>[Regarding Dark Souls III]
>Because this is no longer a series where you outsmart your opponents; it's a series where you press the roll button at the right time.
Was he right?
[Regarding Dark Souls III]
Other urls found in this thread:
oh no oh no
He was completely right and all of his criticisms applied equally to Sekiro.
He was right. Dark Souls 3 is sleep inducing, and Sekiro is just bland as fuck.
>i have to rely on what other people say for my own opinions
god i wish i had a fat gf, bros
Wait he made a DS3 video?
i always saw that as From’s response to all these two-handing roll spamming fuckers that never bothered to learn how to parry
It's always been a series where you press roll at the right time. He should take off those rose-tinted glasses.
This is correct. All the Souls games are janky and play like shit. Even Matt acknowledges that the series has shit gameplay.
Sekiro arguably plays the best out of all From games, but it's still behind most action games.
>no longer a series where you outsmart your opponents; it's a series where you press the roll button at the right time.
It was NEVER a series where you "outsmarted" a braindead scripted AI opponent nor was it ever intended to be one. It is a single player game. If you want a game where you are playing against brilliant minds and outsmarting opponents, then play a fucking multiplayer game you moron.
League of Legends
>tens of millions of people regularly play it regularly
>spend thousands and thousands of hours just trying to just get to diamond and be even the top 1%
>even after you finally reach the top 1%, still have a massive skill gap to top .1% and then even bigger skill gap to top .01%
>the people who succeed in it are generally very high IQ individuals who see the game from a totally different perspective and could literally talk for dozens of hours on end about game theory and meta and tactics
>team of hundreds of people who work on continually updating and balancing the game as the meta changes
>Need wide range of intense mechanical skill, intelligence, reaction time, reading of opponents, planning ahead, strategy, knowledge of meta, multitasking, map awareness, etc.
single player "difficult games"
>dev (usually one guy or a small team of literally whos working in their basement) makes a random maze of bullets or platforming obstacles where you need to follow an exact path to get through everything
>spend hundreds of hours in a vegetative trance as your muscle memory slowly learns the exact precise timings for this random path that someone spent ten seconds making by randomly moving around and then put bullets and obstacles everywhere else
>no need for intelligence, reaction time, reading of opponents, planning ahead, strategy, knowledge of meta, multitasking, map awareness, etc.
Pssh, there's plenty of game play
-knowing when to roll
-knowing where to stand
-running past all the annoying enemies
The list just goes on and on
Most bosses in that game boiled down to spamming roll and then attacking during an opening, for me at least. So I think that's agreeable to an extent, but it's also kind of a reductive way to look at it since not every fight has an identical pattern. I wouldn't say that fighting nameless king plays out exactly the same way as fighting that scythe bitch from the dlc for instance.
Rollspamming is a meme criticism
Rollcatching is easy in PvP, and later enemies in PvE can also rollcatch due to differently timed attacks
Rolling might be a little too strong in DaS3, but it is still more balanced than poise in DaS1
not everyone is a korean autist user...
as opposed to attacking when you don't have an opening? how is that criticism?
This is not chess or go. You don't outsmart a computer program, you just learn from its pattern.
But what are we gonna do about it? Every Souls clones just wants to copy the combat, UI, and respawn system. They're all shit with shit weapon variety, shit bland level design with the same enemies in the same areas, and most of them don't even have pvp.
And when exactly did I say that that's a criticism or necessarily even a bad thing? I just said that's how all big non-gimmick fights played out for me. It all just comes down to reaction and basic pattern memorization, for better or worse.
I can't believe all those Fromdrones recommending Sekiro as something different to people who felt burned out on the typical formula. What a bunch of disingenuous frauds. I know they actually fooled a few people, and probably themselves. I don't think it's a bad game but it's not going to cure your growing indifference to the Souls formula.
His Lost Soul Arts video was basically about Dark Souls 3, and Bloodborne, and prophetically Sekiro.
He predicted Sekiro before it was even announced.
If you only dodge in Sekiro, you will not get anywhere. In fact you will die nearly 100% of hte time if you only dodge.
His video was really laughable with his contention that you used to "outsmart" enemies in Souls games. It's the worst video he's ever put out.
To be fair he said you need to roll at the right time, implying slightly more skill than roll-spamming.
I never get this response
>Hey this guy said something in a video I happen to agree with myself
This criticism applies to literally every Souls game
Every boss is dodge at the right time, attack/heal, rinse and repeat
The only exceptions are gimmick bosses that are almost universally shit and despised by fans
Why does Matthew think Demon and Dark Souls are so much better when they’re just the same game as 3 with less polish?
>Why does Matthew think Demon and Dark Souls are so much better
Because they are, zoomie.
It's not about dodging specifically because in Sekiro, sub in parrying for dodging and the same thing applies. It's about every boss fight turning into a retarded rhythm game because that's what everyone involved in Souls games considers "honest" combat.
No those times where you would throw a firebomb to take out a crowd was the wrong way to play, probably some sort of leftover code or glitch, you were supposed fight all those ambushes and just roll through them
No, that's his only time he's been wrong. Souls is still better than most games that have come out this decade and this generation in particular. I don't have much to complain about when, despite their flaws, they are the best series of games that have been released in the 2010s.
I think it just became a known quanitity and we all went into III with the skill and understanding to know we could just run around half naked spamming the roll. I could probably go back to I and treat it the same way and III, for all its flaws, has greater enemy variety with tougher movesets.
>Souls is still better than most games that have come out this decade and this generation in particular. I don't have much to complain about when, despite their flaws, they are the best series of games that have been released in the 2010s.
His expanding on his feelings of Dark Souls II and his feelings about people using youtubers arguments instead of their own was interesting to listen to on the infinite review podcast
Yes he is right
DS3 turned into a shittier dmc 1
>Oim gonna layber arbitrary points for menuts at a toime to make meself sound intelligent, where's me lucky charms and potaytoes
What did he mean by this?
>sub in parrying for dodging and the same thing applies
You're saying you have to block in a game where they built the combat system around blocking?
>It's about every boss fight turning into a retarded rhythm game
If you're uncreative, sure. Sekiro really doesn't have a lot wrong with it. Least of all criticisms about its combat.
>Sekiro really doesn't have a lot wrong with it.
what are the best games released this decade if not souls im curious
I have that same webm, but it's titled
>Can love bloom on the battlefield
No, I normally like the guy but a lot of the stuff he's said about the Souls series since after Bloodborne came out has been kind of dumb. The Souls series has always had pretty braindead AI and been about rolling or blocking, the only change in that regard is the later games emphasize rolling over blocking a lot more. I'd be curious if anybody can name even a single time in Dark Souls 1 when the genuinely felt like they were "outsmarting" an enemy (with the exception of invaders).
Dark Souls and Bloodborne are among the best released this decade, yes, but you'd have to have monumentally shit taste to think Dark Souls 2 and 3 are.
He’s absolutely right. The Souls games put less and less effort into their immersive qualities as they go on, and they’re worse for it.
>The Souls games put less and less effort into their immersive qualities as they go on
would still rather play them than most games this gen, even matthew has admitted this
>later enemies in PvE can also rollcatch due to differently timed attacks
That same video complains that the staggered windup animations are so common in the later games that they also become a dull routine.
>You will never get to play Matthews version of Bloodbourne
>would still rather play them than most games this gen
His idea for Blood Vials is a really good one. Healing is far too trivial and abundant in that game.
This guy is such a fucking pedantic autist that he completely misses the big picture.
>this is no longer a series where you outsmart your opponents
>translation: I want more gimmick bosses like in Demon Souls
How does anyone take this retard seriously?
because you can use other playstyles more effectively in demon’s and dark 1. dark 3 requires a roll playstyle because every boss will break through a shield by hit 2 of their 7 hit combos, and they often distance close too fast for ranged builds
We're talking specifically about bosses because one of Sekiro's big flaws is that its mook enemies (and I would argue its constantly repeated mini-bosses) are complete jokes. Every boss boils down to the exact same block-the-arythmic combo, get one or two hits in, then mash attack on their block until they parry, then repeat. Throw in a mikiri counter or jump counter on occasion when the big flashing red danger sign comes up. There's no reward for creativity and you're usually actively punished for doing anything besides the normal routine because enemies have absurd tracking and kill you in one or two hits. What is the point of doing anything differently when the basic routine is builds up posture so efficiently? The entire skill aspect of the game boils down to memorizing the weird timings on attacks, which just isn't fun anymore.
by outsmart he means look up how to cheese every boss on the wiki
Enlighten us on this bigger picture, oh wise user of distinguished taste.
Kiting mage/pyro is perfectly viable, and you've never used a greatshield
does high monk give you better posture damage compared to just normally jumping over a perilous attack and goomba stomping?
I am so glad the refund functionality exist.
If from is going to do boring combat-focused games, why the hell did they include the undercooked stealth? It played like ass.
Considerably more
just like any tool in the game shields are good against some bosses, bad against others. obviously you're not going to block through pontiff's entire wombo combo, but he's also vulnerable to parrying. nameless king doesn't have long combo chains but he does a lot of damage, a shield makes more sense to use there.
How can anybody listen to this fuck?
>which just isn't fun anymore
For you. Maybe action hack and slashers aren't your thing?
the fact that they designed a game around exactly one playstyle should be indicative of how profoundly right Matthew is
Where did he say that?
I think outsmart enemies is the wrong way to word it, but I think before when you were being ambushed or outnumbered you were supposed to use the environment to your advantage, like luring them into traps or just running to find a better position so you don't get surrounded, I always felt like you were supposed to "break" the encounter design and not fight on the enemies terms and to not just rush into mobs
Why do discord trannies hate Matthew so much?
