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While I still liked 2, 1 was by far my favorite. Especially when it was the only one in the series, and I still had this feeling that I had a gigantic universe to explore with limitless possibilities. That song just hits me right in the feel center every time.

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Just started playing ME, I started with the first one, gib tips



play the first one all the way through. then import your character into mass effect 2 and play that all the way through. at the end of ME2, go ahead and create your own head canon and stop there because mass effect 3 WILL ruin ME1 and ME2 for you. enjoy.


Sounds familiar right?

Fully upgraded pistols are the most broken thing ever
Ash is best girl
Biotic abilities are also broken as fuck. Don't get too attached though. They are nerfed to almost unusable in the sequels.



Nope, not at all

avatar posting isnt allowed


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>soulless orchestral garbage
soulful synth vibes

Is this a Bioware thread naow?

This one is hitting me and I don't know why. It's hitting me *really* hard.

because DA is a zombie

Just replayed ME, starting on ME2 now.
Also Vigil's theme is the absolute kino'est.


The choir with music when pic related happens is a madman of a kino scene.

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Because Dragon Age: Origins was Bioware's last great game, it was pure jank but it was slathered in soul.

I was a poorfag when ME2 came out and I had just saved up enough to buy a pc that could handle it a few months prior. While playing the game the fan in my PSU started to die, filling the room with the smell of melting plastic and electronics for days until I managed to fix it. To this day I can't play ME2 without that smell rushing back.

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there was so much fucking potential


Just finished Mass Effect 2 again last week. One of the best scenes in the series has to be Vigil. youtube.com/watch?v=gUdYxa6r_bI&t=200s


Remind why did they remove Legion's appearance from the whole game and put him at the end of ME2?

Incompetent and egoistical management and a team way out of their comfort zone doing something completely new.

They rewrote the game halfway through development.
Honest answer? Brain drain from EA. All the people who made Mass Effect were gone by the time they finished making Mass Effect 2.
You should've smelled the Collector's Edition for Mass Effect, it reeked of burnt plastic. I miss it so much.

Unironically EA and consoles. ME2 was released on PS3, so they had to make the story make sense for new players.

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The recruiting was originally allowed to be done in any order. Due to the consoles needing to disc swap it was changed.

Legion in general was something his writer had to push for. The lead writer didn't like the idea of a Geth party member.



Daily Reminder that
Gameplay: 3>2>1
Plot: 1>2>3

Prettu sure you mean Mucho shaka paka.

Good thing, Legion was literally the only well written party member in the game.

I still replay the trilogy every few years and enjoy the whole thing

>consoles needing to disc swap

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They ended up rewriting everything halfway through if I remember correctly.

>Due to the consoles needing to disc swap it was changed.
Was this only xbox?

Hard to believe but the whole franchise is even retro at this point.

Yeah, that was the scene where the scale of the setting hit home. It wasn't a "HURR THIS IS ALIENS LOOK HOW COOL IT IS!!" It maintained the mystery of the protheans by simply presenting you a relic of their technology.

The rest of the series more or less tried to constantly one up itself with how "cool and interesting" this new thing is. What happened to Mass Effect is essentially what happened to horror. The original creators of the IP basically lost it when it became profitable and people who don't understand what makes horror (or science fiction) so appealing. It really is about the wonder and mystery, or fear in the case of horror, of what is not understood.

They go from wondrous enigma's peppering a vast unknown collection of only tentatively connected mysteries - to blunt force concrete explanations of everything. There's nothing left for the theater of the mind in the end.

>pure jank
It's nowhere close to as janky as ME1.

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>They are nerfed to almost unusable in the sequels.
the fuck are you talking about m8

Fuck you man. I want to replay origins now.

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*raises shields*
What now, bitch?

>Implying they dont

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>not mixing red and blue for that good purple stuff
clearly he didn't know shepard that well

Yeah it was due the xbox.

>Main quest takes maybe 2 hours and 52 minutes to run through at a leisurely pace
>"Exploration" is a shitty percursor to DA:I's shitty single player MMORPG gameplay
Why yes I am nostalgic about Mass Effect, how could you tell?

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>Main quest takes maybe 2 hours and 52 minutes to run through at a leisurely pace
that's bullshit and you know it

Never forget.

