Smash Bros ultimate is a 1st and 3rd party Nintendo crossover

>Smash Bros ultimate is a 1st and 3rd party Nintendo crossover
>Dude if not-sans is in that means everyone can enter even Giorno Giovanna lol

I know it's gonna be >inb4 caring about normies opinions but I legit want to know why modern smash fans are like this

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They are retarded, that is the reason

These peoples don't give a shit about smash/videogames and think smash Bros is mugen


>Hurr Durr smash Bros is a nintendo crossover
imagine seething so hard that Sans is in

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>childrens and "memelords" are now sperging out about Sans and sans only online

We live in the worst timeline

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Hackurai is a fucking Chinese nigger and Sm4.5 is trash

Smash bros is a port for stinky autisticr etarded faggot niggers who should die

>Can someone reply to this thread pls i want attention1!1!

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Dead thread lol

Sakurai and his team considered the possibility of adding James Bond because of Goldeneye 007. Your fake rules have been dead since before you even made them.

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Almost all of those games were literally born on a Nintendo console/ported on Nintendo consoles, and Goldeneye007 is a game made on a Nintendo console.

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>Almost all

you say "considered" like james bond was ever going to be in at all instead sakurai reached the conclusion that maybe non video game/actor likeness characters isn't a good idea. that being said, most of the "rules" being said by people are bullshit

The fact is I'm not making any rules, I just try to make logic out of this
>Snake was born on the MSX2, then ported on the NES and he also has a game on the gamecube
>Cloud was just the best rapresentation of a franchise that was born on the nes, and FF7 is on the switch
>Joker represents two big companies, which one has strong ties with Nintendo
>Not-Sans was put on literally because Sakurai lost a bet against his friend TobyFox, though peoples think he is in because of the memes

It all goes back to Nintendo in the end, If Smash bros was an hall of fame of videogames, Steve from Minecraft would have already been in since Smash 4, and Sans would have been made as a carattere instead of a mii costume

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minecraft has been on multiple nintendo consoles and has had official collaboration with nintendo content in the game. you are pulling the tobyfox bet out of your ass

>You are putting the toby fox bet out of your ass
Sakurai literally says that toby fox came to his house, were you paying attention? And again, doesn't matter if Minecraft have been on multiple Nintendo consoles, Minecraft is so goddamn famous that Steve should have been on smash since 2014, but Smash doesn't represent all of gaming, I could be wrong though

Are there really people who think Sans (Read: Not Sans) is in because Sakurai saw the memes? I thought the dev team misinterpreted the memes as genuine demand and that's why he was put in. He said Sans was "popular" even though I've never seen anyone mention Sans in Smash outside of joking.

yes he came to his house but there was nothing about a bet. do you really think that is how it works when it comes to licencing characters?

Many people say that Toby beated Sakurai in smash bros and then proceeded to add him as a mii costume instead of a character, that is because toby made a bet, It wasn't sakurai idea

Yes, normies are that stupid

>Giorno ever b4 based Joseph