Wellp Overwatch is dead (PC)

wellp Overwatch is dead (PC)

Attached: owdead.png (2560x1440, 969K)

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Having this done to quick play is retarded.
I've lost all energy to play this game anymore. It's just feeling like it's coming to an end, the devs don't care, the events are boring, the entire state of the game is frustrating. Ive been playing for a while and anyone else who has aswell has seen the absolute downward progression the game has taken. This might honestly be it for me, there were a few times were I thought ill just keep playing they'll fix it but I just don't think the devs have any passion left either.

For me it's:
< 1 min for Tank and Support
< 4 min for DPS

nobody asked for this role select garbage
and im there too, ive played this game way too much.. they don't back step on any bad decision

Role limitation was definitely needed, but this was so poorly executed
Definitely killed the game for sure

>regular quick play is in arcade
>exactly the same as old quick-play
I don't understand what's wrong?

>people played this over Quake Champions
Unironically cringe

doxxed idiot im stealing ur account

edgy name

who tf goes to anything other than qp
right now you can get a lot of new players in your game if you do it right, lots of people in overwatch are not happy
it be like that sometimes

Authortianism in Overwatch wow I'm shocked. Total Mayhem is the only reason to play but it's up once a month if you're lucky

I've been saying for ages that there needs to be more of a middle ground between quick play and competitive. It was mostly fine when the arcade was a weekly thing, because then there was a mode for purely goofing off. When the arcade became its own thing then quick play became the place to goof off and barely focus on the game, with competitive being extremely serious. The devs have placed themselves in the terrible position of needing to keep quick play clean and orderly while still letting people play how they want. And then they tried to ban toxicity, while continuing to antagonize these two groups that are fundamentally opposed as to how the game should be played.

Authoritarianism lol

EU late hours for me it's:
Tank: 2m
DPS: 15m to 25m
Heal: 3-5m

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They immediately put normal quickplay in arcade and called it classic like it's special and long awaited.
What a fucking joke.
>they don't back step on any bad decision
They really don't I really might be done.
If the halloween and winter events are dissapointing im actually done playing for good cause it isnt going to change and get better.
I wasted years at this point and saw this coming last year but decided to keep playing. Man what a waste of time.

This. At this point I want this game to truly die.

I stopped playing for classic wow

their matchmaking is shit

Imagine actually playing overwatch in 2019 ahahahaha. Play a real shooter you fuckig zoomers.

I play Paladins.

Toxicity is the natural state of competitive FPS games, there is no fixing it.

If you think this bait is gonna work, you'll need to lurk a couple more years before you post again

They wanna pander to babies that get triggered by absolute strangers saying things to them. Strangers who they'll never meet or see again.
It's fucking pathetic how people handel throat vibrations

Sure there is, it’s called muting mic.

I just don't understand, the exact same quickplay everybody is used to is still available? Are you upset because you need to click two extra times?

Lol what the fuck?

>I just don't understand, the exact same quickplay everybody is used to is still available?
>just play arcade mode

Post lewds, no one actually cares about Overwatch

op here i did it
i went to arcade to play "qp classic"
that was awful bros
Yea Forumsery interested in steam

No. I just think it's stupid. I think qp shouldve stayed normal and comp be role lock.

>I wasted years at this point and saw this coming last year but decided to keep playing. Man what a waste of time.
I stopped playing this shit because I was getting worse at other fps games. When they added Orisa the game turned into a barrier competition. so I dropped the game for Quake Champions. I least I've learned something from 2-3 years of playing it. I got better reflexes IRL thanks to this fuckin game.

Overwatch was fine for like a year.

>the exact same quick play
Except not really

I literally stopped playing Overwatch because QP was such a braindead shitshow of people locking in snipers+genji and no tanks ever. I could have just played ranked instead but I didn't want to tryhard, so why bother? This queue change isn't enough to bring me back but it would have kept me playing had it been implemented sooner.

I asked for it, but like 2 years ago.
It's a good change but came way too late

How is it different?

>Quick Play
>Actually have to choose a class before being allowed to matchmake
>Actually takes 7 minutes to matchmake

Attached: this logic is fucked.jpg (959x559, 64K)

Any reason you guys are still intimidated by overwatch?

Fuck. You.

>making things retardedly unnecessary is epic! GO PRODUCT!!!

Wats that even mean

I'm only intimidated by the matchmaking wait times.

It wasn't already? I dropped this shit before even fucking doomfist hit because I realized they don't fucking care about the game. Realistically I should have dropped it right around the time they nerfed roadhog into the dirt literally just because the community refused to learn how to play.

I fucking hate those games that predetermine your group composition. Just look at the difference between lol and dota. You can run whatever the fuck you want in dota, in lol the "meta" is already established and doesn't allow you to experiment with anything.

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Yeah the game had taken a huge hit already now it may be a total bust

I like it. Sick of retards that all pick DPS and kill LITERALLY nothing. Playing overwatch really helps you understand how many incompetent subhumans exist on this planet.

Alive on switch soon
I can't imagine how bad blizzard will fuck up gyro

The worst idea they had since limiting hero picks to one per team so you could not have 6 tracers. Should at least have just limited it to competitive.

Kills all the fun. And i play mostly tanks and healers, but being restricted in my choice and ability to switch hero mid game, reacting to situation is just retarded.

You're retarded


Wait this applies to QP now? Since when?

If you don't hate getting a full team of useless DPS players then the odds are you are a useless DPS player. Sick of picking a tank or healer since everyone auto-locks DPS and then they all eat cum and I have to switch to DPS anyway in the end. Fuck you all.

Never have thought
Oh boy if only teams were forcebalanced
If only we all chose a role.. gee whiz. If you actually like this change, i applaud you. I like to be able to play whatever I want though

I just want to play fucking genji.

Retards won't be smart enough to find classic qp within the labyrinth of the arcade menu. So they're just going to rage quit new qp because someone took MUH DPS so now you have a revolving door of people joining and quitting.

To further my venting.. I just hate it when these changes happen like they think their players are so fucking stupid that they need to be spoon-fed a meta. Just like an earlier poster said when we could be 6 tracers to a team, it wasn't hurting anything..

seriously this. Theres literally a fucking off button if you dont like someone.

They don't even want you to enjoy your own thing
It has to be one of the 3 premade lunches

As if the game being poorly designed from the get-go wasn't what killed it

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What's the alternative?

Sure wish they made an effort with their events instead of taking an annual shit.