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The series has its moments. On a first playthrough some things that occurred really shocked me.

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The game itself is a boringfest but this theme hits all the right buttons. I love it.

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What went wrong with Bioware after this and Dragon Age: Origins?

>biotics can be used on any target
>easily chained together
>biotics can only be used on unshielded targets
>there are three types of shields
>some enemies have two or three at the same time
>global cooldown prevents fluid chaining

Le trendy trend or more like plague which is being for everything good and against everything bad (revolution soon comrade) among pretty much all developers.


God I miss old Bioware

>biotics can be used on any target
>easily chained together
>biotics can be used on any target
>CC biotics can only be used on unshielded enemies(or to shielded ones for almost no effect)
>damaging biotics do less damage on shields
>there are three types of shields
>some enemies have two or three at the same time
>global cooldown prevents fluid chaining


>tfw playing stellaris with the mass effect soundtrack
it's the closest you'll get to being a space hero bros

Just go SMG with shredder ammo then
Bring companions that are good at destroying shields

Hence me laughing at it.

Don't be fooled, ME2 and 3 were ruined by EA, it was Inquisition onwards where Bioware started to self destruct.

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>That hype music During the race to the mini relay on Ilos and then bursting to he Citadel

That entire climb up the Citadel section

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This was even better than how I remembered it.

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Daily reminder frostbite killed BioWare.

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No one likes the "exploration", but the sidequests with actual story and thought behind them.
And as for
>2 hours and 52 minutes
That's basically just Noveria, so what the fuck are you talking about söyböy?

>tfw you will never ever have a turian boyfriend
why even live?

Pretty sure ME3 is not in frostbite.

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Yeah, that was a stupid part entirely. Sovereign shouldn't even be talking to Shepard.

Can we finally agree that Mass Effect 3 with DLC isn't as bad as people make it out to be? I replayed it recently and it was fun. Sure, the original game didn't meet people's expectations, but people's expectations were so high to begin with that it would've been impossible to meet them.

It was never going to please anyone. I personally liked it up until Thessia when Cerberus got ridiculous

>try and do a new playthrough to make the game feel different
>go through the exact same one every time with the same romance and class but I love it
I wish I wasn't autistic

RIP Jenkins

it wasn't that bad

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It's just boring

Yeah it really is. The lack of creative imagination in a brand new IP basically is the worst bit about it.

The main plot is retarded, and nothing short of a complete rewrite will ever fix it. The combat is fun though.


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>dude I bought some Casio midi keyboard for 12 bucks check this out

>all bluster and no explanation
Laughs in genocidal caterpillar

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Should I finally try to beat baldurs gate?

ME1 was so good and the franchise had so much potential. I'd give anything for a well done entry in the same style of the first but with more rpg mechanics.

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Based and Starcontrol II pilled

They created a fictional universe that, in my opinion, was at least on par with Star Trek and flushed it all down the fucking toilet

mass effect 2 is absolutely embarrassing with the dude boobs lmao, ridiculous cerberus retcons, retarded terminator boss battle, and the whole "get most interesting character at the end of the game because of disc space" thing

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When I first player Mass Effect it was during a scorching summer and I could only play it for about 20 minutes at a time because my CPU kept heating up and beeping at me. Good times.

what I don't understand is why they were making a Human-shaped reaper when all they care about is preserving the DNA, and all reapers just end up looking like Harbinger anyway

there's no practical reason to have a human-shaped core to the reaper

I like the vigil variant that plays as you drive through the ruins of Ilos before you meet Vigil itself.
youtube.com/watch?v=gXjQoYU_2FQ >9:49

and the one that plays on the citadel after you defeat Saren.
youtube.com/watch?v=poZrd5V1rvo >4:27

It's kind of weird they never used these two variations in ME2 or 3 and instead only used the main one.

to think the reapers could have had giant squishy fetus cores

I was under the impression that the DNA slurry they turned people into was then just pumped throughout the reaper like blood

I don't know if original concept is better or not

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But me3 is good based retard


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but some of the me2 concept arts had it as literal giant fetuses some might think it's silly and too on the nose, but I say it's better than a literal giant terminator boss.

the whole game is built up to something and it's just a spooky robot skeleton. lame.

>DNA slurry
This was only invented fairly late in the writing stages of ME2. l'Etoille thought that whole thing was unbelievably stupid.

