Using these polls with thousands of votes from around the world, the most likely Smash Newcomers in order are
>Phoenix Wright
>Master Chief
>and Hollow Knight
Using these polls with thousands of votes from around the world, the most likely Smash Newcomers in order are
>Phoenix Wright
>Master Chief
>and Hollow Knight
Other urls found in this thread:
>Japanese results for comparison
Steve REALLY seems likely. However definitely expect Rex. He's a lock for sure.
Maybe in Fighter Pass 2. For the last character in FP1 I'm aiming for characters that have no representation yet.
All I want is more villains for Smash, Porky is the dream
Sora is so popular he would've been added by now. There's a reason why he still won't be in. I'm predicting
>Travis Touchdown at the first direct
>Steve and Master Chief for E3
>Porky and Geno as a bonuses like plant
>Crash in the fall
I want the final rep to be Master Chief if only for Sakurai to have to advertise for the XBox again.
steve and sora will be mii swordfighter skins
what is the reason
swap steve with Isaac
I will literally eat shit if he gets in. Fuck that cancerous little faggot.
Sora might not be as popular on Yea Forums but given his overall popularity I'd say he honestly has a good shot at this point, maybe not as DLC5 due to the timing of things but people were certainly getting louder leading up to KH3, and if Sans didn't go unnoticed then without a doubt they've picked up on the Sora screeching online
The fact that the DLC has been extended and Sakurai said he wanted to satisfy more people I think he might have a good chance now- and if he doesn't make it then I'm just going to assume Disney turned down the offer
Sora is one of Yea Forumss favorite characters
Imagine the autism of getting the rights to use Sora in smash from Disney and then just making him a Mii Costume
Dont forget that even Disney said that they would love to have sora in smash
Thank god Sakurai isnt using fan suggestions.
>a fucking costume
>not even a music track
>the most likely Smash Newcomers
Where were Terry, Joker and Hero in this list?
How annoyed do you think Nintendo is right now that they made sans a mii costume and won't get as much money as they would for a fighter? I don't care much for Undertale, but the news for him being in completely overshined Banjo and Terry for the majority of people.
>Porky that high
Fucking based.
>no I Am Impact
>no Kai Highway
>no Burning My Soul
>no Gorgeous My Stage
Even if I'm okay with goemon being a costume, FUCK
I love how terry wasn't anywhere near this list
Yep that too. The way I see it, it's basically just them licensing out the character with Nomura's permission and it's easy money in the bank for them so I can't see them saying no
People have made the claim that Disney wouldn't want to associate with Nintendo since they partnered with Universal Studios for their theme park shit, which totally makes sense, but that was announced back in 2015 and we've seen Nintendo and Disney partner up since then. In 2017 Disney hosted Smash Wii U stuff for example:
Man, I like the idea of Sora, but I feel like he could either one of the coolest tributes to a series possible or just utterly boring and bland depending on how his moveset/design/fanservice is handled. It almost makes me not want him for fear that he'd end up boring.
never played this one. Is it worth a buy? Looks like a gem from n64 times.
Hey fellow Banjo bros,
It's time to support Conker!
Hell, even Sakurai and Tetsuya are close friends. The music won't even be a problem because Yoko Shimomura has worked on smash ultimate.
Why the fuck would anyone want Bandana Waddle Dee of all characters?
He cute and unique
Best news from the last direct was my reignited hope for a KH fighter in smash at some point. I don't expect it this pass but I'm thinking we're going home in the next one
Contrarian twitterfags who're scared of being called waifufags for wanting Adeline.
Sora is really likely, I've noticed rosterfags are really divorced in some areas from what is actually popular in the gaming community at large. Stevefags just had fun calling them out on it.
Goemon's Great Adventure is a fun sidescroller
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon did Ocarina of Time both better and before Ocarina of Time.
The humor is aggressively japanese and the translation team did a great job. Definitely suggest both of them.
Sora will never be in smash.
Disney is too loyal to Sony to let that happen.
Looking at those charaters, I really feel like Nintendo's scrapping the bottle of the barrel at this point. I mean, yeah, Rayman, Crash, the Knight and Tails would be cool. But otherwise I'd rather have new Mario/Pokémon/Zelda characters.
If they met him have form changes tied to his B moves he should be fun. Or just give him a meter where he'll get a form change depending on the attacks he does
So far the franchise representation has been really stellar from Sakurai.If this does happen I trust he can do the same for KH
most wanted does not equal most likely
"It would be cool if they put in a Drive form gimmick that powers him up"
>Joker releases with Rebellion Gauge gimmick
"Uh, alright... maybe they could implement some sort of command menu gimmick?"
>Hero is announced
at this point I don't know what they could do with his moveset to make him stand out as a unique anime swordsboy, I suppose they could give him a twist on the command menu and make spells shuffle in a set order like BbS/DDD deck commands but that doesn't sound too exciting
Plus as you said he could just end up being really bland and boring if they have to strip him down and take away all the fun Disney crossover stuff
I don't care if it's a licensing nightmare, I want Donald and Goofy in there as his final smash damnit
Anything new from Mario/Zelda is going to end up scraping the bottom of the barrel too.
>Steve eclipsing Geno in popularity
Oh no.
>Thousands around the world.
>"The total number of votes received in this ballot is 22,619."
Pffft... What is this shitty ballot from that only you and your mom knows about?
You are a fucking moron, OP.
There are people in Japan that really wants another Fiyah Emburem MC?!
Also, OP, that ballot is a meager 1.3k votes.
A bigger demographic would have revealed even more characters, lol.
OP being a moron as always.
Oh, the next batch of DLC for sure (I hope it's a Season instead of whatever the hell you want to call Fours surprise DLC, but it's not sure yet), specially with Xenoblade definitive edition on it's way... Is either Rex or Fiora. R.I.P Elma, but I am fine as long as we get a new Xeno rep. Funny enough, the only thing that could ruin his chances is if Kos Mos ends being the final character this Season somehow.
>all these fan polls
>sakurai never even glances at them
>rostards still fellate themselves thinking they mean anything
Why waste your time on delusions?
More Anime Sword Guys... Aren't you tired? No one wants that anymore. Let others have their moment to shine.
Fucking go play Shulk, you greedy fuck.
Japan is not retarded about "muh swords" like rosterfag are.
>using fan polls to figure out what Nintendo will do with the Fighters Pass
fan polls mean nothing, especially if they’re made after Ultimates launch
i really would hate it if he doesnt use disney characters, like, tinkerbell the gene and simba are no brainers.
Based and Rexpilled
Bullshit, where's waluigi?
Sora cant be in
“He’s originally from a video game”
But that video game is based on disney MOVIES not games
Thats like saying the people from crayola scoot can be in.
Yes there first appearance was a video game but that video game was about an ip thats a crayon manufacturer
Same with chase mc-cain from lego city undercover
>T. Never played Kingdom Hearts
His moveset would consist of switching between various Drive forms. Valor(High attack damage), Wisdom(for zoning and keep away), Master (high attack rate and combos, buffs magic), and AntiForm (fast movement but takes much more damage) serving as a punishment for abusing the Drive Forms
He would unironically be the most fun character in the game
fuck off with your made up rules.
