>Second week

>All population of servers


Attached: LEL2.jpg (587x503, 86K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop taking screen shots at 2AM trying to prove a point.

>it was all just a sham to get people to resub and play BfA
>Yea Forumsirgins actually fell for it
oh no no no no

Fucking faggot Euro ddosers while my friend and I are running gnomer.

That's actually what it looks like right now. Servers got DDOS'ed by some Brit.

Nice bait

Entire game being DDOS'd by britbongs

>risking jail time "for the lulz"
>ddosing video game servers

Attached: 1558559772194.gif (480x480, 2.56M)

Wage slaving so can only really grind good on the weekends. Servers down. Feels bad.

>wanting to also work on the weekends
why though

oh no no no we got too cocky vanilla bros

Attached: Realms.png (2294x1036, 1.72M)

Someone please just nuke the UK so I can play again

And I pay to do it too. It's a sickness. Please, send help.

>Someone please just nuke the UK

They seem to be already doing that themselves.

Is this why the game is being ddos'd?
Because they're so assmad at classic's success that they need to do false flag attacks on a fucking mmo?

Attached: really.jpg (800x640, 161K)

>imagine being THIS butthurt about streamers you decide to take down an entire network yet know one will ever remember this or you when you're in prison

The absolute state of scriptkiddies

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Simply goes to show how much of a fuck they give about the servers if they can't even mitigate a simple ddos by some literally who.

Nostalgiafags in any game are always the most retarded and annoying faggots ever.

All of Blizz servers are acting shitty right now.

Classic still sucks and whoever plays it is a free slave who doesnt know what to do with their life and is returning to their slavemaster

Why are they doing it though? I couldn't give less of a fuck about WoW but what's the point?

>going to prison over classic wow
ukuck indeed

Ohhh so THIS is why Wikipedia wouldn't load yesterday.
What a slight inconvenience, I guess.

Attached: 1530176997953.png (56x57, 2K)

Its literally a DDOS. Discord trannies are mad and our starting their raid.

It has nothing to do with trannies, relax.
Look here

zoom zoom

Seems like discord trannies to me. Dilate.

Niggers, of course.

ass mongloid

I think you're a tranny trying to falseflag. Dilate.

Script kiddies being retards. Just look up LulzSec, a "hacktivist" group that targeted game services back in the 2010/2011 period. They're all in jail or on probation.

Based bongs destroying streamer faggots and zoomers

Yeah but at least that some activist shit, even if it was stupid. This just seems pointless.
Unless the point is to make streamers assmad, then it's fair enough.


fbook / damilolataylor.ellis

witch hunt time bois, faggot says hes not UK even with hit in his name and accounts.

These threads are pathetic.

servers all down, due to DDOS from europe

Retail and Overwatch are also down.

>cant even log into retail


im literally watching someone play ow right now, it's not down


hes desperate

>get doxxed
>uhhhuhuhu THAT NOT ME
>goes silent

When are we, the l33t Yea Forums hackers, gonna stage a counter hack???

>playing on Sulfuras too

I'm going to camp your corpse tranny

Attached: Steve.jpg (480x360, 37K)

hes allowing certain EU servers to stay on, and its not impossible to get on.. just stay on or do anything US.

Imagine actually renting a botnet for this shit.

It's because people keep getting kicked. Last night at 2AM, all servers had High population status.


play destiny child

Attached: 1567380066274.png (900x1600, 1.32M)

This confirms most of the haters of classic are shitskins who are triggered to see white people collectively remonance and group together as a community. They hate to see the friendliness of the players as the world around them is burning due to leftist violence in the name of equality, diversity and socialism.

How does a multi-billion dollar company like blizzard get hacked by some random britbong NEET

it's hard to find a stream without an obnoxious amount of bullshit that isn't part of the game

based muslims

Attached: EJZxgZ9.jpg (1440x1012, 1.05M)

Imagine being so American that all you need to do is add "UK" to your username and they automatically think a Brit did it.

Holy fuck that's so dumb and fat it's insane.

>multi-billion dollar corporation
>brought down by some nigger/chav/paki

I'm going to spawn and get killed by a bunch of shit in the cave I was in when the servers went down

Attached: 1563170847510.jpg (2100x1900, 466K)

Yup, I was at that shitty mushroom cave in Darkshore.

>UK: 3% Black Population
>USA: 15% Black Population
>EU Servers: Up
>NA Servers: DDoS'd
Yeah totally a Brit desu. I mean he has a UK in his name! He is also a Drilla!

Nah, it's more his typing mannerisms. He gave away that he's from the UK in one of his recent tweets.
>We're sat here drinking our sodas and laughing at the peeps who think we're actually based in the UK. =)
How fucking retarded are people? I assume you're Americans but I am unsure if even Americans are this dumb. Bongs don't use the word 'soda' they use 'fizzy drink'.

>So stupid that you just assumes they're not from the UK with no proof whatsoever

do people actually report the twitter account when people do this?

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why does it matter where they came from



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Attached: 0768cda08a9aeacd9064e1885da8fe47[1].jpg (1657x1458, 701K)

Read the post above you. He literally said he isn't. Bongs don't use the word 'Soda' either.

No, they use the word "bubbly sippy", not "fizzy drink". Shows how much you know, retard.


Attached: 1566832065516.jpg (785x731, 101K)

I obviously went to a shit area then, those savages. Personally I call it pop

Yes they do. They also say "sat here", which is a dead giveaway in how UK they are. Learn mannerisms, dumb Australian.

lmao, classicfags on suicide watch

No they don't, they call them carbo fizzly winks, dumbass.

the guy who did this is a silly willy, and I hope he knows it

Blizzcucks are subhuman garbage. I welcome any opportunity to laugh at them.

Now lets all go play the better game! You did clear savage and all the ultimates right??

