series

That's a big difference, guess you guys cant summon each other now

Dark Souls 2

Nowadays I just pretend I never had sex, it isn't worth the shame and the fear of STDs

No, your uncle doesn't count.

breath of the wild

Neither of us really got to finish so I don't count it.

Teenage relations are awkward as fuck anyway.

First two were real women back when I was a normalfag in High School, the other 8 have all been prostitutes.

Don't know. The past 2 years I have been obsessed with the Kiseki games and the Xenoblade games so one of those.

I was 15, user. It's too late for you

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Try boxing. It's pretty fun to beat the piss out of things when you're having a bad day.

F Zero GX

9 I think? Been a while since I cared (married).
Probably Earthbound.

4 or 5
Mega Man Legends

Dark Souls

Yeah, it can be hard if not impossible to find the right one.
If you feel it would be waste of time, I'd just drop it. There are so many more aspects to life other than sex

The guardian legend


don’t have a singular favorite, there are many games I really like a lot

1, recently broke up from a 8 year relationship.
Donkey Kong country 2

3 loving girlfriends and 1 prostitute (never again)

Metal Gear Solid

Sex with someone who you don’t love/who doesn’t love you is the fucking grossest thing ever.

10-15, I don't keep count lol
Pikmin 2

WoW Lich King era
I'm 26 and I have officially given up

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only ultfags are virgins

My favorite game is Kid Icarus Uprising and Ive had sex with 0 and I don't know what this is I don't know why you're doing... why you want this from me garfield, but if I could just say one thing to you its, um, I don't like you very much. Why do you hate mondays garfield? You're a cat. It's not like you have a job or any real responsibilities. All you do is lie around the house and say unfunny things and eat lasagna. Garfield I don't like you. You've ruined my life.

This is a dumb thread, OP.
I'm changing the rules.
From now one you say your favorite game, and the guy bellow tries to guess how many sexual partners you've had.

I'll start:
Super Mario 64

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Dominions 5
Wizards >>>non-wizards so whatever. Chad can fuck off when I sacrifice Stacy to become even stronger.

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3 if you count my gf sticking her hand down my pants at lunch in high school
Morrowind I guess

>Metal Gear Solid

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0 but married with 4 kids


I was 29 when I lost mine. Just giving some support

virgin speedrunner

system shock 2

I only like rush of coke if when I IV it but once the rush wears off it doesn't seem worth it, sniffing it isn't all that great and crack gives you a rush but its shit imo

F Zero GX

20 command and conquer red alert 2


Final fantasy 7

I'm deeply sexually repressed after years of abuse. All of my fantasizes exclusively involve kissing, hand holding, cuddling, etc. I'm still terrified of talking to chicks.

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Who did you lose it to, man? I legit can't imagine explaining my predicament to someone. I know your supposed to bluff it at my age but I'm pretty sure they'll suss me out no matter what I do.

This thread is so depressing off to /r9k/

halo, idk which

>terrified of talking to chicks
just talk to dudes or traps

Atleast you have good taste, bro

Fuck, I just turned 23 last week. Is it too late for me? I'm fat as fuck so I just assume I have no chance in hell anymore. I've had women ask me out before but I'm too socially anxious. Fuck.

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Was it a girl or a guy?


mass effect

Shit that sucks, was it your girlfriend/boyfriend who abused you?

Pokemon White, or Pokemon Platinum

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A Hat in Time

2, almost 3 but got whiskey dick

Ayy solid favorite

Mother 3

> all of these anons who haven't had sex and are troubled by it
Anons, just go get a prostitute. Sex is fun and feels good but it isn't something life changing. All of these people going on about true love and romance are a bunch of idealist fags. Just have sex once so you can realize that.


If you’re 26 and a virgin you never really tried. It’s impossible to give up on something you never tried.

>Not even ugly


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Last time I counted it was over 50 its probably close to 100 now.
Roller coaster tycoon 2.

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>Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

Honestly, this

Yeh... i don't know why I thought this would be fun...
Not a spedruner tho.

