The absolute state of gaming

The absolute state of gaming

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Gaming is dead what else new?

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Kojima has never made a difficult game.

What the fuck are we supposed to do now?

Play old game be neets and wait for the collaspe of western world

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Based Kojima giving journalists a difficulty which respects their abilities.
I just hope that's easy enough

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yeah, so much garbage in gaming industry right now
find a new hobby idiot

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>movie fans

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So long as the difficulty ceiling isn't lowered to accomadate the new casual basement expansions we're good.

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kojima tweets have been really faggy recently, am i missing something other than he probably banged dorito pope

the jews are getting their claws in to him

>implying he didn't want it in the first place

Kek. I love how he just dumps a huge turd on "not real" actors.

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oof, come on video games industry, seriously? I'm totally mad right now. yikesees, video games = killed

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>Has had Very Easy mode in MGS2-4
>People only complain and make fun of it now
It's almost like Yea Forums is made up of newfags exclusively. Oh, right.......

I wouldn't know about that user, because I play every game exclusively in hard mode or higher.

wow...Kojima is such a hack... who's even heard of difficulty levels before....he's never done then before and only doing it now since movie game walking peeing simulator...Konami did nothing wrong

>Kojima invented Very Easy Mode
stop being retarded

>the absolute state of gatekeeping "gamers"

Yea Forums would defend this if it was a switch exclusive t b q h


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Didn't it take him an hour or something to get to the elevator in MGS?

Are you better than Yano-san, Yea Forums?

>real actors

he just cant stop fucking with joost for a second. absolute sociopath mad lad

rise the fuck up

have sex

Most of his games had Very Easy mode. What the fuck's the problem?

Honestly, people who bitch about this have never played Kojima games. Fucking newfags. The option's always been there, just don't use it.

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itt People pretending they didn't use infinite lives cheats when they were young

>naked normal
>solid normal

So? This only affects you if yo are casual enough to play on that difficult. Even Devil May Cry and SMT games have easy mode.

Nigger did you miss the part where the Dev himself said he doesn't normally do very easy? That means he's either retarded or actually doesn't have much to do with his own damn products

you sould really play the metal gear series user, its great

He's just trying to be funny, like Liquid Easy being the Very Easy analogue. Just refers to the different Snakes in levels of challenge.

He says "NORMALLY there's only Easy mode", which means games normally only have Easy Mode. He always puts Very Easy in most of his games regardless, it's a staple.

how does this affect you

>Death Stranding has no hard mode or even a normal mode, only easy and very easy mode
Your reaction?

There's no fun in video games unless it's something challenging. I've played many games that were easy by default and no higher difficulty beyond the "normal" mode, and finishing it feels like a hollow, forgettable, victory. It doesn't help that a lot of these games are story-heavy. I don't want a fucking story, I want a challenge.

>Name it "Gaming Journalism Mode"

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Oh no oh god there's an optional difficulty selection on a game I've probably been shitting on on Yea Forums for months at this point gaming is dead

If I ever made a video game, I would give it five difficulty levels and name them accordingly:
Very easy - Game Journalists Mode
Easy - Baby Mode
Normal - Normal Mode
Hard Mode - True Gamer Mode
Very Hard - Tryhard Mode

Should add a "braindead" difficulty just to be safe.

Hey dipshit, having Very Easy, Easy, and Normal be the only options is the same thing as having Easy, Normal, and Hard. Do you think they have some panel play through each game and decide what to call each difficulty? They're just names you fucking dolt.

Lmao you can't be serious. The nigger did not mean "EVERYONE ELSE NORMALLY DOESN'T HAVE THIS BUT THIS TIME WE DO" because that would be redundant and fucking retarded, since he's ALWAYS done a very easy mode.

My God, got delusional fags will make up anything you can to defend this guy.

>tfw walking simulator where you work as a delivery man dropping off parcels in kino surroundings sounds super comfy

We had that concept years ago, it was called Paperboy.

