Morrowind fans are probably the most cancerous gatekeeping autistic fanbase of any game of all time, change my mind

Morrowind fans are probably the most cancerous gatekeeping autistic fanbase of any game of all time, change my mind.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah? I'm a Morrowind fan but I'm glad if anyone enjoys any game in the main series.

I'm a morrowind fan and I think you're fine just the way you are.

Did you get killed by a cliff racer?

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>complaining about gatekeeping
Go back to riddet.


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Never has a stick people chart been so correct in all history. Inclusion and diversity is like a locust.


>change my mind.
But you're right

>In SP game

Together we shall speak for the law and the land, and shall drive the mongrel Skyrimfags from Morrowind.

They'll jettison a billion mod recommendations at your face, though, they'll just laugh at you if you bitch about the combat.

Which is par for course for any fanbase.

>the most cancerous gatekeeping autistic fanbase of any game of all time, change my mind.
You've never spoken to Path of Exile players have you?
>"Hey, aren't the basic campaign bosses supposed to be challenging but fair so they gradually prepare players for how hard engame is?"
>"My build is optimized and outranks this boss by 10 levels but I can't avoid the constant damage areas it lays on 99% of the surface of the arena. I don't want to death-cheese it. How do I avoid damage?"

I grew up with the console version of the game and I enjoy it vanilla.

The combat is awkward because it's not video game combat, it's tabletop combat layered over buttons. People are just mad that they got killed by a Mudcrab or spent 6 hours looking for the Dwemer Puzzle Box.

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how do you even gatekeep morrowind

Gatekeeping at what exactly?
Most morrowfags won't discourage you to pay the game in the sightless, and the lorefag nerds even help you to understand the lore autism

>I enjoy it vanilla
I played it vanilla too, but when I replay I'm going to mod the shit out of it too.

No. I want you to enjoy the game, and I'll help you any way I can.


Gatekeeping is such an odd term. Not everything is aimed at everyone. Just because some people like a thing doesn't mean you should like it too.

Gatekeeping is necessary, otherwise devotion and dedication mean nothing.

Ok, discord tranny.

dota 2 drones are the most gatekeeping cucks of all time

me: gatekeeping is good
you: a shitty fucking twitter meme

Go back to twitter and stay there

but OP said how gatekeeping is bad and he replied how gatekeeping is good

>posting this cringe to fucking facebook
what is wrong with faggots

>people ruin shit you like
>just go away
ye it will keep repeating into infinity

I love stirring up the Yea Forums babies who think they're anything more than a blue Yea Forums with an extra dash of /pol/ added for flavor. Get back to me when you've gotten over how great your tourist board is.

NOOOO you cant enjoy what i like as a newbie you cant you JUST CANT YOU HAVE TO WASTE YEARS OF YOUR LIFE PLAYING IT LIKE ME

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>change my mind

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sorry but if someone pisses in the pool i'm getting out

user: i was just pretending to be retarded

and the pisser wins again

Dagoth Ur

>oh lewk at Me i'M sO kewL and EdGy I'm BeTtEr thAn you abloobloobloo

Attached: average elitist poster.jpg (270x320, 29K)

>hAhA iM tYpInG fUnNy

Yea Forums is so autistic about TES, it's ridiculous.
I hate talking about TES on this godforsaken board.

dotards are the most gatekeeping which is good because the game is trash

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The sheer lack of self-awareness in this post makes me honestly incredulous. I want you to read what your post is, and I mean actually understand the content of your stupid ass twitter joke and really think about why you lack self-awareness. This isn't even getting into how you're not even giving an actual, sane response to the person you quoted. It'd be like if someone asked you what time of day it was and you replied with the name of animal.
Go back to twitter you stupid nigger.

Look, Morrowind was decent for its time and is a nice piece of history. But it's simply outdated. Am I supposed to believe that nearly 10 years of mastering their trade, bethesda produced a worse game in 2011 than in 2002? It's like declaring a campfire hotdog superior in flavor to a well seasoned oven roast.

Take it from an 8 years Elder Scrolls veteran, the franchise is only getting better.

Imagine not even knowing how to green text
>user: I was just pretending to be a tourist

new game bad
old game good

That's a mongoloid

If this place is a blue Yea Forums with a dash of /pol/ it's because of ignorant retards like you. By the way the first person to bring up "da say jay double yous" and /pol/ was your stupid ass.

who are you quoting

how can someone be elitist over a single player braindead rpg rofl

The fact that you think 99% of the shit on Yea Forums isn't drawn from twitter or reddit is amusing and it was never my intention to engage you in a proper conversation so why would I do so just because your feelings are hurt you fucking tourist?

LOOOL das da funny ricardo meymay :DD

People who cry about gatekeeping are the faggots that got the gate shut in their face lmao

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>puzzle box

it's cause you can't see that shit box because it has almost the same mud color as that shelf it sits on.

>getting triggered over this typing
>getting triggered when someone point him at his elitism and SJWism
>also getting triggered over pic with SJWs
Dude why are you so triggered?

okay, tourist


bro you're being pretty elitistic yourself

Best you can do is shove their face in the pisswater by ostracizing and ridiculing them for liking the thing they ruined.

