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One is a good game and the other one is final fantasy
Funny how this image reflect today remake market.
The one that doesn't have much name really try and all the popular title just don't give a shit because people will buy it anway
>The people who originally played our games in the 80s, early 90s are older now so we want to reflect on that
Not rocket science silly
ff9 remaster probably uses tools from the modding community.
feel free to mock me. I meant ff8. I love how remaster has been destined to become code for really fucking shit port that looks 1000x worse than the original compared to today's standards.
Seiken Densetsu started as "Seiken Densetsu: Final Fantasy Gaiden," making the series a Final Fantasy spin-off in a sense.
The chad Mana series, the virgin Final Fantasy.
But you're the worst looking one in it.
What's the game on the left?
I don't speak Japanese
Trials of Mana/Seiken Densetsu 3
Is this better?
Thanks, mate
Clearly you don't have eyes because Tifa look like shit.
alright kiddo
Why is there a
Drawing and
Girlfriend option??
Kinda glad I stopped caring about mainline FF after XII. They really went to shit since they started trying to pander to the wider audiences.
One of is pretty good, and pretty damn hot to boot.
The other is that dumb hopeless cunt Rinoa
I want to mating press that elf.
Real talk: Was Rinoa actually autistic? replaying this i think they wanted her to be 'quirky' but thats Selphies character trope. Rinoa just seems like she has buckets of legos organised into separate colours and needs to clap her hand on her thigh exactly 14 times when she turns the bathroom light on or something.
Rinoa best girl
kek even in this she looks fucking retarded
>Squall i wan mcdonal
>O-okay, you want chicken nuggets?
>Y-yeah... *mumblemumble* nugged
Sorceress was just the Galbadian word for retard.
>paying full price for 1/5th of a 22 year old game
Don't you say bad thing to her
>paying full price for a full game spanning two discs
well when you put it like that it does sound dumb you do, I mean
Square Enix haven't made a good game in like 10 years, I don't know what you're expecting
user, I...
Fucking no.
You can literally UP RES image using AI nowadays. The code is free, google's colab is free. Doesn't take much effort to up res 2D pre-rendered background. Everyone can do it
This is just Squeenix jewing, they knew with their minimum effort, people would still eat all up anyway because FFVIII is a known title/brand
*dabs on SE*
Soulless vs Soul
>Still didn't fix the manface
S-E tends to treat their niche series in a nicer way than their main ones while not driving any proper fucking budget to actual releases on those niche series
This is the case for atleast Mana and SaGa.
That's because their main series need to pander to westerncucks for the big bucks
The most important question is, will the remaster have BARE ASS SLAPPING TAUNT??
I don't think that DQ getting worse remasters for Japan exclusively (I-III) than Romancing SaGa 2-3 is getting (confirmed overseas) has anything to do with "westerncucks".
>uses shitty generic XC2turd anime art for remaster
>having such a trash original that even generic weeb trash models and spammed bloom is an upgrade
wew yeah sure showed them how it's done
Cloud Strife is a modern mythological hero
>Romancing SaGa 3 got a western release date
>Scarlet Grace does not
The fuck Squareshit?
Both are getting a western release. It was the highlight of the E3. Cheers!
Yeah but no date for Scarlet Grace user.
No western date for RS3 either. Let it rest, if it's happening it's happening. It'll probably come out as an "out now" thing on some Direct, or just some day without notice.
No, Rinoa is just what Japanese men think the ideal woman is, a ditzy immature cringelord who acts like a 7 year old.
>not posting her mom
>No western date for RS3 either.
I thought it was the 11th November, but that was for Japan.
Sources say that they might announce western date during TGS.
>Sources say that they might announce western date during TGS.
I hope this too, but think about it for a bit and it's a little ridiculous, no? "Oh, and Scarlett Grace, a game you've been able to play for a good portion of a decade now, is out for the yankees, yeaaah!!!" Don't hold a lot of hope for it.
That's not her mom, though.
Why are they going full incel pandering with this game? Isn't this game meant to be an snes classic?
It also features the queen of doujinshi.
oh whoops, I thought that was valda and they just changed her name I've only done one of the storylines
Rinoa was just kinda stupid, not autistic. I guess it's easy to forget there was a time where it was OK to portray a female as something less than supremely competent.
The game made it pretty clear on multiple ocassions she didn't think through plans very well and just kinda fucked off whatever FOREST OWL POWER.
That's what they looked like originally, you just never noticed because they were tiny sprites.
Based Manabro.