It's almost worse because now not only is it still vaguely human-shaped for no reason, but is in the fetal position which makes even less sense

it just screams of the artist trying to unnerve the player without putting any more thought into it than that

>someone took a look at this and said "nah, let's just rip-off the boss from contra for our ending"

I want to hurt them. We could have preformed a reaper abortion.

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>it just screams of the artist trying to unnerve the player without putting any more thought into it than that
Seems to be a running theme

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absorbing memories from humans? so they make a fetus shape and fetal pose

i dunno mng

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biotics were fun

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Don't forget

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Which piece of Quarian concept art is the best?

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People jerk off to this scene every time but literally everything in that convo with Sovereign set up the story for failure. ME2 is still the best just for ignoring the shitty reaper plot.

Top one

Did you guys ever jack off to Ashley's ass? I did


I figured making it human-shaped was part of the Reaper's "preservation" of the species they exterminate; the core systems of the new Reaper are built into the shape of the species it's made of and then integrated into a giant Sovereign-class ship-coffin.

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That's a decent explanation, I'll just assume that was the idea

>Recruited Jack
>Point of no return cutscene plays
>Reload save so I can finish my fucking quests
Whats the next PNR after this horizon bullshit?

I'm pretty sure the Horizon mission doesn't prevent you from completing any quests though?

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Best girl.

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I've never had such a bad time dealing with a character not being real as with Tali.

There's another forced mission you have to do at a specific time, it triggers once you've done eight (i think) missions after Horizon, then there is another you choose to trigger when you want after that.

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The real point of no return is a mission called Reaper IFF. Make sure you do every loyalty mission BEFORE it, because you'll get hit with a ticking clock when you finish it. Also save Miranda or Jack's loyalty until last because doing both triggers an event. You can finish everything else after completing the final mission so no worries

top one is basically angara from andromeda

>Playing as a girl
Guess how I know you are in the closet

I've done only one run as femshep and I gotta say it was more fun than male shep except for not being able to Romance Tali.

>femshep players swear up and down that femshep is more popular
>Bioware releases statistics
>80+% of players picked male Shepard

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>There are people out there who have filthy xenotentacles as their waifus when qt.314 pure Miranda is right next to them
The fuck?

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Sheesh, it wasn't even that bad

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She got blacked by Jacob of all people

>ultimate genetic marvel of the universe
>is a barren BLACKED whore with buck teeth that looks like Michael Jackson

Why uninstall then reinstall Deluxe?

cleaning the suit out of xenogirlcum must be difficult

Same thing when you download porn, rub one out and then delete it just to realize you could use that later.

She was getting ready to give her virginity to Shepard.

>masculinity so fragile that you immediately assume that a dude is homo because he plays a female character
Nice projection there, fagboy.

Even femShep?

>tfw no nerdy gf who's secretly horny all the time

>some polish vagina with dat ass effect and """"hard"""" childhood

>rewriting dossiers for 18% of the players
They were just cheap

>w-why would you pick something other than the exact same thing every single playthrough?
Learn to roleplay, faggot.
>muh 80% vandershep
>100% of people who know how to roleplay choose different options on each playthrough
Learn how to roleplay, faggot.


reminder that Tali offers herself for a threesome with Vakarian and femshep

>lol nah just kidding its robot uprising
Did the reapers assume Shepard was retarted?

I have a feeling that the Reapers themselves don't know why the cycle takes place.

Somebody touch a nerve there, sport?

Of course not. They're machines running their programs.

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You have no argument, stop with the memes already.
Learn to roleplay, faggot.

ME1: very strong introduction to the universe
ME2: develops the universe to make you feel even more immersed and save the galaxy with your bros
ME3: completely destroys most of the setting for a stereotypical "conflict" where the player's actions make little sense
Books: Wasted opportunity to develop the universe ; just a rehash of the main series's plot with weak writing

Why didn't they make a prequel about the integration of humanity within the galaxy
The worldbuilding is by far the most enjoyable part of the games

I imagine the writers themselves had no idea why the cycle was happening either after the dark energy plot that explained everything was cut for some bizarre reason.

>What in the christ are you doing Shepard?
>It's dangerous to play Amnesia at night

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>was cut for some bizarre reason.
Mac walters Ego probably, Chris reckoned that Mac hated that people thought Drew's Writing in 1 was better than his in two.