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Melee or Yume Nikki

But if I tried and failed I'd have to admit I ftried and failed at something for the first time instead of coasting by without effort

>have had many, many sexual/sensual experiences
>never actually fucked someone until orgasm

I'm pretty sure God is just toying with me at this point.

0 Hope I can find a girl at church
Lost Planet 2



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Knights of the Old Republic II
I've lost count how many times I've been with hookers though.

Based Roller Coaster Tycoon Chad

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Got raped

>Between 20- 25
>Super Mario 64

300 male
0 female

>I just reject niggas because I have too much mental shit going on.
such as?

0 (Age 25). Minecraft unironically. Not even 2b2t

XCOM (UFO Defense)

Has anyone here under 3/10 gotten laid (not counting a hooker)? I don't want to sound like an /r9k/ sperg but it really feels like looks are everything

This is the problem with most of you virgins here. You coast by without putting effort into relationships and then mope about how you're alone. For fucks sake, put yourself out there before you give up. It's pathetic that your response is "A GIRL HIT ON ME 5 YEARS AGO BUT I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT."

NiGHTS Into Dreams

Boktai series

pic related

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1 (and only one time)
Xenoblade 1

outer wilds

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user I can understand just reading your post exactly why you’re a virgin. Your fear of other people is pathetic and you have zero self confidence.

The truth is that no woman even slightly worth having as a gf would give a shit if you’re a virgin or not. If they’re attracted to you, why would they suddenly be turned off to find out that you don’t fuck any women? If she asks you why, you just say you never met anybody you really liked before. Now you’ve made her feel special and she’s more attracted to you.

Why would anyone care if you’re a virgin? Why would you need to lie about it? You’ve spent way too long deep frying your brain in Yea Forums nonsense and American comedy movie tropes. Nobody in real life cares. In fact, nobody in real life cares about almost anything that isn’t to do with themselves.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Technically its 14 but I dont count 2 of them

The only depressing part is that they don't last. Most men could be perfectly happy having only 1 but good relationship that lasts forever

>be more neurotic than most women

This is a surefire way to ruin great opportunities for romance no matter how good looking you are.

But my whole sense of self is a lazy genius who could do anything if they tried but I'm too lazy, if I failed I'd have to admit my carefully constructed persona designed to protect myself and psyche is false and it's too late to improve now, I never had to learn how to learn

How? 80% of the people here have had sex, /r9k/ meanwhile are all at 0 (except for the e girls who use that board to get new followers who have had many partners)

Damn man I gotta agree, it takes so long to cum sometimes but shit is otherwordly

if women have spoken to you without you having to get on your knees and beg them you are literally drowning in pussy

Bro you aren't destined to become a wizard I was in your position and found the love of my life 2 months ago when I never would have expected it.
Just clean yourself up and don't look like shit, then do the most important thing actually ask a girl out never gonna get pussy if you don't initiate

Don’t do this. Sex with a hooker is gross. Sex without affection is gross. Sex with someone who pretends to like you is gross, and using someone as a human flesh light feels gross.

As someone who has tried it, I can definitively say that having sex with a hooker is awful, and that losing your virginity to a hooker would absolutely muck up your perceptions of sex and women in general.

Streets of Rage 2

Met a girl at work, we hit it off and fucked a week later, hooked up and ended it 2 years later after I caught her cheating.

The pussy was decent but she was a straight cunt. Heartbreak sucks but it thickens your skin in the end. Find you a cute fat girl and get some practice.

Monster Hunter


The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind

>just take a shower bro

splatoon 2
gotta get that cunny

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The lazy genius meme is by far the most cancerous persona for a young man to adopt. There is literally nothing valuable about a person who doesn't apply themselves.

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Probably the gayest thing I have ever read. Are you some sort of Catholic school girl or some shit? Goddamn.

Final Fantasy XI

Zero (sadly)
Xenoblade Chronicles

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more than 15
Stalker Shadow Of Chernobyl and it's mod
I would say it's like taking a medium amount of coffee, not a shitton. I guess it also depends on the amount, I have taken a lot of cocaine, but always spaced through a long party (Meaning, through a whole day of partying in someone's house, or even two days) so I haven't taken like too much for someone in too little time, and I don't intend to.
I'm not really fond on cocaine honestly. It's expensive and it has this identity of being the fancy cool thing. I take it when it's available and I pair it with other things to get through the night. But I prefer Speed, it's cheaper and nastier but I really enjoy that nasty disgusting flavour it has... It also makes me real awake, more than coke, so that's a good thing.