Because if not Rex I want Dante, then Ryu Hayabusa, then Nightmare, then Sephiroth, then Elma, then 2B then Laharl... as it turns out my only most wanted ones that don't use a Sword are Doom Guy and Kosmos, maybe Shantae, but for once, Rex has the better chance.
Still, with how many punchy and projectile friendly characters we have on this 70 plus roster, I think we are lacking creative use of swords still!
I don't feel like he needs form changes, but I do feel like they needs to draw from nearly every KH game for him to feel right. I think the Smash Flash moveset ALMOST gets it right, at least in terms of the two gimmick moves.
For the record,
>Neutral B is CommanD Deck, which cycles through Fire/Blizzard/Thunder as used
>Side B is Flowmotion, which does at extra move if you input a direction after hitting an enemy
That being said, the rest of his moves in that game suck, save for Downsmash being Explosion which is pretty cool.
Sakurai said that the character has to be originally from vidya
"more anime sword guys"
"more cartoon punching guys"
"more furry fighters"
Dealing with both Disney and square jewery
>Joker was never on any fan polls
>Terry was never on any fan polls
>DQ hero was never on any fan polls
>No one:
>Literally fucking no one:
>Yea Forums: G-Guys! F-Fan Polls tho!?
>Sakurai doesn't pay attention to fans
And Castlevania is based on the novel of Bran Stoker, with multiple movies preceding the games.
Kingdom Hearts isn't "based on Disney Movies", though. It has its own plot completely separate from the Disney movies, it just uses Disney characters as side characters.
which sora is, you stupid retard.
fuck off.
Toby sucking his dick had nothing to do with fan polls.
>they're the most popular, so they're the most likely
Hmm, where's Terry on that list user?
>>DQ hero was never on any fan polls
>DQ hero literally in 3rd place in the japanese poll in OP
Banjo, Ridley, K Rool, Isabelle, Chrom and Dark Samus, the previous DLCs of veterans in four, and Hero's variants has a decent place on the Japanese polls.
By that logic, Simon and Richter can't be in because Castlevania is based on Dracula
Honestly, after Ultimate Alieance 3, I think the Disney argument works on Sora's favor now. They may help to reduce Square usual jewery.
Aside from me being a khfag, another reason Sora would be cool for smash is because of how much shit he could realistically be able to do, thanks to the constantly evovled/changed gameplay systems.
That doesn't mean these polls had any sway in these characters being added. More delusion born from happenstance.
Joker's Rebellion Gauge doesn't even fit him. You don't charge up SP in Persona 5, you spend it. Like Hero. Joker's gimmick would have been so much better on Dante.
>Donald and Goofy in there as his final smash
Based. Donald and Goofy should be the only time they break the vidya only rule. Appearing in a final smash or a spirit would be enough to make me happy.
I think Sora's gimmick could just grab the other gimmicks from characters. Might as well see how gimmicks work under different variations. Sora's drive form could be as varied as Shulk's but charge like Joker's. Whatever way you fight like grabbing, shields, air attacks, specials, or neutrals could decide the drive form. Perhaps his keyblade could upgrade to claws and hammers from KH3 as a weapon switch ability. The different keyblade options are an important aspect of the KH series.
I wasn't baiting, but I will admit I do have a shit sense of imagination
that idea sounds cool tho
The Smash roster in general, is a mix of fan demand, and Nintendo/Sakura's demand. Characters like Ridley, K Rool, Banjo, Isabelle, and even most of the echoes only made it for fan demand. Then we have Terry, Joker, Ryu, Palutena, Wii Fit trainer, Corrin and so one, that only came to be, because Nintendo was making some bussiness or Sakurai wanted them just because.
Fan demand is still important, Hero is here for a mix of the fan demand in Japan and the need of shill him in the west, but we can assume that fan demand can make at leas one or two characters playable in the future.
I genuinely want Edelgard and so do a fair amount of people, it's not a an exclusively Japanese thing
Sora shouldn't have Drive Forms at all if he gets in.
The game is based on non vidya you fucking dipshit
Do you think crayola scoot is allowed to?
“B-but the plot is different it just has them as side characters”
They are in the main cast and party retard
All the levels are disney locations too
Fuck off
Disney does weird shit with character licensing, just look at the shitshow MvC3 ended up with.
My wishlist
#5: Steve
#6: Master Chief
#7: Beat (from jet grind radio)
#8: Goku
#9: Gooigi
#10: Goofy (Disney/kingdom hearts)
>steve no.2
It fits him thematically, people thinking Joker should have just been a bunch of different Personas are being dumb.
I hope that we'd get an Organization Coat for a mii-fighter costume if Sora gets in. I would quickly make like 15 miis based on the members
Dracula is so old,so popular and so famous that its like saying a game with zeus as a boss isnt vidya because zeus is a greek mythos
>not Beat from TWEWY
And most Disney movies are based on old tales, while Dracula in Castlevania is based on Vela Lugosi/Hammer Movies.
I could give the non vidya argument a pass if we were discussing Geralt, but with Sora, it's just absurd. He is very much a FF character in a crossover game, that's it.
I knew not to expect multiple Personas, and I guess the gimmick gives people the feel of playing an anime character with a trump card
>Whatever way you fight like grabbing, shields, air attacks, specials, or neutrals could decide the drive form.
I could see this working actually, the whole situation command thing in KH3 is dictated by what spells/moves you use leading up to it right? So it would perfectly tie into that
But disneys specific characters also appear to,like mickey,goofy,olaf,and more
Yeah and they became video game characters
air attacks>>>Master
overuse or low chance>>>Anti-form
final smash>>>Final Smash
except sora doesn't have drive forms any more
And little Mac fight Mike Tyson in his most famous incarnation. Look, nobody in his right mind sees Sora as a movie or cartoon character, even if he belongs to Disney to some extend, it's still vidya, of all the arguments against the kid, this one is the weakest one. Adding Sora it's not adding Goku or Mickey Mouse for that matter.
oops meant
final smash>>>final form
How many of the people voting for Geno do you think have actually played the game?
except that isn't how Sora plays any more.He'd have Kingdom Key and Second form, and his situation gauges would charge stronger magic or maybe a single form change, because as I recall in 3 there are only 2 other forms, Second and Final.
Its true he doesn't, but KH2 is the most beloved for its gameplay. And the forms are still referenced in KH3 by Sora's clothes changing colors for when he triggers limits based off of his keyblade.
Daily reminder that goombafags are so pathetic that they took their shit characters domain name just to advertise a discord and they still didn't beat us in either region. Feels good to fucking win.
That could just be the gimmick instead. Getting more combos in unlocks stronger attacks
I'd rather Sora draw from every entry in the series for his moveset instead of just being KH2, sort of like how uses a bunch of moves from KH1. KH2's gameplay is severely fucking overrated anyways and people circlejerk it way too much
Nice false flag stevie
>a lock
There's no need to shill XB2 anymore. And we're not getting more reps for franchises already in Smash anyways.
If Sora gets in, wouldn't he have to be scrubbed of all Disney association? Kind of like KH3
Not really. Sora himself is technically owned by Disney, they just consult Nomura for permission/direction whenever they use him.
