Any Japanese people or gaijins living in Japan here?
Let's talk about gaming here in Japan.
Do you go to arcades? Any cool games you played recently? What's your favorite arcade?
What Japan-only exclusives are you playing?
Any Japanese people or gaijins living in Japan here?
Let's talk about gaming here in Japan.
Do you go to arcades? Any cool games you played recently? What's your favorite arcade?
What Japan-only exclusives are you playing?
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bump niggers
Have a bump, OP. I'm interested in this thread.
Pachinko is shit.
favorite arcades are the UFO catchers
especially if the prizes are well made plushes of vidya franchises
I play games at my home. I am not interested in the games they have at arcades.
I wish we had proper arcades here still, Japanese arcades are so great
us gamers am I righto
arcade is dying off. japanese gaming isnt so different from Yea Forums anymore. cause the western industry is on decline. japan has no sjws/loud trannies is a real story. there are gays and trannies but they dont sperg out like amerimutts.
Super Potato is a giant meme, a store in Akihabara, that has become a tourist trap
The top floor is actually a nice Game Center though. I played some Tetris and bomberman. There was a smoking section next to it, so you had the smell and low lighting of some bygone era. There was an american who had two artificial legs. An iraq war veteran maybe?
The lower floors have TVs showing game center CX. Very nice service
Pachinko is a decay on Japanese society
I was in the akihabara game last week excited to play street fighter 5 in an arcade only to find out I couldn't play with my friend. In fact, all the fighting games there were only single player. Where in the hell are the versus arcade cabinets? I couldn't find any anywhere but that's all we have in the states
smoking is disgusting and makes going anywhere like a pub or arcade in Japan unbearable
>Any cool games you played recently?
Playing control, kenshi and Battlefield V (Japan when?)
>What's your favorite arcade?
I don't go there much but somewhere in DenDen town there was a discrete place, tucked away in alley. Smells of cigarettes but it's pretty comfy.
You just have to embrace it. Take some cigarillos to the pub. You're not in zoomerland anymore. Japan was built on beer and cigarettes.
>arcade is dying off
As somebody living in Japan, no it's not. Arcades are massive here. Lots of new games coming out, most with gacha-like mechanics. Also VR is getting HUGE in arcades here.
Going to Tokyo soon. I want to play some arcade shmups, what are the best places ?
deal will it you fucking pansy
Are you retarded? On the other side of the cabinet. Go around the back.
>mfw house of the dead 4
I went to Tokyo last year and remember every one was playing some kind of fate grand order games at the arcade that required a card and account. It looked cool.
As a boomer gaijin living in Tokyo, Super Potato's arcade at the top floor is actually quite comfy. Reminds me of my childhood. I often spend hours just grinding yennies away at the Metal Slug machine. The store itself is a toursit trap though, indeed.
I don't remember if super potato has shmups, but good luck finding shmups in "normal" arcades nowadays. It's mostly gacha, rythm games, and some fightan
huh wow I probably am retarded, I looked around for a minute but didn't see anything
hotd4 is shit
but a typing of the dead 3 would have been cool]/spoiler]
Yeah that's the FGO arcade. There's lots of gacha games like this nowadays.
Personally I'm not a fan of gacha but I find the "mixed reality"/CG aspect quite ingenious. There's also one military game (romance of the three kingdoms inspired? not sure but it looks like ancient chinese armies) where you place your cards on the battlefield and move them around (physicall) and your squadrons in the game move as well.
There's also azur lane, and a bunch of other shit too.
Once you draw for a gacha roll, the machine itself will print a card for you that you can add to your collection. Pretty neat.
I saw a hosto with a really sexy girl playing the grinding card Games together. Actually he was playing and she was just hanging out with him. I think she was paying him to hang out.
It's like two machines networked back to back. Impersonal
>good luck finding shmups in "normal" arcades nowadays
Fuck, really? The number one thing I want to do there is play Ketsui on a cabinet. I'm off to do some research then, thanks.
im from tokyo. its pretty much dead compared to the 90s. also modern game centers lack diversity. you could play a bunch of types of arcade games back then.
if you are a fighting gamer you have to go to famous game centers in tonai to fight with someone else. it was not like that in the past.
Currently bored as fuck at home as Saturday night and I want to play some JRPG on the PS4. What are some good JRPGs that are only available in Japan that I should check out?
Japan is likely very far from how you imagine. Gacha blew up, old genres aren't as popular anymore. I remember in 2006 they had a super Mario Brothers cabinet with super hard romhack levels on it. I haven't seen any of that stuff recently, but to be fair I haven't been looking very hard
>7444 Yen
>For Deus ex
Fuck that.
Oh yeah, in that regard I actually agree with you. It seems like we lost a lot of variety and arcades themselves have either extremely specialized in one thing ("VR centers", ufo catchers, anime weeb shit, etc), or died off/turned into pachinko parlors.
Where you at in Tokyo? I'm in Kita-ku, it's pretty comfy but the 50 minutes commute to work could be better.
English teacher? Or engineer?
How much is that in burger currency? I've always been confused about Yen:Dollar ratio.
Best arcade in Tokyo is Taito HEY (Hirose Entertainment Yard).
It is in akihabara and looks small in comparison to the bigger Sega arcades but is is BY FAR the best arcade in Tokyo.
I highly recommend anybody who likes arcades to check it out. Anybody who knowa shit knows it is the best.
Tons of old schmups you probably never heard of, tons of fighting games, some racing games and mech games too.
There is even a Melonbooks in the basement so you can pick up some doujinshi after you are done. Basicaly it is the most legit arcade in Tokyo.
Read my post.
Software engineer. Fuck teaching English.
>willingly working and living in Japan
yep, this is the one. Had to play casual shit like fighting games or Luigis mansion instead cause I didn't feel like creating an account for this.
>transfer from western company (all paid by company)
>have western company working standards
>super chill
>get paid almost double of what I used to be getting paid in Europe
>better living standards
>food is better
>city is safer/cleaner
Yeah lmao who would ever want to live in Japan
Roughly $69 USD
Went to HEY a couple of times while I was there. I almost exclusively played the Sonic Punch machine thingy with my friends though.
Fuck that was fun
I own a bar but looking at getting an IT related online job.
thats 69.62 bucks
1 usd is 106.92 yen
If you're in Akiba, Hirose Entertainment Yard is the place to go for shmups and other candy cabs as for as I know
Oh shit bro, owning a bar is cool as fuck.
I'm sure you don't want to say which one, but I'd love to drop by. That sounds super sick
this is your brain on weeb
How would you rate your software dev skills? I do IT but my field isn't as good for overseas work.
Fuck Tokyo and Tokyo gaijin.
Living in Nara is so much better and the women are more thicc.
Teaching English here, instead of Tokyo. I actually get a real pay check, along with benefits.
> looking at getting an IT related online job.
Same, I study IT during my break time.
>better living standards
>food is better
If I worked there yes.
I don't work there. Sometimes it adds to the ambience
Like noir settings, smoking important
When I am hanging out with gamblers, I expect the smell of smoke
It's not in Tokyo, unfortunately.
Yeah, I was checking out HEY just now actually. Thanks!
Relatively high I'd say, I'm working for one of the FAANG companies so the hiring bar is quite high (although I think I just got lucky, ngl)
Let's hope this doesn't derail into jap vs wes thread again
Not living there, but I spent a week in Osaka/Kyoto a while back. Mostly we went to temples and stuff like that, but I got to visit A-Cho in Kyoto. Cool place, good fighting game selection and some old games like Parodius. Also some Gundam game you could play with like 20-30 people, can't remember what it was.
Lots of videos of it online:
I already am an established IT professional, but I my field isn't as transferrable as programming.
>Tokyo is blacked
>Osaka is on the verge of getting blacked
>Fuck Tokyo and Tokyo gaijin.
>Living in Nara is so much better and the women are more thicc.
Not gonna lie, I like Tokyo but I'd love to live in a comfier city. Nara sounds awesome but my company doesn't have an office there unfortunately. I still love my quiet and comfy neighborhood here in Tokyo but still... it is Tokyo.
So just how bad is Tokyo now? I still remember the Nigerian touts in Harajuku.
The west hates itself
It is going about how plastic straws are killing the world, white privilege, fat pride, gay pride etc etc.
Japan is self obsessed, but it doesn't hate itself. It likes itself. The west wants to kill itself. Japan does not
Really? Can you show me some picture there? I know there have been trying to push sjw propoganda there but how bad?
>civ working for U.S.A.F
>10 years in this glorious country
>comfy house that i built with to my specifications
>thicc high school girls with their mini skit and sweaty humid summer legs everywhere
>LINE address book with a good number of side bitches
>sipping on horoyoi chu-hai and eating some cheezas
>playing some SNES classics
i am telling you man, the only thing that can kick me out of this country is if the earth beneath my feet splits open and i die with an earthquake.