Attached: PRWYO84.jpg (853x480, 61K)

you are also a silly willy


Attached: Untitled.png (1050x877, 720K)

Get better internet burgers lol

Attached: 11.jpg (856x757, 88K)

This is one of the guys who did it.
>scriptkiddie forgets to delete his facebook

facebook/ damilolataylor.ellis

fucking mass ddos just took all the servers offline you shit



Attached: 1567542198464.png (249x249, 34K)

Mate, I'm a fucking Bong. We don't say soda, we say 'fizzy drinks'.
>In the United Kingdom and Ireland, the terms "fizzy drink" is common. "Pop" and "fizzy pop" are used in Northern England, South Wales, and the Midlands
We don't ever use soda you dumb fuck.

Why did you Wikipedia something about "your" nation and then greentext it at me? I've spoken to plenty of Brits who say soda. I don't really care what you say. You also say "sat here" a shitload; no one else does that. Fuck off, retard, they're from the UK or at least pretending to be.

real? lol what a nigger

If you say so mate. I wikipedia'd it because you're not going to believe me when I tell you something and your anecdotal evidence is countered by verifiable stuff. If they're from the UK, then fine, but the guy said he isn't (at least the twitter account runner) as for 'sat here' I dunno about that, I've had American and Canadian friends say that.

can these fucking retards invest in some ddos protection, this isnt new technology

There is absolutely nothing "verifiable" about the information you just gave me. You essentially tried to tell me that no one in the entire UK has ever said "soda" in their lives, and never will. Let me say again: there is absolutely no way to verify a claim as retarded as that, and you are the dumbest fucker in this entire thread for even trying to halfway claim it. No, Americans do not say "sat here", and neither do Canadians, but I don't really care if that's verifiable or not for you.

>be nog bong
>ddos blizzard and twitch
>brag about it
>someone actually dox'd him in retaliation and is sending every bit of info to blizzard and amazon
What a fucking honest to god retard.

Attached: 1548176277945.png (1280x760, 839K)

whats the proof that guy's facebook is actually the ddoser

>Bongs don't use the word 'soda' they use 'fizzy drink'.
retard, we say "pop"

No mate, I said that the word 'soda' is not a commonly used word and we use 'fizzy drinks' when referring to stuff like coca-cola. You then told me, a person from the country you're talking about, that I am wrong. You're now telling me that you're 100% sure that Americans and Canadians don't say 'sat here' when I have experienced them doing so. This is just as ancedotal as your proof of 'soda'. So mate, I'll turn it around, you've essrentially tried to tell me that no one in the entire North American continent has ever said 'sat here' in their lives, there is absolutely no way to verify a claim as retarded as that, and you are the dumbest fucker in this entire thread for even trying to halfway claim it. No, Brits do not say "soda", and neither do Irish, but I don't really care if that's verifiable or not for you.

>get back on
>died to mobs lagged out
>running back to my corpse

did that really happen? it feels like people actually WANT to go to prison sometimes

he's part of the group. He'll likely rat out the rest to lessen jail time.

Everyone's disconnected from WoW because some teenager decided to publicly fuck up his life for 15 minutes of fame. Fucking zoomers

Attached: repent-zoomer.jpg (443x455, 34K)

its fucked for at least the rest of the day. script kiddies taking out multi-billion dollar corporations at the push of a button

No one in the UK says soda unless they're talking about Irish bread. Clearly the brits you talked to said soda because they immediately clocked you as a psychotic yank unable to handle the word fizzy.

Attached: ED4wB5mWsAAh42A.jpg (680x512, 70K)

That was a pretty good goalpost shift on your part; I'm glad you admitted that the word "soda" is just not commonly used by Brits. We've established you're wrong now, and this conversation can end. You did your country proud, Bucktooth.

>gone all week
>weekend finally here
>want to play catch up

Shit fucking sucks. Why don't these retards do something important?

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you're a fucking retard, i've said 'sat here' in my life because I am usually sitting down when i talk to people, fuck off. i'm from SC btw.

no fucking way

Attached: download.jpg (228x221, 11K)

Is this actually the UK ddos group responding to me, or am I being trolled?

imagine being this retarded

Honest question. If he is in the UK will he go to a UK prison or sent to an american one since both companies are based in america?

>corpse camp some hordie in STV last night out of boredom
>DDOS happens today
>DDOSer happens to play on Sulfuras
I think I might be responsible for this

Attached: 1566416055608.jpg (409x409, 123K)

What a moron, wow

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For fuck's sake

Attached: 1566715360960.png (500x686, 243K)

Americans would not say We're sat here. GG

Mate, we use the word 'soda' for other things, nothing to do with fizzy drinks. Soda isn't used to refer to fizzy drinks. Because here we have other products with the word 'soda' in it, like Baking Soda. You have doubled down on your shitposting.

Attached: American, Leaf or Aussie Poster On 4chan.png (446x490, 21K)

Lawfag here, he'll be extradited to the U.S like that romanian guy a few years back that pulled the same stunt.

>tfw you use the 10 seconds you could get online to hearth to the inn

Attached: 1567642632106.png (663x773, 147K)

>asks twitter for US server IP cause blizz doesn't let you connect from europe
>gets doxxed
>doesn't attack EU servers in naive hope that his home country wont prosecute him/extradite him
>b-but he said he wasn't UK based!

So now you've backpedaled on your initial backpedal, and we've gone from you saying that soda is "not commonly used" to "never used" again. You really want to make that claim? That no British person ever would EVER use the word "sodas" when referring to a drink?

>we're sat here
Americans don't say that, nice bait

holy shit he's fucked.

Attached: 1550424250823.jpg (900x900, 105K)

They are being DDOS'D you faking stupid dumb asshole

well...that was easy. crime solved user, here's a cookie

>Servers are back up in 10 minutes
>Guy guaranteed years of prison for 10 MINUTES OF DOWNTIME

What a dickhead

Attached: 192.png (828x766, 211K)

this isnt proof, youve not shown me anything

So is this DDOSer getting jail time?

There is three posts in his timeline. Noway is that a legit facebook.

my nigga, camping hordies in stv is the best

So what the fuck did he mean then

>got to play all week since im a neet
Shits already boring and I uninstalled at 43. I'm glad you don't get to enjoy the game today though.

