Is it really a wonder this game has been abandoned? It's unfun at its very core

Is it really a wonder this game has been abandoned? It's unfun at its very core.

Attached: mordhau title.jpg (1552x873, 341K)

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never buy games Yea Forumsirgins think you shoud buy

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I dunno user, this really isn't that bad for an admittedly flavor of the month game with a dev team of like ten people. 5k players is more than enough to find full games in just about any mode you want. I've had hundreds of hours of enjoyment out of multiplayer games with far less over the years.
Why does a game need to be constantly shitposted here and have a playercount that rivals Fortnite or it's seen as a failure?

Attached: mordhau players.png (746x157, 81K)

>Why does a game need to be constantly shitposted here and have a playercount that rivals Fortnite or it's seen as a failure?
your first day here?

Just holding out hope there are still non-electionfag members of this board who want actual discussion, but I understand my question was rhetorical.

>For honor still have a hundred more players.
>Not even counting consoles.
Way to blow us out of the Water faggots

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A million flies eat shit, why don't you?

Mordhau's awful netcode and optimization alone make it a disaster. For Honor is at least kind of fun.

Just wait for the upcoming superior game

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>Epic Games Store

>awful netcode
>and optimization
Get a better rig and upgare your net

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Because i dont play Mordhau kek

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>devs release an update after several months of nothing
>try to join server
>literally can't join any server
>forums in flames because of this, rating tanking even harder
the developers are so fucking incompetent, don't bother with this garbage

You can see how awful the netcode is by looking at horses. The game's hitboxes fucking crumble when they're going at full speed, which isn't even that fast. Thrusts phase right through unless you aim several meters in front of the horse.

unless you wanna try to play competitively at the high level sometime down the road, i dont recommend it

This doesn't mention EGS doesn't have a cart. Yes, a service that is pretty much just a store front doesn't have a goddamn cart.

fixed last patch

>The grind to unlock anything other than the weapons is ludicrous
>Having any kind of latency issues makes the game borderline unplayable
>The maps are really unbalanced, each one favors a different team more than the other
>Horses are fucking obnoxious and are way too annoying to deal with for how easy it is to kill with them
Aside from that, it suffers the same problems all fighting games with high-skill tech suffers from, the people who played for the longest are good, so good they could go multiple rounds topping the scoreboard not dying even once, and literally everyone else underneath them gets their ass handed to them more than thrice as often as they can get a kill. The gap in skill is so incredibly large, that even if someone new hopped onto the game and "got good", they still won't be able to compete against the people who have been around the longest.
It shouldn't surprise people that these kinds of games have their playercount diminish. No one wants to play against the turboautists who have 1000+ hours in both this and Chivalry, except other turboautists who also have 1000+ hours in both this and Chivalry.

Only their retarded extra weapon reach was fixed, everything else is the same.

They added a new helmet in the last patch. 80,000 gold.

You earn maybe 500 in one game that lasts half an hour.

cope harder, steamdrones

The gameplay and attention to detail in the characters was clearly designed with passion, but that's about where the good things end. The way they've handled everything else is just so awful.

It's worse than a fighting game because this game's "skill" consists of spazzing out with your mouse and glitching your animations so that the enemy isn't able to tell what the fuck is going on.

only low level retards think you have to spaz around, maybe it was true for chiv, and though this game still of course is based around swing manipulation among other things, the high level players all keep their movements as smooth and as subtle as possible, spazzing out really doesn't work

Attached: mordhau hitboxes.webm (1678x944, 1.46M)


>blocks high
>hits low


should have ran to your left to make distance

For honour is f2p an still has a similar number of players (Oh and it's AAA, LMFAO)

should have functional animations instead maybe

t. silver player

For honor is just as shit in that regard.

tell that to crushed and then l2p instead of crying you pussy

this is your mordhau shill right here folks

Actually it just had a great update, has thousands of people playing every day, and is fun at its very core.

Why aren't you in elite yet Yea Forums?

because dicking around in frontline is more fun than getting sweaty in duels

It has a rating of 49% on Steam, which is accurate.

>with a dev team of like ten people
Oh yeah that totally excuses the absolute drought of new content and the new patch containing nothing worth mentioning aside from horse nerfs.
Risk of Rain 2 is being developed by even less people and they actually get work done every update, no fucking excuse

>Had 60000 players at it's peak
>Now has ~5000
It's nowhere near as popular as it once was, and the devs being incapable of making worthwhile decisions had a part in it.

> Developers keep threatening to add niggers and women.

Top negative review:

"Moreover, the community in this goodness. It's like 4.chan's /pol channel simulator. The chat is usually a place for the debates about the lost glory of Aryan race or ethnic origin of various players and occasional "fight me irl" bickering by teenage keyboard knights.

Griefers and trolls everywhere, guys barricading their own team inside spawn points, setting up spikes and bear traps to prank their own team. Try to stop them and they will have you votekicked for teamkilling. Speaking of which, the votekick is a broken, abused feature. Anyone can do it for whatever reason and as soon as others see someone being votekicked, they usually vote yes."

If you agree with that sentiment maybe you should go play overwatch instead faggot?

If the game had an actual way to create maps/gamemodes there would be a reason to use the dedicated servers and it'd have a stable population.

>top negative reviews all have hundreds of hours

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also games full of clanner autists and sweatlords glad i bought a autoblock shits great wrecking clan fags and retards on this game.

>rampart griefing
>abuse of votekicking
>votekicking being broken in the first place
yeah, I do agree with that

and? do you think first impressions are literally the only thing that make up an opinion?

>Can't join a single server without being automatically kicked because VAC timer expired
Do you agree with the developers making their own game literally unplayable?

britbong made this thread because he's banned from the game and a bitch

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>and? do you think first impressions are literally the only thing that make up an opinion?
no, but if it took you 500 hours to realize a game is bad, then you have mental issues

Idiot. U realize competition is a great thing, or most likely, you don’t....dolt

>the same type of numbnuts who spammed "SEE, IT HAS NO STUPID CHIVALRY BREAKDANCE SO IT'S WAY BETTER" during release now defend a slightly different flavor of retarded animation subterfudge with "git gud scrub"

or maybe after 500 hours the developers did something to change that persons opinion, you unimaginably stupid fucking retard

lol how'd he get banned? I remember banging him out and his little followers too 6 times in a row

ive played since release. no major changes have happened to the gameplay.

congratulations you figured out why the game is bad

team killing then reporting players who made fun of him for being short

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Feint spam made it unfun. Everyone just looks retarded and not like a real fight at all. Also 90% of the weapons are useless.

>Release game barebones as hell
>Release one of the worst maps in multiplayer history and then nothing else

Yeah I wonder why it lost its playerbase.

dont fix what isnt broken. seethe.

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The game hasn't been abandoned, it's just niche. Chivalry had consistent low thousands player counts for many years. This is just the next 'medieval fighting game', y'all are overthinking it. It also has a tough learning curve which stops many people from playing.

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big content patch next week

go back to your safe space games

crossroads is the best map in the game as of the most recent big patch

but the highlight of the last update (which took several months to make) was them attempting to fix horses, so what exactly are you saying?

and why are you posting that image?

Funny how none of the shills responded to my question.

