This is getting pathetic

This is getting pathetic

Attached: 342562.jpg (629x619, 116K)

Other urls found in this thread:

he says while being one of the millions of people following him on twitter

kojima loves white dick

>be a shit tier writer/director wannabe
>realize that you can work in games to get closer to B tier celebrities

Damn, confirmed

Attached: ZGg5Ja.png (642x224, 32K)

>I love you
>(not a gay)

Attached: 1554934359201.jpg (243x239, 6K)

Seriously though, what did he mean by those emojis?

No homo but yes homo

Based Kojima.

>Please be in my game. I love you.

Alpha as fuck

Kojima and his antics... (not gay btw)


Attached: 1521445365422.png (490x380, 167K)

he looks white, although maybe his name makes him not white. is he half chinese or some shit

lmao is this edited?
Why does Kojimbo talk like that?

What does it matter? We are all one race, the human race.

It's as real as your fathers pride in you.

It's edited but the real one is actually just as gay and the emojis are really there


if it was up to you we'd all be featureless and genderless blobs
fuck that

yeah it doesnt work like that, same species but not same race


>my beloved keanu

Kojima what the fuck

Wow keanunuunuu is a total SLUT what the FUCK he supposed to be wit cdproject red what's he doing givin sloppy seconds to this slant eyed HACK!!!

Attached: 1508550139625.png (420x420, 18K)

He's a hawaiian
I bet he puts pineapples on his pizza
Daily reminder that hawaiian pizza was created by can*dians

Genus Homo
Species Human
Race White, Black, Jewish etc etc
Ethnicity Germanic, Hispanic, Hellenic, Anatolian, Mongolian etc etc

Projecing harder than Batman lmao

It's 56% dumbass
t. fat american

Well played.

Attached: 123.png (717x436, 314K)

Not anymore
Tick tock burger

and chicken tikka was invented by the Scots

yeah you're a homo alright lmao

race is real but all it is are genetics and our primal instinct to stick with people who look like us and alienate those who don't. It's more social than biological.

>We are all one race, the human race.

Attached: 1.png (235x214, 7K)

>"See any pineapples on my pizza, user? Didn't think so. Quit stereotyping."

Attached: keanu reeves and cat.jpg (601x601, 35K)

Why don't animals have races


go back

>(not a gay)

Pathetic cope, animals have various races that can breed with each other but there are clear differences in intelligence etc. and it is the very same for humans.

how much do you guys think Kojima paid Keanu for a visit to his studio?

He looks so fucking tired, lmao. He looks like he'd rather be anywhere else but there.

Attached: ED14L1vUwAAAKWM.jpg (900x664, 88K)

>We are all one race, the human race.

Attached: 1563296173419.png (768x960, 885K)

>They're literally supposed to be in crunch
>Kojima said so himself at Gamescom
>This faggot invites celebrities to his studio so he can tweet about it while his team slaves away
Fucking hell. I wanna love Kojima but it's impossible since 2010.

He looks photoshopped

thanks for the (you)'s lads

Attached: 1503080181733.jpg (515x843, 175K)

>my beloved
What did he mean by this

>Merely pretending

I'm sure his team are incredibly pissed off about having to take a short break to meet Keanu Reeves.

No but seriously, what did he mean by this?

Attached: saveus.jpg (577x864, 100K)


How can u look like that

That's how you interpret that? Do you think they got a break or do you think Kojima got a break?

Save us from retarded gacha shit

>hades became heaven
What the fuck does this mean KOMIJA

Actually their are 2 races
And Australians.


Cope faggot

Attached: C0664BBC-773B-4C7C-9399-E023672C052E.jpg (640x640, 173K)

mutt genes

Attached: 1561741165468.jpg (4584x3214, 3.32M)

Wow niggers actually exist huh
I thought they were just a myth

Attached: 4B1CD84D-3133-43F5-BF45-172B4DDD9425.png (473x471, 176K)

How long did that take to upload? : )

Kojima seems to give his team breaks all the time, Yea Forums complains about them not working enough whenever he posts some tweet about the team getting to watch a movie or eating some food. Don't know why you'd think he'd forbid them from leaving their desks or something while he fucks around with a celebrity in the same office.

Attached: 1540415783662.jpg (578x531, 52K)

One whole sekund

but he called nohomo

Poor comparisons. The difference between breeds of dogs is closer to the difference between subspecies of homo sapiens such as humans and neanderthals which were able to breed with each other.

Are u saying monkeys and humans can impregnate eachother?