>that font
fix it, can't read for shit on the SaGa side
Makes sense that she would hide he cleavage to the barest sliver.. Rinoa maintains this facade that she's a sweet innocent girl, but really she's a thot that's looking to glom onto whoever she perceives is the alpha male. I approve of the change.
Man that one dude that draws nothing but Rieze must be so fucking thrilled about the remake
Well, in SD3 remake Charlie slapped her own ass during special attack, so I don't see why Angela can't do Pink Typhoon.
I really enjoy this art style.
Really wish they'd cancel this shit. Looks like a Cuckdom Hearts game.
>Really wish they'd cancel this shit. Looks like a Cuckdom Hearts game.
Same it's shit
Honestly the only thing that really turned me off with the SD3 stuf so far has been the English VA, and that i fully expected when it was said it was gonna get brought over in the first place considering the Secret of Mana Remake, and the other stuff reassured me it, seriously they incorporated the outfits changing to reflect the class change, that's great.
The VIII remake shat the bed hard by being a actual fucking downgrade is so many respects and basically just being a modded PC version, at which point you can, you know, just mod the PC version. But you know FFfags just gooble this shit up and double dip like crazy.
t. FFfag.
well you haven't achieved anything in 10 years either so I don't know why you still bother waking up every morning.
>seriously they incorporated the outfits changing to reflect the class change, that's great.
I want my Magus Angela in bikini, dammit
tfw no mommy anime gf
>I want my Magus Angela in bikini, dammit
That, and Riesz as a Fenrir Knight in a fur bikini.
And since casting spells seems to be less tedious this time around, I can even put Angela in for gameplay reasons, too.
What platform is this game on?
Switch and PC, I believe.
I think there is a PS4 version too since it had TGS trailer associated with that (IIRC same one as the one in the Nintendo Direct).
A shame Angela is like 90% certain to get shit censored in the Western Releases.
And PS4
Here's hoping the class changes get actual models this time. Will be nice to see the ones that never got official artwork.
what does GF do?
Shit if it on PC then my pirate self might be tempted.
A couple of Charlottes costumes will probably get get censored as well.
Are you asking 3D or 2D?
2D: Make you happy and want to suicide
3D: Make you poor and want to suicide
Let's you do things other than attack.
just buy it you negro, this is the chance to save the Mana games
Oh, completely forgot about that.
We'll have to see about the censorship. I would be kind of surprised if Fenrir Knight or Maugs got to be the way the concept art portrayed them, but from what we have seen so far I am hopeful.
they showed class changes in the new trailer. it's kinda minor
her eyes look too lewd in the remake
at least they arent complete color palette swaps this time around, theres cosmetic changes
Fenrir Knight better be able to actually summon or do ANYTHING wolf related in the remake
I was hoping for more, but yeah like you said at least it's not just a palette swap. better than nothing I suppose
Jokes on you. That's my fetish.
discuss what, you category 5 turbo nigger?
Remembers me of TLTS's Tina Russo
Can i fuck and marry girls like in DQ?
I still can't believe Seiken Densetsu 3 actually got an official English release.
Whoops, forgot image, I'm such a dork
>using a worse artstyle for a remaster
Soooo if this game is a sucess, what can we expect more in the future?
They'll be adding new skills, won't they? If so, that would really be a missed opportunity if they didn't have her do something wolf-related.
theres Charlotte but shes just short and not actually cute and funny
>shes just short and not actually cute and funny
So legal cunny?
Saw it
Oh dear, thank you, you're adorable! Now I want to hug you from behind
She also has a cannon lisp.
Ah hell yes!
Why shouldn't they pander to people who like cute and sexy girls?
Only feminists and sjws should be listened?
The rest of the world is inferior and they don't deserve to have games of their liking?
old SNES games were full of lewd sprites bruh, they even had to censor them for NA
>Wanting to "save" this 3DS-tier monstrosity
Imagine zoomers being happy to see THIS in a world where DQXI or Ni No Kuni exists. They could have make a 2D game identical to the original, but with super high quality characters. Instead, you have low poly plastic looking 3D shit.
I've never felt such joy and equal hype for a remastered game. Please God, don't take me before XCR gets released
kek look like unreal engine assets
Those are just the first class changes, I'm guessing the second ones will be more unique.
I'm thinking they'll try to make the light/dark sides more distinct. Duran is a good example considering only his light side can equip shields, possibly leading to a more tank-like moveset, while his dark side is more offensive.