Attached: 1549218513304.jpg (976x550, 187K)

Blizz went all out on that lawsuit too, the romanian guy only took servers down for like 3 hours, but he ended up being sentenced to 1 year in a federal prison and charged like 30k or so USD.

You really think some would be hacker is going to utilize his facebook all that often?

this. hope it worth making fat asses get up from their desk for a couple of hours.

Mate is the English language difficult for you? Nobody uses 'soda' to refer to fizzy drinks but the word 'soda' is used to refer to other things. Fizzy drinks, as in coca-cola, no.

20 hours of community service

>I'm glad you don't get to enjoy the game today though.

Attached: But why.gif (140x159, 581K)

Looks like you lose then, retard. British kids calling sodas "sodas", multiple times. Time to stop posting.

>yfw the ddos'r is a manager at mcdonalds

Attached: 1567633443816.gif (338x262, 1.6M)

If he is lucky and from the UK he gets extradited to the US and slapped for 20+ years.

>"So what're you in for Bubbles?"
>"I-I tooksh down w-world of warcraftsh shervers for an hour and bragged about itsh on twittersh"
>proceeds to get anally rapped for 10 years

Attached: 1555978324242.jpg (540x720, 33K)

you could have at least given me your gold you fuck. I'm almost 39 and am nowhere near what I need for a mount

>not playing multiple games and watching a movie on 4 different monitors while eating your pizza and shit posting.

I'm still enjoying myself ;^)

Attached: 1564487245005.gif (230x306, 1.92M)

Because that is a youtube video aimed at americans, what is difficult about this? If I go into a restaurant, they do not ask 'what soda do you want?' This is really grim mate and I'm backing out, I don't give a fuck who they are, I am simply saying that soda is not used to refer to fizzy drinks in the UK in every day language and when not translating for others. That video also mentions them eating 'Candy' something we don't say here either, we say sweets or chocolate.

You're clearly wrong. On all counts. You're most likely not even British, to be honest; I'd peg you as Australian. Australian shitposters are about as dumb as you.


Attached: sip.jpg (1280x830, 264K)

you're probably one of those buttblasted bongs who rants about young bongs saying "the bathroom" too, huh?

Don't waste money upgrading skills you don't need

He was right.

Attached: J._Allen_Brack.jpg (559x576, 58K)

I've heard Barry Lewis say "Candy" multiple times interchangable with sweets.
Also what reason is there to think one particular Brit would not use the word "soda" just because it isn't the norm?

>tfw you don't care anyone is from as they are all equally trash

Attached: 1567694277785.gif (540x304, 2.69M)

>ddoser was Ion Hazzikostas
>he's holding Omar Gonzalez in the basement at Blizzard HQ until his demands are met
It's over for you classic incels, us retail chads are rising up

Attached: 1564110872313.jpg (480x480, 31K)

>14-year old discovers nihilism-lite.

imagine ruining your own life for a few hours of internet attention

humans are truly a pathetic species

How is that lucky? If he was lucky he wouldve been from some shithole that wouldnt give a single fuck about muh american companies getting ddosed

absolutely based and smartpilled

While the servers are down, let's discuss whether or not these are boobs.

I do believe they are, and very perky too. She's aroused by the fact that she'll be slaying human filth in mere moments.

Attached: 5.png (268x421, 84K)

'Twas sarcasm. US sentences are famously draconian by western standards.

those are shoulderpads you faggot

I think they're shoulders

shoulder pads you fucking gamer

>Deviate Delight is the RP server

Attached: 93074213-208-k729737.jpg (208x325, 12K)

good to see lala players are also massive faggots outside of the game too

This is what we call soda. I'm with that guy, seriously, no one refers to carbonated beverages as soda. Because its a retarded thing to call them.

Attached: Irish-soda-bread-v2-LGH-591d1b0d-6109-4390-9716-29fd84c0379a-0-1400x919.jpg (1400x919, 278K)

They are shoulder pads you retard.
What the fuck, I thought that this whole jizzhead thing was a meme.

Just got a 4 day ban for not having an rp name. Holy shit.

You're with that guy because you're probably one of his underage friends from his gay DDoS group. The hackers are most likely from the UK. If they're not, they're smarter than I'm giving them credit for, but it doesn't really matter either way. The most obvious look is that they're UK, right now.

>151 posts
>nobody saying it's a shoop

You made me reply you fucking fucks

Attached: Parenting.jpg (960x960, 128K)

more like deviant delight
I'm playing on it right now lvl 38 dwarf warrior

nevermind faggot ddoser took it down again

>What is anatomy

what was your name if you don't mind me asking?

Attached: 1567633457625.jpg (1920x1080, 543K)

>anally rapped

Attached: BadRap.jpg (432x288, 20K)

>log in to check
>faerlina offline
uh, i'm thinking they're fucking based

Attached: 1553916777703.png (485x356, 57K)

Be that as it may, some Brits sometimes do use soda to refer to carbonated beverages.
You can cry about it as much as you want, but it really isn't anyone else's problem that your language is falling apart.

That's probably just what happens when you make a language out of 30% French, 60% Danish and 10% Pictish grunting.


Attached: what.png (262x418, 129K)

Theres no proof thats the same guy. It wouldnt hold up in court

lol just entraped this guy in DMs about Cheese Pizza, and not the guy you get at Papa John's.

he is so supremely fucked, even if blizzard doesn't do anything i got shit doctored so good that nobody will believe him.

fucking kek

>i got shit doctored so good that nobody will believe him.
>implying this guy isn't a legit pedophile
hello doxxer.

No they don't
Or because I've lived here for 19 years and not once heard a British person call their coke a soda.
You're retarded.

If I ever commit a crime online I'll be sure to do it with a username with "ES" attached to it so that the American authorities will look in Estonia instead of Ireland.
Heh, dumb fucking fatties.

yeah. he said "why would I take down TOR D:". really fucking obvious why he couldnt. it's more than enough that got regular dudes arrested.
child porner in my sights.

Anecdotal evidence. Disregarded.

Guild Wars 2 tier.