>Don't know why you'd think he'd forbid them from leaving their desks or something while he fucks around with a celebrity in the same office.
That's easy to explain. He thinks that because he created a narrative in his head that allows him to feel justified hating Kojima. Please stop pointing out common sense that breaks his narrative or he may sperg out all over these threads for days.

And blacks obviously have more neanderthal in them than whites do

Your parents need to be atractive to avoid mutt body. This is race mixing doing right.

No. I'm saying neanderthals and humans can. Well if neanderthals were still alive.

Please stop bullying Kojima. He is pure.

Jewish is not a race, its a religion, i guess you referred to semitic wich is an ethnicity but even that does not cover Ashkenazi jews wich are Caucasian.

T. Not even a jew.

They are, we call them gingers.

Kojima got a nigger nose.

morbidly obese ''people'' are a thing there too

Attached: 1567679700500.png (1288x2048, 740K)


>be so fat you refer to yourself in plural

Attached: 1423414823802.jpg (219x239, 9K)

Is there evidence to proof apes and humans can't reproduce with each other like horses and donkeys? I doubt they even dared to experiment, and if they did they won't say

>not wanting to be the creature from I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream

Keanu grew up in Toronto

Attached: Keanue Reeves 1981.jpg (644x426, 53K)

Because Yea Forums thinks Kojima is Konami

Actually it is the other way around since neanderthals were mostly running around Europe before they went extinct and it was the humans that left African that interacted with them the most. So if you are white there is a fair chance once of your ancestors got some lowbrow neanderthal poon.

Haha wtf how many fat peoples does amerikek have

>Is there evidence to proof apes and humans can't reproduce with each other like horses and donkeys? I doubt they even dared to experiment, and if they did they won't say
Here. May this be the start of a long journey of fun reading.

Didn't he usually give breaks to the team where they would just go watch a movie in a special room or something?
Keanu wouldn't be there for more than one (1) hour anyway. He probably shook hands with everyone, took a few pictures, got a gift and that's it
Or he's in death stranding and will be shown at the TGS gameplay showcase

Tell this to /pol/

all of them

Attached: 1565962303946.jpg (602x815, 51K)

This game took 10 years to finish because of that

They sure look smelly all right
Thanks America i sure do love the smell of GARBAGE

>This is getting pathetic
t. Somebody that will never be in the same room with Keanu Reeves, ever

>moving goalposts
It's barely hitting the 4 year mark. Now you or some other retard will say that the game has been rushed or will be unfinished

>you can actually see the turd coming out

delete this

>you will never play mutt games ever again
feels good man

Attached: serveimage.png (467x352, 109K)

free smells bro

Attached: 1563295640467.jpg (1024x667, 83K)


later homo

I thought you were dead, Scatman John

not one but double gay

quite repugnant

Attached: 1562611479927.png (1060x1000, 532K)

lmao good one bro

i always see people using the term kinky
kinky is playing footsie at a meal while your flirt before you fuck, not eating cookies made of literal shit

Aren't those pancakes?

>free smells

>that tiny little poo
did she just not eat?

>not dedicating your life to purging the filth instead

The word you're looking for is species, nigger

>this is somehow the tipping point for this user
are you retarded or do you just live under a rock?

Attached: 1561265388224.jpg (872x1200, 71K)


Attached: d i s g u s t.png (482x679, 166K)

i miss when people idolized coders and actual game devs not failed actors (in terms of skill not fame) and edgy westaboo hacks
>muh keanu he never ages lmaoxD
>muh kojima he's my god!!11


Attached: IMG_7991.png (700x700, 432K)

there are people who cut their cocks off user
times have changed old man, adapt or get cancelled

Attached: 1559495871644.png (1000x900, 848K)

despair but also boner.jpg


trannies fucking hate Cyberpunk because they made an attack helicopter joke on twitter

>everyone believes OP's bullshit pic
>nobody bothers to check Kojima's twitter

All of you are insufferable faggots, I hope you and your mothers die in your sleep tonight.

put me in the screencap xD

>t. brainlet

>checking twitter
go back

you must be confused
no one itt gives a shit about the OP pic
this is the dedicated shitposting thread, rules demand at least 5 be up at a time
if you're looking for active discussion don't enter twitter screenshot threads. for that matter, dont enter Yea Forums threads at all
hope i could help


>believing things you read on Yea Forums


Fake tweet but he actually put a rainbow emoji in the real one, why?

believing things

Gaming is dead

believe in yourself

Because there are rainbows in Death Stranding.

