I always told myself she'd never get in unless they made a Fighter's Pass #2. And with confirmation of more fighters coming after this pass is finished, I can't tell if I should remain hopeful or just accept that it won't happen.
How are her chances looking?
Literally HOW does the fact we’re getting more DLC fighters make anyone’s spirit status irrelevant? Nothing has proven as of yet that spirits can have characters.
This. There’s never been something that says that spirit don’t deconfirm and if they don’t, do Shantaefags really think they will choose her over Rayman, bomberman, geno, or eggman?
Her chances are pretty low but not impossible. We still need to know more about the extra DLC, but it's not that huge of a stretch to think that they might bring Spirited characters as playables, especially considering how many Spiriteds were favorites.
Don't hold your breath though. IF we get a full Pass #2 with 5 slots, I'll give you a soft "maybe". Otherwise, I doubt it.
she could be the one to break that rule.
You guys know that there was neither anything against spirit either, right? Just the timing, like with trophies back in four (lucas, mewtwo...) or the mii costumes now (Chrom).
I am impartíal here, but unless you have a real argumente against or in favor of any given character, just don't waste our time.
I can just say, he recepción was positive enough to get her a spirit out of nowhere so her chances aren't bad, but we are yet to see what plans Nintendo have for future DLC yet, so I can't judge yet.
Still, the made up rules are getting absurd already. After the characters we got so far, it's getting tiresome to even read them!
>still loses to shovel knight
>already has a model they can use in the game
Face it, he's in.
I'd say they're pretty good, considering Sakurai himself said they "welcome more opportunities to satisfy the fans", and Shantae has been a fan favorite for quite some time now (no, Yea Forums hating on her doesn't count).
Admit it, you only want her so you can fap to the porn that artists would make of her
I legitimately want her in Smash, she's my top pick! I would never fap to her.
>I can't tell if I should remain hopeful or just accept that it won't happen.
Expect the worst and you'll never be disappointed.
I'd love to see Shantae in bashing it out with Mario, Sonic, Megaman and Banjo, that's like a fucking fever dream. I can imagine any number of possible move sets, costumes, possible stages, music, etc. But after seeing her as a spirit, whether or not that deconfirms anyone or not, I've tempered my expectations. If it happens, that's fucking awesome. If not, well, I figured as much.
I don't know if that'll really matter, unfortunately. While Shantae has a very loyal fanbase and an oddly storied history in gaming, her series has never had any crazy breakout hits like more recent indie titles. That doesn't mean it's impossible, of course. Recent and continued success means nothing if Banjo & Kazooie are anything to go by. But you have to keep in mind, the DLC needs to sell. Is the Shantae audience strong enough to make her worth adding? Would she cause enough hype to warrant the effort? I don't right know, myself, but if Nintendo doesn't think so, then it's not likely to happen.
Cute belly
Going by Smash 4's initial DLC, our first three were fucking vets. going by Yea Forums's retarded logic, we should've gotten more vets.
Shantae as DLC after Fighter Pass 1 would actually maybe sell quite a bit considering her new game releases soon and her Smash DLC and the new game could work off of each other to promote each other well
Where's terry on that list?
She's got two chances, Jack and Shit. And Jack left town.
Wouldnt it make sense to sell her as Fighter Pass pack 5 given her game is still set to release this year and pack 5 comes out early 2020?
Perhaps but if her game is still relevant by then, I don't see why not. Every Shantae fan is excited for this entry becausd it feels like a return-to-form game that everyone wanted. Looks better and sounds 10x better than HGH
The game mechanics say otherwise. Characters who are actual fighters get special Fighter Spirits. There are no normal spirits for playable characters. If the character has a normal or assist spirit, they're out. Same goes for assist trophies. The real kicker for this is Piranha Plant, who would have been an obvious spirit like the other Mario enemies, but was specifically held back so they could make a Fighter Spirit for it without breaking their consistency on spirits. If they made a Spirit/Assist Trophy for the character, it means they had no intention of making a fighter for them. So, Shantae, Geno, Isaac, etc, are all out.
They could literally just put in parentheseas (Half Genie Hero) to her spirit if she was added in.
I guess one can dream.
Who cares, Wayforward games are all shit to painfully mediocre anyway. I firmly believe their games wouldn't sell as well if they didn't have cute girls.
Good movie.
Her chances depends on how they are going to approach the next wave of DLC obviously. If it's a sizable chunk, Nintendo and Sakurai can approach third parties much like they did with their own ips: a mixture of big names to lesser known characters. We can only go by what Sakurai has said and that he just wants to connect as many worlds as possible AND please fans.
