remember to support Tsubasa's game now that it is getting new life on to the nintendo switch

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Other urls found in this thread:


this was the one wii u port that nobody wanted. the switch still doesnt have a real SMT game, they should give us V already

>this was the one wii u port that nobody wanted
That's going a little far, people would have given it a chance if it was uncensored. Everyone who played the game said it was fantastic. I'd still rather have V of course, but you know


FYI there's the possibility that the game is getting uncensored.

If it does, I'll buy it, but it needs to have ALL the original content, including the whole gravure idol thing

Is this the new thread? Since the other thread close to bump limit

This desu, I'll willingly give them a chance, but this is an all-or-nothing situation. If it's still censored, I'll just pirate it on WiiU and play it there

I bought two copies on Wii U, it's your time to support Tubasa-tyan.

People have been asking for a switch port of this game for a while.

If it's uncensored and we get back the stuff that was cut, I'll day one it.

Censored Idol garbage, I think I'll pass.

Can't wait for it to be uncensored so you total retards can play it and see it has the exact same story as before since the costume changes don't affect the plot of chapter 2 at all.

I bought it on Wii U and I’ll buy it on switch too. Great game.

Tsubasa got upgraded herself!

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>wah wah I'm retarded

You didn't need to repeat your previous post, user, I quoted it for you.

Don't give a shit. Even if it's uncensored, it's still a dogshit game

Nah, it's 10/10. You never played it.

I don't need to. It's idolshit. 0/10

>Tsubasa's game

You mean Kiria's game.

I'm just so glad she's back bros.

If you weren't a prejudicial faggot you'd see how it's actually an amazing game.

Is there any quality to the story and characters besides this one waifubait girl?

People literally want the same game that japan got faithfully translated with zero localization bullshit. Why is this so hard for you understand?

It's basically a Persona game, so the story is pretty basic, but the character interactions and their arcs are pretty damn great.

When I played some of it on a friend's Wii U it was more entertaining than I expected. I'll buy it if it comes cheap.

Been under a rock. Did they go legit or do they still do porn?

There's no such a thing as a gravure idol in the west, so not localizing that is impossible.

Always found TMS' designs more pleasing than Persona's (3-5). Might be that Toi8 can actually paint with some semblance of texture on digital, instead of wholly slick colours.

You could translate it as a risqué photoshoot.

if its not censored then for sure ill get it thou i should just hack my wii u and play it that way

Too bad the models look nothing like Toi8 desings.

Weebs would know. The ones that would buy this game.

Might as well hack your Switch along the way.

Which is not the same and if you did you'd be saying underage girls are being involved in risqué photoshoots in your game.

I wouldn't say fantastic but it's definitely a solid game that everyone should play through at least once if they like JRPGs and aren't uptight faggots that cry about muh weebshit while playing a Japanese genre.

I hope so and I haven't totally written it off yet. Game deserves a real chance without any baggage dragging it down.

I know, but what can you do about it? Just say gravure, nothing wrong with learning something new.


I'd say that the trailers and images are gotten straight from the Wii U game for the most part, so I wouldn't bet on anything right now. Let's see it on actual gameplay.

>game released when nintendo was pro censor everything
>now it will be possibly uncensored because of the change that nintendo is much more hands off about censoring everything
>sony used to be very hands off / censor nothing
>now they are very heavily censoring everything
literally clown world

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Blame the Vita's failure / commercial success of prestige games.

If you want the Japanese game, then go play the Japanese game. Not that hard. No need to present a half baked game for everybody else.
The whole argument is really stupid anyway since the entire point of that chapter is that the cameraman was being a creep and it was making the girls uncomfortable, and then you go kick his ass and the girls get more comfortable with being photographed again. Nothing really changes in the localization.

can you blame vita as well as psp for being giant failures? we are talking about the company who refused to publish demons souls to the west after all

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Funny the only Idol in the game is Tsubasa so it's a 1/10 idolshit game

If nothing really changes what was the point of changing it? Fuck off, apologist.

To make it easier to understand for a general audience, duh. Not everybody is a weeb, you know?

I understand the need to compromise in any translation, but the model swaps were a bit too much imo. Foreign concepts also don't need to be changed, have some respect for the audience (game's still set in Japan, as far as I remember). Imagine that a translated novel changed the concept of sauerkraut to, dunno, dumplings, for chinese readers because they've never had sauerkraut before.

>giant failure
Whoa there buddy you're getting off rails

More dollars since wii u era three house getting paid by changes in localization

it was a failure lets not beat around the bush. but yeah it wasn't as much of a colossal failure as vita was. christ. trust me I owned both consoles early, I know how painful it is.

The game Is going to sell a lot.
There Is a lot of people in Twitter than are hyped.
It help than weeb stuff become mainstrain those years.

They got that, just with different costumes in a single chapter. Plot, story, motivation, etc was all the same.

The model swap was too much, that I'll agree. But the localization was fine. They didn't just turn rice balls into jelly filled doughnuts, they went around the concept to make it easily understandable.

I'm still not going to use her.

But it wasn't? It managed to compete and lose to the DS, that was magnanimous, but managed do very decent. Specially in comparison to the PS3 on the early days, for example. It wasn't "painful" at all, it had plentitude of games.

The PSP sold like 80 million units worldwide, what the fuck are you smoking?

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No, im not going to waste my time learning a new language so I can indulge in another time wasting activity when it can be done properly translated.

You can’t get anymore weeaboo than idolshit no matter how hard you try to dress it up. The fact that Nintendo was delusional trying to market this to boys is hysterical

It's impossible for me to get mad at the plot change for that chapter for the simple reason that the lesson she allegedly learns about doing embarrassing shit for strangers is instantly invalidated by her follow-up sidequest showing she hasn't learned a single fucking thing about not being a spaghettilord.

Again the only idol in the game is Tsubasa

Are those allowed to be doing that.

Post'em music.

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>There's no such a thing as a gravure idol in the west,
Are you seriously implying the concept of posing in underwear is impossible to grasp you fucking clown?

Of course it isn't. You just have to LOCALIZE the concept.

That's not necessarily what gravure is, and that's not how the game presents it. That's just one possible thing a model might wear. If anything, the game's approach to gravure is less plausible because it basically tries to pretend it isn't commonly viewed as a pretty seedy thing starlets do to keep themselves relevant. The fact that Itsuki is totally on board with her doing it is really weird.

The fuck do you mean? What's next, the concept of a pop star needs to be localized? Eat shit.

Who cares? This game is just too anime and extravagant to be rebranded to whatever the fuck NoA was aiming for when they released it. If they weren’t interested in buying the game that was tailored for nonweebs, why would they buy the rerelease?

