Hey, me again. Mind if I crash in the Wildspire Wastes by that Rathian? Don't mind if I do. Thanks buddy. Let me do you a solid and trip her half a dozen times for ya.
Another Iceborne thread from your favorite wandering Banboro
Hey, me again. Mind if I crash in the Wildspire Wastes by that Rathian? Don't mind if I do. Thanks buddy. Let me do you a solid and trip her half a dozen times for ya.
Another Iceborne thread from your favorite wandering Banboro
Other urls found in this thread:
Leave Ruiner Nergigante to me
Is he in?
Gib wide 6 gunlance or fuck off
He's the first freeLC in October
The new Hunting Horn move is amazing.
I hated his fights back when I first played MHFU, but I had a greater appreciation by the time 4U came out.
How is the Switch Axe right now? Is the axe mode useful besides wild swing/transform combo?
Does it make element/status horns more viable now?
It's going to be so fucking weird to have Rajang as one of the very few non-reptilian monsters in the game. MH is overdue for many more of those.
Axe gets a vastly improved Fade Slash that's actually worth using.
What about his other moves? Are they worth using for hit and run or is it still better to just wait for bigger openings and exclusively use sword?
Does Garuga have an actual turf war with Jho or is it only a cutscene thing?
>MR zorah armor isn't made by fighting MR zorah
thank fucking god
Why is this nigger in every map?
We need a new pelagus.
For example, a massive bat-like vampire with wing membranes under his front legs which is covered in mercury-like liquid metal. He literally has shiny metal blood and can solidify it to either harden its skin or for getting longer claws/razorback/heavier fists. Also, he can grab hunters, bite them and drink their blood, stealing any of your potion buffs like demondrug/armorskin for himself.
His theme has some hints of church choir, organ and tolling bells, while his armor and weapons share the holy/vampire hunter look of crosses, stakes, sanctified guns and chains.
is there an imgur album of all the female armor sets? so far from what i've seen from random streams they all look good except for the fishnet odogaron
>no /mhg/ in the title
Also link me to the weird Japanese monster hunter ending with the lolis please
You bet.
This is great
>wanting more niggers in monhun
I'd like an actual bat that moves like a bat.
Thks is some kaiju shit, i love it.
Is Namielle a good fight? Cause i like the way it looks.
I'm cumming
Does Seething Bazel get some new shit too? I'll be disappointed if Savage vs. Seething is just the same animation again
Finally, an ED jho doesn't want to eat.
>tfw want to rush the key quests so i can make my favorite armor, Kaiser X
>but Seliana's loop is so fucking comfy i want to prolong the feel of progressing naturally
What do lads
>Godzilla vs Destoroyah
>Namielle actually receives more damage from the explosion than Savage Jho itself
Iceborne looks so fucking good, can't wait to play it in January. Now it's time to filter Monster Hunter so I forget all about it.
As usual the early MR armor is useless.
Sigh, why cant we have a decent transmog feature?
take it easy, kaiser X isn't going anywhere my man
If you want hit and run, draw GS is viable now.
Axe is for perma-flinching a monster with charged overhead and slinger burst dodge. Sword is for if you actually want to kill it.
So is Lagiacrus in the game or not?
Turf wars always deal 10% of their max hp.
He'll probably be the very first thing we see of the next game
>His theme has some hints of church choir, organ and tolling bells, while his armor and weapons share the holy/vampire hunter look of crosses, stakes, sanctified guns and chains.
That would be kino.
Can’t wait to smash this monkeys face.
Chill and enjoy. Once the stories over its back to grinding.
Bummer. There was so much youtube bait garbage and rumours I actually had my hopes up.
>literally the same exact turf war as Velkhana vs. Savage Jho
At least it still looks super cool.
>tfw starting Freedom Unite after playing MHW for about 100 hours
Holy shit, there are so many moves missing and it feels fucking clunky. Don't even get me started on me having to do the claw for camera control. I also played 3U and 4U for a while back in the day but I remember them feeling MUCH better to play. Does it get any better or am I doing something wrong?
Most turf wars are copypasted between monsters that use the same skeletons, even if sometimes it doesn't suit their personalities.
Wonder if it'll have one with Nergigante, which doesn't use the Kushala skeleton and lacks a breath beam.
I'm honestly surprised that we got footage of the turf wars with Savage Jho but haven't seen ones for Nergigante versus Velkhana and Namielle.
Especially considering that the Nerg vs. Velkhana image is on the cover of the collector's edition.
Everything is in order, you just don't have nostalgia glasses.
It is much slower. Monsters are also more predictable, their animation is stiff, but they hit way harder. Hammer is less mobile and more like a blunt GS. GS is at its prime. Lance is evade only. Gunlance's shelling is not viable except for Corn Gl wide spam. LS has way less mobility, but its kit is still very strong for the game. Sns and DB are the same shit. Horn attacks and plays songs separately, and his MVs are shit. HBG is op as fuck. LBG is trash. Bow needs skill.
>Everyone bullying Diablos for jobbing during Glav X Blos turf wars
>Turns out Diablos can win the clash
Name a single thing she did wrong.
how do you dodge glavs mouth grind into that super spin attack? the range is huge as shit
They tie.
can't you dive it? You could in gen
you know I never thought about that, I thought it came out too quick to dive but I'll try it
They do? My bad then, when it happened to me I couldn't really see much of it and only caught the part where blos slams glavenus, and then he ran away.
>kills you in japanese
>no unique weapon models
You can actually roll through it normally if you get the timing down too
I've never been comfortable fighting Barioth, in 3U I only ever fought him for necessary quest progression so it took me 39 fucking minutes to capture him with my horn.
iirc it's one of those attacks you have to sheath and get ready to dive as soon as you see him start it, at least with GS
First Glav slams Blos, then Blos comes from behind, picks Glav up with his horns and throws him over the head.
Lance Bro here, are elemental counter builds now viable or is pure raw still king?