I met a girl in Nara with like H Cups Why don't the police do anything about them? They're obviously up to no good. How do they even have visas?
only place I ever saw nigerians in tokyo was rippongi and even then they were just bouncers at shady clubs. 99% of the time I was seeing nothing but asians or whites with the occasional black guy and his white gf.
Alex is that you?
When will the gacha meme die :c
It's not that bad, there's only a bunch of nigerian scammers/touts in roppongi, kabukicho, and some areas of shibuya at night, but other than that I don't think I've ever met a black person.
Also please leave the /pol/ shit out of the door, this is a thread for Japanese games, not your containment board.
gaijin go home
The Yakuza bring them into the country.
>How do they even have visas?
They get into the country as tourists, use their networks to trick some poor gaijin hunter black-obsessed J-girl, they marry her and get spouse visa.
>>sipping on horoyoi chu-hai
>Not sipping Strong Zeroes
There is no SJW shit here.
Its just a few Nigerians coming over there and scamming people. They get arrested and deported pretty fast.
Its worse when youre black, because then they dont leave you alone.
Yeah I lived in Tokyo for 3 years before moving. People in Osaka and Nara are more friendly.
sorry I went ahead of myself anyway let's us hope japan doesn't become the next western shithole eh?
No it's not that bad but there are liberals from America/West moving into the games industry who may have the audacity to start telling the Japanese on how to think. I also heard they're trying to do the same thing in the universities.
Thankfully, they're in a low position, but over time.
Nara kicks ass
I have played Ongeki and Chunithm when I was traveling there. I love these games, but there are nothing like them outside of Japan...
Oh and also Wagan 6 dx, Initial D Zero, and drivers championship when
Thank god
Same situation here in Thailand let's hope it will get better
too bitter and too strong for my weak ass at home, dont want to sleep early.
I went to Nara Park with some students to interview English speakers. There were so many chinese there. Spent 30 minutes before we found an English speaker.
At least the Japanese are doing their jobs.
Check it, yo!
I used to ride and die by the strongs.
Is it easy to have sex with cute Japanese girls?
Yeah I noticed a lot of tourists from other Asian countries there.
If you think things are bad now, wait until the Olympics.
Btw I know many black dudes with Japanese children. uwu
I've met a couple of Africans through my work. Not Nigerians mostly Ghana and actual working visa immigrants not scammers. Africans are some very chill and happy people to be around. It's like that one guy who's always in a good mood and fun to be around. Way different from African Americans. Probably because they used to be in Africa and now have nice lives in Japan. Maybe everyday they wake up and think hey I'm not in Africa anymore and have a smile for the rest of the day.
>popular Irish rapper
>They're doing it Thailand as well
Jesus. Can't you imperialists leave us alone?!
Unironically yes.
Even if I'm fat don't speak Japanese and hate going out in public?
Everyone says it's easy but I've been here for like 6 months now and haven't really had anything happen yet. Not like I'm actively looking though.
Are you hot? No? Too bad.
This also applies to every country you go too.
How does sex with a cute Japanese girl feel like? Do they make sounds like in jav?
Dead fish
Not gonna lie, Im not handsome at all. Im black, 5'7" and awkward as hell. I had a relationship with 3 married women here. One lasted 6 years. Its not so hard, you just have to treat them like they matter.
Even other Africans know that Nigerians are scammers.
Went to Japan last year for all of September and boy I fucking miss it
>The food
>The Bars, except for this one bar in Osaka that got me to spend a lot of money because one of the hostess kept getting me to drink because she love big dicks
>The girls, too bad most have the bodies of teenage boys. Cute faces though
>The clubbing
>The Arcades
>The comfy live in the country
>The culture
Being a black/Hispanic I was scared that the locals would think I was one of those Nigerians, but everyone was so fucking nice and whenever I went to the club they would crowed around me telling me that they love America. I met a black guy living there and he told me to ways smile and always give people a thumps up, apparently it's an american thing.
>Not gonna lie, Im not handsome at all. Im black, 5'7" and awkward as hell. I had a relationship with 3 married women here. One lasted 6 years. Its not so hard, you just have to treat them like they matter.
nice larp.
Why can't you go and get a prostitute?
>don't be obese
>be (even vaguely) into streetwear, just some basic shit will do
>go to Shibuya/Harajuku in the evening
>grab a few cans of Strong Zero
>talk to whoever the fuck you think is cute, tons of them will turn out to be 16 but just run away when that happens
>don't be a social autist
Just got back from a month there. It was god tier.
This. Africans are pretty cool and smart. Black Americans are the ones who are violent, retarded, bix nood dindus.
Not even lying. One was in Tokyo, another in Kagoshima, and the last one was in Hiroshima.
I actually loved the one in Hiroshima and I still miss her to this day.
They mostly try to brainwash young students to accept the pro-female pro-lgbt here in the english class and last month we also have the sjw progressive party here but luckily the opposition win so everything ain't that bad eh?
So how's japan internet culture look like there? aanyone know what are they taking for time to time?
Fucking this.
>>talk to whoever the fuck you think is cute, tons of them will turn out to be 16 but just run away when that happens
What's the age of consent in Japan?
Just wondering
>all these cuck fetishists suddenly
18 prefecturally
18 for all intents and purposes
>pro-female pro-lgbt here in the english class and last month we also have the sjw progressive party
What the fuck? The schools here just get a pamphlet about LGBTQ for the PTA meetings.
I went to Taito Station near Shinjuku station while on vacation once, and got my ass handed 0-10 in SFIV. Still had a good time though, but I felt like I was wasting the other guys time.
>want to have a thread about videogames
>suddenly hordes of JCE weebs come out from the woods and start fetishizing Japan and Japanese women
Seriously if you don't live here please don't fucking post in this thread. Go shitpost in other threads with your roleplaying fantasies, this is not the one.
>Gundam game you could play with like 20-30 people
Actually, I'm almost certainly mistaken about that, I barely knew what was going on when I tried it. Might have just been Gundam Extreme VS. Only could play it once before we had to leave, but it was interesting.
Haven't been reading much but I'm talking to my mom and a lot of Japanese people, especially on the net, are complaining about the consumption tax which has risen to 10%, old people driving cars and running down people which is pissing off everyone due to lack of common sense and the anticipation of the olympics.
stfu faggot
What the hell can they even preach about women and lgbt? It's not like Japan is any more socially backwards than other 1st world countries.
It's funny though, just to see them realize that most Japanese girls really aren't that good looking. Not every girl is a JAV star, unfortunately.
>consumption tax has risen to 10%
It's so fucking retarded, it's even worse. It's 10% if you consume food in the establishment, 8% if you get take out. It's going to be so fucking consufing for all the old farts and retards and there's so many grey areas and potential for annoyances that it's so fucking dumb.
We have to make video about "Is thailand have womens equality and how we should accept lgbtq" this weak I don't know how long we will turn into political shithole like the usa
How's the japanese teens into these day? Are they even right wing?
How does this affect convenience stores? That's like 90% of my diet.
The much jarring thing for me when i was in Japan was the amount of makeup girls use. Me and my friend would joke about them looking like clowns.
My mom went overseas to see our relatives, and my cousins are fucking suffering because a bunch of boomers have lost their marbles and think they're delusional that the Olympics will save the day. It won't. It will only delay the inevitable,
nvm I thought that was about japan. shit sucks still
I miss okonomiyaki
Japan, okay for
-Seeing famous shit
-Rabbit island
-Very mountainous
-Clean streets (almost to the point of it all feeling empty in some parts)
-More arcades than anywhere else (but not as many as there used to be)
Japan, not okay for
-All food
-Living in a house
-Long periods of staying in the same place if you move a lot (this can be worse than anywhere else in Japan)
-Fat fucks
Living there by itself isn't so shitty as people would make you believe. The work culture is overblown because it is different. Most non-Asian people will only get a few types of jobs anyway. And if you are Asian, you'll need to make them like you.
At least the tobacco tax isn't absurdly high.
Japan has one of the lowest in the world.
I miss Yoshinoya.
It's still not quite sure. If you consume on the premise then they will charge you 10% tax, if you take bento to go, 8% I guess
Been playing a lot of Densha de Go every time I drop by a Round One or in any other arcade I can find it.
At first I tried it as a laugh, but it was surprisingly addicting. I also gained more respect for train conductors.
How's the japanese teens into these day? Are they even right wing?
Japanese teens aren't that political. Only old timers are political. And if you want my honest opinion, I think they're a little naive, especially when it comes foreigners from the West. Better start warning them about the liberal tide that's heading their way. Most of them don't care about the current political turmoil. They're more worried about finding work/career. Can't say I blame them.
