Prop has more public recognition than most main characters in other games

>prop has more public recognition than most main characters in other games

Attached: SweetRoll.png (595x592, 536K)

>and more recognition than anything else in its own game bar a dead meme

let me guess...

why did someone bust a nut all over a sponge


This looks like an anus.

These are so tasty if you follow the official cook book, my GF has made them a few times. Quite easy as well

Attached: Karitafull.png (600x1000, 1.19M)


gonna steal it

The average Bethesda fan's butthole

when you live in a world without fleshlights you have to improvise

whenever i wanna make a cake i remember all the ingredients you need and i get depressed

it has more recognition than any of the "main characters" from its own game.
mainly because all its characters are utterly forgettable and irrelevant.

>These are so tasty if you follow the official cook book
who the fuck buys an official cook book for something as vapid as skyrim?

Post the cookbook



>it's political ramifications and personal culpability of the player choices are still constantly discussed a decade later

Maybe Fortnite is more your type of game, kiddo.

i'd be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a belly full of mead


Is mead good?

But they do have fleshlights, they're called dark elves.

if you like honey

wish they had more actual fantasy food in Skyrim

Attached: gold steak2.webm (640x800, 2.75M)

It's only memorable because it looks like someone fucked a cake.


Or looks like a Zelda series' Likelike that has been violated

Carbonated and sparkling mead are for people with garbage palates, avoid them.
Still mead is pretty good if you like sweet beverages.

It's very sickly and usually not strong enough to be worth it, but taste-wise it's quite nice.

You can say this about skyrim in general

Attached: 1508383079999.jpg (609x607, 124K)

how come all the foods in skyrim are just slightly different versions of modern food? wish they had even 1 unique dish

Attached: bit it right off.webm (400x400, 1.26M)

I dont drink alcohol for it's strength, I judge it by it's taste and how smooth it goes down. If I wanted to get drunk as fuck I would just buy a fifth of something cheap and chug it.

must be americans


Attached: 1337588350365.gif (250x200, 16K)

The book is actually really good quality and for elder Scrolls in general, not skyrim specifically.

Perfectly good gift and appreciated by normal functioning people who aren't jaded Yea Forumsirgin neckbeards.

Attached: I+can+t+believe+it+s+you+standing+here+_5ad84d68e478cc88ea3af85b91122a4c.jpg (1000x1255, 131K)

sea animals

definitely a retard

if you think thats hot

Attached: bread rolls girl.webm (640x640, 2.77M)

Why? Explain yourself.

No, sorry. You are obsessed.

I think about Americans constantly, I think I may have mental issues.

you should have all those at home at all times
top with ganache made out of 1:2 cream and chocolate and wallah

or you can make a cheese cake where you just mix crushed crackers with butter as the crust and fill it with a mixture of cream cheese eggs and sugar

Attached: shinkween.jpg (720x1280, 162K)

Being slightly drunk is part of drinking a wine. If something's too weak it just means the bottle's going to be finished in five minutes.

>be me
>eat those rolls
>i don't have some
>bread rolls girl.mp4
fuuuuuuck im hungry now

>Diabetes is bitch

mead is usually dry but i can imagine americans know mead as a hfcs-backsweetened wine that maybe doesn't even derive from honey. the remark about mead being "very sickly" reminded me of eating american food.

have a good day

Mead has roughly same alcohol content (14%) as wine (11%).

that's too much sugar

But you sort of expect mead to be quite a bit stronger, considering how sweet it is.

so all mead and all wine have the same alcoholic percentage?
i'm really not an expert on alcohols

do you have any donuts?

Attached: activates my donuts.webm (640x640, 2.87M)

It obviously varies by brand and shit but it's fair to say that on balance they are roughly equivalent

Based, these niggers probably don’t even know how to cook regardless though

no one actually played skyrim back when it came out because it was a shittier oblivion

eggs and a splash of milk, whisked
bread, egg
into the sugar
pan, hot
bread, pan

>no one played skyrim in 2011
what absolute twaddle

Thanks for admitting you are underage.


nice and hot

has asmr gone too far

Attached: 1567586011047.png (525x459, 141K)

Hello McChi/ck/en

"I was actually super smart when i was 14, also i always hated reddit not just now after i left and needed to fit in here": the post

No one with respect for themselves, I mean. The only people who look fondly back on Skyrim are those who grew up with it. Zoom zoom.


Far stranger than ASMR. She genuinely gets a deep, possibly sexual pleasure from smushing bread with her face.

how about a loaf of bread, sliced?

Attached: bread girl.webm (640x640, 2.81M)

you forgot cake mix. cant bake a cake without cake mix. with just eggs, sugar, butter, and flower, like you make something else that is just sugar

Eternal reminder
>Eternal reminder
Eternal reminder
>Eternal reminder

PAAR (ambition)
THUR (overlord)
NAX (cruelty)

>admits to you that he is seizing control of the dragons in the wake of Alduin's death after giving you the tools to finish him off
You are playing right into his hands.

Sweet roll? Done.

the internet finds such creative ways to nut

who's fetish is it to watch girls squash bread with their face, and why

anyone ITT into this?

Attached: fry girl.webm (400x400, 1.8M)

How many dragons are there even left?

what level of COOM do you even have to be on

Zoom zoom


Lots, now that Alduin has revived them all

where do you find the translation for this?

Is it anywhere ingame?

Would've been a better way of convincing the player than "If you don't kill the dragon, we won't talk to you"

>public recognition

Nigga what?

Tfw looting every single food item, gem, potion and resource from all dungeons and area and being unable to stop despite having barrels of full stacks in my homes

I really wish they balanced out needing to use resources Vs abundance

i love that people fall for bait as obvious as this

Attached: 1565398136478.jpg (750x581, 70K)

>political ramifications

Attached: 1555465432948.jpg (640x559, 23K)

they did in fallout 4, and this is a really good aspect of the game since all the loot is worth something useful and gives you that sweet brain reward when you pick it up to use later

That's a good ass knife

Kinda, that meat is fairly rare and as such super soft, don't need an amazing knife to get through, just a decently sharp edge.

I want to fuck that prop