Developers have to specifically ask games journos to stop sending their talentless players

>developers have to specifically ask games journos to stop sending their talentless players

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based af

>that subtle indignation

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Do critics of other mediums act as fucking whiny as games journalists? Imagine some fat greasy McDonalds fry cook getting pissy about not being chosen to review food in a michelin star'd Paris restaurant.

Some faggot youtube movie shill got real pissy recently because he wasn't invited to a star wars amusement park ride or something


after the shitshow of journalists trying to play cuphead its for the best all these mouthbreathers stay in their cubicles

>titanfall 3 literally never ever
Thanks again zoomers, I didn't think it could get any worse

No, nobody.

That was hilarious.

>inviting those faggot in the first place

Is The Verge any worse than Kotaku or any of those other shitheaps?

Depends. There's definitely a lot more quality control.

The problem with Games journalists is that they tend to be the worst journalists instead of the best gamers

Hypocrisy; I'm sure they praised this in the article and made it seem "cool", meanwhile this is one of the endless tabloids talking about "gatekeeping".

Well, if you're going to review a competitive game then the reviewer should be...competitive.

>Inviting political bloggers to try your game.

What was Respawn expecting?

now that's a clickbait headline for a very innocent invite

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>game devs outright asking for journo's who actually care about and play vidya
>Kojima makes a western/journalist difficulty for DS
>multiple vidya "news outlets" being outed as unreliable and based on politics

are we finally at the point where the world starts addressing this problem instead of catering to the people who cause it while simultaneously trying to make shit worse?

Attached: journalism.webm (654x485, 2.08M)


>>Kojima makes a western/journalist difficulty for DS
But Kojima's games have traditionally had a Very Easy difficulty.

they are all subversive garbage

actual journalists regarding Trump's/WH press conferences

Yea Forums doesn't know that, let them shitpost in peace

How the fuck does this happen? Why are godless lefties now the puritans?


Not even baiting, but is there an actual reason game journalists are generally so bad at their job? I used to think it was because they have to play a dozen games every week but if you actually look closer, most of them only play 2-3 games a month to completion. Considering it's their full time job, you'd think they'd at least be baseline competent. What are they doing with the rest of their time?

virtue signaling. i just looked up a video about the funimation scandal trying to play the audio for my cuz who hasn't heard it, and the entire video is so fag going "oh god, i don't even want to talk about it, its so gross and offensive, oh myy goddddd"
i really fucking hate this planet

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Because its the lowest tier of journalist. They are not in it for a love of games but because they aren't good enough to be a real film critic or whatever else their aim was.

I am leaving this thread

because they're a bunch of out of journalism school fucks who can't get a job doing anything else and don't actually give a shit about video games, so instead they try and make their work about their own interests.

Because they legitimately don't care for or like to play games. These are people that wanted to wrote articles about politics and hot button issues, but could only land a "journalist" job at a video game mag/blog.

They still let that guy review games, I think I saw a snippet of his Metro Exodus gameplay and it still looked like he might be outplayed by a pigeon.

Dude is upset that he isn't invited to the children's themed amusement park so he says he won't report on it.

Then he starts arguing with his producer when they tell him they're going to report on it anyway.

I learned about it from RLM where they referred to it as "the most embarrassing podcast ever".

these days fighting against sexual harrassment in all forms is their crusade, and takes precedence over the old already won fight for sexual liberation, so being okay with sexualization of women would make you look bad in that sphere and possibly cost you your job

blacks are bad

Of course game journalists are the whiniest cunts and manlets. They get 80k dollars in debt being brainwashed with leftist garbage and can't get their foot in the door in the real (((media))) so they're stuck barely scratching a living while living with five or six roommates to make rent on a 30 square foot studio apartment in San Fransissy.

Why wouldn't they hate the medium and target audience they're stuck with?

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I love this video

user, we're talking about the difficulty level below very easy simply called "journalist" just like the level above very hard is nightmare

While its a manchild complaining about not going to disney for free, the company he works for was contacted to do coverage and instead of sending the guy who does the star wars themed reporting they sent two female interns. I'd be a bit pissed too over my boss giving you the shaft over free puss but he really made a fool of himself here.

>developers don't want people trash at the game showing off the game
wow wtf?!?

>virtue signaling
>i really fucking hate this planet
You don't have to worry for long as usually when a society starts to Virtue Signal it signifies the start of it's decline as nature don't give a rats ass about that shit. There are countless disasters just waiting to happen, from the eruption of yellowstone park to even another world war and the only thing "Virtue Signaling" does is muddy the waters of society and cause more issues and strife and never actually create "equality" or "peace". But now that Mental Illness is slowly being more and more "normalized" in human society that can now communicate with one another better then ever. This is no doubt going to eventually blow up and cause another major shift in the power balance of the world.
>they referred to it as "the most embarrassing podcast ever".
That's an understatement right there, that whole thing was just one big cringe fest.

This kind of bizarre entitlement exists anywhere that has a low barrier of entry. Reviews/"""""journalists""""" are the most prominent I think because they see themselves as holier-than-thou judges whose word can kill a game so you better do as I say. The idea of someone telling them to duck off is completely alien. Look at what happened to Gawker when Hulk ran wild on them.

Oh my god how could they be so problematic? Fortnite it is.

I'm friends with the Christ Centered Gamer husband on Steam, it's sorta amusing to see him fire up Anime Titties 2 Electric Boogaloo but at least I know he's actually playing the games he reviews.

>Only people who already like our game are allowed to review it!!!!

They only want people who already spend their time playing ranked reviewing their game. Pretty blatant attempt at bumping up their score by trying to get a reviewer who already likes the game

Games journalists are just shitty journalists who can't get a job reporting on anything else because they're completely talentless.

In movies, yes.