Nothing is safe from the tumblr genders mob. What's their next target, Shantae?
Nothing is safe from the tumblr genders mob. What's their next target, Shantae?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You shut your damn whore mouth

>3 pronouns
>2 body types
yea that's gonna be a yikes from me. I prefer my games a little more woke

that's cool for the people who care about that shit but when the fuck is King of Cards coming out

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>Indie creator panders to people who don't matter to curry favor towards their game that is loosing popularity.

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Can my character also be a gay faggot? Because I really want to be a gay faggot.

Oh boy I like curry

This is what Americans care about

meaning americans in their 20s and 30s

Literally HOW many people exist who even use this pronoun shit? It has to be less than 1% of the population. I never see people IRL who cares about these things.. I only hear about these people on the internet.

trannies dont go outside

Didn't they already do this years ago?

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Literally who cares, changes nothing

I wouldn't mind FtM tranny Shantae...

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the comments are making me sad. when will twitter die?

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Some of them do to creep and sexual harass women and little kids at the public toilets. Or to assault shops staff for "misgendering" them.

Where do you think all the tumblr faggots went to after Tumblr banned their porn?


So stuff they promised they would add a long time ago

Honestly a third/neutral gender option is valid: Intersex people exist, and it would make sense for those people to want to identitify as not either male or female. And if other people whpo aren't intersex don';t wanna be grouped into male or female but be seen as an indivual not constrained by gender, then fuck it, why not.

It's when people wanna label shit past just male/female/other that it gets stupid, if you are gonna divide it up so much that there's 20 different label;s why not just throw the labels out and force people to not put you into a box of preconcived notions to begin with?

>hey wait a second, i've one of the indoctrinated, fucking bootlicker

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I mod it to yike/yikes

we live in a clown world where even gay furries have common sense

Being incapable of empathy because the character on screen (which in no way is meant to be a representation of you) isn't the same sex as you is FAR more
>le problematic
than muh inclusivity ever was.

Even the fags are waking up to this bullshit.

In a few months.

>I do not blindly support what this developer is doing

Am I just retarded and reading this wrong somehow?

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Cool, I can make it a harem game by turning everyone into a female knight instead.

Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Fire Emblem keeps getting gayer and gayer with each new installment
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony are all against Trump's tariffs
>Microsoft and Ubisoft ban people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>Square Enix's ethical department refuses to increase Tifa's bust size in Final Fantasy VII Remake or add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

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you might be a bootlicker



>child screams for candy at a store
>parents don't relent
>kid turns to me
>screams "booger licker!" to me

>>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

Not for long since you've already started murdering them.

lmao gamergaters mad
Leave your house please

Dave was right

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Oh shit, another game that is landing on my to pirate list. :)

They are turning on each other.

Faggot detected.

Yea Forums whines about stuff that doesn't effect them in any way yet again
Why do we have so many reruns around here?

>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
Really? Could've fooled me with how much those fags were whining about how Atlus didn't do enough.
>one change to the credits
>one line got changed
>the true ending is still in there with Eric not being a tranny but a homo instead
Does that REALLY count as a win when they're madder about it than they were initially?

>who said this?
>no it's you

It's always the Ts

Sure. Is this why people get arrested and get jailed irl for misgendering trannies at the internet?

They were everywhere at PAX West but those people are the outcasts of society

Because bait is always bitten because newfags.

>complains about newfags
>gets baited himself
Go back to plebbit

>Nothing is safe
Shovel Knight spent thousands and thousands of buckaroos buying their way into the indie game space to push themselves like no tomorrow.

Really, the only mystery here is that they didn't push it sooner.

Show me 5 cases of this happening and it going to trial and them then being convicted, please.

You know the left is in shambles when even the flurries call you out on your bullshit.

Once you lose the dog fuckers you lose the culture war.

I don't give a shit about them promoting their game literally everywhere even if it's annoying (and I say that as a huge Shovel Knight fan). But trying to pander to the 1% of their audience?

So what impact on the gameplay does this have?

There are lots of cases like that. Look it up yourself instead of being a lazy denial fuck.

Let me guess, the 2 body types are "normal" and "fat" right? I bet there's no bodytype for skeletons like me because skinny people don't exist

>not a single shred of evidence
Okay, user. Sounds legit.

SJWs be like

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Be honest Yea Forums, how many of you actually care about this shit? It makes no difference


go back there teen

It’s ironic that the game is called Hope, because that’s what stupid shit like this is making me lose in humanity.

>But trying to pander to the 1% of their audience?
Bigger percentage than the amount of their audience that gave a fuck about that terrible-looking fighting game.