Attached: gw151.jpg (1920x1080, 387K)

If you really think this is how proper authorities investigate things like this, you're more retarded than the scriptkiddie

09/07/19(Sat)15:53:09 No.265181645
Should I get on now at my lunch break and remotely go out of AFK at work? Are the queues going to get high this evening being a saturday?

what the fuck?
I recognize that pose

Attached: 1567228249744.jpg (589x466, 46K)


shut up retard there has been a ddos attack since early this morning

>get corpsemaker in RFK
>get disconnected
>log back on to hearth before getting dc'd again
>don't have to finish this awful dungeon

Attached: 1565466225363.png (693x601, 247K)

No. They will actually dispatch Jack Ryan to Estonia.

I was thinking the exact same thing.. Why risk getting buttfucked in prison over a laugh for dumb shit like this? Maybe he's severely autistic?

Attached: 1562304597540.png (470x453, 183K)

bros they can't get away with this, inconveniencing based asmongo like this, we gotta send 'em to prison

imagine...all the dead horde and alliance on all servers due to this
imagine all the wiped instances and raids
imagine all the repairs

Attached: 1566849742381.png (843x553, 691K)

That's the dream, and your hearthstone doesn't even go on cooldown either, you lucky bastard

idk but he keeps DMing me child porn and twitter wont do anything about it. spread the word.
seems like a crazed retailbaby. maybe the same one that DDoSed final fantasy 14.

If America was strong theyā€™d execute DDOSers to send a message

what the fuck

link to this info??
sorry im slow

If streamers were banned from all multiplayer games, shit like this wouldn't happen.
It's all Asmongolds fault.

well start posting

Just execute all subhumies desu. People that SWAT, DDOS, cheat in online games. Just give em the chair and use their bodies for fertilizing the soil, that way they'll do a good thing with their lives.

Attached: 26acdc8.jpg (1316x1378, 152K)

There's always next weekend, wagebros...

It's the law.

>wasting a streamer's time is against the law

What the fuck?

>asmon is the only player on Blizzard servers
I mean you might think it is OK to cause a city wide blackout in NYC because you hate your ex. But you might be wrong.

No shit, it's just funny to see how sweaty nerds get so mad over having their game taken away for a few hours and demand people be executed over it.

global rule 1 retard
even cropped shit will get you banned.

you know what the only two weapons are that need the President's approval?
and any cyber weapon.

this is taken very seriously by interpol.

This is just a false flag by blizzard to get us all back to retail...

its not just depriving blizzdrones of their beloved WoW, shutting down the servers have other implications, most importantly it gets shareholders attention. and when you fuck with a billion dollar company's income you definitely start getting people's attention

drone strikes need the president sign off you cuck.

>check friend list
>everyone is playing classic
>literally everyone, like 30 people on my list
>not one of my closest friends are on discord

Don't know how they stomach it. I'm just being a retailbabby right now and cozy leveling my druid cause my subscription runs out in 21 hours anyways and I'm starting some pretty intensive classes next week.

Attached: InkedWoWScrnShot_090719_231344_LI.jpg (2560x1440, 1.13M)

Not going to post my wow name on Yea Forums of all places. Sorry :(

yeah how are drones operated. by telepathy?

It feels weird now seeing a retail screenshot with all that gold.

just looking at that screenshot makes me sigh in frustration and impatience

juggling classes and classic WoW makes me feel alive for once.

Someone get this man swatted and shot

Whoa there, Eevee.

Attached: Untitled.png (595x298, 26K)

The question is how can you stomach retail leveling

would be funnier to plant CP on his computer and watch him psychologically break.

Which of you Classicfags here are doing this trolling?

Attached: KEK.jpg (1899x934, 278K)

my 36 mage has like twice as many abilities than your 46 druid lmao. im constantly surprised by just how dumbed down retail has gotten

Pop > Fizzy drink
But I'd use anything but Soda


Servers are still getting fucked... guess I'm going to sleep 8 hours early tonight, bye bros

Attached: 1555780930293.png (374x376, 221K)

>Asmon sitting at 110k viewers now
Wow. The DDOS kids really got him now. I bet he has to wipe his tears with benjamins after the stream.

>we're sat here
yurops literally cant stop themselves from looking like retards

Attached: 1537472329169.png (225x227, 119K)


So, my fellow intellectuals. What are your thoughts on the elf female/human dick equation?
Human dick appears to be the only thing elven women desire more than power, and when they can't get it they eventually go insane.

Alleria = Turalyon keeps her in check with fat light-infused cock.
Vereesa = Had Rhonin to keep her sane, no telling how her sanity is now but she has his children to take care of.
Sylvanas = Desires the human dick so much she flesh-shaped a new body for Nathanos Blightcaller, who turned out to be a huge cuck so she went insane regardless.
Tyrande = Has been steadily going more and more rabid and is now the "Night warrior of Elune's vengence". Showing that mere male elf dick just does not work. Maybe the entire reason for humans existing is to keep the elves in check.
Grand Magistrix Elisande = Never had access to human cock and thus immediately signed a pact with demons to gain more power.
Queen Azshara = Ruled before humans came about and thus was doomed to fall into insanity from a complete lack of human dick. She too allied with demons, caused the destruction of the Well of Eternity and half the world, then allied with N'Zoth later to gain even more power. All because she could not get human cock.

In conclusion: Every elf woman who does not have a human man to calm her down eventually tries to explode the world.

Attached: elves.jpg (365x301, 108K)

dangerously based

dont forget to ask for your money back during their lack of purchasing DDoS protection

Attached: x6wA7V[1].png (942x632, 140K)


>implying he'll ever get caught
how's zoomer generation so computer illiterate? it's the same type of people that pay money for VPN
fucking embarrassing honestly

Attached: hijiri disgust.png (334x238, 95K)

It's alright. I'm at a hard time right now because of my dads cancer and the constant running around in classic with little gain per hour was killing me. Retails quick and easily rewarding system (plus quality of life and transmog) sorta keeps my mind occupied.

