I honestly can't stand this guy, why is he so popular?
Jim Sterling
Because of faggots like you who give him attention.
Congrats, you played yourself
Shut the fuck up white trash
This. If it weren't for constant shilling threads I would never know him
Define shilling dick floss
He's BETTER than YongYea. At least JIm is entertaining. Yong is the WORST
don't advertise here.
He's the only game journalist who is willing to directly call the industry put on ALL of it's bullshit, day after day and not letting them get away with it. Also he's one of the best game critics on Earth.
Plus, he is to date the only person to accurately predict lootboxes having legal ramifications.
literally this
He's not entertaining, just a fat annoying Britbong fuck
Not really. Maybe some time ago, but not nowadays.
At this point, he's for all intents and purposes in the pocket of the left-wing and starts buying into their ideology with all the biases that come with that.
And with Totalbiscuit - who really was going out of his way to be unbiased - dead, there is only Yahtzee Croshaw remaining from the "British trifecta" that still has some critic intergrity. And he doesn't care all that much at this point.
Thank god for him!
Bullshit, he only goes for low hanging fruit but when it comes to his ideological friends and enemies that goes out of the window instantly.
Oh yeah his Dead or Alive rants were totally pro consumer.
This is literally jim posting in these threads. Fuck off
He used to be the biggest consumer advocate in the industry, but now there are pundits all over the place that are fed up with the industry's shit and call them out. The only thing setting him apart from other channels now is how obnoxious he gets about injecting his politics into content that has nothing to do with it.
Sometimes he has good opinions. He's a weird fucker though.
>fat american
>fake accent
checks out
His journalism/coverage of scummy game company practices is the only reason to watch his shit.
I wouldn't call him popular, but he's sure as shit more worthwhile to watch than some faggot like Yong that is just a desperate clickbaiter and outrage mobster. He also does even less journalistic work than Jim.
He is perceived as "pro-consumer"'. But in really he's just typical lefty.
>If they are leftist they have no integrity
>if not they are based
it's like 2nd grade here
What did he say this time that caused you to make this thread
I already know Arlo is getting shit for his Pikmin bias
Seething Copeland
He's a communist
>He's the only game journalist who is willing to directly call the industry put on ALL of it's bullshit
The man once thought that Gamer Gate was just about Muh Women, and never thought that the industry bribed journos for good reviews.
There is also tons of other shit he doesn’t talk about, like emulation or censorship.
If it isn’t related to “Muh rich people shitting on muh poor people”, he doesn’t care.
his wife is fucking disgusting and so is he
Welcome to Yea Forums's depth of understanding on politics.
i'm a lefty faggot and i still find him fucking repugnant
like a fat broken record
He’s based because he actually knew what the fuck Deadly Premonition was
Have you seen his Wolfenstein: Youngblood review? He goes out of his way to make this game look good because "muh wymyn", despite every other journalist shitting on it.
I still watch him because I agree with most of the shit he says about the industry
But it is about just wanting to shit on zoey
It has nothing to do with bribed journos even if you like to tell yourself that. It's just angry incels who hide behind m-muh journalist integrity...
because they are too afraid to admit they might be bad people.
Because if you ignore the beginning and the end of his videos then he's pretty much the only person still making videos about how fucked the games industry is besides one or two.
>I honestly can't stand this guy,
Who are you that you think it matters what you think?
>Gamergate is actually about ethics in video game journalism
Holy fucking shit, I can't wait for Cripplechan to get back up so you tourists can fuck off.
1. He puts work into his videos. His videos have impeccable editing.
2. He isn't afraid to dirty his hands in drama like gambling, loot boxes, corp culture and other topics that draw peoples attention.
3. He was best positioned when TB died. When TB kicked it left a vacuum and somebody was bound to fill it.
I would much rather watch somebody else but nobody else is actually competing with him on an even level.
His entire career is built on preaching to the choir. You will never learn a thing from his videos, he's just there to reaffirm your opinions.
They're probably the ones who left for 8gag when moot cracked down on GG.
I'd say it'd never got that big in the first place if it wasn't banned from this whole site. Something so extreme it got banned here must be really special.
It's mind boggling, isn't it? Basically every one of his Jimquisitions is 20 minutes of explaining how and why obviously bad thing is obviously bad.
Jim is unironically cringe but redpilled.