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>Being lazy enough to avoid googling it
>"See? That means that it never happened?"

I'm surprised how much people care about the gender of a blue guy with no face

There's not much. I didn't make these. I just grabbed from some Shantae threads.

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It impacts the probability that I'll play this game. Negatively.

Sure thing, faggot

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i hate the faggots with all my might but honestly the people in the replies that are againts it sound just like the sjws they hate. It's just one extra option. It is sjw garbage but still it does not affect anything

Last one I got.

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literally like a cult religion

americans/anglos are really fucking bizarre

>3 pronouns
>thinks this is woke
lol you are like little baby.
watch this.

And ching chong ping pong to you too.

imagine caring about a "culture war"

Nah I jus lt laugh at this shit.
Pretty much, it's a cult now.

No, please no, I beg you, stop this.

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Dude, the dogfuckers are calling you crazy.

I had no idea this was a thing before Yea Forums started spamming about it. Who the fuck even looked at Shovel Knights option menu?

i dont give a fuck them
they are degenerates and i will kill them

aww are you mad because user didn't spoonfeed you?

So many layers of pure faggotry just in four posts. Amazing.

Who cares

>Yea Forums: "Lol. Why so mad about pronouns in video games?"

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I see retards have turned to bootlicker as the insult of choice that they completely misunderstand.

these "who cares" posters dont know what happens next. sjws never stop. the american comic industry is fucking collapsing due to the unstoppable sjws.

sjws only hire sjws. sjws never listen to any other opinion. they never take any criticism. they even ignore sales. sjws dont accept everything that goes against their progressive narrative. you dont know it.

who cares

Yea Forums will still say it was censored

>Nothing is safe
You know it has zero impact on the gameplay, right? It's like being able to chose the color of the eyes.

Why are multitudes allowed they/them but I can't be the it that I am in any games yet?

>Devs implement something that should take basically zero effort
>"Why are they wasting time on this?"
If they're spending an inconsequential amount of work on something inconsequential, what's the problem?

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How is Shovel Knight in like every indie game? Not that I mind, I liked the game, but it's interesting. Just finished Bloodstained and there was a Shovel Knight monster.

Daily reminder that "who cares" NPCs are losing their minds over anime titties games

Deleting genders also takes 1 second. You want that too?

Vanilla Gays are at the bottom of the LGBTLMNOP hierarchy, they're hated by everyone and hate everyone in-turn.

That's where you're wrong, brainlet.
I think the censorship is dumb too. Not everyone is against you 100%

I didn't "want" this. What I wanted is inconsequential too, it's not my problem.

So the solution, as always, is more anime titties.

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Do you think people would be complaining if you could give Shovel Knight big anime tiddies? I rest my case.

>Loosing popularity

Go get your neck snapped you fucking ape

>Intersex people exist

So do people born without arms or legs. No one is obligated to inclusion, but the normative groups will get it because they're the majority, get the fuck over it

Fuck western culture. Fucking end it.

why is being gay or gayer progressive in the west. if "progressive" includes a sense of improvement.

what kind of logic is that

friendly reminder

>the US has fallen
i mean, you had a good run

Why do you need to add third gender? Aren't trannies with dysphoria trying to become the opposite gender, not stay in-between? Or is this pandering to biological hermaphrodites/intersex folks?

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Wow it's fucking nothing.
You faggots will complain about everything.

Every shovel knight games were announced for December (except SK dig)

The burden of proof is on the person making the claim

>I wouldn't mind FtM tranny Shantae...

You wouldnt get the tranny you want youd get tumblr

what's the grey house demon door in fable?


no one speaks likes this why do they continue to push this insanity

Based furfag calling out this nonsense.

Have to marry a certain woman, Lady Grey.

because mutts think its cool and want to be seen as a cool person. all about getting attention on twatter.

another game to the shitlist

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trannies don't have anything to do with made up pronouns anyways.

>add third gender
>retards on the left cream themselves and rush to buy your game if only to show it off on twitter
>retards on the right scream and make a fuss which just puts your game in the public spotlight
There's no reason not to do it. It's the easiest thing to do and it just means free sales.

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I feel bad for gays being associated with trannies desu


You're a degenerate too, so off you go.

that's underage boy shantae. ftm shantae would have a lot more body and facial hair.

he's a bootlicker towards people who hate him which is Yea Forums and /pol/. basically "l-look, guys, i'm one of the good ones, will you please accept me now, daddy-/pol/)?"

everyone claims how people should have a voice, and i agree with it. i don't agree with most people having a microphone, and that's what social media does. it amplifies the dumbest fucking people and all the retardation that comes along with it.