That last part is what gets me cause is he referring to fans of Smash or fans of series that COULD be in Smash? Shantae has had a demand for the crossover but being an indie it doesnt make sense business wise. And the fact that the biggest indies, Shovel Knight and Undertale, didnt get characters officially doesnt help her.
All in all, there is still a chance especially if they decide to mix it up with their selections. Game must be doing better than expected if they decided on a whole new wave of DLC and may be willing to chance it with some relatively niche pics. Just make sure the Shantae fans don't send death threats like the Waluigi fags did.
Idk man but I'll jerk off to her in support
Her spirit references multiple games, good try though
So? the actual spirit art is from HGH.
I know that, because the game and the spirits were develop at the same time of the DLC, so they made a distinction at the time, we have been over this already. It's just a PNG, nothing special, there are even variants of each PNG for plenty of playable characters, Link just got a new one with the Link's Awakening remake! They mean nothing over all, the spirits are mostly to give single player content, and most of us don't even use them in multiplayer, nor care for them.
I don't get way people get so work out for this made up rules, other fighting games to give a crap for this! DBfightherZ made Android 17 playable even when he was a crucial part of 18's moveset, and then Videl needs her own version of Gohan to even work, even when there are already two playable Gohans!
Why people gets so fixated for some PNGs when things like Trophies, Mii Costumes, Stages cameos, and even final Smash has mean jack shit in the past?! We even have an Assist Trophy that's also a boss, and two boss variants for playable characters! A PNG means nothing for a character being playable, the only thing that matters is whatever Nintendo have planed for this DLC.
Are they after big third party allies like with the current season so far? Then she is unlikely, but Rayman get's a huge chance. Are they after promoting their own IPs this time? Then she is not happening, but Rex becomes almost sure, alongside new Pokemos and the like. Are they after the fan demand, like with Ridley and K Rool? Well then she is one of the easiest third party characters to add, even more than Snake, Cloud and Banjo before. Probably cheap too.
I only care for the business side of things when is in regards speculation, not made up rules base on ingame content that make little to none sense, the only ones I believe is Assist Trophies are a no, and even that could get broken as far as I know, with Rathalos already being an special case among AT on his own right!
>Captain Rainbow as third party
>Captain Rainbow above Crash
>Viewtiful Joe above Goku and Crash
>Arle Nadja above fucking Cloud
>Jibanyan over Simon Belmont
>Fucking Batman above Goku, Monster Hunter and Crash
What kind of nightmarish shit is this? Where the fuck did you get this from?
it's apparently the ballot results lol
also cloud was out before bayonetta, so it makes sense as to why he's below arle
Pretty much this if it happens.
Her Fighter Spirit will be her Smash model and her original GBC design.
her fighter spirit could even just be the Seven Sirens art.
This is suposedly the Ballot data, though as it turns out, because the time the Ballot was made, even before Cloud announce, most people didn't expect much a third party rep, and we got this lacklusters "favorites". If Nintendo would have revealed Cloud before the Ballot, or we had any idea that Nintendo was so willing to make third parties work back then, the results would have looked quiet different!
Also, most votes I think went to first party anyway, with K Rool, Wolf, Inklings, the Ice Climbers, Dee and Dixie being favorites and such, but the first party picks were save for Ultimate, with very few slots for new comers.
The baffling thing, nobody realize than if she ever gets to be playable, they would just use her original GAME BOY art as a fighter spirit, most characters. Yes, they are some weird exceptions, like the Belmonts and other Third party reps, not to mention the Mario Crew and other old School nintendo reps, but still, it would be fitting for her.
I mean, fans got Bayonetta to be in the game, and her best selling game at the time was a medium success with her Nintendo entries being big floops! The fact the fan base made enough noise to make her a spirit at the time is impressive enough, and we all know she would most likely a very easy third party deal to make (clearly easier than any Square Enix deal so far).
We just need more details as to what Nintendo has planed for this new DLC now to get a better idea as to what to expect, before deciding who has any chance to be honest.
Usually, a character's original incarnation is only made a separate Spirit from the FS if they're completely different-looking from the popular version seen in Smash.
People saying "Spirits reconfirm" are probably the same fucks who said "Trophies deconfirm" then got BTFO when Mewtwo and Lucas both got in as DLC despite having trophies already. They even got new trophies with new poses when they released so stop acting like a Spirit can't get in as a fighter, Smash has already broken all of these stupid "B-BUT IF THE CHARACTER IS X THEN THEY CAN'T GET IN!" rules
So just shut up about spirit deconfirming and just wait and see
Shit, meant *deconfirm in that first sentence
Well her support is growing at a steady paste and after seven sirens it finally reached main stream mass, her odds are really good if they make another draft for new options right now.
