>add content based on real life politics into the game
>you can't discuss it on forums cause rules prohibit talking about politics
Add content based on real life politics into the game
practicing a religion isn't politics, people politicize the religion
that said, fuck muzzies.
shut up and consume product
muslim religion has a section all about politics and law you retard, its very much a political religion
all religions do, doesn't mean you can't separate them you fucking moron
i'm sure the topics were very much about going in detail about islamic law and not just "muslims are bad!!"
Like, they are, I'm not disagreeing that at all. I'm defending their choice to enforce their forum rules.
>tfw you can build a patriarchal caliphate rape murder and pillage in the sims
can you marry children yet?
with mods yes
>all religions do
Objectively wrong
>we added this item to the game
>you are not allowed to discus it
why even fuckin ad it?
Please point out a religion that doesn't have it's own politics and laws.
Just shut the bag up and play the awful simulator games that now allow more people to simulate even more things.
You can discuss the items, the threads getting censored that oneangryincel are talking about real world shit like how muslims are terrorsts and it's oppressive to women
I'm sure they would let you discuss the religion (though that post says it's also banned) as long as it's not fucking religious wars on the forums.
The politics of it have no reason to be on what should be a friendly forum for the fucking sims.
>clothes are real life politics
just because the clothes are "muslim" doesnt mean virtual characters cant choose to wear them because they like them and not because they are part of a religion
one incel gaming is really stupid
i'm sorry but being muslim isn't just about clothes, user
Laws are decided in a secular process in first world systems. Also, Christianity and Buddhism are stretched too far to have a singular type of culture and laws among all of their followers.
>muzzie females
kinky world time
no you fucking can't
singing yas queen into an echo chamber is not discussion
and you think Islam is monolithic? bruh...
People can't control themselves and get impulsive quick. This generation especially is thin-skinned.
I guess /tesg/ hasn't existed for 7 years then.
How did user become this based?
>inb4 the thread becomes /vpol/
Don't get yourselves all worked up and upset about this.
Anybody who follows the Sims 4 loosely will be aware that a $20 game pack comes out in a few days. Breaking what has been a cardinal rule of Maxis since the first Sims game - no religion - gives them the publicity they want and need.
Best for EA/Maxis to throw a bone to their main demographic with this content for free (plus basic shit like L-shaped staircases) to get them back playing for their new dlc.
They did the same with their last $40 expansion with the free LGBT content.
Funniest still is that these patches don't even make sense within the world of the Sims. One implies homophobia exists in a world where everyone is bisexual, and another implies organised religion exists when you can visit Egypt and find no trace of Islam there.
Have they added any other religious items to the game? Christian crosses, Jewish haircuts?
Can I make a house with a Christian, a Jew and a Muslim and have the Jew manipulate the Christian and the Muslim into hating each other?
w/e, keep up the fake outrage. I'm sure muslims in sims 4 is a more outrageous issue than anything else happening in your cunt at the moment. /s
>ostensively showing your religion by wearing an hijab isn't politics
Spot the children beheading terrorist muslim
OneAngryGamer has to be a parody site at this point, right? Surely?
>implying they all wouldn't hate each other from the get go
you're legit retarded if you dont think this isnt the case for islam as well, do you really think islam practitioners in the US are the same as the ones in saudi arabia?
the problem is : no one ask for this. Its a marketing move to appeal the muslim money.
Did they really break an almost 2 decade old rule for ... what, exactly? Some extra publicity and diversity points? Opening the flood gates was a mistake. A big mistake.
>the problem is :
there isn't one
>gay update
>muslim update
I can stop laughing
I cant wait for the sharia law update that lets me stone gays to death
are you retarded ?
How does this help assimilation? It makes people stand out more
go back to the desert sandnigger.
>did they really break a 2 decade old rule
Yes, they did. They broke it earlier with a free stuff pack that involved religious items, but this new update is compulsory if you want to play an up to date version.
>some extra publicity
A brand new $20 game pack comes out in a few days. Release this update before now everybody is following the game. They did exactly the same with the LGBT update, which came days before a $40 expansion.
The diversity crowd should be disgusted that the above are being added for monetary gain by EA.
are you? it's a fucking sims game. buying it gives EA money, you've already done worse
>clothing is now politics
the absolute state of gaymers
Islam is the final redpill
that what i said, so you're retarded.
Reddit is two blocks down.
All this fuss about muzzieshit and no-one's talking about the new stair-building system.
Christianity is the same its changed so much in Africa its way different then the way its like in the west
i mean already owning the game prior to any of this shit, goofball. and regardless the franchise has been non-stop nickel and diming since 2 so why anyone thinks now it's got problems because "they broke the rule!!!" is beyond me
looks cool
i dont own sims 4
pretty sure that showing art of a muslim isn't allowed in islam
then why do you even care
Christanity doesn't have a set of laws designed for the state like Islam does.
>it's taken TWO decades (ie. longer than most on this board have been alive) for Maxis "developers" to add different shaped stairs
>should be applauded
only DLC
because its a bad example
>blinks in America
so can I build a mosque, take four wives and proselytise islam in sims now?
>they added content, especially cosmetics, to the Sims for free
I'm calling bullshit.
>take four wives
you cant done that already ?
just say you're triggered by muslims user
Making laws around religion is not the same as your religion being based around laws.
last sims I played was 2 no idea mate
Can't wait to visit Yea Forums when the inevitable tranny update goes live.
>you're triggered by muslims user
i am. I fucking want to destroy them.
Being triggered is not always bad thing
Actually, the Islam isn't a religion in strict sense, It's a complex compendium of civil codes and laws, to be converted you just public accept them. Even they transcendent and ultimate goal is political (jihad and universal caliphate).
