Only streamer servers are retaining their pop, every other server already at low or medium pop...
How did this happen Yea Forumsros?
Only streamer servers are retaining their pop, every other server already at low or medium pop...
How did this happen Yea Forumsros?
Other urls found in this thread:
Wasn't the Twitterscum in your image DOSing the servers? That's what someone else claimed in another thread.
how many people is medium? i wish a game i like would have 10 players
Because Classic is a chore? Because 3/4 of the classes are shit?
>population is lower during hours where people sleep
Blizzard said Medium pop in Classic is more the Full during actual Vanilla; so Medium = more than 2,500.
They added servers for the initial boom. That's it. Four or five servers will probably suffice.
We thought we did but......we didn't.
>Only servers under attack from ddos can reach high pop due to the attack, literally every other server is dead.
Even better
>already on third place on twitch
the hype sure died quick, I thought it was gonna last at least 2-3 months
>Everyone at the planet sleep at the same time
When the majority of the the playerbase sleeps; did I really need to point that out?
>saturday afternoon in america
>early evening in europe
>these are somehow bad times
it's only asians that are sleeping now
Population will naturally dip. I'm pretty sure Blizzard fully expected most would just pay for one time sub to relive their nostalgia and than bail.
>release game with limited content
>people finish content and quit
the shit are you talking about
>Everyone at the planet
That's only NA, you inbred monkey
Here's a more current pic
>classic flourishing
>retailfags seething
What is your > majority of the the playerbase
Is it the amerifats, the europoors or ricefarmers?
Because they don't sleep at the same time.
Why would anyone play MMO that will guarantee to not being updated in the future?
That's extremely stupid idea
Are you guys retarded? The OP image was clearly taken at an early point in the day. Now my picture was taken not even a minute ago.
I ran WowCensus on Myzrael just today and it's 6,000 each side. Don't see how that qualifies as "dead".
You realize you can check this at any time, right?
>ddos raises server population
uh ok
anyway, already btfo this entire thread
A new monster hunter just had its release date at 6th of september.
We'll be back, don't worry.
Thanks user, this is going to be perfect
they also raised the server cap by several thousand so low might be even higher than you think
Twitch numbers are retarded, why would you watch a game instead of playing it?
moron, server counts as full per player online
>Will I take the word of user that has twitter post from a verified streamer that I can easily look up and check or...
>user that has a cropped screenshot from god knows when and "dude just trust me" as an argument
classic is back!
Then again I can't wait to see how the shills will try to spin this all.
Log on for yourself if you don't trust me, jesus fuck.
>if you don't trust me just give me your money!
>t. totally not a shill
>Only populated servers are Streamer servers
>all other servers are dead because nobody wants to be on a Streamerless server
>Streamer servers are targeted by DDOS attacks the most
>thereby meaning all servers are dead
Come on man, it's not that hard to figure it out.
So why bother shitposting about something that is easily provable when you literally are unable to back up your own claim?
My claim is the OP's image, which you can look up for free.
Then when was that picture taken?
We already did
I'm so happy you asked : less than 2 hours ago
Or did you mean the asmongold stream?
You're responding to the wrong people, user.
So this is the power of classicfags...
I said when the picture was taken, not when the tweet was made.
It's from his stream today
About about 3 or so hours ago.
He's still live so maybe the clip will pop up on youtube soon after.
it was around 6pm in my local time, and it's almost 10pm now... so 4 hours ago or less.
Fucking retards the entirety of NA is at most 4 hours apart. Do you not know there are EU servers and NA servers???
Well that's irrelevant because
>he got baited by nostalgia fagging degenerates
>he got baited by streaming whores
Lmao end your life hypebeasts.
How does a billion dollary company even get DDOS'd? Shouldn't this be an impossibility?
Literally flavor of the week. I pity people who are still getting baited into buying anything related to Blizzard.
It is getting updates though, for better or worse. I wish it wasn’t though because it means BGs come back
Who is this buggy whip armed, bug eyed, lanky fuck and why does he keep appearing on my youtube feed?
Do you think money is a literal shield against damage?
Blizzard/Activision is a Small family business running on a shoestring budget out of a third world country, friend!!!
Oh no I spent a few bucks out of my $3000 monthly salary!
Oh no no no Hahahaha Hahahaha
It literally is though. With billions of dollars, you should be able to afford security that's worth, well, billions of dollars. You should be impenetrable.
It is not about spending it, it is about who you give it to.
It doesn't work that way, man.
>tfw got tricked into the OW meme and now the Classic meme
>the way classic players try to smugly proclaim superiority to retail players as they pay a retail subscription fee and are counted as retail players by Blizzard and shareholders
Doesn't it though? I mean you never see Google, Amazon, Apple or Microsoft get DDOS'd.
