Even I don't understand my game hehe. Buy my game it's so mysterious

>Even I don't understand my game hehe. Buy my game it's so mysterious.

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So this was true.

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He says shit like this so retards like you can shill his game for free.

He had a group of writers when they started the story board

Only Germans will buy this, they are all about those reductionist autism simulators.

I shudder to think what he did with them.

>It's an I'll voluntarily choose to be retarded and treat this marketing speak like it's real episode


Hideo Kojima BTFO'd Konami and now the Konami leadership is seething and so angry that that they pay their shills to go on Yea Forums in a desperate attempt to influence public opinion.

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This, honestly Kojima is master spinster, remember the time he was getting negative feedback due to Quiet's outfit. His 'you will feel ashamed' was next level psychological bullshit because those vidya critics who nagged were literally reminded to take a wait and see approach. Then when the reveal is subpar, the madman still gets away with it because there was a small justification for her skin.

The game doesn't need to be good or make sense, as long as it has Kojima's name on it it will sell on that merit alone.


Really, though? I'm not seeing it. Kojima has never really been a surrealist. His games have always been quirky and arguably had surreal elements but they were mostly just spy and military fiction but written like superhero comicbooks with loose continuity and gimmicky characters.

Everyone's acting like Death Stranding is gonna be the lovechild of 2001: A Space Odyssey and Eraserhead but so far it just seems like a quirky postapocalyptic story. Yes, the whole thing about the apocalypse being cause by the boundary between life and afterlife breaking down, rain that makes things age, invisible spirits, babies that detect these invisible spirits... it's weird, but I've read Science Fiction novels with weirder ideas.

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yes he btfo konami so hard that they're making far more money since kicking him out. he sure showed them. LMFAO

This is going to be the biggest scam of the generation. It will make No Man's Sky blush.

I don't have to understand it. I want fun game. So far i seen only fine cutscenes. Kojima open world is empty. I am afraid open world America would be too much for me.

Yeah, but video game fans are usually people that haven't opened a fucking book in ages or are literally still in highschool/grade school. The metal gear fan base alone is a perfect example of people that haven't read a book thinking the most basic themes are some of the most intellectual shit they've ever seen in their life. There's at least 2-3 people in ant mgs 2 thread that unironically think kojima created tribalism

Haha so weird and corny.

there making more money because they just focus on pachinko

mgsv wasn't even able to break even and the lords of shadow games flopped.

the game cost 80 millions to make and made 187 million on its first day you fucking faggot

>walking and climbing ladders in a wasteland is fun


I don't see why it wouldn't be. Give me a moody postapocalyptic hiking game any day.

Yeah, I'm thinking Kojima is pretty based.

They are also using the engine for other games aswell.

And kojimadrones still lick his ass

it really is exactly like a movie, just get a few recognizable actors from some hipster shit and hope it'll sell
there is absolutely no substance to the game and is attempting to be 2deep4u nonsense for kojima fanboys to eat up

That's all it's supposed to be but Westernfags with too great a sense of self importance for their own good will claim it's pretentious

Kojima was so incompetent, the engine they made for HIS game ended up being first used for PES and is still being used for it.

Konami’s back, baby! New Silent Hill, Castlevania (developed by the ex Treasure devs that worked on the 8-bit originals), and Suikoden coming within the next two years!

What is Kojima's goal ?
I don't care if he has a deep message beyond all that shit or not.
Just what the fuck could be the reason that pushed him to think that adding some literal pissing moment was a great idea ?

>What is Kojima's goal ?
Colleting as much money possible from retards

I wish I had stopped supporting Kojima and his games a long time ago, I'm done with his shit

He just has ideas and has the money and influence to make them a reality. Dude seems like he's gone off the rails now after all the Konami stuff.

This so much. Kojima is the king of bullshitting. I wish I could be in highschool with him to see him pull one of those "i didn't prepare this" powerpoints.
>you'll be ashamed of your words
>She has photosynthesis or some shit which serves literally no purpose in the whole story and might as well not have been there.


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game design so abstract and confusing it doesn't even exist
truly a visionary

You don't spend so much money on a project as boring and unappealing as his just to gain money.
Even Kojima isn't that retarded.

For pachinko too.

That word does not mean what you think it means.

Kojima is the reason why producers position exist in video games. If you're the CEO, producer, director, owner who the fuck will tell you you are so far up your ass?

and rest assured gaming "journalists" won't understand it either. They just don't want to look stupid for not understanding the wacky story and give it high scores nonetheless.

I'm glad he doesn't understand it, because he seemed to understand his last few games and they were all shit.

It's fine that Kojima doesn't understand what he's doing with Death Stranding. Bioware didn't understand what they were trying to make with Anthem until very near their launch date, and that turned out great for them!

Opportunity cost, that 80 million could have made more pachinko machines

Yes, making money at the cost of their own credibility. Could be good or bad depending on your point of view

Konami doesn't give a shit, never has. Never will.

This is the same shit Ken Levine was saying about Bioshock Infinite's paradox bullshit and we all know how that turned out

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