How do you afford to buy games?

How do you afford to buy games?

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i don't

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>615$ in donations
Americans, is this true?


>house cleaner
>30 a month
how the fuck do they get away with paying a house cleaner only 30 bucks a month?

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>is excellent with money
>$250 eating out


>$270 on health insurance
>$250 on dining out
>$130 on transportation
>$615 on donations
what the fuck, this is bait right?

Not at all and if we do donate it's giving a begger 5$

>internet only 20 bucks
is this 1998

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when you actually get cooking down the only reason to ever eat out is for shit you can't make


>not getting insurance through your job


oy very that's not nearly enough

>rent: 825
Less than half of what I pay, for a shitty studio, because fuck me this city is overpriced.

Even then, how much do you spend when you eat out? Even if you go for steak it's like $25, that's 10 steaks a month. You'd eat out 1/3 of the time.

>internet for $20
>maid for $30
americlaps are so in denial it's unreal

are tips donations?

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>60k a yeah
>1300 rent
>300 car payment + insurance
>60 internet
>60 power
>job pays for health insurance + contributes to my HSA
>2-300 food
>800-1000 savings

That's my actual budget

i think the worst part about this is the 650$ total this dude spends on food a month for just himself
>825$ rent in an area where you can easily find a six figure job

I remember reading this article
he splits the rent with one other person

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I let a homeless girl use my guest shower and shitter for $400 a month, I use that towards games and anime crap.

better known as "tip money"

Some people go to nice restaurants.

>615 in tips
Fucking Americans and their kikery

>that much just in food


>20 buck internet
I fucking wish.

Why not get a roommate?

>25 years old and earns $100,000 a year
That can't be right.

>60 internet
fuck man, mine is 89 a month and its shit tier

I'm a particular person. I like stuff my way. Living with someone else would be a nightmare

Plus I love my apartment and it's just a 1 bedroom

>spend almost as much on donations as they do on rent

what the fuck

Male escorts make a lot of money friend

I have
70k a year
360 rent
car is all paid
60 internet
15 cellphone
have insurance at my job
300 food

> donations

what the FUCK

>tips cost more than dining out
not so fast


I don't see car payment or vehicle insurance. This is probably some bugman paper pusher in like Jew York City who shares a broom closet with 4 other bugmen that cost over $4,000 a month to rent.

Where can you make $100,000 a month and only rent $850?

It's a bullshit article and graph designed to mislead people. I was making 41k annual at my old job and had my own place, car, etc,... WITH money to spare and I'm not even good with my money. It's not fucking hard.

my expenses are not as obscene as his

I don’t have kids

>400 in groceries
>AND 250 in dining out
how much are you eating?