>The only exceptions are gimmick bosses that are almost universally shit and despised by fans
Fuck you, gimmick bosses are the best. "Honest swordsman" is the most boring shit in the world.
And his point lies more in that the games used to be about more than combat.
>is that its mook enemies (and I would argue its constantly repeated mini-bosses) are complete jokes
I'm not sure I understand. After a certain point, or outright? If you say outright, you're lying. If after a certain point, well yes. It's a video game with set patterns.
>There's no reward for creativity
Says who?
>which just isn't fun anymore.
Maybe something like DMC is more your speed, but nothing you said is an intrinsic knock against Sekiro.
Matthew is an absolute boring hack now. What went wrong?
Yeah, people like him will never be able to make a good game. These are the people you hire to be QA testers.
I've unironically seen people claim sekiro created a entirely new genre.
This is just completely untrue
Magic, faith, and pyromancy builds in 3 are just as viable as the other games
Source: new game+3 sorcerer with friends who specialize in pyromancy with the demon fist and faith with tears of denial respectively
Because he thinks he's a fucking academic when he's just yet another youtube critic. He was great at the start and then he got high on his own farts and the rest is history.
His early stuff is much better.
>Sekiro didn't create an entirely new genr-
But they don't copy the combat, Nioh plays completely different and much better.
>it's a series where you press the roll button at the right time
That was the case since the beginning. Only pretentious soulsfags thought it was anything more than that.
shit I gotta try it, looks satisfying as hell flipping over attacks
I was always using shadowfall and dragon flash
hitbox porn mmmm didn't even know u could do that
Based and Niohpilled.
If you're uncreative, sure. I strongly maintain that the Sekiro detractors have more issue with the game not being for them than anything actually being wrong with the game. There are things wrong with it, but complaints about the combat are not it.
Prove it
>gimmick bosses are the best
Usually those games have greater opportunities for player expression. There is usually more viable options of engaging your enemies in dedicated action games like bayonetta or dmc.
>Yea Forums gets their opinions from e-celeb youtubers
LITERALLY making a thread about it
fucking pathetic
>Usually those games have greater opportunities for player expression
lmao so go play paint you double nigger
Wasn't in Demon's Souls.
whaaat that's dank as fuck how do u get izuna drop in nioh
Bed of Chaos has more merit to it than Gael.
The enemies in those games are so fucking braindead that even a simple fucking game like Sekiro shits all over those. I like those games user, but don't drag them through the mud like that.
Again, that's more your preference coming out.
Sekiro isn't a typical hack and slash action game. It's a watered down Souls game built on hitting a few different inputs to block instead of evade. Lumping it into other hack and slash titles like Darksiders, Bayonetta, DMC, or MGR makes Sekiro look like a pathetic joke, because each of those games has fairly open-ended combat where the player in generally encouraged to wield multiple weapons against a variety of enemies that all act in different ways, whereas Sekiro encourages finding 1-2 different methods of combat and using them exclusive to anything else in order to min-max against flailing retard enemies that hit too hard.
I know it when I see it.
Just because the most awful boss in the series is a gimmick boss does not mean gimmick bosses are bad
>eceleb faggotry
all dark souls are easily destroyed by one simple mechanic
attacking the ass of your opponent, the game becomes toddler core once you do this
When did he do a video on DS3?
I would rather have amazing gimmick fights with a few rotten eggs thrown in than only milquetoast duels that I forget about the instant I beat them.
Yeah in demons souls you equip the ring of invisibility and steamroll every boss in the game. That, and grind easily against that monster that spawns at the bottom of a big jump. Oh, also backstab whenever enemies forget about your existence and start trudging back to their spawn points.
Name me three good gimmick bosses
I think dragon god could rival lost izalith as the worst boss
There isn't a single enemy in Sekiro that's as aggressive as Grace and Glory or the True Imps on NORMAL. Go a difficulty higher and most of the enemies if any action game would run circles around anything in any From game.
When did he talk about DS3?
>my playstyle is to press the roll button at the right time
m8 don't drag Bayonetta into this. Right after Ninja Gaiden, it has the most aggressive enemies in action games.
And then hard mode just makes ALL enemies attack faster and hit harder. Even little fucking archangel fucks.
>There isn't a single enemy in Sekiro that's as aggressive as Grace and Glory
Yeah and there isn't witch time in Sekiro so your point is moot. Don't tell me to play the game several times to get to the point where I no longer have it you fuckhead, because you are hugely watering down the experience of playing it for the first time.
He talks about the franchise in total in his "The Lost Art of Demon's Souls" video, which is where that quote is from
>m8 don't drag Bayonetta into this
I wasn't the one that brought it up. YOU drag it through the mud when you unfairly tow it behind your poor argument and present me with a fucking sodden mess.
I actually prefer the slower, simpler style of the older souls games to the more hyperactive brawlers. But if you remove everything else that's interesting about souls you should add something to compensate, such as more viable options mid combat.
And I'm not mad that people enjoy these kinds of games still, but I am upset that the things I enjoy are completely ignored. Everyone being pandered to but yourself is kinda annoying.
>Izuna Drop
wtf? Lemme get in on this shit-
>49 gigabytes to pirate
What the fuck goddamn.
>Comparing two different genres to each-other as if this means anything.
Are you literally 10 years old? What's next, Resident Evil 2 comparisons to Grim Fandango?
Bro, those games are good, but let's not fucking pretend the enemies in DMC and Bayonetta are ever as fucking aggressive as the ones in Sekiro. They are punching bags, in a good way
It's not that there's no room for creativity in Sekiro, I just never felt incentivized to play around with my abilities. The limited uses on the tools and skills meant I was punished for trying new things and you've got extremely limited room to experiment. Plus you only get access to one skill at a time which makes it even more tedious to try and experiment with them. Plus the parry is so effective for most enemies that it made it hard to justify the tedium of playing around with everything else the game gives you. It was fun to go through the game once like that, but it left me with a bad taste in my mouth because as much as I wanted to play around with everything I'd unlocked in an NG+ it's makes it too much work.
pretty good, some of his changes are a bit much, like being able to enter the forbidden woods early, but I really like the blood vial and insight changes
Matthews review of OoT is the best one I've ever seen.
Well I mean they both use tank controls
>No!!!!!! The game should NOT be non-linear!!!!!!!
Egoraptor's is the only honest review I've seen of OoT, never seen Matthew's though
The invasion change is good. I'm a stubborn retard that doesn't summon for help so not being invaded because of that isn't that great.
>such as more viable options mid combat.
Prosthetics and combat arts. See all the webms in this thread.
>The limited uses on the tools and skills meant I was punished for trying new things and you've got extremely limited room to experiment
Enemies drop spirit emblems.
>Plus the parry is so effective for most enemies that it made it hard to justify the tedium of playing around with everything else the game gives you
For fun. It's a video game. When I realized exorcism strikes come out faster than any other attack, it was great for stopping an enemy mid slash and then switching over to sabimaru poison blade, finishing the extended combo, dodge, and then firebomb axing the son of a bitch. This is all entirely on you for failing to engage with the game.
>Old Monk
>Maiden Astraea
>Fools Idol
Dark souls have plenty of cases that I don't really know if they count, such as four kings and Nito, but anything is better than a knight fighting you in a featureless arena.
I found positioning to be more important than roll timing in some of the boss fights like Demon Prince and Midir. But he's a bit right in the regard that most boss battles in the series is about one-on-ones where you dodge while the boss pulls anime moves. That's why my favorite fights in Bloodborne were the Queen and Logarius. Fair amount of action, but enough tricks to break the monotony.
Fool's Idol
>honest review
It's honest, but it exposed him for not knowing anything.
I dunno what you're talking about, I'm not the original guy. I just know Bayonetta enemies are absolutely not braindead. They're quite amazing in their idiosyncrasies, their groupings, and their aggression. They shit on anything in Sekiro, and many other action games.
Here's my thought process, every time I run into a new boss in Sekiro for the first time, what do I do?
I start mashing attack trying to get the boss to block.
The boss then parries.
Then I either parry, or if there's a danger symbol, I counter or jump depending on what I think it is.
Eventually the attack is exhausted, and I hit the boss once or twice, then starts blocking again.
Eventually the boss's posture fills up, I do my deathblow, and then the inevitable phase 2 starts.
Then I do the same thing, except the boss got some new attack that I hadn't seen before with timing that I didn't parry, counter, or jump.
Then I heal or die and repeat until I get the rote memory of all of the bosses attacks.
This entire process then repeats a dozen times. The problem I have is that I don't feel like I'm getting better at anything other than just this one boss's dumb attack timings. It feels like I'm Dirk the fucking Daring playing Dragon's Lair. Other action games don't have this problem like .
>Yeah and there isn't witch time in Sekiro
There isn't Witch Time on Non-Stop Infinite in Bayonetta or Ninja Gaiden either, retard.
>Don't tell me to play the game several times abloo bloo bloo
So you knew your argument was a total failure before you even finished posting it, but you decided to argue it anyway because you're a triggered Souldrone. What a surprise.
>Are you literally 10 years old?
The comparison was made, and I illustrated why it was a retarded one to make. Are you 10 years old? Do you have any reading comprehension? Have you finished basic ESL?
Third Sphere angels will fuck your shit up if you try to style on them like DMC enemies or stand there and parry or roll spam like a Souls enemy. Don't even want to get into how aggressive Bayonetta 2 and Ninja Gaiden Black's shit is compared to the massively lenient frame times in From games.
>Fools Idol
Terrible boss. In a game with a 3D camera, a boss where you're forced to hide behind pillars in a cramped room and have to memorise traps on the floor that only appear for two seconds, with very little chance of you having seen all traps because of your limited perspective, is indefensible.