Plan on doing some testing soon as I get some time off from work
Why does velkhy hate niggergante?
>tfw don't want to progress the plot and lose her
Probably you're going to be able to see it only at the very last stages of the endgame. I haven't seen a single footage of Brute Tigrex yet, but we know it's in.
its the same
What are some funny pictures or videos where girls squish their boobs together haha
Element would be superior to raw if it weren't for Acidic Glavenus weapons being Diablos 2.0 and blowing everything else out of the fucking water.
Did they improve the framerates? it feels way smoother than i remember.
Seeing Glav next to Diablos really puts it into perspective just how awful some of the new monster designs are compared to the series staples.
Thanks user.
I'd like to say there's more, but I'd be lying. Unfortunately, that's all we have of Brute Tigrex. We have even less of Scarred Garuga. And no footage of MR99 Ruiner Nergigante and whether or not the MR99 version changes his fight at all.
What's the multiplier for purple sharpness in Iceborne? Is it worth it or is it nerfed like GU?
Maybe because Velku is white? Just a thought
Bullshit honestly, Diablos should win everytime.
Haven't seen Gold and Silver Raths either
>GS is still TCS spam
>hammer is the same
>lance is the same
>CB is the same SAED spam meta
>SA's new moves add nothing besides evasion and encourage more sword spam
>there is no wide 6 GL yet
>not interested in any other weapon
So, they fixed literally nothing?
Mods will fix it in 4 months
Can anyone confirm/deny if quick sheathe skill helps longsword Draw Slash attack speed?
Because nothing needed to get fixed fag
>Jho retreating
>GS is still TCS spam
How tue fuck is it "spam'' you inbred retard? You need to set up a TCS, you can't just do it randomly and expect them to hit.
Barnos's spit can also lower other monster's defenses as well. You can tell if there's vapor rising from a monster's body
Likewise, Brachydios's slime can also stick onto other monster's body parts. The more you know, pard!
If she doesn't become dlc I might actually make the Switch to pc once Icebourne comes out on there
That's fine, user, don't worry. I just wanted to see how it looks in World. Seems really nasty and faster than normie Tigrex.
>That Garuga's firestorm
That is definitely new, i don't remember it.
You go for TCS every time by spamming the tackle in response for every monster attack. Just like SAED.
Oh yeah, this time she should be fully fixable because in the end it's just replacing models/lines.
>spamming the tackle in response for every monster attack
All this tells me is that you don't know how to play GS.
>CB is still SAED
Unless you’re a complete Meta tard, the new Saw feature is basically is on par with SAED spam now
Do Glavenus Mantles actually exist? Over ten gold reward investigations in having broken the head and tail in each of them, and no fucking Mantle.
does his roar still do damage? I remember the range being a lot bigger than that webm
>lance is the same
And that's a good thing. The Lance in World is the best iteration Lance has ever been in the series.
Every video of the GS I see is a TA with TCS spam. People never use anything else. It is the optimal play. Did anything really change in IB? Because I still hear people say how unfun it is.
Just use the steamworks. Celestial tickets are pretty easy to come by there.
He takes damage from the roar in the beginning, he just has rocksteady so he doesn't flinch.
I felt bad for you so here's your (You)
will fashion priority be viable in master rank? I'll obviously have some weapons that I'll skill clownsuit with but there are a lot of full armor sets that I'd like to wear
Evade lance was better. Guard/counter lance is easymode and takes zero skill. You literally cannot die, there is no point in prescience. Just press counter whenever the monster is about to hit. It's like a foreskin slash now.
wonder if he has really high armor cause that is paltry damage for getting caught in a brute roar
Why does everything take so long to kill? Even just shitty noob MR stuff like nightshade and hyper viper tobeam. I have to hit it for like 35 minutes straight and get my knockdowns and KOs to last one flail animation cycle. Did I miss out on some gigantic numbers-based powercreep, or is this just g-rank/intended for multiplayer?
I think rocksteady halves the damage you take as well.
they learned from the base game and actually gave monsters health for G rank
ok big guy
Not him but did something actually changed for GS in IB? And why did using tackle suddenly become wrong?
They have more health now, low and high had sweet fuck all. I think its also to incentive clutch claw wounding
Why is Savage Jho so angry?
Found one the second time i fought it. And imma keep it.
No mating partner and arms too small to jerk off. You'd be pissed off too.
>That is definitely new, i don't remember it.
It's because that's the new Garuga variant (regular Garuga got quite a few new moves too like the divebomb and tail slam).
Just got the physical version of the master edition - isnt it supposed to come with the Velkhana theme? Didn't get a download code in the box or even anything on the ps store
The fucking augmentation costs are beyond autistic. We won't get full results until a fucking week later, and this is just one weapon
I knew it was too good to be true that deco farming is gone. Something HAD to replace it
sell some materials
What did Pukei Pukei see?
Buddy, the augs cost materials. Each upgrade costs specific materials like Kulu/Dogo mats then next level is Raths and so on.
Money is never an issue in MH games
So apparently listfag went to reddit and got deleted there too. Also made a xenoblade shitpost while he was at it. Iceborne really took a toll on his autism.
Mah Dick
>Apex listfag completely ripping Redditors a new one right now
LINK. Motherfucker failed to do it on 5ch and twitter so I gotta see that
Playing the game on PS4 and it's FUCKING BEAUTIFUL.
Can't wait for the PC version.
>Also made a xenoblade shitpost while he was at it
Don't tell me he's been blunderfag/Xfag/Eric all this time as well
>that third grader Japanese in his posts
Account in question.
I can believe it.
Please help, I don't want to waste material.
Have you started using MR gear? Sounds like a dumb question but every time I do multiplayer even into MR3 quests retards are still wearing the Gala Suit or Drachen with HR weapons.
The reddit replies are cringier than his list, desu
Does Partbreak work for Velkhana's armor?