Even so, the only thing you'd have to change about Sora is either removing the Mickey keychain or having him use Oathkeeper or something.
>wouldn't he have to be scrubbed of all Disney association
>removing the Mickey keychain
Thats so fucking stupid. Obviously that would never happen. Why would it? Mickey Mouse was referenced BY NAME in Brawl
>Sakura's poll has nothing to do with fan polls.
I know, user, but my point is that even if they DID have to scrub all the Disney references, the only Disney reference that Sora himself has is the keychain.
>Mickey Mouse was referenced BY NAME in Brawl
I'm trying to look it but all I'm getting are Mickey Mouse mods in brawl. Can you explain what the exact reference was?
>Dragon Quest
>Another new Pokemon
>Another new fire emblem character
Holy shit I can't handle all this shit taste.
Wherever it is that has the huge list of all of Nintendo's consoles and games.
Mickey Mouse is name dropped in the Game and Watch section
>People still want another SE character
Are they dumb?
I still think Steve and Geno are happening. I don’t even care for either.
What SE character? Sora is Disney
ah found it on a wiki. like 4 or 5 games with Mickey in the title are on the list. One of them having Mickey's full name
>Steve and Shantae that high
God i hate fan polls so much
you uhh forgot Shantae
>Using these polls with thousands of votes from around the world, the most likely Smash Newcomers in order are
They ain't using dat shit nigga
I like Geno
Where's Isa?
Yeah that. If his name can straight up be dropped, then I think a TINY keychain with his silhouette can be in. They don't even need to mention it. It can just be there.
But somehow people think that'll break the rules
...The guy from Kingdom Hearts?
Nigga Epic Mickey was a Wii exclusive
They’re only loyal to money.
Who I want
Mega Man X
Travis Touchdown
Doom Marine
Ryu Hayabusa
Scorpion or Sub-Zero
An advance wars rep would be nice
That's really it for me.
>spamming this fake poll
No, S&P
Steve maybe, but Geno never. People still don't get how bad of a deal for Nintendo that is. They would need to negotiate with Square, something difficult as it is, to get a character that will only truly please a niche portion of it's fanbase, and only inside the Smash community, instead of brining new consumers as other Third Party guest have done, all by knowing at the same time that Square still has not only plenty of characters not only more easy to get (Because Square would like to promote them to begin with) but also more profitable in regards sales and headlines.
Yes, it's similar with Banjo, but Microsoft have proven to be an easy ally to work with, while the Good Promotion Banjo gave them is the only thing they truly need besides the sales. For Square, Geno is a pointless deal, cause they don't do nothing with the character afterwards, and they could make more proffits for other FF character alone, not to mention the benefits to promote their other IPs. And it's kind of the same for Nintendo at the end.
>Implying Nintendo care about those polls
Sure bro, I can see Terry in the top 5
Over here user. I was just picking up some sea salt ice cream for us
It is not fake.
Steve should get the Sans treatment and have a full render mii costume.
In my hearth, but I lost hopes for him the moment I realize people is more interesting on Isaac than him. When your most wanted first party character is behind a niche as fuck character like Isaac, and probably even Chibi Robo as well for that matter, is kind of pointless to even think about it.
The game needs a switch port.
You know who isn't on either of these lists?
>Imagine actually believing that not-sans got in because of sakurai decision and totally not because he lost a bet and then proceeds to get his dick wanked by toby
Since overratedtale (overrated=/=bad) is popular in Japan, sakurai would've put him as a character, then again smash bros is a 1st and 3rd party Nintendo crossover
thanks, man
>Hey sorry about all that genocide and calling Xion an object for a full year and stuff lol we cool?
Reimu is a meme pick. She isn't actually that wanted for Smash.
Only Yea Forums pretends Reimu is popular
I agree, to the point I am baffle it didn't happen with Banjo's update, I don't know if that means Microsoft isn't as easy to work with as I assume (I mean, we didn't get any Banjo's mii costume either, even when they are some easy ones to be made), or if they will add it later, or god save us, Steve is indeed playable. Is honestly kind of baffling.
He could get a Mii Costume and still be playable later.
Steve being playable makes sense. He's the biggest game of all time after all
I fucking hope Steve doesn't make it. It would invalidate the countless anti-Steve OC from Banjobros, and that would be an absolute nightmare scenario.
Steve would be a good choice for a mii costume. They would actually need to get the mii to look like the character unless they cop out and just make minecraft armor the costume.
You need to get your shit together at some point. No matter how retarded the smash fanbase is, Sakurai knows the difference between iconic characters and lame trends that will vanish as quickly as they came.
The knight will never be anything but a nobody.
Shantae is the same shit. They are both indies that worked well because their releases hit the right timeframe. Shantae had only one good game (pirate's curse) and hollow knight is a straight up copy pasted indie castlevania.
For fuck sake, stop looking at your navels and sniffing your own assholes and think with the main japanese companies which still haven't had a rep
>Bandai Namco
>Koei Tecmo
>Platinum games
>Nippon Ichi (which are in need of a miracle these days)
>From Software
>Sony (would be surprising but that would be even better)
And even if all those companies don't want to have a rep there's still the american ones
>Id Software
Your dumb indie mascot has zero chance to be anything but a dumb mii costume at best. Undertale and Shovel Knight were the only exceptions you'll ever see for the entire lifetime of Smash Ultimate.
Steve makes the most sense as a fighter. You can't mimic his unique animation style as a mii
>that strange feeling that playing PS Allstars a while back kind of makes me want Big Daddy
It was like the one good thing from that game
Technically, that would be GTAV online, even if the sales don't show it, the microtransactions put it ahead of every piece of media ever. But I get your point. Still, the more I think of it, the weirder it's we didn't get any Microsoft content besides the Banjo pack. Maybe it's not Microsoft being hard to work with (I think is the opposite really) but the Japanese side of Nintendo not wanting to expand the deal more than what's necessary. Fans wanted Banjo, even if he belongs to the competence, then they get Banjo, nothing else.
>this faggot again
This. Have him finish the fight.
Sora's entire reveal trailer should be a silly disney musical number.
It would be KINO
Both games need a Switch port, to be honest. Heck, they are fairly short too, and with the Xenoblade Remaster coming, I think you could make an awesome remaster of both games, and it wouldn't be that expensive.
>zoomers don't know that Minecraft is part of old Yea Forums
I fucking hate election cucks
not really. Waluigi, Skull Kid and Impa are still good choices. I'd rather have them than half the cast of Fire Emblem.
>old Yea Forums
where is terry ?
Yea, I'm thinking he's in
>it should've been me
i hope sakurai doesn't cater to waifufags, keep it boomer smash
Not really, Geno would be a different enough mario character from the rest both aesthetically and in play style that he would still feel fresh. Young Link should have also been the Young Link from MM and had the mask transformations, would have been cool.
>Waluigi, Skull Kid, and Impa are still good choices
Is that specifically dmc3 dante vs dmc5 dante?
Is Phoenix just unanimously, at the least, agreed upon to be a decent pick?
