Obvious signs that this game was made in Japan

Well Yea Forums?

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The gameplay and graphics are poor but the music is top notch.

it's in Japanese

it has japanese developer logos when the game starts

it's good

Decently written female characters

beautiful woman

You have a dedicated button to strip the heroine

>knock sound


Exaggerated hairstyles


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cringe intro music video

>it's good

Took someone this long to say this?

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Game takes place in a highschool setting.

all characters are white

It makes me question my sexuality

Imagine the smell in that room.
I wish I were him.

Also, main playable characters are not older than 25, lol

Super low contrast and everything looks like it's been smeared in a very light film of vaseline.

No blacks.

You play as a teenager
You are supposed to kill a god
It's either an RPG with terrible gameplay or an action game with great gameplay

Terrible writing and graphics. All female characters look like underage children. Only played by losers who live in their mom's basements.

Main character is an unlikeable fuckwit that everyone seems to love unconditionally.

Characters have a great fashion sense

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>simplistic childlike story, fun for all ages
>super cutesy female characters
>game is fun and has depth with fun mechanics, but learning curve is super casual
>text and/or character reactions are really slow and drawn out

the motivations of the male protagonist are mysterious and inhuman, resembling in no way something that any person who has ever lived would actually choose to do. also, every single female wants to fuck him and only him.

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Characters speak Niplish but look white.

the characters bow even if the game is not set in japan
a lot of characters standing around and communicating through text boxes
it's set in japan and a western character appears and is blonde, loud, and stupid. also if they speak english it will be with an extremely heavy jap accent.
black character is pretty cool/chill, maybe kind of dumb, or completely badass, and the topic of racism or oppression is never brought up.

>church bad

>No blacks.

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Correction, Blacks who actually act black.

Nobody wants that.

I was agreeing with Rodin poster.

there is no acting black, you inbred racist cracker

Main character doesn't kill people, or the game punishes you for doing so.

Black goo.

At least one sexy woman.
No shohorned "dviersity" characters


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Oh you poor child

Good UI and HUD

None of the men are actually manly. Everyone's a pretty boy to make preteen girls cream themselves.

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>game has depth
this a million times.
Western games HATE depth in gameplay.

Also, jap games tend to do a lot less handholding. So no tutorials, and sometimes unexplained features/mechanics.


What is your point, O man of the tism?

stupid as fuck UI that has multiple cascading ones

Male villain has extremely long perfectly straight hair and it's usually silver or white.

Idol shit.


Love that about Nier Automata. Yoko Taro is just adorable.

The MC's sister is best girl and is romanceable.

Some kind of intro music video

Love that about Drakengard. Yoko Taro is just adorable.


Has no fear for giving eyecandy

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girls are not ugly

What the fuck kind of room is this?

It's completely devoid of W O K E N E S S and lame ass diversity.

it's a solid 10/10

It features a little girl for no discernible reason.

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>Obvious signs that this game was made in Japan

Cool/beautiful looking black people. In Western games, they ugly as fuck and only there check the diversity box

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It doesn't try to force left-wing politics.

The pizza cutter sword is actually pretty cool. Should have just gave the kid a simple chef outfit though.

This, which allows them to deliver actual real diversity in their games. Which is odd, because they don't care for that at all.

world war 2 japanese gas chamber


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All hard truths.

incel & otaku pandering up the ass
unoriginal gameplay
unoriginal characters
stupid plot
awful dialogue
lazy game design that is praised by retards, e.g. i-frames
it's part of a franchise which has well over a dozen entries already

It's good.

Real shit

You have to buy the sex. BUY BUY BUY.

It's actually hard to tell since weeb games are not even rare. It was so easy to tell 15 years ago.

a shit ton of mocap

no, they just do the bidding of white supremacy and make all their characters white, not even asian,of course you have no problem with it.

>Sees asians as white
>implies others are racist.

Game has "mist" as a plot device

God shut the fuck up you cringey little first year philosophy student

no they portray themselves as white so even if they are asian in japan they re made to be white and all their games are white characters, thats why you racists have no problem with it

They seem to still have a hard on for silent protagonists in 2019.

Like it didn't hit me until fucking Astral Chain where you have two characters to choose from, both have a voice actor and dialog, but only if you DON'T choose them. The one you pick becomes a voiceless sack of shit.

butthurt white supremacist mad at the truth.
thats why you love Japs caue they do the racist shit without you getting the blame

>Sees Asians not acting like the stereotype in their heads.
>Assume they are acting white.
Sure, user. Everyone else is the racist.

It's fun.

>make asian character look completyl caucasian european
>call it out
>no you are the racist
exposing white supremacy isnt racism you inbred racist, and thats why you love japs cause all their characters are white, they dont even draw themselves with slanty eyes

You know Japanese people see anime characters as Japanese, right?

