Is doom the most ambitious game ever?

Is doom the most ambitious game ever?

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No, Fez and The Witness were both more ambitious.

Fact: Doomfags are the most autstic & delusional pieces of shit on this board aside from Smashfags. Shilling their garbage outdated piece of shit & acting surprised when nobody cares about it or praises it anymore like they do with Bioshock or Metroid Prime. All they can do is spam "Bbbut it was influential 30 years ago" or "Zzzooomer" other buzzwords like this 1000x times because deep down they know their game is garbage. For example, Undertale fags or The Last of Us fags can at least provide arguments as to why they enjoy those games, Doomfags are literally incapable of doing anything other than spam buzzwords & gatekeep about their shit game

Fuck yeah.

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look at all these nerds

Try Battlecruiser 3000

in pop culture it is
nobody has a clear idea of what doom's identity is, so even elitist fans make shit up about what doom is about
an example is how you know someone played it with a source port and not the dos release

Post mods that completely surpass the game they're made for

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Nah that's breath of the wild

>6 rockets to kill a cyberdemon
We get it, Mark, you're starving in Brazil for Patreon money.


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looks like a klan meeting

I am convinced that smashniggers had not heard about Doom or Doomguy before people started shitposting about him in smash-- as with most reps.

Isn’t that game just an Ubisoft openworkd game with a Zelda skin?

The good old days when games were made by whites for whites.

Absolutely not

DOOM was mostly played by blacks.

That's exactly the case, most stinkers couldn't even recognize Simon until he was added to their party game. During the banjo reveal there was a good handfull of them that couldn't even recognize a Jiggy, which is the main thing their biggest roster pick collects

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I'd say that all the Romancing Sagas and Saga Frontiers were a whole lot more ambitious than Unlimited Saga was. It simply didn't have the budget to even consider ambition and it shows everywhere.

Romero doesn't sound like a white name.

every day with this stupid faggot dog

Man every black guys evil in you guy's world huh?

Black Guy: Hello officier I need help getting my car started. I was just wondering if you could help.

Good Guy Cop:(What are these niggerisms? "Hello"? Must be gang talk.) *Twitches*

Black Guy: You okay man? *Backs away*


Black Guy: I don't have a g

Brave Hero Cop: *FIRES WEAPON*

Dead Bad man:

The Hero the City Deserves: I feared for my life.

Got a source for that Schlomo?

>being this delusional
I bet you live in an all white neighborhood

That would be Scam Citizen