How is this webm suppose to prove your point?
I am replaying Demon's Souls at the moment. That is the worst video he has made. Demon's Souls bosses are easily one of its weaker part of the game. They are forgettable and most of the ones that are considered good are system driven. Also there's more than enough variety in Bloodborne, DaS3 and Sekiro.
That's the core of Souls gameplay. That's when Souls is at its best. Therefore that is what you will be doing most of the time.
>Prosthetics and combat arts. See all the webms in this thread.
From what I have seen it seems like they are used more to make the webms flashier than actually increasing the depth of your moveset. But I admit that I didn't didn't gain that many before I dropped the game, so I might have the wrong impression.
>it's a series where you press the roll button at the right time.
Is that not...all of them?
And while DS3 does have its issues, I thought the bosses weren't among them. The bosses in DS3 are, for the most part, fantastic.
2/3rds of the bosses in DS1, you just run behind and stab them in the taint until they're dead.
And sure, there's the occasional Yhorm, but you have to actually move around and watch attack patterns a lot more in DS3.
Absolutely. There are more interesting design decisions in the first 30 minutes of Demon's Souls than all of Dark Souls 3.
Because he is right, the “gimmick” bosses are the most memorable. The “fair” bosses are just the same thing over and over again but you have to relearn a ton of different staggered attack animations to time your rolls. If I’m going to be play a game that’s all about dodging and punishing animation openings then I might as well play ninja Gaiden black, devil may cry, or bayonetta because they have better dedicated action mechanics than roll souls.
>You want a truly unpopular opinion? My favorite boss from Bloodborne isn't Gehrman, Ludwig, or the orphan; it's this mad bastard, Micolash.
Was he right?
Everything he said was true though.
ok so play Paint even bayonetta cannot compete by your ability to express yourself
>Bayonetta enemies
>Punching bags
user, stop. Don't embarrass yourself further.
Is it my favorite? No. But he'll easily one of the most memorable moments in the game, which the point he was trying to make in the video
Who is this guy? The embodimemt of nostalgia?
>old game good
>new game with similar gameplay bad
It's his favorite boss, he isn't saying its the best. I like Micolash but I wouldn't dare call him the best designed boss in the game
Souls used to be about more than the combat. Focusing more on the combat without adding any depth isn't particularly engaging.
m8 why are you still here. This is the end-all, be-all:
>Maybe something like DMC is more your speed, but nothing you said is an intrinsic knock against Sekiro.
You keep going on about how Sekiro isn't your cup of tea. kk.
Game of the Year.
Yeah the Demon's Souls video is full of incredibly poor takes and one of his weaker ones. The worst is where he said the combat in Souls didn't have depth but two seconds later said the stamina system is remarkable, which is what gives those game's combat depth.
Except your argument falls apart when you realize that you do improve based on your encounters vs weaker opponents. They push your shit in at the start of the game, but as you get better and start beating bosses, the mooks fall before you with ease.
>So you knew your argument was a total failure before you even finished posting it
It wasn't. You just didn't have the patience to read the whole thing because you were too caught up with responding to several different people as fast as you could.
Is it bad that that final jump down to him at the end of the chase resulted in a bunch of constant deaths? The fucker kept using that magic spell and oneshotting me.
Did any of you even watch the video? That quote isn't even about bosses, it's about not being able to outsmart the archer that's in the tower since his arrows lock onto the player, forcing you to dodge it on time instead of being able to avoid the spot where it will land
Dark Souls 3 plays nothing like Demon's Souls.
Dark Souls 3 is roll spam fest through an entirely linear world, whereas Demon's Souls is much more slow and methodical and has the entire world open to the player from the start.
If you want more DeS/Das then it is pretty heartbreaking when the series diluted to hack-and-slashes without the depth of the veterans of the genre.
Saying that it isn't his cup of tea is disingenuous if he liked the previous games.
Nope, "combat" was always the main emphasis. That is what you do the entire game. Matthewmatosis confuses the fact that the level design and placing of the player avatar is important to the combat with combat in-and-of-itself not having depth, which doesn't make sense because the combat is entirely dependant on level design in those games.
Fuck your meme webms. Real optimal play illustrates the problems with the combat perfectly. Here's a regular marathon speedrun of Isshin.
Just look at how much time is spent waiting around for an attack with dumb timing to come out because the animation is uninterruptible and designed solely to catch out someone's reflexive action. The combat is so flowchart that online SFIV Kens are calling it out.
I don’t understand the complaint. Souls bosses have literally always been about either rolling at the right time, spacing, or tanking, DS3 just removes tanking, which was the least interesting gameplay style anyway.
This is such a ludicrous complaint.
Rolling is good in every game (yes, even DaS2, you just need to pump ADP). The difference with DaS3 is that the bosses aren't janky messes. They still have gimmicks, they're just crafted with the combat mechanics in mind rather than being half-baked "puzzles".
Furthermore, these games have never been purely about raw combat. The biggest strength of Soulsborne/Sekiro is the level design and enemy placement. It's by far the biggest advantage they have over more conventional "action games" which for the most part have very flat level design (and when they do attempt interesting level geometry, it's almost always poorly implemented).
MatthewMatosis has honestly gotten dumber over time as he focuses more and more on "muh novelty".
Yes, and based
Sekiro and Bloodborne are great games mechanically, but Demon's Souls is the only game with the Soul
He was right about Demons Souls having the best variety of bosses
>Traditional bosses like Flamelurker and False King
>Bosses that require more strategy than full frontal attack like Phalanx and Fools Idol
>Bosses that have arenas that are half the challenge like Man Eaters and Armor Spider
>Setpiece bosses like Storm Ruler and Maiden Astrea
Dark Souls 3 bosses however flashy they look are just dumbed traditional bosses with samey attacks and patterns
>Everything he said was true though
Yes, it was true. The simple 3d combat in Ocarina was too complex for him.
>"combat" was always the main emphasis.
Incorrect. The main emphasis was on the overall experience.
Well said. I got this exact same feeling in Dark Souls 3. Whenever I fight Dancer the only thing I'm doing is memorizing hitboxes so I can get better at fighting Dancer. You don't build skill, you don't come up with strategies, you don't express your unique playstyle, you don't do jack shit. I used to be a hardcore Souls fan but I couldn't even finish 3. I was just done.
> Enemies drop spirit emblems.
> This is all entirely on you for failing to engage with the game.
Yeah, but never enough to play around with anything in a significant way. I understand that you have lots of abilities at your disposal some OP some flashy and fun. I engaged with the system and decided that it's not fun to use a couple tools and a skill and then run out of emblems. The act of playing around with all the abilities to concoct these moves bored me because you're constantly forced to stop and farm more emblems to keep it up.
I completely disagree, the mooks are complete jokes at least until the Fountainhead.
I read it. It was retarded, which is why it amounted to:
>Abloo bloo bloo
Because you went out of your way to say a mechanic exists, even though the game functions without it on harder, faster, and more aggressive enemies, and then tried to downplay that fact with nonsense bullshit. As if you From drones don't play the exact same game through NG+ 2-3 times even though nothing changes, save for in the apparently worst entry, so don't bitch to me about playing games through over and over to for a challenge like some blathering chucklefuck.
You're confusing depth with a characters large capability. The reality is that you're a grown man standing in a puddle with no way to actually swim. At least the game that shrinks you down to the same size as the puddle lets you do that.
DeS and DaS weren’t particularly deep. They all boil down to rolling and punishing, or blocking and punishing, or spacing and punishing. Custimizing your loadout against a boss just makes the process more forgiving.
>Old Monk
>summon invader
>Maiden Astraea
>it's easy on purpose because of the story
>Fools Idol
There's a reason why people's favorite bosses are ones like Ornstein and Smough, Artorias, Kalameet, Gael, the Nameless King, Midir, etc because they take much more skill and are enjoyable to fight they feel like actual bosses
He made the same criticism about the bosses. The entire video is ridiculous, he calls Bloodborne "designed by committee".
You cannot deny the fact that enemies in OoT go into defense mode and you have to wait
>but you can use certain items on certain enemies to stop this
Not nearly enough and you're never expected to as a player, you can always just wait it out
>Demon's Souls bosses are easily one of its weaker part of the game.
Let me guess, because they aren't "based" action bosses focused on dodge-rolling? Because they aren't all clones of Flamelruker and Old King Allant? Retards like you are literally too dumb to even understand what Matthew was talking about.
>he calls Bloodborne "designed by committee".
But he's right.
>The main emphasis was on the overall experience.
Which is conveyed mostly through combat.
>without the depth of the veterans of the genre.
It's not the same type of game. Why are you comparing them?
>Real optimal play illustrates the problems with the combat perfectly
m8 if I want to play Bayonetta as optimally as possible, I'll only punch, kick, wicked weave punch with Onyx Roses on hands and feet. But it's fun to mix shit up. Stop being stupid.
No you aren’t? As long as you aren’t relying on a tool as your primary weapon enemies will give you more emblems than you use. Hell, there’s even a free emblem item if you need even more.
>It was retarded
The mechanic exists in a form I'll never reach because I'll have to ruin the game for myself before I get to it. I don't like ruining games for myself user, though you might. Good luck to you user.
>because they take much more skill and are enjoyable to fight they feel like actual bosses
>it's a series where you press the roll button at the right time.
But thats what its always been
I hate Micolash, but I have to admit he's memorable. Better than the 13 billion action-based bosses in DaS3.
I like how you say they weren't deep and then immediately start talking about the combat, agreeing with his point. Because you're right, they weren't deep, but the reason why people liked them is because there was a bit more to them than just combat. The whole problem that people who agree with Matthewmatosis on this have with where the Souls series went is that it became too combat focused, but the combat, like you pointed out, was never that deep.