>all those gatekeepets
oof yall rly be incels

Nobody gatekeeps Morrowind though.

Gatekeeping is a good thing and Morrowind is a good thing.
There is nothing but good things here.

I do
Pay 10 drakes or never get to play this game, you s'wit

I don't have any money but I can give you this nice Limeware platter.

gatekeeping is the most vaginal word in existence

change my mind


Play the game faggot, nobody is stopping you from doing so
You mad that you can't discuss a videogame after reading trough the wikipedia page?

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>change my mind.
I won't, you can fuck off cause I don't care if you like the game

Is it gatekeeping if they regularly invite fans of later games to play morrowind because they know it's superior and they'll enjoy it even more?

Oblivion is seriously underrated IMO


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Morrowind doesn't need many mods, just bug fixes and graphical enhancements because the original draw distance was shit. The combat and mechanics are more than fine.


Filthy s'wit

The combat makes perfect sense when seen in the context of the game mechanics of attributes. If you try to mod the combat you'll need to make a massive attribute overhaul as to not make some useless.

You N'wah!


I disagree. Some of the basic user interface stuff is missing important features related to moving items for example. And you're always running everywhere and running depletes stamina, which adversely affects every mechanic in the game. So every time you arrive to any location you have to wait for an hour to be able to roll the intended dice for every skill check. And every enemy you meet waits for you with full stamina and when you meet them you're out and you need to drink potions. If you're playing with vanilla stamina you're just kicking yourself in the balls for no reason. The original design is not fun or challenging, it's just a constant inconvenience.
Graphics mods are bad for the game if it's the first time you're playing. I quit my first playthrough before even really starting because a graphics mod put tons of grass everywhere and I couldn't see the shit that was among the grass. The visuals of the game were specifically designed with the original limitations in mind, most notably the draw distance. With too much stuff visible you have more things to look at at any given moment, but the game assumes you can only see so much. So you might actually miss something important because you need to find it among things that are not important. When someone gives you directions you might travel to the correct direction but mistake one landmark for another because you could see several due to a longer draw distance. Finally, unlimited draw distance trivializes the actual distances in Vvardenfell and makes the entire island look tiny.


>If you try to mod the combat you'll need to make a massive attribute overhaul as to not make some useless.
There is a mod that does just that in case anyone cares. Even if you aren't one to mod the combat it's good to let people know it exists so they don't break the game with "Accurate Attacks" or some other similar cheat mod because nobody wants to help them.


"Strange. This outcome I did not foresee. That you would come unprepared."

"This is the place of destiny. And destiny may only be shaped by the holder of Kagrenac's Tools. I do not know what you think to accomplish. But raise your hand against me, and I shall destroy you."

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You're right I completely forgot about UI mods, those are also necessary.

Dagoth Chad

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How do I install mods?

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While fatigue is a major issue in early game eventually with enough level ups and investment in weapon skills it becomes a non issue, this also highlights the sensation of your character becoming stronger as former inconveniences disappear which in my opinion is a very satisfying part of these kinds of games.


MW is hard to get into after playing Oblivion or Skyrim first
the movespeed is atrocious
stamina drain on running, which makes sense but doesn't make it any more palatable
the combat system doesn't make sense for a first person crpg
spell fizzling
lack of map based fast travel (plus for me personally)
map is tiny but artificially inflated because of your slow movespeed

No, get away!

kys you mentally ill schizo mutt

Xbox is how real nerevar play Morrowind

Can't see shit
Slow loading screens
Clunky controls
No console cheats
No mods
15 feet away from a tiny TV so the font is illegible
No furry dlc

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Oh wait I will say one thing I absolutely loathe about the game. Item capacity limits for containers, it added absolutely nothing to the game. Also fuck escort

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morrowind is the easiest game in the series lmao

This is heresy. Delete this

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What a grand and intoxicating innnocence

It's pretty much the original spreadsheet simulator. Once you learn the mechanics you can break the game enough using autism and become ridiculously super powered. But I can see other people having a miserable time playing it

Are you actually a faggot from /lgbt/?
The only time I ever hear about "board tourists" is from that gaggle of faggots.

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Post Morrowind memes.

bruh how r they gatekeeping just start up the game and play bruh lmao

It's certainly not that bad. The hardcore Fallout fanbase is much much worse if you actually know the long history behind them. And this is just an example. I can imagine Dark Souls fanbase might also fits your criteria.
But yes, some the "hardcore" Morrowind fans are indeed the worst TES fans. The irony is that many don't even care so much about the lore itself, they just use it as a pretext for complaining and feeling superior over other fans. It's not actually reading lore or exploring the TES world that they enjoy the most but the act of berating people on the internet. They generally dismiss anything from other TES games and just endlessly jerk off to what they think "lore" is, only the more esoteric writings in the game, but probably don't even understand it. Some newcomers are actually impressed by them and try to copy their behavior.

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>Will work perfectly.

Haha, c'mon that's a blatant lie.

No one's stopping you from playing the game yourself faggot.

People who complain about gatekeeping are the biggest pussies on the internet, just play the game and stop complaining.

Seen any elves?


Have you ever spoken to a dark souls fan and mention you don't play Dex builds?