>censored shit

Kiria is an idol.

Eleanora does idolshit on the side.

Because its not on fucking wii u, also wtf is too anime? There's an anime for everything


Kiria is an idol.

Eleanora does idolshit on the side.

Yeah, I'll wait for the official release for actual proof if it was uncensored.

I'll only get it if it's uncensored

Oh, and Yashiro too. He's an idol.

So that makes 4/7 characters you play as Idols.

It still better have upskirts.

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They're really not. Tsubasa has all the idolshit plot stuff. Everyone else is more like standard Japanese tarento. If that makes them an idol then every actor or musician in the country is an idol and the term means nothing. You could say Kiria was an idol before, but she's past that point in her career.

I just want them to fix the wedding dress. I still don't understand the logic behind that change at all.

But is it getting new life by adding more Maiko?

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Oh hey, I remember this game, it was the one with that super cringe inducing FIYAHH EMBREUM musical number everybody mocked a few years ago

Why the fuck would anyone want to play this even if it's uncensored tiddy and ass?

That's just the old Fire Emblem commercial jingle.

Fire Emblem heroes has plenty of upskirts so I see no reason this game won't


Both Kiria and Yashiro are explicitly Idols as their primary profession.

In particular, Kiria's sidequests culminate in a breakthrough for her career as an idol, showing a side of herself to her fans she wasn't able to before. Literally all idolshit plotstuff. 2 of them include songs from Kiria.

I will buy it if it isn't censored.

From what I remember, better dungeons than Persona 5, which was the thing I was playing at the time.

So by your logic every Japanese celebrity is an idol. Thanks for destroying your own argument.

Whoever got assigned the job spent 2 minutes with the fill color tool and called it a day. Or they were muslim.

If they didn’t buy the game for wii-U, they’re sure as shit not going to buy it for Switch.

I owned a Wii U and chose not to buy it. Why would I buy it now?

And why this? Pikmin 3 and SM3DW are much more deserving.

By your logic Tsubasa herself isn't an idol because she does TV and commercials, and in fact you aren't an idol if you have ever done any media that isn't a song. Thanks for destroying your own argument.

do you have actual brain damage

Aside from outright removing content (which this game is guilty of admittedly) in a localization I do not see why it is such a huge fucking deal that this and that gets changed in localization. It's the same game, with the same plot and the same characters.
Muh integrity. Muh creator's original intent. It's a JRPG, I assure you whatever was in the original script was not exactly profound.

There are things about this game's localization that are egregious, such as the plot of a chapter needing to be changed because some costumes were changed, but in general people make such a big deal over small changes in localization that barely matter for the overall game.

>It's a JRPG, I assure you whatever was in the original script was not exactly profound.
That's never a reason for anything. I agree with your whole point, though.

People dont want to buy censored games. What does it matter what the changes are? If its censored, it's censored.

If they aren't a big enough deal to get upset about, then why were they a big enough deal to get changed in the first place?

People can never seem to answer that one.

Why is Nintendo hands off on censoring now?
What changed in the company?

Wii U failed so Nintendo changed everything away from it. American audiences worked so Sony changed everything to it.

Change in direction from Wii U to Switch. Was very apparent when they made very clear that the Switch was going to be region free in its first conference.

In the case of this game it seemed to be because they felt that some things did not make sense culturally in the area the game was being localized to.
Ultimately, it's a matter of asking yourself why you're playing the game in the first place. Is it because of the gameplay, plot and characters? Or is it because of the outfits that got changed?

I understand that; for most people it seems to be about the principle of the matter, and when a localization absolutely butchers a game for no good reason. This is actually a pretty rare thing though, the last time it happened that I can think of is the absolute hackjob that Treehouse did with Fire Emblem Fates.

>this is the reason why there's still no SMTV progress
fuck you kowashitai

Yeah, you fucking wish.

At this point it feels like a compromise. It's like Nintendo said "Well, we're not getting P5 and SMTV is vaporware. Let's rerelease that other Atlus game from our dead system."

I don't.

Ports never take away significant dev time and if they did, the SMTV team is totally not involved in this. It's mostly for publicity, SMTV's devs said that development is going fine and that they're happy with UE4, but Atlus as you may know are complete idiots about marketing.

>defending P5's dungeons
what the FUCK am I reading

I think Persona fans developed stockholm syndrome from just how shockingly bad dungeon play in P3 and 4 was.

>Muh integrity. Muh creator's original intent. It's a JRPG, I assure you whatever was in the original script was not exactly profound.
Still not going to buy your censored shit.

Persona's never really had good dungeons. Dont act like 3 started that.

Agreed, but at least they were not procedurally generated.

>Kowashitai having better anything
No u.

You'd be surprised.

Fuck no, this trash is defiled by fire emblem
From all the games wiiu has this was the least wanted by far

I didn't keep up with the game when it first came out. What's actually good about it?

The point people seem to miss about the localisation is that removing the gravure segment and changing the outfits won't make the game appealing to the 'ew anime' crowd, but it does alienate the waifufags who were the original, intended market. The problem isn't that the censorship is trying to market itself towards a broader audience, it's that the censorship removes aspects that would have appealed to the original, intended audience and so the game end up appealing to no one,which is one of the many reasons the game sold like shit.

How long will I have to wait to find out whether or not they uncensored it or not?

>From all the games wiiu has this was the least wanted by far
Whats even left at this point? Xeno and 101?

Why the fuck would I ever buy this trash?

Just wait faggot. What are you going to do, preorder it? LOL
Devils third and pikmin 3 is all i can think of. I dont think theyll port mario 3d world.


Even if that is true, fuck them for censoring it in the first place and never commenting on that.

Shut up
Shut up

I don't want that shit in my head again

January 2020. You can wait a little and see some videos when it releases before buying it, don't you?

Mario 3D World
Pikmin 3
Fatal Frame 5
A Wario game around there
Devil's Third (LOL)

I think that's it. Ordering in terms of the posibility of a port, TMS was pretty down there, so I'm happy it got a release. Makes me hope for FF5.

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Hear what, user?

Do you like anime? Are you a weeb incel gamerbrain?
If your answer to both question is yes, then you should buy this game.

>Aside from outright removing content (which this game is guilty of admittedly)
I’m just not going to buy a game with removed content. Why are you so upset about anons not wanting to buy edited Treehouse shit? Someone else who may not be bothered by it will just buy it in my place instead.

I think they'll left it in an half censored, half uncensored state.

Fuck the user that was saying "SMTV this year's E3/Gamescom/...".

>uncesor DLC patch for only 5.99$ !