I actually copy pasted parts of the list in the discord and on another website, am I a listfag now?
>he actually tried to shitpost on 5ch
didn't this guy say that "MHW FLOPPED IN JAP"? then why go there and "convert" people?
Dude's an elaborate troll
They will probably patch that you can choose between her and default handler.
Also I fucking hope in MHW 2/ MHW 6 that you will be able to customize your handler aswell, and if they wanna keep having dialogue, make the player character be able to say something, silent protagonists are irking me more and more nowadays, had the same problem in Astral Chain, fuckin love that game, but the silent main protag being silent while everyone else speaks and are characterized is just weird.
If you trap a monster at the beginning of a quest and use all your tranq bombs at once, you'll capture the monster immediately.
Wow thanks for the tip!
fuck meant MHW2/MH6*
This works for glavenus too?
Rentrap yeh!
I’ve got tickets a plenty but the Mantle isn’t listed at the Melder.
what did you hope to achieve with this post?
I'm worried about his parents. They raised an actual idiot
Listfag came back three times stronger though
Yeah, this. Recolored Godzilla is much worse than Rathalos 20.
I'm sure yours are proud of you and your immaculate posting quality on Yea Forums.
>much stronger
>gets mass deleted on Yea Forums, mocked on 5ch, and deleted on reddit
nah. Autistic is the better word
We've created a monster.
I'm a parent. Do something with your life m8. This isn't 2006 Yea Forums anymore
>he says while shitposting on Yea Forums
The good thing is that the parent part was probably lied.
He’s a monster entirely of his own making. All we did was tell him to stop annoying us. Now he’s taking it out on defenceless Redditors.
wow, another mh thread where r*dditors talk about a shitposter
kill yourselves, no one gives a shit about him
>people actually admit they go to reddit and nobody calls them out on it
That's it. This place is dead.
He doesn't, mods turned against you due to your incessant whining and report abuse. This is a new world.
Only because someone already mentioned it
Everything decays. It's the same on /mhg/ where it's now acceptable to say you go to Yea Forums. All of you should die.
>he doesn't
yesterday he got 40 posts deleted.
No weapons need skill to play them, need skill to play them well though
>trying to spam and shitpost on a site with user moderation
Consolebros, who've progressed enough in the game, can you answer a couple of simple questions?
Can you find MR set bonuses in deco form?
Can you meld lvl 4 decos with HR decos as fodder?
Are there MR exclusive research points, or do you still use LR/HR points to pay for stuff?
Can you buy MR monster gems with golden wyverian tickets from HR?
Thanks in advance.
Uniwue turf war between Ebony and Glavenus.
>kaiser X
A man of taste in a sea of plebs
>mods turned against you due to your incessant whining and report abuse
the fact that the list got its own spam filter after being spammed is enough evidence to tell you that mods fucking hate you
last reply from me. You seem desperate at this point
This is the board of people like barneyfag, he's just a dime a dozen autist.
Guildmarm when?
>Watching some streamer yesterday because pcfag
>Him and his friends just spammed the clutch grapple all fight, probably because its free easy hits
>They were surprised the fight was taking so long
Are pubs as bad as i think they are right now?
Please, tell me that World garuga isn't based on the dogshit 4U version
Damn, seething bazel is actually fun to fight
He's not an unfair bullshit like i thought he would be
His carpetbomb into nuke has a very clear tell
His SEETHING blue bombs mode has a good 2 seconds of inflation first before going off (it does have big AoE)
And all in all the physical attacks he does is way more varied, i don't think i saw him hipchecking more than twice in my 30 minutes expedition
Every. Single. Monster. in 5th gen is remade from ground up. Including old timers like raths and blos too.
Does Deviljho have his spin attack from old games in master rank that he didn't have in World?
Nega-Handler this is going too far!
>Keep hearing that Clutch claw spam is OP just before release
>Now this
I take it they nerfed the dmg pretty hard then.
This is false though. They all play and feel the same.
Now tell me if Garuga was made based on the broken garbage fight of 4th Gen or not.
Do people hate listfag so much that they literally WANT MH to be bad and flawed just to spite him?
it was because the demo was made for newfags that are really bad at the game
did Charge Blade get changed?
>fags still think world monsters are drag-n-drop
jesus you fags are incessant
>he deleted his xenoblade post
From what I've seen/heard, there are new tickets that can be acquired from the steam works (and possibly through other means) for melding rare MR items, like mantles and gems.
You'll be using the standard research points that you've been earning in LR/HR as well, I don't believe there's a new currency in that manner.
I don't know about the other two.
I wanna play so bad.
No one gives a shit you mentally ill retard. Talk about MH or fuck off.
Can you answer the question or is poketard tier gen wars all you're able to do?
Fuck off Redditor.
Haven't met him yet, maybe the hunt after this one
For better or for worse, Garuga has more moves than his 4U iteration but his hitbox are better now, there's a new beakdive he does that's very cool but has only semi decent tracking so you can avoid it with a working brain
I feel you.
It's not so much the damage that was nerfed (I don't think that even happened, to be honest) but rather that the Clutch Claw cheese was never going to be viable in the full game. Demos and betas for Monster Hunter have always had adjusted balancing that doesn't fully resemble the full game.
For example, didn't people think that Valor Gunlance would be top tier based on the MHXX demo? That didn't turn out to be the case in the final game.
Just beat the Paolumu subspeices.
That is some absolute cancer right there. Probably the worst fight in any Monhun game.
Is Iceborne worth the $40 upgrade.
Note: I have not played since shortly after the Pickle was added
So, no reason to stock up on the gold tickets then I guess.
It got a new mechanic called Savage Axe Mode which gives axe attacks phial damage in an attempt to get people to use Axe Mode for more than just SAED spam. It’s a lot of fun.
are there any new layered armors we haven't seen yet? Preferably female versions too, I've seen a few male things but nobody is posting female ones.
