This game is on a pretty good sale and I've been wanting to play it for years. Remastered version has mixed reviews but the recent ones seem to be mostly positive. Which version of the game do I get?
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Remastered. It has bigs and glitches, but the original just looks faaaaar too dated.
Be sure to try both sequels if you like the original.
Alright, thanks a lot. I play almost exclusively on PC so feel like I've been missing out on this game.
>Graphics over everything else
Kill yourself you massive faggot
>recommending infinite
>not wanting a new fan
No, YOU kill yourself.
Back to /pol/.
Don't get the remastered, chances it will crash to desktop every hour or so
>Remastered. It has bigs and glitches, but the original just looks faaaaar too dated.
you get the original because neither does it look worse than the remaster which is bugged and fucks up a lot in terms of graphics, you also get the remaster for free.
calling infinite a fucking shit game is really not something you would post on /pol/.
The people who call Infinite a "fucking shit game" are the kind of people who post on /pol/.
jesus they botched the remastered SO bad. still havent fixed it, i fucking drown at the beginning and keep losing all saves. fuck that shit ass fucking shit jews
Just play system shock and not that garbage
>i bet DA POL did this
fuck off and have a free bump OP
Truth hurts, huh, bigot?
i liked infinite but it definitely felt less like a Shock game compared to its predecessors. maybe i am in need of a replay since it has been a while
2>1>literally every game in existence>infinite
Your samefag is showing, /pol/.
I understand you are baiting and everything but I do hope you have 4chanX installed so you can see when an IP is new or not without having to manually check. It is likely you do and just ignored it for the response (a decent bait) but I just wanted to make sure you are taking advantage of the modern systems we have in place. Have a good one, user.
Wait remaster crashes? That fucking sucks I don't want to lose my progress in a game that supposedly godlike story. Though by buying this pack I seem to have gotten both versions so I'll try remastered and if I crash I'll just go play the older ones.
I checked out the gameplay a little bit on youtube and it honestly looks interesting but, well, I feel really bad when I say something bad to someone kind enough to recommend me a game but what the hell is that awful background music brother? My ears don't exist anymore after having to listen to that.
Well I just wanted to ask a single question but since the thread got some attention, if you have a good PC game you know that would be a bad idea to miss out on, I'm all ears.
The similarities between 2 and infinite are fucking weird. 2 manages to do it all infinitely better though.
Bioshock is one of the most overrated games of all time
I've never paid you rent so why am I still living inside your head?
Hell,user. There's an IP counter on the vanilla experience. Poor guy must have brain damage. Poor poor soul.
the original is a clusterfuck of a port, get remaster
Without having to manually check, as I said. The mod attaches numbers to posts if they are a new IP. Just a convenience thing. I of course was using vanilla for the first few years of Yea Forums because X did not exist yet and so remember how it works.
Now this is just one of the most pathetic samefagging attempts I ever saw in my life...
Ignore ignore ig fucking nore.
The sound quality in the remaster is crunchy and shitty such that a retard that normally can't tell you difference in audio quality I offended by how fucking disgusting the game sounds. Also the graphics aren't even fucking better, it's just cheaper higher res shit.
OGbioshock 1 and 2 is great
The remaster is like some grade schoolers rebuilding the game with files they got off limewire and cardboard
Hard disagree there. I regard 2 as emblematic of some of the worst practices of the gaming industry in the 7th generation, whereas Infinite is the single greatest video game ever made.
No, no, no, literally take game recommendation from ANYWHERE else. Please, believe me, the less time you spend on this site, the better.
You are entitled to your opinion, subjectively horrific though it may be.
And you are entitled to yours, objectively incorrect though it may be.
Your opinion is absolutely terrible, but it is your opinion.
I think Infinite is one of the most overrated games of all time, it's gameplay and narrative are extreme step backs compared to 1 and 2.