There is two things wrong whit this argument every time it pops up
1 we already have enough people drawing fan art of her in fact she has more people drawing her that all the other characters requested at Yea Forums hell not a single drawtread passes without a Shantae related delivery.
2 do you really want them to keep drawing the Bara bear over a brown cutie?
I mean, Shantae's original art, even if it covers the basics, kind of looks like the older sister of her current self. I think it would be fitting to have that art as her fighter spirit if she ever gets added.
Still saddens me whenever I see just how much they downgraded her design with every new game.
This. Based.
Excuse you, RR Shantae is the peak. Also, the new art for Seven Sirens is pretty good.
Agreed. Every Shantae is good except HGH
All they did was soften the details and use solid colors instead of waterpaints. Still truer to the original design than what would come later.
I'm quite certain she's going to be DLC fighter number 7 (PP included), along with a sarcastic sort of "Fine, here, stop asking" sort of message.
I'll remind you all that Shantae-begging was so profuse at the announcement of the Fighter's Pass that Sakurai had to come out and tell everyone that A: The fighters were already selected and B: Nintendo picked them all in the first place.
I'm certain they've already started on a "Here's Shantae, please stop asking" trailer.
Why do you ask about Terry and not Joker?
When will you accept your stupid fucking sticker and give up?
If Undertale and Shover Knight only got a Costume and Assist Trophy, then she's going to be a spirit forever.
>Shantae"begging" was the SOLE reason behind Sakurai's tweet
okay user sure.
Also what you said would be an awful PR move to actively shit on your fans.
>Shantae thread
>Reimufags show up
Rent free.
This one's good. May i save it?
do you really think sakurai played your shitty american indie waifubait and fapbait that is already a png because sakurai clearly doesnt give a shit about her?
Yeah some of the recent games have waifubait in them, still fuckin fun though
Fuck off Reimufag
save it, it's all yours my friend ;)
clearly cares more about it then Commander Video or Quote or Celeste or Cadence or Reimu considering they dont have anything in Smash.
I want Shantae to poop on my chest
I dunno but chances are good that I'll beat off to her again later tonight.
They are delusional and just use shantae to make image dump threads and jerk off in unison.
Thanks Lori!
I agree on the feeling, but didn't Commander Video get a trophy on four? And back then that was all Sakurai's input, not even Nintendo choice.
Still, even if Shovel Knight and Sans get it better than Shantae, it's clear she is leaps ahead other indie characters to even being acknowledge in the game, even in the final trailer!
That's just Yea Forums's way, but contrary to other of Yea Forumss "pupular" characters, Shantae somehow got some following in the mainstream fandom, so there is that. And you can't pretend otherwise, the Spirit is the only prove you need of her fandom being laud enough to catch Nintendo's attention.
If indie ultra juggernauts like Shovel Knight and Undertale only got an Assist trophy and a mii costume, what makes you all think she even has any sort of chance? You people severly overestimate her popularity.
>There are no normal spirits for playable characters.
Ignoring shit like the other K. Rool incarnations and other characters that are technically just the same character doing a different thing, why are people so sure that they are willing to turn down a character completely solely because "OH NO THERES ALREADY A PNG IN THE GAME RIP" The Fighter pass almost certainly won't have spirits/assist promotions but clearly the extra fighters were decided far later, and likely won't have the same limitations.
The reason Piranha Plant didn't get a regular spirit despite being DLC is obviously because he was developed far earlier than the other DLC fighters so they knew well in advance he was going to be added. Its the reason he also has a Palutena's Guidance despite the other fighters not having a unique one.
Relevancy doesn't mean anything anymore, just take a look at Joker and Banjo.
Mostly the fact that when Shovel Knight got killed in the AT massacre, most of his support went to fall on Shantae. Now, Undertale is a real rival as much as I hate to admit it, but the true is that Sans is probable the worst pick to represent the game as playable, but it's the one the fandom want, so I think the fandom it's their own worst enemie on that regard (If they would ask for Frisk/Chara, Undine or even Papyrus, I would be more concern though).
In any case, the way things are going, Shantae is one of the few indie characters that Nintendo and Sakurai have acknowledge, and she only gets more support over time. Shovel Knight was her biggest rival among Nintendo fans after all, and now she is getting the lead in that regard thanks to a general feeling that Spirits have a better chance to get promoted over AT right now.
Joker is Sakurai's personnal pick and Banjo had a massive, massive fan support. Consider it a miracle she got in the game one way or another at all.