>be a witch who lives in the north pole
>dress like a hooker
I hope we get XCXR in the future, having all the games in one platform is convenient
all witches are sluts
Secret of Mana remake got slammed for being the same game to a fault. They vetoed music that sounded great because it was too big a change, even. They're having the remake of SD3 be more ambitious by adding more to the combat. There's air combos now, and combat doesn't stop with every single spell.
Her Hometown/Castle is heated with magic to be Temperate/Tropical, that is actually Plot Point even.
Endure elements is a level 0 spell, senpai
FFVIII remaster is being developed by a French studio.
What the fuck are you talking about? It got slammed for the exact same reason, because it's some ugly piece of shit plastic 3D instead of high quality cell shading.
Also obviously the gameplay didn't translate AT ALL in 3D and it was all floaty and slow as fuck comapred to the original.
Seiken 3 looks like THAT?
>I don't understand what budget or scale of development means in a series that has little chance of making a comeback and just want to whine
It looks basically as good as DQ11 except it's it's not DQshit.
You're insane
Let's not get carried away, that does NOT look like DQ11 by any means.
>it was all floaty and slow as fuck compared to the original
So you never played the original? Because it was exactly that.
If anything, the remake is actually faster than the original.
you mean tifa? because that's tifa
>25 year old classic JRPG is a generic waifushit now
>>paying full price for 1/5th of a 22 year old game
this. I got ripped off by buying FF15 when it was incomplete.
I am going to wait for FF7 Remake to get a complete version, if it ever gets one and doesn't get cancelled like 15's story DLC
Wow they took away Shulk's more distinct features and turned him into a star ocean reject.
Not that guy, but you are kinda overstating it, XI looks better, but that is not surprising since it is DQ and probably had a pretty insane budget, while this is a experimental remake of a game that never even saw a (official) global release for almost 24 years from a DEAD SERIES.
>implying it wasn't waifushit to begin with
Confirmed for never having played the game
Guaranteed to complain about fanservice scenes that were already present in the original when the remake release.
She nearly froze to death when she left the castle.
Just imagine if SaGa got a release that looked as good as SD3's remake. I would be fucking ecstatic.
There's literally doujins of this game older than you.
7 is the only good Final Fantasy game. 8 has great soundtrack though.
Same res or the comparison is pointless.
Nigger DQXI look fucking better
God I want to smell those thighs.
That is exactly what I am saying. It's a piece of shit cashgrab and you love it instead of wanting an actual game with an actual budget.
>every game should have an AAA budget
That's what you're saying, right?
>See? It's the same! It has grass and rocks!
Actually, the JP website has all the tier 2 class change costumes in it. They aren't showing the final classes yet though.
>Ugh! SaGa Scarlet Grace is made on Unity for the PSVita! Looks so schlocky, characters look like Bratz! Where's my AAA tier production, you hacks?
my wife looks beautiful tho
Yeah but not so much to the point that one "looks like a 3DS game" and the other is top of the line PS4 graphic, the fact that DQ11 run on Switch with no real cut to it's graphics says everything.
his distinct features were low poly models
Well, most of the distinction for DQXI come from how good the lightning looks with very detailed textures, both of which are heavily slashed on the Switch release.
Last one, not gonna post all of them, you can check the rest here:
If I remember right, most of the tier 2 classes didn't have much change based off their drawing in-game. The final classes are the ones that can have more radical changes, like Fenrir Knight, Necromancer, Duelist and so on. Usually Dark/Dark.
Fuck. Hope if their Ethics Department ever get involved, they'd only cuck the PS4 version and leave the PC and Switch version untouched.
why is she covered up like a muslim
It's getting a switch and PC release, so aside from PS4, they may not need to censor anything. I mean, they have fucking Sengan Kagura on the switch now, anything's possible.
I still have my doubts they'll keep the Dark/Dark costumes for Angela and Riesz the same.
>with no real cut to it's graphics
>obligatory comment about FFVIIIR
It looks so generic like Xenoblade 2 now, good job. I bet its going to be censored like Smash.
That's not a "real" cut, you know. A pretty obvious downgrade, but all the basics are still there. A cut would be like what was done to DQVIII to put it on 3DS.
I feel bad for the people playing this on the Switch. It actually looks good and is an action RPG. It's going to look/run like ass.
Ever heard the term "A chain is only as strong as its weakest chain"? I have nasty feeling that if even just ONE of the Platforms put censorship issues all will get it due ease of implementation of doing that method.
>Light path descriptions: Attain purity of mind and train your body to achieve great feats of power and aid for your allies, surpass your limits
>Dark path descriptions: Drink the blood of the family you just slaughtered with your own fucking teeth ripping their flesh apart, have fun mutilating the armies of your enemies sent your way in a vain attempt to cease your insane rampage, and revel in the dark arts that consume your very soul as a cold blooded killing machine!