Wish retail could come to a compromise and get back what worked with vanilla. Even though it's so tedious and time consuming, it still has a lot more actual magic than retail.

Attached: 2013-07-08-HattieMcDaniel1.jpg (640x355, 69K)

based wowfags

Only one problem with your theory user.

Attached: problem.png (261x418, 129K)

post your trophies.
i guess my esoteric pedo knowledge was just too much for this kid. i think i genuinely shook him.

Attached: pCK0oyZ.png (605x766, 46K)


How long do these things normally last before they catch the guy?

now they killed mommy whitemane.......

If human cock was so great, you would be able to keep your OWN women in check, dicklet.

Attached: 1561555460665.jpg (1920x1941, 431K)

its already over

Human cock doesn't work on human women, dumbass. They're immune to its calming effects.

rate these garbage abilties

cleansing totem
Windwall Totem
Sentry Totem
Curse of Doom
Create Spellstone/Create Firestone
Divine Intervention
Sanctity Aura
Eyes of the Beast
Amplify Magic/Dampen Magic
Mocking Blow
Ghostly Strike
Detect Traps

Attached: 1566857616904.png (791x241, 250K)

I have to agree with this, windranger sisters belong to human schlong

Attached: 1565392892996.png (1200x670, 1.63M)

eyes of the beast is at least fun to use

>Curse of Doom

>curse of doom
It's abilities like this that actually made vanilla so fucking great. That and the circle of sacrifice thing that killed on of your party members to summon that doomguard.

Attached: 1558779025248.png (746x508, 114K)

he's already blocking random people.
he's in full damage control phase.

>crazed retailbaby
but retail is down too. He's probably having a tantrum over getting ganked too many times

Human cock turned two high elfs, And maybe one dead elf. Jana is the only woman in wow lore to get Greened. Human cunny is just trash. Even Anduin has a thing for goat pussy.

maybe hes a FFXIVbab?
or just a lonely gamer with no home to return to?

>annoy over 100k people
>think that he would get away with it
>think that no one would be able to track him down or do anything cause lol internet
why are people so stupid?

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because i know that all the mobs just scale to your level, so levels dont matter. you get heirlooms and epics rain on your from as early as level 20, so gear doesn't matter, and the endgame is so piss easy that literal retards can play it and you literally CANNOT FUCKING LOSE so the game itself doesn't matter. you'll just be grinding more rep infinitely or starting over and grinding through that empty dead world with like 5 other people in it once again

its essentially a non-game, and classic WoW shits all over it. you know, back when things you did in the game actually fucking mattered

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brainlet post

Anduin will either fuck Sylvanas and redeem her, or fuck Celia Menethil (also forsaken) and ensure a new breed of redeemed undead on the Alliance.

Ok gramps

he's a nigger user

C'mon user, we did the same shit when we were kids. I remember using ion cannon on Habbo back in the day.

>Human cunny is just trash
Really user...really? A traitor to your own kind?
Do you forget that easily?

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imagine thinking a website like Twitter would ever think about keeping your information safe.
what a fucking retard. you can easily get away with this shit if you DON'T BRAG ABOUT IT.
kid's gonna get his prostate beat up before his balls fully drop.

sorry about your dad but maybe you should play games to enjoy them and not to rush to the end as quickly as possible like its some kind of chore

AAA publishers are actually taking advantage of people's impatience and exploiting it for extra cash, compromising the game in the process

highly doubt that's actually him in the facebook or profile pic.

I'd love for whitemane to just rip a fart directly down my throat

you might have a point if we weren't on 1.12 and every dungeon wasn't just a fucking wotlk-tier aoe zerg rush.

the lawyers have been summoned.
it's over.
you do not humiliate a Chinese company like Actiblizz and get away with it.

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Whitemane is getting deepdicked by Nazgrim now


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>We're sat here


It still feels somewhat rewarding (even more so than the slow tedious grind in classic), which is what I need right now. I agree that classic overall is better at most areas, but I would prefer TBC state over vanilla.

>endgame is so piss easy that literal retards can play it
But enough about classic!

>virtual terrorists

What is that an euphemism for?

>Americans are retarded for not taking the claims of a fugitive criminal at face value
Truly, the brilliance of Europeans at work

eyes of the beast > everything else

they are legally correct in using that term.


I think you like Whitemane user.

That's a wild speculation at this point.

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Uhhh we say sipply dipplies where Iā€™m from

A terrorist is someone who disrupts daily life to spread confusion, fear and anger.
So it fits. Since the word "terrorist" is so emotionally laden it may sound weird, but the description is still spot on.

boris is a band that is playing in my town tonight

yes, DDoSing is legally considered terrorism.
think twice before borrowing your mums credit card.

Oh. Well, have a nice concert user.

If I'm playing a fantasy setting, I'll choose any other race over human, every time. Even Elf.


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>you should play games to enjoy them and not to rush to the end as quickly as possible like its some kind of chore
I enjoyed it a lot when I was leveling with my friends, but the game itself doesn't really reward group play and they ended up getting a lot further than me. If I absolutely have to play a solo experience I might as well do it in retail. I get what you are saying, but my problem is that I have to get constantly gratified or I'll sink into worrying about my dads condition.


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post yfw this prepubescent fuckboy weeps in court when the verdict is rendered

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thats the term you retards

You laugh now, but these guys are going to be extradited to the US and end up in Guantanamo Bay.

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MY WEEKEND IS RUINED! This is LITERALLY worse than 9/11!
>think twice before borrowing your mums credit card
Total non sequitur.

So is he in US or UK. Only question is if blacks or muslims assrapes him I guess.

I rate pussy on quality, not race user.
Makes for a more fair game, don't you think?

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go to jail jerome

I hope Brexit and Muslims destroys that faggy ass island for this.


You are so edgy and cool. All the other 14-year-olds are very impressed. These guys got epically pwnt rofl

jesus christ I thought only 18+ could post here.
I'd like you to cite where in my post I compared this to 9/11.
I said by the definition of the word, it's terrorism. Any court of law would see it this way you dumb little jewball.

Bro, it's a video game. Take a walk. It'll be there when you get back. It's going to be okay.