>Do you like anime?
>Are you a weeb incel gamerbrain?
What kind of buzzword salad is this? Do they teach this shit on reddit or resetera?

He's not talking about that.

but I don't support censored trash

>he's hating on this game without having played it

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I looked on the game on youtube and it's the most cringe inducing garbage I've seen in a video game. That it has the audacity to use Fire Emblem characters is a fucking travesty to the series.

Devils Third is pretty fun. Not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

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I'll get to it whenever I have my hands on a Wii U. I'm pretty sure it's not getting on Switch, though.

Explain this "Kowashitai" meme to me

Holy shit you guys really do hate idols don't you. This is like reading a thread about FFX-2.

I dont think it will either, but TMS encore surprised the fuck outta me. So who knows anymore. Id rather see Fatal Frame 5 though.

>there is actually someone defending this turd

SMTV this year's TGS!

Yeah, I was fully expecting Pikmin 3. This is the first proper Atlus game on the Switch, isn't it? They're ignoring the console a bit.

Shit, you jackass. I hate this game we could have gotten SMT V by now if it wasn't for this piece of trash. How can anyone like this?

>You can wait a little and see some videos when it releases before buying it, don't you?
What makes you think I wouldn't? I asked for when because I really want to know whether or not the game is worth anything. Why in the world would I ever buy the game if it's still fucked?

If it's fixed then I have something splendid to look forward to.
If it's not fixed then it's just fucking nothing and I am better off forgetting it ever existed.
Going months with nothing but "It might be worth my time but it might also be worthless" is just annoying.

It's just the stupid song from the first trailer.



No you wouldn't. Get a clue.

Wait a minute... that card.

Stupid song for a stupid game

Just forget about it until it releases or videos with proper gameplay arise.

What do you mean gravure is legit it's all most like regular modeling.

Also, if it's summarily censored, you can just wait a week and get the obligatory "uncensored patch" that someone at GBAtemp will come up with. Win win.

We've already seen that aversa's tits were still censored. Why are people still questioning whether or not it will be censored? obviously it will be.

>I do not see why it is such a huge fucking deal that this and that gets changed in localization
if that's not a huge deal then why change it

At that point I'd just pirate the whole thing. Who the fuck is dumb enough to pay for censored shit?

I think it was with this game that i dropped Nintendo. Then came Fatal Frame, Fates, XCX and all the censored shit.

Could've easily been an editing mistake. They have also shown uncensored parts that were previously censored. So it's a toss of the coin.


>the entire point of that chapter is that the cameraman was being a creep and it was making the girls uncomfortable, and then you go kick his ass and the girls get more comfortable with being photographed again. Nothing really changes in the localization.
AHAHHAH I knew you retards never actually played the game. The Camera was NOT a creep at all. His entire arc is that he's frustrated that your boss stopped modelling and he lost one of the hottest one of her models. He's not even treated as a villain and goes back to photography normally once he's cured from possession. He thought Tsubasa would make a good replacement but Tsubasa was being a shy hypocrite who wanted to be a model and a idol but got pussyfooted when actually doing the job which annoyed him even more.
The arc is about Tsubasa learning to not be prudish or afraid to show her body and impressing the photographer to come back to normal. He literally becomes a bro after the arc is done.
Retards like you are probably the ones who were part of the localisation team

Reminder it's anti-idol fags are the one coming up with all the hate. Don't listen them just love your idolfu

It's Nintendodrones.
>"Haha look, snoy games are censored"
>nintendo game gets censored
>"No, wait, this one doesn't count"
Personally i pirate everything. Fuck all companies and fuck their fans.

I would reconsider if it really gets uncensored

>Could've easily been an editing mistake
Do you honestly believe that?

Sorry, i am not going to buy a game when different nation in a different part of the world pays the same price and have more from the game.

>The whole argument is really stupid anyway since the entire point of that chapter is that the cameraman was being a creep and it was making the girls uncomfortable,
No he was mad they they weren't putting "soul" into they're modeling they were just going though the motions and it was an insult to his profession.

This game is like FFX-2.

Nobody asked for it. Nobody wanted it unless you're one of the faggot who gets pleasure of idol girls which harms the music industry. Yet again, why don't you just go back to your Love Live and Idol M@ster circlejerk fest and not act like this game is any good?

Because in the end this game is literally a middle finger to the Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem community. You cannot argue otherwise because before it revealed to be idol shit, we were hoping for a legit good crossover. But no, we got a shitty game that gets shilled by idol fans.

I wish this game wouldn't get ported. Honestly I wish it wasn't. I rather have mother fucking Super Mario 3D World ported to Switch than this game. Fuck TMS and the faggots who shill the game thinking it's good. Fuck you.

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Yup. On both cases I mentioned, in fact. It's not the first time Nintendo has put something on a trailer that ends up not being in the game, so I'm staying on the fence until more info from actual gameplay on the system comes out (videos could've come out from Wii U footage, for example).

>what is 99% of Yea Forums

>This game is like FFX-2

>Do you honestly believe that?
Do you buy belive that atlus/nintendo wouldn't fuck up a trailers.
I don't know user you tell me remember paper mario

>nobody asked for it
We did though. But the result is...

Attached: smt vs fe.png (500x375, 257K)

>Kowashitai posting is back
What a time to be alive

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You know, I'd have bought the Japanese version as the Switch is region-free and I speak Japanese.
Seeing they are ruining that version as well now, to make everyone equally miserable, I'm not buying that game at all.

>Kowashitai posting
I am sure it was just one retard.

>they went for persona style with Fire Emblem flavour
>It doesn't capitalize on Social Links/Support
Give me a real Persona Emblem with Persona casts, it would have been miles better

Attached: youre-just-depressed-because-you-stay-in-your-bedroom-all-26643542.png (500x479, 105K)

Apparently it's a Purseownerfag too

>when different nation in a different part of the world pays the same price
Most games in Japan are $20 more expensive than US price.

I hope this flops twice as hard now

Who do I have to talk to to stop development of this port?

That you fags eat whatever shit you get served? Yes.

Real SMT games are shit

Oh shit, now the game is gonna sell 10 copies instead of 2.

>you did watch Microwavin' with Mamorin right user?

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>purse owner fags think their middle of the road garbage is any better than this
Go full weeb or go home

But how can you say that your shit is better than the other shit?

>Because in the end this game is literally a middle finger to the Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem community
Sounds pretty based, pre-ordered.

Nothing. They just want to avoid drama for their own first party titles (the localization still rewrites plenty of the more "risky" stuff, but obviously nobody notices it, because they can't understand Japanese) and third party developers never needed to censor their games.

Be sure to buy Tsubasa & Kiria’s game!