Role queue saved the game. I haven't played in maybe 6 seasons or so, I came back for this. Its not perfect, and a lot of the problems I though roles would fix still remain unresolved but for the most part competitive is at least playable now.

Every time I play, I notice inconsistencies and balancing issues with the game that you really shouldn't see from a triple A developer. Why is Mcree's hitbox only his head while Ashe's hitbox includes her cowboy hat? Make a decision one way or the other. Why is only Hanzo rewarded with instant kills for headshots on 80% of the cast while other DPS characters are not? Why are a lot of ults still undeniably waaaaaay better than others? Why are some ults outright dogshit and have been dogshit since day one?

Overwatch will always be an arcade game to me. Anyone who takes it remotely serious is a faggot. The developers clearly do not, and if they unironically do I think that says all that needs to be said.

What the fuck does that even mean?

I don't get it. Minutes?

It honestly blows my mind the decisions that they make. They're pushing the esports shit, so why would they create two support characters, who are objectively the easiest characters to play in the game (moira and brig) hard counter the two most arguably difficult characters (genji tracer). Nobody wants to see Korean pro gamers play fucking brig. Probably nobody wants to see them play widow either but at least with hard characters its mildy entertaining.

Dont even get me started on the barrier meta. How can they not understand the thing that balances reins barrier is that its binary. If you use it you cant swing, and if you swing you can use it. So there are advantages and disadvantages in either state. That is fucking fundamental. It gives the other team the opportunity to zone and counter play. With orisa and to a larger extent sigma you can use the barrier while moving and shooting. There's no cost to using the barrier. Its fucking insane that they didn't realize this shit.

based truth user

What kind of fucking retarded username is silentstorm?

No it didn't.
It came to late, now the devs and artists and everyone inbetween have lost the passionate energy it use to have and are creatively bankrupt. The forums are quite, jeff never says anything more than the bare minimum and now theres talk of overwatch 2. Fucking overwatch 2, jesus christ.
Theres no uphill now, nerfs and buffs will still take months just for them to acknowledge. All the dps have been slowly transformed into literal cancer characters. It'll take another 4 fucking months to nerf sombra again. We still havent gotten a map they're like a month and a half now overdue. We might not even get 3 month maps anymore(just the yearly archives one).
Dude game over. They don't give a shit. Owl killed the game and the devs loss of love finally did it.
Role que came at the absolute worst time. The game(memes aside) is truly in a dying state.
Sure tons of noob normies will continue to eat it up but current overwatch it completely soulless and it just doesnt look good. It's over.

You now have to queue for a role and stick to it in a forced 2tank/dps/healer meta. A lot of players dont like it.

Proof blizzard literally panders to casual basedboys over people who want to take the game seriously. What a greedy company.

That sounds incredibly fucking retarded. Who approved such idiotism?

The people who bitched for it are the same people that shit their dipers and scream when roadhog kills them.

>only 7 min
You must be playing in america and at the peak of the day.

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Queues are way shorter than they were when I stopped playing. To my knowledge, there are no official graphs for players but you'd be stupid to think role lock didn't see a spike. It was a popular request since season one. A good metric is twitch, its a top 5 viewed game and has been since launch. Its not starving for players, you have nothing to back up that claim.

I agree that everything around Overwatch has been mismanaged. I wish they'd drop the whole "competitive" fallacy and just focus purely on fun factor because they can't decide one way or the other. Jeff always defends their major blunders (like the OP as fuck Brig launch) with "Omg you guys are never happy". The novelty has worn off. They consistently have proven they don't know what they are doing. I think it is a result of the balancing act between trying to appeal to the masses while also forcing the competitive meme. They don't have an identity for their game, and an Overwatch 2 would probably mean the same thing.

The kind that gets mad pussy

It should have been comp only so the game forces people to not all quick-pick damage classes and leave the last guy to sigh and go heals.

For comp the que times have spiked and people on dps are getting 20-30 minute que times(really just t500 streamers). The biggest redflag was when the devs when completely quite(for over a year now) on the forums and don't communicate with the playerbase anymore.
Yeah this tug of war between fun and tryhard the devs are having ruined the game and it's not changing clearly. I'll give it till the next character/end of the winter event and if it's not changed one bit im calling it quits and will join the "overwatch is dead" bandwagon and just shitpost against it on Yea Forums.
The que time in general have always been bad. Ive been playing modern warfare remastered recently and the que times are nano seconds in comparison and thats a 3 year old remastered game. Like fuck man.

It's in the casual game mode too? That's really dumb. Wasn't the meta really far from 2/2/2?

the role q is pretty good
the shield and cc spam is fucking retarded
stop supporting this shit game

Remember when overwatch threads would get laughed out of the board? What happened to you, Yea Forums?

FUCK dps players. they wait 20 minutes to play just to be completely useless ingame. fuck the fortnite shield building turrets walls portals meta

This isnt a shitpost thread. Were genuinely trying to talk about the absolute state of this greedy jew run game.

>What's the alternative?
There is none, which is why some people play Overwatch and shit like Paladins.

The lack of something good, but people want to scratch an itch.
If you're not into Battle Royale or realistic low TTK games like R6 you have no options.

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>be diamond for 12 consecutive seasons
>lose 3 out of 5 matches for placements because people dc'ed
>placed at 1800 in silver LOL?
>roles locked and Im a flex support main
>everyone in the entire community is a shitter DPS cod shitstain with a 15% accuracy and a 6k dmg average
>healing like nuts
>get 2-3 picks as support but dps is silver and cant even hit a tracer or genji and we slowly wipe
>hit trans as zen and push in making space
>team doesnt leave hallway and just stands behind choke
>im awkwardly staring at them backwards until it runs out and I die
>enemy team is running pharmercy and widow
>my dps wont switch off reaper and junkrat
>my tanks wont go shield tank and we just have a hog and a dva vs a widow and a hanzo
>normally i could fill and patchfix this fuckhole of stupidity
>im stuck as zen with no hope to do anything except hope that I can 1v4 people who peek out behind shields and carry extraordinarily
>everyone just LOVES ROLE QUEUE
>hahaha maybe you should upgrade your pc
Gaming is dead. Communities are dead. Stage 4 Cancer.

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Do you have a mic?

>Are you upset because you need to click two extra times?
You know that youtube proved that people wont do this "clicking extra times" multiple times down to the millionth or hundred of a millionth fewer % clickrates and why they removed many of their past features.

