This is how dumb you are

This is how dumb you are.

>I went to whole foods and they didn't have a hammer so I had to drive to home depot to buy it

>I went to steam and they didn't have X so I had to click the epic store to buy it

Attached: EpicGamesStore_1400x788_115627d82416826e240d42891ede4afe7975ba19.0.jpg (1200x800, 31K)

Wow you sure showed the v/tards!!!

I went to steam to buy a video game so i had to pirate it.

what did he mean by this?

Epic confirmed for not even being a place to buy videogames

What a shitty comparison. You're a faggot.

Their launcher keeps on crashing, why would I want my games on something like that? And what better features do they have compared to Steam or GOG? I'll wait.

OP be like

>cannot find tool at grocery store have to buy from hardware store

>same thing as cannot find game at game store must buy game at other game store

You are stupid as fuck OP you just made yourself look like a retard

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This fails for the simple fact steam can still sell "X". Whole Foods wouldn't sell tools at all, retard.

I'd like to imagine old Yea Forums would've never fallen for such obvious bait, but it's getting so hard to remember. Seems so long ago...

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In this era
People actually believe their bait

Attached: I don't want to live on this planet anymore.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

>I went to whole foods and the cashier told me that another had bought exclusive rights to hammers for a year
>I had to drive across town to get one that was more expensive than it used to be
>the handle breaks after one swing
>made in china

>I went to steam and they didn't have X so I had to click the torrent to download it

>fuck steam and epic shit, pirate everything as always
get on my lvl pleb

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>I went to home depot to buy a new hammer
>Turns out lowes paid the hammer makers into only allowing hammers to be sold there
>Have to drive further away to lowes
>service is shit
>prices are higher
>they didn't even have carts
>saw an employee looking through my car while I was checking out

fuck off you worthless brain damaged retard
it's a troll thread you brain damaged retards

got em

>Prices are higher
Literally lying out of your ass

is this the new meta?

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>I went to home depot and they didn't have a hammer. They told me some rich faggot bought up all hammers and tells everyone that they can only use hammers from him, in his house, with his name on it.

who is the bigger braindead retard, the one who is genuinely stupid or the one who goes around trying to stop stupid people from being stupid all over Yea Forums?

>Go to rich faggot mansion. There's a big sign on top of the game, saying "Epic Hammer Store".
>I go inside and ask for a regular hammer, a sledgehammer and a children's hammer for my kid to practice with.
>They don't accept the currency I have with me.
>They tell me I can only buy one hammer at a time and have to leave the perimeter after every purchase.
>When I ask them why I can't buy my hammers at home depot, like I used to, they start screeching autistically.

but they are, effectively.
prices are only as high as they are because steam takes a 30% cut, or so they have apologized for years, and now they get more from a sale, but you are not paying as much surcharge, which mean the actual owner of the product demands more from you: they increased the price of their products.

Why should I like valve over epic?

>Made lootboxes in the west a thing
>dota 2 has an actual casino in it
>killed l4d3
>customer support is hilariously bad and isn't even a position they hire for
>sold out to china for dota 2 and csgo
>made dota underlords, thinks people cares about the "dota cinematic universe" but no one does, not even dota players
>abandoned tf2 and made it another glorified casino
>steam sales aren't the glory they used to be, they're just the normal sales but all at once

Attached: valve.png (227x222, 14K)

Friendly reminder that Counter-Strike, Portal, Team Fortress, L4D, and Dota were all IPs created by independent third-parties which Valve purchased the rights to and made Steam exclusives with the implicit goal of forcing people to install their launcher. The only IP Valve created in-house was Half-Life, which, you guessed it, was used to force people into installing their launcher.
Also, Valve has not shipped a single-player game without microtransactions since 2007.

> whole foods
> hammer
Both Steam and Epic Store sell video games, same goods category.


>Every time I want to use my hammer it sounds an eardrum piercing alarm and I have to go to the Epic Hammer Store to receive permission to use it, eventhough I purchased the hammer and didnt rent it.

that's what steam does though
i can't even uninstall the games without being logged into steam

Posting eternal reminder that no EGS Shill has named a single reason to people to use their store.

is this suppose to be some lolsorandom humor?

>I went to the grocery store but they didnt have power tools but they did have cookies! cookies FTW!! oh and there was this cute dog!

>I went to the grocery store and it had no shopping cart let alone a basket. What the fuck?

you don';t have to physically carry digital games

>buying multiple games at once

>I went to the grocery store and I had to go back and forth between a shopping lane and the cashier because they could only handle one transaction at a time.

>buying multiple games
to fill your backlog? lmao

Only difference is that you need to go to one store for food and to one store for hammer every time you need to use them, and hammer store can close and fuck you up everytime now, meanwhile food store knows what you want and is not leaving anytime soon.

>steam knows what you want
garbage sales, no free shit and a bloated software?