There really aren't many other Mario characters they can add that aren't just generic enemies like piranha plant. However there are still some good Zelda additions they could do. I don't get why Zelda has been shafted so hard regarding smash
>he thinks minecraft came out in 2010
At the time this ones were made, most likely DMC 3 Dante. No idea what Dante would Sakurai pick should he ever be playable. He usually goes for the original Design, but Dante is one of those characters which follow up designs are just more popular over all... even DMC 2 Dante! Just the costume though.
Looks like I was a tad off. 2009 isn’t old Yea Forums either though and “Steve” is still a faggot choice regardless.
It would probably be a catch-all hybrid Dante. He'd have a vaguely DMC1 costume, but give it some features of the later games, like rolled up sleeves, and dark brown pants. His face will be DMC1 dante, but with some snake/Simon wrinkles on his face to make him look more adult
It would be really cool to have a Goron rep with all the different chieftains as alts. Gorons are so perfect they barely get redesigned throughout the entire zelda series
>2009 isn’t old Yea Forums either
>He thinks Minecraft is 2009
Notch started posting and developing minecraft on Yea Forums in like 2007 you underage fucking reddit user
I’m 28, you were closer to the mark when you accused me of being an electionfag, although that isn’t true either. I’m sorry I got the dates wrong.
I would like the Links to be decloned too but Sakurai doesn't seem to believe in hard reworking characters who've had time to build up a Smash fanbase As for Geno moveset potential isn't really the issue, it's that he's a nobody in the Mario verse.
Is it still fair to completely rule out first-parties at this point?
For the fifth character yeah, for anything after that it's anyone's game but Sakurai seemed to imply he wanted to add new series representatives not just new characters.
Not yet, Nintendo have a whole year to get the feedback from the fanbase in regards this season pass, so we are yet to see what conclution they reach, Third Party characters are a sure deal, but I wouldn't tule out first party characters just yet, specially when the shill picks could still be a factor now. Case in point, use Rex or Fiora to promote Xenoblade Definitve Edition, or add a new Shill mon once they get to know which one is the most popular one, things like that.
Everyone is fair game right now, until we get to see the first news about the future DLC.
Realisically. How would you react if he got in?
>use Rex or Fiora to promote Xenoblade Definitve Edition
Shulk already does that.
>he's a nobody in the Mario verse.
If you’re a zoomer or a pleb than yes, but who cares about them?
>You are just a dumb Zoomer if you don't think my one time party member with 20 lines of dialogue from a game 20 years ago is an icon of the Mario verse!
bandana waddle dee will get in smash
There has been plenty of Disney games on Nintendo platforms before lol.
After that meme magic that got fucking undertale included in some shape the only thing that will amaze me anymore is if Goku gets in. I want off Sakurai's wild ride
no steve will be a mii costume fuck steve also sora will get in smash as a playable fighter
*feels good knowing shitty Mike Jones from ultra shitty Star Tropics has been forgotten about.
If you haven't played super mario RPG, you can't know who Geno is. He is a meme made popular by the cancerous fanbase but he's a real nobody. Terry bogard was and still is more popular/relevant than Geno ever was/will be.
To put it simply, Geno is Waluigi tier
And Robyn and Lucina were promoting Fates before Corrin, right?
Besides, Nintendo seems to think (And I am glad for this) That Xenoblade is becoming on of their main IPs now, so more characters for Smash aren't out of the question, specially with the current timing. Heck, we already know Rex loss his spot due to the bad timing of the development, but now Xenoblade has perfect timing with the current DLC.
It all depends of whatever Nintendo wants to use this DLC to promote their own IPs like with Four, or if they decide to continue expanding their Third Party relationships.
Lol everything in this post is incorrect. Must be bait
nice choice
Shulk advertises his remaster. They wouldn't add a nobody that wont sell as DLC. Theyd add Officer Howard or Spring Man.
sakurai is using the smash ballot have you forgot about that
And if you havn’t played Super Mario RPG you’re either underage or just a pleb, either way your opinion doesn’t matter. Also why did you bring Terry into this? Terry is a good pick.
>he’s still trying
Reminder, after 30 years, only North America and Japan have legit nostalgia for Geno, anywhere else, like Europe or Latin America (where the game wasn't translated, which is poison for JRPGS, specially back then) he is kind of a nobody, only "popular" because the Smash fandom. Geno is niche as fuck, and in all honestly, his real fans are a niche group on their 30s already, and without any future outside of Smash (Where Banjo at least has toys to sell) his chances are just... no good, no good at all.
>"Sora... I think it's for you."
>terry is a good pick
banjo is already which i am glad that the beloved rareware beloved bear is in smash
The difference is Sakurai is admittedly biased when it comes to Fire Emblem while he doesn't give a fuck about Xenoblade else Shulk would already have an echo fighter at least by now
So beloved that sakurai told you to fuck off to xbox lol
wrong sora would be a fun character to play in smash cat user
Ryu Hayabusa, Crash, Resident Evil or Doom are the likely next third parties.
sora probably won't happen due to disney
You guys really misunderstand the purpose of echo fighters. It's not supposed to be some second chance for characters to get in, you only get to be an echo if you actually match the character you're echoing. Who the fuck has the same fighting style as Shulk?
Xenoblade 2 sold more than any other Monolith soft game so far, even before being a Nintendo second Party, if anything Rex or any other Xeno 2 character would be the better advertising for Xenoblade remaster. And if not, Fiora is still an option.
because bandana waddle is awesome STFU user
What’s wrong with him?
>his real fans are a niche group on their 30s already
People said that about Banjo, and they said it like it’s a bad thing. I would rather please people in our agenda group(assuming you’re around that age too) than zoomers. Also is there BK merchandise made recently? If so I wasn’t aware of it
It sold a mediocre 1.5 million. So no, a character that unpopular isnt being added as DLC. he promotes nothing. ARMS and Astral Chain are both more logical for promotion
i agree sora will get in smash soon
>Steve No. 2
>Steve surpassing the zoomer infested West
I'm sorry what? Is Minecraft really that popular in Japan?
First parties with no representation whatsoever (No character/stage/song/mii costume/spirit/etc.) have a chance, but those are far and few between, and were likely just forgotten completely
yeah no Smash doesnt care about selfish people. Begone.
fuck stevefags i hate those evil bastards
Sakurai wanted to add Rex so badly he openly apologize for not having the time to add him in the Final Smash direct. Even made the mii costume as bonus for the season pass, and added extra music from Xeno 2 while X (saddly) din't get jack shit.
Meanwhile, when Nintendo asked to add Corrin, Sakurai himself thought it was already to much in regards FE, but he didn't had a said in the matter.
pic related or literally anyone who uses the monado
>Also why did you bring Terry into this? Terry is a good pick.
Because the same fanbase wanting Geno had no clue who Terry was, and that shows there's a giant gap between what the circlejerking fanbase wants and what the general audience know about video games.
If Sakurai really was listening the dumb zoomer audience we would have a rep for every single dumb trend, terraria, dream daddy, hollow knight, Ori, Isaac from binding of isaac, bastion.
Hes in
bruh says you why are you hating on sora
I'm not saying he couldn't be, I'm saying it'd be super easy to fuck him up and make him play really boring.