People will not even click one extra time.
I mean honestly if you have spent more than 5 mins on the internet, youd know this was true, without a giant series of statistical experiments making it blatantly obvious for you.

>Are you upset because you need to click two extra times?
It doesn't matter if I am, other people are, and as a result the queue times will be even slower in this already dead as fuck game.

>realistic low TTK games like R6
That games not even silver goldeneye ttk
what a joke

the only people complaining are shitty dps

yeah of course, but if you say: "Hey can we get a dps/tank that can actually counter snipers cause they are picking us off 1 at a time making it impossible to do anything" you get:


Then I say: "There's no shield to hide behind and youre just tanking 50 headshots to the face and everyone else is being 1shot and then they pincer us. You need to change."

Then they say:

Then I report them for abusive chat and we still lose and I get a msg saying they are banned the next day and nothing is accomplished.

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>Wasn't the meta really far from 2/2/2?
that's the point, they realized they can't balance for shit, so they introduced this

based Paladinsbro
the fact that Paladins is Cross-Play, Free, 60FPS on all platforms including Switch, makes it the superior game.

Meanwhile Paladins just keeps chugging on along. Never thought that would be the way things end up.

Explain anonn that seems like an interesting study

Except its ruined by mexicans and other 3rd worlders who throw themselves off the map or dont equip cards and casual play is a joke where you just steam roll fucking everyone and unfun to play.

This is one I can remember off the top of my head

>"To illustrate, says the YouTube team, only four out of every 1 million users bothered to click on those little boxes underneath the main video. Efforts will theoretically go into providing new and different tools to increase fan engagement for creators."

I haven't had problems with the game unironically.
I've been having fun. Which is probably more than what Overwatch is doing in recent months.

Remember when Overwatch used to have estimated waiting times at launch, but later got removed when people complained about them being too long?

Attached: [K-F]_One_Piece_183_[D429DB98].mp4_snapshot_19.00_[2019.08.29_20.04.09].png (640x480, 554K)

Also you cant stack in ranked which ruins it entirely and forces you to get griefed.

>chugging along
Oh user, seems like you forgot about all of Hi-Rez's retarded design choices, and generally ruining the game to appeal to whales. It's a shame, because Paladins could honestly be better than Overwatch. But right now, it's peaking 20k players.

At least we still have the porn.

Overwatch is a perfect example of why you shouldn't blur the line between generalist and specialist classes.

you are a brain damaged retard if you care for this shit

shields as a concept were a fucking mistake, all they do is make the non-shield tanks feel worthless


Reminder this piece of shit stole GOTY from DOOM back in 2016.

>Damage one tricks still SEETHING over role queue
Imagine crying because you have to actually care about your team in a team based game

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I usually just do the placements and then play with friends if they ask.
Im just telling you what realistically happens.

in competitive, this seems very necessary while I was playing, but in quickplay, fucking stupid

>Big player population increase
>A lot of players dont like it
Occasional long wait times happen because the retarded live service jews at Blizzard failed to understand how 2/2/2 would fuck matchmaking. The vast majority of active players like role queue and it's not going away no matter how much you complain

>shitters can't get carried
based, downloading paladins and fapping to the hamster tomorrow

>and then I am reasonable,calm and intelligent while THEY. ARE. SILLY!

yeah...im sure

Play TF2, Dota, CS, League, R6, or pick up some MMO. This game has been dying for ages in that you know the devs are retards.

>All these desperate Paladins shills
Nice dead game you got there lmao

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>dead as fuck
Where the fuck are you posting from, Antarctica? EU here, when I solo queue it never takes me more than a minute, and most of the time I instantly find a game


Attached: when youre at 124hp and you enter the zone.png (499x725, 200K)

no it just means you play to the best of your ability and easily stomp matches and then lose all of your sr you gained and achieve nothing because you get 3 games in a row of brazillians who scream FUCK AMERICAN FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK FUCK YOUFKCOUCKS and throw themselves off the map over and over and over and over and over and then you lose.

I havent played in a season or so, but it was fucking horrible because it was +6 out of 100 for a win and -17 for a loss so if you got that same fucking faggot throwing on your team because he knows the -17 can fuck you over and he gets rewarded by doing it to you because it drops both of you and they do it for two or three games in a row, and it would take you 6+ games won just to get break even, and fuck that.

>stop playing this dogshit and go play even worse dogshit
why would you give such terrible advice

Remember when you could pick whatever hero you wanted in Quick Play?

Remember when you could have multiple heroes in QP?

Remember having entire teams of torbjorn and throwing your turrets everywhere? remember having entire teams of winston and monkeying around?

remember when the characters didn't have total and complete ability reworks that ruined them?

remember being able to relax and have fun in QP?

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They get upset over everything.
I grew up with a BPD bipolar mother and I spent less effort walking around eggs shells with them.

The other half of the time when you say anything in voice, nobody says anything at all and just sits in silence like completely autistic children only to blurt out obscenities at the last 10 seconds of the match in an autistic beta explosion so hopefully you wont see whos talking and wont be able to report them.

>implying im the one seething
>when everyone begs me to switch off roadhog in comp
you seem upset, user :^)

>remember when the game was shit guys so nostalgic
>reddit spacing
you have to go back

>OW is dead on arrival!
>OW will be dead in a year!
>OW will be dead in two years!
>OW will be dead when X comes out!
>OW won't surpass a couple hundred thousand players!
>OW is already losing millions of players!
>Everyone is already bored of OW!
>OW will be dead by the next patch!
>OW will be dead by the end of the season!
>OW is bleeding money! I just know it!
>40 million sales are nothing!
>90% of those sales are free weekenders! Just trust me!
>It literally takes 20 minutes to find a game!
>Overwatch? More like Shieldwatch!

This game isn't about fun you shitter, it's a serious competitive envioronment with flourishing e-sports scene. Go play Paladins or something if you want fun, but leave actually balanced games, that care about playerbase and punish shitters like you who can't even pick a team propely, to normal, skilled gamers.

But overwatch has been dead for like 5 years
its only relevant in that they dropped like 200million dollars in advertistment and vomit it onto main pages of social media

>Hog is high tier right now
>everyone begs me to switch off roadhog in comp

Attached: X.png (2847x1412, 1.94M)

>hog is high tier
he's easily the worst tank in the entire game
how do i know you're silver

Keep telling yourself that, classicuck

>>Overwatch? More like Shieldwatch!
this is true though

Before Sugma came out Orisa RH was meta as far as I know.

lol better than dead fortress 2

t. bronze brainlet

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If anyone still is playing Overwatch after the very first competitive season being implemented, can I ask why? I want to understand.