I am saying that other hack and slashes have depth, not the previous souls games.
Again, the combat wasn't the point of the souls games. Putting focus on a part of the game that wasn't particularly deep in the first place doesn't do the sequels any favors.
Fromsoft is and always has been a dumpster tier developer. Whether it was Kings field, souls, armored core, evergrace, their games were always second rate mediocrity. The fact people hold them up as some brilliant studio now is fucking laughable.
Because if you remove everything interesting about the souls games but the combat, you might as well compare it to other combat-focused games.
>meme webm
Not him but that's way way way way way way way way better than Dragon God, Bed of Chaos, etc. Soulsborne bosses that aren't built around the combat are crap.
>because I'll have to ruin the game for myself before I get to it
This is not an argument. This is you being a mewling retard with a shit opinion on the hack and slash genre. Best part is that you still didn't acknowledge that Witch Time doesn't exist in the other games I mentioned, or that Bayonetta functions fine without using it at every difficulty level, because you're a dumbshit that has no argument.
It depends on whether the series in question is Souls in general or just Dark Souls, because I'd say Dark Souls was already a series about pressing the roll button at the right time prior to DaS3.
Gimmick fights have consistently been the worst fights in each game. Outside of the Old Monk which was notable for novelty, the gimmick fights are mostly absolute garbage. Would you really call Astrea a “Good bossfight”? Sure, as a story thing, it’s fun, but as an actual fight it’s as easy as every other braindead NPC.
>outsmart opponents
Walk up to them and press R1 before they can attack
>A game only about pressing dodge at the right time
Literally EVERY Souls game. Also if you git gud you know which moves you can strafe/walk around
It was always a series about pushing the roll button at the right time
This guy is so trash. I've only watched his MGS2 analysis video but it's by far the worst one out there. Null video editing skills, no voice control and zero interesting things to say.
Much more skill then whack the girl and instantly kill her because it's supposed to make you feel bad
It feels grand and climatic
>King's Field is shi-
matt is a hack and is way past the point of growth making him a retard for quitting his job. He's been trash since around sonic dreams, he now focuses on pretentious "what the game represents" trash rather than properly analyzing the game design itself.
I say this as someone who has watched him from the beginning and has rare lewds of him with tomoko. He's also never coming back to Yea Forums because it's not the same site.
The thing is that the Old Monk is still about the combat, it's just a buffed invasion (or a really lame NPC fight).
Obviously. Nobody likes gimmick bosses. What makes that a meme webm? The title is a very accurate representation of souls gameplay.
>Would you really call Astrea a “Good bossfight”?
Yes. NONE of the bossfights are particularly interesting mechanically, so they are either interesting as an experience or just a waste of space.
The combat was always the focus though, 100%. The combat is what conveys the struggle of the atmosphere. Combat has literally always been central to the souls games.
But Sekiro has interesting characters, environment design, gorgeous art direction, and more weighty combat when "compared" to its contemporaries. This is a really pedantic argument. I say this as a massive fan of action games; I don't liberally compare DMC to Sekiro because they strive for different goals. It's simply asinine to compare them.
No amount of mental gymnastics will change the fact that you spend the entirety of the game fighting enemies.
>responding with a basedjack to someone giving an opinion
you are cancer
And yet his best video is the Mega-
>rare lewds of him with tomoko
Excuse me?
It's a meme webm because it gets spammed here constantly.
I agree, but I’m giving the benefit of the doubt and trusting the person I am responding to is not retarded and can see that the core gameplay is combat based and therefore every boss is a combat ordeal. Even dragon god.
...Conveyed through walking around, and combat. I bet you think you "outsmarted" enemies in previous Souls games, yeah?
Yes, it was a great boss fight because it was memorable. My favorite boss in the entire series is Storm King. Not because it was mechanically deep, but because it was interesting and memorable.
In Dragon God's case the first part is basically a shitty trial and error stealth sequence where you press a button to do cutscene damage, the second part is more conventional (and boring).
>Would you really call Astrea a “Good bossfight”?
Yes. You're clearly defining a "good bossfight" as a traditional challenging battle based around reflexes. That is disingenuous and people like you are the reason Souls is shit now.
The gameplay in these games is mediocre at best. They're propped up by strong art and atmosphere. Gimmick bosses can present unique scenarios and reactions in a player. Focussing solely on bland combat just makes the game duller. If you want good combat and skill based boss fights play Bayonetta or something. The "skill" involved in souls is trivial and dull.
Every boss fight listed here is a much better experience than "you killed some random bitch boohoo feel bad"
So what you are saying is Sekiro is the best game you have ever played? Or is that too combat intensive for you to enjoy the lore behind the various bosses? A bossfight doesn’t need to be shitty to convey interesting concepts, Freide from Ashes of Ariandel was both but I guess because it pushes the mechanics on you it’s just “A rollfest”.
Did you believe that before watching Matt's videos?
>it was a great boss fight because it was memorable.
Some of the most shit fights in the series are memorable. Are those great too?
I have no problem with using rolling as the primary defensive mechanism, but i dislike how dark souls 3 just has bosses where you need to roll like 4 to 5 times in a row while they go at you with some super long combo and you have to bear with it. It doesn't feel fun, and sekiro does it too, except for having to press L1 instead. From built the game around rolling as the primary defensive mechanism and not shields, which makes the game just more tedious
The Bed of Chaos and Dragon God are also memorable and they're complete indefensible shit
>it's a series where you press the roll button at the right time.
It took him 3 games to discover that huh
>This is not an argument
Sure it is. You're just too dumb to see it. Also you brought up Ninja Gaiden for some reason when we weren't talking about it in the first place. That's what makes smoothbrains like you so retarded, since you talk with several people at once, and your one braincell lumps them all in the same "argument' together and can't distinguish who you are even talking to in the first place. The enemies in Ninja Gaiden are great, and because Sekiro enemies are so similar to them is why I like them so much.
Man, with tastes like those you'd be blown away if you ever played a real action game. Ever think of trying one?
It depends what you mean by "deep". The combat is oriented around the placing of the player avatar in the level and the act of managing stamina against enemies with different attack patterns. I would say that the variety in level design and enemies would constitute a fair amount of complexity, coupled with the different builds you can create
Yeah, I put weight on bossfights for being mechanically interesting, story relevance is a bonus. All souls games are absolutely fucking peppered with bosses that are Astrea’s contemporaries for lore relevance, but people seem to just forget that because I guess if a fight is unforgiving AND lore relevant it’s bad.
le dragon man makes a 100 hour milquetoast review of God of Onions and it gets ignored
Matthew makes a concise review trashing the hell out of God of Onions and the devs thank him for reaming their assholes
>you're clearly defining a "good bossfight" as a traditional challenging battle based around reflexes
>that is disingenuous
???? you mean I define boss battles like most normal people do?
Yes I value challenging gameplay over muh experience
Oh and maybe you're talking about DMC or something since DMC doesn't have witch time either. But it does have Royal Guard. And goddamn does that ruin the game. You can block everything dude, and it's not even a big feat in order to do so. The fact that the first game doesn't have royal guard and doesn't give Dante such a HUGE edge is one of the many reasons why it's still superior to the sequels. Even DMC5.
Bloodborne is the best Souls game though, especially compared to DS1 which was just a half-finished rehash of Demon's Souls
>It's either/or
fucking retard.
It’s complex in design but not complex in the actual core gameplay it boils down to.
>The combat was always the focus though, 100%.
That the combat is used as the means of conveying struggle on a technical level does not mean that it is the focus. I "struggle" more playing Bayonetta on a technical level, but the experience of playing Dark souls is very different.
Yeah, but what does it matter?
The samurai guy in Dark Souls 2 is a perfect example of a great straightforward "honest" combat encounter, and I can't even remember his name.
How is the Maiden of Astraea a good boss in an action focused game?
I like both hack and slash games and Souls games they're not mutually exclusive tastes
Most Platinum stuff blows From out of the water. Deus Ex HR, Factorio, Dishonored, Dead Rising 1, XCOM, Hypnospace Outlaw, even MGSV flawed as it is, I'd take any of these games over all of From's shit put together. And there are more, just because last gen was mostly fucking garbage doesn't mean you should put Souls on a pedestal.
>The samurai guy in Dark Souls 2 is a perfect example of a great straightforward "honest" combat encounter, and I can't even remember his name.
There was a samurai in DaS2?
to be fair, you can still see the combat as not that deep and acknowledge some depth stems from the stamina system. still his worst video, even though he's not 100% wrong imo.
It is absolutely the focus and how near 100% of the emotions of the narrative are conveyed.
>Games are better when they're unshackled by the desires of a narrow minded fan base or the financial whims of a publisher. Right now, it feels as though these games have fallen to either one or the other, or maybe both. Whatever the cause, recreating the superficial elements of Demon's Souls isn't enough. You need more. The strength of Demon's Souls lies under its surface; it's a culmination of ideas and concepts that work together in unity. The game isn't perfect, but it's proof that you can have it all: Haunting visuals, immersive environments, evocative sound design, satisfying gameplay, novel mechanics, intriguing storytelling, memorable characters, and a high level of replayability. It might not be the best at any of those, but what it offers is a complete package that is arguably unmatched. Unfortunately, over time, FromSoft decided to focus on some elements at the expense of others, making those games easily eclipsed by others that do those things better. Demon's Souls still stands on its own by knowing exactly what it is: A demon soul, with a heart of gold.
Was he right?
Sir Alonne, also known as the only good boss in DS2
I think he's talking about Alonne or something
Sir Alonne
>You cannot deny the fact that enemies in OoT go into defense mode and you have to wait
What enemies do you have to wait user?