Boomers are really excited about the Olympics but also very incompetent. I've met a few via spare cash English meetups and there's always a couple of old dudes how understand jack shit English talking about how they have signed up to be tour guides showing foreigners around. I feel too bad to tell them I can't understand a word they are saying and that they would make terrible tour guides for anyone that doesn't speak Japanese.
Have you seen those videos where the girl splits half her face with make up and no make up?
Burn that image into your mind when you decide to go out with them. Know, that you are aware of what you are getting yourself into.
Moving to northern nippon land for work in April
What am I in for?
Okay Tenda.
>Living in a house
I live in a Nara apartment that has 2 floors, I pay 5万円/month for it. Just dont live in Tokyo and you'll be fine.
The young people are too complacent to vote out Abe.
I dont know who that is. But its not like I was fucking every day. I was lonely.
i like their strong cola version.
Whatsup with Tokyo though? I swear I went there last year and the women are so incredibly beautiful, the most gorgeous women on earth on every street. Shits all over the states here. I thought it was a meme but it's true. How the fuck?
Key word was house. Yea, you can live in an apartment or whatever. House isn't a good idea.
And they're in lies the problem. The old are out of touch and won't relinquish their control of the direction of this nation. I'm not asking the youth to forcibly seize control but I want the Old to give the Youth a chance to prove their worth. Try out new business models, and new lifestyles etc.
I've been watching a few programs about Gen X'ers creating weird and novel businesses and I think we need more of that. But most importantly, to reach out to the world and sell themselves more. I like what Korea is doing and how they're selling themselves to the world.
>looking for a bar
>find a place where there some other americans
>while there some crazy dumb bitch started rolling on the floor yelling nonsense
>When a tranny showed up, one of the American I was with told her that he thinks shes cute but would never fuck her because that's gay
>while we were walking back to the train station, he got swept away by a Chinese old lady offer massages
I like to think he they kidnapped him and sold him to slavery
Are there any good places in Japan that feel like a small American city? Relatively open spaces, houses with good yards, some nature, not a ton of crowds, etc.
I loved visiting there, but everything felt a bit cramped compared to America.
It's 8%
whats your opinion on all the white guys getting girls in japan? how can us brothers take over?
America town? If you want more space then you might have to leave the city. Maybe, Kagoshima?
>Azur lane
Tried that one, pretty fun imo
I remember when I first started I found a super OP card that someone had forgotten in the dispenser
where there are houses there will be some yards but nothing as wide as america ever.
>How's the japanese teens into these day? Are they even right wing?
not autistic like amerimutts
Those girls are all looking for a sugar daddy because everything in Tokyo is expensive.
Its ok, hopefully they dont get tricked by those gaijin hunting girls with every STD in the world.
Oh I know, some of the "best" looking girls wear pounds of makeups hiding the smallest of flaws and ended up looking worse.
The hottest Japanese girls where the Hapa. Holy shit the difference was night and day.
I disagree
I am afraid of the young people taking control and I am young. I see what things are like in the west. Compared to Canada Japan is in a much better place
How do you guys end up in Japan anyways? Just luck out through work?
Kagoshima still looks big, but seems nice.
That's what I figured, too bad.
As long as they're getting along and can understand each other properly, which is really fucking important, then we don't care.
We do get pist off when the Japanese girl starts trashing her own kind. It's pathetic and they end up regretting it because nobody wants to associate with them.
>how can us brothers take over?
Be more responsible, and productive. PERIOD.
Yeah. And it wasn't just his language was bad. He didn't seem to have a grasp about what foreigners want to see in a tour of Japan. Like he talked about how he planned to show foreigners his calligraphy. But I was just like that's just you writing kanji you dumb nip. Didn't even use a brush. Also old Japanese people grow up with almost everything being very famous in their eyes. I think they are in for a rude awakening when they realize what is locally known as famous won't impress people cause calling something nobody has heard of famous won't impress foreigners.
It's like the Re6 of Hotd
its probably for the best, try to do a barbecue outside and everyone around your house will hate you for as long as they live.
which is up to 100 and beyond for most Japanese people.
>Kagoshima still looks big, but seems nice.
Yeah, It's where my Dad's from. Great to walk around in and it's quiet. But kind of backwards.
ive lived in japan for several years, tokyo for three.
ive been to arcades a few times. its usually high school age-ish dudes. music games are always popular.
i like the small fighting game section in nakano broadway.
absolute isolation unless you can speak the language
neurotic foreigners who will annoy the christ out of you
start studying now, im assuming JET or other dispatch. youll have the time to study.
lmao eat shit. kansai is irrelevant as fuck, nara even more so. literal commuter town. people also dress like absolute shit there.
learn how to cook you manchild. itll save you money.
>The hottest Japanese girls where the Hapa. Holy shit the difference was night and day.
I was in tokyo for a month and didn't see any hapas, just 100% jap girls and holy shit they were like goddesses, the fashion, the faces, the mannerisms. It was like heaven on earth. The fuck are they putting in the water over there?
Been living in Japan for about 3 weeks, stopped around Nagoya, Osaka, Kyoto and am now placed in Kyushu with some decent Game Centres around (but not fantastic)
I mostly have been getting into the rhythm games like Wacca, Maimai and Taiko and they're really fun. Otherwise I haven't been able to play a lot of games as my training schedule has been hectic.
By the way, this is probably the best thread to ask in. I want to get a copy of astral chain here (just to save data downloading on the eshop) but I'd like to play it in english. Does anyone know if the Japanese version has an english language option?
Scarlet whatever right?
Japan, isn't that the country where they rape all those little girls? kawaii kawaii right, little kids japanese man *boing boing. FUCK those tiny legs hard faggots
you sound like a massive poser faggot
Sapporo here. It's hot as balls here now and everything sucks. Haven't been to an arcade recently because I just bought my girlfriend's engagement ring and need money, but I love my local Taito. There is never a line for Taiko Drum Master and I almost won a UFO prize once.
Went to Bic and Yodobashi Camera last month and got a sweet set of DQ X tarot cards that were on sale, and a FE3H folder. I did also go to see the new Dragon Quest movie last month; it was mediocre but the ending was weird (in a cool way). Pic related, it was the summer festival at my local shopping arcade.
Any SFV player in Tokyo here? I'm planning to visit Tokyo this month. Which arcade in Tokyo should I go to if I just want to play SFV with locals?
This is surprising to me. Do people hate the smell or something?
It's not transferring power right away, but a gradual process. They give each other input. The old, decades of experience. The youth, trends taking place, gathering and sharing new info for opportunites etc.
It takes two to tango.
I never noticed any SFV machines when I was there. The multiple game machines had SFIV and there were a lot of Tekken 7 cabinets though.
they just dont like to be disturbed, make too much sound or be a nuisance and you are gonna get a ton of hate.
be a nice neighbor and they will treat you like a celebrity though, you just gotta give up certain social parties like we do in the west.
you sound like a butthurt english teacher
Fucking cooking. Pork buns all day everyday.
>muh relevancy
>muh fashion
yep youre a huge faggot
I met most Hapa are the club, they were the funniest girls there. Most of the Japanese girls were boring, but they really wanted to dance. It was great.
Vacation. Best vacation I've ever had. I miss it everyday and want nothing more but to go back, but my friends want to travel more before going back to Japan.
based, pork buns are fucking awesome
Makes sense. Shouldn't be a problem then, I never have big loud parties.
>absolute isolation unless you can speak the language
>neurotic foreigners who will annoy the christ out of you
Yeah, sounds like someone from Tokyo. Tokyo is fun if you want to do everything possible in Japan, but people from Tokyo are assholes constantly on the run and the cities has a sum total of three spots that are traditional. It's also incredibly fucking expensive. Move to Tokyo if you you're a dickhead who doesn't care about having friends. Or other people in general.
English teachers in Japan, how much do japs hate you for being gaijin? And what's your secret to tolerate the horrible working environment?
Are westaboos really a thing? I imagine a guy playing RDR in between watching subbed episodes of deadwood.
Hokkaido. What you want is Hokkaido.
You're going to have to find a specifically old school arcade, good luck.
isnt thailand already super liberal in the sense that they dont fucking care whos gay or ladyboy lmao
I agree.
Like I don't get how Japan does it honestly. I know in the past decade, there's been a massive uptick in Gacha mobile games, and that was pushed by young people, with cooperation from the government lightening rules on gambling recently.
for games maybe, even though the Xbox One sold like one unit this year. For shows like that very doubtful.
Those eikaiwa cucks have it rough
>work Saturdays
>work until 10 pm everyday
>Mondays are part of their 2 day weekend
>90% of holidays are Mondays so basically no holidays
>not even real teachers just tutors
>not even a real school but after school business designed to keep clients forever so your students are by designed not to grow and learn
There is a few at Super potato
Like 2 or 3
There are these card based arcade games which are pretty cool like sangokushi taisen
>how much do japs hate you for being gaijin?