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I have better taste in games than some animefag on Yea Forums that complains about leftism

if you were anywhere near masters you'd know the meta is sigma orisa and roadhog is awful with sigma
but of course you dont, and you need to check the overbuff stats which are outdated and unreliable, as the site couldn't gather the role queue beta stats and is still using the s16 ones
fucking metalrank shitter lmao

not really

>n-n-n-n-not really....
Suck my shitty asshole, valve drone

>don't answer the question just deflect and throw insults
I hate everyone user so don't worry.

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>need more diversity in OVERWATCH
>new wacko character every month
>can't balance
>let's lock everyone into roles so we don't have to
>hey 70% of the forums voted for it!

This is true communism

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>my shitty asshole
OWdrones confirmed unwashed autists?


>valve drone for not liking shield mechanics on already tanky characters in a multiplayer shooter

Attached: craving my tracer nuggies.png (500x425, 109K)

>he hates his parents
You must be a real nice person, cocksucker

you know the old saying "nice guys finish last"

More like
>valve drone for defending shitty dead games over good ones just because Yea Forums memes about OW BAD

This is unironically good and I don't know what you're on about

the alternative is not being able to play what you want to play half of the time when all of the people who really want to play dps autolock snipers and genji.

I know you suck dick

but OW is bad

Attached: overwatch tf2.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

same. And all of the matches are more fun thanks to role select. One major problem however is that when you get stuck with braindead dps players nobody can swap to help them out. I'd still rather have that than 5 dps one roadhog though

killing in overwatch is harder than any other game i've ever played ngl

in other games it's simple, either you make the kill or you probably die and then you get another chance either next round or next life.

In OW you're constantly getting opportunities but they're so fucking fleeting and with heroes like sigma around with two separate extremely effective "i eat your damage" abilities and extreme healing, it feels like my aim has to be fucking PERFECT

What makes OW better? Please, just try to convince me to reinstall.

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>expecting me to treat hatdrones with any seriousness
>expecting me to write a small thesis on why OW is better just so you can TLDR and post memes
Nice try. Stay cope.

With the exception of Rein, shields should either serve a specific purpose like Winston's bubble to isolate his target or brig's 200HP shield to protect yourself from specific attacks. Sigma's 1500HP shield is kinda fucking retarded because of the placement potential you can get from it. Then there's also his ability that eats projectiles including Hog's hook.

>Every month
I wish, then the game might actually be interesting. Two characters a year with a game as stale and dry and this, I'd rather opt for chaos then this attempt at "balancing" the game

Oh well then. Have fun with your consistently devolving game and your "OW is dead" complaint box threads.

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Dirty bomb is 50 percent South American and I never have this issue

I could literally never find a game in Paladins but if it has players I might consider playing it

OP is likely from Yurip, where online gaming is dead and only co-op games and FIFA thrive.

Fun you mean

>let's lock everyone into roles so we don't have to
Imagine not wanting to play the game the way developers want you to play.
I understand that you're just a contrarian faggot, but devs still know better than you how the game is supposed to be played.

>I don't like that your evidence proves me wrong so it doesn't count
Okay retard. You can go back to having fun in bronze now

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The game was never competitive, it was just supposed to be fun at the beginning

You're playing as cartoon character heroes acting like its the most serious game

Have fun with your unfunny gmod memes and buying lootboxes for papa Gabe (don't expect him to update the game in any meaningful way)

fun is a fucking buzzword, you retarded drone. You can't balance games around fun. Fuck off.

>6v6 with concrete, rigid hero roles
>it was supposed to be casual


>buying Valve crates when you can literally just straight get what you want without the gamble
Have fun with your zero memes and buying lootboxes for Jeff (maybe he'll represent your mental illness with the next character).

I haven't noticed a noticeable decrease in "classic" quick play wait times from arcade. If people want to play that mode they will, and are from my experience so far. I suppose it is true that you faggots will cry over anything.

Imagine being this much of a dicksucking shill

6 torbourns is fun, I don't understand how you can take overwatch seriously, it's like a Moba, and the initial draw was the gimmick heroes it was never supposed to be taken seriously

Thanks, I'll enjoy my constant updates while you jerk off in your brony ERP server waiting for more community-made content since Valve can't be bothered to release actual stuff LMAO

>reporting people for "abusive chat"
Yeah, I'm thinking you get what you deserve. Especially if you're still playing this garbage.

6v6 with generic cartoon characters save the world setting with winky face emotes, how the fuck could you take this seriously on any level, it's like playing bumper cars, it's a Moba converted to fps

The game died when you couldnt have more than 1 of the same character in quick play. I missed full Winston,Hog etc... teams. Doesn't help that the game takes itself too seriously and tries too hard to be esports.

You mean just like TF2?

>I'll enjoy my constant updates
No you won't.

Attached: 8k ultra hd.png (7680x4320, 1.88M)

No tf2 actually had any interesting setting based on culture, not I'm so random lol here are the anime characters for upvotes

Why would you remove the freedom of choosing your own class
Fucking mobas ruining everything as usual

>OP conviently leaves out his latency counter
Again, nice try hatfag. But OP downloading fag porn doesn't mean shit and certainly won't make Shit Fortress alive.

Yeah man, all these neon pink guns and furry tophats were part of the interesting and CONSISTENT culture of the game. Cope harder.

>Are you upset because you need to click two extra times?
You get less points on arcade, so they are super jewing the game that you either play what they say or forget about the cases drop for level.
I stoped playing after Doomfist came in. Also
>Soldier is gay because mhu marketing
Eat a dick Blizzard

>>OP conviently leaves out his latency counter
>Again, nice try hatfag. But OP downloading fag porn doesn't mean shit and certainly won't make Shit Fortress alive.
Wrong reply??

Soldier being gay out of the blue 4noraisin was really poorly executed
TF2 had the right idea of thinking of their characters first and not of their race, sexuality or this kind of thing first
Scout is a big fag by the way.
>yeah I slapped my bum

TF2 is more immersive to me because the Meet the Team videos, the comics and the in-game character interactions are much richer.

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No, very correct reply. Stop running away, but I guess you want to idle with your boyfriends in some brony server.