>free smells
This gotta be shopped, right.

Attached: 1366322634494.png (336x327, 122K)

I love when people have extremely bitter lifes over the most mundane stuff
Cope more

>killing yourself
believe in a thing called love

god you're touching me

What the fuck is wrong with mutts?

Attached: 1457552499566.jpg (261x173, 18K)



It would be a match made in heaven if he was in Metal Gear Solid tho.

this can't be legal

touching moo

notto gayu

imagine the face of this cuck!

Attached: 1417609917962.png (492x659, 459K)

Don't associate based Eastern Euros with Western faggotry.

>and hairlines

That is straight from /pol/
Go find a khazar milkers thread, they'll set you straight on the difference between jews and "jews"

If you can sell bathwater, you can sell shit.

shit is a lot more likely to spread disease

>Received my product in a week, very discreet, and when I opened my package her radiance poured out
This guy's a 4channer

that right middle girl must be constipated as fuck

More or less doesn't matter though.

I liked bill and ted

>literally pulled a "no homo"

Attached: 1356507333929.gif (280x153, 446K)

/pol/tards seething


entirely based, all further messages from this user will be discarded and he will be remembered solely for this post.

Right is the obvious choice
>THICC in all the right places
>poops out a cute knot instead of a fucking L block like her commie aunt
>comes with accessories

Upvoted XD

Instead of hating people for their skin color, we should hate them for their intellect.

>(not a gay)
>thumbsup, rainbow
>unknown pleasures
What did he mean by this???

>cinematic walking simulator

>American women
>American education

Attached: 15503422757125223.jpg (526x1950, 310K)

Attached: Hideo Kojima.webm (1920x1080, 2.38M)

>American teachers

Attached: 1567029885353.jpg (649x814, 44K)

>B tier
Am I completely misunderstanding what B tier celebs are? I thought Keanu's star power was through the roof.

Attached: 1562923214353.jpg (1179x1600, 199K)

Attached: 1524506211649.jpg (365x346, 16K)

The fact that this got many seething replies is proof that Yea Forums will always be filled with tryhard retards

>could still feel the taste of her anus on his lips
wat in the fuck

Attached: 1567656601386.jpg (497x549, 14K)

There's gotta be at least one person out there who would pay me $20 every time I take a shit

Anyone who buys either SkunkPunk 2077 or Fart Stranding is a complete soii tard

relax, it's just an user who has no grasp on reality

>american diet

I'll buy DS for my PS4 and pirate CP for my PC

Why is she describing it like she's narrating a scat romance novel?

it's canadian pizza

how retarded are you

Get him FBI!

Jesus that pic gave me aids is this how americans truly are outside of new york and california?

Master, please teach me how to get so many (You) with just one post like you did.

>americans literally pay to eat other peoples shit
jesus christ.

uh, "trans women are women"
also, i mean that unironically

Why? I hope this isn't real

what an ugly woman

what, don't you like America?

Attached: 1566092656405.jpg (720x960, 109K)

Yall every notice how he's never fawning over black actors? He hasn't brought a single one in for the game, never takes pictures with them, etc.

Americans deserve a good culling, that's why.

poor kid
fucking hard kek tho

I am American but I resent being born here and don't like this country.

America is such a progressive land, when will all the bigot countries catch up?

just don't live in the cities

Just move to somewhere else. Japan is a fairly decent option, if you're ready to work a sweat on your brow.

don't think they ever will

Attached: 1562155713846.webm (1920x1080, 339K)

>(Not a gay)


Fucking kojima

Time to stop stealing money from people with pale skin and giving it to people with dark skin then.

There's no way this doesn't end horribly
Even straight kids should definitely not have dating websites
Isn't COPPA still a thing?

But then all you have left is middle of nowhere podunk towns

>Joy division tshirt
what is wrong with this man

Whats wrong with that? I didnt say live in a town either. The woods is the only way

of course it ended well for the brave young man, what are you? some sort of involuntary celibate?

Attached: 1566990884268.jpg (1536x2048, 301K)

Go live in the midwest.
To a foreigner like me it seems like the most tolerable place to live in america.

>middle of nowhere
I don't understand this. You're not involved in anything important and nothing about you is significant, why do you think living in an "important place" will change that?

Not nearly as retarded as someone who is literally too stupid to find Kojimaon twitter and check this shit. Kill yourself, fake news exist because of morons like you.

why are you on twitter?

is that a staight shota fiction ?

tags : Rape/Shota/Milf/Teacher/Fart/Ass-to-mouth

If you're not a NEET and living in a city then you're by default more valuable than someone living in the middle of nowhere.