I teach at 4 different schools.The other teachers are crazy nice and helpful. I get invited by them to parties, or to just hangout. The teacher before me was a legit autist that didnt talk to the kids or other teachers. I thought it would be worse,cuz Im black as midnight
Was thinking about Hokkaido. Looking at pictures of the towns there and it seems perfect.
The most popular game in Japan is Fortnite. Meeting a Japanese person into American entertainment is about as common as meeting a Canadian or German that enjoys American entertainment.
>Do I live in the 3rd world country known as Japan?
Unfortunately I do.
>gaming in Japan
Decaying and dead to everyone over 12
Very fun my first time. Too bad the games are identical to those 10 years ago. Japan being creatively bankrupt is not a joke.
oh you mean the endless stream of musuo games?
Japan has reached it's 30th year of stagnation. No amount of games that bank on nostalgia over innovation are going to fix that.
i mean i get it but cmon son
man this is a huge oof
i dont expect a lot from english teachers, but this is just sad
>but people from Tokyo are assholes
during working hours yeah, sure. drinking hours, weekends, its not bad if you know the language. if you expect people to hold your hand, though, its not the place for.
>three spots that are traditional.
?? theres a lot more than that. theres countless shit within an hour of any direction.
even within the city, there are tons of """traditional"""" things.
>Move to Tokyo if you you're a dickhead who doesn't care about having friends. Or other people in general.
you are dead on with this though. i hate maintaining social relationships.
yes, they are a thing. ive seen a decent amount of dudes in shit like cowboy hats, boots, etc. a lot of dudes will oddly know a lot about popular western 80s bands.
not a teacher, but if you are white its fine. at worst people will just assume youre a teacher. otherwise people will questtion why youre in japan, or ask what kind of restaurant you work at.
>tolerate the working enviroment
speak the language, work at a foreign company.
Not for long baby
I changed my location on tinder to osaka and im getting matches with "women" using pictures of plants, dogs or toys.
Do they want my organs?
I just want to play videogames and improve my japanese
>The most popular game in Japan is Fortnite.
stop pulling shit out of your ass.
Still better than any other country's games.
It was really surreal seeing Fornite being advertised on the train.
Even more weird was seeing young adult flossing in the streets.
I miss salmon roe
For middle school kids here, its true.
>Japan being creatively bankrupt is not a joke.
I mean, I get it
Japan is obsessed with the 80s and bubble era.
But the 80s were a pretty good time
I'm sorry but they probably despise you. Black people are considered to be lesser human beings like Koreans in Japan. Honne and Tatemae, man.
I dont think racist people invite you into thier home during summer vacation, or ask to go fishing with you, or go drinking with you.
I have a crazy dream about moving to Japan and opening a hotdog restaurant.
I know! So many women post like random shit in their pictures. Like food they recently ate or their pet cat and no pictures of themselves. That's not how you are supposed use tinder. I use tinder to find Japanese language tutors not see a plate of spaghetti.
Wrong. I do all of that all the time with people I am racist towards.
My and my buddy dream was to start up a eel farming business.
Push comes to shove, it's still an option
Most Japanese people don't hate foreigners unless they're from China or Korea. In fact, most of my students tell me the dream for most Japanese people is to be able to talk to foreigners on the street about things like movies and music. It's just that the Japanese people who get the most exposure are people from Tokyo or Kyoto, the biggest sight-seeing spots in Japan. And pretty much all other Japanese consider Tokyo and Kyoto people to be absolute bastards (I had a student today tell me people from Kyoto are two-faced). Everyone else wants to talk, but the Japanese are such a passive and private people they never have the courage to.
As for the work environment thing, it depends. Programs like JET or Interac have you running around everywhere but from what I've heard are pretty chill otherwise. I work at NOVA, and pretty much any eikaiwa is the same: a wide variety of students and a corporate culture that is mildly tolerable. The money isn't great, but more than enough for living and having fun. At NOVA the instructional managers are all foreigners too, which really helps. The problem is that most of them are corporate cronies who become incredibly passive-aggressive because they get shit on all the time by their higher-ups. So there are days where you come in and they just leave you alone, and days you get a long speech about how great NOVA is and how you need to work better. Not bad, but not great for a long-term thing (I'm working here until I start grad school next June). The staff get it the hardest; they work super hard but are treated like drones, or become unbearable because they want to move up in the company.
It's called not being an asshole and having civil decency, you fucking retard.
>I teach at 4 different schools
Are you sure you're not Japanese?
Are you working 100 hour weeks?
fucking restera lair. go back to retardera.
I never have seen white guys with cute Asian girls
I met nice people in Kyoto, but I did get the impression Osaka people were more friendly. I wasn't there long enough to make a good assessment though.
>Any Japanese people or gaijins living in Japan
I think there's lots of Japanese people living in Japan, OP.
At this juncture the people don't really have a choice. China and Russia are flexing their muscles. This nation is getting weaker as the years go by. We can't rely on allies and that isn't who we are. We prefer to be self reliant and our industries, especially in high tech, global communications is subpar compared to Korea. I fear that the ensuing political tensions between the East and West may spark a military industrial complex, in the name of security and economic prosperity. Not in the same scale in terms of the American one but significant nonetheless.
It all seems absurd but you never know. It's what I fear the most. Nothing really surprises me anymore.
I see, I see
>Black people are considered to be lesser human beings like Koreans in Japan.
No one is lower than Koreans in the eyes of the Japanese. Japanese people don't care about black people; they view them as neither beneficial or hostile.
Sounds like a typical government run public school English teacher program thing. Lots of English teachers that get jobs at public schools are assigned multiple schools and only show up to each school 1 or 2 days a week. I met one guy that saw each class of students once a month.
Do you agree with the following statement:"I could go for another 30 years of the same recycled garbage. "
I spent the summer studying abroad in Japan. I’d try different arcades out each week depending on where I was but my favorite was HEY in Akihabara. Good selection of fighting games and everyone there was pretty chill.
fucking weeb. go back to retardera or the comment sections of japan today
japanese dont care about koreans irl at all.
People say this, but I think it's just different tastes a lot of the time rather than objective beauty differences. I see plenty of white guys with Asian girls I'd consider cute, but maybe a native Japanese guy wouldn't agree.
The hell are you talking about? Do you invite random people into your house?
They did not invite the previous teacher to anything.
I got hired by the city, but the hours are fine.
I work from 8am-4pm.
Yeah its actually pretty easy to tell if they dont like you.
>you are dead on with this though. i hate maintaining social relationships.
You are a sad man to me, but to each his own. Hope you find someone user.
Pathetic piece of shit weebs will disagree with you, but you are 100% right
How do I get a cute gaijin gamer gf in Japan? I'm Japanese.
>tfw missed out on going to Japan with friends twice and Olympics mean it's gonna be ruined next time I try to go
I had to wash my clothes almost every night after clubbing since they would smell like cigarettes and I dont even smoke. Shit was a fire hazard with all these drunk and smoking idiots on the dance floor.
are the trains and buses clean or 90% smokers like in america?
Is that a Springer Spaniel?
Be cute with a capital C.
You die alone and a virgin as society expects of you
epic larping dude
that guy was spot on with his post. anyone over the age of 30 has a certain level of ill will towards korea. unless they are a bleeding heart liberal, which, of course, do exist.,
i mean i have friends, and ive had decent relationships. i just dont care for it all that much.
find the white girl who is delusional enough to date a japanese man and stockholm syndrome her into acting like your mom like every other japanese guy does lmao. talk to them about inuyasha or some shit.
Public transportation is pristine there compared to America. Same with most of the restrooms I went in.
share interests, don't be a creep, and don't be mean to those around you.
that's it.
Realisticly how fuck is japan after olympic 2020?
The young people don't because of the current K-pop craze, but anyone over the age of 30 doesn't have much good to say about Koreans. I get told constantly about how Koreans are liars, how they are conspiring with the Chinese, how parents will never let their kids marry Koreans. And because of the current dispute between the two countries the government is rolling out the propaganda machine again to try and convince Japanese people Abe isn't a bastard, so who knows what'll happen.
>talk to them about inuyasha or some shit
solid advice
Major metropolitan cities do don’t forget that’s what Tokyo is. The countryside isn’t all anime and arcades out there either
Don't be an incel in other words
dumb fucking weeb. go back to retardera. or if you are an anglo chink loser go back to /int/ or r/aznidentity
Finding a smoker on public transit there is nearly impossible.
Holy fucking shit can you autistic fucking niggers stop talking about Japan for like one second.
It's a pretty shit country and they're all autistic as fuck.
That's cool and all but how do I find them in the first place?
Be yakuza
Exploit naive young weeaboo
Push her into gravure
I think that is inevitable as well.