I heard that the writer of that plot was accused of plagiarism

The people that made those games are no longer at bioware, bioware is no longer what it was when they made those games.


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Fuck you

the biggest let down for me was the new aliens, instead of 6-7 new species to replace all the ones we left behind, we just get le squid cat ay lmaos + le squid cat ay rock lmaos


this song still makes me tear up when i hear it

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Bruh, it doesn't have a single worthwhile dialogue line in the entire game. All the deliveries are also phoned in, the profile system for powers is counter-intuitive as was the jetpack and the gameplay itself resembles ME1's more than any other entry in the game, with the exception of the skill system affecting it in aiming. It is a technical mess and it took other studios jumping in to save it from being completely unplayable. It is every bit as bad.

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Completely the wrong direction to go after the intense world building of the first three episodes. Should have gone for a prequel or a side story during the reaper wars, or even a complete reboot.

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I think I'm one of the few people to never have played 2 and 3
I'm aware of their reputation but have never truly experienced them besides watching bits of pieces of scenes
My headcanon is that Sovereign's destruction delayed the reapers by a fuckton of time, well beyond the lives of 100s of generations of people

>'all we were told when designing the initial concepts of the quarian race was that they were scavenger species who created the geth'
>artist grew a fucking oinking pig
>arists then went on to design the quarian's helmet's around the 'snout'
>scavenger species

2 is worth a go, its a fairly self contained story
forget about 3

This is pretty much why I was never a huge fan of 2, reduced my character to a warp spamming faggot

I played the entire game and almost reached 100% completion, I really liked it and I hope they make a sequel.

3 is worth a go, its a fairly self contained story
forget about 2

Good times

Attached: Tali Appreciation Station.png (954x888, 371K)

>artist grew a fucking oinking pig
>helmet's around the 'snout'
The Quarian design is reverse engineering on what the Geth looks like.
The Geth were designed by Quarians.
They already had the finished design of Geth.
Now Quarians need to look like they designed the Geth based upon what they look like.
Here endeth the lesson.

t. Mac Walters

The thing I hate the most about the 3rd game is those mini quests with searching stuff to raise that fucking readiness index.

Speaking of Bioware games I'm about to head into NWN for the first time. How is this looking for a Paladin?

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>play through trilogy for the first time years after the ending controversy
>get to 3’s ending with the extended cut
>it’s serviceable if a little disappointing
>nowhere near as bad as everyone makes it out to be
>doesn’t ruin the rest of the game or series at all
Was 3’s original ending really that much worse or was it just a massive overreaction?

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I completely forgot that they didn't have the quarians at all in mass effect 1

Shitty cuck game.

2 and 3 are both great games 3’s ending with the extended cut isn’t even that bad

>only game in the series where the lead writer is a woman
>also worst game in the series
Who knew

Get out of here with that nerd shit. We’re talking about force games you nerd

>tfw ywn experience this: hastebin.com/eliqoreqoh.http

if I'm not mistaken, in the original ending ALL you got was picking your Color Ending, the Normandy outruns the light beam, and it immediately cuts to the scene where the Normandy lands on that jungle planet

you can imagine how that was pretty disappointing to almost everybody

Maybe this will help.

Attached: me - lotr.jpg (640x2400, 382K)

oh yeah, and after that you get "tell me more about the shepard"

Continue to expand your legacy with downloadable content

It was. I’m trying to remember but it was mostly just the different colors with no extra scenes showing what the aftermath was. There wasn’t a real difference.


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>downloadable content
It's still hilarious to me that these were the actual last words in the trilogy

Some things to think about:
If you are planning on using plate, which why wouldn't you, getting dex up to 12 will give you an extra 1AC
To use all of a paladin's spells, you need a wis score of 14, but it's up to you if you think those spells are worth it
Personally I never roll paladins, clerics can pretty much be the same with more powerful spells

thanks bro

Man that sounds really bad
Good thing I waited to play the game until after it was fixed

It was really, really disappointing yes

Aria T'loak is best girl
that's all

What's the one rule, user?


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Doesn't say anything about Aria fucking with YOU

How do I get a kiss from her?

