This game is so fucking boring what an absolute schlog to get through

This game is so fucking boring what an absolute schlog to get through.
There's literally no mechanics in this world it's all pointless gimmics
>shitting horse
>shrinking balls

There's absolutely nothing to do except for the main quest and everything else is pointless.
In the cities you can't even go into buildings that are not jail, post office, barber etc.

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I absolutely agree.

actually, the most fun I had with this game was not with the main story, but going around towns and woods, searching for secrets, fossils, cigarette cards, and other stuff and collectibles
Hunting and fishing was great too, it's a shame online sucks because it could be a decent RPG, and it's the only western one

hunting, side quests, actually decent challenges, optional robbery tips did the job for me

So far I had the most fun in this game playing Poker and Planescape Torment is my favourite game.

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Side quests, fishing, hunting, fucking around in towns and robberies are fun what are you talking about

This. Just randomly exploring and finding weird shit and secret hidden spots is really fun. I can't wait for the pc release because I'm sure I missed a lot of things as Arthur.

It’s very overrated, the advertising is quite amazing.

The problem is controlling Arthur. They crossed the line between realism and fun. Exploring the world is simply not fun as it's almost like having and open world with tank controls from PS1 era. Makes everything incredibly slow.

It's great. Play it, buy it. Buy playstation now.

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I got used to it and alternate fps controls really helped. I know what you mean but you're really exaggerating it, they aren't PS1 controls. If it was that unbearable for you, they're working on an update to make everything more responsive. Maybe it'll speed up some animations too. I think that and KB+M with free aim will make things very enjoyable.

if you actually find it boring its just simply not for you
I know its like a shitter argument, but theres a reason a lot of people put literally hundreds of hours into the single player alone when you can beat the game in like, what, 30 hours or so?
some people like the slow pace of the game, the exploration, hunting etc
I absolutely agree its not a game everyone should praise, there are legit problems with it, but if you go in knowing and expecting what the game is like/about and you like the idea its literally perfect for you
I loved hunting in it for example and a lot of anons said how much they hated waiting for the skinning animations after hunting for a while, but if you play with free aim, no eagle vision and dead eye you appreciate what you hunt a lot more, since theres more to it than
>enter detective mode
>see animal
>L2, R2, done

Just explore the land, dude. The best part of any open-world game is aimlessly exploring.


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If only the map was full of moron seeds for you to find

no that’s E_______

The lighting in the game is really top-notch stuff.

Name a game with more enterable buildings on this scale of a world

good tech, awful writing, mediocre everything else.

>going around towns and woods
Literally just walking
>searching for secrets, fossils, cigarette cards,
Even more walking and occasionally pressing buttons prompts
>Hunting and fishing
Mechanically barebones therefore unengaging

How are there people that enjoy stuff like this?

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it is like that with all the big releases, main story and mechanincs are shit but autist like the most mundane and boring side shit, same shit with GTA V, main quest boring and shit but everybody wetn apeshit over fcking golf, hunting and tennis

Need to add a lance

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