Which is better?

Which is better?

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Literally fucking dying

both are boring.

Mother 3, but Undertale is great.

Mother 3 has replayability.

I prefer Earthbound over both of them.

What's undertale

>Both of them are great
>Mother fans are spitting undertale for a 16 years of game

Undertale isn't even close. It's not as bad as Yea Forums claims, it isn't as great as everybody pretends it is

Itoi retired just because he knew he couldn't compete with Toby's four digit IQ

Mother 3

Are you seriously asking this? the main reason I dropped UT was because of mother 3. I played mother games before recently and then went to UT to be underwhelmed, can't even compete.

Mother 3 > LISA > EarthBound > Yume Nikki > Oneshot > OFF > Undertale

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Undertale is better solely by not being pretentious anti capitalism propaganda.

EarthBound>Mother 3>LISA>OFF>Yume Nikki>Undertale
Though I really like all of them.

death to all kikes!

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dangerously based

If I prefer Undertale or one of the most influential rpgs in the western indie scenario? Very difficult question.

undertale isn't even an RPG

mother3 just a little bit for gameplay and art, undertale has a ton fo soul and unmatchable soul too

Itoi is one of very few in the industry to recognize a simple fact: the surest sign of a good thing is that it ends.

It was really specifically aimed at America
Like, blatantly obviously so. Down to "handling forces of nature because fuck you" and "making animals COOLER!"

New Pork City, the pigmasks, and Porky himself. It's like if Hitler was American and therefore won.

I've never played Mother 3 or any Mother games at all but I would have to say Undertale.

fuck you and fuck israel

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I prefer Undertale but they're both fucking amazing

MOTHER 3 > Undertale > Earthbound >Yume Nikki > OFF > MOTHER > LISA
Haven't played Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass but I feel like that belongs somewhere on this list.

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go back to bed Ben

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Mother 3's first chapter alone left more impact on me than UT's entire game. Thank god I still have it fresh on my mind since I have finished it recently for the first time.

which one, Mother 3 or UT?

That is a very based list but Oneshot over OFF?

Swap OFF with undertale, and add Hylics after Mother 3, and I agree with this list.

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Sorry user, i don't think anybody outside of this website even likes LISA.

>EarthBound>Mother 3

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Mother 3. I played UT first, after it I played Earthbound and then mother 3.

Undertale. Real combat system, actual role playing, character design that isn't dogshit.

Isn't Hylics too high? I mean, I am just curious how such a short game with a dialogue/words generator and a terrible combat could be so high for someone

Mother 3, not even a question.

Mother 3 and earthbound are probably the only games which I wished I could back in time and play for the first time again.

LISA tells a way better story and has better graphics/aesthetic and atmosphere than UT and better dialogue. all UT has us the neater battle system.

UT's battle system's pretty bad and lacks more depth than the most basic rpg possible but it's quite unique due to platform segments so there's that.

Tough choice for me really.
Mother 3 is 100% a better game in terms of gameplay but I like the story and characters of Undertale more and the moral of 'being a better person when you can and how it's good to try and connect with people even if at first it doesn't seem like you can' was better then Mother 3's 'technology is bad' messege. I suppose it depends on what you like out of your RPG games.

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For me i'ts mother 3, It's just better in everything, I mean, it's obvious but anyways. If I had to compare, it managed to be impactful in a subtle way without being unecessarily quirky and way too melodramatic/cheesy and I like that. It had better characterization and characters that are easier to relate to and managed to build its stakes properly until the end and actually does a better job exploring its themes. Way too memorable moments for me also. If I had to be honest, I don't know however which one I like better: Earthbound or mother 3.

Also there's something I love about mother series that is how it's probably the only time I played a game where I felt sincerity when it was cheering for me or giving positivity.

moon is

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Mother 3's message isn't "Technology is bad". That's a very face value interpretation without looking further into the game's narrative itself.

Honestly I came back to Mother 3 this year after last playing it in like 2010 expecting it to be really melodramatic and not hold up well.
Glad to say, I was proven wrong. It's amazing how great that game's story gets as you get older.

so which game should i start with earthbound or mother 3? haven't played any of them but want an RPG experience that doesn't have so much generic fighting like in FF games.

Earthbound. It's still a traditional rpg, but anything but generic. Mother 3 is the better game, but you'll appreciate it better if you play earthbound first.

Probably UT, Mother is a better game, but UT for me had much more entertaining characters and some segments made it feel like you were playing through a creepypasta

The globe-trotting adventure resonates a lot more with me, what can I say.
I'll concede that sound-battles combined with the fantastic OST makes it a fantastic game, but I just like EarthBound's setting too much.
>Haven't played Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass but I feel like that belongs somewhere on this list.
JatPM is a fucking treat if you can power through the painfully slow early-game. There's so many fantastic optional late game dungeons and options for customization, it's just a shame that you don't get much opportunity until a good couple hours into the game.