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It will flop yet again.

I'm just hoping that the port gives you the option between the original and Noa version. They mixed in footage from both in the trailer, so it might be possible.

I already played the uncensored version on Wii U. I actually want the "censored" outfit Tsubasa gets instead of the swimsuit. It's better. The swimsuit is shit.

Nah, it'll do pretty damn well this time around.


Imagine being this ignorant.

Every game I buy ends up being a success. And I'll buy that game.

the hate for this game is cringe level now, its like trannys mad over sexually attractive people in games level

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>This game is like FFX-2.
Yeah, it's great!

TMSfags usually have played Persona, for one. So they have validated opinions for a comparison.

I don't think they play FE or SMT either. Just fucking losers who have no joy in life but shitposting.

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What is this game about? All I've seen from it is idol shit.

It's Persona but with better gameplay.

You already answered your question.

footage from the direct shows censored footage.

Plus uncensoring would require effort, which is something devs don't want to do with a port

Footage from the Direct also showed not a single drop of blood in Doom 64, retard.

>Plus uncensoring would require effort
It's almost like the game already exists uncensored, it was censored only in the west in the original release, not in japan

>Doom 64
>people are gonna pay actual money for that shitty port instead of just playing the goat Doom 64 EX version

It is idolshit, but with good game play backing it up.

Well, I never played it before, I've heard it's pretty great and, most importantly, I'm not extremely autistic, so yeah, I'll buy it.

They've shown censored footage in directs for FE3H that wasn't in the final game too. We just have to wait and see.

if by "good gameplay" you mean braindead skill spamming with shitty, borderline embarrassing animations

also the idolshit, which was already unforgivably bad, game is fucking garbage and people only like it because they play shit like blue reflection

>Battle dialogue still doesn't have subtitles
No way fag

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It's because they are dubbing it

No, thanks I'll buy Persona 5 Royal.

Why are you describing persona 5?

>require effort
Nigga they’ve added story and playable characters, they’ve obviously put some effort into the port

i get you want to rip on P5 but none of its problems are anywhere near what was outlined in that post so now you just kind of look retarded

FE Fates was sacrificed so that the following game wouldn‘t suffer from censorship.

Is this what they meant by reincarnation?

>Yea Forums
>playing video games

God I wish that were me

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>still genuine kusoge Persona x Awakening instead of SMT x FE we were promised initially
>even in this age where Nintendo has been really good about letting more types of games on the Switch, we STILL get the censored version which Japan is now also getting

>braindead skill spamming with shitty, borderline embarrassing animations
Nigga this is literally persona 5 problem, and that's not mentioning awful pacing and lackluster dungeon

P5's strengths are the social links and aesthetics, that's it.
The gameplay and dungeons are really bad when compared to TMS.
This is not us ripping off P5. It's us stating the truth.

The Dragalia FE Theme one with Daoko was pretty baller.

third party is hands off, first party is still on chopping block
but also treehouse got btfo at some point for going full retard

>we're sowwy user for trying to pander to the sjws
>please forgive us and buy our game
no and fuck you, you're on my shit list

Fuck you, bitch!
This is not a real Fire Emblem game.

>not an actual smt game
>but it still has fe cancer
Big fucking pass, no thank you.

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>fe cancer
Excuse me, faggot.

It's better than most nu-emblem games.

Fuck no
No one wants this shit faggot

Wonder if they are gonna make a colaboration between TMS AND Fire Emblem Heroes.

Fuck you
You shouldn’t have Censored it in the 1st place

Unironically the truth
I like weeb shit but this cranks that shit up to 11 even I don’t want it

If Quick Session does what it implies it'll do I'll buy three copies.

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Why are you talking like he censored it? Talk to Atlus and Treehouse you dumb faggot.

They fired almost everyone at NOA

Quick session?

Hopefully it either skips Session animations or makes them go faster

Seriously I want to be their marketer just because I know how to influence the west
At least target high schoolers who took a year of mythology class and niggers
>Wow Zeus looks so cool in this game

>Gimme ya motherfuckin’ money Jack Frost

I dont rememeber seeing or hearing anythibg like that from the direct.

Have you even played one user???

Devil's Third is fucking awesome. Fun as hell.

Yes Idols are Gay

Lies on top of bullshit

>game is functionally inspired by Strange Journey's combat system, who it shares a director with
>rather than SMT's near-ubiquitous press-turn system where you can just keep hammering on weaknesses for extra turns(or literally just disable an enemy in Persona), you have other party members make follow up attacks by customizing their session skills
>e.g. if Itsuki(MC) lands a sword or zio attack, if his party members have any relevant session skills to respond to a sword or electricity element attack, they'll follow up with their own response, like one of his party members following up with a lance
>this can be compounded with other party members responding to lance attack with ice spells or whatever
>once you get more party members with more session skills you can get session attacks that are like fucking 9 animations long

Hence hoping quick session just lets you skip that shit.

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>セシォン 行きます!
If you don't understand this, don't play the game. Learn basic Japanese, you pleb

It's a straight up Persona game.

Unironically correct.

Ive stated in multiple switch threads i hope they port the game uncensored. So you are incorrect maam.

The only good opinion here

I barely even manged to watch the trailer, there's no way I would be able to play the actual game for more than 5 minutes without throwing up.

>absolute garbage in every way but has a great battle system
Yeah, it's definitely another X-2.

Preordered ;)

I'm going to present to you the ultimate solution:
Game releases censored.
Game also launches with a free DLC that restores the cut content.
That way if you want the lewder elements you get them, and if you don't you have no right to complain because you had to go out of your way to be exposed to them.

Attached: 1556974912481.png (871x1080, 527K)


>Kiria's game

You mean mamori-chan's game

>I'm going to present to you the ultimate solution:
>Game releases uncensored.
>People who dont like it can play another game or alternatively log into resetera

>Ellie actually goes with dates, real chemistry
>yet he goes for basic bitch tsubasa
Itsuki is worst lord

Originally that would have been ideal, but in this case restoring the cut content would effectively censor the NA Wii U version of the game that people might already know and expect. Having both as options is the best option. Objectively.

Maiko is now the party dancer

Fantastic is a little too much, more like good but disappointing.

>Uncensored image on official JP site
>Consicuously absent from NA and EU sites

Attached: 1567681609394.jpg (654x653, 58K)

The massive surge in piracy and hacking that immediately followed the negative response to censorship in games localized or published by them between late 2015 and mid 2016. This was especially due to their platforms not being region free, so once someone gets CFW to break the lock, they can also pirate the game while they're at it.