>Wait remaster crashes?
yes, it can also delete your saves (only level autosaves sometimes work). its pure bullshit
Just play bioshock 2
Infinite is inferior to both of the original games in every way and only resembles them superficially
That just laughably incorrect. The gameplay of the first two games is just bad. They are terrible shooters, lightweight role-playing games, and failures as horror games. Bioshock 1 coasted by on the good will of System Shock 2 fans and its groundbreaking world and art direction. Bioshock 2 has nothing going for it. It's just the first game without any originality or even an interesting story or cast.
Infinite is what the original should have been. A focused, streamlined, refined, world-class gameplay experience with one of the greatest sci-fi stories ever and an unforgettable cast. Plus, Columbia > Rapture.
You have terrible opinions and should be ashamed of them
You're really gonna farm (you)s with such a lukewarm fake opinion about a game that's 6 years old?
Right back atcha bub
>I regard 2 as emblematic of some of the worst practices of the gaming industry in the 7th generation
It's still a better game, though.
Translation: I am a piece of shit but also too stupid to refute anything you've said so I'm just going to run away from the conversation.
>supposedly godlike story
It really, really, really isn't.
bull fucking shit. I'm on my second playthrough of remastered and I haven't had a single crash. you must treat your PC like absolute shit
At what?
>Infinite is what the original should have been
You mean an extremely linear game with no thought put into the actual plot of the game, using alternative universes to cover up the extreme contrivances of an otherwise already alien setting? The fact that the ending is based on the Many Worlds Theory but doesn't actually explain it well or even utilize it well, is a failure on the writers part.
The gameplay is not even great either, you can say that the original Bioshock didn't have good shooting, but Infinite streamlines everything too much, so much so that the vigors start to cover extremely similar roles. Bioshock 1 was guilty of this too, but you had the option to not purchase them and instead further into the skills you found interest in. It developed a different style of play otherwise. Infinite you are not given that choice. You upgrade weapons which you run out of ammo for and have to use weapons that suck ass, this has been my experience with the game consistently and it's frustrating.
I can't remember many characters in Infinite beyond Elizabeth, Booker, and Comstock. The issue with the characters in Infinite is that I feel they serve absolutely no purpose in the end. They don't add anything to the world, the whole time jump shenanigans doesn't add anything to any character beyond what you already know.
It is a general rule of thumb that anybody who talks shit about Bioshock Infinite is a white supremacist; so their opinions ought to be discarded in accordance with that notion.
It actually is. Times infinity.
I win.
dafuq? how does not liking bsi make you /pol/?
explain yourself.
What if he's not baiting, you guys? Do people with that mindset really exist? I'm sorry this happened to your thread,OP.
>You mean an extremely linear game with no thought put into the actual plot of the game, using alternative universes to cover up the extreme contrivances of an otherwise already alien setting? The fact that the ending is based on the Many Worlds Theory but doesn't actually explain it well or even utilize it well, is a failure on the writers part.
You not being able to understand it completely is not the game's fault. For reference: I DO understand it, ergo I love it to death.
>The gameplay is not even great either, you can say that the original Bioshock didn't have good shooting, but Infinite streamlines everything too much, so much so that the vigors start to cover extremely similar roles. Bioshock 1 was guilty of this too, but you had the option to not purchase them and instead further into the skills you found interest in. It developed a different style of play otherwise. Infinite you are not given that choice. You upgrade weapons which you run out of ammo for and have to use weapons that suck ass, this has been my experience with the game consistently and it's frustrating.
Infinite's gameplay actually stacks up to the high-end shooters of today. Fantastic to wield guns, Vigors offer huge strategic freedom, Skylines are the next best thing after wall-running and Tears are the greatest innovation in the genre since the Gravity Gun and the Portal Gun. And the game is layed out so that you always need to change up your tactics so it never gets boring, either.
>I can't remember many characters in Infinite beyond Elizabeth, Booker, and Comstock. The issue with the characters in Infinite is that I feel they serve absolutely no purpose in the end. They don't add anything to the world, the whole time jump shenanigans doesn't add anything to any character beyond what you already know.
I'm not going to spend the better part of the day pointing out all of the reasons this is incorrect but rest assured: you are wrong.
Remember when Levine had a breakdown on twitter because they had no fucking idea on how to make Elisabeth a decent companion character?
They ended up just making her invincible and untargetable.