I don't understand your mentality. Are you so retarded as to think that every game needs to increase the amount of content it offers by 100% every two months? Can't a game just be fun and stay fun?

this is Yea Forums not tech support, go ask on the forums

>go back to your safe space games
mordhau has a profanity filter

>i-it's not like anyone needs new maps or worthwhile content anyway
holy shit the shill cope is reaching critical levels

>Boring game.
>Full of lame crouch strat shit.
>Devs asleep.
>Full of obnoxious racists.

Is it any wonder?

>game is bad cos of Yea Forums!!
>game has profanity filter wtf SJW devs!!
Pick a side and stick to it you

It doesn't need new maps. Are you for real? It's just as fun as it was on launch. I hate this zoomer demand that all games need to be some kind of service oriented bullshit like fortnight with constant updates

my only real problem with the game is that the conquest maps are very laggy. TD runs great but no one plays it so my experience is always under performing in this game

Game will be dead with nothing but three autism duel servers. New players will buy the game on sale, walk in fully armored and equipped, and then get anally fisted by a naked assburger with 5,000 hours with his bare fists and quit the game in a day. This is how it dies. Many such cases in multiplayer games that are now long dead.



>game is bad cos of Yea Forums!!
when did I say this?

>can't even formulate a single sentence without having to grasp at muh zoomer fortnite boogeyman
>1 new map and horse nerfs are perfectly fine for over half a year of dev time past release
continue sucking that cock shill

every fighter suffers this exact same death

people in this very thread have made the "racist" argument retard

answer my question

New free content has always been a standard for PC online games since the 90s. It wasn't always called Counter-Strike 1.6.

I just play ranged and then spam stab at the sweaty tryhards who come chasing after me lmao

everyone here is anonymous cretin

so you were just spouting drivel with no basis on reality, way to go mouthbreather

user you've got it all backwards, multiplayer games with evolving metas and balance issues get released and then left to die by the devs while singleplayer games generally see years of post-release support

actually 80iq

that's still below average, which makes you a mouthbreather

It's been like 3 months. Honestly the game has needed zero updates since launch, but it's gotten 10. Seriously, what is wrong with your adhd riddled brain? Why do you think games need a constant stream of new content? Don't you just enjoy playing games because they're fun? They don't stop being fun just because time passes.

This is just completely untrue. A multiplayer game would release with a set amount of maps and gamemodes, then stay that way forever. Map packs would maybe be released but could cost money.

>literally 4 maps
>game has needed zero updates since launch

Those four maps have been good enough though. Why do you think it needs more?

I don't get your mentality. Are you so retarded as to think that every game should stagnate, that nothing at all new should be added while the game gets made worse and worse through poorly-thought out balance patches?

>literally the same stupid shit people were bitching about in Chiv that they claimed Mordhau would fix
>"lol just git gud" coping mechanism to justify their shitty purchase
No one except you autistic niggers are going to look at that webm and think "yeah that's totally fine and what I should expect in a fps melee game".

Real question: what is it about this game that it attracts so much shitposters? Are these just discord trannies? It's always retarded text in the OP with the same picture. Probably just one seething faggot

>4 maps, all with inherent side-bias, is fine goyim!
>you don't need more variety anyway because you're having FUN
>the devs are only ten people! making maps is hard and costs money!
>you should be glad they're even giving us anything more than an empty oval to fight in!

Or maybe because its one of the only games in the genre and some people are willing to put up with a lot of shit for it.

If you genuinely believe that the balance patches have made the game worse then you're insane.

And no, I appreciate when games get new content. I really do. But I don't expect content to double every 2-3 months because that's some insane adhd zoomer shit. If playing four maps over the course of 3 months isn't enough to entertain you for a few dozen hours you must have the zoomer disease. A new big update every 6 months to a year is appreciated. Any demand for more than that comes from the mentally decrepid zoomers who need new content because gameplay for the sake of gameplay drives them nuts. They need the content to be new to trigger their dopamine releases. Back before the zoomer generation games were like this And they were ten times better than the shit we get today.
>you don't need more variety because you're having fun
100% unironically correct. Take your adhd meds.

holy shit the retard shill is reaching critical buzzword mass, everyone take cover he's about to blow

game is extremely poorly optimized, especially the new crossroads

He is unironically true when it comes to zoomzooms.

As long as the core gameplay is solid, I literally don't give a shit about the maps

its like fighting games but not for normies, it's literally made for autists to sperg out about.

they could literally hire a down syndrome kid to design their maps for frontline and it would be better than the crap we got now

>dude games from 20 years ago didn't need constant content updates, people were able to have fun for hundreds of hours on just what was released
And the key part your missing from your logic is that those games released with 10x the content, so no shit people played those games for a lot longer without needing to be drip-fed new shit every couple of weeks.

>he doesn't know about jpging and wristy twisty

>good maps

>A multiplayer game would release with a set amount of maps and gamemodes
Double the maps compared to Mordhau at the bare minimum, on top of which most would actually be good/balanced. Most of those old games would also have custom content by now.

game would still be alive if they never made crossroads

>But I don't expect content to double every 2-3 months
No one else is either, nice strawman.

>mainly play ffa servers
>always get kicked for doing too well

Maybe I'd learn to do that shit if it was actually fun, which it isn't.

The game has only been out for 3 months and this thread is full of complaining about lack of content

>make the entire marketing about fixing animation exploits from chivalry
>end up with the same kind of animation exploits, just less fancy looking

>those games released with 10x the content
Apart from some standouts like Nightfire, Timesplitters, and Unreal Tournament, no they usually didn't.

How dense are you? They took out 360 spinning exploits and replaced that with a system that rewards intelligent movement and spacial awareness. You move your character to affect your weapon swing but within reasonable bounds. It's skillful without being exploitable.

thanks for reminding me to add
>i-it's been only 3 months! noone can expect more than a single bad map from the designers!
to the list of cope in

yea NAh. no game released with just 4 maps.

>but within reasonable bounds
keep telling yourself that faggot, a weapon point turning deadly within milliseconds because the parry and riposte animation don't even bother to blend into each other isn't reasonable. chivalry exploits were atleast entertaining to watch from the outside, this shit is so static it's even called jpging by the turbo autists

It's still fun. The devs have just done fuck all with their success. We've got 1 (trash) new map and a couple of weapons.

>a system that rewards intelligent movement and spacial awareness
>skillful without being exploitable
mordhau shills actually believe this

literally all the top techs are based and predicated upon a knowledge of the animation system and how to abuse it. most of which are coming from the 240 system. it's not based on spacing, or intelligent movement, it's literally about creating the most unreadable shit possible so your opponent has no clue whether the still image of the battle axe is a feint or about to come cascading into his skull.

The game was fun as fuck you retard.

Devs just need to add more maps and modes so people don't get bored.

>without being exploitable

They've announced a new gamemode that's gonna be dedicated attack and defence instead of the shitfest that is Frontline. Hopefully that'll make the game more enjoyable and they'll release it soon enough for it to actually matter.

took them long enough to just copy to from the game that birthed these shitters

There needed to be some kind of squad gamemode. The big battles are stupid because half the team is just doing whatever they want to, and the other half are meme builds

If there was a like 10v10v10v10 mode or something where each team was forced into an aesthetic and needed to work together it would be much more enjoyable.
When I’m dressed as a medieval knight and my teammates are a naked guy throwing fire, a byzantine, a nordic viking and a trap with a rapier its kind of dumb

Yeah but with more than four maps and usually a map editor for user created maps.

