Why was it so fucking bad?

Why was it so fucking bad?

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>Play a 2 hour long tutorial section where you play as your Dad
>Then play an hour long session as a kid
> Then play an hour long session as a teen
>Then finally play as the Assassin
>Where is Charles Lee?
>Murder your British Dad

Because literally every Assassin's Creed game is bad. As a stealth game they fail because there's almost never a real penalty for getting caught and as an action game they fail because the action is just button mashing and QTEs. Not to mention that while the level design ain't as bad as the no man's sky meme, it's still woefully inadequate for a stealth title. All the open world adds is bullshit easy sidequest padding. Just play Splinter Cell instead

>AC 1, 2, 2.5, 2.75
>Wonderful cities to explore
>Medieval feeling
>Cool setting

>AC 3, 4, 4.5
>Not a single good city in 3 games
>Boring as fuck historical setting

At least black flag and rogue had the ship gimmick, 3 had absolutely no redemption, except maybe for the grey morality area introduced in the plot but left unexplored. In Black flag they want back to freedom fighters vs literal slavery
They didn't recover AC soul untill Unity but Unity was a turd on it's own

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>Play a 2 hour long tutorial section where you play as your Dad
The only good part of the game, and if you are retarded like me because I enjoy AC, the twist at the end might even catch you off guarf

I come to Ass Creed to experience interesting settings and beautiful cities, not to get lost in the woods
Venice was peak AssCreed cities

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I liked the hunting

>boring setting
lmao what a fag

Haytham was great

i remember buying this and only AFTER paying ps3 told me: "you don't have enough space to install" (even after i wiped the entire console)

Haytham and the naval combat were the only good parts.

This game never came off to me as particularly bad when I played it. It wasn't very memorable either. I actually found the setting kind of keno, and I'm a permasucker for the upgrade your villa mechanics.

If I recall correctly however this is the game where Desmond's main bish, whatever her name was, who been with him since AC1, randomly turns out to be Templar in autistic random endgame twist that ruined the series' overarching story.

the multiplayer was fucking mint
releasing the remaster without it makes it useless

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Say what you will about "western games" but I'm glad we've moved past the point of the annoyingly long tutorials. That shit hit hard from 2010-2013.

That was AC:B where that happens and AC:R has DLC about it. AC3's the one where Desmond actually does field work and laments everything.

Attached: Assassin's Creed III Remastered 2019-08-01 17-00-32.jpg (1920x1080, 590K)

He should've been the whole game. Didn't give a rat's ass about a whining mutt.

Haytham should have gotten his own game. AC3 should have been Haytham's game where the player doesnt know Haytham is a templar until the end of the game.

>shitty protagonist
>american setting
>boring wilderness

>mfw I realize half of those games are all incoherent mush in my brain.
I played them all thru Black Flag but don't think I ever played any DLCs.

>first AC
>novel but dead fucking boring
>AC2 and the expansion
>pretty good, had fun
>AC2-Turkey addition
>wore thin
>this is pretty shit
stopped playing after that one, I doubt the newer games are much better

I honestly really enjoyed AC3. There isn't a better comfy parkour forest hunting game. The main story structure is kinda dumb for how long it takes to actually get past tutorials and the cities are really boring compared to even Rev's Constantinople but there's lots of mechanics I enjoyed that they never put in other AC games. This one was the most satisfying to get 100% in.

If you talk to Rebecca in 3 Desmond has a chat with her about how they can't believe Lucy was a Templar and that they wished they could have noticed it sooner. They also talked about how Cross did basically the same thing and decimated the Assassins. So even if you didn't have the AC:R DLC you could know about it, the AC:R DLC just blatantly explains why it happens which is that William trained her for years and then left her on her own making her feel abandoned until Clay appeared.

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Me too. Maybe it's the time period, maybe the environment... but I loved it. This is the only weak (read: doesn't belong to the best 4 or 5) AC title that I enjoyed.

Ubisoft Kiev can still suck a dick for the atrocious optimization that peaked in Boston. It was unplayable unless you had a proper quad-core CPU (hint: Sandy i5 and up).

One reason I'm glad I'm a consolefag, don't gotta deal with optimization anomalies like that.

On the opposite end you're at the mercy of dumb decisions Ubisoft makes. Black Flag is still 900p on the Xbone despite everything else being 1080p/4K (Or in the case of AC1 getting BC which lets it play at 4K) and everything released after Origins (Including the remasters) target the Xbone X first and foremost so even on a PS4 Pro you're getting worse performance and visual fidelity.