>not nearly enough
I hope you aren't talking shit about the fucking ghosts. The ones that disappear in the extremely atmospheric Forest Dungeon, that ADD to it's atmosphere. Which is something I don't remember Arin mentioning at all when he compares it to his favourite little 2d game.
>making those games easily eclipsed by others that do those things better.
This is where it falls apart. And he didn't name any games because he knew he would get raked over the coals.
For the most part yes
Bloodborne went off and did its own thing somewhat, every other Souls game was just Demon's Souls with less focus
No. Demon’s Souls was just a proof of concept that was later refined.
>You're just too dumb to see it.
You're right. It is an argument, it's just a retarded one that makes no sense at all. Not reading the rest of your nonsense post because it's going to be more aimless blathering about nothing. Bless your little heart and have a great day.
>Games are better when they're unshackled by the desires of a narrow minded fan base or the financial whims of a publisher
Yes they are better when they're shackled by the desires of an unskilled director. Lmao.
Yes, Old Hero is a better boss than Armored Spider, play Zelda instead.
For some reason the only fight I can remember with any clarity at all from DaS2 is the generic guy with a spear you can trick into falling down a pit.
Fume Velstadt Persuer for new players Ivory King Smelter Darklurker Lost Sinner in the dark
>the fact that some people don't care about grinding makes no sense
That's on you user.
The people like me who are going to agree with the Lost Soul Arts videos don't think Souls games should be hack-and-slash. If what you liked about these games was the same thing you liked about Diablo where you go around killing everything and getting sweet loot and upgrading your character, that's totally fine. But you've gotta realize that there was at least some part of the audience there that didn't play the games that way, who liked a lot of the RPG stuff that didn't make for a good straight-up action game, like Astraea.
low IQ post
I don't know what to tell you buddy, I didn't find the system of managing emblems enjoyable and thought it was restrictive and the game actively made experimenting with the arsenal tedious. You're saying shit like no one else has realized that you gain more emblems from kills and you just have to balance how much you use with killing guys regularly. I get that, everyone gets that, I didn't find it enjoyable. You acting as if me not enjoy something as much as you did means I didn't understand it.
Goht is a better boss than Gael.
Low IQ post.
Nioh isn't a Souls clone.
Great standalone post this one.
>What enemies do you have to wait user?
Almost all of them
>muh atmosphere
He's actually made the point before that ALttP is a more immersive experience that OoT, as it features less text exposition, cinematics and railroading that interrupt gameplay (which is true)
>no u
GG easy
High IQ post.
Ivory King is the most KINO boss for me in 2
I am convinced that Dark Souls is literally babby's first action game. Soultards were so blown away by the existence of a skill-based action that they hailed it as the best game to ever exist in the history of humanity. Honestly FromSoft could make DMC6 and the fans would hail it as a new revolution that invented its own genre.
He's saying From has gone too action-y with Dark Souls, meanwhile the actual combat system is insanely shallow. If Souls wants to rely more and more on its "combat" to be relevant it's going to be compared with phenoms like Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden who in comparison make Souls combat look like toddler shit in terms of complexity and enemies. Sekiro was their answer to this, but even Sekiro is rather shallow since winning the game involves the rhythm of a single button.
Old Hero was also a gimmick Zelda boss, you equip the Thief's Ring or whatever and he can barely attack you. Which is what makes him good.
Artorias but slow
Artorias but slow
Literally a tutorial boss
>Ivory King
Artorias but slow and has an obnoxious first phase of killing trash mobs that lasts way longer than it needs to
dude what if we put a dot aura on this easy boss to make him a "challenge" but not really because you have infinite healing in this game lmao
You mean the boss with 5 second windups on his attacks?
>Lost Sinner in the dark
So an easy boss except you can't lock on to him as easily which doesn't matter because lock on is a pitfall for retarded players
>That blood vial frenzy mechanic
>Yea Forums worships this fucking retard
The video is about the design of Demon's Souls and how you had to use some brain power to beat bosses, whereas the series has degenerated to "roll at the time right time". He uses the giant who shoots arrows in the undead settlement as how it isn't about timing your run through right after the giant fires but how the arrows will track you.
He didn't name any games because he's never played Ninja Gaiden Black.
Playing through a game multiple times that takes 2 hours to beat isn't grinding. Again, you posted something retarded because your arguments are flacid non-sense.
>Sekiro was shallo-
He's kino but kino doesn't translate to fun.
Good bait, but Goht is more similar to executioner's chariot
In what fuckign world is Fume or Velstadt “Artorias”?
Why is every humanoid boss “Artorias” to you? Have you ever actually fought Artoras? He’s very distinct.
Gee I sure do love flowcharts.
Delusional post
>He's actually made the point before
Dude, all that tells me is that he absolutely has no patience for reading, watching movies, etc. especially when they enhance the game. It was one of the FIRST 3d games dude where you explore an actual 3d environment that wasn't stupid looking. That beginning cutscene where the fairy zoomed through the little kokiri forest was breathtaking, and nothing of that could have registered in Arin "peabrained" whatever the fags last name is.
>Almost all of them
Okay user, you'll have to play the game before continuing this because that's fucking wrong.
Every fucking game is a flowchart.
There isn't a single fight in DaS2 that's anything like Artorias.
>If Souls wants to rely more and more on its "combat" to be relevant it's going to be compared with phenoms like Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden
Nobody compares it to those games. Nobody. Souls threads are exclusively about Souls games; their lore, moments, PvP stories, fashion, and lots of
>What the fuck was his problem?
In relation to Gwyn, Sulyvahn, etc. The only people who continually compare BB and Souls III to DMC and its ilk are retards. They're not trying to be similar games at all. DMC5 doesn't start out with a slow burning introduction describing the current state of the world. Bayonetta doesn't have the vistas that Dark Souls III regularly gives the player to gawk at. This is such a silly fucking line of discussion.
>Sekiro was their answer to this
Sekiro was never their answer to Kamiya, Itagaki, or Itsuno action games. Sekiro was a Tenchu game that evolved into Sekiro. You can see its origins in Dark Souls III with enemies that do flurries of attacks.
the whole podcast was comfy af
>Doing the same thing over and over isn't grinding
Not RTS games.
Man, you are like the poster child for
You'd be surprised how small minded autists still play it like one.
I completely forgot about that podcast being a thing. Guess I should check it out
>Nobody compares it to those games. Nobody.
Because Soulfags don't play action games and aren't aware the genre even exists. That's why the fanbase is insufferable.
I know a retard when I see one
Especially RTS games, you just need to do the flowchart really fast before your enemy does their flowchart really fast.
Nice counter argument faggot. That poster is an absolute mouth breather.
I don't think you thought this post through at all. Are you saying they SHOULD compare it to those action games? Why? They don't strive for similar experiences. Not one iota. This thread is fucking awful.
No it's the fact that they're totally different styles of game with different design philosophies. And DMC is a punching bag simulator.
>good combat and skill based boss fights
Play better games
I wish MarmaladeMan still publicly posted his works.
Why should they? They're ARPGs first before being action. Sometimes you also get MonHuntards screeching about Souls but luckily they're a minority.
Dark Souls should not have been a series. "You're a slow, clunky knight put into high risk combat situations" only works once. The 'twist' of everything being highly commited and punishable makes for an enthralling first playthrough, but it's not a foundation you can make 10 years worth of installments on. It's too simple. For this reason, I think Matthew is right, but not for Demons' Souls in particular. Your first Souls game is usually your favorite because you're not used to this paradigm, but once you "get it", everything else is just going through the motions.
t. couldn't handle Vestibule Grace and Glory.
You get so many Westerners and game journos ducking from dick becuase it's one of the few Japanese games with ugly people (read:w omen)
So you drop a game after fighting the first enemy I take it? Wouldn't want to hit the same button more than a few times, that's too grindy. I love that your "argument" somehow continues to fall apart with every dumbass post you make though, you're making huge strides here.
Now respond to me again and imply that I'm stupid when you're too retarded to know what grinding is, how most actual action games have new enemies and encounters on harder difficulties, in addition to mixed-up mechanics, all so that you can save face on a dumbshit statement that you knew was going to get you BTFO before even even hit post.
Well they built the foundation. And now you have spin offs like Code Vein and The Surge. So I'd say it's working.
Sure, but take a look at what Souls "combat" actually is. You hit R1, you roll, you hit R1 some more, you roll, you hit R1 until the boss is dead. These moments stuck out as great in Demon's Souls because most of the bosses are not this, they got creative with Demon's Souls bosses for the most part. Nearly every boss from Dark Souls onward is just Flamelurker with a different model. I think this is what he's getting at with this argument, Souls has become far too entrenched in action, i.e. press O then R1, and will likely never return to the fun experimental experience like Demon's Souls was because they don't want to risk harming the cash cow.
Didn't read the rest your post because you already missed the point
Or maybe we just prefer the souls games for different reasons
Level design, lore, build variety, character customization, combat that's more about reflexes and positioning then getting super long combos, etc
Not every action game has to be DMC or Bayonetta to be good they can cater to different niches
It doesn’t only work once.
>artorias but slow
Are you aware you this literally just means "human with a sword"
I don't know the context of this quote, but it's correct. DaS3 is Roll Souls. It simplifies and dumbs down the gameplay while simultaneously tricking people into thinking it's more challenging and complex. Yes, it's faster-paced, but that fast pace is achieved by just giving the player the ability to spam infinite unpunishable rolls and R1 spams. It's a far cry from the original vision of Demons and Dark Souls which were games that were all about reading the situation, choosing the best option, committing to your actions, and so on.
I still enjoy DaS3, but it's definitely a lot more shallow than the other games.
>"Oh, what a day!"