Explain how they are gatekeepering in this context and what it means

I'll be honest with you: I spent more than four hours looking for it. I managed to cheese the game enough to get to the back of the dungeon and back, kept looking and no box. The person that had the idea to make a fetch quest for an item that's right next to the entrance is an evil motherfucker.

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If you use a component cable you can read everything fine. It was fine even with regular cables but component helps tons.

there is literally nothing stopping you from playing morrowind and it isn't a hard game that dicks casuals like sekiro.

I remember getting stuck in a tribunal quest about a plague because I couldn't open a blatantly clear secret door that only openable after an NPC tells you about the mechanism. It was fucking obvious the suspicious rock was a floorpad yet it doesn't budge until you get a journal entry about it.

Define gatekeeping in regards to Morrowind.
Explain how it is a negative in any way.
Explain how you rely on others to do things for yourself or qualify your enjoyment based on their mores and norms.

Well, at least your series isn't focused on and doesn't need half a dozen full length games to understand the story.

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I don't think the problem was seeing the box. It's a completely unique shaped object that you've seen nowhere else in the game. The problem was finding the cell in which the object resides. It's not among the regular network of corridors.

How is there gatekeeping in Morrowind, are you complaining about people discussing a game you never played and even after they tell you to play it in order to talk about it you still refuse to play it? Fuck man Skyrim was my first elder scrolls game and even I had little to no problems getting into morrowind.

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You gotta gate keep, it's what keeps retards and idiots out.

Why even bother when a good chunk of the games are untranslated?

Since this is a Morrowind thread I guess, anyone know why enchanting is so difficult? I'm tried to make a Constant Effect ring with 1 point of slowfall, and it required me to create a spell boosting my luck and Int to the max.

Tribunal had a lot of design decisions that, retrospectively, were clear warning signs of what was to come. Instanced city, levitation banned, everything more scripted and locked down, even a hilariously broken level scaled enemy to top it all off.

imagine getting gate kept out of a single player RPG let alone any video game. absolutely pathetic

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based incel triggerer

The problem is not the box, the issue is that it doesn't follow regular video game logic. You'd never expect your quest goal to be in a chamber that's right next to entry door.

because Bethesda are dumb

Fan tls exist

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extremely useful items like that will be extremely costly to make.

Any constant effect enchantment is on the high end by nature, even if the value is small. They're equivalent in cost to the same enchant in cast-on-use form with 100 duration.

Furthermore manually enchanting anything is extremely difficult and all but the weakest enchants are next to impossible to apply on your own without absurd stats. The main purpose and benefit of the enchanting skill is that it makes using and recharging them more efficient the higher it is.

Even for the crossbell games?

Especially for them.
CS3/4 only have spreadsheet but 3 is getting localized next month anyway probably followed by 4

Or are you one of those unfortunate people still waiting for geocuck translation?

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Constant effect enchants are just bullshit impossible to make yourself due to high failure rate unless you abuse fortify enchant and/or intelligence. Best to try to pay some enchanter to make it for you.

>Or are you one of those unfortunate people still waiting for geocuck translation?
No, I just gave up on the series years ago.

Fair enough

>Loot daedric/glass/ebony things
>Sell to scamp in Caldera and/or merchant crab if you can find him
>Pay enchanter

>Not the mudcrab
Why even cheese if you're not going to do it right

Good, the world could always use more gates.

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Because the scamp accepts more stuff than mudcrab merchant and isn't in some out of the way location where waiting can be interrupted by enemies. Also since you're likelier to run into him first you'll probably build up a better inventory for him which you can trade with the stuff that exceeds his gold cap.

Skyrim fans are the ones who ruined not only the fandom, but the franchise at large though.

Shame the in game versions never measure up to the concept art.

Word of advice: enchantments break the game. Once your skill is high enough you can make stuff like 100% permanent Charmeleon on self or even nearly infinite carry capacity. I never use it at all or only make very simple items. Going for the high end stuff kills the fun.

If your idea is to imply that no one is saying anything, you should write Everybody and not Nobody.

No, you clean the pool and kick the pissers out. People who ruin fandoms while complaining about toxicity are some of the most toxic people you'll ever meet. People are just scared of getting called exclusionary because most people want to be perceived as "nice guys" or are desperate for some other form of social validation from outsiders.

Good. Every TES "fan" that prefers Oblivion, Skyrim or TESO needs to fuck off.

Shame I'll never get to try ESO just because it's an MMO.

Back to twitter faggot, never post again

One of the most annoying things was arguing with someone who believed that someone who isn't as dedicated to a hobby in terms of engagement, time investment, or money spent is not less of a fan than someone who does.

Isn't ESO free and basically single player?

have you tried actually playing the game

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Maybe if every post complaining about it wasn't "combat too hard :((((" or "graphics too old :(((((" then they would be more willing to engage with and help newcomers.

I just avoid MMOs in general because I'm easily addicted to stuff so if I ever became addicted to an MMO it would likely consume my entire life.

Anybody else really fucking hate Azura? In-game they act like she's a good goddess but she's done nothing but fuck up everyone that associates with her.

Imagine cursing an entire race out of spite.

If I recall correctly that area is a single room cell. Where else would the cube possibly be?