Why did you take an anime Moba game seriously, surely you released it was just a gimmick after playing it right, it's meant for cheap entertainment due to the gimmick each character has, in tf2 there are defined roles that actually matter and do specific things other classes can't do

>Soldier being gay out of nowhere BAD
>Pauling being gay out of nowhere GOOD

>Pauling being gay out of nowhere
It's really not confirmed, it was just an off-comment by one of the writers. In the Expiration Date video, Pauling seems actually endeared, if not seduced, by Scout's efforts.

Why did you take a hat-wearing shitty game seriously?

>in tf2 there are defined roles that actually matter and do specific things other classes can't do
Is that why picking spy or sniper actively harms your team? LOOOOL

i told you guys the minute they slapped Hog because shitters were crying on the forums when he wasnt even good i knew what type of game it was and quit

At this point all I want for them to do is release a few more porn fodder females before it all implodes on itself.

My point still stands, you know. You can try in your next reply.

Tf2 is based on tropes from actual culture the German nazi doctor, the American drill sergeant soldier who is delusional and only thinks about war, these characters have depth, and they fit the ww2-cold war era aesthetic

What does overwatch have that creates a consistent world, it's just a bunch of random shit slapped together

Roadhog was and always will be a huge mistake

TF2 doesn't take itself seriously, though. I can click "play casual", find a server in less than 10 seconds hopefully without aimbots and then have my fun. Sometimes, I make an off-comment saying that we could try to have less than 6 snipers if we're losing, but I don't mind. If I get too pubstomped I just switch servers.
Memerwatch is League of Legends levels of meta and tryharding.

Attached: 1454553051016.jpg (828x694, 249K)

shitter detected

>why are they slowly breaking the game??
um, if the game was still really good, you wouldn't buy their next game, lack-of-awareness-of-planned-obsolescence user. this has been the multiplayer experience since the mid 00's

Spy can easily disrupt a team and sniper is the best class in the game if you get a great player on it

I realize I'm arguing with kids that don't realize their reddit gimmick game is just that, it was made to be flashy and catch people's attention, it was never meant to be taken seriously, playing it for 5 minutes would tell you that

this is bait

>German Nazi doctor
Medic explicitly isn't a nazi. Wouldn't be surprised if he was revealed to be part Jewish in the last comic.

>What does overwatch have that creates a consistent world
If you look at the timelines, Soldier 76 has at least 3 different canonical ages.

In more details, Pauling being a lesbian barely affects the story, and her character was developed prior to that. TF2 characters are mostly defined by their very exaggerated mannerisms. They are all much more colourful than Overwatch heroes.
Besides, the amount of gay porn TF2 has produced largely surpasses overwatch

>TF2 doesn't take itself seriously, though
>It may be a shit game, but don't take it seriously bro! It's not meant to be serious!
Pretty convenient lol
>Memerwatch is League of Legends levels of meta and tryharding.
Just do quick play. No one cares there.

>Spy can easily disrupt a team and sniper is the best class in the game if you get a great player on it
lol spy can be countered by shooting in the air randomly
nice gameplay design there, retard. Suck a dick.

>Imagine not wanting to play the game the way developers want you to play.
If devs can't design engaging and interesting loops to the point where people want to play the game in a way that makes it more engaging and interesting, you failed as a dev.

If an architect designed a building where you had to climb a 4 story ladder to get to the roof and then walk down 4 stories of steps to get to the bottom floor where your apartment is, yet the people on the first floor want an entrance on the first floor. Who is the most sensible here? The designers of the building getting upset that people don't want to climb all those ladders and steps or the people that just want to enter through the ground floor like with normal buildings?
Just because something is intentionally designed, doesn't mean that it's well designed.

>but devs still know better than you how the game is supposed to be played.
The devs are so bad at balancing and designing their own game they have to constantly dumb it down and use crutches like enforcing lineups.
The devs are MMO devs that failed to make an MMO and converted it into an FPS. They're clueless and don't even understand the ramifications of what they implement.

Attached: 1484964490761.gif (184x219, 305K)

>a game that casts nothing but male characters produces more gay porn than a game that doesn't

Attached: big_brain_sombra_by_piemationsart_dclarv6-fullview.png (1024x939, 374K)

How is Soldier being gay affecting the story in any way?
>TF2 characters are mostly defined by their very exaggerated mannerisms. They are all much more colourful than Overwatch heroes
lol sorry if your brain is not simian enough to appreciate characterizarion other than exaggerated racial stereotypes

Spy actually has a unique role instead of the 10 heroes that play the same in overwatch, your game is casual trash with no depth but you saw a shiny anime character and got sucked in

explain orisa's character

Meanwhile at Blizz HQ
>everyone is going tank, we should find a way to resolve the problem
>how about we find a way to balance the game
>nah it's too hard, better force the players play the way we decide
i thank god every day that dota isn t in the hands of bluffzard

I just use it for custom modes, I set up a camera behind Widow's ass and walk forward while aiming sights
Have nut to that strut she does so many times already

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>still selling for a full price after 3 years
>sales are rarer than tf2 updates

Attached: 2.jpg (482x369, 26K)

Well a German doctor that explicitly wants to cut people up and experiment on them is obviously a joke based on mengele they took dark subject matter and made it humorous

I mean they could say he's a Jew but it wouldn't make much sense, the joke is that he's a violent nazi doctor that wants to kill people, just like the nazis

Nope it's not retarded at all having a 2 2 2 is the best thing for this game no one liked Qing as dps into qp because of all the 5 dps 1 mercy meme a reminder that if you think 2 2 2 is bad you are a low rated trashcan that has a 1 dimensional way of thinking

He is unique at sucking cock and being a liability to his team lol but it's ok since you can buy a BEARD CAMERA XD and dress him up like in your shitty youtube videos

Robot girl that protects the innocent and wants to find her place in a world where robots and humans are mad at each other

Not him, but Overwatch characters are scrubbed and designed to not be offensive. This makes them bland and forgettable. It makes them not come across as real people but like some corporate anti-drug mascot.

Attached: Eddie-Eagle.jpg (848x477, 79K)

I asked for it so I don't get some cunt team picking genji tracer widow mei mccree

>thinking in any way that TF2's characters are interesting just because they are stereotypes
GamerGate really ruined this site

I've never even equipped a hat in the hundreds of hours in tf2 accept the fact that overwatch is a generic piece of shit with shiny objects for retards like you and tf2 actually has gameplay depth

>Robot girl that protects the innocent and wants to find her place in a world where robots and humans are mad at each other
So deep.

Attached: 1506588069352.jpg (720x587, 65K)

They are, they aren't generic trash

Post your favs.