The irony is that we don't actually have Lucky Charms in Ireland. My sister imported them once though, but I didn't have any.
Yeah man Gwynevere and Priscilla are so fucking ugly. Guaranteed they have no fanart.
I played DeS last and it is just as good as DaS
The amount of buttons you can press doesn't constitute true complexity in design, or challenge.
That's a completely different discussion. I was singling out the comparisons to other action games. Nobody really does that, and if you do, you're retarded. Plain and simple. That's why Matthew didn't name any games in that video. It would ruin the whole essay he concocted.
Gimmick bosses are bad and should be a minority of fights. He should have absolutely adored DS2 is all he is looking for is consistent gimmick fights.
Game's not a flowchart if you have options, probabilities, asynchronous events happening, or even just a decision space as open as positioning, where to move. Then it's a graph, which makes for a much better game. The reason why Sekiro is 100% flowchart is because it's reactive.
Everything in that webm is literally Sekiro gives the facade of being aggressive because you are constantly trying to build posture damage by hitting their block until they parry, but it's really a whole lot of nothing. If you try to attack while Isshin's doing his draw attack, he'll counter hit you and you instantly die. You have no options. You see him do the draw attack, you wait, then you parry. It's boring as shit.
Dark Souls is objectively clunky. That is literally the point of the game's design and what every facet of the experience is based around. And I know you're going to meme something about fast rolling and dagger builds like it somehow changes the fact.
>The amount of buttons you can press doesn't constitute true complexity in design
But it definitely helps when you're comparing to a Series that amounts to "Dodge then attack" and little else.
In terms of gameplay they're very similar to Artorias. Except harder to cheese but easier to fight legitimately. Not in terms of aesthetics of course. Ivory King is one of the best fights aesthetically in the series but it's also easier than the trash mobs you fight before it (especially if you have the knights with you)
>Proceeds to give an opinion
Off the top of my head, the huge spider Freya in DS2 is a non button masher boss. Same for Bed of Chaos, Ancient Dragon, Cursewood Great Tree, etc.
You want him to shit on games more when that isn't satisfying to him. He wants to look at positives because the whole misanthrope thing gets old. Do you want him to review Casey Duck Butter Duck every month?
I played it a few months ago. He is right.
Different weapons having different weight does not mean the game is "clunky".
>early stuff is much better
Lost Soul Arts is literally the best piece of video game criticism on YouTube and one of the best video essays on the entire site. Mega Microvideos is close behind.
Bayonetta is awfully easy, play a real chruazy game
>how most actual action games have new enemies and encounters on harder difficulties
But the level and plot is exactly the same. Sorry user, I'm not an autist like who cares more about the Bloody Palace than the rest of the game.
Please, explain it to me then. Did From just forget to add cancellable attack animations and combos? Is it secretly a botched DMC clone and everyone (including themselves) are just blissfully unaware?
The core combat is great but Bayonetta's bosses are trash
At least Souls games don't have QTE's or vehicle levels
Both of thsoe are in the game though
Are you implying the purpose of Dark Souls is to play like DMC?
Every action game is reactive, do you expect mindgames with your AI? Only PvP games aren’t a “Pure” flowchart and are instead a fractal flowchart.
>In terms of gameplay they're very similar to Artorias.
Fume Knight is a completely different fight that requires a completely different approach, as does Ivory King, Sir Alonne, and Velstadt.
>Ivory King is one of the best fights aesthetically in the series but it's also easier than the trash mobs you fight before it
No one here is talking about difficulty, if we were Fume Knight would be laughing all the way to the kill ratio statistics.
I don't consider myself a souls or Fromsoft fan although I played a couple King's Field game and the 3 Dark Souls game, and also played Ninja Gaiden, DMC 2, 3 and 4, Bayonetta and a bunch of Action games but I don't really see the relation between Souls and other Action games, Dark Souls, I think, got a lot of success because it had great atmosphere, excellent world and Character design, a simple but deep adaptable combat system and a good balance between punishing you for mistakes but also very little stakes in dying.
It was essentially the perfect casual hardcore game where you could die over and over and not lose anything except a couple minutes.
The series is just full on good game design tailored for the era the games came out in.
Bloodborne and in a lesser fashion DS3 moved a bit away from the formula by slightly speeding up the gameplay and in the case of BB removing blocking but they're clearly not in the same place as DMC and Co.
Show me your pure platinum hard mode run.
DS3 fucked up build variety and character customization by not allowing bosses and locations to be distinct enough to feel different when playing different archetypes. Capra Demon and Moonlight Butterfly aren't very good boss fights, but how you approach them varies radically based on whether you were playing a magic user, heavy knight, fast melee character, or something else. DS3 doesn't have anything I can equate to that.
no, he’s a retard and so are you
Its only an issue when people try to hype up the combat and bosses in Souls, which compared to actual action games are completely shallow.
Souls has interesting combat because it focused on strategic elements and variety in levels, encounters, and builds, but the actual mechanical skill.required is very low.
No they aren’t, you’re retarded. Unlike you I seem to actually remember the Artorias fight.
Even a game with a control scheme as simple as Punch-Out reaches complexity through the variety of patterns the player is subject to. The same is true of Dark Souls, but more-so, because the placement of the player-character is of importance as well.
Every third-person melee-focused action game should be DMC to these people, it's so fucking obnoxious
If Dark Souls 3 is anything to go by, then yes.
Thank you. For god's sake a sane soul in this godawful thread.
You're the one who is caught up on the fact that I do not replay games. If you want me to play the game on the hardest difficulty, then have it unlocked from the start. There's no reason to do that.
>run and roll being mapped to the same button results in input delay
>rolling, your primary defensive ability, has fucking input lag on it
The opposite. Dark Souls is slow and clunky by design. I'm baffled as to how anyone can even argue against this.
>But the level and plot is exactly the same.
Like nearly every action game.
>Sorry user, I'm not an autist like who cares more about the Bloody Palace than the rest of the game.
So now you're deflecting to a mode that has nothing to do with the game's difficulty?
What an absurd retard you are. You're not even moving the goal posts, you're just mumbling nonsense now because you yourself has realized just how fucking stupid your point is.
Also people forget you can play as a wizard in Souls games too just like other ARPGs. You dont have to hack and slash your way through bosses, you've got magic, miracles, pyromancy and hexes. In which case Dragons Dogma is a better answer to how to think Souls games differently while keeping its RPG roots.
Show me your hands tied behind back playing with your feet run of dark souls while playing behind a live stream that's 3 minutes behind.
"Clunky" implies a game that is slow and difficult to control to a fault.
>Fume Knight is a completely different fight that requires a completely different approach, as does Ivory King, Sir Alonne, and Velstadt.
No, they don't. Every single one of those fights is a straightforward slugfest against a humanoid boss. There's no different approach to any of them, unless you count trying to preserve your knights through the trash mob part of Ivory King in order to make the King himself even easier than he already is
>No one here is talking about difficulty, if we were Fume Knight would be laughing all the way to the kill ratio statistics.
Which is funny because Raime is one of the easiest major bosses in the series. Even in his own DLC Sir Alonne beats him out in difficulty due to not having ten decade windups on every single one of his attacks. You can literally beat Raime easily without even dodging (though it's suboptimal for a melee build) since his attacks are all slow enough to walk out of.
Shit, I only tied one hand behind my back. Soz user.
If anything Dragon's Dogma is much closer to what a half assed High Fantasy DMC would be, at least if you play one of the melee classes.
So every non-gimmick humanoid bossfight is artorias to you. Which is especially hilarious consodering Artorias is, himself, a gimmick fight.
Fume has clear tells but he also uses AoE attacks for the aggressive types of players.
Peak ludo.
not him but how the hell is Artorias a gimmick fight
AOE attacks with twenty year windups that you can literally backpedal out of while spamming ranged attacks and still dodge cleanly.
Dark Souls is dark fantasy.
If you fear Artorias he does his powerup, the powerup is his gimmick.
The core combat is dull like most of Platinum games, I won't call them shit thought since they're actually pretty fun but some that guy can't say Dark souls has bland combat when it has Bayonetta's as the pinacle of combat
There is no attack cancel nor combos in Souls.
There's both though.
Dark fantasy can still be high fantasy or low fantasy.
I'm not arguing about difficulty retard. The discussion is about how aggressive enemies are in actual hack and slash games compared to Fromsoft series, and the argument presented was that they're only like that because of Witch Time, which Bayonetta doesn't need at all to function as a high end action game. The argument against that point was so blatantly retarded that we've somehow arrived at "grinding" and "replayability" when neither of those has any actual baring on the initial statement that From's enemies aren't aggressive and the gameplay mechanics are overly lenient compared to other action games, ergo, the statement that "enemies in those games are braindead" compared to Sekiro is fucking wrong.
But you retards are busying talking about fucking nothing and arguing opinions you've ripped out of your gaping moronic assholes, which is why all of your posts are:
>Abloo bloo bloo
And you've devolved into a rampant moronic shitposting clusterfuck circus act to try and prove that you're not ignorant baffoons. It's a level of crafted absurdity that is almost admirable in its perfect stupidity.
You can’t though unless you are well spaced in the first place. “Spacing” is a strategy you can use against every speed of boss.
>The core combat is dull
Show me your hard mode platinum score for Vestibule.
Not him, but yes, that's about right. Every humanoid souls boss is defeated by invincibly rolling through their attack animations and then punishing their recovery, with the only difference being what point in the animation you have to roll. Very few of the humanoid bosses ever managed to break this mold in a meaningful way.
Is every single boss that has an interruptible self-buff a gimmick fight?
