Is DLC an acceptable practice now?

Is DLC an acceptable practice now?

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>putting ketchup in a burger

DLC isn't as bad as it used to be now that companies can just exploit lootboxes these days.

Only third world countries hate food analogies


Thats why its a pre order bonus and not paid dlc

Grood angralagie

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>no cheese
Throw it in the trash

I hate this word so much

> being contrarian for the sake of it

i bet you put ketchup on your steak

Catsup is literally just sugar sauce. It's fucking disgusting


just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're a contrarian

Yes, people even praise it

steak on a burger?

Is that dlc 2 a fucking steak?? Who puts a ribeye between burger buns.

banana ketchup isn't.

Imagine computer and food

One word replies are for walnut brained Zoomers

I feel like there was definitely a time when that was the case, but we're slowly working our way out of it.
Nowadays, that pricing model is relegated to a specific genre.

Like the recent God of War. Say what you will about it, but it was a complete package from beginning to end. Same with Spider-Man, or the super-recent Gears 5. They're all pretty complete on their own. Even Assassin's Creed, which is STEEPED in microtransactions, doesn't really take anything meaningful away from the base game to sell back to you later.

That's all in multiplayer focused games now. Especially stuff like Destiny, and things like it. They realized they can turn "Day 1 DLC" into a full-blown genre, and suddenly BOOM, Battle Royale clones everywhere

this post made me cringe

>That analogy for DLC
Man, welcome to a decade ago.

>Food analogy


Ketchup is okay but like the other guy said its just sugar and vinegar. Mustard is where it's at. Nice chunky blue cheese dressing is top tier



Where does the red color comes from then?
Checkmate atheist.

The impossible burger made me realize we could totally trick america into becoming vegan and they wouldn't even realize.

>impossible burger
>full of chemicals
>a lot of salt I mean a lot a lot
>only vegans can't taste the difference between this and meat
>Not healthier than real meat
>more expensive
It's shit.

Ever since lootboxes people forgot how much of a scam paid DLC is. Just look at how hyped people are for Smash Bros. DLC RIGHT NOW

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Only if it's for Smash, apparently

>food analogy

What a shit analogy. Truly back then, there was none "expansion" shit. You got all the entire game, (the burger, fries and the ketchup). If devs wanted more, they would make a sequel (or a new menu, in your shit analogy)
If you think about it, PC faggots are the ones that ruined gaming with their expansion packs. I wanted Warcraft 4, not warcraft 3 + 0.5

Why would I want steak dlc for my hamburger?

Ass Creed really feels like it's gimping a lot of its progression now for the sake of pulling people into buying its microtransactions, it's terrible

What is this circlejerking garbage? You guys are worse than reddit.

What is the difference between a sequel utilising the same engine and expansion on the scope of W3 TFT?

DLC used to be a wanted item for video games way back in the early days. it wasn't until gamers realized companies were clearly cutting base content and charging for it that people got pissed.

Depends on what you define as DLC, and whether or not you consider what gets made during Cert Testing for consoles (Ha) counts as made during development.
Philosophically if you believe that inflation means that games should cost more (Despite software development being SO easy at this point literally ANYONE who is willing to put time into it can gamedev) then sure it's acceptable.
Of course now we more have an issue that monetization has kinda moved away from dumbass dlc bullshit they cut from the game to make sales better to "Virtual economies" that more often than not miss the point and don't have anything tradable and are at least passable as a psuedocurrency.

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>being so fat you need a food analogy to understand

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nobody realized, nobody is pissed, the fucking brainlets and zoomers just think this is how video games are done, they literally dont know

>almost every burgers "secret sauce" is just ketchup and mayo

You've ate and enjoyed ketchup on a burger whether you know it or not.

what are you talking about?
to get maximum effect from your burger you need to drown out every other taste with ketchup

>put tomato in a burger
>add ketchup
i like ketchup but im still confused

it's as acceptable as being a cocksucking faggot while wearing a neckbeard with buddy hollys.

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It's still a shitty burger king burger, but it's close enough that I could see it being a way to get more out of the meat we have currently.

>What a shit analogy. Truly back then, there was none "expansion" shit

THe fuck you talking about

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What the hell is wrong with Dio?

yeah bro I like my food with less flavor kys EU cuck

Tomato is in theory supposed to thicken and acidify the burger which supposedly pairs well with the fat but it's ultimately just fluff and worthless. It also tends to make the bread soggy which is shit because no one knows how to properly build a burger.

t. some eurocuck who probably puts mayo or some shit

He poorly handled having a shitty childhood and never matured.

who the fuck calls it catsup
these are the types of subhumans who dont like condiments

wow expansions are not expansions but cash and pay 2 win grabs.
IN the same way bf2 spec ops was pay2win. you got better guns to use in the game.
they ACTED like it was ok by saying, "oh you can pick them up tho"

I don't know why but euros seem to think ketchup is made from syrup or caramel or something.