What he says most of the time is true, but he is extremely obnoxious and thinks his skits and talking in funny voices is comedy gold. It isn't.
what do you get out of being so dishonest? recent events proved 100% that it was always about ethics and that it's still about ethics. zoe and her cohorts are genuinely awful people who are abusing the system.
Says the Resetera Tranny
I personally liked gamergate because it was anti gay faggots and women shitting up video games with lefty anarchist bs
Awwww, poor NeoGAFer, were you not woke enough to be allowed to post in ResetEra?
Real talk and something to ponder: What if Jim was actually praising lootboxes and microtransactions and defended them in his videos. Would your opinion of him differ?
Because he was BORN DIFFERENT
He has a wife and son.
Incels are attracted to him and his type of comedy.
Back in the day I read a bunch of his reviews in Destructioid and I nailed him quickly as a bigmouthed clown without a clue about videogames.
i was not wrong
His wifes son
They don’t want to break their delusions that the world isn’t as honest or as happy as it actually is. They just want to pretend that anyone that can see the truth is what ever meaningless buzzwords they come up with next.
Because you search him out like the faggot you are, or you're Jim bob shilling.
Which is it you gigantic retard?
>>Sage goes in options
Yeah all those five guys edits and donatinf to sjw donations. Truly epic.
Hurry up snd get your mass shooter site back online because nothing will prove those evil reptilian sjw tranny jews wrong faster than gunning down unarmed civilians
You're either dishonest or the gayest faggot autist in here
no, he's a genuine piece of shit with the most basic opinions that any sane person in any other industry would have, but gaming has been put in a niche of people who are either moneygrubbing jews (major publisher) or batshit insane psychopaths (indie devs) so you can't speak your mind without getting pushed out of the industry.
I was there making anti zoe edits too. The difference between me and you is i got bored after a week and you wanted to be apart of chanology 2.0.
Go back to your shitty reddit site cripple.
>He's BETTER than YongYea
christ ive never seen someone shake and seeth with fury so bad. The SJW is immunised against all dangers.
>ill bait them by spamming buzzwords
It really is the weekend
i'm gonna have to confess i've never watched any of his videos. all i know is he used to do nazi dress-up years ago but now he does tranny dress-up instead because authoritarian SJWs will dox him and demand google delist him from youtube and his bank freeze his accounts if he kept using such a problematic persona.
Why does his skin look like it's made from silly goo?
>t. seething neofags who didnt pass resetera purity test.
He may be smug and obnoxious at times, but a lot of what he says is accurate.
Fat retarded nerd that thinks he knows more than anyone else about anything. Kinda like 90% of Yea Forums posters.
fat piece of fucking trash pseudo intellectuals project themselves on to
Go back to r/kia, tranny, Yea Forums is not for your e-celeb drama.
>im gonna be important.... 20 years from now im gonna tell my kids how i was #notyourshield.... A vetaran in the war against journalism...
It is
>looks guys, im one of you ! dae fucking tranny ? im just like you, i spear your lingo homie !
i don't understand a jack shit from this pedoera post.
>8gag refugee SEETHING
>l-look im one of you i posted the meme frog
Go back.
>t. in 20 years.
He might be full of himself and an SJW faggot, but he's right most of the time.
leftie but hasnt drinked SJW coolaid
>f-fucking infchan
keep projecting leftypol, did that whore pig of yours stop sucking /pol/ dick yet lmao
He simply talks about the theme of the week in a "I know your pain fellow Twitter user, lets be outraged together"
>total biscuit unbiased
>he is the only person to accurately predict lootboxes having legal ramifications
Idiot, this was known from day 1. Maybe he was the first e-celeb to recognize it, but anyone who already hated them saw the writing on the wall.
The word you're looking for is Nigger
Don't really trust anything he says because I feel the peer pressure from his circle of leftie games journalists and fanbase steers a lot of what he talks about. Like some people say, he's usually right about what he talks about, but it's usually really obvious shit like EA greedy or developer abuse bad, and he never strays into the truly divisive stuff. It was most obvious in his screw steam video, I think he thought people would back him up on it since games journalists spent the last decade shitting on steam, but nobody did. Even that kotaku freak of nature he hangs around with was wary about epic, so he flip flopped on it almost immediately. Oh but any time epic is brought up he makes sure to trot out the same few lines about "competition" to make it seem like he wasn't backtracking.
You know, he probably wouldn't be bad if only he wasn't a literal giant faggot with an ego the size of his wifes' boyfriends' dick
Only if you let me jizz in your hair.