Maybe reactive wasn't the right word. It's just limited even in reactive situations. For example, I've been playing Astral Chain lately which is nominally an action game, and if I see an attack, I can dodge, parry, block it, perfect call, cut the attack, fade attack if I'm mid-combo, chain jump, or try to encircle the enemy to interrupt. These are all valid options with different amounts of risk and reward and the fun part of the game is reflexively taking in every factor I can account for in the decisionmaking process which is punished or rewarded appropriately.
Compare that to Sekiro, where attacks basically all have one answer. There's no decisionmaking process whatsoever, the decision makes itself. Do the right action to make the posture bar go up.
Actually there is. Only relevant in PvP but they’re there.
*dabs on DMC*
I know for a fact that you can specifically do that while spamming dark orb after backing off from old whip melee range and dodge it cleanly. It's definitely an easier fight than Alonne since Alonne can actually punish your mistakes in a way that you can't avoid. Raime just swings his sword around and does things. He doesn't fight reactively like Alonne or Bloodborne bosses do.
Not by design.
Actually there is. Only relevant in PvP but they’re there.
That’s literally every last fight, humanoid or not. 100% of them. You’ve generalized to the point where Magus and Congregation is a multiple Artorias fight. Midir is a giant Artorias. Corse Rotted Greatwood is an Artorias that summons smaller Artoriai and has weak points.
There is, though, by design, attack canceling and combos.
This neglects the actual environments the boss fights take place in, which is what often makes the situations different. E.g.
>the cramped box of the Capra Demon's room
>the narrow bridge that you can fall off for the Taurus Demon fight
>the pillars in O+S
>Queelaag spewing lava on the floor
>Iron Golem's arena which you can fall off the edge of
>Parries at a half-second window.
>Pulls out a dagger and swings blindly.
Heh. Nothing personnel Souls fag.
Most don’t though. Even the ones that can be staggered out of it usually aren’t designed to ihave that happen. Artorias is 100% a gimmick fight.
He actually does fight reactively, you’re just good at spacing you dummy.
When is Matthew going to talk about Yakuza and learn what real god tier combat looks like?
Game developers are so dumb! Why dont they just make a patreon then not release any videos for 6 months
They're not really the same kind of games besides being both action game, a label that is exceedingly large and can apply to Zelda and Ninja Gaiden.
Sekiro is focused on different things and the combat system is mostly based on answering the tell with the proper counter, basically rock paper scissor.
Let me rephrase that. He fights reactively, but it has no effect because none of his attacks are quick enough to punish anything faster than an 80 agility character chugging (which is just about everything)
>This is correct. All the Souls games are janky and play like shit. Even Matt acknowledges that the series has shit gameplay.
Matt is too retarded to understand that the gameplay of Souls games is simple on purpose, because you're supposed to pay attention to the game more than your moves, it's a tool of immersion.
A proper game of rock paper scissors doesn't have "tells", so no it's not.
>square square square triangle
#wow #whoa
Unless it's the dragon engine, then
>square, wait five years, got blocked, get stuck on boxes
>the gameplay of Souls games is simple on purpose
But he says this in the video.
he hasn't said a single intelligent thing about a game.
There’s absolutely a best possible answer to any attack in any action game. Sekiro just punishes suboptimal decisions more strictly.
You know what I meant, the tell in Sekiro is the same for all type of attacks.
If Matthew made a video on Yakuza and was completely honest about the combat, all Yakuza fans would be a complete meltdown. They need to stay in denial.
>Rollspamming is a meme criticism
>Rollcatching is easy in PvP, and later enemies in PvE can also rollcatch due to differently timed attacks
Rollcatching adds nothing to fights. You know what adds to fights? Incentives to use other things than rolling like positioning, blocking, parrying, etc.
Fume’s kill rate disagrees.
Fume has a higher kill rate because he's not an optional boss gated behind a casual filter like Alonne. He has a high kill rate because the vast majority of Soulsfags are retards who spam R1 until the boss is already mid-swing.
>Fume Knight is the one boss in the entirety of From's IPs that has a definitive kill rate of over 90%.
>Retards still argue against it for some reason like they're not just blowing hot air.
>use the same move five times on enemies that are just standing around and then active ebin cutscene
The game's fun but surely you don't actually think this is great combat
see Fume is pathetically easy and is one of the few "hard" Souls bosses that even I could down in one try
That's true, actually. I was mainly thinking of later games where those sorts of environmental factors are almost never relevant. (DS3 has the dragonslayer armor's bridge and that's basically it, you aren't even punished for rolling into a wall)
The difference here is that the humanoid bosses have nothing else going on. There is nothing to learn about Artorias, Dancer, Gundyr, Smelter, or most of the rest of the parade of humanoids besides "when should I be rolling."
Positioning and blocking can both be used with good effectiveness on just about every fight. Parrying turns any fight it is usable in into a joke.
Yakuza has great combat.
>good art direction
That’s like saying the last Jedi was good because it had good visual effects.
Doubt it. I've seen Yakuza being played. It's literally always press one button repeatedly to win or spam one technique, like wall attacks in judgement. No one could ever sincerely think that combat is a strong point of Yakuza games. In fact the random encounters all over town seem to get in the way of the fun. At best they're a sort of toll you have to pay to afford the fun things in the game.
>The Last Jedi was pure shi-
As compared to what, every single fight boils down to “When should I be rolling”. Every last one.
If that's true then why do people on Yea Forums go into a seething rage if anyone says Yakuza combat is bad
>>[Regarding Dark Souls III]
>>Because this is no longer a series where you outsmart your opponents; it's a series where you press the roll button at the right time.
>Was he right?
Started rewatching the video and you really butcher the context of the quote. He's specifically saying this about the archer in DSIII. You hear the arrow shoot and no matter where you run it homes in on you so the only way to avoid it is by timing a roll. He's not saying the roll wasn't always an effective tool, but they've stopped designing encounters with interesting mechanics that aren't just messing with attack timings to throw off your roll.
>No one could ever sincerely think that combat is a strong point of Yakuza games
You can see at least two people thinking that in this very thread dude
Gael. Artorias. Both kill fewer people, apparently.
This ignores the fact that the game is an action RPG where a tank build using a shield is as viable as only rolling (if not more-so, owing to poise)
No, it was literally always like that. How do you outsmart an simple pathing AI anyway? You just learn their patterns and abuse iframes.
Artorias is extremely easy if you go in with a heavy weapon due to lacking in poise.
I never did the DLC in DS3 so I don't know anything about Gael.
>Fume is pathetically easy
>Has a 93% kr.
He keeps doing.
Do they actually have killcounts? I thought it was just DaS2 that did that
Using a shield is universally worse than rolling, and mega tank builds don’t universally work. They are inferior options.
Doesn't change the fact that he's incredibly slow and you have no brain if you actually died to his twenty year attacks. Having a 93% kill rate against the literal dumbest people on the planet (Soulsfags) isn't an accomplishment. People who think Souls games are actually difficult just because they don't have a game journalist difficulty setting like real action games do
It's more Simon Says than rock-paper-scissors, but what I'm saying is that I don't want to play Simon Says. It's boring. So if I'm going to play a really hard game where I run around with a katana and a bunch of ninja tools with action combat I'm going to go play Ninja Gaiden and not Sekiro, because if Sekiro's entire appeal comes from its combat, then there's nothing there for me.
Not if you're given multiple valid choices, that's where individual expression comes about. Sekiro for the most part is skewed so hard that there really is only one obvious choice.
>watching game reviewers
what the fuck lmao how old are you?
Yakuza is the biggest fucking joke in videogames and if more people knew how shit these games were they'd be a meme. They are lucky to coast by under the radar.
That's mind-blowing. The combat is about as good as Baldurs Gate on the easiest difficulty. It's literally impossible to lose and you barely even have to do anything to steam roll the enemies.
>Using a shield is universally worse than rolling
It's not though, it's as viable for being less reflex-intensive while still forcing the player to manage their stamina
>and mega tank builds don't universally work
Yes they do
>It's more Simon Says than rock-paper-scissors
No more so than any other action game that relies on the player reacting to telegraphed attacks (which is a lot of action games)
Just because you're bad at them doesn't make them bad.
What I'm trying to say is that the way those mechanics work should change to make your entire toolkit more significant. For example, parrying should never be an automatic riposte (or poisebreak like DaS2 against bosses), rolling should only be used for emergency quick distance movement and a Nioh-like dodge should be used instead for the iframes, with lower iframes and lower stamina regen your positioning would matter more, etc.
Understanding this point is what separates the intelligent Souls fans from the retards.
>Using a shield is universally worse than rolling
Are you for real, nigger? Greatshield strats are literally broken in every Souls game. Even in DS2 and Demon's where shields are at their absolute worst, they still trivialize many fights. Flamelurker is piss easy if you use the purple dragon shield.
>mega tank builds don’t universally work
mega tanking is objectively the best strategy for DS1 outside of magic
It is absolutely worse in that it uses more stamina and gives you less time to counterattack due to shield stun. It’s just easier. Mega tank builds are completely dependent on the design of the boss, you aren’t going to poise tank fucking manus, a shield tank in heavy armor is just a shield build.
As compared to "Having to prioritize targets in the congregation and keep track of what multiple enemies with different behaviors are doing."
As compared to "Having to approach the boss aggressively enough to reach him but not so aggressively that you let him get free hits." (humanoid bosses do all of the approaching for you)
As compared to "Having to attack specific weak points on a large model and changing your positioning relative to the boss to hit those weak points."
As compared to "Boss behavior will change based on your equipment or due to actions taken prior to the boss fight."
>Using a shield is universally worse than rolling
Only in DS3.
From's artists are bar none the best in the business.
