What does Yea Forums think of the Stronghold games?
What does Yea Forums think of the Stronghold games?
The mechanics didn't age well. They captured some interesting stuff with the graphics.
First one is kino.
Your pic has the only two good ones, unfortunately.
wood needed
What's so special about them
3D was a mistake.
I just realized that the castles in the background by rights should fit together if you put them next to each other, and with every further stronghold box you would get a bigger castle diorama.
sucha a shame.
castle building economy sims.
know any other?
if not, simply existing makes them extra special. even if you do, they are the best, at least the earlier titles.
Love em
The people *loathe* you, sire.
SH1 > SHC > SH2 > The Rest
i CANT get this faggot out of my head it's been years every night i fucking hear him inside my head he's always talking to me GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD!!
Was it peak RTS voice acting?
You have been playing for a very long time sire!
I only ever played the first one, but I enjoyed it.
First one and crusader are great
Peak comfy, i don't know why that fucking studio cant make good games anymore
My childhood. Now I'm studying for a history degree!
They're trying too hard. They don't need to upgrade the graphics. They could just add a few simple new units and new Lords and it'd be good to go. Or just keep expanding Stronghold 1 story.