First trailer for new Animal Crossing comes out

>first trailer for new Animal Crossing comes out
>“gee, it’s just a teaser, but I’m excited to see more in the next trailer”
>next trailer eventually comes out, actually shows gameplay, but it’s entirely centered around crafting with a bit dedicated to how you can put stuff outdoors now
>“that’s interesting. I don’t really care about crafting things in a town simulator, but I get that they want to do something new. I’m looking forward to the other new stuff they add”
>next trailer comes out in recent direct, literally nothing else new was shown about the game at all, with it entirely being focused on crafting again, possibly indicating that there isn’t anything else new to the game
So anyone else feel like this game is going to be disappointing?

Attached: 74DA1313-4B01-4FC2-8CFB-519976BBD9BF.jpg (1280x720, 162K)


Yup. It'll be the No Man's Sky for Nintenfags.

I've never played one but I'm looking forward to screwing around on an island so I'm not disappointed at all.

What more do you want?

She is ducking him tonight and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it...

Underage b& cringe nintenfag comment.

I've got a feeling all the regular AC stuff will be there and they're focusing on new features right now, which is probably the early game as you convert the island into a town.

animal crossing games always have secrets and easter eggs hidden in them, they are not showing much on purpose op i thought that much was obvious it's clear there is the option for large customisation so we know there will be some kind of new customisation centred show or area, also i'm sure there is a way of leaving your island through a plane or a boat to go do other stuff like visit shows, go to a new special island, go to the city or town,ect

I'm probably twice your age

The villagers seem to be as bland and shallow as new leaf is the only thing I'm concerned with so far.

No you’re not

there is always lots to do in animal crossing games and little things to discover they are not going to show you every last new thing they put in the game or the new villagers ect because they want it to be a surprise when you pick up the game. it was the same for new leaf all they said was you are now the major and then they let you discover the stuff they added into the game by yourself.

>villager bland and shallow
how new are you to animal crossing?

Its still half a year before it comes out. Id wait until december to get worried.

I'm just bummed because I typically try to turn my towns into industrial wastelands or at least very developed areas, and they've shown nothing of the player house, just the adjustable tent and some villager cabins.

watch out with those buzzwords

every single animal crossing is more disappointing than the next one you play simply because the first one you play is the most interesting. it doesn't help the fact that the first game has more intricate mechanics than most that came after it, but the fact of the matter is its interesting factor comes from just experiencing it at all for the first time. any time you wait for a new version of these games there's barely anything different about them aside from maybe the setting and even then that's not even that different aside from what it's called. crafting is probably the biggest new mechanic so it makes sense why they focus on it but they're already fucking up because it's miles behind shit that came out 10 years ago, and you can tell it's going to be tedious as fuck. but that's just it. animal crossing has always been about tedium, but doing it in a way that keeps you coming back.

Soulful villager dialogues is the one thing that will never come back. Shit taste normies complained about rudeness too much.

Make me, faggot


The original had way more depth to the villagers, they seemed to have actual personalities. Unlike in new leaf where literally every villager is a copy pasta of each personality type with a diffrent skin. Seriously go play the original, its a night and day difference.

I think hes asking because they downgraded the dialogues since City Folk not because he disagrees

Nah, only normies will hate it.

is the crafting not the "new thing" you want to see?

how the fuck do you innovate a life sim

I'm just worried crafting will make everything more tedious than ever and they won't fix villager personalities so the entire game will be grinding while talking to more soulless NPCs from New Leaf

I never played city folk, just a little bit of wild world. The only ones I put alot of time into was the original and NL.

tfw ginger nigger who can't tan and always burn forever

>New buildings
>New species of animals
>Greater character creator options, hell, let me play as an animal
>More mini-games added to play with friends
>Making it so the gameplay loop doesn't revolve around going to the island to catch the same bugs over and over again because that's the only real way to make money
>More holidays
>Dating mechanics

Most of those are probably coming except the playing as animals and dating