Some of the class descriptions for the dark paths are so edgy it doesn't fit in tone with the story.
Looks fine to me and isn't a generic RPG like DQ11.
It doesn't even have proper lighting or proper resolution. That seems pretty basic to me. 720p was the resolution standard over 10 years ago.
Development on UE4 has gotten better as of late, so I don't think it's gonna end up looking that bad. That screen is from the Switch, for example (look at the jaggies on the lightning). Strong 30 fps and I'd be allright with it.
Why do you assume the only people who like sex are ones who don't have any?
I wasn't even really interested in sex until I started getting it on the regular
I don't think you know much about video games
The lightning is downgraded, yeah.
>That screen is from the Switch, for example (look at the jaggies on the lightning).
I rarely trust Switch previews now, pretty often the game ALWAYS have issues, even with input, frame pacing, etc. I feel more wary about getting any multiplats on it now because the portable aspect is always much worse.
I really admire that guy's love for the character. Imagine drawing doujins of one same character for years. Another artist who falls to my mind that fits this category is Mogudan.
I haven't encountered as much problems except with low res on UE4 games (which are to be expected as of now).
The best part of the game was when based Squall calls her out for her bullshit:
>"How serious are you...? Really...? The 3 of you plop down on the floor to discuss strategy? On top of that, you can't make a decision without our input, right? How do you think we feel, working for such an organization?"
Does this T-rexaur have a glandular problem?
because of the jihad against Shinra
But user, there are already great looking modern SaGa games
Minstrel Song and Unlimited are some of the prettiest games on the PS2 thanks to the art styles
Will this run on a potato? At least on the level of i3?
I wouldn't classify PS2 as modern right now, user. Although Last Remnant looks very good too.
Maybe I should clarify, a new SaGa game with this level of graphical fidelity would be great given that SaGa games tend to look pretty good since the PS1 with barebones funding and secondary teams working on them. Specially since they already dabbled on UE4 for the remaster of TLR.
S-E is the company that ported the mobile version of FF9 to PC.
They don't care enough to make multiple version of one game so all it will take is a censor on ONE platform to affect all of the others.
See also FF8 "remaster"
I know that was sort of a joke, but the battle against Shinra really was a religious holy war for AVALANCHE based on the "Studies of Planet Life." It's still the most disturbing cult in the Final Fantasy series.
>latex loli in 3D
i can't wait for this
>minstrel song
>locks you out of content if you fight too much
i really liked combat and visuals in this game, but god was that mechanic retarded
I am so ready for the next wave of SD3 porn.
And to play the Trials of Mana remake, or course.
The body models seem to be built for those. Incredibly attractive chests all around defined by proper lighting. One of the best uses of UE4 in that regard. Very impressive.
Anime is superior to realism
cringe redditor
What the fuck kind of logic is that?
Anyone who can read moonrunes and tell us who the voice actors are? I recognize Yuuichi Nakamura as Koren for sure, but the rest merely sound familiar.
What will your classes/team be?
Main focus is physical attacks combined with stat-ups (items from black market) and stat-downs (Diversions/Techniques/Weapon Smack) Then just hit shit hard.
redpill me on Trails of Mana.
will I like it if the only JRPG's I played are the MOTHER series, most of the Megami Tensei games, Dragon Quest and Pokemon.
To be completely honest just look at her PS1 sprite. Her tits look like flat pancakes that have been soaked in milk for 2 days straight. They are saggy, tiny bags. It would look like absolute shit if they didn't cover it up a little.
It's an ARPG that you can play co-op with two other friends.
>Mana Collection gets released
>Trials remakes gets announced immediately after
Don't know if I should be annoyed or happy.
It got released for Europe and the US (with a SD3 official translation, even). Japan had it for months before, I believe. You should be thankful, I think.
What is the class system look like? Can i make the MC a lancer?
Remake vs Remaster
How much you wanna bet the ps4 version of Trials gets censored.
>Heat got to fug this
I'm jealous desu
Actually nvm, found a list.
Duran: Takuya Eguchi
Angela: Rumi Okubo
Kevin: Ryota Osaka
Charlotte: Sumire Morohoshi
Hawkeye: Yuki Ono
Riesz: Mikako Komatsu
Faerie: Maaya Uchida
Crimson Wizard: Yuichi Nakamura
Goremand: Tomokazu Sugita
Belladonna: Yoshino Nanjo