>the movespeed is atrocious
Only at low levels. It's Skyrim that is absolutely fucked in terms of movespeed. You move slow at first and can never fucking ever improve it.
In Morrowind however it's no big deal at all. If you choose Athletics as a major skill you won't even be that slow even at the very beginning of the game but even if not all you need to do is find an athletics trainer.
After that there are spells, enchantments, and potions that can make you fucking Sonic. In Skyrim you can't even climb a tiny little hill without glitching over it with a horse, because your movement capabilities in Skyrim are just that piss poor, and they remain poor for the entirety of the game because you can't improve them.

They swore to Nerevar and broke that oath, fuck them. Nerevar's only mistake was doubting himself too much and trusting their council too much. Dumac was a true friend.

There are no life consuming MMO's out there these days. Classic is a shadow of it's former glory and OSRS is pixel garbage

As soon as you enter there's a chamber full of bandits. Once you've cleared it there are two rooms full of clutter to enter and a long hallway that leads into the dungeon itself. The cube is sitting in one of the shelves in the cluttered room. Most people just head inside the dungeon to look for the cube.

Yep, it's torture playing Skyrim after a run of morrowind because of how easy it is to jump and quickly traverse terrain.

gatekeeping implies you can't play morrowind.
cancerous implies they go hunting for converts.
autisim is accurate.

C- passing grade.

m8 I know my faults, I will not take that risk.

I thought that you #nochanges autists plagued only World of Warcraft

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I want to look up Azura's skirt

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Lacks the soul of OG Jiub

Kikemer doesnt have souls you memetic autist

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unironically this

Look at this modelfag ruining a perfect Jiub

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>openmw still doesnt have a %50 density variant of the vurt's groundcover or mge's grass spawning system
Damn it

But They're the funniest and come up with the best memes, weirdly decent amount of women liked the game for some reason and I don't know why, like seriously how did that happen

>deleted his own post out of shame
don't do it, put the noose away, plenty of people are retarded, you'll be fine

samefaging isn't helping either

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Fuck graphical mods. I fell for the meme when I started playing it, and my game is STILL fucked up from the remnants of that garbage. It does nothing but remove the soul of the original game

Her* and the mods deleted it chud

Nah, it's just that ruining the artstyle of the game is a shitty idea.

>he's complaining about the movement speed
SOMEONE didn't get the boots...

A-user what boots

um sweetie i've been an ally before you were even born
please don't blame our blessed mods for your wrong-doings

>fail to be interested in a 15 year old game
>blame the fans

>Decide to accept adding some trees to mournhold while installing mgso
>get this
>can't change it back because mgso is old as shit and changing settings would reset all the fixes and updates I made for every other bug I've encountered of it

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Do you niggers know that the soul meme was created in 9gag and fucking reddit its been fucking forced here ever since then?

Fuck the artstyle if i wanted to play SOMETHING with a good artstyle i would play fucking Daggerfall or Battlespire

ITS A FUCKING 3d game its made FOR MODS, so FUCK YOU!, and this shit is why Bethesda will remove modding support in starfield+ ES6 and force CC, you juvenille niggers are utterly retarded and never satisfied.
You Niggers gave more power to the zionist shits at zenimax.

Sucks to be in the minority doesn't it?

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Don't think i've ever finished the main story of morrowind i usually just go around and do everything else. should i even bother to complete it?

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>Daggerfall having a better artstyle than morrowind

>boohoo gatekeeping
i bet you support open borders too, commie faggot

It was a trial that is now over I think.

yes, that's unfortunate.
Thankfully, you can use mods

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Hmm... Maybe when I played it the first time I had played too much (or just enough) Thief and I didn't automatically assume that the object I have to steal must be "at the bottom of the dungeon in the farthest room".

This is why I choose Altmer just for that little bit of speed boost.
Manlet races are just cucked in Skyrim.

>may have played Oblivion or Morrowind but thinks they're bad or "outdated"

I remember the days when people hated Oblivion, and now these r*tards defend it.

never leaves my psp

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I wonder who is behind all of this anti modding posts

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How is he supposed to clean a pool he doesn't own? He can't just kick everyone out and clean it there right on the spot.

It's bants you faggot chillout.

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Honestly he is too clean and polished.
At least show off the beast races that were just goofy and cartoony in vanilla morrowind.

>not being based Telvanni and just taking other's souls

Just because a game doesn't need more mods doesn't mean you can't slap more on it.

I've never finished the main story of any TES I've played

This is why fans should never relinquish control of their communities to outsiders.


Kingdom Hearts.

>better bodies
Opinion disregarded

>more is always better

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I'm a Skyrim fan but all the shitposting has gotten me into Morrowind

>Yea Forums hates turn based, dungeons and dragons style accuracy based combat
>Yea Forums loves rhythm games, shmups, pretends dark souls is hard
Yea Forums confirmed for brainlets

I love mods but that needs to fuck right off.

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I got that from a incel/tranny/have sex/dilate off right here fren
>replying to a 2 hour old post

God mods that restore things to concept art state make me hard.

>dungeons and dragons shouldn’t exist because someone did something else and I think it’s better

Morrowind doesn't need gatekeepers. The shitty combat keeps everyone away.
Morrowind fans tend to be unpleasant so if anyone does try the game and asks a question anywhere on the interweb a Morrowind fan will assume they are starting trouble and attack.