Is there Christian content in the game ?
You can't destroy Muslims with a fork and angry comments on internet.
i can by voting for a warmonger president and i will
Not gonna happen, buddy. Shoot yourself.
>no one will woohoo with your sim that you modeled after yourself
wait, who is the warmongerer this time?
since clinton isn't running 2020
Don't be such a hateful bigot.
they all are no wrong choices here
>EA adds actually content for FREE
>people still bitch
You have to make them, user.
How new are you? It's come and gone, almost two years ago now.
There was one years ago.
>content based on real life politics
Did they add the ability to pray 5 times a day in the direction of mecca? Otherwise this game is extremely haram.
Were any Muslim-related careers added?
No, because there are more Christians than Muslims therefore Muslims are a minority and need to be represented. Same with trannys and stuff.
>Islam isn't politics
>when it plays a central role in the governments of many countries across the world and their policies
So what's the problem?
Where is the asian pack?
I assume they could get tons of chink money if they ever added one.
>Kebab Shop owner
>Truck Driver
>Explosions Expert
but the content is based on muslim fashion and nothing else
It's just you people who love to make connections and politicize everything.
oh cool now I can recreate new zealand
/pol/ is a lot closer
Buddhism update when?
There's plenty of asian clothes, furnitures and households already.
>you can say anything, as long as i approve of it
t. jannie
Fucking bigots.
Of course they are. Are you retarded?
Muzzie clothes are pretty much their uniforms. But they can disguise it as a "religion"
This is no different than adding Nazi uniforms to the game then banning anyone that wants to complain about it lol.
>but the content is based on muslim fashion and nothing else
Come off it, nobody's buying that. If that were true then why can't I wear a klan outfit, a priest robe, a pope hat etc, a rabbi outfit etc?
Wait what? There are? I got everything till the living islands dlc. And the only qipao I had was from a cc. No kimono either. I could barely find any traditional asian clothing.
Haven't played sims past the first, is there actually a 'muslim update' or are a bunch of niggers getting butthurt over a new item set containing a hajib amongst x other items?
>tfw italian anarchist
>but also find nazi uniforms /fa/ as fuck
Men's fashions are in a fucking state today
Did you ever play City Living dude?
Only now they've "fixed" the problem where every sim spawned with an Asian name.
That's not to mention there's a fair few Asian outfits. Nothing traditional like a kimono but some nonetheless.
Rome incorporated Christianity into their law system when it was declared an official religion, same with countless other medieval european kingdoms
Because people don't dress like that on a daily basis, those are work clothes.
These are just how desert people dress.
i would agree, but islam is specifically a political ideology
yes current christians love getting into politics but at least if you follow their book to the letter, it actually tells you to just follow your government pay taxes like a good citizen and live your life as long as they dont directly impede your faith. islam on the other hand directly commands followers to take control politically and if not then to fight for control
t. level 99 fedoralord
>These are just how desert people dress.
It's not "just" how desert people dress. It's how their religion and laws in Islamic countries require them to dress or they face punishments.
Because there hasn't been enough demand stated to justify implementing it i.e. how capatalism works you commie fuck
this is just a cope. islam explicitly tells the mudlings how to run their diseased societies. there is no such equivalent in Christianity. this is because Whites have much higher IQs.
hasidic rabbis dress as rabbis all day every day
although all hasidics dress religiously all day every day
christians priests do too in some cases/always in some sects
mennonites/amish/some other sects in christianity have day-to-day christian clothing
It's a fucking dress-up game, who gives a shit. Call me when they add prayer mechanics.
>dat nazi style
If we gave our police decent uniforms they would get more respect.
Oh like that. A shame desu, I really wanted traditional stuff. Also no, I do have city living, haven't played it specifically.
Whatever floats your boat.
Fact is, that is how they dress there and also here in non-islamic countries.
We're talking about generic arab clothes.
And you think there's really demand from muslims for hijabs in the sims? I doubt any muslim would allow their wives or daughters to buy or even play a game where they can drink alcohol, eat pork, have gay sex and get gay married. This is pure virtue signalling.
Can’t wait for the porn mods. I’m sure there are places I can post Muslim women in headscarfs getting fucked by a white bull to piss off paki Muslim scum.
They actually do it really often. It's still incredibly jew though, just not in the way you'd think. They always time free content right before paid releases to sucker people into buying in.
Just buy Hugo Boss. Still a decent brand and looks good today.
>>should be applauded
Point to where I said that. All I said was that no-one was talking about it
>And you think there's really demand from muslims for hijabs in the sims?
Yes you retarded nigger
I remember when they added the city expansion and changed the townie generation, people got banned for asking if there was a way to not have every blonde white character named something like Sanjay Nakamoto and wear a dashiki.
Unironically yes, I tried to look up some sims 4 videos and saw plenty of islamic female youtubers.
There's some stuff, enough for their asian households to look the part but it's true there could be some kind of a chinese new year pack or something, even if it's incredibly generic.
Also, there's a household of Yakuza in San Myshuno owning one of the best penthouses in the city.
>Laws are decided in a secular process in first world systems.
You’re so goddamn wrong, it actually hurts my fee fee’s. The heartbeat law for instance is a law made exactly because of >muh religion.
Get fucked, you absolute mong.
post some of them then
>le /pol/ boogeyman
No, you don't fit in at all.
Also, I don't even care about the "issue", I don't know why I am here. Was probably destined to come just to send you to reddit.
He said the first world, ie. not the United States.
>people only play Sims 4 for the porn mods
>EA adds hijabs free of charge
The British police used to have fine uniforms until we imported third world cunts.
can't wait to make hijab porn