I’m having fun though, I am playing with my buddies who used to play and we all rolled classes and races we never played. Blizzard gave me fun, and it’s a secure server unlike privates. I remember my last logon to a private server pretty much everything could just walk through walls and kick your ass. Most dungeons were unplayable
>tfw classicucks are bankrolling BfA and the future expansions
>ddos classic
>people can't log in, naturally
>samefag about it for hours
Classic Yea Forums
Who cares, let them eat shit. Classic is great
only retards who hate their lives play mmos
I get preferring one or the other (I'm playing classic and I'm not going to touch retail even with the free 110 you get from hitting 60) but it's weird when people make it an "US VS THEM LOL BTFO" thing when everyone is paying the same fee to the same people
>try to login 2 hours ago, 5k queue
>manage to get to about 2.5k, disconnect
>type in password again, straight back into a 5k queue
well I guess Im not playing tonight
People realized that you will never go back to 2005, no matter how badly you want to. You will never be able to capture the magic and feel the same way you did all those years ago. Streamer fanboys on the other hand are zoomers who don't even remember 2005 so they don't care, they are just there to play with asmongold. *this* is their 2005.
Dude just don't play on streamer servers dude.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying different things
Retailfags like retail
Classicfags like classic
Both subscriptions support each other's games and that's A-O-K
Im EU my man, have 0% worries about streamers.
umm no sweaty. classic is good, retail is bad, your post is a COPE :) because you are a retailcuck :) and you just got BTFO by me :) based classicchad user :)
>Both subscriptions support each other's games
Retail gets:
>new expansions
>new races (eventually)
>new classes (maybe)
>new continents
>new quests
>new bosses
Classic gets
>retail gets bad versions of everything you posted
>classic gets to remain good
>Classic gets
an actual playerbase.
Cope. Classic gets Classic+, retail gets cancelled. :)
>They keep adding MOAR servers
>They keep allowing transfers
The game is going to end up as 2 streamer realms, 1 nondead RP, 1 nondead PVP, and 1 nondead PVE. The rest will be ghost towns.
I doubt there is a single sane blizzard dev left on the WoW team.
Yeah.... Sure...
They want people to move for free so they can buy paid transfers back to populated realms. I'm sure "no changes" won't apply to realm transfers, since they'll make some kind of excuse (lost the code, we want people to be able to move to populated servers because a healthy community is an essential part of the classic experience, etc)
No one with a brain is going to move off of a populated server.
Unlike most games the server populations numbers are actually active on the server player numbers, the game also kicks you offline after inactivity.
As such they take these images at a time when people are asleep or at work.
It's gaslighting from trannies.
>Finding 1(ONE) post on the most hug boxed forums means they game is "X".
I bet you're from Resetera. Try going back!
>he thinks it's the only one
Don't go to classic forums, you would literally die from a stroke.
Playing on a Medium server is still an extremely dumb thing to do. Anyone serious about classic longterm will stick on an established High / Full server. The Mediums are mostly full of retail tourists and other looky-loos who don't want queues and will likely quit before hitting 60. The only reason they're constantly opening new servers is because of the retail babies.
>Going to blizzard forums
It's likely the worst (for today) but it's far from the only one...
Sulfuras ww@
Why are the wolves disappearing in the vid asmongold is watching?
kys zoomer
ladies first.
It first I thought that it was just servers being wonky from today, but it's a recorded video from who know how long ago, so no idea.
I'm willing to bet my left nut all the people seething on both sides in this thread are from NA.
Cope. Listening to Asmongold while shitposting on Yea Forums is top kino
Nice try but I'm from Finland
Now give me the nut.
>thinking classic money will go to retail expansions
>thinking blizard has any hope on retail wow
when your playerbase is stupid, you dont need to waste any money on them.
Torilla tavataan
you can see there are many cu.cks in this thread
Since Finns are the only nation I'd let have rule over the world, you guys get a pass.
Nut sent via email :^)
>BFA is down too
Why they'd stab you as soon as they look at you
t. Swede
Proud White Manes are getting hit despite not being host to any zoomer daddies.
wtf is going on
>Asmongold can't play on his server so he just watches videos
>gets angry at his fans for this
The tweet in the OP belongs to a skiddie that learned how to LOIC a week ago and is having fun experiencing the level of power and control that has been routinely denied to wh*te m*n in the last 100 or so years.
Why are you faggots so obsessed with shitting on this game?
>Servers still reach near max after 5pm
Yeah sure seems dead.
Because watching classic cucks seethe as their game dies is hilarious.
Are you really that desperate for another TORtanic?
It broke all the records on twitch, is fun as fuck and has me and my entire crew of 30+ year old boomers having a blast every night. You're pathetic.
>muh TORtanic
Small time. I want to see THE GAMERS RISE UP!!!
>america is everywhere
you a real americuck
What are you even trying to say?
It's the new funny meme
This discussion is a new low for Yea Forums
its not even letting me log in can't make the pop larger if they wont let me somethins going on and it says Herod is fucking offline
ayyy nigga sulfuras is p good
>haha our playerbase is great
>actually our playerbase is shit dont look at the forums
No one is seething more in these threads other than retail trannies.