Sakurai never wanted to add rex and he never apologized. Hell he hated rex so much that his mii was low priority and didnt even make it to base game
Yet ARMS isn't getting more games, but Xeno is, while Monolith is being expanded as a studio each month. Again, we are getting a remaster with extra content of a game that sold less than Xeno 2, and you still want to pretend Nintendo isn't interested in the IP?
Damn those steve fags really mentally damaged you lol
says you why do you care
ARMS is absolutely gonna get more games. What are you smoking?
Nintendo doesnt care about Xenoshit because it sells like shit even on the switch
If smash reveals taught me anything it’s that we’re gonna get something like agumon, reimu, and master chief that will confuse the fuck out of rosterfags
geno will get in smash but steve will just be a mii costume steve has no chance
You're the only one mentally damaged here, blockhead. We will continue to live on rent free in your head forever.
Shulk got into smash and yet xenoblade still sells less then fucking ARMS. Why would they promote it in smash again? They'll just promote ARMS or astral chain instead, since they have actual popularity
>Because the same fanbase wanting Geno had no clue who Terry was
What makes you say that? Most people who are old enough to have played SMRPG are old enough to have played FF, although FF is a little older. And the fact that we don’t have any of those characters you mentioned is a trend That needs to continue.
... Ok, now I see you are just trolling, I forgot your kind existed over here. When I can just look at the direct on Youtube with Sakurai openly apologizing for not being able to add Rex, alongside the interview where he confirmed that Rex, Springman and Decidueye would have been added if he had more time, it's clear I am wasting my time with the guy who is like "No uh! The reality is the one I said!"
>Just pay 25$ for a mii costume bro
lol nice apology
>brings up steve all on his own
>claims other people are obsessed
Same for what I said just here
He fights nothing like Shulk. He functions as a fucking offtank when he's part of groups with Torna.
waluigi is not in the fanmade ballot because they did not include voting for assist trophies if they did the votes would had went way different then this ballot
You lost, get over it
>Creative building game
>Blocky graphics paying homage to 90s PC games
Nipland loves that shit
I always lose my shit when Mickey shows up and does some batshit crazy god tier magic shit
>mfw "ULTIMA!"
>gets called out because Sakurai doesn't give a shit about generic final fantasy knockoff #2825625
lol feel free to leave, gachafaggot. Blue shulk doesn't even exist in polls anymore. Nobody remembers him
Cope, blockhead. Cope like the little pathetic loser bitch you are.
So again, Rex, Fiora, Kosmos, Jin, Lora, Elma and Cross still have a chance. Malos too to be honest, his moveset being a lot more straigt foward than Shulk's for what I remember of his boss fight.
The absolute STATE of Yea Forums
facts that would make sora very unique in smash ultimate
Minecraft is huge in Japan, user.
>Sans is in because of the memes made by ameritards
Found the normie
>they must be steve.... they must be steve.... they must be steve.... they must be steve....
Jesus Christ. It's like the Steve posters actually cause brain damage in you. Amazing.
fuck off asshole why do you care if sora gets in smash crybaby sora is awesome
lol stay mad
Don't even bother with them, it's the Xenoblade hate squad, I have deal with them before, and it's kind of funny how they just made up stuff to have an argument. They also have the bad habit to Drag ARMS down with them for some reason.
>You know who isn't on either of these lists?
She's on the list. She's 20th place.
fuck Xeno tards.
>Nomura recently received a request to do something
>Days later Sakurai announces more DLC
It's going to be a long wait for E3
>donald busting out mcfucking ZETTAFLARE
terry got in because of the smash 4 ballot thats why terry is in the dlc is decided because of the official ballot
Bro. EVERYTHING sells over a million on Switch. Yet XB2 sold a pathetic 1.5 million. ARMS even sold 3 million
Cope, cope, cope, cope and cope. And cope, forever cope.
I hope this second season of DLC lets them create more additions to the overall gameplay as well.
lol where were terry and hero in these polls? lmaooooooooo fuck off with your gay fanpoll shit
So Crash is in, we can agree on that right?
>they must be steve....they must be steve....they must be steve....they must be steve....they must be steve....
Notice how I literally never once mentioned microsoft reps or minecraft? That's proof that you got minecraft living rent free in your head
>Crash pretty high on both the lists
hey you forgot about ventus being sora's alt costume
That was who people expected
Also, if Sakurai was given a full list instead of just 5 characters, chances are he'd just go back to that list for more fighters if Nintendo's decision still matters
That's a huge if though
>xenofag acting like a victim
Oh hi BlunderEric. Still mad that NeptuniaBlade 2 will never touch Smash?
Literally the only reason sans got a mii costume was because of poll memes
You're a stevefag, so you don't get to pull the "B-BUT I DIDN'T MENTION STEEVE!!!!!11!!1!" card. Cope, stevefag.
50/50 Microsoft was a huge deal for Nintendo, but Activision not so much, and Nintendo seems to be more kin of promoting the local third party companies like SNK, even when Tecmo and Level 5 are more important third party Allies for them. Not to mention Capcom and Namco as usual.
I see the logic and benefits of adding Crash, but Terry is such a curve ball, and with Bethesda and Ubisoft being more close allies in the west, I think Crash chances are just a good as anyone else right now, not special treatment.
That, and Tobi kicking Sakurai's ass on Smash.
>btw I'm not obsessed please ignore my folder of images specifically for a single character I don't like
I've never seen this before. A character caused actual, legitimate brain damage in rosterfags. it's actually amazing what those Steve posters have achieved
Not really. For some reason people don't know that Sakurai made Earthbound, and Undertale basically made that shit popular for the first time ever.
Not him, but... isn't Ventus right there, besides Roxas?
Based post.
why arent more people wanting a Tekken rep? imagine Ryu Ken Terry and Kazuya / Devil Jin in the same game
Cry harder.
Calm down my man. Crash is based and his fans aren't like stevefags, those are falseflaggers trying to get him hated.
You sure are angry. Maybe you should go play on your XBOX ONE GAMING CONSOLE(tm) if you want to play Banjo
steve posting was too good for our world. anything that makes smashfags lose it is based in my book
>I also recieved a mystery request for one thing to do first. I'll return to UX after.
>I'll just say this: tat one mystery thing is related to a yet unannounced 3rd "line" of KH... and in that 3rd line... Does that pique your interest?
Yeah I'm thinking he's in bros
facts i agree
I still think that if this ever Happens, Heiachi is the most likely rep, though the Michima style does allow some alts of Jin and Kazuya, even if it wouldn't be 100% accurate.
My low key hope is Nightmare though, but I could deny how awesome having Heiachi or any Tekken rep for that matter would be.
>Crash is based
hahahaha holy cope snoy cuck
Go home and deepthroat your character's block-shaped micropenis.
Earthbound was already popular before undertale was a thing, even among zoomer millenials
steve is dead
I'm thinking a KH anime could happen
Why would anyone want a potted plant? It would be fun.
I don't get it
I wanted banjo in you fucking cocksucker
it's frogger
Those are both Roxas, user. Ventus and Twilight Town Roxas have different outfits.
bruh stop calling bandana waddle dee a goomba hes awesome also fuck off stevefag and leave banjo alone YOU EVIL FUCKING RAPISTS
He's Activision you fucking meme-spouting nigger.