I watched Best Friends play this game. I stopped watching about 30 videis into it. Everytime i got a notification for the them uploading a video of this game, i immediately felt ill. This game looked kinda interesting in the beginning but its all idoru shit. Also, theres barely any actual fire emblem wtf. I was lied to.

You’re shit and your opinion is worthless

>I don't feel comfortable wearing this for a photo shoot
>is wearing a skimpy swimsuit
Understandable and normal.
>I don't feel comfortable wearing this for a photo shoot
>is wearing a hoodie and long pants
What are you, crazy?

>No need to present a half baked game for everybody else.
Imagine calling Ninja Gaiden a half baked game because they didn't title the game "Professional Sneaking Man: Side Story"
It's okay not to translate unique Japanese words.


They do not need to be translated.
People can learn words!

t. metacritic bot

I'm so glad the Switch got hacked as soon as it did, the constant threat of piracy will force Nintendo to behave this cycle, unlike last gen where they thought they could get away with anything until the systems were hacked later on in their life cycles.

Attached: 1524529681441.jpg (802x500, 116K)

Seriously don’t buy this shit.

Don't mind me just being the most based character in the game.

Attached: Yashiro-toi8.jpg (2000x2828, 993K)

Why are you in this thread if you dislike the game?

Is it really pandering if SJWs were the ones making the changes with the intention of "correcting" it for the unclean masses?

>idolshit with smt combat
jesus fuck no

Isn't Yashiro primarily an Actor with Idol stuff on the side like Ellie?

If it makes you feel any better they’ll probably add the street clothes as alt costumes IIRC the Japanese fans were jealous they never got access to them and the devs said they wish they could’ve included them in both versions

Loved it on Wii U. One of my favorite JRPGs. Will buy it again. Fuck the seething “muh censorship” bandwagoning trannies

It's pretty obvious that people was expecting something different when they announced the crossover.
Still, I think the game looks good. If they make an uncensored version, I'll buy it.

Because it’s genuinely fucking shit and deserves to flop yet again.
SMT and FE fans got fucking lied to and idol shit is gayer than an 8 dude gang bang

Hi shill.
Got any actual arguments as to why the censorship is okay or just ad homs?

>SMT and FE fans got fucking lied to

Attached: 1551072234680.gif (360x360, 1.32M)

It’s not okay. I don’t like it either. But when I actually did research on what was cut instead of just meme spouting and thinking everything is black and white I found out that the parts they censored didn’t matter that much

Because other promotional material has been shown with uncensored Outfits so now no one knows.

Not him but I don't think anyone is saying the changes they made were good.
But instead saying that the changes made aren't worth skipping over the game entirely.

Not as gay as you look sitting in this thread screaming and thrashing about because of a game you never played existing

If the jp version is uncensored, then I'll buy that version. But if there is even slight censorship then they can fuck off.

>It’s not okay. I don’t like it either.
Why the fuck are you defending it then?
You can say you liked the game without attacking people who are rightfully disgusted by being served a butchered product.

time to kys eop

I dont.
I simply enjoyed the game

>But instead saying that the changes made aren't worth skipping over the game entirely.
They're worth not buying it.
I agree people should still play it, but they should use the patched version on emulator instead of supporting the censored version.
There's literally zero reason to abide the censorship.

Daily reminder that waifushit is a cancer that has ruined more game series than feminists ever have, and should be resisted. Autistic beta waifufags will kick and scream and defend ALL waifushit no matter how bad things get, no matter how terrible the games. If it gets their dick hard: it's great. It doesn't matter to them how fucking awful the game is. They're exactly like furries who will hand over $100 for some piece of shit drawing just because it tickles their fantasies.

Remember, the future these NEETS want is a world full of Senran Kaguras. Dogshit games that get their dicks hard. These people need to go back to their hentai games and leave mainstream vidya alone.
People only interested in a videogame for a waifu, and willing to drop it because of a threat to the waifu content? Why the fuck should these people be catered to when they don't give a shit about the actual GAME? How is this any different to some idiot SJW who will only consider buying a game if it features a gay romance, and will then abandon it the moment it doesn't fall completely in line with what they needed to get their approval? Both waifufags and feminists don't give a shit about anything beyond being pandered to and they both need to fuck off.

I really want to play and enjoy this game but I hate censorship and I don't want to support products that have this much of it

Name 3

>you can ylsay you like the game without attacking
But then the first thing that would happen is me being attack with
>liking butchered idolshit kek lmao

>But then the first thing that would happen is me being attack with
>>liking butchered idolshit kek lmao
Is this literally your first day on Yea Forums?
Grow some thicker skin.
Assert your opinion and stick with it, people will always tell you its wrong.
Have a little faith in your convictions.

The funny part is that her model is not even censored, only that one scene

The Aversa titty smoke was in one scene and the trailer was in JP and they still showed it so either they’re keeping it like that in both cutscenes or it was a mistake. In game the titty smoke disappears after that cutscene and you see her boobs clear as day on her model and they looked pretty boob like.

>have shitposty bait op
>people actual just talking about the game
>less shitposty bait op
>shitposting every where.
Why is Yea Forums like this?

>just defend bro dont attack
Fuck off

They didn't draw Attention to it, but you can see the prompt every time a session attack is shown in the Trailer.

>SMT and FE fans got fucking lied to
Get Encore dabbed on cųck boi .

Attached: 1566604816633_0.jpg (500x375, 125K)

I hope it comes here uncensored. It was a good game with a good combat system. The only real flaw it had was sessions would take too long sometimes.

Girls in skimpy outfits is gay?

You can attack if you have actual argument that are more constructive than calling people "bandwagoning trannies"
Like I said, we have thick skin here, if you want to change anyone's mind you'll need actual arguments. You'll probably never convince the guy you're arguing with but you can at least convince that guy who is lurking and reading the thread.

And thank god they fixed that

Yeah if you can fast forward sessions and it comes uncensored the game will be perfect.

>mamori-chan's game

You mean the garbage bin's game.

>All these Demifag-fags STILL butthurt to this day

Attached: 1537141483583.png (490x490, 96K)

>Ephraim and Demifiend were supposed to flex on each other!!!! I know this because of the personalities I assigned to them!!!

Who said I have any intent of changing minds?

Dang, you were just pretending to be retarded this entire time.
You got me, bro.

>all arguments of Yea Forums just be constructive

If you want to support censorship that’s your god given right to do so and I have no objection against it. But I’m just gonna say that there’s some blatant hypocrisy here when everyone was on board with calling out snoy’s censorship yet when it’s a Nintendo game suddenly all the apologists comes outta the woodwork.

I understand that they might have reverted the censorship and honestly I’m hoping they did because I am interested in the game. But now we have people who are just outright defending the censored version of the game.