AC4 is the best of the series
AC3 is the 3rd/2nd worst

Plus consolefags are more much undemanding imho. AC3's Boston lag was a glaring example, hence why I remember to it after all those years. I always played on PC (on mid-level, performance/price champ rigs I built myself) and I can count on one hand how many times I had such anomalies.

Ironically, having to drop their game on (by that time, badly outdated) consoles played a major part in these major fundamental flaws. Black Flag showed improvements, but the next properly optimized AC (for PC) was Origins. Shareholders won't wait until you replace the old engine in your cash-cow.

That kind of blindness (and I say this in a least offensive way) was partially what I was referring to above. By 2009 (or at max 10) the weakness of 7th generation became apparent - for those who didn't sit in front of it everyday. The key was not being conditioned to (sub-) 30 FPS and low quality visuals.

For context, I also regularly played on X360 during those years (gaming nights w/ friend). So user seemingly doesn't have to deal w/ poor optimization, but in reality they're very much affected by it while they can't do a thing. Consolefags also had every right to be mad to Ubi for their incompetence.

>Shaun's heart-to-heart with Bishop in Syndicate about Desmond.
It's not fair. They needed more development or something but Desmond's motley crew are always enjoyable to watch. I wish they did something proper with modern day instead of this amalgamation of winging it.

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>your convoy is under attack

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>La Havana in IV isn't kino incarnate
shit taste desu

Which is a blatant retcon made because of a mix between Kristen Bell wanting more money and Ubisoft expanding the IP beyond its original scope

>Connor sides with the Americans
Okay but why?
He's half British himself, and correct me if I'm wrong but didn't americans try to ethnically cleanse the natives and the natives allied with the brits because they were pissed at the americans?

>finally think i'm done with the game
>no you still need to do some tacked on online bullshit by cross referencing shit on the map and finding some random items, then you can 100%
And the remaster still makes you go through every inch of the maps for 100% as well, i'll never replay it ever again.

There's also a specific area in the underground area that is completely glitched out on the ps3 and there was never a patch to fix it.

>Okay but why?
He believed in the freedom the colonists were striving for and wanted both the colonists and the natives to be able to live their life in America. It's why he goes way out of his way to build up the Homestead. He also speaks of this whenever he's talking to his Assassin recruits and even Washington. Basically, he's a naive idealist and believes in the goodness of man, that people will be able to live their lives how they see fit. The problem is that every Templar brings up this naivety to him over and over. Even at the end of the game he still stands by his beliefs even at the heavy cost to him and his people.

>There are people still advocating for the fog of war system because "I shouldn't be able to know everything about an area just by synchronizing" when both 3 AND Liberation showed it's one of the worst systems ever implemented in the series.
I will never understand their insanity.

>Game about parkour climbing in a time period and location where most buildings weren't taller than a barn
I wonder why

I was playing odyssey but i kinda lost interest after realising I've been fighting the exact same way for 19 levels, nothing changes, forts, mercenaries, whatever. The plot is kinda interesting but i dont think it'll be able to sustain my interest

>Too easy even for AC standards

Because it's am assassin's creed game

Did the cold 2009 Fall make Assassins Creed 2 100x more comfier for you guys too? Damn Italy was gorgeous


It was better than 2, 2-2, and 2-3. Conner may have been a cry baby, but 3 had better combat, better parkour, and introduced ships. Even the multiplayer mode was fun.

>Game that made it's mark by letting you climb intricate medieval architecture
>It's set in a fucking forest frontier with no building being taller than two stories

AC4 had too much grinding for the fucking ship battles. And ship stealth sections were a stupid concept. The only good thing was being able to seamlessly free run between two ship, especially when bigger ships got involved.

Is liberation any better?

It's shorter and way less grindy
And you can cosplay

Story-wise it's not even close to being as involved and since Abstergo edits the stories you have to kill Citizen E's to get the proper story so it's a bit annoying in terms of pacing. Aveline's pretty alright as a character, the best part is honestly her meeting Connor and questioning the Creed, and gameplay-wise there's never a reason to play Lady or Slave unless they force you to because Assassin does everything Slave does but with permanent level 1 notoriety (Which just means everyone notices you when you run by) whereas Slave gets it for climbing anything at all. The ending also feels pretty rushed, especially with Agate.

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>Venice was peak AssCreed cities

It's been years since I played it, but I still remember how disappointing it was. It's the turning point for the series and for me it's where AC died.