Can't you just not select the they/them pronouns?

It's pretty fascinating how these twitter pronoun niggers are so organised and committed to rallying to stuff like this.
they've fully completed their transition to Tumblr 2.0
you only need to mention pronoun shit and you can get hundreds of them where you want in seconds. but they don't go outside twitter.

youre a knight with a shovel in antiquity, nobody gave a fuck about pronouns until about 5 years ago.

Do Americans not realize that the rest of the world is laughing at their freak show society?

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Oh no! Another game completely ruined with an option I'd never use! Time to cry on Yea Forums about it!

>tumblr genders mob
Is this 2014?

>the true ending is still in there with Eric not being a tranny but a homo instead
erica actually heavily implies that she is still going to transition when her love interest was asking if he would ever find a girl like catherine. the whole thing was just a misunderstanding.

It also works on you

What's wrong with helping others feel more inclusive in an experience user, isn't this what everyone wants deep down?

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Centrism won't get you anywhere faggot.

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You wont find me ralling to defend everything related to whatever crazy shit I believe in. I have a life.

how does it feel being on the wrong side of herstory?

what the fuck
if any it's the other fag who's being a bootlicker

>fucking trannies are making it a crime to misgender them!
>prove it

have sex incel

Ill just pirate it again.

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No, instead any mention of pronoun shit gets you riled up to attack it no matter how insignificant. How does it feel to be an incel strawman?

I pray to be alive and see (((united states))) get turned to glass in a nuclear hellfire.

>the alphabet people

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They did it in Canada. You can get fined if they complain about you.
I know they're lobbying governments to do it in the US and my country Australia too.

Again, show me at least five cases of If it's such a widespread problem then there must be a mountain of relevant cases, right?

>making shit up
you wont find me in that twitter shit show

You people say this but there's been exactly zero cases of it ever happening.

Instead you cry to /vpol/

>You people say this but there's been exactly zero cases of it ever happening.
Fuck off liar

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>i think Yea Forums is /pol/
ok you fragile pussy. you need to leave.

Of course, and I should believe a random Twitter screencap trying to push an agenda.

I'm not going anywhere, election tourist

she got arrested for way more than that.

it's a law in the Canada. do you want news articles or some shit?
news articles can only even be written when a case goes to court. when someone's fined there is no new coverage.

Just looked it up. They said she was harrassing that tranny on Twitter for months and she was arrested for just 7 hours on the grounds of TROLLING, not misgendering. So yeah, it doesn't prove anything.

still happened, confiscated a single mother's laptop, took her kids and jailed her for because she called a he a he

If you read sources that aren't far-right tabloids, she was actually arrested for doxxing.

Tell me why it bothers you.

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You’re reading shit that isn’t there.

>this damage control
still got arrested for misgendering



It didn't happen because she called a man a woman. It happened because she was harrassing and trolling a person for months for no real reason.

>i'm actually profiting off of this
>but i still don't want it because my /pol/ overlords don't like it
nah. seen enough of these no-spine faggots already.

>posting a statement from the tranny means it isn't true!!!!

>yacht club games would rather change their pronouns than make a second fucking game
honestly the joke is on tumblr lefties at this point, they are just milking content out of them. I just want real content. Who gives a fuck about cutscenes and how faggoty they are?
"Wow they game released years ago really caters to my mental illness" like OK, make two games tho? make a second game people give a shit about? no one is gonna read your fucking twitter unless they already know who you are via the game's splash card.

I hate this fucking timeline so much. My best friend went trans and now I need new friends. it really is just a mental illness.

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Doxing isn't a crime.

Literally don't buy the game if you don't like it then.

Fucking hell Yea Forums goes apeshit over inconsequential bullshit. Gotta be all the stormcuck infinitechan refugees

>posting a massively edited "story" only shared by far-right propaganda sites means its true!!!

Surely a radical idea that killed millions will

it's not possible to harass someone with html.

how do you have more than one gender at once

But they are making content. They're releasing another campaign.

I dont want tweaked level placement, I want a new fucking game

Neo-Yea Forums (basically reddit), you have 10 minutes to give me a good reason how adding gender pronouns and body types will negatively impact the GAME (gameplay) and thus ruin your enjoyment of the game. You're not the kind of person who lets unobtrusive non-gameplay elements change the way you enjoy a GAME, right?

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english is my third language you níggér

t. faggot

you have 10 minutes to give me a good reason how adding language-localization for cherokee will negatively impact the game

I'm not. I could care less for some stupid pronouns that apparently mean so much to certain people.