Morrowind fans are thin skinned and defensive not gatekeepers. It stems from an inferiority complex.

Mackoms disappeared and never did beast races, someone is updating it but its taking time.
Nelf Mod, the guy(korean by the looks of it) moved to oblivion and skyrim, i could replace and redo all of it if i wanted, since its easy to port all of vanilla WoW's heightmap and dungeons/raids into Morrowind, but is a waste of time, plus blizzard will probably do by themselves soon since some guys in the art team, including samwize and metzen wanted to speak with beth about an exclusive CC mod, plus some artists there were modders for all 3. but this is what i heard from the weekly tabletop sessions, they can do it but it depends on beth, they know of the skyrim azeroth mod.
Golden Saint mod was never updated(i played that shit once of how damn well was made)

None of the old armor mods are compatible with DRMA and Roberts bodies, even good shit like valshea and other classic stuff.
Sadly besides Project Tamriel and such, armor modding for morrowind is quite dead, besides the fucking slavs flooding nexus and other sites with fucking Stalkerwind mods for online.

Not even nexus and its yearly modathon can solve it.

Got any more?

Just replace Morrowind fans with white people and shitty combat with school shootings and you're 100% right

Go dilate.

Go away chapofag

what about before fags and women had to be in everything?

Modders are easy to tease.They think they are the single most important part of the Bethesda fanbase to the point they believe they are the reason for Bethesda's success. In reality around 10% of the fans use mods. Of that 10% it is unknown how many consider mods the determining factor whether to purchase the game or not.

It isn't that much of a mystery Sherlock.

>Morrowind fans tend to be unpleasant so if anyone does try the game and asks a question anywhere on the interweb a Morrowind fan will assume they are starting trouble and attack.

There's a difference between asking questions and complaining. I've seen morrowind fans being quite receptive and eager to answer questions about the game, I even made a thread the other day asking for enchanting tips and received pretty nice responses to guide my decisions. Being courteous is important.

What even is this?

>Am I supposed to believe that nearly 10 years of mastering their trade, bethesda produced a worse game in 2011 than in 2002?
>Am I supposed to believe that nearly 10 years of mastering their trade, bethesda produced a worse game in 2011 than in 2002?
>Am I supposed to believe that nearly 10 years of mastering their trade, bethesda produced a worse game in 2011 than in 2002?
>Am I supposed to believe that nearly 10 years of mastering their trade, bethesda produced a worse game in 2011 than in 2002?

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How does one gatekeep a single player RPG?

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not when smashfags exist.

Its some literally who forum that /pol/ whines about

Morrowindfags are the worst ambassadors to the game. ANY hint of a sleight real or imagined will set them off. They are an odd lot.






























It really does sound impossible , but here we are.
You'd think that just 10 years of living would give someone the wisdom to not release shit like 76.
Todd did admit that they're buttmad that people still play Skyrim and they have no real way to monetize them though.
Guess Skyrim really did break their minds.

I thought resetera was the boogeyman forum?
Wonder what the next one will be?

why is it so funny

How can one comic be so wrong?

Nah, I even talked about how the Speed attribute wasn't well implemented in morrowind compared to other attributes and from that conversation learned about how it used to affect weapon swing speed in older games. Speed is pretty much the shittiest attribute in Morrowind, at low levels it made moving a slog and at high levels it made any quest with an NPC you needed to escort a pain in the ass.

Left-wing American "political humor" podcast. Basically another set of talking heads for politicsfags to quote mindlessly while pretending they're well informed on something.

It’s quake 3 fans actually

did you play fallout 4 on release?

>back in oblivion times
>buy the game not knowing what it was and be absolutely blown the fuck away
>play the absolute crap out of it
>finally get internet back after years long hiatus
>people on forums are talking about how it's shit and has nothing on Morrowind
>people constantly shitting on oblivion as casual shit
>muh Morrowind
>buy Morrowind
>play for thirty minutes
>it's shit
>can't get my money back
Fucking Todd

Keep playing, game opens up when you reach your first major city and start getting quests. Also remember to regularly ask for latest rumors, little advice and little secret


Resetera is Yea Forumspol's boogyman

>popular thing is forgotten and it's badly received
When has this ever been the case? It's only true if you take it purely from the butthurt former fans point of view.

I am convinced that no one on resetera actually posts on Yea Forums because of how they think Yea Forums is basically a Hot Zone. It's all just people baiting by pretending to take their points.

>good shit like valshea
>armor modding for morrowind is quite dead
This one is true, unfortunately. You can try the Symphony, but the arms and armours' quality in that mod is inconsistent. I wish someone would make it segmented. Some guy wanted to do that, but, for some reason, he never got past glass armour. Modders have a lot of stuff to work with, thanks to Ej, they're just not willing to do so. And Morrowind is too small for korean porting teams to give a damn about it.
One more thing, you can try this body replacer, but it's not compatible with BB armour and clothes

It has to be when people discuss the lore or worldbuilding and the uninformed ask for more info for context and are told to play the game to get it.
They don't want to put the effort into playing the game but still want to be part of the heady discussion.

You bring up CHIM, Amaranth, the Wheel, or anything and they want to know why it is interesting and then play the games and realize it is only discussed in books or in convos with little to no gameplay element and they get pissed.