We may even see a nuclear Japan within 30 years.
The East is rising. The West is declining.
From visiting Seoul and Tokyo, Tokyo seems to be more advanced with high tech, I don't know about communications. I do know Japan is a little too cash dependent and has many banking problems
Who the fuck smokes on the bus?
What is wrong with americans?
Yes dude, its the same way you score girls in your own country.
>tfw no overseas bank account to buy games in English with
Sometimes having to play everything in Japanese just wears thin.
you are fucked up. get a life. what japanese sites are you reading.
>Gotta bring your own handkerchief
Kinda bullshit desu, but at least it cuts down on paper towels being scattered everywhere like you see sometimes.
Fuck off from japan. Don't ruin the place with your nigger-tier standards. Girls should be thin.
Fucked in terms of what? Economically? I'd say they get a boost and hopefully they use that money to good use.
Loli stuff? They will return from the shadow realm.
But this all depends on the quality of the event. They better put on a good show. The whole world will be watching.
Don't worry. The impending ecological collapse will make it impossible for a military industrial complex to rise :)
dude what? do you even live in japan? have you ever spoken to a japanese person?
even young kids are off the korean hype now, thanks to the past few months. especially the past month, relations have gotten even worse.
people with certain characters in their last names still get ostracized because they are thought to be of korean descent.
of course there are bleeding heart liberals who don't think so, but they seem to be few and far between.
do you know how many times i've heard 'oh it must have been a korean' when a crime gets talked about?
>Yeah its actually pretty easy to tell if they dont like you.
See this part I don't agree with you.
Japanese are the most indirect and passive aggressive people in the world.
>even young kids are off the korean hype now,
Kids still love TWICE.
Not really fucked. They will have the event and then after things will go back to normal except Japs might hate gaijins more after all the shit they will pull off during the Olympics
im from japan you fucking anglo chink
this thread is already full of anglo chink shills.
total /int/ thread. not worth posting anymore
Too late.
Oh yeah, that too. They need more kids. Modt of them are too shy and put off having kids. But not everyone is a lost cause.
>Country well known and sometimes lauded for ethnic and cultural homogeneity
>W-where are all muh kawaii gaijin waifu?!
Korean here. How much of a bad idea is it for me to visit Japan? I know they hate us because apparently we're lying about their war crimes but does the average Japanese person care about that stuff?
Try dating sites, or just meet somebody at a arcade and befriend them, after a while you can ask if they're single.
Disney world.
Akihabara. Offer to help them win prizes at UFO catcher
>thicc means fat
Most of these girls have a lot of deficiencies because they are too skinny.
Its kind of weird, after a while I learned when they put on a mask, and when they take it off.
I take back the easy part.
You sound like a leftist expat. Stop fucking up their country.
you seem to be a really confused person
hope you can sort your shit out soon mang
larping on the internet isnt healthy, by the way.
TWICE and a few other groups popularity will never die, despite how shit things are getting. people sitll worship BTS even after some shit.
depends if it's rural japan or not, this goes for a lot of countries like the US where there's a big split with people who have political views.
There's a hundred threads in the catalog
Click on another one autist
Based Japan
i could.
i mean, it's basically what we get anywhere anyway.
How do i get a Japanese top boyfriend?
>thicc doesn't mean fat
But it does. Girls should have bodies like pic related. Fat asses aren't attractive.
Don't go to some inbred hick village and you'll be fine
Koreans are the biggest fucking racists among the three chink face asians, at least among the normies
I'm sure the average Harajuku chick won't even care about national politics and shit
In all honesty it isn't too bad. Just don't try to get friendly with older people and be on your best behavior; if something happens and people know you're Korean you'll be the first one identified for a crime (whether you did it or not). Just go and say you're Chinese-American. They'll leave you alone and just seethe that another Chinese person is in Japan.
She will never get married or have kids
Who cares.
Read Yaranaika, it explains everything
>irish diaspora has joined the chat
>people sitll worship BTS even after some shit.
They are the kpop group that got caught human trafficking right?
>large, fertile asses aren't attractive
A girl should have large childbearing hips
Potatoes get out.
I rarely see any gaijin in the arcade, let alone female gaijins. I guess I'm out of luck.
too thick
>having any actual impact on any society ever
Thank you for your insightful contribution /pol/tard, I'll go beat a Discord tranny to death for my ignorance.
Chink incel losers shilling for CCP ITT
Ching Chong Ping Pong
What's the best way to import ps4 games if all you have is yen and no USD?
Japanese here.
Don't come our country.
You stink and we hate you.
No we don't. Just don't be an asshole and you will be fine. Like anywhere, just avoid the dark, seedy alley. Especially at night.
Fellow strong zero bro
No idea where you got this from. Anyway, fatsos suck.
What's your favorite anime and anime character?
For me it'a Nui from Kill La Kill
> I'll go beat a Discord tranny to death for my ignorance.
Take your schizo meds, chapo tranny.
If I want to get to Japan do I go before Olympics or wait until after?
Looks like someone doesn't know that a mick embedded himself in his family tree
>No idea
Newfags get out
Lohengramm from Legend of Galactic Heroes
>Take your schizo meds, chapo tranny.
I can just feel the Reddit oozing out of this.
Maybe you should fuck off back there?
>literally no shape whatsoever
Might as well fuck a plank of wood m8.
The ideal Japanese body needs muscle in the butt and thighs.
Go back.
I love the Japanese.
video games
Is the remake any good?
Japan makes many video games.
The Tiananmen Square protests, commonly known in mainland China as the June Fourth Incident (Chinese: 六四事件, liùsì shìjiàn, literally six-four incident), were student-led demonstrations held in Tiananmen Square in Beijing during 1989. The popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests is sometimes called the '89 Democracy Movement (Chinese: 八九民运, bājiǔ mínyùn). The protests started on April 15 and were forcibly suppressed on June 4 when the government declared martial law and sent the military to occupy central parts of Beijing. In what became known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre (Chinese: 天安门大屠杀), troops with assault rifles and tanks fired at the demonstrators and those trying to block the military's advance into Tiananmen Square. Estimates of the death toll vary from several hundreds to several thousands, with thousands more wounded.[2][3][4][5][6][7]
Thin girls look elegant, feminine and youthful. This is very popular among asian girls, thankfully. I don't want to see you white niggers going there and fucking up their wonderful culture.
eh it's ok
ex: super mario bros.
Did you know Shigeru Miyamoto is Japanese?
Set off by the death of pro-reform Communist general secretary Hu Yaobang in April 1989, amid the backdrop of rapid economic development and social changes in post-Mao China, the protests reflected anxieties about the country's future in the popular consciousness and among the political elite. The reforms of the 1980s had led to a nascent market economy which benefited some people but seriously disaffected others, and the one-party political system also faced a challenge of legitimacy. Common grievances at the time included inflation, corruption, limited preparedness of graduates for the new economy,[8] and restrictions on political participation. The students called for greater accountability, constitutional due process, democracy, freedom of the press, and freedom of speech, although they were highly disorganized and their goals varied.[9][10] At the height of the protests, about 1 million people assembled in the Square.[11]
As the protests developed, the authorities responded with both conciliatory and hardline tactics, exposing deep divisions within the party leadership.[12] By May, a student-led hunger strike galvanized support for the demonstrators around the country, and the protests spread to some 400 cities.[13] Ultimately, China's paramount leader Deng Xiaoping and other Communist Party elders believed the protests to be a political threat and resolved to use force.[14][15] The State Council declared martial law on May 20 and mobilized as many as 300,000 troops to Beijing.[13] The troops advanced into central parts of Beijing on the city's major thoroughfares in the early morning hours of June 4, killing both demonstrators and bystanders in the process.
based retard
Just leave.
Literally everyone will be happier even you.
I hate that you retards have to bring your drama here.
The international community, human rights organizations, and political analysts condemned the Chinese government for the massacre. Western countries imposed arms embargoes on China.[16] The Chinese government made widespread arrests of protesters and their supporters, suppressed other protests around China, expelled foreign journalists, strictly controlled coverage of the events in the domestic press, strengthened the police and internal security forces, and demoted or purged officials it deemed sympathetic to the protests.[17] More broadly, the suppression halted the policies of liberalization in the 1980s. Considered a watershed event, the protests set the limits on political expression in China up to the present day.[18] Its memory is widely associated with questioning the legitimacy of Communist Party rule and remains one of the most sensitive and most widely censored topics in China.[19][20]
Something about girls in baseball gear is a huge turn on.
You should really follow your own advice, faggot.
Yeah the thread is dead. It was nice while it lasted but it was nice talking to all of you. See ya.
I want a thin gf.
blow it out your ass reddit fag.