I guess not, but they might be used for other things.
I haven't actually played it cuz I'm a PC fag, I just felt bad because no one was answering your questions.
Yes. It pretty much doubles the content of the game.
Obviously they all have new models and some new animations, but the skeletons and several old animations seem to be mostly identical. The biggest change that was made is that monsters were given altered programming so that they could function properly with the more dynamic terrain.
So it IS built on 4U Garuga? Goddamn it, one of the few good monster turned into garbage forever.
How the FUCK do you meld mantles? People have told me you can do it but I don’t have the option, only the old HR stuff and a bunch of non mantle MR stuff.
Nothing is worse than Cephadrome.
Is the Guiding Lands music the best in the game?
What's wrong about Cephadrome? It was a really easy and forgetable fight
I raise you G Rank Plesioth in Gen
Anybody surprised by the roster? I expected atleast 15 but we got over 30 monsters and we're still not sure if its the full roster since MR200 has something to unlock, but its probably the same as HR100 quest
Even more surprising was that they didn't depend on rehashing old assets like in the past games so that's fantastic.
How does mantle slots work?
I still don't understand why people don't consider the Coral Highlands theme a top tier Monster Hunter theme.
How many new layereds does IB even have and what do they look like?
>make a really cool looking set for banbaro
> its shit
it exists just to waste your time and is the most snooze inducing fight in the entire series. you bring sonic bombs and then the fight is over, there's nothing even enjoyable about the fight
Sadly you will hear the trashy themes of Zinogre or the other monsters when you fight them there.
pretty much all the area themes in world are great except for forest
people like to jerk off vale but my new favorite area theme is definitely the wastes
Because the wildspire waste theme exists.
yeah I love this one too user
Well there's nothing unfun either so it's just dime a dozen with the endless horse of filler monsters like most newcomers
>Even more surprising was that they didn't depend on rehashing old assets
I just want what the Seliana Gathering Hub Guild Girls have
Garuga's been a garbage monster wtf are you talking about
>not jerking off to vale
Jesus christ, I am at like 50 something
>Can hear little bits of the other zones themes in it.
Its no Rotten Vale
haha bing bing
Does main story co-op in iceborne work the same way as before? Do me and my friend both have to start the mission solo and then back out/sos?
it just ain't my top, wastes makes me harder than anything else. I always fought diablos for my tier 2 tempereds just to hear it
Hello 4baby
Yes. “We worked hard on it, so please enjoy it.”
Gotta start the mission solo and then back out.
What am i supposed to do in this "elder dragon tracking" thing
MR5 category still doesn't have any new optionals
Do i just do whatever optionals?
You need to track the elder dragon.
Is it just me or are the load times longer now?
>MH is overdue for many more of those.
I've seen one you can get that as male hunter dresses you as the argosy captain, but I don't know what the female one looks like for that, I don't know of any more
Yeah I was expecting 20 but it’s surpassed 4U for the most monsters added in G Rank. I guess all that money the game made was actually spent well.
Shara uses her animations when doing that spider-like movement so who knows
Thats some strong reaching you are doing there, pal
So are any of the new monsters not trivial, early rank garbage or elders/recolors with shitty gimmicks?
What do you think of the new brachy?
namielle is probably my new favorite elder
Breddy gud but the new music lost its impactful buildup
What were your old favorites?
Does your HR reset upon launching Iceborne?
Is his gunlance in?
Why the fuck are the monsters so bloated? Glavenus takes me 45 fucking minutes.
So did no 4u get added in?
how do i beat poison tobi
Tell me pard, are you done with those variants? You're not doing optionals or helping low ranks to keep that serious bitch by your side, right?
i'm willing to bet the monster HP pools are balanced around the toppest most upgraded weapons in master rank now
no more 5min hunts with r8 kulve weapons
Oh I see that you standards are low
Diablos SA without handicraft due to early MR armor is gonna make me fucking kill myself. What's a decent power phial SA/What's the general opinion on power element phials? Why is the iron line one so fucking stupid? Who thought anyone wanted poison phials and dead weapons?
I just can't stop thinking about how cool it would be to fight a giant spider in a forest, or face off against a trapdoor variant in the wastes or a DMC crossover with Phantom in Elder Recess.
Also when is Vespoid Queen returning?
Hit it until it dies 5 Ultimate
What weapon was the most improved in your opinion?
Because they were made out of paper in low and high rank. Now even the low tier little shits can put up a decent fight.
>Diablos SA
Why? People stopped using that when Jho came out.
my standards cannot be beat
I stopped playing after Jho's release. Never fought Lunastra or Kulve. I forgot my builds, but I have one for earplugs and one for the Diablos hammer II. How fucked am I if I get Iceborn?
Not at all. Just change into IB starting MR armor sets and you'll be fine.
Jagras SA with level three of the exhaust skill is pretty good.
Not only that, but it has a cool blue glow when it's charged.
I'm a hammer player and hammering Jho also makes me want to fucking kill myself, so I made Diablos because it's nice and palatable and I read it was pretty alright. Also had leftovers, so basically just convenience.
First monster isn't too bad, just takes way too damn long because of health inflation. Make sure to bring items that increase your health and stamina though. You'll be crafting gear new gear fast enough.
>Also when is Vespoid Queen returning?
Shit monster, but i wouldn't mind to see her again completely reworked.
her hunting horn is already in the game so never
Considering that Gore isn't even an elder or memorable as a fight, yep.
I've only played a few weapons so far but I really love the new Insect Glaive moves, the default kit always felt just a little too barren.
womanlet elder
No migga, the monsters move like fucking devil may cry. A swing from my longsword takes like one second, while glavenus can do three consecutive attacks in only one second. What kinda bullshit balancing Is that? I am not fucking dante for fucks sake.
I consider gore/shagaru as the same monster, but gore's design is cooler to me
Have strenght user
switch axe definitely feels a lot better now with more movement options
>literally a monster documentary film channel
Japanese autism is best autism.