Start with earthbound. Also don't worry about generic fighting since EB have the same combat system of DQ but the difference that EB's experience makes it easy to forget that and I quit DQ half way for being another anime fantasy rpg

Honestly I think most people played it a way long time ago and after years it's easy to forget how fantastic it is. It's not that much of melodramatic at all, the best scene (spoilers) I could give as an example it's the final fight against Claus. The game never outright says Claus is dead/was robotized, it doesn't shove things in your face, it literally make yourself see clearly his lifeless expression and robotized parts in his sprite. There's also chapter 7 which is like Lucas dreaming of his mother, it's a nearly, if not, dialogue less moment

THANK YOU. I am tired of people saying this shit again and again, jfc.

I have tried JatPM like 3 times but I think it's not for me. The beginning is absolutely more of a shore that I can handle and honestly I abolutely hate the dialogue and writing style for it. It's so lifeless and characters talk way too much more than they should have, I am not talking about that there's too much dialogues, I don't care about this myself, I appreciate visual novels and good stories, but that nearly every setence is waaay too long, that is a torture.

They hated him because he told them the truth.

The campfire scene in Chapter 1 is probably the best example. It could easily be melodrama, but the dialogue and pacing is just right for it to feel real. And the animation on the sprites is so unlike anything you're used to from the previous games. It's not played as a sad scene with sad music and rain, though all those elements are present, but more like a confusing and shocking scene, like how you'd react if you really did get news that a loved one just died. It just feels way too real

Unironically undertale

I might end up trying it if it's on sale. I like a story that's challenging to get into as long as there's something rewarding past all the lore and setup.

Unlike Yea Forums I love Undertale. But Mother 3 is just on another level.

Mother 3>>>>>Undertale>Earthbound

Man, how M3 manages to create a great narrative with a good amount of depth to it without the need for metas?

Both are fucking terrible.

I have found that I've become more sentimental as I've gotten older. I ran through EB and Mother 3 back to back for the first time in a long time about a year ago and I really felt for Flint, man. He goes looking for Claus every day, even though he has to know he would never find him. The part at the end when he tells Lucas to forgive Claus got to me on an almost personal level.

You got it backwards, son.

>left has a consistent charm for writing
>right is references, swearing, Homestuck-levels of writing, or all of the above
>neither of their combat are interesting but Mother 3 has actual quality of life
There isn't even a competition here

They're not really in competition.
What they achieve is so wildly fucking different.



>unironically comparing tumblrtale to Mother

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Flint's a character that had an emotional impact on me as well, good to see I am not the only one. each chapter he changes the flowers on hinawa's grave. There's a lot of little details that have so much touch in it.

It's really annoying. Undertale, Mother 3, Earthbound, LISA and Yume Nikki all do vastly different things, but it won't stop people from comparing them endlessly.

That's what made the character drama of Mother 3 so good. Flint and his family were written like a real family and the ways that they loved eachother felt real.
The game showed you that they loved eachother instead of telling you, and that's why everytime things go to shit for the cast it has an impact.

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Earthbound > Undertale > Mother 1 > Mother 3

>477055585 (You)

but muh sprites bro


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I always loved how mother 3 is really genuine about characters feelings. It's easy to see why it's held as the basis of inspiration for other devs since it is well written but I think most mother inspired games lack this genuinity and sincerity the original titles have.

nottu dissu shittu again

mother 3 is the best, it's just kino.

undertale is pretty good though, for what it is.
the story is a lot less endearing to me, doesn't have shit like the Absolutely Safe Capsule, and it's final boss fight kinda feels like a more feel good Masked Man fight. Asriel literally wears the same shirt as Claus, come on.

undertale's length is pretty good though, makes it pretty memorable.

Undertale's stakes just don't feel as high, it also doesn't have this heartbreaking line.


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>Loved eachother

Maybe but Flint's obsession made him out to be kind of a dick. You're supposed to believe he's justified just because Claus did actually survive but to the casual observer he's basically ditched his only son with his dad after a mostly justified fit of rage.

Dunno I just think Wes (The supposed abusive dad) was actually a better role model for Lucas than his actual dad was. Tanetane probably not real beating line doesn't help.

Undertale is better than Oneshot and OFF.
Both are fucking boring.

To be frank, I kind of noticed this too. You could tell that he was broken inside after his family pretty much being destroyed and I see tane tane island mostly as lucas's insecurities.

Although his reaction to hinawa's death showed that he could have an aggresive side to him. I don't think that he hated or didn't care about his son since he showed care in several moments like giving you franklin's badge or trying to stop claus even if it could cost his life but he isn't a perfect role model, yeah.

I always had interest in this game since forever but I cant read japanese.

Gameplay wise, Mother 3.

Story wise, Undertale.

Both are great games tho.


Ut characters have more "presence" but if I had to be honest it's simply because they are colorful cartoony monsters, some with loud gimmicks like temmie for example, so it's easier to remember in comparison, specially when they are very simple. I honestly felt more for m3 characters seeing them struggle through the game and cared more/had actual emotional attachment to them. So yeah, mother 3.

I have no idea how you can feel this way. Flint's family was just torn to shreds in an instant and he chose to salvage what he possibly could, he wanted to save his child. The obsession was justified more than a million times over and it shows what a loving father he is. Him disregarding Lucas completely and the destructive irony of it only made everything that much sadder.