Attached: Tracer X Mercy.jpg (1607x2535, 2.88M)

>Robot that protects the innocent and wants to find her place in a world where robots and humans are mad at each other
Strike 1.

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Dota does have a role selector too now. Although it's still mostly the same where if you pick something unusual your teammates will grumble but still let you do your thing, so long as it's not something visibly retarded like support Sniper.
In League, from experience, your teammates will go fucking nuts if you dare to try something unusual like support Shaco.

I'm upset because it's the final guarantee that for some dumb fucking reason they refuse to implement literally any way to play over 6v6, nevermind having maps cater to that.
5dps isn't an issue if you have 12+ people on the team. I know people like to pretend overwatch is some super special snowflake game where every issue needs its own bespoke solution but having casual play that lets significantly more people play on maps than the competitive way of playing has been a standard of online FPS games for decades.

Come home, white man.

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>(adjective) (race) stereotype
So interesting...

>i like them so they aren't generic

Zen is a robot monk that does his thing, though. Orissa is literally robo-police

>supporting someone being a faggot for no reason when they are wrong about what they are sperging out about cussing at little kids on top of that

If he was right, Id back him up, but if you want to talk shit you better know your shit or else ill grief the fuck out of you any way I possibly can because youre a faggot ruining the game for everyone and yelling on top of it and I dont have to listen to your niggotry because your parents never raised you correctly, or you think im intimidated like you are by your some when youre some bitch baby that lets their dad scream at them so they scream at everyone else online.

Anyone who's being a faggot ruining the game for everyone should be fucked over in every single possible way.

>Yes, fans, he's gay!
>Yes, fans, she's gay!
>Yes, fans, she's autistic!
>Yes, fans, she's trans!
>Yes, fans, he's bipolar!

Attached: 5t4n1TM.gif (240x228, 858K)

who are you quoting?

Overwatch Team

>a side character you can'even use made for encreasing the lore

>one of the most importan icon of the game that anyone had to use in some point during the game

Tracer being gay was ok because she allways looked like a dyke and everyone knew, Soldier just "became gay" because of marketing reasons.

TF2 is about constant improvement. There is plenty of depth to it.

Attached: 1446071335467.png (900x900, 373K)

>one of the most importan icon of the game that anyone had to use in some point during the game
so? why is him being gay a problem? Literally no one cares except neckbeards on Yea Forums

How about constantly improving the game with updates? OH WAIT LOL GABE NEEDS MO MONEY FOR THAT HALF LIFE VR AND FOR ARTIFACT LOL

Yes your class in tf2 matters and you aren't just 18 variations of the same thing

TF2 has a very distinct artstyle it's based on tropes from popular culture since ww2

Overwatch is just a bunch of random shit mashed together for zoomers like you with low iq

You took a generic Moba free to play game seriously

You're allowed to talk if Overwatch is still getting updates 12 years after release.

>updates automatically improve a project
As an OWdrone you should know damn well by now that ain't true.

>playing soldier
>activate my ult
>someone on enemy team goes "i bet you do faggot"
>leave game
fuck blizzard

>playing soldier
>activate my ult

Attached: 1474862296297.jpg (569x802, 147K)

>Yes your class in tf2 matters and you aren't just 18 variations of the same thing
Yeah it's 6 variations of the same thing lmao

>TF2 has a very distinct artstyle it's based on tropes from popular culture since ww2
lol you and I know this is simply not true. Valve has abandoned the game's artstyle a long time ago, unless you want to argue that bunny ears and rapper glasses are ww2 fashion staples

>Overwatch is just a bunch of random shit mashed together for zoomers like you with low iq
OW has a more consistent artstyle than TF2 could ever hope to have. Sorry if this triggers you.

>You took a generic Moba free to play game seriously
What is that even supposed to mean?

>implying TF2 still gets updates
>implying TF2 still gets updates that aren't community made shit or NEW LOOTBOXES WOW
lol ok buddy, we'll talk again in a decade or so

>TF2 still gets updates!
>TF2 doesn't get updated but it doesn't matter because it's good enough!
Wew, cope harder, drone.

>playing sym
>activate my ult
>she starts punching herself in the head
Who fucking updated this game

>so? why is him being gay a problem? Literally no one cares except neckbeards on Yea Forums
>it's no a problem if it's not my problem
Great point faggot
You sure have the knowledge and the skills to work for Blizzard

>you don't care about a character being gay? WELL I DO!
Cry me a river, mongoloid.

Uh oh. Name calling? That's gonna be a report from me, dawg. Looks like there's no more OW for you my friend. Hopefully Jeff will understand.

I thought hatfags were bad, redpilled motherfuckers that could handle banter? lol I guess not. Having a dead game really does make your skin thin.

they just murdered quick play by doing this. no one asked for this.

Ummm this is Overwatch, sweety?

TF2 characters aren't afriad to offend, which makes them more interesting and relatable. In addition to allowing for better characterization and script.

Characters like Reaper are Eddie Eagle tier.

No this is Yea Forums. Your brony friendlies hold no sway here. How do you cope this hard?

lol what fucking offence? All they do is calling each other fat, blind or australian. Do you consider this insulting? Go back to cripplechan

>Do you consider this insulting?
The OW team does.

>Dota does have a role selector too now
Wrong idiot, it has a position selector, which is a massive difference.
This is also something the community and pro scene has used for ages. It's just a loose way of deciding farm/xp priority.
In Overwatch's case already dumbed down classes are enforced to always play in a 2/2/2 lineup.

Dota 2 still allows for shi like Spectre, AM, Medusa, Weaver, Invoker. In Overwatch you ALWAYS have to pick 2 tanks, 2 dps and 2 supports (which are all just healbots).

Attached: miles-shrug(d).gif (266x192, 92K)

>that pic
I have no idea what I'm looking at, some kind of hypnosis fetish to force them into becoming brides???
How is it called and where can i get more?

Video Games are dead. Pick up an album.

Attached: collage.jpg (1250x1250, 566K)

how do you listen to this trash

What am I looking at?

>2019 and you faggots still arent playing Battleborn


Attached: IMG_20190430_131951.jpg (447x329, 21K)

hatdrones getting destroyed by Overchads

The best thing about TF2 is that you can hard carry as any class up to like scrims where you get hard locked into roles and it comes down to whos sniper is better.

There is none of this in overwatch and if you arent a widow/genji/hanzo main, youll just end up staring at your teammates doing dumbshit and you wont be able to kill anyone because your shots will be blocked by either shields/dmg being too low to kill/retarded levels of healing.