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Numbers which exceed two digits.

There's a sideplot that involves collecting cute animals
Anime OP
Guy in charge has meetings with massive audio only screens with evilish names attached to each. They express dissatisfaction with his peogress and will surely pull all funding. Guy's solution is to become God.

Have you read Thus Spoke Zarathustra yet? You might like that one. How about Lectures on the Philosophy of History by Hegel?

so Hitler?

the main character repeats what someone just told him as a question

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Bad humour, hand-holding, ugly character models, repetitive gameplay which the story constantly interrupts, loads of general autism, and the internet still deems it exempt from all criticism

Mascot Character

You made the game, and you live in Japan.

Maybe come up with some new material? Not him, but this is the first time I've been on Yea Forums in a decade and even I'm disappointed.


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It has a following of white male virgin losers that worship Japan despite it being a shit game

Its doesn't have ugly women and has tiddies

It's cringe


My dad shakes his head and sighs when he sees me playing and tells me to grow up. I'm 30 :(

Aside from fighting games, most Japanese games played by normies in Japan don't even have a Japanese character especially when I was a kid.
FF, DQ, and Zelda were based on western fantasies. Mario is Italian, Metroid was basically Alien etc., etc.

metroid doesn't really sell that well in japan

Because they don't see slanty eyes as attractive. They are used on male characters who aren't meant to be attractive.

>asshole antag
>they run after losing
>meet them later
>they run again
>it takes 4 times meeting them to have 1 actual fight

sexy loli is a selling point

Yeah but I mean it was kinda like Japan was making games instead of making hollywood movies

When you run out of health but instead of respawning your mc enters this position as the slimes approach

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its pc port suck big ass.

It refuses to work under wine.

Says "made in Japan" on the box.

Weebs praise it but refuses to explain why and/or while badmouthing similar western titles they've never played.

Unplayable with a keyboard.


>Character 1: Here's some plot information.
>Character 2: Plot information?
>Character 1: It's really important.
>Character 2: Important...

Everything is unplayable with a fucking glorified typewriter.

You have to kill God.

While in high school.

That sword shows up nowhere in the entire series, yet both Marche and Luso are shown with it in their official art.

Game's title is said in main menu

Black people don't look like early 20th century caricatures.

Female characters that don't look like ugly men.

boobs bigger then the head

it's shit

lots of white people
young people with silver hair
fun gameplay
High replayability
story is either wacky and silly or depressing and with an existential crisis
spiky hair
poc characters are likable, cool, memorable, and not shoehorned
likable cute and/or sexy female characters from every race
character talks to someone with their back facing them.
God is the final boss
swords are fused with something silly, like a gun or engine
spiky medieval-ish armor
European architecture
annoying mascot character or kid
Japanese humor
overly pronounced grunts sounds
female covering mouth during laughter
that ridiculously manly and ripped character with a heart of gold
lots and lots of honor shit
bad guy is too sympathetic or makes you feel bad after beating the bad buy.

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>All blacks look like Wesley Snipes from Blade

"it can't be helped"
"at this rate..."

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the mouse doesn't work on the menu

Super Baby Project?

it's black people's fault for not producing more cooler looking black people than tax evasion man, not japs'

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Badly translated and wrongly used german words as ability, spell or model names in an effort to make them sound edgy and obscure.


Everyone sounds autistic in the English dub

>jap game uses the word Regalia or Siegfried
>jap game uses Latin to name anything important
>jap game uses cheesy poetry
>character adjusts glasses and glasses do a reflection effect.

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>game is set in modern times or post apocalypse
>all buildings look like those depressing lifeless white buildings they have

game has mechanics that are purely arbitrary layers on top of a basic game engine, essentially minigames and complexity for its own sake.

>great music
>shit generic story that might as well have been generated by an AI
>anime tiddies
>turn-based combat


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stereotypical black people

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game has copyright from company based in japan on box

There's a micro penis on the cover

Every simple menu takes 50 steps, useless popups that you need to press away repeatedly

Unironically 20 button presses from launch of MHW to actually being in game
Or Yakuza 0, walk up to the save point and it goes
>Did you know you can save here?
>Do you want to save?
>Select save slot
and so on

I would like it if they got better at that




im with this guy.

fuck white people.

Sexy girls
No twitter tranny pandering.

The females are qts

You know that excessive motion that happens that no one does? Like a character asks a question and they shake their head way too fucking much? I hate that shit.

>gay characters that arent trying to make a stance
>actual feminine characters that aren't trying to make a stance
>tranny characters that aren't trying to make a stance
>hair colors of the entire color spectrum and not one mention of wymens rights
>remembers there videogames and not real
I'll always like jap games

Any satisfying SFW romance or child making

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After playing too many jrps's I've come to realize they mostly write male characters as extremely irrational and emotionally driven (hotheaded). The females are written with much more diverse personalities.

