Holy shit Red Dead Redemption would've been 50 times more enjoyable with mouse aiming

Holy shit Red Dead Redemption would've been 50 times more enjoyable with mouse aiming

Attached: max_payne_3_cover_art.jpg (480x675, 334K)

>inb4 "but bad controls are a challenge"

If the main challenge in a shooter is the act of physically aiming the gun then it's a bad shooter. A good shooter is challenging even if you never miss your target, just like Chess can be challenging even if you never accidentally drop the pieces on the floor.

Every single shooter would be and is infinitely more enjoyable with mouse aiming

okay retard

Did babby play his first pc game? You must be 18 to post here, faggot.

Nice argument, brainlet.

this kid had a well developped sense of humor
for new jersey

Those Hollywood games are so boring...

will be*

aiming is not a challenge. It is the bare minimum required gameplay input. That's like saying walking in a game is a challenge. You just need to be able to control it for it to be fun.

See webm. The inability to aim at all on consoles means that the other skillful stuff (map/environmental awareness, resource management, etc) cannot even be approached. The way around this is auto aim, but now you are taking so much control away from the player that the game is being played more by the computer than by the character
I relish in every opportunity to explain thoroughly why console niggers are wrong and always will be every time I can

Attached: analog_stick_aiming_1.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

>aiming is not a challenge. It is the bare minimum required gameplay input. That's like saying walking in a game is a challenge. You just need to be able to control it for it to be fun.
>The inability to aim at all on consoles means that the other skillful stuff (map/environmental awareness, resource management, etc) cannot even be approached. The way around this is auto aim, but now you are taking so much control away from the player that the game is being played more by the computer than by the character
Exactly my point. I'm glad someone gets it.

Imagine being this frustrated at someone's argument but having no ability to refute it.

As a person who lives in central NJ, pop culture depictions of New Jersey always confused me. People who make fun of the "New Jersey accent" always imitate it with some kind of New York accent. Apparently we're all Italian too.

There are people in certain parts of New Jersey (not my region) who will pronounce "water" as "wooder" but I don't think that's exclusively a New Jersey thing either.

that's a good line
do you practice that in front of the mirror in your underwear?

what did the deleted post say?


On that note, despite being from New Jersey, I have to admit that the part of Max Payne 3 you're referencing was really good. It's probably my favorite chapter.

I think it was just implying that is some kind of bait.

people trash max payne 3 here but it's a solid game and a worthy sequel

The only correct post
Who the fuck even plays shooters on console?
Or any other game genre, for that matter

Doesn't KBM make this game practically obsolete since it made for consoles in mind with the slowdown mechanic?

no, now go away

It's still good on PC, in my opinion.

The original Max Payne also had "bullet time" and it was released on PC first.