Imagine being so angry that you took hours to make this
Fuck off kiddo, the adults are talking.
How the fuck did steve's goatee turn into his nose?
Not sure, the way Nomura describes this, point to at the bare minimum a writing job, but probably more. Smash would just require a basic supervision and approval on his part.
Anyone has more insight as to what 3rd line may mean on the KH franchise? I admit that with so much merchandise and Spin offs, I am not even sure anymore.
Your gay character will never be in smash.
I don't see any adults talking.
Imagine being a blockhead.
agreed fuck steve steve is dead
Keep replying, slave
he's not called Hollow Knight
-The console video games
-The ios game
Could be a cartoon series like DMC and Castlevania got
facts sora is disney why do some people hate sora because hes popular
We need to make it loud and clear to Nintendo that we will boycott all Nintendo products if they add Steve to Smash.
fuck steve whats wrong with shantae tho shes cool
Seethe some more, refusteve.
For real though, how would they call him in any given crossover? I agree Hollow Knight is wrong, being a complete different character all together, but... THE knight or little Ghost doesn't seem to work either.
He's in
STFU epic? why the fuck would you want a fortnite character in smash hell no shovel knight and shantae are awesome also why the fuck do you care then fuck off
This is the very definition of rent-free
abhorrent taste
i have smrpg is fun geno would be a awesome addition in smash ultimate
Nomura always says weird stuff like that, he always tries to make teases as mysterious as possible. So really like says, it could be a lot of things either related to continuity or a real spin off thing like an anime. Or it could be a smash request
Keep it up. Shitting on every other fanbase will surely only help keep Banjo's demand up. SURELY nothing will go wrong by shitting on everyone
same i see you are a fan of geno culture as well
Good thing we're only shitting on stevefags then, and everyone already hates stevefags, so nobody will have any issue with us shitting all over stevefags like the pathetic, worthless, selfish scum they are.
I'd rather get Neku over Sora
TWEWY is one of the best games on the DS, and really sold me on the idea of touch controls and the whole two screen gimmick
Yep like I said, calling every other fanbase "selfish scum" can only end well for your reputation
>calling stevefags scum are the same thing as calling every other fanbase scum
Typical stevefag delusion.
because he's based
What are they gonna do for the next Smash? There's no way they're gonna bring everyone back right? Do you think we'll get a reboot maybe?
Why are banjo fans always fucking WEIRD like this? Not even the Ridleyfags acted this.. fucking creepy.
He's in
Chosen Undead
Monster Hunter
This would be the ideal list
A true crashbro would support banjobros fighting the good fight against blockheads. You're a fake.
steve is dead also sakurai wanted geno geno will get in smash soon
Hard to tell, it would FEEL like a Reboot, that for sure, but I do think that from a marketing stand point, they may need to shake the formula somehow to made up for the cuts.
With that said, Third Party companies seems to be eager to be part of smash, specially now that Nintendo is doing well in the market, so maybe they may be willing to come back to 6, and it's just a question of Nintendo being able of affort it.
Is his playstyle as complex as his motives?
Next smash will a 20 roster fighter, and hopefully that will get rid of all the bloat in this game
lol what the fuck is wrong with you Banjo fans? Like seriously are you really over the age of 18? Who the hell actually talks like this?
this i can agree with please just put steve as a mii costume i hate the steveposters/steveposers
i hope we get a sins and punishment rep in smash as well
What's wrong with these "people"?
I personally wouldn't mind an actual full reboot. Smaller cast with all new movesets.
way to prove his point
steve is dead
But Sqaure doesn't want Geno to be in, they want money and to promote their own IP. Nintendo doesn't care for Geno, and will not deal with Sqaure BS when they could just ask for a FF characters a sell the ten times as much as Geno would ever do. And Sakurai has no said in this matter.
same i love bandana waddle dee hope he gets in smash
you know some people who want reimu are not horny waifufags they just like reimu as a character also she would be cool in smash
The only one living rent-free around here is Banjo living rent-free in your head forever, refusteve.
If he lost then why do you still fight?
agreed we do not need another stupid fe rep we have too many already
I want Saki so bad, even though it's pretty much a shot in the dark since he was demoted even further. Takamaru is still stuck as an AT and Mii costume.
My absolute "never ever" though? Zephyr from Resonance of Fate. He also starred in the two Project X Zone games for DS/3DS.
How is banjo living rent free when YOU keep bringing up steve?
Goddamn steve posters really did a number on your mental state didnt they
Refusteves always rush out of the woods to screech and scream about Banjo, proving that Banjo lives rent-free in their heads.
Aside being blatant fapbait waifu cancer and her games being mediocre?
Besides she is a spirit already
Do you have any proof of this claim? This thread is legit banjo fans doing exactly what you said steve fans do
Well yeah, refusteves are already seething about Banjo in this very thread.
>someone mentions a "go back to xbox" joke that sakurai made
>banjofags begin to literally spam the thread with shitposting images
Uhhh where is the stevefags again? I dont see any
phoenix wright would be cool in smash
I only banjo "only on xbox one" kazooie fans angry ITT
dang you are 8 years older than me cool i'm 20
Remember to buy an xbox one if you want to play Banjo's game
i would be so happy i love bandana waddle dee hope he gets in smash as a playable fighter
Case in point.
Don't really care that much for Reiji, but otherwise, this is among the most based rosters I have seen so far!
I want Geno to be in just to spite the naysayers at this point.
X DOUBT that minecraft is popular in japan
I'm beginning to think both Stevefags and Banjofags are the same posters.
>where is the stevefags
Here you go, here's at least half of the stevefags.
Quite an abhorrent bunch, they are.
>finally relevant again
>two switch releases, new one will probably be out around the second wave of dlc
>suda is friends with soccer guy and has wanted him in for ages
I think it might finally be our time, boys...
Its almost as if they invented a fake villain to help push their narrative to get banjo in smash.
Geno is like the only "never ever" regularly asked for over several Smash games that isn't in at this point, besides a few who got AT cucked. He's practically guaranteed.
Nintendo should disguise a Travis in Smash trailer as a NMH3 trailer.
i love crash bandicoot i hope spyro will get in smash alongside crash
>"steve would be a good fighter"
Wow what a fucking abhorrent post. Truly they are a shitposter and you, the guy fucking flooding shitposting images, is a wholesome and innocent bystander. Lmao.
Just to be clear, you trow me there, even though I only said his chances were better than Geno's... then expend the rest of the post explaining why Geno is a never ever.
Just because I think he has a better chance than an never ever doesn't mean I want him... I don't in fact, but I can't pretend he is impossible.
i hope frogger gets in smash
People understimate how big of a problem is the fact that getting Geno involves dealing with Square's BS, just to get a niche character over hundreds of potential picks that wouldn't not only sell better, but also promote some future games for the benefit of both Nintendo and Square.
Honestly, the only support the Geno has in house is Sakurai, and he doesn't have much of a said in the matter this days.
>Sylvia has to call him and tell him this isn't a trailer for his new game, it's for Smash
Would honestly love it, especially if that's how they start off the second DLC season
I love this, all these choices and Sakurai picks Joker for DLC, who literally nobody wanted.