Literally the only reason the new Fire Emblem sold at all.

This man was insane. He should have just lived with his Moth waifu instead of keep running away.

The judge you fight in the final side mission of FFTA uses it, iirc. The mission that lets you use Cid in your party. You can't get it yourself.

>it can't be helped

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The house in the game has sliding doors, Mats on the floor, and everyone is fucking barefoot.

The characters overreact to every little thing.

To this day, I still have no idea what's the difference between a game with depth in gameplay and one without

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dogshit camera
controls that fly in the face of common sense

loli character who's actually hundreds of years old or more

jap games either have no tutorial or a tutorial several hours long that makes replaying the game a serious chore

Detailed panties that changes each day of the week.

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This is such a reach its ridiculous. Bottom left japs jaw is angled same as the whites your showing. The red line is not even matching either japs jawline. Show me all the natural blonde, brunette, and blue or green eyed japs

Sequels iterate in what made the original good. In some cases, they differentiate in a way that prompts you to like both the original and it's sequels for different reasons.

ニッげ最高 HORYFUK 語であるからの

I guess the anime people with natural pink/green/blue hair are an alien race according to your logic, since there's nobody in real life with those natural colors.

Katana is good against armoured enemies

the women are attractive

the default language is Japanese

>50 minutes later
>Character 1: Remember the plot information I told you about?
>Character 1: Let's go over it again...
You wanna know why I end up dropping basically every JRPG and VN I touch? Shit like that. People like to give western games shit for being handholdy and treating the players like they're idiots. But I'm pretty sure japanese devs see otaku as legit retards that can't be trusted with anything on their own.

Polished but derivative games.

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And when it isn't, the characters still look and act like it's high school.

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Fuck off western cocksucker

Or the alternative:
>asshole antag
>they inexplicably leave you alive after defeating you
>meet them later
>they again don't bother finish you of after defeating you
>it takes 4 times meeting them to have an actual fight to the death

Wow almost like they're aimed at young teens or something

Why is this a meme when highschool settings are actually pretty rare

Garbage tier over dramatic dialog.
An enemy with superhuman skills.

seeing the amount of retards on here who couldn't even understand the plot of persona 5 - which was extremely basic, by the way - it's easy to see why the games repeat things so much. they're aware of the low iq and nonexistent attention span of the average gamer.


>using the most exaggerated example there is

But I love Yakuza and all the characters in that are identifiably Asian. You just have shit taste.


I love that he just has a couple of pizzas stashed in a pouch. Gotta be ready to snack.

Somebody is barefoot.

America seems to have a fixation on shoes and feet hatred

Easy.mode in the east is the hard mode in the west


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random fancy sounding english words

You can hump-crawl across the ground.

I think the best example (albeit both western games) are TF2 and OW. You can obviously tell which game was made in 2007 and which is a modern western game.
>TF2 is straight forward but has a shit ton of hidden mechanics because of the source engine like rocket/sticky/grenade jumping, air strafing, pogo jumping, surfing (regular or blast), crouch jumping, and other mechanics
>Different class layouts allow different gameplay options and playstyles
>Meanwhile OW is ridiculously restrictive with their characters and simple to play with no extra gameplay mechanics

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Female characters that are physically attractive.

No loot boxes.

Different stories conveying different, non-uniform values.

>no loot boxes

awww how cute

The game is fun, feminine girls, good story.

>Western games HATE depth in gameplay.

no jap game has the same depth as AoE2 and The sims

Gacha is non-existent outside of mobile shit

Gackt is in it, pretending not to be washed out.

but mobile shit IS japanese gaming

>Console port crazy keybindings
>Actually attractive, beautiful female characters
>Nonsensical, idiotic dialogue
Seriously, those are dead giveaways.

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Protag's dad is already dead,"away" or gets killed off.

fishing minigame

>fishing minigame
>every input you make in the menus is audible and there is no option to silence it
>if it's on Steam, the title is in ALL CAPS
>fuck tons of DLC, half consumables and the other half skins
>romantic options are there, but they're done in a VN style so the otaku don't feel bad seeing someone that isn't physically themselves kissing or fugging their waifus
>at least one female character gas a hime cut
>soundtrack consists of a big orchestra with electric guitars and lots of focus on the piano
>environments all seem to be geared more towards a themed attraction kind of feel rather than full on immersion

Try again

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fucking soul calibur

the story feels more like a chinese gacha clone than japanese

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It makes westerncucks seethe

It's actually fun, will have some form of unique identity, will have cute and sexy girls along with sexy and cute boys, even if heavily political it will be about some fantasy world that's not really connected to anything outside that world. Also at least one female character will be some form of monster girl.

>12 years old
>kill god itself