Sony's TGS 2019 Lineup
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Lotta ports, anime games, games on other consoles, and some randoms.
i'm most excited for genshin impact.
no f-zero
no mother/earthbound
no starfy
no advance wars
no sin & punishment
no pilotwings
no wave race
no punch-out
no excitebike
no custom robo
no kid icarus
no mario & luigi
no startropics
no wario land
no 1080 snowboarding
no game & watch gallery
no miitopia 2
no ever oasis 2
no metroid prime 4
no free online
no miiverse
no virtual console
no games
>13 Sentinels
100% fake
>Sony wins again
In other news, water is wet
This looks great, I look forward to it.
You got a crossover series that made people remember half of those games.
Sony can't even make a good crossover game.
Nothing relevant will be announced until after ps5 is
All of those - every single one, are a multiplat
why is that fake
13 Sentinels was originally announced at Sony's TGS conference
Because the game is dead
They remade the ps2 game with vr support
All I see are multiplats.
All the games I care about will be on PC and/or Switch. No thanks, Sony.
> Almost all multiplats
> Literally nothing new, only games we've known about for a long time now
The absolute state of Playstation in the year 2019
Hoping to see/hear new info on genshin impact and granblue. Guty hear is also supposed to be there but it could be old stuff, new stuff or maybe daisuke will get to at least talk a bit more about the game.
The main thing I care about at TGS this year is just Guilty Gear. Anything else is just icing on the cake, unless SMTV is being shown and I haven't been informed about it, but I don't think that's the case.
thats why sony is selling PS4 like hotcakes
Literally the first one on the lost is exclusive.
75% of those on the left will also be on PC.
It's coming in October in Japan retard
>13 sentinels
stopped reading right there
>new guilty gear
maybe the new tales of game, that's it for me
>our party game's roster matters more than actual new games!
This is some wild toddler seethe.
>Sakura Wars
Didn't know they were that far in the development already. Guess that 2020 release might really happen.