How are GS and Hammer looking in this? I feel like there's nothing new for Hammer and GS's slinger shot seems pretty damn good.
Sounds like Dark Souls 3.
So what happens if I don't have Iceborn? I redownloaded the game to see of I can get into it again and maybe buy Iceborn but the art and even the name of the game on my PS4 has changed to MH:Iceborne without me buying it
Is the canteen enough? I don't remember using items for health and stamina.
Fuck coming back after more than a year. I forgot what items I was using, the stuff I was farming in the botanist, what buffs I was looking for in the canteen.
hammer gets stuns way more often now and it's great
You won't see any new monster, won't be MR, I think you won't get clutch claw. The update is so you can play with people who got the dlc. The dlc you buy is just an 8mb unlocker.
oh really? I thought getting 2 per hunts was kind of unusual, that explains it
>I am not fucking dante for fucks sake
Not with that attitude.
>using a blast insect glaive and a blast kinsect
>blast now hits for 300
Greatsword simply doesn't work in iceborne. Longsword is the new greatsword because the monsters move at 2x speed now while you move at 0.5 speed. Fuck this bullshit game.
Oh I see. So if I start the game again (Its been months since I las played so I prefer to start over) I won't have a new story or anything replacing the old one like in an MMO. Cuz I hate that shit.
Ah I see, so you're a scrub
Gore isn't an elder
While it isn't much it's a better fight than shag without the shitty aoe mines, though
>more NPCs in Research Base fill essential functions
Thank god.
>he said while posting on Yea Forums
Stop being so bad.
Greatsword does work, just pick up a new weapon, it's okay to admit that you can't use GS very well.
To be fair to him, /mhg/ used to be a better place than Yea Forums threads but now it's the complete opposite and by a huge margin
yeah mainly just early morning shitposting, never really gone to /vg/ though
How is the gunlance stake ability? Does it scale with artillery or your shelling type? Is it triggered by any attack or only by shelling.
Triggered by explosive damage like shelling, WF and maybe bombs too, not sure about that last one.
Regular, charged and full burst shelling detonation have different damage.
Dunno about the scaling.
>“We worked hard on it, so please enjoy it.”
I like how that is literally a quote from those fucks. Previous games were smarter about it and recognised that there was more than one hunter so the cutscenes worked.
I beat the whole fucking game using a greatsword. Brachios, glavenus aren't suited for greatsword. They NEVER stand still. NEVER. Nargacuga is okay to fight, but it still is a slog because the monsters have bloated hp now. A fight takes like 40 minutes now, who the fuck thought it would be fun to fight the same monster for 40 minutes?!
git gud
Is it just me or is it actually hard in practice to create weak spots with a light claw weapon? I kind of dont mind though because slinger burst is actually really fun to play with?
How good is GL's non-shelling damage now? How do you even play it after the buffs? Is it still 4 playstyles?
Just use unsheeth swings for 90% of the fight bro and hope they fall on their ass, it's good gameplay.
>New Platinum trophy
>Potential to earn two Plats in one game
I'm assuming that the post release monsters for the base game like Jho and Luna are required for the new Crown trophy in Iceborne?
I completely forgot. How good is the blast from Brachy weapons?
Go away worldbab shitters.
Learn how to position a TCS, you literally have a shortcut now.
How the fuck do you melee Seething Baz? I keep getting blown up, and his head shake move now sends you flying
Wow who's this handsome fellow, you wouldn't happen to have his number?
The iceborne crown trophy is for endemic life
Why isn't there a good heavy bladed weapon that you just swing around without some faggot gimmick that makes you want to not swing it around?
GS is about autistic charge shit, SA axe mode has the right speed and sense of impact but also has a poor moveset and you're better off not using it for 80% of the fight because sword mode is just better, and CB's axe mode is used even less.
Play a weapon with a perfect guard attack or an iframe attack
>Playing melee weapons in Amsterdam
Dumb newfag. No one plays the melee weapons in MR, they make the fight 20 minutes longer. You rush through the game with bow or gun, and at the end you can grind for melee weapons. Just make yourself a bow.
pretty much every weapon in monster hunter needs to have some gimmick now
His big roars usually didn't reach beyond his arms in past games, seems to be the same here.
There is one if you remove "bladed" from the equation
Thank fuck.
Can't stand Lunastra and her bullshit AoE attacks.
Except Hammer. Hammer's gimmick is that its just a hammer. Grug in its purest form
so pure it didn't even get anything new from IB
Nope, there's crowns for the monsters just like the base game. The endemic life only requires one tiny and one yuge
but it charges even more than greatsword, if you don't charge though then yeah its the weapon with the least gimmicky moves
Higher monster damage makes the tackle less and less safe
It's why GS had issues on some AT monsters and Behemoth, playing the old fashioned way is still way safer but not fast enough for unga bunga time attack grugs
I’m not the only one who thinks Nargacuga is a fucking cancer fight, right? I was looking forward to how they’d adapt it in Iceborne but it’s just as shit as before. Why the fuck do people like that gay cat? Barioth and Tigrex are miles better.
Because he cute
what's bad about him? I always found his speed a nice change of pace
>Banbaro, a moose-like monster with duramboros skeleton, has a cheetah roar and acts like a boar
I like him, but I feel like they didn't have enough time to decide what monster is this supposed to be so they just scrambled everything
It's a Banbaro
It's a Banbaro
It's a Banbaro, Carlton.
Its Banbaro
Banbaro desu dayo
its an arch-tempered anteka
Do I have to switch back to Pukei handler back at some point or I can keep the new cutie?
I like Forest more than Waste and Recess
No, you can't keep it.
>Tfw PCfag
the fuck is wrong with viper tobi?
>tfw pcfag and 3u on cemu keeps crashing
he hayai
okay pc worldbab here, what smonster hunter game should i pirate? Im sure that monster hunter 4 ultimate is way too demanding for my pc.