The 50 Cent Party, or 50 Cent Army (Chinese: 五毛党), is the colloquial term for Internet commentators (Chinese: 网络评论员) which are hired by Chinese authorities in an attempt to manipulate public opinion to the benefit of the Chinese Communist Party.[1][2] It was created during the early phases of the Internet's rollout to the wider public in China. The name derives from the allegation that commentators are said to be paid fifty cents (in Renminbi) for every post,[3][4][5] though some speculate that they are probably not paid anything for the posts, instead being required to do so as a part of their official Party duties.[6] They create favourable comments or articles on popular Chinese social media networks that are intended to derail discussions that are unhelpful to the Communist Party and that promote narratives that serve the government's interests, together with disparaging comments and misinformation about political opponents and critics of the Chinese government, both domestic and abroad.[7][8][9] It is also used as a derogatory term against people with perceived pro-CPC or Chinese nationalist views.[10]
A 2016 Harvard University paper found that in contrast to common assumptions, the 50 Cent Army consists mostly of paid bureaucrats who respond to government directives in times of crisis and flood Chinese social media with pro-government comments. They also rarely engage in direct arguments, and around 80% of the analysed posts involve pro-China cheerleading with inspirational slogans, and 13% involve general praise and suggestions on governmental policies.[10][11]
Research indicated a "massive secretive operation" to fill China's Internet with propaganda has resulted in some 488 million posts carried out by fake social media accounts, representing about 0.6% of the 80 billion posts generated on Chinese social media. To maximize their influence, such pro-government comments are made largely during times of intense online debate, and when online protests have a possibility of transforming into real life actions.[10]
just say ugly bro, not everyone is in the loop
According to an article published by Xiao Qiang on her website China Digital Times, a leaked propaganda directive, sent to 50 Cent Party Internet commentators, stated their objective was the following:[34][35]
In order to circumscribe the influence of Taiwanese democracy, in order to progress further in the work of guiding public opinion, and in accordance with the requirements established by higher authorities to "be strategic, be skilled," we hope that internet commentators conscientiously study the mindset of netizens, grasp international developments, and better perform the work of being an internet commentator. For this purpose, this notice is promulgated as set forth below:
(1) To the extent possible make America the target of criticism. Play down the existence of Taiwan.
(2) Do not directly confront [the idea of] democracy; rather, frame the argument in terms of "what kind of system can truly implement democracy.”
(3) To the extent possible, choose various examples in Western countries of violence and unreasonable circumstances to explain how democracy is not well-suited to capitalism.
(4) Use America's and other countries' interference in international affairs to explain how Western democracy is actually an invasion of other countries and [how the West] is forcibly pushing [on other countries] Western values.
(5) Use the bloody and tear-stained history of a [once] weak people [i.e., China] to stir up pro-Party and patriotic emotions.
(6) Increase the exposure that positive developments inside China receive; further accommodate the work of maintaining [social] stability.[34][35]
You're clearly a redditor. Raid some other thread.
There's nothing feminine about a woman who is indistinguishable from a 12 year old boy.
I understand y'all like emaciated dolls but this is why your malnourished women get knocked out by the common cold.
Fuck off /int/ and /pol/
how expensive is weed in japan? can you have your own indoor over there?
blow it out your ass reddit fag.
Most asian girls are thin, lad. That's a billion people.
>can't stand the cold if you're thin
Clearly, you're wrong.
there's nothing feminine about premature aging and manjaws either.
>the least obese state today is fatter than the most obese state was 30 years ago
Japan is one of the few countries that is doing things right.
The west is fat
I don't know if it's different nowadays, but I've always heard weed is a big no-no in Japan. You can get in big trouble for it I think.
Junkie degenerates stay out.
last time I visited akihabara some white manlet came up to me and acted all buddy-buddy and asked me for my fb, I had to tell him I don't speak English to get him to leave
please do not approach random "westerners" when visiting, thank you
Mother with weak chins birth sons with weak chins.
Don't smoke it, don't take it
Please respect the laws here and cease smoking weed and owning guns
mario kart is top 1 arcade dont @ me
weed is expensive, like over 40$ a gram. youre probably gonna get some trash too and its hard to find, you’ll have to go to kabukicho and trust one of the black guys
>There's nothing feminine about a woman who is indistinguishable from a 12 year old boy.
This reads like roastie obesity cope. The girls that are posted are very feminine, and don't look like boys. I've noticed that there's likely a strong correlation between liking thicc girls and low iq. It seems that everyone with more than half a brain like neotenous features, like petiteness.
>cease owning guns
I won't smoke weed there, but I'm sure as hell not giving up my guns or swords
its stupid expensive. like 6000-7000 yen a gram in tokyo. you can find it for cheaper if you are on the in with some people. but good luck with that.
Food is going to depend on which country he came from but living standards in Tokyo are undeniably better than in Europe.
Japanese literally think that you can overdose on weed lmao
Good. Fuck degenerate drug users.
>living standards in Tokyo are undeniably better than in Europe.
>Comparing a whole continent to a single prefecture
American education.
>This reads like roastie obesity cope
There's an enormous gradient between sticc and lardass but go off I guess.
Yeah, yeah, leave a little something for us after your inevitable an hero ok?
Do not bring them
literally every rich guy
>ideal Japanese body
>posts what looks like a man with a vagina
Not hating, my dude, but you might have some coming out to do.
>I don't want to see you white niggers going there and fucking up their wonderful culture.
Seems like this is what they're doing. Brining drugs and their "beautiful at all sizes" bullshit to japan.
>go to japan last year
>drinking a beer at the pub
>see two western guys walk in
>one with his hair in a ponytail and the other is fat
>they order something
>5 mins later two japanese girls walk in
>girls are at least 10 years younger looking
>they immediately sit at the white dudes table
>awkward talking ensues
>couple mins later the girls decide to leave
you incel Yea Forums fuck demographic cant even have sex with prostitutes you cunts are gross take shower idiots
I lived in 6 different countries in Europe (Italy, Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, UK), I live in Tokyo now. It's the best place I've ever lived.
Also inb4 you mention US, I travel to the US for work multiple times a year and it feels like going to a third world country every time, so don't even bother.
The only places in Europe that may have a higher standard of living are maybe Iceland and Luxembourg but those places barely exist
Fenqing (simplified Chinese: 愤青; traditional Chinese: 憤青; pinyin: Fènqīng), or FQ (abbreviation), which is itself an abbreviation for Fennu Qingnian (simplified Chinese: 愤怒青年; traditional Chinese: 憤怒青年; pinyin: Fènnù Qīngnián), means literally "angry youth". It mainly refers to Chinese youth who display a high level of Chinese nationalism.[1] This term first appeared in Hong Kong in the 1970s, referring to those young people who were not satisfied with Chinese society and sought reform.[2] It has now evolved into a term used predominantly in Internet slang. Whether fenqing is derogatory or not usually depends on the person. Chinese critics often refer to them using the homophone characters "粪青"[3] which are pronounced identically but translate to "shit-youth". This is often changed further to fènfèn (粪粪) as a derogatory nickname.
Name one (1) city in Europe with better living standards than Tokyo.
Protip: You actually can now that I'm thinking about it
The phenomenon of fenqing arose after the "reform and opening up" of the Chinese government, during the period of fast economic development that occurred in China.[1] Some people argue[who?] that fenqing are a natural reaction to recent neoconservatism in Japan and the neoconservatism in the United States.[citation needed] Fenqing and these foreign neo-conservative elements intensely dislike each other, but all of them share certain similarities: distrust of foreign powers, support for the military and boundary disputes, etc.[1] However, fenqing are not to be confused with Chinese neoconservatives, who espouse a more pragmatic and gradualist approach to political reforms and favor the development of an "East Asian Community" with Japan and Korea, an idea that is anathema to the fenqing [4]
As a group, fenqing are very diverse in their opinions. However, they are usually nationalistic and patriotic, are often left-wing in political ideology, and tend to defend Mao Zedong's controversial actions during the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.[5] The fenqing are very much concerned with political issues, especially in domestic policy relating to Tibet and foreign policy relating to Japan, Taiwan, or the United States.[1]
They often harbour negative attitudes towards Japan due to the invasion and occupation of China by Imperial Japan, and support aggressive political stances towards Japan.[2] For example, many believe that the Japanese government's apologies for Japanese war crimes are insincere and inadequate (some even believe no apologies will ever be adequate). More recent incidents, such a former Japanese prime minister's patronage of the Yasukuni Shrine, territorial disputes surrounding the Senkaku Islands (known as Diaoyu in China), and the revisions of history textbooks by uyoku dantai (Japanese right-wing extremists), lead these young people to conclude that the Japanese government is again seeking to expand militarily. These anti-Japanese sentiments are not necessarily only directed against the Japanese government and military, but often fiercely towards the Japanese culture, economy, and people.