>The new free climbing controls felt worse and less precise.
>They gave up on the combat and just upped the bamham aspect to the eleven.
>Story took a nose-dive with one of the most anti-climactic conclusions.
>Connor wasn't an interesting protagonist and the intro of the game took too long.
>Poor quality control, the game was full of bugs.
>A rather uninteresting setting, with not many buildings to climb on and too many rooftop guards.

>we never got a modern day AC with Desmond
what a fucking disaster.. and no.. Watch Dogs doesn't count

Honestly disappointing but MUCH better than you remember. Play it today and you will see

Ok so tell me, is it REALLY that bad? I'm really into US history and as much as I know about the nativs and the "muh people" shit, they're still part of the history and is dare I say pretty interesting. Just watched this so it increased the interest. Also will be picking up The Long Dark

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Seems like there's 2 camps from reading the thread.
If you concentrated on the forests and hunting, you thought it was a decent game.
If you concentrated on the cities and missions, you thought it was a shitty game.

Unrelated, but in the Steam edition the crafting menus are STILL FUCKING BROKEN. I can't exit them back to the game without closing the program. Does anybody have a solution for this?

Railroaded movie experience, going against the basics of the entire franchise. There was nothing interesting outside of the main quest chain to do, and the main quest was boring.

>The new free climbing controls felt worse and less precise.
You need to replay Revelations and then go immediately to 3, it couldn't be any further from the truth. Yes, you feel looser when you move around but climbing is a dream by comparison to Rev or anything before it (Even if it feels weird to lose the Hookblade). You're faster, Connor can grab stuff that looks like something you could grab onto unlike Ezio or Altair, he does long jumps automatically (Though some would argue it's casual to do this like with the removal of tackling, but Rev was starting to cut it out somewhat anyway), he doesn't have to stop each and every time he pulls himself up onto something, he's much more accurate at landing on certain beams, you can jump over objects when running instead of needing to stop, climb on top of it, stay there for half a second, and then drop down, etc.

>Have to watch Shaun and Rebecca do the neat stuff in Syndicate or read all the stuff they're doing in the dossiers in the games that came after.
It's simply not fair. I know people want the historical aspects far more, but Modern Day is an important bit of the games too, and it's always been fun to see what's happening right now in the universe as well as in the past. Well, except for Juno's "You must wait for us Cipher" messages over and over both in BF, Rogue, and even in Unity.

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Haytham was great, he should've been the actual main character. Also the multiplayer was pretty fun

Sorry but the automation of climbing and free running is what I actively disliked in 3. It lost the Prince of Persia aspect that I enjoyed in previous games and everything became completely on rails.

They give you more control in Unity and Syndicate if that's any consolation to you. There's now an up/down freerunning system but the downside is they removed jumping regularly (You know, where you hold RT then press A in a direction). You can still grab stuff from a freefall though just like in the other games, but it's a lot harder to do said freefall because Free Run Down usually grabs something for you.

I genuinely didn't know and get why people hated 3 so much. I played it back then and enjoyed it. Bear in mind, I played Andromeda and somehow finds enjoyment out of it. Shooting and abilities and combos is fun. But I really hate how repetitive the game and quests are. Maybe I just have shit taste. Kinda wanna start a second playthrough of AC3 so I can look it back and see why people hated it.

Yes I am aware of that, I just see it as more automation. AC from 1 to R already had enough of on-rails aspects, they didn't have to minimize player input any further.
Either way I haven't played anything past Black Flag nor do I plan to.

>Get to play as Haytham and love him only for them to take him away from you.
>Immediately get thrown into a second tutorial taking forever to explain stuff with a character you don't care about.
>Connor has the personality of a wet sponge, is a complete dick to Achilles, and even in the Homestead where he actually acts like a normal person he barely has emotion.
>Connor offers pretty much no rebuttals to the Templar's arguments and generally acts like a reckless child which leads to you constantly rooting for the Templars instead when that's not what they intend.
>Glitches that rival launch Unity at launch, and even post-patch you'll constantly get invincible guards or game-breaking stuff.
>Fog of War system means if you want 100% you have to take a horse everywhere just to run around empty fields to fill out the map in Boston, New York, and the Frontier, not to mention syncing did barely anything to the map.
>Give tons of options to your Assassin Recruits but make them all worthless compared to just sending them out to kill someone.
>Many people did not like plotting out the underground in two separate cities just to get access to fast travel.
>The most extravagant thing to climb is a burned down church in New York.
>Because America is so untouched by both sides there's nothing really special to find in general, even Captain Kidd's Shard of Eden.
>Desmond dies after building him up for five games despite showing us his segments are fun to play just because people complained about modern day and disliking Desmond which led us into this new situation of them having a carbon copy but worse.
Bonus points for Remastered having completely broken lighting, full on system crashes if you're on a PS4 or Xbone, and introducing even more bugs into the mix. Just look at these supernovas going off everywhere which are both supposed to be candles.