Overwatch is just hard locking into roles unless you play one of about 3 dps choices and then just stand around watching everyone be unable to play at scrim levels and it comes down to whatever team is less of a retarded fuck up while you are unable to contribute much of anything on a personal level regardless of what your actual skill level is, unless you play one of the main dps classes and this continues until masters/grandmasters.

>lol what fucking offence? All they do is calling each other fat, blind or australian. Do you consider this insulting? Go back to cripplechan
see We're talking about a company that decided to change the pose of Tracer over ONE person on the forums getting offended.
EVERYTHING in Overwatch is scrubbed to the point where nothing is even remotely "offensive". It's sterile and bland.

Now it's not about actually offending, but not being afraid to offend. As in not setting some super hard boundraries for your characters that they have to fit inside. Because it results in homogenization where all characters bleed together. Losing all sense of individuality.

TF2 still got a new gameplay update in 2017, and the Heavy update will come eventually.

So does this mean that if you queue as a tank you have to play tank and can't swap to something else if it's needed (in case someone leaves, fo example)?
That sucks major balls but then again, if you can just queue as tank and immediately switch to Genji after one death the entire system is completely pointless.

Who's bipolar? And she totes was a sperg in the comics.

Please link your last.fm I bet it's full of cringe anime and vidya osts


lol stop samefaging
and they replaced the pose with a sexier one so I don't really understand your problem here is
Also TF2 offends no one because no one plays it lol

>some of our classes are so boring nobody wants to play them, how do we solve this
>do we make those classes more fun to play
>or do we force the players to play as those classes whether they like it or not
Game design 101, watch and learn


The game has to force you to make anything that works, but yeah, we're the retards.


The role queue and brigitte nerf revived competitive like nothing else, I barely wait 20 secs for a game in both EU and US servers, maybe don't play at 6 am

That's more than Overwatch will have in 10 years.
And it's not like overfags are in any position to make fun of lootboxes.

>I could have just played ranked instead but I didn't want to tryhard, so why bother
Well, tough luck for you because that roleshit is making even casual game full on tryhard, but with cunts that are too much pussies to even play comp.

Your claim that hog is the worst tank in the game is far off. He's not even a throw pick in any SR.

D.va on the other hand..


>And it's not like overfags are in any position to make fun of lootboxes.
I sincerely love how you conveniently forget that Valve was the first company to introduce lootboxes but VALVE GOOD OTHERS BAD

Overwatch doesn't have a consistent artstyle tf2 does

All of the classes in tf2 have a specific niche, half of the classes in overwatch are just hitscan weapons with different fire rates

I didn't say TF2s lootboxes are ok, the cosmetic system is arguably better because of trading, but then you'd have to judge whether or not the resulting economy is a good or bad thing, but i digress.
Point is, neither side is innocent in that regard, and both game's updates largely consist of new cosmetics.

Reminder that the forced 2-2-2 is not there to remove games with 4-5 dps. It was to stop the shitshow that was top500 and OWL with GOATS. And absolutely ALL the player base has to pay the price of Blizzard unable to balance shit.

>Overwatch doesn't have a consistent artstyle tf2 does
lol nice bait

>All of the classes in tf2 have a specific niche, half of the classes in overwatch are just hitscan weapons with different fire rates
Half of the 9 classes in TF2 are situational, 2 of them are counter-classes and the others are must-haves. You can literally win any game with Soldier, Heavy and Medic. Nice balance there.

>oh shit he completely destroyed me in that post...I KNOW...I will now say that both games have their faults!
Pathetic and weak. Also the economy in TF2 is shitty because you will spend 2.5 european dollars to get MAYBE some cents back because the RNG fucked you in the ass
>and both game's updates largely consist of new cosmetics.
OW gets actual content updates, sorry to rain on your parade.

>The Beatles

The joke cosmetics reference popular culture based on the theme of the class

In overwatch you just get a neon green jumpsuit

If you play with only soldier heavy and medic you'll get mowed down by snipers and demomen will destroy you, you're a fucking retard, stop posting about tf2 because you have no idea how it works

Dva is barely used at this point, Winston did everything she did better, but Sigma absolutely destroyed her. Only waifufags and roasties play dva

Whats happening there in the pic

She's flipping someone off while telling him that she menstruates over his family grave.

Role queue fucking sucks for flex players
It sucks to have Genji mains who cannot hit wide side or the barn or Winstons who cannot kill healers
Game is ded

>The joke cosmetics reference popular culture based on the theme of the class
lol very consistent on the art style there, drone

>In overwatch you just get a neon green jumpsuit
no problems here

>If you play with only soldier heavy and medic you'll get mowed down by snipers and demomen will destroy you, you're a fucking retard, stop posting about tf2 because you have no idea how it works
lol just cover your ass moron. I played TF2 long before you were even born, bitchola

Well she sounds excessively rude

I hope it dies soon.
>time to kill is longer than an entire match in TF2
>lost any of the charm it had withing a year or so
>maps that are made by people who clearly have no fucking idea how to make a good one and just focus on visuals
>"only good for porn" even though it's always the same fucking characters
>abhorrent balance decisions

Attached: ex aid.jpg (1200x800, 119K)

You didn't "destroy" me, you tried mocking TF2 for something both games do, and tried projecting when i called you out for it.
The economy is also deeper than just opening crates and selling the item you get, you can make money without spending any if you put in the time and effort, but like i said, it's arguable whether this is good or bad for the game.
Lastly TF2 was still getting content updates more regularly, 3 years into it's lifespan aswell.

She's just chinese.

>no u!
Please cope harder

Post your age then zoomer

Tf2 cosmetics are consistent with the stereotypical exagerated characters they're meant to be jokes

In overwatch you have an anime character you can decide to dress up in neon pink or yellow, you don't understand art design, you're fucking braindead

If you roll only soldier heavy and medic you will be eaten alive by the classes you claim are gimmicks you'll be backstabbed and headshot red constantly and good luck getting successful ubers to the engineers nest because pyros will airblast your heavy and your soldier, they lack mobility, demomen will destroy you all day, having a well rounded team comp is objectively better

Is Quake champions any good? I kind of want to play something fast paced.

So did they fuck

I also think this is what ultimately ruined WoW.

It's complicated. She's now lusting after her fosterfather who killed the guy she flipped off, but her foster father can also turn into a 3 meter tall woman and has like 50 billion other daughters at his disposal.