Still more than Mormeme,you know the ones you fags say It gonna blow for honor out of Water...they tried and failed.

>usually a map editor
try a dev sdk where people can make whole new game modes and games from the original game.

Mordhau and For Honor are nothing alike you fucking inbred, the ONLY similarity is armor man fight other armor man

i suggested they use footwork, only to be met with more crying

>exploits aren't exploits because you can do X to dodge them
flawless logic retard

Nobody is making excuses, so you can unwind your panties at any time, user. You're absolutely right that the game needs more content and significant updates but that's a different point entirely than OP shouting "FUCKING ABANDONED GHOST TOWN!" to start his thread.

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>Nobody is making excuses
did you just skip over the entire thread of
>why the fuck do fortnite adhd zoomers want more maps nobody wants more than 4 maps it's been only 3 months

youre limiting yourself to standing still for what reason? that's not particularity an exploit, its intended gameplay.

you have nobody to blame but yourself if there is a population of people who deal with these attacks easily, showing its possible, and you sit here and whine because you refuse to try to adapt.

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Doesn't matter, you responded to a post saying that the playercount is more than good enough to find a plethora of full games at all times by screaming about content and updates. Strawman a little harder, hombre.

Lmao. The devs were shilling here so hard
>pls buy our BASED AND REDPILLED game you can say nigger!
>okay we got the pol tard money. Put updates on the backburner and add wome - ooops nvm chiv 2 is a thing fuck this
Refunded after 7 hours because i told them the racist community made me uncomfortable and got approved. Lol

>that's not particularity an exploit, its intended gameplay
>who deal with these attacks easily
>refuse to try to adapt
lmao it really is chivalry all over again

you're free to watch a movie if you don't want any challenges

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Yeah just like Chivalry. It's a shit idea.

Attached: mordhau hitboxes 2.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

the combat is solid and utterly shits on chivalry in every way but the modes are terrible and maps are meh, with very little new content since launch. it's an ok game. the playerbase is average and pretty much as i would expect, what it had at launch is far above what devs would have ever imagined since it was never intended to be FOTM shit to begin with

there's already a bunch of other problems though like devs bending the knee to trannies/sjws and adding things like profanity filter, bans for "toxicity", not fixing bugs and exploits, content drought, etc. at this point when chiv 2 comes out the playerbase will split.


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>literally doesn't even attempt to block

look at the retard shill and laugh
literally defending shockwaves

if you're bad at games maybe

Get your eyes checked.

Note that this isn't a connection issue, as covered by the last video from this post

>F2P game has more barely more players

These games are shit and literally no one plays them

also i love being vote kicked on knights of olde ffa place is a circle jerk of faggotry.

mordhau is leagues above the other melee games it competes with.

after the big youtuber and "hee hee funne pan game hoo hoo" wave washed over, the game settled at the playercount it was always gonna have: the count of a niche, melee game with a high skill ceiling.

still a much more enjoyable game than either chiv or for honor, a game doesn't have 2 be top 5 most played games to be enjoyable lmao.

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honestly even dark souls pvp was more consistent than this shit

>mordhau is leagues above the other melee games it competes with.
You mean Chivalry?

>It's a shit idea.
It really isn't. Chiv and Mordhau are made by fairly incompetent or just lazy people but the idea is pretty solid.

That's how it was ten-fifteen years ago when consoles took over with shit like Call of Duty and Battlefield releasing map packs that divided the playerbase with paywalls. They were also among the few that actually released multiplayer expansions like United Offensive and Secret Weapons.
Closer to the turn of the century, every other game had mods and custom maps on top of the occasional free map that came with patches. The expected standard was free side stuff with patches before the AAA shit came and cut said standards' knees off.

What would a game with actually realistic medieval combat be like?

I can't really enjoy a game if it doesn't have cute girls I can mace in the sternum.

>still a much more enjoyable game than either chiv or for honor, a game doesn't have 2 be top 5 most played games to be enjoyable lmao
You're alright, user. Unfortunately electionfags can't comprehend that here. There's nothing wrong with staying in your lane and filling that niche, and if more small dev teams did it the industry would be a better place.

it would be a wrestling game

I just wanted chivalry 2 without the autism mechanic based pvp. Mordhau had my hyped as fuck but its got none of the cool game modes like dueling or objectives. Devs could have done this but they decided to not add shit to the game for 6 months.

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imagine dying before an ubisoft game

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This is what people seem to can't comprehend. They keep saying it's dying but its numbers were always inflated. The game is niche and has always been aimed at disenfranchised Chiv players.

should i make my own medieval melee game?

The idea is only solid if you look at it as a very general concept of "swords in first person". However, the foundation of both games' swordplay is shit - the focus on timed parries with "offense" being wiggling your body and camera around like a maniac in order to make the opponent mistime that super-easy and very generous parry window. The restrictions put on movement is also extremely aggravating, slowing your movement and worst of all camera turn rates while swinging.

The one game that did such an idea well was Jedi Knight/Academy, and it was almost entirely because it was so loose and not-restrictive. Even with its own points of bullshit, it was focused on evasion and aggressiveness rather than a game of taking turns trying to poke one another.

>I just wanted chivalry 2 without the autism mechanic based pvp.
so you wanted a shittier dumbed down game for baby retards

also there is duels, official and unoffical. retarddddddddddddddddddd

jedi academy is literally just wavy lmb glowstick spam

Last time i checked they didn't have it, regardless game still lacks modding and a lot of shit. Also, i want to have a skill based medieval fighting game, epic meme spins and shit are cancer and always have been, i realize its part of chivalry which is why i wanted mordhau to be the alternative without meme mechanics.

>The idea is only solid if you look at it as a very general concept of "swords in first person"
You kind of proved my point here. Your other complaints are about the gameplay, not the idea.
Mordhau also isn't that bad; I don't see many people spinning like a top and getting kills, and when they do they generally get punished hard for it. We'll see if Chiv is any different.

sweaty game

You clearly don't play the game much, or haven't for a long time, if at all, if you think people play Mordhau like they did Chiv or that duel servers exist.
People here complain about Chiv's ballerina spinning all the time but it isn't something the vast majority of Mordhau players do.

Attached: mordhau the bardiche.webm (602x548, 2.64M)

I mean it did but then the devs decided to be lazy fucks

>you can't use memetic dialogue on Yea Forums
>words have no meaning
fuck off

join server
get rdmed
get vote kicked by him and his circle jerking faggot friends

duel server's were a mistake

There are no "duel servers", use the official mode.

this all looks fine to me. Essentially the game skill comes from moving your camera and character to hit the enemy. I literally see nothing wrong with this at all.

There are both duels, and objective. No idea what you mean desu.

>for honor had to go f2p to stay relevant
>still only a few hundred players above mordhau

>absolute drought of new content
it's been




take your fucking pills.


Attached: 015.png (434x327, 55K)

good games don't stop being fun, only bad games do

We also have a new map coming next week according to Discord devs

>muh f2p
keep SEETHING mordaucuck,we still get content and the playerbase is stable unlike your shitty chivalry clone that died in less than a year

ranked is faggotry

Who cares about ranks? Just play.

put 80 hours in it and got bored. it's a fine game.