I'm willing to bet a lot of money that the people who are saying the game having an easier mode means gaming is dead couldn't beat Nethack.

Don't play on Easy you fucking mongoloids. Christ, Doom had cheats so pussies could make themselves invincible, add all weapons, fly to the end of levels. This is actually less extreme.

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Imagine having so few interests and hobbies that a game you don't even intend to play having a difficulty meant for people you'll never meet is a serious problem for you

What's the difference between solid and naked normal anyway

It's like Easy and Normal.

Kind of obtuse, but ok

First time seeing a Kojima game?

U dum. The gane is easy. He mad it easy. Cannot make it hard just by pussin button. Or change box. Game MADR EASY

agsin he has had a very easy mode before you braindead topical monkey vulture

No but it's been ages since I played mgs4

if kojima would be white /vpol/ would shit on him

Yes he did
Did you seriously make another thread? You should try not to type so obnoxiously if you want to hide your shitposting

>no argument
>just "nuh uh, stahp it!"
Kojima fags, wew

I hope you realize how genuinely pathetic this is
Do you get paid?

>Walking simulators have easy modes now
I didn't think gaming could get any more casual but there it is.

>added in a very easy mode
>all the other diffuculties are still there
I don't get it, what's the problem here? Nothing's been taken out or changed.

> Implying difficulty matters in a walking simulator

Every Kojima game, the gameplay matters. Even his kinoest game, Snake Eater, had real emphasize on the game design.

kojima knows his audience

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Do you know how pathetic it is that you're so brainwashed that your actually believe that

Euuu No u!!! U cannot rike death strandinng kojimbo hack! Fukushima made the games!

Gaming journalists should be required by law to play the hardest difficulty of any game. If they can't beat the game, they lose their job.

Based Kojima thinking about the game journalists.

wait for the next crash

>What the fuck's the problem?

while I dont think it was 100% stated anywhere, I was under the impression that the whole point of the "strand game" was to be some type of socially connected experience where the community works together, something like soulsborne meets PT. It couldn't possibly be the case if the game has difficulty modes and whatever kojima was trying to evoke is already automatically diluted since everyone doesnt have the same baseline experience at the bottom of the social component. The community aspect of PT would have been 100% moot if the game had a mode where there are no puzzles at all and you just walk through the door more and more to automatically progress to completion eventually

>this level of delusion
All over a fucking game dev

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I agree. How many threads have you made now? I am sure I missed a few.

break the glass ceiling

Nigger I didn't make this thread, you fucking retard.

He landed a 900 at 48, pretty goddamn impressive

>movie mode

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>every other post says nigger
Are you 14?

if you dont play on the hardest difficulty your automatically gay!!!!!!

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Nigger no. Ya nigger

AAA games need bigger sales. Mobile games are taking over. Blame them and dumb nips for eating them up and being corporate lap dogs to mobile and gacha trash

have sex

>Don’t like games to be too easy
>See Very Easy Mode
>Don’t pick it

I actually don't care the very easy mode part of his tweet, I care about him basically saying that voice actors aren't real actors. David Hayter is right to not like him.

Wow a difficulty level. As a le epic jaded gamer I have never encountered this before, this is truly the end of gaming as we know it.

You have to understand, the subtext of this tweet is that cutscenes and non gameplay content will be so substantial as to keep these pussies placated. This will bore people actually interested in gameplay into stuperous states of boredom, no doubt. That said, hardly a surprise from Kojima. Look, I like MGS as much as the next guy, but 30 minute cutscenes are entirely too much.

Then you skip the cutscenes or just don't play the game dumb dumb.

>Most of his games had Very Easy mode. What the fuck's the problem?

Maybe because this mode is easier than Very Easy, smooth brain!

>oi Kojima-san which game are we making
>no no geimu, onli movi, carru my frendo Mads

>just don’t play lel
Okay, I won’t.

hell yea

>all these crashes

wanna see something even more awesome?