>implying I get sauce of any kind
A good burger shouldn't need excessive saucing, it detracts from everything else.

Euro ketchup has tons of thickeners and sugar in it

This only really applies to shit AAA normalfag games, good devs still do it the "old" way

no. the only thing that DLC was good for was easy access to actual full expansions.

yeah bro dry bread and patty is pure decadence
fucking poorfag

Nobody puts ketchup on their burgers, how is he contrarian?

Well that and it people stopped buying DLC quests since they're usually short and crap which is why publishers switched to stand alone expansions.

clearly you've only eaten fast food burgers
prime cooked meat doesn't need sauce because it's sandpaper


Yellow Mustard is fucking nasty, but any other kind of Mustard is a top tier condiment.

>buying games
lmao is it really worth it? i don't even pirate these games because i just don't care.

yea but my confusion comes from why have both tomato and ketchup? they're both tomato

ITT: amerimutts that can't imagine eating anything without condiments because they keep desensitizing their tongue with excess flavour.

You have exactly 10 (TEN) seconds to name a company with an acceptable approach to DLC that isn't From.

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At least 95% of burgers sold each day has ketchup on it you fucking retard


I don't know about now. But I do remember the outrage that was sparked when Jill was found on MvC3's disk and Capcom was going to charge for her. This was when I noticed the turning point but it may have been earlier. (Capcom already had a history of being edition crazy by then).

I also remember the excitement I had for expansions for like S&K, Guild Wars, etc.

It's almost like preorder bonuses are things you never need...

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do you just go to mcdonalds everyday? all the restaurants i go to never put ketchup in the burgs, and these are chain restaurants too

BBQ Sauce taste better on Burgers than Ketchup

there's some truth to this.

I never bought expansions unless they were included with the base PC game as a single package and I happened to pick up the game at a later date much later after said expansions had been released and repackaged. Warcraft 2 battlechest is what got me into Warcraft 2. I never bought frozen dicks for Warcraft 3. I bought Counter-Strike and got half-life for free with it. I bought the base battlefield 1942/2/3/4 games, and never their expansions.

Even expansions as the early form of DLC seem to have been generally frowned upon back in the day, and they sold poorly if they weren't packaged together with the base game.

I don't think this retarded price gouging for lazy efforts was ever kosher, so it's a wonder why publishers pushed for it. Most normies didn't even buy PC games. Many normies never bought fucking PC software and used their computer like some predefined thing that shipped with everything you'd ever need already built into windows.

Modern DLC is unironically worse than in the days of paid DLC. You pay $60 for a game that will not even even be “”complete”” (which just so happens to usually be disappointing) until a year after launch, and parts of the game that used to be rewards or progression are now tied in to cash purchases. We reached the “pay for all the parts” point with the integration of MTX, but people don’t realize it and continue to hamper on your tired meme as if things have gotten better in the slightest.

The only euros that know how to cook are the spanish and italian, ram a cork in it and eat your mushy paste you pretend to like because "d-duh amewicans don't wike it"

american burger

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Game prices have not kept up with inflation so we are paying much less today for a lot more content. We should be paying something like $100 and even then that's conservative. DLC is a way to take advantage of the whales to effectively subsidize those who only buy the base game. The base game has become a loss leader for the DLC.

Honestly though I wouldn't mind paying $100 a game if I was confident the content actually supported the price tag or if it was really niche. The only game I know to do this is Kamidori and honestly it's pretty amazing for that niche. I would love to pay $100 for a real proper, complex space 4x/GSG game.

sorry dude but if you prefer just a plain burger with nothing on it you're some kind of meat vegan purist faggot

Ones a smoothie and doesn't thicken it and the other isn't that acidic by itself.


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french burger

bow down to the culinary masters peasants

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looks like shit

Lol you're like those retarded fags who eat blue rare steak for the "pure taste" thinking that literally anything you do to a food automatically makes it "worse". You have no concept of tastes and foods being able to enhance and compliment each other and I feel sorry for your taste buds.

digital delivery renders your point moot. The cost of a game for $60 back in the day got you a physical copy that had to be printed, shipped, stocked in shelves, of limited physical supply, included a box, a jewel case, and a printed glossy manual. $60 nowadays gets you a digital download of unlimited supply that costs next to nothing to deliver, and that's it. Publishers have more than doubled their profits thanks to digital delivery, so paying $60 for a digital game is the equivalent of paying at least $120 for said game.

maybe not in amercia but games have gotten more expensive in most places

Are you minus-realm Northernlion?