Fenqing also refers to "20-somethings often use the Internet to publicly express their views on politics and society."[6]
There was a fat guy with a cute Japanese wife I've met in eastern europe.
Westerners just have trash personalities I guess.
We clearly have different standards. You're fine with bulging bellies, and I'm not.
>Brining drugs and their "beautiful at all sizes" bullshit to japan.
Think of it as them taking fat uggos off everyone else's hands.
Don't worry user, I won't cause any trouble. I'll leave my weapons at home.
Of course you can you fucking mongoloid.
You need a fortune just to buy a hole in the wall to live in Tokyo.
Enjoy renting for your entire life.
or youre fine with fucking what looks like a 12 year old white boy. and im not
The Chinese Communist party does not officially espouse Han chauvinism. It espouses Zhonghua minzu nationalism, which emphasizes assimilation into a modern nation of multiethnic origins, and emphasizes the Zhonghua nation's modern-era struggles against the "Imperialists": the West and Japan,[citation needed] and the historical multiethnic Zhonghua nation's insistence on unity under a single imperial state.[citation needed]
Militant nationalist websites, whether Zhonghua or Han, are often suppressed by the government because they appear to be elevating popular discussions into political levels. The government simply has a habit of clamping down on any kind of political discussions to prevent them from becoming ideologies that can replace official Zhonghua-Marxo-Capitalism.[citation needed]
Zhonghua nationalist websites tend to style themselves as "ultra-left socialist", venerating Mao as an anti-colonial icon over his capitalist successors, and identify Japan and US as their prime enemies,[citation needed] and focus very heavily on the goal of militarily invading Taiwan. Uyghurs and Tibetans are discussed as if they are mainly law-abiding Zhonghua citizens, with a minority elements instigated by overseas "separatist exiles".[citation needed]
Is knowing Japanese absolute essential or can you get around easy enough without it?
I'd feel pretty awkward if I went into a store and the employee didn't speak english. I guess you could probably communicate by pointing though?
>You need a fortune just to buy a hole in the wall to live in Tokyo.
Tokyo is cheap as fuck compared to places like the bay area in the US or some euro capitals.
t. bought a house in Japan gaijin
>Enjoy renting for your entire life.
>actually buying real estate
Overseas Chinese
Chinese nationalism has had mutable relationships with Chinese living outside of Mainland China and Taiwan. Overseas Chinese were strong supporters of the Xinhai Revolution.
After decolonization, overseas Chinese were encouraged to regard themselves as citizens of their adopted nations rather than as part of the Chinese nationality. As a result, ethnic Chinese in Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia have sharply divided the concept of ethnic Chinese from the concept of "political Chinese" and have explicitly rejected being part of the Chinese nationality.
During the 1960s, the People's Republic of China and Republic of China (ROC) maintained different attitudes toward overseas Chinese. In the eyes of the PRC government, overseas Chinese were considered capitalist agents; in addition, the PRC government also thought that maintaining good relations with southeast Asian governments was more important than maintaining the support of overseas Chinese. By contrast, the ROC desired good relations with overseas Chinese as part of an overall strategy to avoid diplomatic isolation and maintain its claim to be the sole legitimate government of China.
With the reforms under Deng Xiaoping, the PRC's attitude toward overseas Chinese became much more favorable, and overseas Chinese were seen as a source of capital and expertise. In the 1990s, the PRC's efforts toward overseas Chinese became mostly focused on maintaining the loyalty of "newly departed overseas Chinese", which consisted of mostly graduate students having emigrated, mostly to the United States. Now, there are summer camps in which overseas Chinese youths may attend to learn first-hand about Chinese culture. In 2013, "100 overseas Chinese youth embarked on their root-seeking journey in Hunan."[30] Textbooks for Chinese schools are distributed by the government of the People's Republic of China.
Don't be a nigger, user. If you move there, you should learn the language and customs.
>being a glorified homeless
Tokyo is super cheap, both buying and renting.
Currently I live alone and I am renting a 3-bedroom apartment. Price is the equivalent of ~$1500/mo + utilities. I've been looking around to buy and holy fuck I can't believe such a massive capital so packed with people can cost so low. For comparison I used to live in London before moving here and the rent prices for a similar apartment were between 2 and 3x. And buying is unthinkable.
If moved there I would learn the language. But I don't intend on moving, just visiting
>american logic
>everyone has to speak english right? I wont bother learning another language that isnt mine
The only advantages it has over western Europe are acs everywhere and the stricter smoking laws
It was my first time in a country that didn't speak English. I took two years of Japanese, but mostly got by with a few phrases. You don't need to know a ton to get by, but it can get old having to point at things, so you might want to learn how some basics before visiting.
I started to remember things I thought I had forgotten after a short stay, I guess immersion really works. There was one awkward moment where I had to tell the taxi driver which airport terminal I was going to, but couldn't understand his question. But we worked it out eventually. The biggest problem I had was being too formal or too casual with my words.
Was just in Japan for a couple years. Arcades there are okay. Usually full of UFO catcher games and then modern games on the higher floors. I usually looked out for the places that held more retro games. Last place I went to was that Kawasaki Warehouse arcade, it had a good selection of games with a great aesthetic. However, taking the trains gets annoying after a while so I didn't really bother with arcades that much.
You westerners are just cucked I guess.
I'd just kill my landlord if he was raping me that much.
where in tokyo do you stay? you should compare renting in central london with renting in shibuya or shinjuku
Internet vigilantism
Since the state controlled media has control over most media outlet, the Internet is one of the rare places where Chinese nationalists can freely express their feelings. While the government is known for shutting down controversial blogs, it is impossible to completely censor the Internet and all websites that may be deemed controversial. Chinese Internet users frequently write nationalistic topics online on websites such as Some web-based media such as a webcomic named Year Hare Affair also features nationalistic ideas. Many nationalists look for news of people whom they consider to be traitors to China, such as the incident with Grace Wang from Duke University,[37] a Chinese girl who allegedly tried to appease to both sides during the debate about Tibet before the 2008 Summer Olympics. She was labeled as a traitor by online Internet vigilantes, and even had her home back in Qingdao, China, desecrated. Her parents had to hide for a while before the commotion died down.
In response to protests during the 2008 Olympic Torch Relay and accusations of bias from the western media, Chinese blogs, forums and websites became filled with nationalistic material, while flash counter-protests were generated through electronic means, such as the use of SMS and IM. One such site, Anti-CNN, claimed that news channels such as CNN and BBC only reported selectively, and only provided a one-sided argument regarding the 2008 Tibetan unrest.[38] Chinese hackers have claimed to have attacked the CNN website numerous times, through the use of DDoS attacks.[39] Similarly, the Yasukuni Shrine website was hacked by Chinese hackers during late 2004, and another time on 24 December 2008.[40]
how is stricter smoking law an advantage? fucking cuck
How easy is it to get a job in Japan as a code monkey after graduating college?
about ~20 minutes by train to Shinjuku/Shibuya
I'm comparing it to how it was for me in London, I never even dreamed of living in central London lmao, and still rent price was retardedly high
Not very.
But you'll be making half an American salary. It's not a respected position here
>central london
Literally degenerate central. At least Tokyo is relatively clean and free of niggers.
lmao 20 minuted BY TRAIN too so youre living in some shithole like akasuka
youre tellingmerent for a house in south london for example is 3x what you pay in tokyo? so 1500 x 3 = 4500. youre renting a villa in tokyo? stop capping faggot
Not super difficult if you actually know your shit and can speak basic Japanese. If you don't speak any then your options will be limited to companies that willing to hire English-only speakers and those are typically either shit or difficult to get into.
If you don't mind working like a literal slave, not that hard.
You can't just compare salary, you also need to think about taxes, living expenses, healthcare, pension, etc
>free of niggers
you never been to tokyo have you? visit kabukicho one time
You can get by with ZERO jap knowledge. Just bring your phone, create a flashcard or something of phrases you might need and download goog translate. Yes pointing is good enough actually. A lot of signage have english now.
However read jap basic etiquette if you're going to place that are not tourist areas or rural if you don't want to get any trouble. I know a guy that was screamed at by an old lady by not doing something japanese or something.
go first
a lady scream at me like thag she can get knocked tf out mayo devil does not play
nice so you admit im right
next time dont lie on an anonymous imagebord goofball
Don't. At least work in your own country first to at least mid experience before even considering.
Unless you're rich and mommy and daddy can pull some strings to get you into a non slave workplace I wouldn't bother for now.
The fuck are you even talking about. No I don't live in Asakusa (if that's what you're talking about). I'm not sure if you've ever been to Tokyo but a 20 minutes commute is literally nothing. I would rather not live in that shithole that is either Shinjuku or Shibuya. I have a very 3LDK flat in a high rise building, recently built (2015) as well. Now go off yourself, cuck.
No decent person goes to Kabukicho though.