And even if Sakurai were to upgrade a character thanks to fan demand characters like Geno and Isaac are next in line.
Assist trophy
thing is, Spirits are easier and more likely to upgrade than AT, so Isaac is mostly out still. Meanwhile, Geno is still on the Square jail, where if Nintendo even bothers to deal with them, they could just pick characters with more mainstream appeal like the FF cast, Sora or 2B. Anyone is fair game, and even though I think some First Party characters in the spirit poll have a better chance than Shantae, she is one of the third party characters more easy to get (always a plus) with a fanbase that has already been loud enough to get her represented in the game somehow. So her chances aren't that bad, it depends what Nintendo has planed for future Third Party deals.
>Consider it a miracle she got in the game one way or another at all.
Still remember flipping my shit when her spirit was shown off in the WoL trailer. Her becoming playable would just be the icing on the cake for me.
I was shocked.
Your stinky wife Shanate is never getting in.
My beautiful wife Kat is getting in post haste!
never heard of her
Not that i'm defending him but i'm sure all 20 people were happy terry got in
Just a reminder on their chances of all the popular indie characters.
Depends on whenever or not getting spirited means a deconfirmation.
Depends on Sakurai considering Touhou and ZUN being okay with handing him the license.
Depends on Nintendo making a deal with his current owners.
Depends on whenever or not Sakurai plans on double dipping after the costume reveal.
And all of them depend on the chance of a playable indie so who knows what from there.
>Shovel Knight
Same as Shantae but with assist trophies.
>Hollow Knight
Same as Quote.
No way, fag
As someone who loves the series, she’s not getting anything else. Accept this now and you’ll feel better.
As a former Ridley fag, I can't accept this way of thinking. By all means, Shatae is more easy to add than Banjo, Cloud, Snake, Ridley and K Rool combine, so it's foolish to give up now.
Why Yea Forums hate Shantae so much in comparison to literally every other video game series?
I thought the baby was cross eyed for a second there
Nah, Shantae doens't gets any special treatment of Yea Forums, they hate her just as much as they Hate Zelda, God Of War, Nier, The Last of Us, Smash, Platinum, Nintendo, Sony and so on... It's just that Shantae is part of the smash threads, and that gave her extra hate to some extend.
>Spirits are easier to upgrade than an assist trophy which can serve as a foundation for a full-fledged characters
Yes, because Spirits is just made the character, while AT is "What the fuck we do with the AT now?" Also, the ones people want to be upgraded are the ones that actually don't work as a base for a playable character, like Isaac or Waluigi.
What do you mean by "dont work as a base"?
Reimu and Quote are the most likely right now imo, more leaning towards Reimu because of how much of a cultural phenomenon it is in nipland
Well, the models aren't meant to be playable, so they would need to re made them all the same like with a spirit, but in the case of Isaac and Waluigi, the two more populars, not even the idea of a moveset is that good for a playable character, Isaac being to OP and Waluigi being to simple.
Is the exact same work as making a new character from the start, but with the adding problem of having to deal with existing AT, where spirits don't have that second problem.
You misunderstood my post. Sakurai uses action figures to help visualize and plan the characters movements. Isaac's AT model can be used a base for a more detailed one, with the art direction all set up. And even then they can either go an extra mile and replace the AT with Matthew or simply just remove it. That doesn't require all that much work.
And even then you're just basing eveyrthing here on fan made rules.
true lad
What do you think would be the first NON porn fanart if Shantae got revealed for Smash
(I know someone would say "porn" if I didn't say otherwise)
in ultimate, 0% since she's a spirit. but she'll get in smash someday.
>Non porn fanart of Shantae
They still make non lewds of Shantae?
Honestly, just the obvious, a welcome to Smash type of fan art we see all the time with Shantae being recive by some veterans, or she having tears of Joy while getting the letter. It's cute, but also predictable.
how do I unlock this one?
you dont
Spirits were a timing thing. They planned the first Fighter Pass ahead of launch. If something was in the Fighter Pass it would not be a Spirit in the base game at launch. Now we are in new territory, this stuff wasn't planned before launch so they could decide they want to add someone already Spirited
I had an idea of her holding a letter or smash ball in an ornate throne with "Indie Queen" emblazoned on the top with other various indies kneeling to her
and Steve's square head is her footstool.
Her jumping for joy while holding the Smash envelope while by her mailbox.
or she;s doing that floating animation from her games when she gets a new item in PC or RR,
Sounds better, yeah.
I think pretty good considering she didn't get a Mii costume and there hasn't been a female dlc character yet.
her hanging out with the other female smash characters