>niche game that nobody's heard of that's been available for years has almost the same playercount as a highly hyped indie game that came out earlier this year.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1129x254, 30K)

I had to uninstall it after 40 minutes because of how unresponsive my character was. It took seconds between pressing the mouse button and the swing to start.

HEY THAT'S ME. I was practicing something with my friend in that clip.

>be blind
>don't see the issue of windup animations being entirely skipped
>lol nothing wrong with that
chivalry breakdance is bad tho :^)

deadliest warrior had this. I miss it so much

maps are shit and frontline is a stupid game mode. of course it's going down.

>this game was supposed to kill for honor
mordbros... we got too cocky...

first person fighting games suck ass

Which video with timestamp. I don't see any animations being skipped

This. I still regularly play Dirty Bomb and that game has peak 400 players, but there's always populated servers. The skill levels are pretty bad though. The issue with low pop is balancing. The skill ceiling is pretty high so the newbies get absolutely annihilated by the vets.

We are reaching levels of adhd zoomer that shouldn't even be possible

>fighting games suck ass

No. Bannerlord finally has a planned release time.

>maps are meh
The maps are not just meh, they're abysmal.

fine, how about i make a melee game set in some other time period?

>selectively ignoring the fact that for honor is f2p and mordhau is 30 dollars

For Honor won holy shit lmao

Attached: btfo.png (1357x1195, 1.24M)

It was fun, but eventually the lack of polish is very apparent.
It sucks, too, because this game has a lot going for it. It could be a fantastic game about the craziness of being on the frontlines, having only a sword to your name and knowing you could die at any moment unless you remain aware of your surroundings.
But then the animation exploiters appeared. Yes, they weren't as crazy as the 360 spinning ballerinas, but they're enough of a problem to be frustrating to fight due to a lack of tangible information.
The times I've managed to do shit like that, the win felt undeserved. It wasn't like I outplayed a guy and got through his defenses, he just didn't know what to do against me and died every time. It wasn't fun, nor engaging.
t. 226 hours in-game, my most expensive item being the Feather Damascus Bastard Sword skin

how about you try actually following the point of the weapon instead of just staring at the guys face

I just want the chivalry map structure with mordhau mechanics. the mordhau maps are all just so samey and boring, glorified control points where you occasionally kill two peasants and go right back to tug of war

I miss the huge attack/defend maps of chivalry


fuck you im doing it anyway, egyptian melee game here i come

yeah, chivalry had better maps. Better aesthetic too. I remember the one nighttime castle map with fires everywhere. Muh comfy orange + blue.

Does armour in the game actually protects you? Because from what I saw on youtube people can totally kill you without using half-swording or murder-stroke.

mordhau has the gameplay/combat down but everything else is terrible. the modes are just so, so bad. frontline really is just the most unfun samey shit every time.

oh look the axe is way above his head before this faggot even began to parry. it's almost like he was way too late and didn't bother trying to actually aim it somewhere useful.

Attached: hitbox.jpg (1000x552, 202K)

It does, but some weapons just do so much damage it practically ignores armor. Like the Maul or Executioner Sword.

Attached: skill.webm (640x360, 762K)

>the axe is way above his head
>hit happens delayed down at the legs

>posting chivalry reverse overhead webms in a mordhau thread

damn we've been playing chivalry all this time

That was skill. He began to turn before he parried, then kept turning to make the start of his swing hit you.

All weapons have a cap on how far you can turn while swinging them. He minmaxed your scrub ass.


Armour changes a death in 1 hit to a death in 4 hits.

Each level of armour - light, medium, heavy - takes a set amount of damage from a certain weapon. For example, if a weapon deals 50 damage to a heavy armour torso, then it's always going to kill a person in 2 hits to the body.

Meanwhile, the scythe deals 100 damage to a no helmet, 30 damage to a medium helmet.

basically having any less than medium armour is worthless.

>mordhau niggers defending the same exact animation bullshittery as in chivalry with the exact same git gud arguments as chivalry players did back then
this season rerun is great, hits me right in the nostalgia

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in case you missed it, the reason people are upset about the lack of content updates is because the game shipped with none and what was there was horribly imbalanced on the 1 (one) actual game mode the game shipped with

Also, if a person halfswords you, you'll take more damage in heavy armour than you do in light armour.

>Being so mad about someone shining a light on how broken the game is you resort to calling them a scrub
Not even me playing, but okay. Enjoy your inability to tell what your opponent is doing, and dying purely because of that.

halfswording aint worth shit

>devs barely do fuck all or ruin the game
>but if you have hundreds of hours you are not allowed to leave negative review and criticize it
How are you liking that corporate cock, though?

its a repeat of chiv down to the devs being no shows about fixing shit, just this time the comp bootlickers will suck their toes because they came from chiv comp

how are they exploits if they're literally shown in the tutorial, retard?

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>shown in the tutorials

I have a lot of time in chiv and a lot in mordhau. The biggest problem for player retention is the combat and game systems have failed to capture casuals. It's a punishing, high skill genre with peculiar mechanics, it's not going to motivate most people to git gud. Combine that with slow content (small dev team) and subpar dev communication (that's on the devs and has been since the beginning), and you get this

It's a good game but it doesn't have the makes to please lower skilled players, which is the vast majority. It either clicks with you and makes you want more, or it doesn't. Most folks complaining about anims need to git gud, are experiencing lag, or very rarely finding things the devs need to fix. But spending too much time on the discord, I can tell you most complainers are just shitters. However, their feelings of not having fun are valid

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"the highlight of the update" are you retarded? what took the majority of the time was reworking the backend to support the competitive mode and the ranks.

as that was being developed, so were 2 new Frontline maps as well as a whole new gamemode, which is gonna be released within weeks.

first off, that's a waterfall, not a jpeg.
second, waterfalls are just an extension of drags, which are shown in the tutorial.

seethe, niglet

>put up without an update for literally 4 months
>update comes out
>its fucking trash adding in a shitty ranked mode
>BUFFS some of the best weapons in the game and nerfs others
>Shit-tier netcode still wasnt fixed, sword will literally phase through people like they're ghosts and you dont get a hit
I really hope it fucking dies, I wanted it to be good so bad but it's just not and I don't forsee it being good for at least another 3 years, that's if it even lives that long.

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>AKCHUALLY it's an entirely different exploit which is an EXTENSION (read: not literally shown in the tutorial) of drags
man your flock of disingenious faggots don't even realize you're following the chivalry playbook of normalizing and justifying animation exploits down to a T
absolutely hilarious to watch

>5k players is more than enough to find full games in just about any mode you want
try living in australia

whats shitty about ranked? plenty of people wanted it.

the only instances of weapons phasing i've ever experienced in my 400 hours are 1: very high ping
or 2: you over-accel your weapon and it goes through them so you can't reverse backswing people like you could in chivalry.

No, you're shown drags and accels in the tutorial, not the insane broken shit you can do with them, in relation to ripostes in particular.

How is it an exploit? The free form swing system is all about creative movements, though it can be and has been toned down when it gets too crazy, which is largely subjective

explain to me how they are exploits.

and if these "exploits" were so good and broken, why do you never see pro/comp players actually using them?