>the worst practices of the gaming industry in the 7th generation
Besides adding mp, what practices?
Too, too obvious, sorry.
Don't mind me dude, I'm just enjoying the shit flinging in the thread honestly. Glad I made it.
This is a good mindset to have.
Remember that thing that didn't happen? You people are desperate...
Obvious bait
Publishers taking the works of auteurs and having a different development team use their property to churn out inferior product while the original visionary is working hard at his next masterpiece; then passing off the publisher-mandated, inferior product as comparable to the originall and hoping it coasts by on brand-recognition.
Publishers diluting the value of the works their top creatives give them for a quick buck.
wish we could just purge infinite from our collective memory. it would be for the best.
I think the game has cool music though. the idea that artists would use time travel to steal popular compositions from the future to perform in the past was super inspired.
shame the game isn’t very good.
obvious butthurt
play prey
Honestly I love Yea Forums the most when it comes to taking recommendations because everyone here is just so passionate about things they like
The unlimited supply of rage Infinite harvests from almost every conceivable breed of bigot is still hillarious after all these years. A mere game's existence pisses them off so much, it's just so funny.
Plus it's just a fucking good game.
I second this. Prey is a really good game, kinda sucks that it didn't sell well though.
>churn out inferior product
Good thing that didnt happen
Also the porn is pretty good.
>these replies
you get both versions of the game if you buy it on steam, for B1 and B2, and you might as well buy all 3 games since you get the 3rd game free (which is the best one tbhfam).
Didn't it tho
infinite is overrated but it's better than the first bioshock game
This. If you find an opinion genuinely defending or endorsing something you'll get the best info possible.
All these years later, you see people on this board say Infinite is a bad game with a completely straight face and it's still difficult to discern whether they people are bigots or just plain morons.
Stop bond burgering my fucking sister
Christ this post is so bad I thought I was on facebook
Ultimately the Infinite we got is better than any other video game out there. Plus, everyone who knows games should know that that E3 demo would be impossible to make into an actual game.
Let's be honest; that was a show to get people excited for the game; Cyberpunk won't play like this.
I was reffering to bioshock 2
This. The idea that anybody plays the original Bioshock, and then Bioshock 2, and then Infinite, and then turns around and says that the first two games had better gameplay is just so absurd.
Yeah man Cyberpunk looked great but they just said that it won't be Third Person and I'm like wtf cut content much?
when did this narrative that the only people who dislike infinite are bigots come from? pushing politics aside, the game’s story makes no sense at all. keeping politics in frame, the work is surprisingly conservative, or at the very least centrist - what gives?
the exact opposite of this post is true
the remaster messes with the lighting in the game for the worse
bioshock 2 is worth playing but infinite could be a different franchise
I'd say the same about your posts.
See thats a common misconception. It's actually referencing a brosnan patty,a legendary Swedish sex move brought underground by a contingent of Roman Romulus cultists in the 5th century BC. You see,Pierce Brosnan is the reincarnation of Romulus thus his title of Architect.
Neither statement in this post is true, or intelligent.
playing through this for the first time right now and its easily one of the most embarrassing games ive played, especially in context with the "hype". it truly defined the generation of clueless zoomers who die without a hint system and an objective marker. its system shock 2 but for braindead 6 year olds
Ah, I see, you have no idea how game development works.
Well, let me give you a tip: CDPR most probably brainstormed a ton of stuff for Cyberpunk that ultimately won't appear in the finished product.
All development cycles are similar this way.
Only Infinite is really worth playing. Change my mind.
buy the gog version and you'll get both of them DRM-free with cloud saves.
0/10 see me after class
>Infinite is a bad game
it's not a bad game but i enjoyed it less than the first two mostly because a combination of level design and the weapon limit.
I wish I was as naive as you user, truly
enjoy your game
I hope I'll never be as stupid as you, truly
I can practically hear your screams of agony from all the pain in your ass through the speakers of my screen.
Neither Bioshock 1 or Infinite are conservative in the very least. Maybe in their settings, but if anything they satirize conservative belief.