Correct, direct your attention to global rule 3.a

I was not shitposting.

>Theres some blatant hypocrisy
I thought the whole point here about this game was thay it's a coin toss on if it's actually censored.

>if you don’t support censorship you are trans
Is this some sort of a new falseflagging tactic or what? This is coming from someone who enjoyed the game, you could have pointed out what makes his this game worth it despite the censorship without resorting to that. Like what the hell are you even trying here?

Both sides needs to calm the fuck down this is Cathrine all over again. Can we not have this kind of shitflinging without even knowing if they changed anything in the re-release or not?

>Can we not-
What do you think?

Only if this game dies off. It never needed to come back anyway.

I can’t wait to see you seethe when discussion kicks up during release and people are too busy playing and enjoying the game to interact with you

Nothing needs to comeback
But I certainly want it back

>Can we not have this kind of shitflinging without even knowing if they changed anything in the re-release or not?
I mean, it'd be nice if Nintendo communicated and told us one way or the other, but that hasn't happened, so all we can do is assume the worst and get angry.

God I hope so.

In other News, someone translated stuff in the direct and apparently Maiko, Barry and Tiki have session skills that can trigger from all physical or all magical skiils

there was nothing shitposty about my OP I want you to buy this game becaise second chances like this one are a dime a dozen

Is Idolcore back on the menu?

Attached: 6C132265-0BC6-43E3-B24B-CFD4C1138A93.jpg (1125x1980, 1.61M)

It's just pop music.

Nintendo already closed the breach through, and we probably will need a few years to get another one that will work on newer models

Congrats on proving yourself wrong. You are already interacting with this user.

It’s god tier jpop tho

Doesn't matter, unless they intentionally obsolete the old model, people will get one off ebay and paperclip it to avoid Nintendo's bullshit.
Not to mention just having that hole present infinitely increases the chances of further control being lost to the hacking scene, even on newer models.

I wanted to play it on WiiU but I felt it wasn't even worth a pirate. If it's uncensored ill pick it up.

>it’s just pop music

Attached: 1566517959980.jpg (1660x1124, 393K)

>this game got ported

it better not be the censored version

if it is that's absolutely fucking retarded

I am still mad

He’s right you know

They’ve must’ve learned their lesson by now.

Sure, as long as it’s uncensored

I will now buy your game

I still haven't finished the Wii U version. I left it at the chapter where you find out that obviously evil guy is actually evil. Might pick it back up after I finish Astral Chain.

Attached: __oribe_tsubasa_and_shimazaki_maiko_gen_ei_ibunroku_sharp_fe_drawn_by_uchiuchi_keyaki__490bf4ad9de38 (800x1098, 710K)

Not only is it the censored version, they added even more censors.

check the archive

There’s a lot of archive, be more specific

Other user: They've shown something that was previously uncensored in Japan in the japanese trailer (which is the same as the european one), but they're also showing something that was censored before as it was, while claiming the japanese version supports english translation. So, it's a case of spotty censorship, spotty editing in the trailer (which would mean censorship, spotty censorship or no censorship at all). Nothing is known by now. Wait for further videos that cement knowledge.

there's literally a comment further down where it's still censored twitter.com/JpUncut/status/1169380054968782848

As I've said in the post above yours, this could be for a multitude of reasons (why would they specifically cut that video and leave the model as it was, etc). It's better to wait until more footage comes up before saying it's censored or not.

That post is meaningless as theres also images on the website showing there are uncensored images.
Nothing is confirming anything

Girls in censored not skimpy outfits are.

But I have played Persona feat FE
It’s long and boring as shit even the characters in the damn game are bored

No but cyanide is
Eat up faggot.

>stop liking music!

I approve of her game.

Attached: 1316262729296.png (403x1427, 403K)

The girls are boner inducing

>>yet he goes for basic bitch tsubasa
I always got the impression that she's more like a brain-damaged little sister to him. Especially in the latter half of the game.

TMS's dungeons/gameplay were designed by the Etrian Odyssey team, it's one of the stronger points it has compared to Persona games.

Hey, compared to source material it's spinning off from, it has much better visuals too. Give credit where it's due.

I can't wait for this game to sell under 500k again.

>But I have played Persona feat FE
no you haven't.

>TMS's dungeons/gameplay were designed by the Etrian Odyssey team
Untrue. They were made by the team that made Strange Journey. Your point still stands.

It would be a great success if it passed 250k.


Attached: 1556729287555.png (473x433, 448K)

It doesnt matter.
People who already wanted the game won.

But... Strange Journey was co-developed by the Etrian Odyssey team, on a modified EO engine.

FFX-2 was a good game just like TMS is a good game.

>This game
>visually charming and several great looking.
>Fire emblem 3h
>still looks like hot garbage.
I dont understand.


Have not found proof of this beyond the credited main programmer being the programmer of EO1 and chief programmer of EO2. Nothing that relates back to #FE though.

In fact, #FE's common ground can be traced back to Radiant Historia, but not EO.

>The game is finished, and you can preload it in its entirety right now
>Can't play until next year
Why so publishers do this

Isis is in general shitty.
3 houses looks like it coulda been a 3ds game

Because it might not actually be finished.
I guarantee there will be a day 1 update.
There is a whole slew of games they would probably not want it to compete with currently

It's a niche as fuck jrpg, the intended audience will buy it or they won't, it's not like they're going to grab the LM3, DxM or DQ audience with this.

No thanks, hopefully it bombs a second time

Allright, sorry for that, checked with a better source. There are some workers here and there that worked on 3DS versions of EO games in #FE. However, the only common ground between #FE, Strange Journey and EO is Atsushi Motouchi, the bloke I mentioned earlier. There are a lot more workers that have worked on SJ than on EO, tho.

September is swamped with games already. If they updated it right now, I'd think twice about buying it because there's just a shit ton of releases this month.

best song

Can someone post glasses Tsubasa?

No need to ask, I'll double dip for sure

Will you revive Operation Kowashitai?

I like dumb RPGs that dont take themselves seriously.
Will I like this?

Should I replay it or wait for Encore I miss my wife Ellie

am I the only one who wants to play kowashitai's game?



The plot is over the top and doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s a fun lighthearted game


Nah, the ultimate solution is the game releases uncensored but all the censored outfits can still be acquired in the game.
Best of both worlds.

They did

Man, fuck Atlus.

>This optimization does not destroy the identity of what we as developers want to convey. Developers would not accept such drastic changes. The changes made during localization are optimizations intended to bring to as many customers as possible the things that we want to convey. No major changes are made that would change what we want to convey.
What a load of shit.