True luddites.

let me elaborate on what I said
they haven't been mastering anything
they have been testing the waters on how much they can get away with
Skyrim is barebones yet it sold like crazy for two reasons:
>open world with character creation
>popular series

they have been using
>the same engine as always
>limiting the outcomes and possibilities
>limiting dialog
>limiting gameplay

so if skyrim sold well, they will do an even more barebones game next and see if it sells too
graphics is easy to achieve

remember andromeda?

And they witnessed that they can't get away with a product like Fallout 76

I remember the game being lambasted because the GAME itself was shitty and broken, not because it pandered to women and SJWs.

Then you found the unicorn user.

They already did. Fallout 4 was barebones as fuck and they expected you to just play minecraft with it with the settlement building.
Then 76 came out and we all know how that turned out.

I wouldn't be surprised if they wander in every now and again tilting at windmills.

I wish

When was Andromeda ever popular?


Well when everyone wanted Fallout with friends and you give them a cheap RUSTlite knockoff there is bound to be some disappointment.
The one good thing that should come from 76 flopping is the item degradation/ survival meme should be over at Bethesda.



I think that's fine, especially because the game is broken through an actual game mechanic. If people want easier games, that should be how you do it.

people who've actually played it even half-thoroughly are well aware of all its awful flaws. those "comfy thread" posts are by people projecting onto a game which they haven't in years and have bad memory.

If they had done a janky 2 player fallout 4 people would have been over the moon. Utterly baffling that they fucked it up so badly.

It's not our fault you're a shit eating zoomer

Now you're going to get it!

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Nah I got like 400 hours in Oblivion and it was great, it did start a downward trend of the series however. But then I liked fallout 3 and apparently that is a sin or something.

>it did start a downward trend of the series however
That was Tribunal, it was proto Oblivion

when you get past the superficiality, morrowind's combat isn't that different from oblivion's.

IDK maybe but its a good game that shits all over nuThesda.

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>But then I liked fallout 3 and apparently that is a sin or something.
Fallout fans =/= Elder Scrolls fans user.

I only played bloodmoon, should I give Tribunal a go? What level should I grind too?

I still play Oblivion every other year for over 100 hours. It is an amazing game.
Typical bethesda broken jank but still amazing thru all of it.

I liked both the series untill Skyrim and fallout 4 user I don't know what you are saying.

Were male wood elves better off looking like disgusting gremlins or being made more generic in Oblivion and Skyrim?

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Games should stay niche but profitable enough for sequels.

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they looked like traditional christmas dwarf elves in morrowind
oblivion's elves were awfully lazy, making them all the same with the same baby skin and voice.

They just look like other mer now but with even more of an Innsmouth look in the eyes. Like gook mer or something.
No toadmen like they are supposed to be but they never looked in game like the lore described them.

Smash community is

>always name my wood elfs "Ouphe LeBouf"

tread lightly around scribs

they say disturbing one brings bad luck may sever the prophecy

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>oblivion's elves were awfully lazy
I will never forgive Oblivion for turning elves into ayy lmao monstrocities. Skyrim's elves are also terrible, especially women. They're like reverse concept art wood elves

Yeah they're pretty much non yellow altmer now.

post more

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I think you meant Dark Souls fans.

I wonder why most people bother modding when its shit like this, skins for weapons and armor along with some new player / NPC models.

Imagine doing a morrowind run without using the mage guild transport service.

That's a funny way of spelling "Smash Brothers," user.

Know what I hate? When Oblivion was released, I remember it being pretty hated and reviled, not just here on Yea Forums but pretty much everywhere I went on the internet.

But now it's old enough that a bunch of kids who played it grew up and will actually defend it and think it's a good game, even here on Yea Forums. It makes me so fucking mad.

Look in a single player RPG I expect story, world building, interesting characters, factions and fucking lore.

This is not getting better with Bethesda.

Fallout fanboys are worse.

How could you hate cute dunmer girls?

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morrowind is for casuals, i only play daggerfall.

all I ever add is a grass mod and a wildlife mod to make the wilderness more varied. More weapon skins is nice if it can keep in-universe in looks. It always pulls me out of it when I find Cloud's Buster Sword or a gunblade or something stupid as shit like that.

You live in a nightmare reality of your own making. Oblivion was always seen as a very above average game with typical beth bugs. It didn't go into great game territory until the expansions though, and most people play with those pre-installed and don't realize how much of the base game is integrated into it.

Shit series for a shit fanbase, fitting.

Check other mods by the Colt17

not bad

they all look like zombie goblins. "young" dumner women looking like 90 year old hags is getting old.

Nonsense, just look at all the youth this dunmer college student radiates.

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>it's fans

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It's funny how the Skyrim elves seem like they were trying so hard to get away from the great Oblivion fuck up'ing that they went too far in the other direction.

Play ESO

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At least she is adopting a Nord posture of dominance. Dunmer really are shit with a shit culture. They instantly adapt to their host nation while complaining about it nonstop.
Velothi Dunmer aren't bad though, they at least live by their own backwards cultural standards and see value in it. Diaspora Dunmer are utter filth though.