SO which WoW girl has the tightest, warmest and softest pussy?
For me it's seriously a toss-up between Whitemane and Li Li Stormstout.

Well what caused this?


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>one based boi cucks a millions blizzdrones weekend
absolutely based

Crying terrorism because you couldn't play your video game for 2 hours is far more childish than anything I could come up with. Absolute insult to victims of terrorism.
Shut the fuck up.

FYI im the guy he blocked from twitter.
he's literally shaking in his boots from me, but I know how to scare SKiddies without breaking the law ( i bend it ).

asked him why he specifically mentioned he wouldn't bring down TOR cp websites. amung other things, like calling him a good slave boy, and insulting him whenever the servers were up. I also gave him a vivid description of a child rape.


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>one based boi lives a few years as a nigger sex slave and then commits suicide
absolutely based

thank you user i will be thinking about how much xp ive missed out on today though


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>victims of terorism
boohoo muh poor whitey got killed in a plane crash!

this is more akin to lizardsquad. Remember when Yea Forums found out the one member
was so obsessed with funkopops that they covered his fucking walls?

dont forget to ask for your repair bills

>these guys did this for attention and will get harsh prison time and fines
>these guys will be forgotten about by tomorrow
Was it worth it?

of course he's a frogposter.
return to facebook.

Thought on Pandaren cunny?

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white people have done more for this planet than shitskins ever dreamed of. Mourning for the loss of a white man is the right thing to do

This is virtual genocide. Virtual Holocaust

I wish I had a pandaren GF.

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think it's fuzzy?

ahahaahahaha you really are a child.
to be fair, i agree with you. the fact that you even have to state that speaks volumes though.

"the sky is blue!" fucking lol.

>happens again in middle of dungeon
Well fuck.

>Fucking americans
Rent Free

How do people even go about tracking him down,.

>jumping into a dungeon now

contact the cyber police to backtrace the ip

why do wowtards celebrate going back to stone age as a positive revolution in gaming?

cringe scripties

blizzard asks twitter, twitter goes "let me see subpoena", blizzard has their billion dollar lawyers send twitter a paper. bada bing bada boom dumb kid is assraped forever just like LezboSquad.

haha bro im capping all these mad cucks, gonna post it in the discord and on r/Yea Forums later LMAO

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because the game progressively got worse every year
naturally the starting point is the best

Drug addict angry he can't get his digital crack
Maybe go outside and get a life?

oh no the pandaniggers showed up

nice one Yea Forumsro
JUST.... ONE... MORE... (you)... Plleaaasse!!


The only Drilling is Bubba drilling this punk's ass in Prison.

Whitemane is surely a virgin, she belonged to an order of religious vigilants and purists that wanted to eradicate everything related to death and corruption. Between her and Li Li, I'd choose her.

Maiev is also a very choice for obvious reasons. What everyone says about her and Illidan is fancfic level. Though there IS a weird attraction between them.

Attached: maiev.jpg (780x1023, 107K)

>the fact that you even have to state that speaks volumes though.
It is not the need of I to state such things, it is people like you who need to be reminded of them :)

>We're sat here drinking our sodas and laughing at the peeps who think we're actually based in the UK. =)
I like how they try to act like they don't give a shit when you know they do. It's like those kids who laugh when they get assblasted just to retort Im not mad look how im laughing

lol drug addict? WoW is a video game.
the weed im constantly smoking and the lines of coke im banging out to fuel these 72 hour runs. thats an addiction kiddo.

i was born whiter and wealthier than you.

retard people do this to advertise their botnets

shut up and bury your head in the sand and play your shitty video game, if you try too hard to think you'll get a headache



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twitters reporting feature is utter shit, you can't even report for TOS violations and you need to link tweets that are the cause of you reporting. shits retarded


This doesn't even make sense. Did you find /pol/ a week ago?

>get off WoW after a long all nighter.
>take a nap
>wake back up before I get some food, see the news, shitpost on Yea Forums
>there's someone manually naming all of his files and constantly responding to a thread he has no interest in
>echoes used randomly in a fit of rage

who is shaking here?

for me it's TBC

>casually going from IF to SW
>in deeprun tram, everything fine
>leave to go into SW
>transfer aborted: instance not found

welp time to level unarmed on some rats

I'm pretty sure EU just went down.

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Log in to retail and see it as the flashy kiddie toy it is full of bells and whistles, over saturation, and mobile tier game design. Its fucking trash.

I'd put TBC as an equal
better raiding but flying/arenas were detrimental

No, we say 'Corporation pop'

or not, got logged in now

I'm clapping for real right now.

went down for like a solid minute, all good now, thank fuck i didnt log off

It almost surely has to be.
What are they going to do, shave their pussies but not everything else?

It's funnier when they do get caught and get ass raped in prison over ddosing a video game

golemagg here, not even lagging

wow was never good, it always looked horrible and was never fun to play. it looks like your typical ugly american cartoon.
maybe i don't drink enough soda and don't eat enough cheese pizza to understand these "aesthetics".
there were many better mmorpgs than wow.

right, it has to be, but the fuzz has to stop somewhere internally
I wonder where

it's really funny that a teenager will get his life ruined over this. probably raped over and over.
does that infuriate you? the idea of a little white boy getting raped on the daily in prison?

Current status on the situation anons?

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anyone else here on firemaw? how's the population? i logged on but elwynn general chat was pretty much dead, still fairly low level debating on wether to stay or jump to another server

he's not white, he's a muslim looking thing

Oy very remember the 6 gorillon servers!

do something else for a little while


highly doubt that's him.
funny thing is this is more real than the holohoax.

his account is suspended
RIP UKGorillas

I imagine their pussies are fairly soft and chubby and covered in a thin layer of soft fur which probably thins out and stops just short of where the outer lips meet. The skin without fur is probably as soft as a kitten's paw.
Since fur tends to naturally stop growing past a certain point they probably don't have much of an actual bush down there either.