>when you remember Shepard was supposed to meet Legion first and get resurrected by the Geth via extensive use of cybernetics
>instead they went the human-centric route, making a small black ops organization expand to some fucking galactic superpower

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this, game 1 has a special place in my heart

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I don't consider the extended cut to have fixed anything really, my problem with the ending isn't not knowing what happened or even that it doesn't respect any choices, which also sucks. It's mostly that the ending isn't thematically justified or supported by the rest of the story up to that point.

But really, if you're not utterly disappointed with the ending after watching the extended cut and the series isn't ruined for you then there's no problem.

real bros start a second playthrough so garrus can get some pussy for once

ME 3 is only worth it for the Palaven moon and Garrus.

make mostly renegade decisions during the Omega DLC in ME3

Attached: Aria.gif (245x250, 932K)

Also best story

There's one track from Andromeda that I cannot find no matter what. It's a bar track, just a simple beat.

This one.

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anything but 2

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Sometimes I put on vigils theme before I go to sleep.

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nothing can beat this feeling

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Attached: Bioware Quality Animation 10.webm (680x382, 841K)

There are some cool remixes that help enhance the mournfulness of the piece.
I'd like to hear it performed on an organ


This one is underrated

Behold, you are wrong

>how 'bout "goodbye."

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>>You ready for this playah?

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Did I tell you about the time I was invited to a Quarian wedding on the Qwib Qwib? It was a fucking massacre.

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It was a different time, the graphics looked beautiful back.

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>tfw no big tiddies ashley gf

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Why do you want that ruined?

this is what you get when you abandon tim for soulless trash

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I have wondered about you
Where will you be
When this is through?

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More like
>18 month development period for ME3
>Best place to start the trilogy
>Mac Walters had literally no idea what to do with anything
>Exapnd the legend with further DLC

NO, it sounds too ominous.

Don't you talk shit about my space bug husband, faggot!
And prothean being an empire makes more sense. As Javik's subspecies probably were warriors and as such were chosen by Harbringer to be remade instead of big brain tall nigga protheans.

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me3 was good and made millions for bioware, dragon age inquisition and andromeda killed bioware

Apparently The collectors were turned into Protheans part way through the writing stage in ME2 according to Chris l'Etoiles old dev diaries he opposed the idea as what protheans looked like had already been shown to the player.

{ Instrumental Part intensifies ]

>the last

try to kill her
>she kills herself

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I like how many different characters can commit suicide in this series.
>Fai Dan
>The Illusive Man
Writing this out I just realised you can't get any character to commit suicide in ME2. Another reason why it's shit.

who /therumbattletheme/ here?

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>well what about Shepard?

>everyone cant die
>except liara
I genuinely hate this

wanna dance?

But those statues are from the civilization before the Protheans...

But user, Liara is a GOOD wife (SHE IS, SHE IS)

they retconned those saying that they were from the cycle prior to the protheans

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Yep they had to shit on Drew and Chris's work and make up the Inusannon to fix their stupidity

CDPR is essentially the old Bioware.

Will we ever make it to the stars and will discover FTL drive?

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yeah but CDPR can't make fun gameplay

All hostility towards shep from the government and VS would have make much more sense if he was a part geth.

more and more it appears that FTL is actually impossible

>trannypunk devs

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no lmao

cdpr is soulless and witcher 3 is trash, mass effect 3 and dragon age 2 are much better

>me3 was good
ME3 had a ton of problems, that people would have disregarded, had Bioware handled the situation better, instead of shitting on their community and employing the shill media to push the company line on the people that bought their product. Instead, they could have put that same money they through away on the shill to fund a project that addresses the problems people had with ME3. They chose not to and got fucked in the ass. While CDPR and even Square enjoyed exponential growth, through the explosive boom of the video game market in the past decade, Bioware, a AAA studio with dozens of millions and 4-5 year development cycles for their games have failed to capitalize on that growth, exactly because they fucked themselves over with ME3. Even Inquisition, which was a game with no expectations behind it and while placed in an incredibly favourable time window, failed to catch any of that market growth. So now Bioware is stuck with shit, their next game is at the very least 3 more years away and is a sequel to Inquisition, which nobody will care about, because it will be 9 years since that and Bioware's only hope is to remain relevant through Anthem, in the meantime. They are fucking dead and they don't even know it.