HAHAHAHAHA get fucked steve faggot
I bet a week ago you would have said there will never be an indie mii costume.
"more anime sword guys"
"no one wants that"
I do
fuck off
where's my Lloyd at
So SNK just had a deal with nintendo then?
Probably since they're bringing SamSho over.
Sakurai's also a massive KoF fan.
Sakurai wrote again this year how non-vidya isn't gonna be in Smash, so luckily Goku will still not make the cut.
>same filename
Oh its just that mental guy who made fake discord images
The problem isn't "anime guy with a sword", it's that so many of them on the roster are the same fucking character or REALLY fucking similar and they're almost all from the same game. We need less of the FE bullshit ones and more unique ones from OTHER series. Lloyd, Crono, Rex, they all work fine and deserve it over characters like Marth 2, Marth 3, and Marth 4... and this is coming from someone who mains Marth 2.
bowser and dk are in skylanders
Kek, haven’t seen you in awhile. I also haven’t had a reason to dump the screen caps other anons have posted over the last few months following your anal annihilation for awhile so this outta be fun.
Reminder that meme picks being popular doesn't mean they'll be included.
Sakurai can tell when people only like a character ironically.
this is all you'll get
Ayup the same copy pasted responses and images. Make new material, anti-fag
And Tecmo is making half of Nintendo's games this days, yet I don't see Ryu in the game, nor Heiachi even though Namco is making Smash for Nintendo right now. Meanwhile the Skylinders deal being fairly old already.
Crash is not impossible, but again, Terry is such a curve ball, and Nintendo has such a good relationship with so many third party companies this days, that he honestly doesn't seem to have better chances than any other given character right now. He just has a good chance, like anyone else right now.
sora is awesome you jerk
why can't we have both neku and sora are both awesome
>So many of them
There's like two sets of clones, that's it. Roy has been drastically changed from Marth now.
God you dont even change the filenames. Hell you even admitted to making them
>Blyth before the game released
Am I wrong or is that really fucking weird he's that high up for a generic nobody whose game was a month away.
Characterfags were a mistake.
geno will get in its only a matter of time he was a highly fan requested character the same as king k rool,ridley,and banjo
because there are still bullys in the world does that answer your question
I read this and it's like your just saying nothing.
>implying I care if stevoids know it’s the same person dumping images of their autism cult
I agree, spending almost a year of your life on discord raids in an attempt to get “Steve” in Smash over Banjo only to fail in the end and become the laughing stock of Yea Forums is pretty autistic
>Roy has been drastically changed from Marth now.
zephyr looks cool also same saki would be awesome hope he gets in smash soon for you kind fellow user
that user was right, stevefags have caused permanent brain damage to them
SteveFags on suicide watch.
Roy playstyle is combo oriented rushdown, Marth is a floatier character that wants to wall people out with aerials. Anyone saying they're similar is going entirely off aesthetics and not actual functionality.
question where were yall when banjofans were being bullied huh? if you want people to stop being mad about steve then support the banjo fans and tell the toxic steveposters/posers to stop being bullys
His moveset certainly would have a lot of depth to it. Would be exciting to play
that is not true this is because of yalls toxicness in Yea Forums banjofans were being bullied and most of yalls were just being bystanders and didn'n even try to stop the evil ugly grotestque steve bullshit i am very ashamed of Yea Forums users
Nintendo has been getting the stray companies that dont have reps yet. Taito soon for Bub and Bob Ur Smalltime Blowout 2.
I'm totally expecting Rex in the new waves of DLCs
Lol I remember the day we made this image on banjo's smashboards cult page
not true banjo fans were being bullied by toxic people who worshiped that stupid ugly grotesque steve yall were just as bad cause most Yea Forums users were supporting the stupid shit cause mostly all of yall Yea Forums users are fucking toxic if you want it to stop then start being nice to people and act like you got some goddamn sense for crying out loud
If it was decided after release he's pretty much guaranteed.
>Doesn't use Creeper Troll like the faggot he is
>When will you retards learn?
The fucking state of banjo fags
Jesus, it's amazing how much Steve can make screeching retards seethe. XD
Punch out existed before the mike tyson game
Deconfirmed. Theyd add Spring Man and Astral Chain first since they have fan demand
I imagine Sora would get priority since they'd want to target the largest demographic and make the most money out of it, but if they can't negotiate him I would love for them to use Neku as a fallback option since his moveset potential is equally as strong
If Sakurai gets to pick he's in,
i don't even want him, but you'd have to be retarded to not realise that Sakurai did.
He loves the game and why else would he apologise for not including him.
thats what you fucking get next time stop being a fucking bully and treat people how you want to be treated respect and kindness go a long way
he cute
Sakurai wants spring man, not rex. And he obviously wants astral chain because kamiya is his bro. Sakurai actually really hated Xb2
You keep typing "he doesn't have much of a 'said' in the matter." It's "say". Please, I know you are some European zoomer who never played SMRPG, but that shit is annoying.
this is the reason why i wish Yea Forums did not existed hope this toxic website dies some people can't grow the fuck up i suppose
>I-I remember making that fellow banjoke! That was so funny AHAHA
wow how so immature you are this is why i guess you can't even grow the fuck up
>responding to namefags
Assuming he isn’t a falseflagger(he probably is) he’s a hot goombafag
Nah hes a banjofag. Look at what hes saying. Hes just pretending to be a bandee fag to make bandana bros look bad
Unironically, Steve is probably a great character to put in the game, He's in the most sold video game worldwide I believe, So it would be a no-brainer to put him in. Doom Slayer is a bit of a stretch but it would be cool to see an alternative costume for the original Doomguy.
But seriously anyone who thinks Monster Hunter should be in Smash is 100% mentally retarded.
why can't yall just grow the fuck up i love banjo and bandana waddle dee equally
steve does not represent minecraft minecraft would be better represented with a stage or assist trophy,mii costume
Someone mentioned smashboards earier, awhile back there was a deefag that kept saying anyone who didn’t deny the existence of the Steve discord was from Smashboards. He kept using the same image of Ali frowning for some reason. It could be him, or it could be someone wearing multiple masks, as do most people on this God forsaken board.
Were were these votes even collected, and how?
They'll collab with Soft circle french-bread and make a real fighter with 40 characters +5 DLC characters
Eh, You are right but it would be a greater service to add an actual character from Minecraft into Smash. I sound like such a Stevefag right now.
>Sakurai actually hated Xenoblade 2
>Sakurai cleared Xenoblade Chronicles 2 during his New Year’s vacation. He had to dedicate a lot of time to it because of the immense amount of content, but says having so much to do also creates a real sense of growth and development. Sakurai praises the game’s sprawling world, unique story and rich soundtrack. He thinks the map’s use of high and low terrain and its variety of areas makes it great for an open world game.
>From a developer’s perspective, he considers Xenoblade 2 a considerable achievement. Says Monolith Soft’s assistance to Breath of The Wild’s development might have improved their own open world know-how. It took him a really long time to play, but for open world games, big is the right way to do it. He thinks the feeling of freedom, doing things in the order you like and going on adventures with your crew is an essential aspect of open world games.