>people justify abusing unreadable animations
>the fact that trying to figure out what exactly your opponent is doing at the moment is actually harder than the mind game and prediction is considered to be a good thing

>whats shitty about ranked? plenty of people wanted it
It's ranked, ranked in any game is the most dullest shit imaginable. This is coming from someone who has many hundreds of hours in various games with ranked modes. When your game has 5 maps in its main gamemode, focus on adding more maps instead of a new mode that caters only to the sweatest niggers this side of Africa.
Second, in most servers my ping is usually around 68 which isn't "very high". I can't count how many times I initiated a stab and literally watched the fucking tip go into someone's torso, without them even parrying, and not getting a hit. It's ludicrous and its because of the dogshit netcode and servers themselves de-syncing the hitboxes. And this leads me backed to ranked: WHY THE FUCK WOULD I PLAY OR CARE ABOUT RANKED IN A GAME WHERE THE BASIC FUNCTIONALITY OF THE GAME IS OUTRIGHT BUSTED.

this game is reaction-based. the skill cap of the game is from trying to bait people's reactions (both in the combat and game chat lmao)

and wtf do you mean by "prediction"? this isn't a fuckin fighting game, there aren't combos and special abilities to predict.

Shockwaves are definitely an issue and one that can be fixed, but ultimately It's impossible to do this style of game well without momentum based damage. As long as weapons function as lightsabers, the meta will always be centered around hiding your animations to the point that you're forced to make guesses.


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your disdain of ranked is very subjective, many people wanted it and like the concept of ranked.

i would really like to see a video of these weapons phasing.

You're supposed to do that with morphing, feinting and chambering, not getting a riposte and twirling your mouse around like a fucking retard and getting a cheap hit thanks to the broken hitboxes.

not sure it was a waterfall, he did a wristy twisty sucker punch that was super dragged out.

all the evidence has already been posted in this thread already, especially the post with a list of youtube videos >windup state is obfuscated within a parry/riposte
>weapon appears fully stationary to enemy
>instantly transitions into release state and deals damage
>no readable animation whatsoever, just straight up getting smacked
if you can't spot this in the videos talking specifically about jpging then you're either a master of selective ignorance, or a previously mentioned disingenious faggot arguing in bad faith

you can buy that helmet for about a couple thousand
youre only paying 80k for the plume version and if you want to use a plume youre a poncy little faggot

>>The grind to unlock anything other than the weapons is ludicrous
its a game meant to be played indefinitely, and will be if it gets mod tools. who cares if it takes a while to unlock cosmetics, you're supposed to be playing because you like the gameplay, which i do. if you keep playing, eventually you can unlock everything, and if not, it makes no practical difference

"broken hitboxes" lmao one of the main features of this game is good hitboxes.

the "twirling your mouse around" aka drags you speak of are not only shown in the fuckin tutorial, but are also where the game's actual skill ceiling comes from.

Annihilation of newcomers is always a concern with a low pop game, but it’s usually not forever if they stick around and put in the time. I’m the same though, I’ve had hundreds of hours of enjoyment with games like RS2 Vietnam and Insurgency and their player bases were pretty tiny at the time.
Heres your examples. As for ranked I realize it's my subjective opinion, but as other people have iterated: the majority of people playing this game are casual shitters who just want to dick around on Frontline for an hour or two after work. They don't care about climbing the ladder, and if they do they only care about it casually and usually end up in a lower rank anyway. Maybe only 5% of the playerbase (or what's left of it) are dedicated enough to the game to actually take Ranked seriously.
And as I also said: if your game is fundamentally busted, why should I care about it? I like competitive games, but Mordhau is outright broken in many different ways, and should not have a competitive mode before all of that technical shit is fixed, and there's enough content (maps) in the game to placate the not-so-serious players.

people eat that shit up, there are cheaper variants of that exact helmet, but there's nothing wrong with having a super expensive item for sweats to grind to.

fuck off retard shill

Retards. It's a gobblydook that he turned into a zimbledongler mid swing.

>w-w-why do i have to play the game to unlock cosmetic items, i want them now!
go play more gacha

you're a fucking mongoloid

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> one of the main features of this game is good hitboxes.
Also drags and accels aren't the issue, it's the broken shit like JPEGs, Wristy-twisties, etc.

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what is jpging?

getting smacked by a weapon that was stationary relative to you a frame ago, thus a jpg

how many frames are you running?

So Mordhau is just Chivalry 2: Electric Boogaloo?

Wait, is the netcode really to blame for weapons feeling like they go through people? I always thought it was the fucky fish eye effect they have. Even with panini projection on it still feels hard to accurately gauge distances.

trying to play chivalry after playing mordhau is like trying to devolve back into a chimp.

i know this sound really shill-y, but you unironically can't go back after playing.

It died because the maps are hot uninteractive garbage. You aren't really a knight in a siege working with your team, you are a faggot in armor killing other faggots and there just so happens to be loading bars on the field.

Yes, as well as the shitty servers. I live on the east coast of the USA and I get no lower than 50 ping in any server.

Unless you're going in expecting stuff like this, how exactly are you expected to know how to deal with this? This isn't just making someone fall for a feint, this is actual ballerina swiveling.

i unironically want to be a chimp again
>throw shit
>it hits a post

What? I couldn't find any games on a Saturday evening in Oceania. I can still find games of Mordhau

You can't deal with it. There is literally no counter to it. That's why all of the tryhards are abusing it just like they did in Chivalry. And what's ironic is that they have the balls to shit there and talk shit about how Chivalry was straight up broken in much the same way, but they go right around and do this stupid ballerina JPG Wristy-twisty autism and claim "B-BUT ITS PART OF THE GAME!!!!!!!!"

this, the 64 player servers are also laggy as fuck, at least on My Machine™

if only it had proper maps like chivalry with proper objectives, frontline is a neat idea especially with engineers but 32 player TO wouldve been better, i know theyre adding it but i doubt itll work well with the current maps, they arent really all that good set dressing and theyre much less immersive

defending the mvp agathian king from gaysons was kino

im 99% sure that what this guy did was an accident, you almost never see this shit, no pro player do stuff like this, and it's not meta.

I lie the game a lot, and with steady releases and modding tools, i think it has a lot of potential. I'll post my biggest gripes, though
>rapier-and-shield-fagging hasnt been nerfed enough, in fact, i think the last patch added a bit to it, though those were across-the-board changes that happened to affect it
>no mod tools yet
>id prefer if momentum played a role in damage, like warband, but thats preference
>no siege game modes
>chambering stabs can be kind of fucky if someone jumps or side-/down-stabs and tehn centers it
>you'd think they could have put out at least one more map by now, but it is literally a team of 10 people, and had a small budget compared to most games that have this level of graphic fidelity and gameplay

It's true though. The only reason FH didn't completely die is because Ubisoft had to give it away for free multiple times.

>level 130
>at least 500 hours in the game if not more

how does dueling level work, anyway? right after i got enough to duels to be ranked, i lost a match, and i dont think the number relating to rank moved at all. so is it that you only move upward if you win, and you dont rank down, or did i misremember and probably lost at least a couple of points in that number? i only got rank 2 initially so i guess theres the fact im already low rank, and that match was against a rank 3

the master disgrace only plays free to play moba trash. free online yet no multiplayer games outside esports memes. Every fighting game is dead in less than a week, even cod gets shit numbers.