>untill that one moment when there were talks that molecules were speeded up to 1,3 FTL but hey now, it was just wrong readings ;^)

Thematically more interesting too because now Shepard is a rogue SPECTRE with Geth parts just like Saren was

Kaiden/Ashley's skepticism would make a lot more sense

Only bad part about 3 was the ending. Bioware could have recovered with Andromeda but EA forced Frostbite into EVERY game. And that's how you got the godawful animations in Andromeda. They had to rebuild all of the animation assets, in a different engine, without any of the talent that built the animation assets for the OG trilogy. Andromeda played well. The combat mechanics were fun. But the horrendous animation and lackluster story put the final nail in Mass Effects coffin.

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best we will get is mass effect relay type guns that shoot you to a particular area of space
there's absolutely zero chance of a small vessel launching though space FTL on its own

And? Gameplay isn’t why people fondly remember Bioware games.
Cope. CDPR is very soulful for an AAA dev.

>Only bad part about 3 was the ending
Imagine actually believing this, when it has been proven that ME3 had an insurmountable number of problems and criticisms like no other ME game on release and most of which never got fixed.

>part of core-gameplay removal
But hey, free horse armor is always soul, huh?

>worse than da2
I haven't played witcher 3, but that is some hell of a statement

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Our species is going to go extinct in a couple of centuries.
So no.

who cares what bioware does after releasing the fucking game, sure the ending was not perfect for everybody but the game was pretty good compared to cdpr or square shit, gaymer are subhuman pandering to them doesnt make a game better.EA and frostbite bullshit killed bioware.

No. People could've disregarded bad writing with Cerberus and ignoring player choices but the ending of ME3 unavoidably ended them.

I hate how much sidequests got stripped down. Also why reintroduce specter shit for it to result in 10 minutes with a dlc character and fetch quests. Fucking retarded design choice.

>core gameplay
>use detective sense
kys soulless fuckwit
its true

Go to bed, Casey.

Who cares about graphics?
Also what core gameplay removal?

>Our species is going to go extinct in a couple of centuries.
Thank you Jesus.

You kidding? Gameplay is one of the best aspects the old games had

Mass Effect is fun enough but JE, kotor and DA have terrible gameplay.

It's likely that EA is responsible for the ending fiasco.
According to Chris l'Etoile (writer in 1 & 2) EA interfered quite a lot with the writing of 2.
So it's quite easy to believe that they did the same with 3

>not every class from CybPunk is oging to made it in
>some levels from W2&3 were also scrapped and removed
Plus someone add that "you are here " Trannypunk 2077 list

>ywn play me1 with me3 vanguard...

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spoken like a true pleb, specially if you compare those games to the literal clicking gameplay of TW1, the floaty garbage of TW2 or the tracking simulator of TW3

Come home, earth man

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Who was the final boss in 3?Banshee?

>not every class from CybPunk is oging to made it in
They never promised all of them would be playable.
>some levels from W2&3 were also scrapped and removed
Wow, so like every game ever? Mass Effect has cut content too.

Marauder Shields

The final boss was your own mind.
Were you indoctrinated?

>muh SEOUL
fucking retard

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it was supposed to be a fight against TIM who had become totally reaper-fied but this was cut because it would be "too video-gamey"

the only proper ending choice is Destroy
I came all that way to destroy the reapers, so that's what I'm doing

Control makes no sense because in the last scene you just convinced TIM the Reapers can't be controlled

Synthesis is just flat out retarded

Playing soldier again for the first time in 7-8 years, all for that sweet l, sweet heavy colossus armor. Best design in all the games by far.

>not rocking default N7 Armor the whole time

>born too late to discover the new world
>born too early to discover the stars
>born just in time for global climate change, sjws and a boomer ruined world

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Catalyst's home is a giant dialog-wheel.

>tfw you unironically wanted the indoctrination theory to be real

Because it was an excellent end to the series.
Way better than what they actually went for.

>in a video game
This is the most bullshit excuse I've heard so far.

That's exactly what they said though

>Mass Effect trillogy gets made a TV series
Cast it.

Spooky, my PSU blew when fighting the final boss.

Look at this stupid bullshit

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God I hated cerberus so much in 3

It's funny, we're in objectively the best time to ever live on this planet and it's still shitty enough to make you wish you were born in another period.

