Why do games feel so soulless compared to the 90s? Where did things go wrong?

Why do games feel so soulless compared to the 90s? Where did things go wrong?

You can't say its pure nostalgia. Take this art and compare it to SC2 for example. SC2's art is all shiny and colourful like WOW which doesn't really give you the same feel that SC was supposed to give.

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Because cartoony warcraft style graphics is shit and every mission shouldn't have some sort of gimmick. Give me old fashioned DESTROY ALL ENEMIES mission


Not only the art but the sound direction in general. SC1 is quite memorable in that department

games made in 90s were made by nerds who loved vidya
Games made after PS2 generation are made as a product to sell for profit

Older games were made by smaller teams. It's rare for a game made by a hundred or a thousand people to have soul because everyone's individual contributions are small. And there's a lot of "design by committee" type decisions.

This. Also the industry wasn't as homogenous and connected as it is today. So two dev houses from two different nearby towns were making completely different games. Today everyone is developing games from the conditions set by the industry leading games (Fortnite, GTA, CoD) to make sure the product is as viable for mass market as possible.

Of course there is also more pressure from suits that devs conform to industry standards because anything else is a risk.

It's not just pressure from suits, there are lots of devs that want to make mass market games that people will play, and there are lots of devs that just want to make whatever game idea they have and are willing to take the chance it gets tossed into the indie trash pile.

100% this. Came into this thread to say exactly this.

Both are good

Real answer is that industry is full of females now. They always make lame and gay stuff.


God, Brood War Kerrigan was so hot, gave me a fetish for cute infested girls

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Because theres no passion anymore, all the people making games now are just making them for a quick buck rather than refining and taking their time with them. When most games were just some dumbass shit an idiot thought up in highschool but slowly cultivated into something great.

pandering to females, children and niggers

Niche market. Catered to gaymers (who weren't called gaymers back then).


There's still plenty of soulful, amazing shit coming out user. There's just a larger volume than ever to sift through.

more popular = more idiots buying indiscriminately = more money into advertising solely so people are aware of the product and have a first impression, instead of relying on word of mouth (which is itself relative to the actual quality

Real answer is AAA games can't take any risks. When your dropping 50 million on a game any idea that doesn't fit the mass market thesis gets dropped.

if you wanted an rts thread then you should put rts in the op and not all that gay shit

Yep, as simple as that. Very few games nowadays have soul. I think that the last new game I played that I felt had soul was Darkest Dungeon.

modern aaa devs are just shit. Check out some soulful indie games, like yokus island express or fight n rage

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Because you were 5-10 in le 90s faggot. The formula that applies to most people is the years were you were ages 5-10 were "the best". Everything before you were 5 is outdated/overrated, and everything after you were 10 is shit.

Zoomers have the same nostalgia you have but for games like Skyrim, MW2, and Minecraft, and think those are just as "full of soul" as Starcraft.

That's just it. The only games I play nowadays are either indie titles like Starsector, Rimworld of Factorio, or triple A games from 15 years ago that are still in my backlog. I can't remember the last time I installed and played an aaa game that had just come out.

>Gentlemen! It's a nuclear device. Time is running out! Ti-t-t-time is running out!

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Why "5-10"? I remember games from my teens very fondly, as I think most people in my generation do.

stupid zoomer

Rose colored glasses.
Like with all forms of media/entertainment, time has weeded out the shitty titles from that age, of which there were plenty. For two great RTS games like StarCraft and Red Alert, you had dozens of obscure, crappy copycats that nobody remembers, like Beasts and Bumpkins.

>sound direction in general. SC1 is quite memorable in that department
Zerglings attacking your wall-in in SC:BW sound so scary. Like you know they're coming in if this keeps up to fuck up your shit.
In SC2, it sounds like someone's throwing tomatoes at your doorway. Very underwhelming in comparison.

Ok, nobody is talking about that. We're talking about the many memorable games from that period.

3D ruined a lot of things.

there's nothing 3D that has the character of a well done VGA portrait.

>8 years old
>tremor marathon on TV
>make a tremor themed custom map with lurkers
>some other kid joins my custom game
>"cool map bro"

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Mainstream society discovered vidya.

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MY nigga

Attached: Lt.Zofia.jpg (800x600, 46K)

shut the fuck up you boring faggot

everyone understands that the best get remembered and the worst gets forgetting it doesn't explain why the average game in the 90's had much more flavour to it than the average game in 10's

every medium is more homogonised and soulless than it was 20 years ago (just look at diney buying everyone up, the collapse in "middle market" games etc), there is nothing irrational about preferring a materially superior media environment to an inferior one, you don't need "rose tinted glasses" to do so but you do need brainworms to think your basic bitch take is worth posting


>Why do games feel so soulless compared to the 90s?
because they are.
back then the desire to make a game according to a strong vision came first, now it is the desire to make mony that compromises that vision.

>For two great RTS games like StarCraft and Red Alert, you had dozens of obscure, crappy copycats that nobody remembers
and we are not talking about those.
yes, most things in every given artitic field are shit, but the ratio of great to shit is quite consitent unless the moneymaking takes over the impetus of creation.
back then we had 10 good games on 90 cashgrabs, now we have so many more games made in the same time, yet the amount of great games released has gone down both in proportion and absolute numbers.

>In SC2, it sounds like someone's throwing tomatoes at your doorway
I am amazed to you can even remember how it sounds.


Remembered that due to sheer disappointment upon hearing it, I guess?