>Arena/Daggerfall/Morrowind: First Person Role Playing Games.
>Oblivion/Skyrim: First Person Action Role Playing Games.
You can not mod the first three into being action games and you can't mod the second two into being RPG's, Skyrim kiddo's going backwards and expecting an action game where none exists is the reason for this increasing 'Morrowind is dated' accusation.

Mackom heads are not bad. He made Dunmer and Altmer women into semen demons (especially altmer), so kudos to him for that

>create drain skill 100 for 1 second
>target self
>now i can pay 1 drake to max a level to 100 instead of paying a fortune and finding specific skill trainers
Working as intended

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why do you gotta make fun of people just because their race got cursed

Because they didn't get cursed and just lie to themselves about it. They moved to a wasteland because no one else would suffer their bullshit and they adapted to exist in that environment.


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>disappearance of the dwarves quest
>find 3 old dwemer books and get them translated
>"This book is a refutation of the idea that interrupting the link to a god is dangerous, but what if the author is wrong? This must be what happened to the dwarves"
Bravo, 10/10 quest design

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>fat jog 5 feet out of seyda neen
>on the way get harrased by an army of hitlers with wings several several rats and a few living flesh lights
>several degrees of carpal tunnel later
>game crashes and have to re-endure that same hellish experience
Truly Bethesda's magnum opus

Yeah just like the Orcs, fuckin' liars think they were elves, and that their disgusting Orc god was an elf god.

Daggerfall's artstyle is way better.

Huh... so THIS is that Morrowind lore I've heard so much about.

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I'm a god. How can you kill a god?

my headcanon is bretons aren't the rapebabies, the orcs are. The bretons got their magical affinity from something else.

You remember wrong.

by having a grand and intoxicating innocence so you believe you can, ergo you can because will creates reality in TES.

> thinking gatekeeping is a bad thing
found the casualfag

MK still seething the Nords kicked the dungmer out of the top spot for most popular race.

Remember how Vivec confessed to his crimes while raping Azura? Good times....oh wait that's just Kirkbride fanfiction.

MK is a retard and a hack.

With C0DA anything is possible.

MK is both one of the best things to happen to TES and one of the worst.

Its a lefty problem. They revere authority they personally agree with and rage against authority from communities they have no stranglehold grasp on.
So they attack the very concept of authority in those communities but god forbid you so a similar thing and criticize their revered authority structures.
People without that mind virus see the "gatekeeping" as what it is: someone who can teach you more about something you have an interest in but they want you to experience it for yourself instead of being told how to feel about it. It structurally isn't a mindset a left leaning parasite can even conceptualize.

But he did confess to his crimes in the Lessons, which are in the games.

By hitting a big glowy rock with a Dwarven theism adjuster.

>but they want you to experience it for yourself instead of being told how to feel about it
Nice fantasy

He is only the worst in that his content was so unique and "of a quality" that no one else can replicate it or emulate it fully so there is a schism between his work and the rest of it. And his work, while crazy to the max, is generally interesting and makes for a better fantasy pantheon.
TES really does have a 1 of a kind unique universe and it is fully realized. It wouldn't be half of what it is without his influence.

People tell others to play the game to fully understand the concepts. They will explain them til the kwamas come home but in the end they will tell you to boot the game up and read the same material on EUSP that is in book form. Something about reading it in universe while playing in that world gives a better picture to the concepts. They always tell people to just play the games to get it. People telling them no isn't their fault.

>How to defeat dagoth ur
>see heart
>equip wraithguard
>equip sunder
>slap heart with sunder
>equip keening
>slap it some more with keening
>Note to self: make sure to not tell the Nerevarine how to actually use the heart in case he gets the idea of using the tools for their original intended purpose

>redefines what it is to be a god on the fly
>nothing personnel mortal

MK is the abusive drugged up dad that tries to be there for his son, but bounces between staying and leaving while giving said son just enough food scraps to live.

At least when you ran into a game-breaking bug on PC, you could use console commands. You can literally get stuck in a room forever on Xbox and there's nothing you can do about it.

his writing is not as good as you think it is

It honestly is. The way he uses non-uniform naming conventions for specific entities or concepts adds a level of meta-analysis to every concept.
The 36 Lessons in their entirety is enough to solidify him into the top echelon of writers. You may not personally like it or see that it is heavily influenced from Vedic scripture but it is still masterful in an academic sense.

Video games can't be art user. Don't you have some legos and spongebob to watch bro?

Currently in Tribunal and a question just popped into my head, can I steal almalexia's soul inside a soul gem? What should I even use it for?

Not an argument.

>can I steal almalexia's soul inside a soul gem
Yes, but only with Azura's Star.
>What should I even use it for
Constant effect enchantments or stupidly overpowered damage spells.

This is what defeat looks like


Tribunal is fine for the loot and more background info on morrowind politics but there are questionable design choices like says

Why for constant? I mean the max charge and charge per use is irrelevant in those cases, only thing that matters is that it meets the minimum soul rating for it to be able to be used for a constant, right? Or did I completely misinterpret it?

>skyrim being nearly 8 years old

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Morrowind itself was a sign of things to come with significantly narrowed scope, next to zero player agency, only one main quest ending, tiny dungeons.