How do you even say this word? Mordhah? Mordhow? Mordhow?

the across-the-board changes were reverted last patch, and shields were nerfed HEAVILY, with a shield equipped, you now: move like you have level 3/3/3 armor on when you have it equipped at all times, you have 2 worse stamina parry negation than before, and all axes + the maul drain shield stam a fuckton.

momentum damage is a thing, but only while on horseback.

siege game mode is coming in the upcoming weeks, will be called "invasion"

you probably got stab-dragged, when they stab next to you, then move the stab onto you to make it harder to chamber.

crossroads was a map released post-launch, and they recently renovated it.

>siege game mode is coming in the upcoming weeks, will be called "invasion"
>upcoming weeks
Try sometime within the next 2 years

you lose MMR for losing, and gain it for winning. but it is all relative to your rank: aka a high rank beating a lower rank will give the high rank much less MMR than if it were the other way around.

Idk about net code but lag makes hits hit you sooner than they appear to on your screen

Mord-ow if you are German, Mord-how if you are American

It's a german word referring to a specific type of longsword grip where you grab the blade and use the hilt as a blunt instrument, it means "Murder-Stroke" in german.

it's pronounced "Mord-how"

>believing devs
>especially these devs

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i forget which patch notes i read today, i think its 9, or whatever ends with 9. in either csae, i havent played in a few weeks, and despite being relatively warmed-up, the rapier was too fast for me in a lot of cases whiel i was using an arming sword. obviously prone to maybe my reflexes arent that great, but usually stab-chamber-morph-kick would fuck them up. the shield isnt my issue so much as the rapier paired with it

i know about horse momentum, but drag-swinging and accelerating, i think, would be better with less and more damage, respectively


its definitely stab-dragging im talking about, idk if i have to move in front of them to chamber it, but it seems like trying to stab towards thier weapon doesnt help. or maybe im not looking far enough towards their weapon, or it just results in that i technically riposted too early. seems a little exploitative to me, though i dont have problems with other drags

do you have evidence of this? part of the "problem" is that PC is such an open platform that you have enough of a selection that you couldnt finish every game you could play on PC in your lifetime. even consoles have thousands of games each, but if you were autistic enough you could probably play them all. but my main point is that if you filter all those games down to games you personally are interested in, PC will always have the most, because its the largest pool. theres also easy as fuck piracy, whcih likely leads a lot of PC guys to generally go the route of single-player games

Even in fighting games your opponent doesn't really have a lot of meaningfully different options - they vary in range, speed, recovery, potential damage, and type (low/mid/high/overhead/throw), so you either attack with a certain string, block high, block low, or try to get out of reach in order to counterattack. Some moves are very fast and supposed to be expected, some moves are pretty reactable.

If the player can do something in order to make the move hard or essentially impossible to read in a reaction-based game, then it's a sign bad design. One thing is playing with timings which is fine, the other is moving in a way which makes your animation as hard to read as possible.

Does it take skill? Yes. Can people adapt in a way? Yes.
Let's ask the same questions about ballerinas in chivalry. What do you think the answers will be? Of course, yes to both.

Now, is it a good thing and does it really turn the game into a good sport? It doesn't. Vague animations do not belong to competitive games. If it's possible to make what you're doing essentially unreactable and you have to rely on guessing, then it's not that different from rock-paper-scissors. In other words, it is closer to gambling than it is to sport. Figuratively, you're not trying to guess what's in your opponents head, you're trying to guess what's in his hand.

So, considering that it's not really that good of a sport, why would I spend my time learning how to comprehend whether my opponent has chosen rock or paper when I could be playing a game which is more about actual mind games and therefore is objectively more entertaining regardless from if it's more or less demanding for mechanical skill?

mordhau hate threads pop up as soon as duel mode has been out for a bit lmao cope

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dreihander when?

have they promised timeframes they havent met before?

mordhau thread pops up as soon as developers put out an update after like 5 months of not doing anything you stupid autistic fuck


whats normal ping in most games? i live on the west coast and have a minimum ping of 37, slowly incerementing upwards for different servers, though sometimes that changes mid-game

Patch coming in mid July
wait actually patch coming mid August
actually nevermind patch coming after gamescom
last time patch coming at the end of the month

losing almost all of your placement matches must suck but its ok i believe in you

oh no, at most the patch was delayed 15 whole days. if only i were playing on a platform that had roughly 1.2 billion games released in the past year, i could dabble in different things while i wait for contentI'm interested in, after the 109 hours I've put into mordhau in the time since its release

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>have they promised timeframes they havent met before?

i meant by a significant amount, say im moving goalposts all you want. 15 days is nothing, if they promise a new map next week and it comes out at the end of september, im happy to play mordhau intermittently and other games i have interest in in the meantime

>Even in fighting games your opponent doesn't really have a lot of meaningfully different options - they vary in range, speed, recovery, potential damage, and type (low/mid/high/overhead/throw), so you either attack with a certain string, block high, block low, or try to get out of reach in order to counterattack. Some moves are very fast and supposed to be expected, some moves are pretty reactable.
I need to clarify that what I meant here was that despite not having a lot of meaningfully different options and being (usually) basically 2d games, they are still very interesting to play and master even disregarding learning combos. Mordhau technically is not considerably more limited - there's weapons with different range, speed, recovery, potential damage. "Type" of attack can be translated to different directions from which the attack is coming (left/right/up/down), plus kick. Then there's a resource, which is your stamina.

That's already more than enough nuances to play around and there's no desperate need to somehow increase the complexity of this combat system. Vague animations don't add anything of actual value to it aside from "skill ceiling increase" which by itself is worthless and should always be paired with means for reliable counterplay.

How is July to the end of August 15 days?

you're not entirely wrong, 4 or 5 maps is pretty bad, and it gets repetetive, but they shipped with 5 game modes, and it took about a month for frontlines to become mostly balanced.

so far I've disagreed with people saying you have ADHD to not be on board, but i have to conclude its entirely apt for you

Depends, below 50 is usually the best you can get unless you live right next to the server

my bad, i focused on the "actually mid august" part. thats not great, i admit, but i dont believe theyre trying to deceive, but throw out anticipated dates as best as they can anticipate. probably related that they released two patches since, once august 30th or so and one september 1st or so. idk if you've ever tried to code, but its a bitch, and they implemented a new game mode and ranking system

so its pretty normal, and that user one post removed from you is a bitch?

>Kingdom come deliverance looks cool but, not quite what im lookin for
>Sees Mordhau as a great alternative
>CHecks price

Why are these early access buggy games so pricey

pls gib mone

potentially it can be, but the only thing epic games has offered over steam is the games they paid out for exclusive release. still waiting on seeing the benefits EGS' competition will bring to PC

just chamber. it requires precise enough timing that feints shouldnt throw you off. then again, im somewhere around 120-140 fps on high settings, while all i see in webms is sub-60 fps on medium or lower settings

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>modding tools are in development
>two new maps are in development
>one new game mode is in development

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are you agreeing with me or being ironic? thats a pretty apt image, imo

at least for the timeframe and dev employee count we're dealing with

the change in overhead swing to a lesser angle is a godsend, i could never fucking chamber those before

what did the last patch change for crossroads?

this. i bought it day one or so and had an easy time adjusting with everyone else to the gameplay changes vs chivalry. it would probably be much more difficult to acclimate now, especially for those unfamiliar with chivalry. i bought my friend the game, and the last frontline game i played with him, he went 0-16 or something like that

>mordhau has a profanity filter
since when? what does it filter, and how does it filter? just fails to post whatever you said?