You don't need an account to open the site, retardo

Why are you on twitter?

What the fuck is wrong with white people?

>the most offending part of the whole affair (was) that the teacher wasn't wearing any underwear.
Not the part where she literally farted in her son's mouth? The fuck?

to fuck ur mom lol get rekt


Attached: 1567524922634.jpg (1456x3300, 1.07M)

I suppose that answers my question, thank you.

based bloomer bro

i miss him

(not a gay)

Attached: 1455982994459.jpg (419x480, 81K)

holy shit you are truly subnigger iq

That was before it was revealed you can change genders at will. Now all the degenerates love the game.


>literally doesn't know how to check sources
>y-you're the n-nigger, not m-me!!!



>tfw these girls still wouldn't date you

Why would anyone want to live in a flyover state surrounded by ageing and rabid Trump supporters

nigger detected

that shit is still around?

what is this thread about

Attached: 1545432651271.png (384x360, 130K)

i agree, it really is oathetic that you took the time to make that picture and then post it on Yea Forums while king koji taps stefanie joosten ass

Feels like home instead of a dystopian hellhole.
I'll trust a trump supporting boomer who just wants to grill over an inner-city product of a human being.

Peak flyover vocabulary


And a battleship, a dinghy, a tug, and a kayak are all boats.

Nigga, just cos you can lump a bunch of shit in together doesn't mean they're the same.


kill all non whites

Attached: 1555519749778.gif (320x240, 186K)

Wait does he have a studio in america or people actually go all the way to japan to visit him?

I'm thinking BASED

Why yes,i do think culture was a mistake and that we should all form one mega human culture and genetically modify ourselves so all our skin is the same color (grey)
How could you tell

Attached: E3099813-DA2B-4D09-82FF-9F36585578A7.jpg (831x1024, 68K)

>There is nothing wrong with being jewish

this is a really good thread
top quality
im high af btw

we're all aware that Hideo probably has little to no work in the development of the game and is just a walking marketing and pr maschine that meets with celebrities and important industry people to get hype for the game, right?

listen to this

Yes I'm sure because he met Keanu once means that's all he does

his meme status is A tier

Development is sprawling in other states. Gotta get in while its cheap.

The kids parents aren’t trans but forcing him to be,why?
Trans people hate it,and it makes them look bad
So does children doing drag
But straight cis people still support that shit,thinking they help

Hes not gay...
Hes bi

his whole twitter / online presence is
>i met this guy
>watched that movie
Sony is fully aware that they let Kojima do his stick without handling him a tardwrangler like Konami did because they hope that the game will sell simply because "a Hideo Kojima game"

unironically this

Attached: rZ1vvZJ.jpg (720x720, 76K)

Yes, user. The game's director isn't involved with the development of the game.

lol this. /pol/ isn't a containment board, it's literally cancer

Attached: 1567277314877.jpg (960x720, 92K)

shit, those bleep bloops really took me places. good shit.
this is some really strong indica btw

Attached: 1555774794376.jpg (600x450, 52K)

I don't get that picture

high quality bait


was thinking the same

this killed my vibe

Attached: gazed to death.png (704x919, 393K)



>Why do they incorrectly spell open ?

Attached: benis.png (500x389, 61K)

>they have a bot to correct people on swedish
that's dedication

so they're still over-represented even with that

as an american I found this funny

Looks like that Benjamin Franklin speedrunner

god what a pathetic little whore


Now this is based.

stay cucked

Did they not teach you how to read charts?

Kojimbos twitter is a fucking goldmine

Attached: kojima4.jpg (456x642, 62K)

(((Who))) could possibly be behind this post?

Kill all semites

Attached: 1555255201315.jpg (974x928, 281K)

So bros. Who is your favorite actor?

Mines goose.

Kojima loves jewish tranny fuckers like Keanu for sure

Attached: 1335736018728.jpg (600x600, 87K)

Neanderthals were human. Just a different breed. Current consensus says most europeans have neanderthal dna.

Attached: 1556792835860.gif (403x360, 112K)

cringe. back to r*ddit.

Colorado doesn't have many old people or rabid Trump supporters and I have a great view of the Rockies in the morning from a nearby hill
John Hickenlooper is a faget tho
also stay out, I'm content with being a fly-over or whatever - but cool hiker anons are welcome

man you are an idiot

Races are American bull. Are you telling me Ethiopians and Congoleses are the same race? Or German and Italian? And what about Turks?
It's a completely meaningless classification.