Fallout: New Vegas

SimCity 2000


It really is. Mutual masturbation is way better.

Not him but u gay son. And you smell of virgin

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Pokémon mystery dungeon explorers of sky


Good question, user.

Did you fuck with 0 A presses?

Super Mario World

super smash

14. Fallout 1.

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-World of Warcraft

17 girls 5 or 6 guys.
Resident evil

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Animal Crossing
I'm a girl btw

No. Just a person who has experienced actual human affection and who has respect for fellow humans.

>haha your so gay check me out I’m the coolest badass who fucks Infinite bitches
People who act like this are always the most insecure, depressed people in my experience. I know a big, fat, stinky guy who lived in a ghetto when he was growing up who has slept with over 200 women. He’s honestly one of the most unhappy people I’ve ever seen. People need affection from one another to be happy in life.

Fucking a hooker doesn’t feel any better than jacking off into a tissue.

can't be drowning in pussy if you reject every girl that fucking asks

I think it's 9 for me.
Vice City is still my favorite game.

I want some pussy desu senpai. About to go surf dating apps for an hour and take a bath. Then I'm going to list these hickey freeman suits I got today on ebay and profit. have a good night v

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you're just a low t beta
whores are fun

I get what your saying, user. Maybe some day.

Jon arbuckle

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breath of the wild

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Every time as a bottom bitch, so it doesn't really count. I ended up hating it every time. Never once climaxed.
Honestly, if anyone ever asks me in real life, I say I'm a virgin.

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Hi I'm 23, and I have had zero sexual partners. My favorite video game is Bloodborne.

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You really gonna take advice from a guy who had to lose his virginity to a hooker? lmao

>game I dislike
>game I like

I can confirm what says. Fucking a hooker is pretty much exclusively for sex addicts, as there is almost nothing fulfilling about it for someone who doesn't really know what to expect. I ended up doing this when I was 20 years old in Germany and couldn't believe what an idiotic experience it was. The way the chick was faking an orgasm while I slipped my flaccid dick into her cunt was so comical that I started laughing and told her it was probably best if we just stopped.

Why did you let 7 dudes fuck you
Surely once is enough to realise you don't like it

Pikmin 2

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0, but could have been 5. I couldn't go through with it last minute each time, dating a nympho was an interesting time, asexuality might be real or I'm sick, no idea.
Silent Hill 4, maybe Darkwood.

That's not how it works, fucking a prostitute give as much validation as fucking a sexdoll or masturbating.

>I also have sex in online chatrooms, that was probably with hundreds of people; maybe over a thousand.

typing weird shit to fat anons across the globe isn't sex. now sticking your pecker in a vagina or asshole. that is sex user.

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>You Uncle molested me
So his uncle molested you?

all time favourite minecraft

more thighs jesus please

Sex doesn't need to have affection
Many people are just in it for the sexual/sensual experience or one-night stands


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>the other 8 have all been prostitutes.

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The first two times I was spit roasted by couples each time so that's already 4.
Then there were two times after that, years later, where I was horny and not thinking so I went on Grindr and met up with other guys. But it was so degrading and so unenjoyable, and I felt such shame afterwards that I never did it again.
In my view, I'm still a virgin. I've never actually put my dick in anyone.

It could be next month if you found the right girl and went to the trouble of courting her for a little while.

My best advice to you is not to take any of the nonsense you read here to heart. This website is fun for shitposting about games, but absolutely damaging if you take the world views seriously. A lot of people just take it all in as one big joke, but some people (usually lonely guys) actually buy into all the incel-esque shit that gets pedaled here and it really messes them up. I’ve had a couple of different friends who used to be normies turn into mentally unwell NEETs after spending all their free time here. They often talk about shit like the “black pill” etc. None of that stuff is real. It’s all just external locus of the control excuses and persecution complexes to justify not having to actually try at human interaction.