>Full of lame crouch strat shit.
those few people you encounter who crouch under a swing are cool as fuck. how is that not a benefit to you over an added dimension of strategy and gameplay? i havent even tried it yet because id probably just get hit by distracting me from the other combat elements

rate my duel knigger

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Git gud

your loadout and your looks are both very shitty. congrats

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>armor, buckler, flesh wound

>because you're having FUN
if we're getting into retarded semantic arguments, then yes, having fun is more important than anything else. fun is a conclusion. if you're arguing it's fun, you should be able to back it up. but if you say its fun as a conclusion, then its fine for someone to ask you to back that up, or for whomever said its fun to enjoy it. implying "fun is a buzzword" is not an argument. whats your favorite game made by ten people +/-5?

>flesh wound
didnt have anything else useful in a duel to invest in after falchion/buckler(i guess i coulkd invest in more armor, but i like improved movement and footwork

when i started out in the ranked dueling, id often run into me or the enemy being disarmed. despite the fact i mostly chamber, if i pay enough attention, and block for the disarm hit, i lose the buckler, i believe gain a little bit of stamina for some reason, and am able to continue fighting without attempting to swing for the rafters with my fists, or running like a headless chicken looking for my sword. i absolutely wouldnt use this build outside of dueling

> id often run into me or the enemy being disarmed
> despite the fact i mostly chamber
There's your problem

blocking then parrying isnt very useful in a duel, itll result in the same loss of stamina and disarming, just over a longer period of time, it easier to counter. even chambering then morphing is often blocked/chambered. if you're trying to say i should be blocking most of the time, then the buckler reduces stamina cost of blocking, though not by much with such a small weapon

Chambering and morphing cost more stanima, especially if you do them often. It's better to just riposte off of one another and break your animations until one of you gets hit.

>conquest maps
you motherfucker, i thought they relaesed the siege mode without me realizing. you're talking about frontline. i guess i live in a highly populated area relatively near a server. ive seen some pretty bullshit lag, but for the most part im pretty good, idk how it compares to living somewhere else

>mordfags defend this

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that requires that i press lmb and rmb at the same time, right? if so, i admit that i havent really used that at all, either through negligence or just trying not to invest in an attack when im not sure im going to get hit

drops down to his right and is then aimed at his legs. you think you cant bring something down vertically and then pivot to angle it to the side?

also worth mention is that overhead attacks are designed this way so that they have a small horizontal area of attack, making it both harder to hit your opponent in the head(the most damaging area), and so that its one form of safe swing among allies where you wont hit them

Kind of, a riposte is when you parry the other person and immediately attack afterwards. You'll see the circle part of the crosshair go hollow when it's a riposte. When you riposte, make sure to accel/drag super fucking hard as well because your animations will be fucked up to the other person, and it'll be harder for them to parry your attack (or in some cases you can go right around it)

not if there's a head in the way, no

>drops down to his right

Attached: makes sense.png (1648x886, 2.64M)

through his arm?
fuck off retard your game is shit and dead

Maybe it was a kangaroo holiday?

the ability to make the enemy perceive your windup animation as stationary also completely fucks with the balance intention of said windup animation

at best it hits his shoulder

on one side, the hitboxes are kind of fucked, on the other, making it harder to hit overheads(the maximum damage possible if you hit their head) is a decent balance. remember this also helps to not hit your teammates, in which case you have the options of stab or overhead, otherwise youll do a shitton of team damage. id be alright with more perfect hitboxes, but the patch notes theyve released are higher priority imo

specifically to you, what player count did chivalry survive in all these years?

Yea Forums and /vg/ have constantly shown to be massive scrublords who I've quickly learned to disregard almost all advice from

>Lmao shields aren't broken just kick bro
>A literal newbie joined the pro scene and started thrashing 2000+ hour alpha vets and 3000+ hour chiv vets by unga'ing with shields
>Literally defending gambling
>complaining about basic accels and drags instead of actually broken shit like waterfalls
>complain about completely useless gimmick shit like wristy twisties and jpegs
>Not a SINGLE one of them complained about the 25ms reduction in release from stabs and strikes (That got quickly reverted) which made certain weapons literally unreactable and made parrying a straight 50/50
against feint spams which were readable before

I don't go to the fighting game generals in /vg/ so I wouldn't know if they're filled with scrubs, but Yea Forums and the mordhau threads on /vg/ are absolutely filled with these idiots. They're the same kind of people who go up against a King in Tekken and bitch when they get RDC'd like a complete moron.

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>Chivalry 2 will be available on PC, on the Epic Games Store at its launch in 2020. After one year, it will be available on other PC digital store fronts, such as Steam.
And just like that Mirage 2.0. Tornbanner needs better leadership.

>artificially restricting where your game can be sold because some chink gave you money

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>we still get content
try seeing if you can say that in 3 months time and then you might have a point

The average player having input on high end balance is always a mistake. They couldn't see the issues with shields because they never had to actually verse someone at a skill level where it actually mattered and they honestly think just because someone can run behind you in frontlines that makes it balanced.

>about to lop some niggers head off
>horsenigger ally comes speeding in between us, saving the enemy

Attached: Capture.png (1280x717, 2.19M)

is it better for the game to die because of the high skill ceiling, or die because any jabroni can come in and not die?

>>Lmao shields aren't broken just kick bro
It literally is that easy
>>A literal newbie joined the pro scene and started thrashing 2000+ hour alpha vets and 3000+ hour chiv vets by unga'ing with shields
the """"""""""""""""""""pros"""""""""""""""""""" rely wonky animations to trick people into parrying, they literally cannot cope with the fact that there is (was) a counter to their bullshit
>>Literally defending gambling
Yes if you do a 360 spin drag into feint into accelled feint with a jump then emote cancel into stab morph with every attack, I will simply stab you when I see you do something. Stop being so easily read instead of complaining about MUH GAMBLING
>>complaining about basic accels and drags instead of actually broken shit like waterfalls
Are you retarded? What threads are you browsing?
>>complain about completely useless gimmick shit like wristy twisties and jpegs
Are you retarded? What threads are you browsing?
>>Not a SINGLE one of them complained about the 25ms reduction in release from stabs and strikes (That got quickly reverted) which made certain weapons literally unreactable and made parrying a straight 50/50
Are you retarded? What threads are you browsing?

Horsefags are retarded 9 times outta 10. I’ll be in a 1v1 and some moron on a horse ON MY OWN GODDAMN TEAM will interrupt the fight, killing me instead of the bad guy. I hate them so fucking much.

Dunno when you last played but the recent two patches from just a week ago fucked horseniggers in the ass

>No longer get a damage bonus unless they're full sprinting
>The damage bonus now goes both ways
>Bump hitbox reduced
>Horse acceleration is slower

This is the exact kind of retard I was talking about. The fact you're being so facetious and butthurt about being called out for gambling shows it all. Don't think, just unga. Great mentality, I sure do value someone's nuanced opinion on delicate weapon balance and mechanics when they literally rely on gambling on luck and hoping an attack goes through.