After you hunt Barioth you get fat Handler back unfortunately.
fucker is on drugs or some shit, he's super fats and his poison is fucking nasty
He’s a speedy boy. He pissed me right the fuck off at first but after hunting him a few times I find he’s actually kinda fun. Not with a slow weapon though.
freedom unite so you can appreciate the qol changes more
It had to adapt to survive in the Hoarfrost Reach. It filled a niche there nothing else did, which was being a dirty fucker, so it survived.
I really pitty anyone who doesn't use dualblades in iceborne. It's the only weapon that gives you enough time to react to the monsters.
The new update really fucked me, every time i got out of the farm it crashed. Had to go back to a previous version and reinstall good thing i can transfer saves
>Zin HBG loads 6 Spread 3 with Recoil 1 with two recoil down mods
Glutton is dead. Praise be.
>It's the only weapon that gives you enough time to react to the monsters.
If you're a scrub maybe
yeah I'm having the exact same crashes. Got a crash when running from Lagiacrus as well. which cemu version are you using now? And are you using single or dual core recompiler?
Fucking thank you. Been looking for the new Spread HBG.
FU then 3u and if you can emulate 3u i guess you could try 4u or xx
I'm a disc owner. If I get the expansion, do I still need the disc to boot up the game?
well that was a lie
My giant cock she calls an undentifiable monster.
so what weapon upgrade/ armor set have you guys gone for so far?
yes physical MHW + digital IB still requires the disc
what's wrong with the layered armor from the base game?
I don't like them
I think its 1.15.11 or one of the early 1.15.12. Try .11
that's fair I guess
I like the commission set and homare waist/legs personally
thanks I'll try it
Also the core settings might depend on your system, dual gives me smoother frames so just try then out
>All of World's area themes range from forgettable to crap except for Rotten Vale (which still could've been better)
>Iceborne comes along and adds two top tier area themes with Hoarfrost Reach and Guiding Lands
What a based expansion.
>be me sperging out over Glavenus not having a unique GS and LS
>Everyone else calling me listfag and saying "hurr the new system at the end makes le iron and bone weapons EPIC and UNIQUE models!!!!"
>No proof but the tutorial popup and the small image accompanying it showcasing an iron base with a monster part stitched on
>Get excited anyway
>Actually start believing anons
>Actually start believing I'll have my Glavenus GS because of the new augmentation system
>get to the point in the game where I can make it possible
>it's a fucking lie
>Just more weapon parts glued on the shitty base model
>every fucking faggot calling me a listfag and telling me the complete opposite lied to me
Fuck you guys. Honestly, fuck you.
good go back to gu
Who else here /modsterhunter/
kys listfag
How about you post some fucking screens for us bored pc players
How do you make it? I only have some samurai suit in the crafting options.
gotchu senpai
>when the negro poof bat gets knocked down in it's own sleep cloud so you can't wail on it
How long until the rest of the soundtrack gets ripped? I want to listen to Zinogre's mount theme with those rocking drums.
Is hammer any good in Iceborne?
What about bow?
I think you need to have killed the ATs for some individual sets while others like the guild outfits are unlocked through missions. The samurai layered armor is bushi tickets from kulve. All of them are deliveries at the resource center
>defending bonezoned weapon designs and stitched on monster parts on iron bases
You just can't make this shit up.
Hammer in iceborne is a bit tricky to use. You need to be good at positioning. The new monsters are huge so I would recommend something with more range.
I am loving these new HHs. You want buffs? I got ALL the fucking buffs! Buffs for everyone! Rank 2 Horn Maestro? Buffs for days!
listfag pls go
>mfw us PChads will be able to just mod in the Glav weapons day 1 since people have already ported the models
>MR teostra
>i get fucking bodied
What the fuck
This is criminal
Who the fuck thought his blast should have such big radius
Why the hell did his *runs into you* do so much fucking damage
Jesus christ
>tfw got a lv4 deco horn maestro +4
>never use HH
thats basically AT Teostra
at least they nerfed his stun values, do you have any footage of the fight? i havent seen MR teostra
No, AT Teostra is way easier
He doesn't have the retarded big aoe blasts that has some blue mixed in with the usual red powder
He doesn't have the instant backstep into detonate his powder in a line
What would you say are the top 5 most difficult monsters in Iceborne out of the ones you've faced so far?
You won't use fire against her just because she is weak against it, right?
On another note Dragon Pods definitely work now, 5 hits clean to the face disables his aura
Flashes don't do shit now
Strange metals are a gacha drop right? I didn't notice when I originally got it.
>only use horn
>still no horn maestro deco
Fuck this game, both my friends have gotten multiple
fextralife on twitch fights agains MR teostra right now
No, you have a seperate Master Rank
Viper Kadachi, Beotodus and Banboro
How does the system work? Do you just choose from parts to glue on? Do you mix and match? It sounds shitty either way, but I'm not opposed to weapon customization.
You can meld horn maestro at the melder now
I’m still only on MR3, but so far it’s Barioth, Nargacuga, Viper Tobi-Kadachi, MR Paolumu (FUCK YOU IM GONNA GROUND POUND FOUR TMES IN A ROW WITH LESS THAN HALF A SECOND BETWEEN THE BEGINNING OF THE ANIMATION AND THE ATTACK HITTING FOR MYCH MORE DAMAGE THAN IT SHOULD IS IT HARD YET?) and Beotodus. Beotodus isn’t exactly hard I just fucking hate him despite being by far the best Piscine Wyvern in the series.
Mines aren't really an issue unless you're soloing
140 shag. They stop when he falls over.
Look at the weapon design and the lobby system. Iceborne wasn't trying to fix anything to begin with
nice, thanks!
Paolumu and Tobi sub going in blind. Jesus all those ailments
The rest are so-so cause im just too used to them in past games alr. Maybe Barioth
List of problems with MHWI:
>Zinogre's superior motorcycle HBG has been replaced by the lame-ass rail gun.