Considering how well-trained and extremely agile Li Li is (according to the official comic) she could probably clamp down on a human cock like a vice and milk it dry, not to mention have sex for hours due to her intense monk stamina. Perfect GF unless you plan to do anything else than sex for an entire day.

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Servers down worldwide. The only hope we have now is too just pray. Stay safe anons.

>highly doubt that's him.
if you think he's the person in his profile pic you're actually fucking retarded

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The thing is that the internet is structurally weak to ddos, the only way to 'beat' ddos is to just have significantly more server capacity than the attacker can ddos.

this. with any luck when (and yes I said WHEN) they re-release all the expansions they need to do it int he same style as classic wow. that is no group finder, no fucking flying, and none of that gay shit that ultimately destroyed the game

i'd say theres a 1% chance it's him. you never know with young kids these days. would be funny as fuck.

the only reason the DDoS did jack shit was because they put a ton of money and resources into it.
they probably spent more money on the DDoS than blizzard did on classic.


that's the best case scenario but i doubt it, i'd bet my left nut they'll just release tbc and wotlk as they are and change nothing because of the "NO CHANGES!" retards. as much as i hate to do it osrs hit the jackpot when they decided to make new shit around the old gameplay

I'm just laughing at you literally wasting your life. PLEASE keep doing it!

>twitter account suspended
oh boy

i hope he makes another account

why do people just randomly gank when there is nothing to gain. no honor, no competition over ressources, I can't even fight due to the level difference
your not even 60, go level, what are you doing. leave me alone

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to make you feel bad

It makes my peepee feel big

People can be dicks.
More news at 11.

The only time I go out of my way to kill someone is if they are going to get the herb I wanted. Other than that, I just give em a wave and go on my way. We both got shit to do

wow is the best mmo of all time but keep seething

Picking on people who can't fight back is the very core essence of classic. Why do you think twinking was an economy in and of itself?

I spent two hours in Hillsbrad last night with my Horde squad killing any Alliance we found. Just kept asking in general chat to see if there were any faggots Alliance.

Killed so many faggots. Don't roll on a PvP server if you can't handle getting ganked.

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I camped stonetalon mountain for like 6 hours got well over 100 kills only died once. Its fun. Though yes I do really wish honor were in the game.

>raped in prison
This is fiction and you're a retard

I'm laughing at you for being here.
I'm still making money while posting, are you?

europoor detected.
it's elusively an american thing. Europeans sympathize with sex offenders too much to harm them.

>t. shayquan demarcaise

yo dude I hard doxxed his ass here he is

Sam Mitchell

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go to a normal server

yeah well now I switched layers to avoid the ganks, thank you based nublizz

I spent two days doing that on Hillsbrad too, we even made a raid at one point and purged them all

Rapists, especially pedophiles, are beat and killed by other prisoners in Europe.

Enjoy it for now, but come phase 2 you're all mine little bitch.

when they emote at you mid gank but they fuck up
best feeling

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I wanted to, but my friends all rolled on a pvp server
honestly I regret it every time. It's not like I don't enjoy pvp, but it should be somewhat fair. I like bgs and arena and stuff. I don't like to jump on people which means my entire pvp experience is getting jumped, feels bad.

>does something dishonorable
>want to get honor from it

Yep. *siiiip*
That's horde in a nutshell.

I had the same attitude as you until I decided to pick alliance warlock and tried getting my succubus. Now I just want to make it my goal to /spit on horde scum.

because MMO players are fucking bad at video games and this is the only glimpse of winning they can get.

>donā€™t want to world pvp
>rolled on a pvp server

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It's a bunch of nonsense, people arent getting raped in prison on the daily. You watch too much television or are genuinely retarded. Occasionally people go out of their way to beat or mess up someone who did something especially heinous or killed someone important. And they get reprimanded for it.

That's great but what if this guy has absolutely nothing to do with this and you're just trying to get some random normie in trouble because you suspect him based on rumor and hearsay?

Are you retarded? That's a contraction of WE and ARE.

>b-but Yea Forums told me I had to!
it's amazing to me how much influence Yea Forums shitposters have over people
people will literally swap MMOs if someone comes into a thread and says "your MMO bad and dying my MMO good"

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unless theyre muzzie, then they form a gang.

yes. thats the alliance i know and love.

when will I not want to hang myself as warrior

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it gets better, but the answer is still never

literally just dungeon grind
doesnt even matter if youre not prot specced, for the lowbie shit you dont even need a shield

am I straight to hit armory shieldless, the thought of not using whirlwind axe is terrifying

Arms warrior is fun in retail after the last patch. Never would have imagined it.
Classic is just a nightmare.

When you get a good 2H weapon and especially when you finish the whirlwind axe quest. Go into arms. Feels good critting faggots 5 levels above me for 500

isn't the patch just +5% damage to arms?

kind of a bummer , I was looking forward to playing this on my day off

>I'm not going to give this any attention
>For maybe or maybe not causing the issues
This person is definitely from California. Can't afford to hire talent out-of-state anymore, Blizzard, or just afraid of their 'wrongthink'?

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>retail fags seething so hard they resort to DDOSing

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give me my WoW back you DDoSing FAGGOTS! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Are servers still getting ddosd?

Blizzard should give everyone a free week of WoW for the trouble, and take the money from whoever's responsible.

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Hopefully. You dumbass zoomers and delusional boomers need to learn to vote with your wallet.

All the auction house fees elapsing as well.
This is an economic DISASTER on a continental scale

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considering they're advertising botnet services.
i guess it would be better to just stay quiet about it.

When you are level 60 with a HWL 2H sword or Ashkandi.

No thanks, I am not an american

>posting the shitty reddit version

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>delusional boomers
>vote with your wallet
im losing it over the combination of these two statements. "vote with your wallet" is the most delusional boomer statement in the history of boomers.
blizzard has been losing numbers and yet they're still doing retarded shit. People voted with their wallet since WotLK and look where that got us.

is this reversed?

But I thought everyone was going home...

Not that guy but voting with your wallet will never not be true. WoW doesn't need to be concerned about being at peak numbers, it's still the most played mmo in the world. WoW was a fucking phenomenon you can't just recreate.