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>character they know rather than a random creature
Mass Effect did that with Saren and they just tried to copy that but without actuall boss fight at the end!
Jesus what went so wrong with 3

Save the 6 billion rachni goy

nathalie emmanuel as Tali'Zorah Vas Neema

I'm OK with not going back to a time where a minor infection or bout of diarrhea could kill you.

fuck. I wanna go back.

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Couldn't you get some literally who to put in the suit and then dub over the game's VA though?

>born late enough to not get Polio
>born early enough to avoid humanity's fate of being enslaved by aliens
it's not so bad

Here's your commander Shepard

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CGI turians or not?

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I think they might need them.

It had some pretty nice looking environments and armor, but rest all seemed so rushed.

Getting the faces right on physical costumes would be a nightmare. Plus you'd have to change their waist because there is absolutely no way you'd get a person to fit in a 100% accurate suit without rearranging some bones.

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>who cares what bioware does after releasing the fucking game
Like calling their fanbase entitled manbabies and stupid? Who the fuck cares, indeed.

Exactly. They failed to handle that and they are still paying for it.

Bioware Magic

>Acts like a school yard asshole the entire game
>Raids your apartment and eats some of your cereal before leaving
Why is he such a bitch?

>rest all seemed so rushed.
>five year development time compared with Mass Effect 3's 18 months
How did bioware manage this?

I played the entire game and almost reached 100% completion. It's the weakest story I've seen in a Bioware game. I suffered through the repetitive Ubisoft-style sandboxes because I wanted to be invested in the characters, or the main plot, or anything. But the only bits of the game that I can look back on fondly were 2 or 3 companion missions, callbacks to the trilogy, and a small handful of sidequests / lore tidbits that did nothing but set up other stuff for Andromeda 2. Every main quest was shit, except for maybe the ones on the Remnant city and Meridian, because at least the visuals were cool and we were finally learning about what the fuck was going on. I wanna fuck Vetra though, so gg.

>Like calling their fanbase entitled manbabies and stupid? Who the fuck cares, indeed.
yes who fucking cares, they should stop crying nobody is forced to play me

Well then congratulations user, you played yourself


>inb4 cuckatu
It's a good read

Incompetent, massively indecisive developers. They didn't figure out what the game was actually going to be right up until the last minute, so in real terms the final product was only in development for a year or so. Kind of like Anthem afterwards.

>Kind of like Anthem afterwards.
It seems to me that Aaryn Flynn was a terrible GM and the reason why Bioware has gotten extra chances is that EA believes that Hudson can sort the studio out.

Dont worry my nigga FTL is impossible and we will never get to the stars

Bitter and insecure that he's a 2nd rate Shepard
>dishonorably discharged from the military for something as pointlessly edgy as taking battlefield trophies
>only elevated to TIM's right hand man once Shepard willingly walked away
>needs Cybernetics just to keep up
then a Drell dying of space cancer fucks his shit up

the edge was always baked into his personality but it makes sense why he's such a prick to Shepard specifically. He knows he can never be as good.

Not bad, honestly. Her voice is sex

Exactly. Which is why people refunded the game and never bough another Bioware game since, which is why Bioware is the only AAA studio that still only manages to move ~2 million copies per title and is on the brink of getting shuttered. So, you know, maybe don't do that Bioware?

Why does Bioware have to be such shit? Christ, all I wanted was for them to build on what they had in ME1.

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I think they did a good job on some fronts on that with ME, by introducing locations like Ilium and Omega and expanding the crew, but the new mini games were terrible, removing the elevator rides also removed a lot of chances for crew interactions that weren't limited to Shepard talking to squaddies, the planet scanning, while faster than frolicking on planets, was not nearly as fun, although skipping out on the prefab bunkers was much appreciated and the new skill tree and armour customization left a lot to be desired compared to ME1.

Damn it.
Anyway, how are you guys been this week? Is everything alright? Have u played ME lately? Go ahead.