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>Hardcore must have ranked gameplay redditor ruins another game
At least some of the fighting is alright but Ive never dropped a game harder and faster from the lack of updates

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probably because mordhau was shitposted in a lot of that one multiplayer game with 3 directional blocks that i legitmately cant remember the name of, though its been mentioned in the thread and i cant be assed to look through it again. it could also be angry consoletards, and i guess less likely but still possible is the ones who cant git gud. maybe chiv fags that think chiv is the end-all be-all. very wide range of possibilities, but most likely of all is that Yea Forums will shitpost anything in hopes it will be the next tortanic

since the day mordhau was announced, mordhau niggers invaded every For Honor, Mount and Blade, Kingdom Come Deliverance, literally anything with swords so they could talk about how Mordhau would blow x game out of the water

Game would a lot more fun if people played more than 3 weapons

>t. only blocks and doesnt chamber
protip: chambering means you have to wait until their attack is fully committed to counter, and at that point you should know exactly whats going on. the only exception is lack of reaction speed or fps

God it's true. I'm not sure what's worse, being ass at the game, ignoring its mechanics and refusing to improve, or being so assblasted at a combination of the above you come here to bitch and moan.

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i honestly wonder why that is. my best guess is that its become more complicated to the point that they have to develop mod tools separately so that the mod tools arent a clusterfuck to people that arent developers, and that would net you the most benefit, i.e. content from those tools

for honor, thats what i was trying to say

So in the end Mordhau turned out to be just a slightly updated Chivalry.

As new players leave/avoid the game only the hardcore fags remain and then "jpg'ing" or whatever dumb name you've given animation-snapping will be part and parcel.
Mordhau will die in the same way Chivalry did, just much faster.
How it is possible to kill a game this fast is beyond me, but it sure is impressive.

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How would you guys feel if the Elder Scrolls 6 had mordhau combat?

You'd have all the neat tricks and tools to actually give combat a skill cap and keep it interesting but since elder scrolls is a single player game you don't need to worry about AI abusing meme mechanics , or bad netcode, or being an autist that's played for 4,000 hours that you couldn't ever possibly defeat anyways.

It'd be great. I've always wanted something with this combat in a singleplayer game that makes it more challenging, instead of just LMB spam until the enemy is dead. Basically just a clicker game.

>just like Chivalry
>chivalry was alive for 6-7 years
probably accurate. they're niche games, after all

>with "offense" being wiggling your body and camera around like a maniac
this is so rare it might as well not be mentionable. play the fucking game, or fuck off

Who else/eveningstar/ here?

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>this is so rare it might as well not be mentionable
It'll keep becoming more and more common as only the hardcore fags remain.
It's already happening on EU, because EU has higher skill, US will follow soon.

This type of combat doesn’t work well with AI. It’s just boring.

maybe the EU is just full of more fags that would rather exploit than have fun in a fair game. either way, works on my machine

>either way, works on my machine
Yeah, for now. Dumbfuck.

pocket sand better make it in

OMG, why did he die? so unfair

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>wtf is windup? if i were in a medieval battle, i would just swing instantly

>without his private server cheats he'd be dead. not going to bother watching the rest

there’s a box you can tick above the chat box now that filters out no-no words clientside.


>using the fucking katana skin mod

Fucking kill yourself nigger

you’re a dumb nigger chimp
if attacks were instant like in Skyrim or whatever your zoomer ass plays, no one would be able to read anything.

you want insane drags here they are

boo fucking hoo

What regions servers are you playing on?

seething aussie spotted


I've never seen this in my over 100 hours of playing. you'll see maybe one out of a hundred players that use moves you could call exploits, and i think im being generous with that number. i guess worthy of note, but not something to expect

>>put up without an update for literally 4 months
>the games been out literally 4 months and about 10 days
>10 patches, one including a new map, and one including a new game mode, the rest being useful balances and bug fixes

Who is this faggot who is making it his mission to talk shit about this game? Why do people do this?

mordhau faggots brought this upon themselves

It’s mainly for honor fags mad because retards shilled Mordhau in FH threads

also people complaining because they’re bad


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this is actual cringe you edgelord weaboo faggot, Jesus.

learn some social awareness.

The biggest problem is since chiv predates it and was virtually the only game of its kind ( WITH a playerbase ), everyone who was interested in this type of game got that, played it and got over it. Mordhau dosent add to or change the fundamental gameplay so there's not much interest holding people on.

Same with insurgency. Sandstorm is shiny and new...but that's it, and the original insurgency has gone on sale for 1$ so many times anyone even remotely interested has got it and played it and is more or less done with it.

It's not a bad game. I've just already played it for 2000 hours. Under a different name.

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That's fucking gay

only problems i have with mordhau aren't even mordhau problems, they're chivalry rapefugees and those dumb fucking deathmatch server-blocks with custom maps that allow their cocksucking flunkies to spam firebomb at spawn for xp/gold grinding and tell you to equip fireproof if you don't like it

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Man that shit was a disappointment. I unironically liked Day of Infamy more.

It's disappointing but only because you played the FUCK outta the first one.

Equip fireproof if you don't like it


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Same, to an extent. It's a combination of something just feeling off about the gunplay from the first game,maps being a step down, and the cancerous underage fanbase that does it for me.

this is an accel feinted into a drag
he fakes an accel to bait a block but turns it into a drag before the accel hits and after the block fails

Stay mad that I kill you with an unparalleled edgeon my blade

God I cant wait until this modder makes Japanese armor sets as well

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It feels off, but I absolutely bet that it felt off when first playing original insurgency. The aim being independent of the center of the screen unless iron sighting definitly was unusual at first. I'm sure it would become second nature eventually....but why bother. Just fire up old insurgency.

I don't think that actually happened. It's more likely you're a delusional autist with a hateboner.

Let's assume each game of Horde, when played to completion, earns you 1360 gold. In order to afford one of the 40000 gold items, starting from 0 gold you would need to play about 30 or so perfect games.
That's 30 games of Horde where you or your team don't lose, or you get kicked, and have all your progress wasted.
Assuming each game of Horde takes about 30 minutes, that's about 15 hours of straight, uninterrupted gameplay. Again, assuming you manage 30 perfect games of Horde in a row. I'm not going to get into the other gamemodes.
I get the idea behind giving the game longevity, but this isn't how you do it.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if the game didn't have a lot of jank shit that can completely fuck you over.

This. Everything should cost less than 100 gold, it's not fair.

See? Now you're getting it.

>No viking content package
>No aztec/mayan or "precolumbian" native package
>No Orient package
>No European country specific package (aka Spain and Terico/Conquistador)
>Not even a flair or cat-o-nine
What the fuck are the devs thinking

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those guys suck at patching a game.

Still pretty great. Only people who don't like it anymore are people who couldn't move past learning how to avoid feigns.

Why does it feel like everyone has infinitely more range than me in this game? I watch my weapons model go straight through peoples heads and do nothing and then they swing and it feels it wont hit me but then it does from like 5 meters away

Being unable to simply host a private match between players is what made me uninterested, and I was keeping an eye on Mordhau for years.

I tried it, didn't enjoy it. Sure, it was fun being a bard for a little bit, too bad there aren't enough maps to justify keeping it. Had a whole refund and bought lobotomy corps instead. It was good shit

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