Because it shows the developers priorities lie in political correctness instead of making a good game

It's "couldn't care less" you stupid American.

It won't harm the game besides the clutter and the incorrect use of grammar.
it will be used to try to legitimise mental illness and science denial but it won't harm the game.

Gender Dysphoria is a dangerous mental illness, which should be considered as harmful as bulimia, schizophrenia etc.Its retarded that they removed it from disorder lists when those suffering from it have disprapotionately high suicide rates.
Fucking nightmare world where you can get fired and even arrested for "misgendering" especially if you refuse on principle because enabling those with a mental illness is incredibly harmful.

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disk space.

when I pirate a game, I often get the option to just not install any audio that I don't want, but this freedom isn't available in the official products for some reason


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That nanny state is a joke and doesn't count

low quality bait

I wish I could be as comfy as that cat.

trannies actually use him or her.
so this is about gender niggers not trannies.

I'm European and English isn't my native language. Chillax dude.

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>reality is bait

perpetuating this nonsense just encourages other devs to put this horseshit in other games, some of which dont let us mash A through the cutscenes
ya gotta think about it in the long run

You bigots deserve it.
All we transfolk want is to show the virtue of the transpenis to the vulnerable women in rape shelters to rehabilitate them, and what do we get? Thrown out!
Well Canada makes it illegal to question our identity, insult us, and discriminate us, so we defunded this filthy terf dumpster and defaced it.


Attached: Screenshot-2019-8-30 Women-Only Rape-Relief Shelter Defunded, Then Vandalized.png (775x780, 545K)


So again, no evidence.
If anyone had been fined it would have been a huge uproar on boomer twitter or some shit and nothing of the sort has happened
Sincerely, I live in fucking Canada and have heard nothing happening

Canada's law book is accessible online. Point towards the article.

cool gender facts

there is an argument to be made for how this like the cringey gender swap fetish shit ruins the characters and story.
and the optional thing doesn't really matter. if I put an optional mp4 of some fat disgusting guy eating his own shit in my game and say it's optional that's not really going to justify it or make peoples feelings that I've compromised the quality of the game invalid.

>Haven't we suffered enough?

no they'd have to get PR together and contact the media instead of paying the fine.

How does it ruin the characters and story?
How does a completely optional option ruin the game for you? You still haven't explained these things, you're just seething.

Actually yeah you can make both Shovel Knight and Shield Knight male or female.

Shovel Knight's still fun, this is just an option that does literally nothing if you keep all those settings on default, and even when you do go out of your way to change it presumably just to be mad about it, it still only changes like a few words, calm the fuck down lol

Dumb terf bitches should be grateful to us for showing them the way out of their bigoted ways. If there's no trans inclusion in women's rape shelters, there's no justice in the world.

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How are they going to localize it? It's definitely not a thing in most other languages.

>if I put an optional mp4 of some fat disgusting guy eating his own shit in my game and say it's optional that's not really going to justify it or make peoples feelings that I've compromised the quality of the game invalid.
that's bullshit though. in real life there are lots of games with optional scat or piss content that you can toggle on or off in the menu.

>still no proof

>Some people pretend to be trans so they can be rapists so that automatically means all trans people are rapists!

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Its still a harmful mental illness

because a story should be one solid story. there shouldn't be different versions of characters and different canons. same reason stupid shit like time travel ruins storys because it's such a retarded concept.

You really can't find a single instance of it happening little guy? Reeeally?


Why not?

Look at this bigoted bitch.
We trans folk are even bringing justice to the system. Alt-right incels always whine about women getting lighter sentences for the same crimes, so you incels better be grateful for us repairing this problem.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-8-30 Karen White how 'manipulative' transgender inmate attacked again (426x570, 233K)

and none of them a worth a shit.

It's a mental illness for sure, but the only current treatment for it is the transition shit, which has a pretty low success rate but it's literally anything to make them not want to end their lives...well okay, for 53% of em anyway

>same reason stupid shit like time travel ruins storys because it's such a retarded concept.
You're just stupid.

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>a mental illness very often comorbid with other mental illnesses that can cause serious harm to other people shouldn't be grounds to keep them away from vulnerable people!

people literally be chopping off their own appendages

coc revamp is great. was even better when it still had the prison scenes in it.

Concerns one in a million trans.

What a massive shit hole

I'm not going to be baited into posting articles from conservative sites here. I don't even like giving those sites clicks & you'll just complain when we all know left wing sites don't cover this shit.

and those one in a million people kill themselves because of their illness
its harmful

typically trans people are too scared to go outside or talk to do any harm to anyone else. because, you know, the mental illnesses are most often social anxiety and depression.