It's wii u era nintendo, of course they are all full of shit

I didn't finish it either
Once i started grinding in the arena and got overleveled I stopped having fun
I'm probably real close to beating it

That was basically my only problem with the original. When battles take so long you're checking your phone half the time during them, you know something is wrong. If they can just sort the censorship out and take those shitty fucking glasses off Tsubasa then this version well be literally perfect.

Attached: 1527714305788.jpg (1000x1400, 149K)

>game is about idols and singing
>the only song I like from the game is the event battle theme which is techno/synth shit
They had one job.

>nepfags and lolifags whining about idolshit

Japanese idols are great.

Yes. Nintendo let this happen under their watch. That a stamp of approval that I will not forgive.


Attached: EDqC_w7UUAAFGwz.jpg (759x1075, 137K)

I never ever grind in an RPG unless it's one of those NES RPGs that require it to progress. Otherwise it's like setting the difficulty to very easy.

You heard me. FE is shit, the only redeeming aspect of the series is the gacha and only because the bar is so low in that category.

Director gave his blessings. What are you angry about user? :^)

Their legs are thick.

Why did they make Kiria’s carnage form so ugly

Attached: 43A41743-3B18-4FA7-ADAC-A67122E02157.jpg (640x360, 77K)

You can't write Kowashitai without SHIT


>I rather have mother fucking Super Mario 3D World ported to Switch than this game
I just want to say that you're based and fucking redpilled

I didn't like most of the carnage forms so I just kept them in standard clothes until I got more outfits.

>KOWASHITAI means "I want to destroy!"

Nintendo has been literally doing that with the game.
Fuck the Treehouse. Fuck Nintendo of America.

Here is your new mysterious girl.

Attached: Portrait_Servant_230_2.png (512x724, 392K)

You can keep her

Time to tip the scales.

The PSP was a failure because everyone stole games via piracy.
Selling a billion hardware units means even less than jack shit if you don't move software. That's why devs and publishers look at attachment rates.

>a fucking 4 years old crossover game got a port instead of a mainline series on a switch
Bravo atlus

Not even a crossover, Fatlus consider it a FE game and never exactly put it on their catalog, and IS keep pumping Cipher cards.

On top of that most of smt stuff on game is references aside gameplay.

Attached: GlitteringConcertofIllusionsPack.jpg (561x1117, 790K)

It is literally a more true successor to Persona 4 than Persona 5 ever was.

port means 4 low paid interns and doesn't interfere with any mainline games

It's probably something on the side of Nintendo because Atlus is stalling hard on promoting ANYTHING for the console.

>It has been years since you announced SMTV and you haven't even properly announced that EO game you were making, can you get some three people to make some models and dungeons for that game we did, we'll pay for the licencing fees

Remember that SMTV not having anything is not a matter on it being vaporware, it's a matter of Atlus being horrible at advertising stuff and thinking the Persona 5 model of "just throw some fucking breadcrumbs until we have the game 80% done" was what made it successful.

It absolutely was not #FEcuck.
Gonna be fun to watch it flop again.

Attached: 1559011866964.png (734x756, 743K)

>TMS could've taken place in the DeSu timeline
Pretty weird.

Attached: 1567790479859.jpg (2380x1950, 1.82M)

Yayyyyyy I love this game and now more people can play it! I love Tsubasa!

Attached: 39b7b7e47863e9f708b3cc092e8f37cb0ca0e943_s2_n2.png (1200x1634, 2.03M)

Nintendo already has all the ports of the relevant games done since 2018 anyway (at the very least shit like Mario 3D World is), it's just a matter on what to "expand" and when to put the games.

It's a vastly superior game only on the fact that it isn't procedurally generated for most of the actual gameplay. 4 is shit, 3 is shit, 5 is shit; get over it.

>I love Tsubasa!
Said no one ever.

vita was murdered. shawn layden told devs not to make games for it and to make them for the ps4 instead

But the left is from the Japanese promo site, versus the actual trailer for the Switch version having censored Japanese gameplay footage, which could not be possible unless they were retaining the censorship as the Japanese Wii U version was not censored. So basically claiming the game isn't censored based on that single image is absolutely jumping the gun. We need more information.

>It's a vastly superior game only on the fact that it isn't procedurally generated for most of the actual gameplay. 4 is shit, 3 is shit, 5 is shit; get over it.

Actually, 3 is good, 4 is great, 5 is ok (but maybe Royal will make it good)

#FE is somewhere between good and great.

>KOWASHITAI posting is back for a few months.
Something to look forward to on reddit/v/ for once.

Game lists both Japanese and English support.

Attached: 34534.jpg (844x603, 74K)

>twin tail
>red eyes
>elbow length gloves
All great things wasted in a bad design

why do english and china have their own kanji but not france

Yes, so what could potentially be the case is that the western version is dual-language and censored while the Japanese version is uncensored. But there's no way to prove it without more information and claiming the game is definitely uncensored based on that single image is retarded.

The thing is that most switch games are same due Nintendo not wanting delay localizations.

3ds and WiiU had some shitty ass delays due localization, #FE for example took like a year.

Yeah which means there's only one switch version no matter what region you download it from, which might have mixed censorship or none or full, we don't know anything yet since the clues point in both directions.

Note that every e-shop lists these 4 languages (Japanese, English, French, Chinese) as they are the only ones it has been translated too. Even the German e-shop because the game hasn't been translated to German at all.

>Switch version having censored Japanese gameplay footage, which could not be possible unless they were retaining the censorship as the Japanese Wii U version was not censored
The censored footage is, as the image that proves it's "uncensored", from a prerrendered cutscene without any signaling of version, and was used for all the versions of the Direct without any changes. It could've easily been edited from a Youtube video of the Wii U release on America. It's not the first time a trailer shows something wrong or from a prior version, specially from a port. As we need more information on if it's not censored, claiming it's censored is also jumping the gun.

This is just cheap cashgarb anyway
Look whta happened to the persnoyna dancing games

>Even the German e-shop because the game hasn't been translated to German at all.
It's truly outstanding that a Nintendo produced game doesn't have at least 5 european languages translated into it. It may be the first in quite a while, even stuff like Tingle was translated in different languags.


>The censored footage is, as the image that proves it's "uncensored", from a prerrendered cutscene without any signaling of version

>Entire trailer is cut with Japanese UI indicating that the game is in Japanese
>But not they totally just switched to the western version for this one scene even for the Japanese Direct
That would be rather silly, but yes, claiming it definitely is or isn't censored is not possible at this point.

>like fucking 9 animations long
You have only 9? Lol noob

I'm actually finding weird the timing of port, considering that fatlus tend to announce then forget for years till like 2 months before release.