Yeah you got that right, soul value doesn't matter for constant effect beyond meeting the 400 threshold to enable them. It'd be a waste to use them on CE, you want to use gods souls on something cast-on-use or cast-on-strike to make use of the massive battery of charge they provide.

>gods souls
Fuck off ordinator

Oblivion was only hated here, on rpg codex, and ironically on the official forums for the first year or so. But that's it really, just about everywhere else that discussed games that wasn't some niche RPG or oldschool TES community it was beloved. Larger (then) communities like GameFAQs and the IGN and Gamespot forums circa 2006 were full of positive discussion.
Kind of a similar story with Morrowind actually. Yea Forums didn't exist when it released to hate on it like for Oblivion, but it probably would have since the Bethsoft forums and certain rpg boards had plenty of hate back then from the Daggerfall fans for all of its changes.

all three of those places were and are retard central
there was plenty of people who thought oblivion was terribly designed

I agree and feel that ZOS hit the sweet spot.

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>implying we aren't in retard central right now

The leveling system was objectively fucked

>Women and faggots boogeyman
How old are you?

The pisser will always win
There's nothing you can do about that because he enjoys the ruin he creates

>skyrim being nearly 8 years old
How... It feels like only yesterday I was loading into it for the first time and getting catapulted into the atmosphere by a giant. Where did the time go?

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Oops, meant to reply to

Persona 3 fans are pretty obnoxious.

shut up libtard

Skyrim is fun when you install most mods made by EnaiSiaion

no other game has done that exact system since, not even the sort of indie shit that usually caters to autistic combat mechanics, so it probably isn’t as good as you think. it’s like turn-based without any strategy in terms of positioning, companions, directional AOE, traps or skill cooldown. your actions are literally
>click again
and by level 5 you hardly even miss anymore, so it’s extra pointless. all it functionally is is a way to balance early access to high level weapons and spells

they post here a long time

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I kinda didn't like the Vivic lead up to the Dagoth Ur fight.
>Ah yes Nerevar destiny draws near
>Take wreathguard, find the tools of Kagranac and use it to destroy the Heart of Lorkhan
>Good luck, I wish the best for you
>Oh btw here's a nice Ikea style instruction manuel on how to kill Dagoth Ur if you have any questions or forgot something

I'm baffled that shit like this or alchemy abuse and such seems to consistently get past the playtesting phase, these seem like intuitive tricks to try or an average big brain PC player, and people who are paid to root out exploits like these keep missing them?

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>How to defeat Dagoth Ur in 5 easy steps
I laughed but yeah Vivec's document was too simple to really warrant it being written down.


WikiHow on defeating Dagoth Ur when

>Your journal has been updated
post yfw

who here /tookoverDunmerstrongholdasownpersonalhome/

I've been replaying morrowind the past few weeks and I have fun with it. I do wish more could be done with the ui, and maybe a mod that would let me insert my own text-to-speech reader based on race and gender, but besides that it's pretty damn fun... Once you learn that you can't just go 100% magic or stealth without abusing alchemy...


I took over a smuggler ship full of crates near Hla Oad.

>Your journal has been updated

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velothi towers are better.

I just took the house of Dura gra-Bol's in Balmora, you have to kill her for a quest anyway, it looks sweet and is pretty big with lot's of containers and shelfs and shit, it has two entrances and 4 levels if I remember correctly and it also is in a major city which is easy enough to reach.

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god I want an abusive dunmer mommy so bad

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this didn't even happen to TES yet

>game studio gets filled with SJWs
>game quality just HAPPENS to take a sharp nosedive every time

have sex

Why didn't skyrim have comfy house discussions like morrowind?

Pretty much this exactly

>clearing out the evil wizard tower in Sheogorad and setting up shop there

>t. never played morrowind when it came out

This honestly looks like shit. Some people are not texture artists and shouldn't try to be. You don't simply get a concrete texture, then a wood texture, then a trim, and start applying them to places on your model. It has to be cohesive. You want them to match the surrounding textures in resolution, contrast, effects (dirt, grime, rust) etc. The original at least looked fitting. The place is dirty and affected by sand storms at the base of a volcano. You're not going to have this pristine looking finished wood. Or having one texture higher resolution with lots of color saturation while others are aged, rusted, de-saturated, and low-res/stretched UV map.

The only custom thing in that picture that maybe looks good is the base boxes of those statues up front. Everything else is clashy.

they didn't gatekeep SS13 hard enough and every year it's getting worse

Why are morrowindfans bro tier? Is it because they're all dunmer?

>unironically using the word gatekeeping

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I never understood how this was hard for people. When you get to the entry chamber, if you just look up and around, you see the balcony and columns. By this time, if you have seen levitation in any for for sale, you knew verticality was a thing. Maybe it's just me?

because house culture was a big part of morrowind. they were part of the prophecy. in skyrim there were a few noble houses, but they barely exist as a backdrop for the civil war, which is already a mere side quest

That's not the problem, its
>using gatekeeping as a pejorative

Don't use normgroid made up words, it gives them power.

Yeah, houses liiiikeee..
Or maybe we could talk about the guilds like...
Maybe sides?
We got 2 of the sides out of 3 as joinable factions, maybe we can talk about them?
Oh yeah that was lackluster too.
Shitty and low content = No discussion