Sure seems like it's the classicfags that are seething with all these CLASSIC IS DEAD threads popping up.
New-ish then?
>Dude is a nigger and is found in less than a day
I think this classic tranny finally snapped
Nice try retranny but i never cummed and never will
>This thread
Some of you faggots try too hard
Same thing is going to happen to reach when it comes out but reachfags are too stupid to realize this
>white boy with a rapper avatar
>The same threads with the same shitposts over and over
Boy, sure is fun.
>Waaah people are shitting on MY GAME!!1!
>Waaaah I'm not having fun!!1!
That's the way it goes. If you want a hugbox try reddit.
You're a prime example of trying too hard, my friend.
Because it turns out you're all in your 30s and you lack the time and motivation to drudge through the riveting leveling experience that is vanilla.
Suicide is the answer, friend.
See you next thead, user.
There's nothing more pathetic that people who spend time and energy wishing for something they don't like to fail.
>Only 8 servers: classic cucks BTFO, dead game
>Added more servers before launch: oh these servers will be dead, classic cucks BTFO
>Launch with 10,000 person queues: can't even play, classic cucks BTFO
>More than double the amount of servers: oh look more dead servers, classic cucks BTFO
>Free realm transfers within 2 weeks of launch: they just want to get you to pay to move back once those servers are dead, classic cucks BTFO
Face it. It's a great game. A metric fuckload of people want to play this. I'm sure there are people at blizzard eating corw too, especially "You think you do" guy.
>>haha our playerbase is great
No one said this.
Your projecting so hard it can be seen from the moon.
Stop being assblasted and go dilate.
>server pop is low while the login server is being Ddos'd
But how else am I supposed to get (you)s?
>Only streamer servers are high
>Streamer servers are Ddos'd
>b-b-b-but muh login server...
Right now on EU servers
>3 low
>2 medium
>8 high
>10 full
Time to get some new material
Herod is not a streamer server moron
He's bitching about people not subscribing and not following his twitter. What a fucking manchild.
>spreading disinformation at a time like this
it's shameful, really.
That's what being a loyalist for Blizz and drinking the classic-coolaid does to you.
>Have to resort to posting pop during a DDOS so you can pretend player count is down
He has it ordered from low to high you FUCKING retard.
80% of his streams in the months before Classic came out were him watching videos, why would he be mad about it?
Yeah, you're completely missing the point.
The servers are being ddosed right now and most people cant connect. Rats like you are using pop indicators to shit on classic.
Meanwhile every decent server still have multiple hour long queues during the work week, dipshit.
I believe you
open wide, retard
yeah it sounds stupid as fuck but it applies
Applies to who? Your redditor normalfag brain? Fuck off
Because nobody wants raid content that can be cleared with level 58s in greens. Vanilla has the perfect atmosphere, and all blizzard had to do was dramatically increase dungeon and raid difficulty and they would have 10+ million subs.
>blizzard had to do was dramatically increase dungeon and raid difficulty
You mean having actual vanilla levels of difficulty like the p-servers?
Even "actual Vanilla" raiding wasn't some hardcore challenge.
More. Pservers weren't difficult either. I'm talking weeks if not months of progress for the world first.
the only time I played WoW, I only played for 2 weeks and in that time I got to level 62 and pretty much done everything notable
All that post tell me is that Blizzard is losing it behind the scenes trying to "fix" things.
>and pretty much done everything notable
You actually believe that?
maybe you shouldn't have spammed the board with this trash for months, then people wouldn't care enough to shit on you obnoxious faggots
Yeah good response dipshit zoomer.
I've been here daily since vanilla retail.
>I'll be equally as obnoxious as these other obnoxious faggots, that'll show them
That's a stupid way of thinking.
Skeram is still high/full, fuck off with this mentally retarded obsessed shit.
>Finally get a group for SFK
Holy shit I will throttle this stupid DDOS'ing teenager.
>take screenies at 4am
>game is dead
At prime time there is a 4000 queue on my server and I picked a "low pop" one at launch.
Retail gets:
>new expansions
>new races (eventually)
>new classes (maybe)
>new continents
>new quests
>new bosses
Classic gets
where should i go at 44. tanaris, feralas or wut
>STILL sub 60
>where should i go at 44
I'm judging you so hard right now.
^t. bad at the game
Unless you are crying about too much focus on ((((raid content)))) then yeah, they need to tone that shit down in terms of quantity, but could ramp up the difficulty.
Group of hairless apes should not be able to clear MC in mostly green and grays around level 58.
That guys face
It's a Skaven, don't think about it too much.
imagine paying to play a game that looks like an N64 game.
first time I'm witnessing someone who is most nostalgic about when he was fucking 28 years old. weird. normal people are nostalgic about their teens or early 20s because they had great friends before they moved away or because they could get wasted without a hangover or they got laid a lot or whatever. being nostalgic for playing WoW at 20fucking8 (my own current age). god damn.