>The game isn’t quickly consumable, so it may not fit modern consumers’ taste. Time you spend playing one game could be spent enjoying other games. But in a world with many different types of games, it’s crucial to have games like Xenoblade 2. There are things you can’t get by just rushing through the game. If you take your time, and dig deep, there’s a lot to love. It’s a rare type of game, so if you’re going to play it, then plant your feet and take on the challenge.
Stop spreading bullshit you stupid retard
please not a faggy anime child who cries all the time and holds a key as a sword. Please.
Why does Bandana chad make smashies seethe so much?
Rex & Pyra have more genuine fan demand than Spring Man.
Steve isnt a character
thank god sakurai isn't paying any attention to this trash lol
Reminder that if anyone is going to represent Microsoft as the second rep it will be him. Steve will get a Mii Costume in the same vain as Sans and that is for the best anyway.
Literally hat goomba, but considering we have hat ken we can probably get a another shit character too
These polls are worthless because they're always riddled with flavor of the month garbage.
No one cared about Steve getting in before he was rumored and Geno's support was dead until people started this retarded "hurf durf muh imaginary big three with ridley and k rool" bullshit.
LOL nice bait.
Let's all not forgot how the Feburary direct this year was ruined by weeb games and anime shitholes. Fuck Fire Emblem, Fuck Xenoblade, And fuck any AnimeRPGs.
Heihachi & Jin can work. Yoshimitsu as well,so the Soul Calibur crowd & the Tekken crowd is in.
Holy shit it's you, the Banjofag who came from Smashboards to spread fake discord screenshots. You ALWAYS shit on all the other fanbases when they call you out
He's still in Minecraft
at this point i just want another kirby character since the other 3 have a playstyle that dont appeal to me
Oh cool! I remember making this screencap, I also distinctly remember posing as one of the stevefags discord members, said member of stevecult got kicked out all because of me.
This is the best timeline
>Stevefags get a mii costume with a track
>Chief with alts, some kino tracks and a nice stage
Oh hey I remember when I made this photoshop! The Banjo smashboard sub loved it so much they started using it on Yea Forums
Actually I wouldn't be angry with this
All the other RtDL main characters are in the game, why can't we finish it off with the most obvious one? He'd also represent modern post-RtDL kirby, which has barely any representation in smash probably due to sakurai bias or some shit.
>subpar selling first party title more demanded then the most popular new IP on the system
What did Yea Forums mean by this?
I don't even NEED to participate in fan wank polls. I'm just happy knowing that my boy is already 100% confirmed for Smash 6
Seethe harder Blockhead, check this filename in the archives, I don't post on smashboards its nice to see that these screencaps from your discord still make you seethe.
>still seething after we confirmed that the other user created these fake images for Smashboards
>earliest year on that hardware timeline is 1977
>the original Atari 2600 was also released in 1977
you're getting the dragon from Adventure and you are going to like it
Anybody think we'll get a character from the Mana series?
>tfw my only most wanted who was an assist is no longer an assist
>tfw assists are no longer about side characters and niche nintendo ips but are now about d tier fan requests and bottom of the barrel shit
>tfw 800 music tracks in ultimate and not a single fucking s&p track
fuck this timeline
Along with Reimu, Phoenix is the last character that deserve to be in that's not actually in. As soon as they're both in, "Everyone is here" will finally be a true statement
thats if the rights and licencing arent aids cock
witch is likely
Here you go fag
Let's make this clear: this manlet faggot and his mommy gf are never getting in smash. EVER.
1. Sakurai clearly spelled out for you idiots only more game worlds (ie more new IPs) from now on.
2. Even if this wasn't the case both of them are already spirits in the game.
3. He's also a shitty mii costume THAT YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR, do you think it would be well received if sakurai made you pay for dlc of the actual character when he already made you pay for a costume under the premise he wouldn't get in the game?
4. They missed their chance. Their game is too old to shill now. Nintendo would rather shill Astral Chain and Faggot Emblem.
5. Xeno is already repped enough with Shulk. It doesn't need anymore. "BUT FIRE EMBLEM", yeah everyone hates Faggot Emblem for having too many underserved reps, why do you want another case of this shit?
>"B-But Sakurai wanted him in the game there just wasn't enough tim-
Sakurai paying some lip service to disappointed Xeno fans does in no way obligate him to work on characters that have nothing going for them just because he has more DLC slots to fill now.
Now pay 25$ for his mii costume, stop talking about them in every smash thread and fuck off.
>costume with a track
what music would Minecraft even have? They remixed Banjo's music because some of it wouldn't fit Smash. Minecraft's music definitely would not fit, and a more action oriented remix would be kind of unfitting for MC.
Look at these fucking chads.
wow annon thank you for looking fully retarded
>you're spamming your shitposting folder in both this thread and the other Smash thread
lol. That's pretty much proof that you're a Smashboard raider. I guess it's confirmed that these images are fake
go back to Yea Forums shitposter
What are you talking about? I haven't posted my screencaps in awhile and i'm not posting these ones in another thread, keep seething blockhead.
Reminder that Bandana Dee is getting a nendo
Here are the top 12 results for the Source Gaming top 50 poll
>get caught spamming your anti-fag folder in multiple threads
>goes into instant denial mode
Whelp. it's over. We have officially confirmed that these fake images came from Smashboards raiders
you too i see
sorry little timmy Steven mwinecock wasnt in smash
Here's the link for discord go see for yourself blockhead its real, i mean you're probably already a member and this is just some desperate coping
Again, what other thread? you must be referring to the other user who's spamming screencaps from your discord, seethe harder.
Wonder why they didn't give us an Elma costume. Kosmos would be nice.
i thought it was his mouth
>only 30 members
>they're all fucking botnets
Christ you made a fake discord just cause you dislike minecraft?
We already knew it was a hoax. Whenever he posts the "actual" discord it's just a fucking botnet hive.
i dont think you can be on this site wait a couple years
Why did you reply to yourself? why are you denying that the steve discord exists so hard?
You mean the Banjo discord. Here it is
>Seething so hard about your discord getting exposed again
thanks. fuck you steve/banjofags
but that's a steve discord, I don't if Banjofags have a discord or not.
Are you telling me Banjofags actually fucking made an entire Discord server just so they could pretend to be Steve fans to try and make them look bad on Yea Forums.
Jesus Christ. I genuinely like the Banjo games LESS because of these people. Why are Smash fags like this?
>Coping this hard
>Samefagging this hard
the ip didn't change blockhead.
You can clearly see it's a Banjofag server though? See how it barely has any members? Those are the Banjofag sockpuppets.
you know what to do user
>Banjo fags make an entire Discord to try and force people to like their character
>Sakurai still tells them to go back to Xbox
Fucking amazing. Poetic Justice is real
I do?
and who got in?
That's vanilla Waddle Dee, not Bandana Dee.
we did win in that context, though. your shitty bear isn't getting another game
They never show the hats with the prototypes.
>Stevefags pretend to be Erdrickfags then go back to being stevefags
Not surprising in the least. Also, Sora's in.
Oh hi Nimbus, I'm much stronger than you now and I'm willing to admit it!
i see you like the racist sweed man. how are your 9 year-old comrades?
on twitter pushdustin made the fan ballot
why do you hate sora
facts i agree master chief would represent microsoft excellently