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The main writer Drew Karpyshyn eventually got pushed out by Mac Walters, a complete hack

You can see the progression in the credits:
>ME1: Lead writer Drew
>ME2: Lead writers Drew & Mac
>ME3: Lead writer Mac

I'm sure it's a coincidence the writing quality from 1 to 3 decreased enormously

imagine if Drew had been able to finish the story, i know he had a better idea than whatever ended up being shipped. the theory that the Reapers made themselves and harvest life to figure out how to stop the heat death of the universe is infinitely better than AI killing you to stop AI. you end up with a choice of retaining individuality or sacrificing to potentially save the entire universe. there are hints dropped to this on Tali’s recruitment mission. AHHHHH FUCK BIOWARE FUCK EA

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They restarted development multiple times, the final game was developed in 12 months, hence feeling rushed as fuck. Eventually EA told them to release *something* so we ended up with the shitpile which is Andromeda

2 has an extremely comfy story and best cast of companions in the series, if you can get past the gameplay carbon copied from Gears of War, complete with chest high walls

3 is pretty soulless and could be skipped safely unless you want to see the conclusion of the series. 3 has good enough combat to carry the game, it's almost painful seeing the characters so badly written though

Does Mass Effect 1 ever get any better?
Its kinda shit.

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no ME1 has been the same since 2007 it isnt getting any better or worse. you either like it or you dont.

They reassigned him to SWTOR, as that was going to be Bioware's next big thing. Absolutely moronic management in Casey Hudson, no wonder the founders cashed out and moved on

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I liked the armor designs

>I say things without elaborating
Also, that's not what the statement is about, whether or not you think ME3 is good, it was first major sign of the beginning of the end for Bioware.

Kai Leng.

It's not like the Dark Matter storyline was much better than the bullshit we got

>I am Sovereign and you are literally incapable of understanding our existence or our motives
>Actually I'm kidding we're trying to save the universe from an early death because Mass Effect technology is like, spacetime poison

ME1 also had some cool subplots brewing, according to some conversations in Noveria and some codex entries there was some shadow wars going on between megacorporations to monopolize the colonizations efforts of humanity. Overall ME1 had a strong “humanity fuck yeah!” vibe and choices that were completely dropped in the following games.

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Maybe the science behind dark matter fucking up stars was too complicated for organics to comprehend. Then it could've been justified.


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>Can't I have you both?
Renegade Shep is top tier chad.

>Implying I would ever romance anyone from ME1
Nah bro, the best waifus and husbandos are in 2 and 3.

>for organics

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>posts an artificial, supposedly perfect but actually inferior organic
Thanks for proving my point, I guess?

Sorry, I meant "meatbags".
Who's the HK-47 of Mass Effect?

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yes, someone with big thighs



Yeah but it's COOL

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I'm still mad about thermal clips

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Delete before HE appears!

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Dragon age origen and Mass effect 1 were the last good games from them

they were pretty fucking irritating in 2 as well. I don't know who in the writing crew had such a hardon for them (jk we all know) but they were actually way more interesting in 1 when they were mysterious and dangerous through recklessness rather than just having an unlimited stream of money

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Every time I come here, this thread is here. And it hurts every time. I always remember being in the facility on Noveria walking about and Garrus and Liara commenting on the blizzard outside. So cosy bros

>Intentionally having an imperfect face so you won't have to be distracted by what you're missing, when you're smashing that ass
>Not realizing Henry's ingenious plan

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What did I miss?Can someone repost it?

noveria was fucking great. I liked the isolated and desolate atmosphere on feros too, at least until it went full zombie apocalypse and turned into one huge combat arena.

Bioware lost all management ability when the doctors left

Oh god oh fuck

It wasn't supposed to be like this

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Can we ever go back bros?
Will any of us play Mass Effect 1 for the first time again?

Not only a sad song for Mass Effect but gaming in general. We have to go back

>having an unlimited stream of money
Well, according to EDI at the end of ME2, Cerberus spent most of their budget on rebuilding Shepard and the Normandy. Which is really fucking stupid, considering TIM had no idea Shepard would even work for him.

Dark Matter was fine as an idea in itself, it fits one of the earlier themes of Mass Effect's idea of "hard choices", revolved around element zero and the mass relays which are the centerpieces of ME's lore, and was backed by foreshadowing. It only becomes retarded because again, Sovereign's entire speech guarantees the failure of the entire storyline.

ME1's writers get praised to no end but how the fuck does a person write a villain to claim that their goals are "too much for you mere mortals to comprehend". Has doing that ever worked out for a story, ever? What a stupid thing to do.

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