This game is basically dead in the water...

This game is basically dead in the water. The fact that there's virtually zero discussion here anymore should be enough of an indicator, but what really sealed the deal was no word of any updates during the latest Nintendo Direct. Face it, it's not going to get anymore updates. Even SMM already had content updates two months into its release, and that was on a failed console towards the end of its lifespan. With so many more copies of SMM2 sold and on a system that's not dying, it's surprising Nintendo is taking such a different approach. Thoughts?

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It really sucks that they won't deliver the promise of multiplayer with friends if that's truly the case.

I know that was one of their promises, but we can only assume that it'll either never be implemented or will be in the distant future.

Finally got to S rank, what a miserable agitating slog that was. Terrible levels, terrible lag. Crazy point system and match making, never touching the multiplayer ever again.

You've probably made the right choice. I actually managed to make it to S+ but quickly lost it because of extremely bad luck and now I'm not even close to it anymore. I hate it but I admit it's also kind of addicting to me.

Same, when it’s good it’s fun and addicting but you get 20 straight losses from suck ass levels. It’s not very fun. Too much to lose, you should be able to choose expert and not easy baby levels. I’ll do endless mode and wait if they ever patch it.

why do you feel like there needs to be online discussion about a game for it to be good?
fuck off you insecure baby
the only thing that matters is whether you're enjoying the game you're playing or you're not

>The fact that there's virtually zero discussion here anymore should be enough of an indicator
It really isn't. Everyone knows the multiplayer is laggy shit, but it doesn't stop people from playing endless (super) expert or something. Would you say the same thing if 3H story discussion evaporated?

Someone post the pic of a world map, where Yea Forums is just a tiny drop in a huge ocean with an autist ree'ing, with the rest of the world just enjoying their games.

Just because a game isn't discussed on Yea Forums it doesn't mean it's not discussed elsewhere. Yea Forums is but a drop in the ocean when it comes to video game discussions.

When this game inevitably dies (which will come sooner than later)
>No more playing new levels
>No versus
>No people playing your levels
It'll basically become Mario Maker on 3DS.

Nigger people were making levels in MM1 days before MM2 came out
3 years alter
on Wii U

Yeah, autistic kaizo retards. The mainstream popularity of the game died within a year, and that was with regular content updates as well. SMM2 doesn't stand a chance if they go the rest of the year without doing a thing, which looks likely.

>bawww, my game only has 4.7 million levels but I wanted 12.2 million

This. There are more good levels out there than I could ever hope to play, therefore I'm happy with the game. Never going to bother with multiplayer.

That's bullshit, there were loads of good levels uploaded literally daily all the way up to MM2. The MM1 community was doing contests, collabs, anniversary celebrations etc. for literally four years. That would've continued indefinitely had MM2 not happened. I guarantee interest in MM2 will outlive the Switch.

If they can't do something as basic as implementing playing with friends or fixing the slideshows during Versus, there's no hope.

I'm not touching it again until it gets a bunch of significant updates like the first.

Honestly I think MM1 lasted longer than MM2 will because you didn't have to pay to use your own internet for it.

>more options for course building
>some how still limited
I can't be the only one who feels this right?

fuck this new generation of posters on Yea Forums and this new generation of gamers in general that have this need to be validated by others before they can feel like they're actually enjoying a game

Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and shill my level.

RXG-FJ4-Y8G Multitasking at Work

I love multiplayer in this game. Even if it's a shit level, that doesn't really take away from the fun of the competitiveness. The only things that piss me off are lag, and having to wait through levels that are actually unbeatable.

I think OP's full of shit though. I'm sure they'll put out an update at some point.

P.s. What do you mean the game is dead?
Are you such a reddit nigger, that you need internet strangers to be constantly discussing a game, for you to have any interest in it?

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All the threads were just people spamming the same levels over and over. Also, do you expect them to have made a new style in two months?

MM1 is better, costumes and skinny mario made it better, 3D World sucks, pipe entry hit boxes are weird in MM2, half the interesting tech is missing in MM2, generally it's boring and feels more limited than MM1.

they added flame shot clown cars in two months

Wow, one object.

This game is soulless compared to the first game. Endless Challenge is dog shit and has no meaning. 100 Man Mario was god tier soul, since you could actually get to feel the satisfaction of beating the final level in that difficulty. You achieved something. It felt complete. Endless Challenge lacks all of that. There's no purpose for playing it. I dropped the game on like week one because there's no replay value for people who want a wholesome GAME, not a level roullete.

MM1 had regular content updates and unlockables, every week or so there were new official levels with new costumes.

they also added two checkpoints, context power ups, check point rotation, added the fly swatter from mario paint as an eater egg.

That was all before the fire clown car

endless sucks and popular doesn't roll over fast enough

Yeah I'm addicted to the multiplayer versus, it's so fucking fun especially when you manage to steal the victory from someone else at the last second or if you find a way to break the level and get to the goal right away (like jumping on an opponent to get where you're not supposed to).
The lag makes it very annoying though, especially when you give up because it's unplayable and still lose rank points.

100 Mario Mode was stupid.
Normal = complete 8 levels of normal difficulty
expert = complete 16 levels of expert difficulty
Nintendo didn't understand that you should have to complete a lesser amount of harder levels, not more.
Endless is great because you can improve indefinitely. It has more of a point than just completing 16 levels.

Super Expert was 5 or 6 levels though.
>he plays anything less than super expert

I play expert because I don't do kaizo shit.

>I think OP's full of shit though. I'm sure they'll put out an update at some point.
They said nothing about it in the Direct. If they were working on something, surely they would have mentioned it right?
>Are you such a reddit nigger, that you need internet strangers to be constantly discussing a game, for you to have any interest in it?
No, but even an imbecile like you should realize that less online discussion = less popular, and less popular in a game that absolutely relies on user made content is a BAD thing.

No, but I did expect to at least be able to play with friends. Also it'd be nice if Nintendo did something about the 10fps in Versus and added back 100 man.

This is the main takeaway that the SMM2 apologists refuse to acknowledge. The fact that SMM, a game released so late into a dying console's lifespan (with free online, I should add) had more care given to it than its sequel that sold many more copies on a console that's nowhere near dying, with PAID online.

>They said nothing about it in the Direct. If they were working on something, surely they would have mentioned it right?
There isn't a universe where Super Mario Maker 2 doesn't get at least 1 major content update. Calm the fuck down.

It's been two months. Stop having a hissy fit.

As said earlier in the thread, SMM already had content updates two months into its release. Seems like a bad sign for a game that's sold way more copies and on a successful console.

I did think it was kinda odd that we haven't heard a single thing yet. But on the other hand, they'll almost surely give it updates. Look at Mario Tennis. That game wasn't nearly as popular as Mario Marker 2 when it came out, but they updated that game non-stop, to this day, even, to get it to a level way above where it started.

did the 2nd upload cap drop yet, i remember being around when they upped the limit to 64 but for real a bunch of other games came out and im playing those at the moment. i think it's just bad (or good if you like the games coming out) timing because we had three houses, astral chain, and daemon x machina dropping soon. not to mention luigi's mansion 3 is gonna drop on halloween and if youre a faggot like me youre going hard on the kirby clash game

What if they want to do large updates instead of dripfeeding small ones?

The time has come fore mario maker 3d

Adding a few new items is easier than making a whole unique style.

like what adding costumes back?