Five hundred Million
Mary Kate and Ashley: Winner's Circle

>many people

Only drunk people or people with low self-esteem do this. Anyone who has had a one-night-stand can usually attest to the fact that it's a shitty, regrettable experience.

gay stuff user. yucky

>t. Genghis Khan

Has a single one of those people over the age of 25 ever felt happy with life?

>Dawn of war
shit sucks when you’re a schizo autist

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wtf i love meth now

where's alcohol

21 here, i feel your pain

Not really there are plenty people who just want to meet with someone else who are horny then beat it out together, and there's nothing wrong with that.
The idea that sex is something sacred meant to be saved for someone special is outdated

I reckon 20 is about the average age for losing your virginity in my country.

Do Amerifats really start having sex at 13? When I was 13 I just talked about video games all day.

It isn't outdated you dipshit, it's literally the way sex works for (most) people.

>Do Amerifats really start having sex at 13? When I was 13 I just talked about video games all day.
lol nobody does except a few exceptions who are mentally fucked forever

Super Mario rpg

user, have you considered that you may be straight if 7 dudes couldn't make you climax?

you and I must be in completely different communities then
most people I know are very open sexually and only has sex to gain pleasure

My brothers

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Train Simulator 2019

Can you attest to ever meeting one of these people who seemed really happy with their life? I’ve met heaps of people who did this as teens, but everyone I’ve met after graduating from uni who does this has been very clearly unhappy. I’m sure there could be someone who is legitimately happy with having lots of casual sex, but anecdotaly, I’ve never met anyone like that.

I know a guy who lost his virginity at 10 on the playground bark chips. Yeah, he seems pretty mentally fucked up.

Majora's Mask
Only cummed to one of them with intercourse

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Guys I am so terrified of rejection it's not even funny
How do I try and make connections when just the thought of being turned down makes me break out in a cold sweat and paralyzes me with fear

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The only 13 year olds that have sex are curious kids who’s best friend was there opposite gender neighbor that have know since they were in diapers.

It's normal for kids to think of sex and experiment. My younger female siblings were rubbing themselves on carpet as young as 6. Girls as young as 12 have sex, in most cases it's a girl going through puberty trying to get fucked by a much older man.

I think I'm too mentally retarded to even have a sexual orientation. I just jack off to whatever.
I genuinely find more pleasure in jacking off than sex anyways.
I find sex shameful. Even if I fucked a woman I'd feel shame afterwards.
And after sex there was always the worry of STDs. Even with condoms, they're not 100% impossible.
With jacking off, it takes me like two minutes and it's done. I see it more of a purging than anything else. I jack off the same way I might take a shit.

>Any number larger than 1

Dragon Quest VIII

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if you dont fuck a roastie theres literally no chance to have stds

I knew a guy who lost it at 12 and he was really fucked up mentally even though it was consensual. It can happen and not cause mental illness, but thats pretty rare.
Well its more so referring to any single 13 having sex, not two. I very much doubt two 13yos are having sex, and yeah they would be like you said.
this desu

Some people like BJs more than intercourse, so yeah user, keep the .5.

I at least hope it was a good one. If she didn't finger your gooch, she did it wrong

Everyone is like that at first. You’ve just gotta work up the courage to power through that stage. Eventually you realise that there are 3.5 billion women on earth, so having a few turn you down isn’t a big deal. If they turned you down then you would have never made a good couple anyway. You also learn to stop idolising women and putting them on a pedestal after you date a couple. Those “perfect” girls are far from perfect and you’re mostly just projecting your own ideals onto deeply flawed people. Everyone on earth has their own flaws and deep insecurities.

The thing is though, I could tell you all of these things and they won’t truly sink in. You only really understand once you experience it all for yourself first hand. Good luck.

Deep inside you know you will be rejected and look like a moron

It's pretty strange that the ones you know who had casual sex became depressed, I just don't see any correlation between depression and casual sex
Maybe they had regret? Or it's just because of an unrelated reason?

Anywho the ones I know are perfectly happy