>These fucking furfag pics in every single thread
Feel free to add to the list.
>MR Anja is actually pretty fun, moves around a good bit more and some of his moves actually transition into each other, actually has moves besides enraged bulldozer that are a threat
I hope they use this as baseline Anja in future games, I like him too much to see him continue to be wasted as "babby's first wall". Also now looking forward to fighting Fulgur Anja as it's obviously going to have a similar moveset ratcheted up a couple notches.
>Took 30 minutes fighting Glavenus
>Fight with Tigrex ended below 14 minutes
Never really played any 3ds games, any tips against Glavenus? Should I focus on the tail?
So they're gonna add more unique weapon models in the future... right guys?
Replace all the terrible copypaste bone/ore bullshit in free updates right.
Please god
Cuteposting and e621 shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>weapon and console war autism
>He got his ass handed to him by velkhu
She did nothing wrong.
Monsters are way too fucking tanky, took me 30 minutes to down barioth. This shit just ain't fun
Are the loading times still trash on HDD? It's the only thing stopping me from buying it on ps4 instead of waiting for the PC version.
No lol
Glavenus is always running around, if you want to fight him fast, get a bow or bowgun.
I was dreading going back to a lot of the base World monsters having fought them millions of times, but I was actually surprised at how fresh the fights felt against a lot of them
The raths are still boring as fuck though, even more now that the flash resistance is a thing
holy shit that kulve like MR teostra fire breath looks awesome, seems like they also changed some of this animations
does listfag hate this image, too?
In future games probably since people hated the modular designs of World so much, but for this game what’s done is done unfortunately.
I can tell this is your first time with a rank higher then HR
I didn't expect a wifu. Don't make me miss her.
>GS is still TCS spam
This hasn't been the case for a while. Hit and run playstyle is vastly superior for casual hunting, even more so with certain new iceborne sets. TCS only beats it out in controlled enviornments for speedruns, where you can use it over and over and keep monster in a constant tripped state.
But when just hunting in random SOS's? If the people spamming it whiff even 1/5 times, and hit 4/5 times, they are doing less dps than classic level 1 charge crit draw playstyle.
It's because the fucking oldfags complained like goddamn manchildren wahhhh the game is too easy waaah and Now look. LOOK AT THE BULKSHIT WE GOT BECAUSE OF THOSE FUCKING
Hi, original creator of the list here. Gonna compile a new one for iceborne, would love some help with it, so far I got
>Lobby system hasn't been fixed
>SoS system is still broken
>No new unique weapon designs in sight
>Event quests are still time locked
>No transmog
>Still barely any difference between alpha and beta armor
It seems like some of the points with the original list will be kept, which is pretty sad, all things considered. As always, feel free to contribute to the always expanding list.
>That ending
Axe mode Switch Axe is unironically my favorite moveset, I wish they would just remove it from the faggy explosion meme sword.
Stop spamming grapple.
How the fuck do you do steamworks guessing game right?
>glav doesn't even get his gs just more bone garbage with monster shit tacked on
You don't, its literally all random.
Goddammit I wish we had her from the start
>"b-but iceborne was going to fix the weapon design!!"
Kek, where are those people now?
You can pretty much play it without sword mode now, you'll just lose out on one of the Wild Swing finishers and higher dps on immobilized monsters.
Base Tobi and Odogaron have been improved a lot. Tobi has an SJJ2 form now and can electrify the ground with certain tail swipes during this mode, while Odogaron stays in berserk mode for most of the fight, has a new bite attack, can combo better than before andbis generally faster.
Too bad base Legiana has nothing new.
I don't even use it and I think that may be the problem. Weakening monster parts is a big damage boost longterm
I just don't get it how hard is it to make new models using old designs. Lazy fucking japs.
This is such a baffling decision. It's one thing to pull that shit with base World where they didn't really know how it would be received, it's another to do it again with Iceborne knowing full well everybody fucking hates it.
Full sets are better than they ever used to be honestly. Especially with Lv4 gems potentially filling any niche bullshit skill combos you need that's not on the armor.
exclusively using Yea Forums is just as braindead as exclusively using Reddit.
Gotta mix stuff up to not have your brain completely rot
Yeah I was definitely disappointed by Legiana and its variant, really couldn't tell if much had changed at all
At least the variant gets that dive bomb attack but it's still too similar to the base form honestly. The ice effect it uses is pretty baller though
Honestly don't get so hung up on it, as you point out they raised the HP to account for people weakening parts, it really doesn't massively change your play style to just hop on their face or tail or whatever and do a weapon attack.
I'd say the real problem with clutch claw is that they introduced the extra flinches for people who can't even manage to claw onto monsters in motion to get that damage buff in the first place. That you can't just ignore, it's just extra free damage for no real effort over what you were putting in before.
it's not fair
How are the glaive changes? I saw in one of the previews you can get 2 bug colours at once?
Unless they add more subs/variants like Lucent Narga or Raging Brachy I doubt it. Wait till next game.
Holy shit that's literally double the amount of stuns from World.
Her stiff attitude is endearing but it doesn't quite go far enough to make her feel like more than a side character (certainly an improvement over pukei-pukei though).
I would definitely like to see an ultra-professional, kuudere quest handler in a future game.
>People already fought everything there is in the dlc
Get a fucking life Niggers
okay thanks
Yea they not only raised Hammer's base stun damage but also buffed Slugger.
So I got to Brachydios today.
I've always been shit at dealing with him, but my god, he's stupid strong in this game. the only thing that seemed weaker than usual was its HP.
I don't think I can go on with this HR armor, I almost got BTFO'd hard by him.
Why are you still using HR armour in MR3 to begin with?
>Garuga having a theme
They should've gave the ice attacks that form stalagmites to normal G-rank Legiana, because it was a joke in the main game and it stilll is in the expansion. Which sucks, because it's a really cool-looking monster.