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I loved the setting but getting to the point where it stopped feeling like a tutorial was fucking terrible. That say, Haytham is hands down one of the best characters in the entire series and fuck the devs for not giving us an in-betweenquel with him

3 is trash
syndicate is trash
still havent played origins

He's around for Rogue if that counts. He's a bit more violent than his 3 counterpart but it's still Haytham.

>syndicate is trash
I wouldn't go that far. It's the filler episode of the series so if you go into it understanding that it's fine. My problem is more with how I have no idea how Jacob isn't kicked out of the Brotherhood for ignoring the Creed when Arno did far less and got kicked out. Jacob literally blows up half the places he visits, he shows his face to dozens of people trying to find out information before killing the person he was asking about, and nearly ruined Britain several times over. If Evie wasn't cleaning up his messes there's no way London would exist.

It's not bad. People don't like Conner, but the game as a whole is actually very good.

it's trash. who gives a fuck about story nuances when the game from a technical level can't go five minutes without something breaking. it's like the series gameplay gets more and more unstable with each release, with unity and syndicate going the most full retard. we're not even talking random civilian npcs floating in geometry or typical crowd jank here, we're talking control lockouts(pause, sprinting, and hookshot all can just stop working on a whim until next load or fail trigger), vital npcs going haywire frequently(freaking out over nothing, not responding, locking themselves into repeating a contextual reaction animation, losing their pathfinding and t-posing, to name a small few), dead enemies respawning right on top of themselves(a fucking ubisoft STAPLE at this point, shoutouts to far cry for containing the same easily reproduce-able glitch), collectibles that just refuse to be collected until you reload, you fucking name it.
if having to fix the gameplay every 3-5 minutes either by simply reloading or waiting for the game to stop shitting its pants is the kinda gameplay you're into, then sure, enjoy your filler story or whatever.

It had no business being released on the PS3 or 360.

It was set up a little at least. Brotherhood had those modern day red foot steps around the village implying a traitor.

15 hour intro

It had the best combat and best environments, but the story was very poorly paced

Because it wiggled the best AC protag there ever was before your nose just to take it away from you and make you play fucking Connor instead.

>It had the best combat

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The only major thing out of all those I've had happen is Greenie got stuck and wouldn't advance once I saved him as Evie. I had to shoot him in the head five times and then he started moving. I've had no equipment glitches (Besides it continually saying some of the uPlay/DLC belts/capes and outfits are brand new), stucks (Had a couple in Unity but you fix it by simply crouching which undoes it), or broken collectibles. Civvy glitches happen sometimes like taking over a fire brigade truck or a bus will sometimes cause the guy thrown out to stick to the side and kneel for some reason before rolling under the wheels and dying, I've seen one kid swimming in concrete across the street, I've seen two guys with buckets moving but not them, I've seen only one enemy fall through the ground (Which I only saw because of Eagle Vision tagging them), and I've fallen through the ground once because a guy rammed into me, I died, and I got pushed into a wall, but that's about it.

This is far less in terms of glitches that I've had than in most of the games, 3 (Especially 3R) and Unity being the worst, but only a bit more than 2, Rev, or Rogue. I have no idea how you're having so many glitches, it took me 40 hours before the Batclaw glitched even once (Webm related).

Attached: Batman eat your heart out.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

It's funny when it got announced for the remasters, shills on youtube suddenly says how that it was good and their favorite all along. Fuck, 3 was trash and this is coming from an AC fan.

The satisfact is that the combat in every AC is shit but this one was least shit because the animations were nice and brutal

Nothing more tasteful than Havana's palette

>2.5 and 2.75
>anything even remotely wonderful
That's literally when the cancer on ubisoft's body started to grow

Rushed development and carelessness.
Ubisoft considered AC3 to be a tech demo for the Anvil Next, an engine that was made for the next-gen, not current one.

AC3 casualized the little depth it had by removing the throws and making enemies glow red on attack. Its only worthy addition is stealing enemy firearms
AC2's combat actually became surprisingly involved mid game when you have to deal with light, medium and heavy enemies at the same time and have to circle or toss enemies at the otherwise invincible heavies rather than the AC3 way of wait till they glow red and instakill