I mean 1 is literally a society built entirely on free-market principles bordering anarcho-capitalism that is the equivalent of Ayn Rand and every right-wing libertarian's wet dream and it ultimately falls to shit.
Infinite's setting and people are shown to be extremely racist towards minorities (the Vox Populi) and the game's messaging suggests that this is obviously a cruel and dehumanizing thing. I can see the argument made for Infinite being somewhat centrist since later on it starts to illustrate the evils of both sides, but in the beginning its clear who the game is vilifying.
>back to pol
epic schizoposting bro
>I can see the argument made for Infinite being somewhat centrist since later on it starts to illustrate the evils of both sides, but in the beginning its clear who the game is vilifying.
It's not that it calls both sides evil (there is no question that the uprising of the Vox Populi is righteous) but just presents it through the lens of two people who otherwise would have no business commenting on it.
>Infinite's setting and people are shown to be extremely racist towards minorities (the Vox Populi) and the game's messaging suggests that this is obviously a cruel and dehumanizing thing.
Columbia is basically how things were in the South during the Jim Crow era.
Yeah that's fair. Although I will say while it is presented through two unbiased parties like Booker and Elizabeth, I feel the player is still meant to interpret that neither side is justified in their methods. Whether one or the other can be considered wholly "evil" is more of an ethical debate, though it does seem that way in the beginning with Columbia's residents.
This. So much of the discussion of Infinite's plotics invokes the Antebellum, but that is to miss the point that the game takes place in 1912. Recontextualized thusly, I believe that clears up a lot of confusion.
I agree 1 is not conservative in the slightest and is quite clear in its critique of those libertarian philosophies. that is why my reading of Infinite surprised me so much. I agree with what you’re saying in so far as that was most likely the authorial intent (demonstrating the failures of radical isolationism through aggressive xenophobia) but the text itself clearly fumbles with these issues. it’s a game that’s unwilling to go all the way in condemning this society for the sake of a product that would hopefully skirt around controversy - not exactly the best look, especially in conjunction with its insistence, as you rightly point out, on demonstrating that there is evil on both sides.
Booker and Elizabeth are not unbiased; Booker is a selfish, violent, tone-deaf asshole who only cares about himself while Elizabeth has no clue what racism is. OF COURSE they would go for the both sides bullshit in their reactions.
That's good writing and respecting the audience's intelligence: letting the characters be wrong but expecting the player to know better. It's meant to be a reflection on how there are white people in America TODAY who will say the minorities are in tghe wrong whenever there is a race riot due to the system failing them in a gross way.
That's why I suggested Infinite can feel more centrist in its depiction, and I also think we might be able to attribute that to it's troubled development cycle. It was a game that was extremely ambitious, and while still poignant in many ways, does feel a bit confused in its writing and what it wants to condemn/celebrate.
After reading though, it does make more sense to me that while the characters see it that way, it is ultimately up to the player to make the correct conclusion.
this. though bioshock is also good. prey is just a lot better
OG BS1 with fixes and BS2 remastered is the only way to go.
Minervas Den > BaS > 2 > 1 > Infinite
ignore this, the original is best.
remaster is only worth playing if you've played the original to death.
>BaS that high
It was nice to see Rapture before it went to hell, but trying to combine Infinite's combat with 1 and 2's restrictions just didn't go well.
And the second part of it, I don't even know what to say. If Levine wanted to continue jerking it to Elizabeth, he could have done it without us.
You get the old versions for free when you buy the remasters. Play the old ones first though.
So what's the best 2 ending and why is it neutral-good?
Get the remastered, the negative comments were probably because of the crashes the game had when it came out
Does the remastered BS1 still have mouse acceleration?
I never played the first game past the first 10 minutes because of that shit
Remaster cuz of achievements (steam version).
The remasters are fucking garbage pc ports. Do not listen to this guy, but the originals. Remasters are garbage and ctd way too often
>only /pol/ hates infinite
You new here?
How are people even recommending the bioshock 2 remaster? that pc port is fucking trash, ctd's out of fucking nowhere, audio bugs, achievements are bugged, DO NOT PLAY THE BS2 remaster