>that nigger that needs to call it catsup

Shut the fuck up

even back then with regular distribution it was made fun of because it was pennies to produce cd's. and companies always fell back on it as an excuse to why everything had jacked up prices

>Unironically thinking distributing a bunch of plastic cases and pressed discs is any way a significant contributer to a $60 price point
>Especially in the case of a major publisher
Are you retarded?

What's wrong with taking a profit by adding content?
Your image implies that if not for DLC, the dlc content would be added into the main game, thus missing the very point of it.

>buy PC game 12 years ago
>huge box full of all sorts of shit to supplement the game
>buy PC game now
>generic dvd case with a paper disc inside

yeah no inflation at all

If by DLC you mean "extra content made months after the game was finished for a reasonable price" then yes

If you mean "tiny packs that could have been included base game but were given a microtransaction price tag" then no

>Hate tomatoes
>Can now buy a cheaper burger if i choose not to buy tomatoes as well
Sounds like a fair deal. What's the issue here, OP?

>get game with manual
>throw manual away
>20 years later
>"why don't games have manuals anymore"
fuck you

Because most video game companies run under the idea that they need to make more money next year. There is only so much money you can make creating an honest product with heart aswell as inventive or fun gameplay. They eventually have to cut up content and make shitty microtransactions and DLC game shops and doing whatever manipulative marketing shit they can to bank more every year. The sorry state of gaming really cannot be put on anyone else but the greedy fucks at the top who dont give an actual shit about the state of the games they produce and the dumbass pay whales that encourage their behaviour.

complete strawman you've pulled there. at no point did I state meat with sauce is worse than meat without sauce, and that meat should be eaten without compliments
My point was that properly cooked meat isn't dry and doesn't necessarily need sauce

There's nothing more disgusting than a fat guy that smoke.

the idea of a company being compelled to make profits is the cancer killing capitalism and turning it explicitly into profiteering.

It's less that it's compelled to make profits, more that they're compelled to increase how much profits they make.
Any profitable venture is a success technically.
Having a reasonable and sustainable profit goal doesn't lead to concussion tier decision making.

Ketchup is to tomatoes as babies are to semen. Yeah, you need semen to make a baby but I wouldn't really say babies are semen flavored.

how do you know that, have you tasted a baby?

As long as the DLC was clearly made after the game released then it's okay. If it was content done before release and withheld then the devs can burn in Hell.

Imagine being at computers.


Not him but most restaurants has a sauce inside the burger. I haven't seen any restaurants where there's nothing and often that sauce is ketchup based.

mcdonalds big mac sauce is remoulade

>he doesn't know

are you blind?
go to bed

>not food apology
one job

Unfortunately release schedules aren't so cut and dry. Larger devs send out a release to QA and such many months before the game actually gets publicly released. Sometimes that time is spent patching the game for a day 1 patch, but for some that's QA's job in which case the actual developers just sit on their hands doing nothing.

Alternatively they can work on and finish extra content during that 3-6 month timespan they are sitting there having people QA the base game, burn disks, and market it. Considering the simplicity of DLC, this is often finished very quickly and can be released with the game. So timelines by themselves prove nothing unfortunately about whether content was "cut" for DLC. Maybe it actually was but release times simply don't show it by themselves. We should honestly be demanding more transparency into development. Just a simple "We sent the release off, now we have nothing to do so we are working on DLC now" would quell so many people.

What's wrong with mayo?

incredibly based
blue cheese dressing or bust

based as fuck

American Ketchup*

based cringeposter

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bumping cus reasons

I'm just thinking with Goro in MKX and Shao Kahn in MK11, both were totally finished and ready to play day one, but if you didn't pre-order you had to pay $5 extra. That's bullshit.

Have you ever eaten the two? They taste nothing alike. Ketchup is filled with vinegar and sugar and is sweet.

No, and not even in the usual sense of it being a ripoff. Games are being shipped incomplete, months or even over a year before being ready. There's no reason at all to buy a game before the whole thing is finally released. "OH LOL! We can just add/change it tomorrow!" But as everyone knows, tomorrow never comes. Then on top of that, this endless development sashay means that things like deadlines that used to reign in feature bloat and focus the final product are no longer entirely there. It's the same concept as sprite-era games having such insane craft to work within and around the limitations of their time, compared to the EZ-Bake Engine visuals of today and people that have no idea how anything they're building actually works. Or as another example, it's how some of these lead devs like Tim Schafer who do amazing work only do amazing work when they have someone over them cracking the whip and putting the kibosh on the really batshit ideas that would ruin the final product.

acceptable? no.
accepted? yes.

its "you've eaten" not "ate".