Attached: 1556030846012.jpg (1890x1417, 161K)

>Why would anyone want to live in a flyover state
to escape niggers and beaners obviously

Did you know that the nazis ran Germany so poorly the country was annihilated and divided?

Attached: 1565555580887.png (640x360, 222K)

There's humans and there's americans. Don't lump us together


Based as fuck.

Attached: goldface2.jpg (592x492, 63K)

He posted that here without giving a fuck what any of us here felt. That is the original definition of Based.

lmao cdpr drones are literally in-shambles LOL

This kills the /pol/ poster

But user, that's the commies' fault, and America's responsability for not letting the nazis let fuck them over gently.

Now this is bait posting.

Attached: 1567784968400m.jpg (885x1024, 168K)

/pol/ on suicide watch

>artificial insemination
what a fucking pussy

>lookup colorado because remember it fondly from childhood tv shows and even a video game
>it's just a shitty rectangle
why do americans do this

>(not a gay)

Attached: 1564260999051.gif (443x250, 3.59M)

>I want to become a crab

What did he mean by this?

Attached: CE9A24E1-89B5-4056-8BE9-7D82FE357BB9.jpg (640x858, 321K)

Attached: 1537155972104.png (1056x1320, 148K)

Just how fat do you have to be for your body to get so desperate to put it in your forehead?

Attached: 1567585923266.jpg (1076x1076, 207K)

Attached: ED2D3fUU0AEeXEK.jpg (2045x2048, 556K)

I keep being impressed by this world, day by day
the worst is that one of those shit eater could be your co-worker or even an user you're arguing with here.

>Kojima loves dick
>when he explicitliy wrote not a gay
The reading comprehension of this board baka desu

Attached: 1562436262904.png (963x720, 602K)

>being afraid of a Yea Forums board

Attached: 1560878753423.png (514x496, 111K)

i see the area 51 raid was off to an early successful start

I remember when I was 14

who's that homeless guy next to kojima?

this one btw

Attached: 62552-colorado-dos-front-cover.jpg (800x967, 142K)

>for physically assaulting a minor
Shouldn’t she be in jail?

Well done friend

When I see Keanu Reeves I cannot dissociate him from John Wick

What amoeba brain made this image, there are no sources provided for any of those 'key points'

stop throwing around facts pls

that settles it
open the boarders of Israel

friendly reminder this website is 18+

I unironically enjoy Kojima fanboying and creaming his pants over celebrites. And he can do it. He's transcended game design and is the only game designer with a rock star aura. I'm gonna go with BASED.

It's based on a publicly available genetic database retard

you can literally do this user's same research and crossreferencing and come to the same conclusions

you just need to be smart

Attached: become smart.png (908x192, 126K)

Half of those guys look like doing Keanu Reeves

That has to be a shop

I'm just saying, posting quality was a lot higher before /pol/ gained traction.

>not gay

Attached: kojimbo.png (641x614, 487K)

If you make claims the burden is on you to provide evidence for them dumb fuck, you can't just publish a paper and go 'hehehehe find the source yourself because I'm too smart for this'

Attached: 1567004823230.png (1296x1458, 217K)

Jews are white though, or at least most of them are. Judaism is a religion, not a race.

I didn't do the research i am just posting the conclusions which you can learn for your fucking self

>Are you telling me Ethiopians and Congoleses are the same race? Or German and Italian? And what about Turks?
Yes. They've existed in separate environments and have been on separate evolutionary paths since. Anatomical differences are the first thing that should clue you in on this.

Attached: 1502293052429.png (743x719, 483K)


Bottom row, second from right is not a yank, it's a swede or something

This is actually something Kojima would say

They wanted a non-retarded shape after Michigan and Oklahoma, plus it's simple and includes a big chunk of the best part of the Rockies, so it's all good
or maybe they did it just so they could make Four Corners so people can run between four states in a second


>joy division t shirt
Why do so many people wear this shirt? The same goes for Black Flag. Most of the people wearing this shit have never even listened to joy division. If you have and enjoy them then the last thing youd want is to wear a shirt everyone else owns from hot topic. Very strange.

>how can our future Mars colonies be free of sexism and racism
I can't wait for the Mars wars

Unironically based

Only two pockets of blue with the Denver/Boulder areas, everywhere else here is pretty deep in the red

Israel literally has DNA tests to see if you are jewish enough to be accepted as a citizen

>implying anyone will care when that eventually happens

We'll still figure ways to form divisions between us.