Because popularity is not dictated by your opinion.
He wears a tie.
Even if you genuinely believe that, that's not much of an accomplishment
I don't know how the fuck he got famous for reading reddit posts and tweets in a monotone
I don't mind him at all. Just don't click on his videos if you don't like him, easy solution
Nobody is going to be able to fill this guy's shoes. Mind you, it's mainly because the early 2011 youtube gaming creator boom cannot happen anymore. He also used World of Warcraft as a springboard to a youtube career at the right time too.
A lawschool graduate, with experience in podcasting, who was passionate about games lucked out two times in a row with WoW beta first and then youtube.
Another guy like this won't happen anytime soon.
You should've seen the MGSV threads before its release
He got shilled here HARD
>Yong is the WORST
He's the most boring, certainly not the worst.
it's his attire that's really the most offensive thing about him. Like he already sounds like a fucking fat nerd, but he even dresses like one too. It's just so wild, and why I can't watch his videos, I don't want anyone thinking I can even relate to this guy.
this guy gets it
Hol up. Totalbiscuit is dead? Since fucking when?
Faggots like TheQuartering are the worst. Yong is just boring.
About a year and a half ago. Remember to never tell people to get cancer and die cause it can always backfire.
Yong just stirs controversy. The reason most of his follow-up videos are so long is because he spends half of the video repeating what he said in the previous one.
Jim Sterling, however, is a fat commie faggot. He sucks dick but at least he's somewhat entertaining.
Yeah nobody else had the capability to say "haha fuck ea" and "Konami should make videogames instead of pachinko" without his big brain super definitely original takes.
I can't think of a single instance where he has ever had a controversial opinion. Where he ever wasn't pandering to whichever side had more people on it.
He and PythonSelkan were the first Youtubers to ride on the MGSV hype thread. See.
>Remember to never tell people to get cancer and die cause it can always backfire.
Abracadabra to you too user. Karma magic around every corner.
But seriously, his thin skin, ego and really really really shitty dietary choices coupled with a sedentary lifestyle did him in. He was told by paid professionals to get off of twitter because it was affecting his health at one point.
Anyone reading this, get off your chair and do 20 pushups. Ass cancer is hell. I'm doing them right after hitting submit now.
seriously, look at this fucking queer. I don't even care if more people will attend his funeral. He is just the manifestation of a fucking dweeb. Just look at him, I keep thinking he's got grease on his chin. I just would assume so
TB had his heart in the right place, but he was intelectually challenged. Just watch his FTL review to see what I mean.
Because people unironically identify as "gamers" and are cringe autistics
oops I was just so caught up I forgot this
cant get any one to like him, starts throwing shade on other reviewers to create infighting...
He's literally the only game reviewer who isn't a complete a total shill and isn't afraid to call out anyone and everyone on anything they do, even though its pretty much got him blacklisted from earlier access to any companies
I've watched him for years but I stopped a few months ago. I enjoyed him a lot when he was ranting about video games. He stopped doing that though and instead just rants about capitalism and the (video game) industries as if he's some sort of social reform expert. He's not. He is just a forklift driver that plays a lot of games. Everyone can talk about video games with authority if they have a passion for them. His videos beyond that scope are just cringe.
He shit talks about nintendo so trannyera shill him.
>Just watch his FTL review to see what I mean.
I'll do that.
>TB had his heart in the right place, but he was intellectually challenged
Whatever his IQ was, it was enough for video game commentary.
They're likely trolling but they might be stupid or mentally ill you can never tell for sure over the internet.
Also remember that totalbisucuit had one of the more easily treatable cancers, but he allowed it to spread for years because he decided to literally shit blood for 3 years before contacting a doctor even though he makes the amount of money he would need to take advantage of american health care system. He also had a history with this exact kind of cancer and still just fucking ignored it.
what a fucking retard.
I have no idea who that is, but his fat face offends me already.
I knew someone from the church I used to go who had the same thing, also knew about it for about 3 years and died without going to the doctors. Guy even had a full family and money. I don't know man, it's easy to say that we would do the logical thing and go to the medic, but it's not easy to admit you are shitting blood and go to the medic.
I have hemorrhoids and not gonna lie. Living with them is more appealing than showing my asshole to a bunch of doctors.
>why is he so popular?
because he says the hard R n-word on his podcast
They hated him for he told them the truth
Why? lmao Doctors are used to it and are chill about it. Enjoy your pain.