ITT: soul
ITT: soul
Anyone else try going back inside the building while chasing venom to see the lady or was that just horny child me?
funkiest capeshit vidya ever
Le bad graphics = soul meme
Never even occurred to me. I did stare at MJ's ass in the character model viewer though.
Young people under the age of 25 killing themselves is also soulful. I highly recommend it.
this game was such kino at the time. I remember seeing posters for it in the windows at Blockbuster, that's how hype it was
I heard it
I need to put this bomb in a *SAFE* place
>too young to experience anything other than gaas tier garbage
>its just bad graphics!
Ignorance is youth
Assblasted boomers are already replying but the soul meme has always been literally this.
Son let me stop you right there.
samefag kys, zoomer.
Nope. The truth hurts, doesn't it buttpained boomer faggot?
t. 24 year old not yet boomer
If the soul meme isn't about your nostalgia fagging and bad graphics then surely you can name a soulful game that has come out in recent years and has good graphics?
Pathologic 2
Brütal Legend
>game with shitty graphics 2
>brutal 10 year old game
I, for one, am convinced.
Rockstar games unironically, they're new, made by giant teams, hugely popular and successful and mainstream, yet they're filled to the brim with attention to detail and genuine care. They destroy all zoomer efforts to dismiss soul as a nostalgia.
>>game with shitty graphics 2
Explain to me how Pathologic 2 has bad graphics by any standard.
Friendly reminder if you are born in the year 1995 and above you are a zoomer and thus you have no soul.
I do not respect children who are 24 or younger.
What came out in 1995? It wasn't too long after this that we got a Sega Saturn, you know. It would be the last console that wasn't a Playstation that my family would own.
the harry potter games before harry potter 3 was soulful
chamber of secrets on GBA is fucking based, and I also played chamber of secrets on PC
sorcerer's stone on gba is a fucking shitty stealth game, even if the graphics have soul
Was Chamber of Secrets the one where you had gnome-tossing minigames and dueling?
I dont remember the PC version besides jumping on spring pads in the hub world
but I recently emulated the GBA version and there were no gnome minigames in the gba game
This was the most soulful thing to come out of KHIII
Whew, boy do I feel lucky that I was born in 1994. Soul vs soulless is still a shitty boomer meme though.
is this gay?
Kid Mode!
I find it funny how the same zoomers who accuse boomers of thinking "old good, new bad" also unironically believe "new good, old bad". The PS1 had some amazing graphics for the time, and they hold up a lot better than the slew of uninspired looking trash we got starting with the seventh gen.
That's more like it.
As you can see, Peter, yes. I have betrayed our people. But you don't understand. You don't understand the heaven that is going up to your pelvis in dark meat. They really are like animals, just like my father always told me. "No son of mine would be caught dead courting a nigress." But once you've had a taste, Sally from Sunday school who was saving herself for our marriage just doesn't cut it anymore. I was 25 when I had my first rumble in the jungle. And you know what I did, Peter? For 15 years I prowled street corners sweeping up every black mama I could find. Big ones, fat ones, short ones, tall ones. Fatherless half-breeds litter the streets of New York. They still tell stories about me in Harlem, hoots from old ladies about Adrian "Massa" Toomes and his bag of whips. What I'm saying, Pete, is if you're gonna do this, you better go all the way. Show my daughter why we've been running the world for thousands of years.
>get the costume that grants you invincibility
>get Spider Armor and it covers it up for the rest of the game
Posting Megaman Legends in soul threads should be banned. It's just plain cheating.
I wish this was made just a tiny bit later, everything was fantastic but the city felt a bit empty and uninspired in freeroam, even as a kid I felt it
2 was better.
>they didn't own the dreamcast version
Spent so many hours fapping to high-res black cat
What went wrong
What indeed.
Remember when kids' games were high test
The PS1 models had bigger tits
muh dick
What’s that supposed to mean?
>they never got rino romano back for any major voice roles
it hurts bros, he was good as batman
No it should be banned to start a soul thread without Megaman Legends in the OP
what are essential cape vidya except ps4 spider and arkham?
Ultimate Alliance 1 & 2
>Ed, Edd and Eddy The MisEdventures
Based and kinopilled
What If? Mode was fucking awesome.
When people in 15 years starting calling Uncharted 2 the peak of soul, then you'll realize how meaningless the term is
>posting low res
I was born in 1998, this and Pac-Man World were some of my first vidya. Zoomer and Boomer aren't dependent on what year you were born in but the mindset you embody. Stop using the meme wrong you fucking cunts.