On top of that game is like 5 years old already, and switch is 2, meaning that this is on pipeline for a while.

I'm not really convinced that it's just a small extra scenario + dummied out characters.

Attached: 1541011281013.png (627x563, 651K)

They just gave no fuck localizing this game at all.
I'm surprised they even did French.

What I mean is that they could've used different sources. American Wii U for cutscenes and japanese Switch for gameplay, for example. It's not unheard of; a bit silly, yeah, but not impossible or even improbable.

Someone just said it though

Fatlus ports tend to be retranslated tho, generally more accurate than previous one.

Yeah, the thing is that Nintendo almost NEVER does that. It's very surprising to me, to the point I could imagine maybe NoE wasn't involved with this at all?

That's probably their biggest market in Europe.

Well in every interview they said Atlus fully handled the localization.
People only speculate nintendo was involved because of the censorship.

That makes more sense. Atlus has a history of disregarding Europe as a market.

Atlus actually was the one in charge of localization then told that NoA did the changes, then NoA said that fatlus fault, but NoA need approve the changes.

They are both stupid but It's Atlus fault there.

If it's still the treehouse censored version, I'm not buying dick

The only scenario I can see the footage with the black flames being taken from the Wii U version is if they gave some totally unrelated marketing guy a ton of old and new footage and told them to make a 1 minute trailer.

I don't know why they can't just confirm it given that the preload is already up. They haven't said a thing about quick sessions either even though it's in the footage.
Maybe at TGS?

Nintendo don't attend TGS and fatlus is too busy wanking persona.

>if they gave some totally unrelated marketing guy a ton of old and new footage and told them to make a 1 minute trailer.
Yeah? Happens all the time.

>the preload is already up
What the fuck? It's not even coming out this year.

The preload may be up, but the game isn't. We'll have to wait for the next Direct.

Prebuying digital games is fucking retarded already, so why not allow retards to go full retard?

>Nintendo don't attend TGS
Yeah but they can tweet rpg related stuff during TGS

>The preload may be up, but the game isn't
What do you mean by this?
11.2 GB are already downloadable.
The game is finished already just waiting for the decryption key.

Why is Tsubasa always the one posted when she's the worst girl in the game?

Attached: 1452388713547.png (1000x625, 521K)

Game launches in january, directs generally drop in febuary.

Why'd choose this garbage over a W101 port?

This is my favorite Sailor Moon RPG.

Take that back!
Or Tsubasa (Post Sneeze) will get you.

Attached: Wii-U-screenshot-TV-004-A2.jpg (1280x720, 467K)

Because this is both Nintendo's Persona AND better than Persona.

Ellie > Maiko > Kiria = Mamori > Tiki=Waifu > Tiki > Tsubasa

To bank on Three Houses' success, probably.

Because she's the poster girl and the biggest joke of the game.

Spot-on desu.

Artists are secondaries and people are biased toward the first girl that pop on games.

Attached: bas.jpg (850x1202, 240K)

That's not saying much considering Persona is garbage too.

A deal's a deal user.

It's not though, you should give those games or this one an honest try, you're missing out.

I did. I never got around to finishing P3 (got a little over halfway) because tartarus was a repetitive grind. And I slogged through the entirety of P5. P5 started off good with Kamoshida's arc but only got worse from there and by the time I got to Okumura's palace (which was definitely the worst palace, if not tied with Shido's garbage rat maze palace) I sunk so much time into it I just wanted to see how it'd end. And even that was disappointing. As for P4 I didn't feel like playing it cause I knew the story from watching the anime.

I seriously don't know how people went through the prison escape arc without getting up and breaking the disc in half at the sheer ammount of disrespect for the audience's intelligence.

Ellie=Kiria>a big tie>Tsubasa

>teaser trailer is a bunch of smt protags and fire emblem lords
>game is called SMT x FE
>expect some sort of rpg or tactics game full of units and grit
>nope lmao its degenerate idolshit to the max ft. some awakening units
>meanwhile SMTV is nowhere to be seen
and its not like X-2 because at least X-2 had good gameplay

Attached: 1551363448428.jpg (623x414, 50K)

TMS has good gameplay.


Based and truthpilled, mabe even hoypilled

Tsubasa post sneeze
More like
Because she's so boring lol

Sneeze detective was the only time that I liked Tsubasa

That's was no such thing as katanas and sushi in the west a couple hundred years ago. Why do our historical accounts not localize these clearly weeb terminologies? Why can't it just be something like curved sword and fish rice ball?

That is some 4D chess.

Attached: cuckhouse.png (748x1284, 667K)

> he doesn’t know
Poor user. Maybe if you were to purchase Tsubasa Oribe’s game on the switch you would become enlightened.

Fuck. Yes.
This is important news.

It's a bad game.

Attached: DkZCyL9U8AAoTaF.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

I think shes cute enough


>only attacks you can skip are the super long attacks like duo arts and specials
>tfw I never actually want to skip those
I'll listen to Give Me as many times as they'll let me do it.

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For me it's Dream Catcher.


>cohesive and non grindy character customization system
>good difficulty scaling
>fresh battle system that’s unlike any that’s been produced which is always a good think to have in a turn based RPG
>non random gen dungeons that are unique and require a modicum of thinking
>Side Quests have good content
>fair yet punishing bosses
Sorry user but your opinion is wrong if that IS your screenshot anyways. You can come after this game’s story or shitpost about its conception all you want but you can’t tell me shit about its gameplay.

I unironically like this game more than persona 5 at least all the characters are fun in TMS#FE


It's literally just Calamari incantation. Which also reminds me from that treehouse presentation where they got everything wrong from game.

I really like tsubasaposting

I can at least see the justification of this.
They're both the main assassins of their respective kingdoms, why would they start spilling all they know about each other?

vagina bones

It really isn't. A single part of it sounds kind of like it is the only relation.

You've never even played Fates have you?

>didnt pass the DS

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It wasn't a failure, but software sales were garbage.

I guess all consoles except the PS fucking 2 are unsuccessful.

For me, it's Feel.

tsubasa is a cute is it worth picking up just for her?


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Shes really dumb.
Buts that's my thing

>Tiki, Maiko and Barry now join the party.

Man thank lord they put a skip session.

If you like autistic girls with huge racks then yes.

thats how all sonyfags are
>Other company game/system/peripheral sales well enough
>Sony's game/system/peripheral sales well enough
I unrionically still see Vitafags defend the Vita as a success.
Disgusting filths

? I don't get your point. PSP was a success across the board, Vita was not unless you're restricting data to Japan.

For me it’s