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lol boobies!

yeah but get a ravager asap
I'm still using it to tank ZF, long as you put a demo shout up you really don't take much damage at this point

maybe you should convince the shareholders to vote with their wallet before the customers.
o wait they did, and they merged blizzard with activision.

I don't know but the only reason I ever bothered getting to level cap and became a min/max pvp fag was all down to a lust for revenge after I got ganked for the first time. It motivates certain people.

fake. warriors are fucking shit at pvp and well everything until lvl 60

People who use this face are so fucking boring

I want to play warrior maybe for my second character if I make one. However shaman is pretty fun so far.

>stupid tauren druid tries to open up on me while im half health and fighting a mob
>180 and overpower crit his ass then execute
>proceed to camp him for an hour and then the servers died
I'm going to fucking attack and camp someone who acts like a faggot. Attacking someone near death and fighting a mob? Enjoy getting shit on for the next hour.

American's would not use that grammatical construction of "We're sat here," you fucking ignorant shit stain. That is a very British English type construction, not American English.

>fight someone as a shaman
>WF doesn't procc once
>still win anyway

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It's the only normal looking face among a bunch of nasty hags.
And those hag faces will NEVER have any ERP.

Just play alliance if you want to be pretty

that's the only good troll face honestly

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And what if he deliberately constructs that sentence to make you think he's in the UK, while simultaneously saying he's not, and while using the word "soda" which is not normal nomenclature for fizzy drinks?
Maybe you're being played like a massive sucker?

>merged blizzard with activision
gee i wonder what player triggered event happened around that time encouraging the shareholders decision?
REALLY makes you think

Attached: WoWScrnShot_041610_032505.jpg (1024x623, 172K)

Wow, imagine being this pathetic. I feel sorry for you

bye tranny

yes we are on the same page.


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>putting days of your life into something just to quit
yeah that's a neet alright.

for 5 minutes
people should honestly go do something else for awhile

TBC launch when?

mental disorders. probably dysphoria.

>YWN grab those tusks and force her to gag on your cock

he's lying, nobody is getting shit

idk bro. their twitter is down, whats the point if they dont get any attention?
this is just advertising for their dumb website/services. literally lizardsquad 2.0 and theyll likely suffer the same fate.

It's okay FFXIVfan, I understand.

jesus christ lalas are fucking annoying
you guys can keep tranny fantasy to yourselves

gift me a month user my sub ran out

thanks bro

feels fucking terrible man
why would you post that

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>Just got extremely lucky and killed some e-celeb in world PvP

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>>Just got extremely lucky and killed some e-celeb in world PvP
prepare for a life of hell and infinite ganking.

Uh oh.
You're getting banned. You're not allowed to disrupt famous players.

But he had a level on me and was the one who ganked me, it wasn't my fault.

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Retailfags SEETHING

now I'm curious, which one?

Its boring as hell.
you canĀ“t do anything by yourself unless you like running around like a retard for like an hour doing fetch quests.
Forget about doing kill quests alone, you will get raped hard or spend like 2 mins killing 15 boars.

Personally, i cant even find people to do a dungeon or to quest, most just remain silent and ignore you altogether..

this is the most fun they've had all of BFA.

>berserker stance at level 30
>WW axe around the same time
>MS at 40
wew lad

Fighting back actually counts as harassing them, do you realize this?

you can solo plenty of stuff if you picked the right class for it and you're patient enough.
t. warlock

They like everyone else calls it 'the sugary Jew'

Well im a mage, and half my casts are resists. and pulling more than 1 creep is death because blizzard is too weak early on to do AoE pulling.

Im a shaman and I wouldnt fuck with a warrior while leveling

quick guys which should I watch Dark or Ozark?

Mages are #1 at leveling/AoE farming. Unmatched by any other class.

Frost Nova + Blink + Blizzard is your friend.

dont fight mobs that are higher level than you

I guess I shouldve asked what level you are at. they get a lot more powerful, especially when you have a large mana pool.

why? they use sodium bicarbonate for both.

They really shouldn't have opened those extra servers.

Someone stop these virtual nazis from holocausting our servers and genociding our userbase

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Its okay user, we will have our revenge in due time.

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idk if anyone told you but its over. you can go back to your life now.

Quick buy my Free Action Potions before the auction lapses you faggots

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Never played WoW in my life just shitposting to pass the time.

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Did Yea Forums go down for anyone else?

>friend keeps getting rolled back
>I don't
>he traded me all of his gold and I logged
wonder if this works out

How much are you selling them for user? I bought the recipe like the 3rd day and haven't been putting any up because I wanted to wait for people to actually PVP.

40-50s each
It's only worth it if you fish the Blackmouths yourself

based funposter

Vanilla was shit.
I have nothing but bad memories of it, and memories of spending 2 weeks fishing deviate fish at the oasis near wailing caverns as an Alliance.

Consider going to china retarded faggot

I always thought It was a meme when people called ddosers teenagers but just one look at the lizard squad says otherwise. Fucking idiots.

every fucking time, in every mmo
>race has like one or two good face options
>Yea Forums the contrarion just has to chime in and say it's a bad face because everyone picks it because it's not ugly as fuck

>meanwhile most xiv servers are congested and almost all of them have a queue despite opening new ones

That's more due to have shitty servers than being popular.

>shitty servers
I mean I can go to a capital city or the golden saucer or quarry mill and see easily a hundred people in each one

Nothing sadder than the WoW ASSFAGGOTS drifter. Hopelessly addicted to shit gameplay and skinner box highs.
Even the c*mbrains have an edge over them.

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> - twitter
>Twitter suspended. Will work on getting another platform up for our memes.
>Stopped attacks on Blizzard for now.
>Shoutout to MalwareTech for the tweet:


Fuck Classic addon programming, why did they had to re-introduce bugs from Vanilla to the API? What's the point?

No changes.

New player here, which caster is the best to play ?

Frost Mage

feels bad that you will never be able to do that or forcing her to gag on your cock? I need clarification

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warlock for the juicy dots