Even the quest description points out at how pathetic normal Legiana is, by claiming that it was "left behind" by other Legianas.
Too much of a faggot to let go of that shitty meta set he has been using for a long time, is my guess
Are there any good LBGs that aren't attached to fucking kulve garbage in Iceborne? Please say yes.
Garuga always had its leitmotiv, newfag
Is monster HP inflated across the board or is it just like previous games where it's meant to be played multiplayer so it takes 45 minutes solo?
There's no kulve in icebonre yet, so yeah.
it's fucking good wtf are you smoking
i only got 3/5 MR gear though
Whenever I help people through SOS they’re always without fail still in HR gear.
Savage Jho beta screams "Step on me mistress"
Across the board. World and Iceborne scales HP dynamically based on how many players are in the hunt, which is is why single player and multiplayer quests aren’t in separate lists anymore.
>tfw Blangonga gets added in a later DLC with this theme
will be godlike. best song in the series
>Mr Teostra
Fuck the Grank name makes me imagine everyone being all gentlemen and shit
or worse, nips’ Usagi-san
Hello Worldbab
>How is the gunlance stake ability?
Really, really good. I've only been using Normal so far but there is a silly "infinite" loop of slam > burst > swing > quick reload > slam > burst etc. which can't bounce so even though you're just absolutely ruining your sharpness, most monsters will end up flinching for most of it so you can just keep going and every burst triggers like an extra 60-80 damage off the stake. The only time I end up having to stop is if a flinch or knockdown carries the monster out of range, by then my sharpness is so fucked it's tricky to get the positioning right to empty poke into slam again without bouncing. Also gives you like a 60% damage increase on Wyvernfire if it's close enough, as it does 3 secondary detonations.
>Does it scale with artillery or your shelling type?
Different kinds of attacks have different damage, and so do different shelling types. I think it's flat damage, though. Other GLs can trigger your stake and vice versa, with less damage than your own shells.
You have "mods" for each monster
>Nargacuga mod
>Jagras mod
And so on, and you just choose which of these to put on your weapon and a part from for example Narga or Jagras is glued onto the Iron or Bone Base. This is what the augmentation does visually, contrary to what many people in these threads said.
Garuga has a theme you stupid fuck.
So instead of ending up with generic iron/bone weapons with parts of a monster tacked on, you end up with generic iron/bone weapons with parts of a monster tacked on that you can then tack other monster parts onto?
Should I focus on doing the story first or doing all the side quests first?
yes *unzips*
You guys think hunters have lots of sex?
I'm going to post all of my pictures of master rank rathalos on the ground.
>Use Wurmstake Blast on some fuck in Elder's Recess
>Dodobro shows up and vomits burning rocks on the monster 6 times in a row
>Wyrmstake blast triggers every time for 300 damage
Holy fuck this thing is powerful
not yours lol
Can you land a stake on teo and then make him kill himself?
Am i the only one who finds weird how Xeno isn't present in G rank? The monster doesn't even have a description in the base game, which led me to believe that we were going to find out more about it eventually, but the devs said "fuck it" apparently.
If yo already have the game and just want the expansion is the only way to get it from the PSN/XBL store? Really don't want to pay $60 AU for this tbqh.
you'll find out more after ruiner nergigante's intro
I was really expecting Ruiner Nerg's backstory to be that it found the corpse of the Xeno'Jiiva you killed that fell into the abyss and got its big power up from eating it.
Yes, but stacking the parts doesn't stack them visually. It's just whichever the last part you stacked on was. I guess you can't use basic iron/bone weapons without monster bits on them anymore because they're always going to be weaker than the augmented versions. The only benefit is being able to glue parts that used to be bone-only onto iron weapons and vice versa, but even then you can't use the parts of weaker monsters like Pukei because they would be overwritten by parts from stronger ones the next time you add a custom augment.
This sounds fucking stupid.
But what about Xeno's backstory? Is it an actual alien? Please tell me it's an Ayylmao life-form that took the shape of a dragon because it absorbed their DNA. Ooops, i meant "bioenergy".
>no Xeno master rank
>means no unique Xeno weapons
>no MR Xeno armor
Why the fuck does the FINAL BOSS of World not have unique weapon designs? it's the fucking final boss Capcom. come on...
Is its armor more viable in G? Seemed like a glaive thing specifically
That's because it is fucking stupid and Capcom is retarded.
The tutorial pop-up even says "make stronger and COOLER weapons"
and it's literally just
it's not
They're planning a variant for it as post-launch content.
Gonna be a dumbass here but Is there a negate sleep skill?
idk *unzips*
Mostly for the challenge and because I don't have the decos needed to actually throw together a good MR set.
Don´t even run a meta set.
They fucking better.
Also add Shagaru pwease, i want to see how pretty shaggy is with Wurld gwafix
I don't remember the skills specifically, but i think it has more or less the same ones it had in high rank. Maybe it has "power prolonger" as a new skill, but i'm not sure. Visually is cool.
Thanks. Only fell alseep twice during nightshade but that fight lasted forever cause he just spammed that sleep gas all around him
>decos needed to actually throw together a good MR set.
>Don´t even run a meta set.
sure you dont
ive been running brachyset with his gs, its a shitty set yet ive managed to do well with every monster ive fought so far
you can negate everything except the handler
It still might show up in a future event Quest
Greatsword works great, I beat Barioth and Nargacuga with 0 issues even though they move like they're on crack
Elements worth using on GS now?
Haven’t seen much gameplay of Namielle, does he use Chameleos’ skeleton?
So what exactly should I be using the clutch claw for? I never played the beta. Can I use the flinch shot to knock flying monsters out of the air? Should I solely be using it to temporarily soften a point on a monster's body?
Velkana armor set bonus is nuts with Greatsword, critdraw feels so good and slap on airborne and aerial greatsword is stupid powerful.