Attached: 1567016752087.jpg (605x433, 51K)


Game must be so bad that he is trying move all attention to celebs.

It's a really iconic album cover for whatever reason. I like the album, but I prefer shirts with Ian Curtis on it.
>tfw have the same shirt as Kojima

Attached: DdddUGrUQAAvDKc.jpg (1200x802, 202K)


Right, but those pockets are where mostly everyone lives though.

Race and species are not interchangeable.

No, he posted it for (You)s to squeeze some endorphin out of his hormone glands because he has no other social interaction.

If all it takes to displace a community is some white yuppies then the community was shit from the start and deserves to be forced out. The only group that cry's about this is niggers.

I haven't seen this level of cope out of /pol/ in a while

You samefag a whole lot, it's that easy.

I honestly don't see the problem. If I had as much connections as Kojima, I'd eat shit and hang out with my favorite celebrities too.

>Jews are white though, or at least most of them are.
>Judaism is a religion, not a race

Attached: 1567650561924.png (300x349, 149K)

Do you have the other one where she was just selling shit in a box and it had hundreds of comment about how great it smelled?


if you have to tag (no homo) everytime you express fondness for another male, it seems suspect

What about nascar?

She wouldn't fit in a cell

is he as autistic over any other band? it's kinda bizarre to like a band that lasted 2 years nearly 4 decades ago.

bet my balls he owns a pristine copy of the legendary tape master CD reissues (very highly sought collectible item)

Attached: COCY 9329.jpg (599x531, 42K)


Attached: straya.jpg (940x627, 79K)

Death Stranding is EXACTLY this

Kojima had a dream of hanging out with celebrities, so he decided to do the BIGGEST game ever, so high brow that everyone would go to him. He really doesn't know what the fuck is it about, nor did he cared. It's just a big excuse to go on a 3 year date with Mads and her new american girl. And the game? fuck the game.

This is worse than putting your face near ICBM launch

fake as fuck op has sucked millions of dicks

>Make thread about game that is a bit older but good
>Dies before 10 posts

>Edit a shitty tweet
>344 replies and counting

Attached: 1567402839083.jpg (992x992, 115K)

based AF

Attached: Riot on the streets.png (280x285, 105K)

I unironically don't get how this throwaway funny little comment has replies

Hey kojima is a faggot but I love my fríends too, maybe try caring about someone you fucking nigger.

Caucasian isn't a race

Michael Rooker

Gorrilas and people are literally the same species

Keanu had a very hard life

Attached: Otacon.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

Yet we'll never see any real change because mental health is something the insurance agency wants to avoid paying for.

That said, why dump a fortune into the military when something should be done to help Alaska? Instead of getting the help they need, the government puts Palin in charge of them.

yeah your cope is getting real fucking annoying
pathetic konami drone

>he thinks that psychologists can solve millions of peoples problems

Enlightened posters. If organs can be transferred between humans and be accepted, then we are the same species.

he is half hawaian (chink)

Monkey see monkey do. If someone sees something already has a good amount of replies then they'll reply to it too to try and fit in

Like doges

This image almost describes /pol/'s relation to Yea Forums. A more accurate analogy would actually be /pol/'s whole framing of immigrants as "invaders" who don't respect the culture and come in and overtake the country with their own culture. That's literally what /pol/ has done. But it's ok when they do it I guess because reasons

what is it about this ideology that just attracts such weak people?

>not a gay
gets me every time

Wait until you see the other end of the political spectrum.

ok fag

Konami drones aren't a thing but why would someone who likes Konami need a cope? They are making mad bank.

there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish

you're nations next if not already worse.

t. Jordan Peterson

I see, thanks for clarifying kojimbo. Not gay. Got it.

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hes white

>We are all one race, the human race.

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Because it triggers thin-skinned bigots

let we'll ever get there

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safer to live around racists than diversity.. even for black people

While I do agree Kojima is an autistic hackfraud I will defend him on this. In Japan it's okay to openly deny that you are not gay, in fact it's a thing males do quite frequently and they have a few different phrases for doing it. In Japan its more akin to saying bless you when you sneeze in a conversation where maybe you said something a little homosexual.

Can't blame the guy for his culture desu, even if hes an autist with several failed game series.

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Didn't Hitler unironically fix Germany's economy though?

Neanderthals don't exist. Evolution is a meme

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