You guys ever win anything from the crane games?
I won pic related with only 300円 from HEY and she's not even my favourite idol.
lmao ok and where in london do you pay triple the rent? im really curious where you can find a 3 room appartment for 4500
oh thats right youre lying haha fucking retard nice try tho
Plastic crap like that and funko pops release gases that cause cancer and sterility
Hey, this is semi-offtopic, but since this thread is full of nips and /ck/ is fucking awful, I figured I'd ask.
What's a good rice cooker for under $200 USD? And is Koronba still dead?
Japanese people are quite cool for me, went a few weeks ago, I'm a bit shy when interacting with strangers from other cultures, I feared being the typical tourist retard because I'm only able to use ultra basic phrases in Japanese that I learned from anime Yet even the most fucking dead eye seven eleven employee made at least the effort to understand what I tried to say, can't say that shit would happen anywhere else.
Hope you Japbros get by and that your country doesn't go to shit with all the typical problems
i use this one, theres many like it but i like when the handles are metal too because of how slightly warm they get while cooking my rice
I'll let the data talk by itself
As I said, between 2-3x. 1k GBP in Tokyo -> 2k GBP in London for a 3 bedroom apartment outside of the city center. If you're lucky, that is.
Now get the fuck out this thread with your shitposting
those cute 7/11 girls that try their best to help you even in english and then bow their head down in sadness and stare into a void after you leave ;_;
What fucking rice cookers are you looking at that costs $200
Just go to an asian store near you or amazon, they sell rice cookers for cheap
a 3 bedroom aparment is alot smaller in tokyo than in london
your living room is probably smaller than my attic box
But did you account for the fact that you earn way more in the UK? Rents for a 3 room appartment in Kenya are dirtcheap but to them it’s unaffordable
I'm trying to find one that actually lasts and doesn't break down in 9 months-1 year like every piece of shit Aroma/Instant Pot/Black&Decker/Hamilton Beach rice cooker I've owned.
Just use a pot
While 1LDK/studio apartments in Japan are the most common (due to its huge flow of single adults/workforce in the cities), it's actually a meme that apartments in Japan are "smaller". Once you rent a 2/3LDK family house (like I am doing, even though I am single), the size won't be that much different. One thing I can agree with you is that Japanese furniture is much more space-optimized, so the house feels even larger.
As a matter of fact, the place I'm renting (~80m^2) is actually larger than my old apartment was.
"earning more" is also a meme. While my salary was slightly (not that much) higher over there, taxes were also much worse. Also I am renting my apartment via my company which takes a huge chunk of rent pre-tax out of my paycheck and I end up paying waaaay less. As a take-home net pay, I am saving way more money than I was in the UK.
Except you don't. You get taxed out the ass in the UK (and anywhere in EU, to be fair).
ok no1 care nerd
What shithole wouldn't help dumb bumblefuck tourists?
Unless they're being obvious assholes I've never seen anyone tell a tourist to fuck off.
I wish you good luck finding a job in London.
>and stare into a void after you leave
It's just becaue their boss will complain if they goof off on their phone.
spoken like someone that still lives with his parents and has never had a proper job in his life lmao
If you’re a smoker.
You would be surprised how many minimum wage faggots don't even make the minimum effort. I've had retards in my own country not make the effort to at least even call someone who spoke english to help a tourist customer
gaijin go home
Are you against 2020 Olympics?
Did you vote for Abe?
I just came back from Japan. Best game center I went to was Mikado in Takadanobaba (a little bit north of Shinjuku). If you can handle smokers, there's tons of good retro fighting games and shumps on the second floor (and the usual stuff you see at Club Sega and Taito on the first floor)
but I am home, super comfy too
>If you can handle smokers
I dont go if I cant smoke
Kinda empty looking to be honest
>be a tourist in Japan
>see a massive arcade, go there expecting something insanely cool
>it's full of obscure shitty looking anime fighters, anything that looks remotely interesting is too complex to understand without Nip knowledge
I don't know what I expected. Even with arcades, all the good stuff gets brought to the west
I just moved here a month ago. I'm slowly buying furniture. Got a kotatsu table and a big lamp to put in the corner on their way from Nitori, they should arrive next week.
>Hey cool an arcade thread
>im age 18 in high school with no money how 2 move 2 japan
>Unironic Tinder users
>Unironic clubbers
>Unironic JET/english monkeys
Good job, fags.
Ongeki worldwide release when
What type of tea is that? I remember getting a similar bottle once without realizing it was mugicha. That stuff is vile.
Just some basic Oi Ocha, one of the most common everyday green tea:
I usually make my own with tea bags since it's cheaper, but I was too lazy today so I got some from the conbini
Seething smoker
Get into your smoke cage
post favorite bars
if anyones ever in kabukicho make sure to visit the hub near the sign, im there almost every night lets have fun
When Round1 cuts a deal with sega to bring their shit over.
Or when WACCA starts to gives them trouble.
Nah, they can keep their gacha crap to be honest
Psy bar is my favorite in Shinjuku. Bartenders are super chill, atmosphere is super chill, not too crowded. Everyone buying drinks to everyone else. Good boomer rock music and you can request songs to the bartenders.
I wish the bars over here were like the bars in Tokyo where everyones just having fun instead of fighting
t. nigger
Stupid expensive and not worth the hassle or risk to get it.
I once went to a bar in golden kai, with like 6 seats or something. depending on the other guests it can get really fun in there, especially since alot of tourist girl duo’s go there.
With how ubiquitous and cheap vending machines are there I was chugging green tea bottles whenever I got the chance, lol. Entering an airconditioned building after being out in the sun in July is godlike.
Based Korean chad gets all the ladies if you look like kpop artist
I took 6 months of japanese at my university before going to japan for a semester. It definitely helped having some sort of base to go off of and improve.
I legit have a hard time because I absolutely love tea but I realized I go even weeks without drinking water and I really need to try hard to just stick with water. Drinking water in my apartment's faucet isn't great and every time I go to the conbini they have so many drinks that I kinda forget to grab a 2L bottle of water instead. The only time I regularly drink water is at the ramen or curry shops, since they place it in front of you for free.
>go to japan
are you shoot a brain dead nigger?
That's a fair consideration. I was also a little surprised by the faucet water tasting ass because of heavy chlorination. Pretty much anywhere I went there would be tea served rather than water, I wasn't about to complain, lol.
what about japanese men?
What did he mean by this?
>gaijins living in Japan here?
get out
If you have to ask this then you probably won’t get laid lmao unless of course you pay for escorts.
How sour are those grapes, user?
I think he meant ロックのこころ
>accidentally walk through kabukicho
>niggers trying to sell me whores
im not decent, so that checks out
im friends with most of the blacks there but i still dont trust their titty bars. i rather stick to the chinese women selling girls, you can recognize them by the fake canada goose parkas they wear in winter. its more expensive tho
>work in Roppongi
>sometimes stay late at the office
>heading home post-work
>niggers everywhere trying to bring me to brothels
you cant fuck them right? did i do well refusing
You're more likely to get robbed than you are to get laid.
you probably can, money buys everything but im more afraid that the tity bar is actually a orgn harvesting laboratory
God tier Jazz bar, its a bit small though but it just means you're closer to the live music
god i just want to fuck at least once with a jap girl
The way it works is they usually take you to some bars they own/work with, they will convince you that they are just there so you can have a great time, then some whore will come to you and try to get you drunk with her on some super expensive wine/liquor. Once you're drunk as fuck (and sometimes they even drop you a pill or two in your drink) they will charge you thousands of dollars in tab, and if you can't pay it on the spot they will "escort" you to an ATM and have you withdraw the money... and more.
And then you wake up the next day with an empty wallet, on the street, with no memories of the night.
By all means go ahead and have fun, user.
too bad for them i dont drink alcohol
>walking home after japanese people took me to Golden Gai (they mostly paid for everything since I ran out of cash halfway in)
>6'2 fat nigga starts telling me to come check out his cool club
>I say no I got no more cash left
>starts holding my hand and walking along side me
>wtf that's weird
>after convincing him to let go put his arm around me and keeps trying to get meto his club
>tell him I only got 200 yen left for the metro and he fucks off
>japanese friends laugh at me saying he would have taken me to a gay bar
I guess I'm only KV now.
If you don't drink you'll be told to leave eventually.
why is such a scam allowed?
>why do illegal things exist?
well its not exactly done in the dark eh
what if you got like 100$ and no creditcards with you?
Because many of those places are owned by "yakuza" and they don't leave a papertrail to be used against them. There's also the social stigma that prevents victims from speaking up about it to begin with, because people will judge them for getting in that situation to begin with.
then you're in for a veeery bad time
Most likely they will call the police on you and you'll get detained and held in jail up to 23 days and possibly deported (if you're a tourist)