Is this the weirdest guest character in vidya to date?

Is this the weirdest guest character in vidya to date?

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*leans back*

Michael Jackson in Ready 2 Rumble, actually voiced by him.

He also showed up in Space Channel 5 Part 2.
Dude was all about the Dreamcast.

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Yes and that's why it's based

Sega in general. Helped compose Sonic 3, for example.
Miracle Johnson is a bit more than a reference in Yakuza 0.

>Helped compose Sonic 3, for example
And that's why Sonic 3 and Knuckles has been missing from all the recent SEGA collections.

MSHvSF had a parody of a Japanese comedian for no apparent reason.

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Wasn't that an official cameo which is why he was removed from overseas versions?

Danica Patrick

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I'd say either Gary Coleman in Postal 2 or David Bowie in Omikron.
But both of those were supposed to be weird, so it barely counts.

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If I recall, she's a big fan of Sega and may have helped fund the game.

Paradise Lost also had Milo Yiannopoulos for whatever reason

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Phil Collins in GTA: Vice City Stories.
You do missions for him and then get to see an on stage performance of In the Air Tonight entirely in-game.
Then you unlock him in multiplayer.
I'm not fucking kidding.

Knockout Kings 2000 had:
>Tim Duncan
>Jermaine Dupri
>Marlon Wayans
>Marc Ecko

Ready 2 Rumble had
Michael Jackson
Bill and Hillary Clinton

Why did boxing games have such weird guest characters

What about the Fight Club game having Fred Durst?

I don't think that's THAT weird. He seems like the kind of retarded dudebro celeb you'd actually find at fight club. Especially because of the time frame (early 2000s).

Turns out RWS are huge faggots so they probably actually put him in just so people would kill him

This was really fucking surreal, couldn't believe when that mission happened, and then it turned out to be a chain of quests.
The concert's animation was really fucking awkward too, Phil walked around the stage like he'd shat his pants or something.

>getting this defensive over milo
only huge faggot here is you. fag.

I'm not, the studio head of RWS posts anti-trump stuff on twitter ALL the time and at the time PL came out Milo was the darling child of MAGA fags

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