Here's my question to the Souls defenders, the point Matt brought up about enemies with stupid delayed attack timings, why does that exist and do you think that is fair or enjoyable? Why is it that no other action game feels the need to do this kind of nonsensical animation bullshit?
this unfortunately. its fun to think that das1 has clever design in its encounters and that it rewards smart players but the reality is that most of this is a carryover from des and its not improved upon in the slightest and the smartest way to approach most enounters is to sprint around the enemies and tap r1 near their backs. you dont even need the roll in this regard. they've never completely gotten around some of these methods, but its certainly gotten harder as the games have gotten faster and require a bit more proper use of the roll
funny enough on the roll thing people are always down on the fact that das1 didnt have omniroll but of all the dark souls titles its easily the one that needs it the least due to how easy just moving/sprinting around enemies is
Shield is strong and easy, but it is worse compared to being able to roll it, you’ll kill it faster with rolling.
Casey Duck Butter Duck is amazing, though.
Reminds me of the Oldboy hallway fight where the thugs don't just pile atop Oh Dae Su and beat him to death.
Nah he just couldnt git gud like anyone who agrees with him
>From's artists are bar none the best in the business.
>using a shield uses more stamina than rolling
No it doesn't
>Mega tank builds are completely dependent on the design of the boss
The same can be said of anything, you can still beat Manus using a fat roll character with a shield.
So, in order
>having to time rolls for multiple enemies
>having to be prepared to roll on the approack
>having to roll while you hunt for weak points
>having to change your roll timing dependent on what you did in the run up
You'll absolutely kill things faster with a shield since you can attack while blocking. You'd have a point if you said it required you to invest more in stats and upgrades but no, if we're talking about a situation where all other things are equal, having a greatshield completely trivializes fights as there's no risk involved and dodging is only marginally faster.
>bad at them
Don't worry user I know how to pause and use my infinite supply of healing items just fine
So which is it?
I guarantee I have more images like this than you do of that.
Das1 does have clever design in its encounters. It is true, however, that back stabbing can trivialise some of them
how to outsmart your opponents in DS1:
>hold up shield, circle strafe behind them and wait for their attack to either bounce off or get in position for backstab
Nah I invade daily. I constantly win 2v1 and 3v1 situations because I know WHERE they are going to roll. I out smart them with positioning. It's different than DS1 or 2, but its still strategy
>He uses healing items
I thought I was supposed to be the one deliberately oversimplifying things, not you.
My man. Fucking crazy how 3 years on and the game still hits 6-9k daily. Invasions are incredibly addicting.
You can attack, dodge, parry, block, and attack cancel in Sekiro plus you have your prosthetic tools.
Seems to me the problem is you're self limiting and playing this one specific playstyle.
Dark Souls 3 was far more about outsmarting your opponents than DS1 or 2 were, though. There was no outsmarting in DS1--every enemy had the same static combos and piss poor tracking, so it was roll city. Meanwhile, DS3 made enemies much faster and threw in a lot of extra moves, combos, & fakeouts, which was something that DS2 had for all of one area (Forest of Fallen Giants) then forgot about for the rest of the game until Fume Knight.
Lmao look at this dude
>People shitting on DS2 bossfights when they are almost the only ones in the series where other than timing positioning is also a factor to take into consideration
The point of contention is that you are oversimplifying things and then not applying your oversimplification universally even though it applies.
Lmao he got beat by gundyr
One boss fight over the course of ten games where there's an actual chance of losing will definitely blow all these haters the fuck out. Zoomer status = SEETHING!
Fair enough. Explain the deep and meaningful differences between fighting, say, Dancer of the Boreal Valley and Chamption Gundyr that make them feel like two completely distinct boss fights that require completely different approaches.
holy shit I think I speak for everyone here when I say this BOSS FIGHT is INSANE
would love to see more webms like this showing how incredible the combat in yakuza games REALLY is
Which bosses in DaS 2 do you have to take positioning into account for? imo that was one of the worst aspects of the game - a lot of the enemy encounters are based around open expanses where you have to control mobs rather than the tight level design of Demon's/Dark
The presentation doesn't make up for having to pretty much solo the first part of the fight because loyce knight AI is braindead.
also fuck grinding for 50 souls
Coming right up.
it is japanese Uncharted/Bamham
If you replace "League of Legends" with CS:GO or most fighting games everything basically still applies.
Most people who play Souls games can beat them... eventually. No matter how much time you give the average player he'll never reach a high ranking in a competitive game.
It's extremely embarrassing how many guys like to believe they're "alpha" because they play an autistic as fuck 100 hour grind which is so casual it's practically impossible to lose and has a primarily female audience.
But yes, tell me again how this is a "manly" series where enemies don't even attack you and you can pause during fights to heal as much as you like.
Are you kidding? Dancer is all about long, sweeping combos while Gundyr is the mixup king of the game. Pushed to the extremes, dancer is a fight about sniffing her ass and Gundyr is about parrying the idiot to death.
God bless the user who keeps making these Yakuza webms showing just how drab it really is.
Joseph fell for the dad game meme and no one cares. Matosis made an objective critique of the game and modern AAA gaming and the devs actually thanked him for the insight on twitter TWICE
why is it that whenever I hear people talk about yakuza games they speak as if it's the hottest shit but whenever I see footage of it in action it looks like fucking garbage
>You know what adds to fights? Incentives to use other things than rolling like positioning, blocking, parrying, etc.
cool good thing DS3 has it then
who the fuck is comparing single-player games to multiplayer ones?
no one
Except you react to Dancer's sweeping combos and Gundyr's ebin mixups by rolling through each attack animation in sequence either way, so who gives a shit?
DS3 arbitrarily has a few bosses whose attacks can be parried and that's about the full extent of your meaningful alternative defensive options.
The best thing is when fuming Yakuza fans say "that's not REAL yakuza combat!" and then they're asked to post this "real" combat and instantly disappear. Every. Single. Time.
Yakuza is a meme. And not a very good one.
>objective critique
>League of Legends
Number counting is one hell of a skill.
>[Regarding Dark Souls III]
FromSoftware started to heavily focus on rolling and dodging in Bloodborne, Dark Souls 2 also had rolling as a fairly reliable way to conquer obstacles, but it had more limited stamina and agility, which prevented that type of gameplay fully taking over the type of gameplay that was present in Demon's Souls.
Yakuza is strange in that the main gameplay element is also the worst part of the game.
You’re back to pretending that there’s a single boss that isn’t abut rolling and punishing. They all do this, either call everything “Artorias” or accept that all bosses operate on the core gameplay of the series, which happens to be using a defensive thing and then punishing the enemy during their vulnerable frames.
I’d say this is remarkably considerate of the bigger picture
Wait, isn't Demon's Souls the one with the hub world that's basically just a Mega Man stage select screen you can walk in?
Like, most of them, unless you have really high agility. DS2 doesn't encourage the player to i-frame attacks, which means you have to take into account where you are in relation to the enemy and where you wanna be after a roll, sprint or even just strafing. It's way more satisfying than just spamming B to not get hit by a 7 hit combo from Pontiff Sulyvhan.
Every boss features rolling and punishing. Some of them have more to them than just that. I'm sorry this particular concept is too difficult for you to grasp.
Yeah. That is objectively less linear that Dark Souls 3.
Yes, it's also the most non-linear game in the series as a result.
>"slower bosses are bad"
>player is also slower
Yes. But each of the stages can be completed in any order. Their relative challenge of the levels will be based more on your playstyle than your stats.
None of them have more. None of them. If you can roll and punish, you can beat every boss. From the perspective of a player that can only walk in a straight line towards a boss but can perfectly roll every time, every boss is conquerable. Maybe besides Deacons where the player will probably hit the time limit before they can blindly mash the correct enemy to death enough times.
>most of them
The most popular DaS 2 bosses (e.g. Fume, Alonne, Darklurker) don't really force you to take the environment into consideration (other than basic things like the size of the rooms they take place in, though it's not really comparable to stuff like the Capra Demon where it's intentionally cramped and that's the main challenge).
>The pretty colors make me happy, so it’s good.
Absolutely Retarded
You also roll in dark souls. It's not very different from dark souls 3 besides being more clunky and janky. The only reason people don't like dark souls 3 is contrarianism.
Saying God of War does nothing new compared to contemporary games and in fact is following other game trends is a fairly objective critique.
And yer response? How was it not fair?
Spacing =/= geographic awareness
>The only reason people don't like dark souls 3 is because they have taste.
This is a webm of someone just mashing like crazy. He doesn't ever defend. He uses attacks to move around by just constantly mashing out strings. The enemies don't punish you for being back turned. They don't defend. They don't whiff punish.
It's like dynasty warriors but all the enemies are just random soldiers that have no chance of killing you.
considering faggot youtubes just sit on sites like Yea Forums and steal our content and then present it as their own, no its not a particularly enthralling argument.
The video did point that out. It's not very kind to Bloodborne either
>He doesn't ever defend
why bother
Mirror Knight was the best boss in Dark Souls 2.
If you disagree you're a rollspamming mouthbreather.
>the best boss in Dark Souls 2.
I really like Mirror Knight’s old monk gimmick. It’s a shame it’ll get less relevant as the game ages.
He's wrong
He's just a Demons Souls nostalgiafag
If anything, DS3 was very criticized at launch for having too many gimmicky bosses that you couldn't just dodge and attack for beating them just like in his beloved DS, yet he completely failed to aknowledge them
There are a lot of legit criticisms you can make at DS3, but this ain't one
>m8 if I want to play Bayonetta as optimally as possible, I'll only punch, kick, wicked weave punch with Onyx Roses on hands and feet
that's far from the optimal way to play bayo for both speedrun and plat rank.
in fact the plat rank is fantastic in that regard since it eliminates mindlessly spamming your most powerful move since you need to balance damage with combo score
>Mirror Knight was the best bos-