>maps that are made by people who clearly have no fucking idea how to make a good one and just focus on visuals
What, aren't you just loving these chokepoint -open area - chokepoint corridors?

Alrighty, since you've completely given up arguing and can only throw around buzzwords now, there's no point in continuing this.
Remember to not be mean to other player so Blizzard doesn't rewoke your gaming license.

29, zoom zoom. Let me guess, you started with the F2P update? lol

>Tf2 cosmetics are consistent with the stereotypical exagerated characters they're meant to be jokes
i have destroyed this argument a dozen times already. Get new material

>In overwatch you have an anime character you can decide to dress up in neon pink or yellow, you don't understand art design, you're fucking braindead
I prefer a thousand times to have one consistent, unchangeable outfit than mish-mashing meme costume pieces like in shit fortress

>If you roll only soldier heavy and medic you will be eaten alive by the classes you claim are gimmicks you'll be backstabbed and headshot red constantly and good luck getting successful ubers to the engineers nest because pyros will airblast your heavy and your soldier, they lack mobility, demomen will destroy you all day, having a well rounded team comp is objectively better
spys are useless because you can just shoot the air and find them
snipers are useless because you can just take cover
demomen will never do shit against an overhealed target and you can just shoot the stickys with a rocket safely
pyros will just die trying to get close

Seriously why do they have such a hardon for chokepoints?

Remember to buy more cosmetics and keys and crates. Papa Gaben lost half a pound and is getting hungry not making games.

The maps are one of the biggest fucking issues in OW. I'm not saying the balance would be perfect if they were well designed(fuck even moderately well designed would work), but it'd certainly make the game flow better.
I know bringing up TF2 is a big meme but you can just look at maps like Dustbowl as to why OW maps are bad, and that they should do more maps like Badlands, or at least fucking something that isn't chokepoint city with a new coat of paint.

Attached: Jerma is mad pt 69.jpg (1280x720, 37K)

Why did you go to overwatch, I'm 25 and started playing on orange box release

Have you ever taken an iq test

I guess you got hooked in by the anime designs

This, Hydro is peak map design and a lesson to all map makers out there
I'm not a shill, by the way

>maps that are made by people who clearly have no fucking idea how to make a good one and just focus on visuals
2CP is still a huge nightmare with fucking choke point. Every single one of them.
Oh and of course you can't choose which map, or even which game mode you queue for.
And bow you lock roles before knowing what it's gonna be.

Hydro isn't even close to my favorite map in TF2 but I'd still rather play it for the rest of my fucking life if I never had to touch another OW map.

>Why did you go to overwatch
Because TF2 got legitimately bad? Because it got flooded by inbred third worlder f2p morons? Because Valve betrayed its own design choices? Because cosmetics got out of hand? Because Valve just relies on the community to make content? Because Valve simply does not care about games anymore?
But no, I must be an Overwatch shill, I would never have any legit grievances with TF2, not at all. TF2 is perfect because pointing out its flaws makes autists like you mad.
Fuck TF2, fuck Valve, fuck hatfags and above all else, specifically fuck you.
At least you are not a f2p guy. That is the only good thing I will say about you, moron.

>Have you ever taken an iq test
I don't believe in IQ tests

>I guess you got hooked in by the anime designs
I play OW because I enjoy it. inb4 I enjoy eating shit.
Contrary to what every memester on Yea Forums says, it does not look and play the least like TF2. I really have no idea why people keep saying this shit. They are two different games entirely.

>-open area -
Havent you noticed that on every TF2 maps, for every sniper spot there are obstacles obstructing the line of sight so that you can't snipe too much shit from too far away? Few boxes, rocks that are there just for that purpose.

I could give less than a fuck about hats, I've never equipped a hat, ever

All the weapons are balanced the only upgrades are sandvich, banners, and medic shit

>tfw you live in the timeline where TF2 unironically outlast Overwatch

Attached: 1567303385192.gif (1440x1080, 1.84M)

>Twitch views means a playerbase is dead
You are baiting or just retarded

Another kudo to you, I guess

lol keep dreaming, hatfag

Because chokepoints force people to
- pick tanks so they thay can push through
- pick le ebic skill characters that can fly around for le ebic flanking
First one creates the illusion of teamwork and the need for moar shields, second one creates the illusion of variety.

its really good

only problem is you get massacred by better players

Why would you put shields in your multiplayer game
Makes no sense

At this point I think it all comes down to snipers being either absolutely useless or them dictating the course of every match. Bilzzard literally can't do anything about it because every map has multiple wide areas ripe for oneshotting people.

This game needs to be wiped from the face of the planet. From its launch, its just been two trains colliding in slow motion.

its trash and gets shilled constantly on Yea Forums
at least overwatch fucking works, decent performance and minimal crashes

>play mostly heal and tank
Absolutely bueno. I will not miss you, 10 year old Genjis. Go play your mobile games.

Attached: comp.jpg (1920x1080, 200K)

There exists a state where competitive FPS can be fun, usually through bonkers custom rules with friends.

MOBAs, on the other hand, are the most rigid no-fun-allowed horse shit trash on the face of the earth.

I don't get it

You are correct but Sigma exists now.

You know how we know you're bullshitting?

I played it for like.. 2 weeks after release. Even then I realized that this shit had no future. It's just nu-blizzard garbage that accidentally had a longer life because of waifus. Rest is pure trash.

Attached: 1565807664784.jpg (474x631, 19K)

As a person who hasn't played Overwatch for 2 years I can consistently remember the #1 issue with quick play was being forced to be with a bunch of retards who can't form a team composition to save their lives.
There was always 4 jackasses on your team who insisted on playing Genji, Hanzo, Widowmaker, and Reaper thinking that they're the best X main in the world.
Now it's not like they can't keep doing this, but having all of them put on your team now is impossible.

Granted I still imagine having problems where you'll have people who insist on playing nothing but D.va and Roadhog when your team still needs actual tanks, but it's a step in the right direction.

This has improved the game so much, no more fuckers waiting 5 seconds before the match starts to go widowmaker or doomfist.

Based Blizzard is going to keep OW alive a long time.

Honestly, as much as I question the overall viability of role queue as a solution to the game's big problems, the small comfort of never having to see a quad DPS team with 3 snipers might just be enough for me.

I made that post 7 hours ago. I am from Europe. It was 5 in the morning, far away from peak hours.

i'm glad that the game i play went through this phase 3 years ago. better dead than suffering.

Half of these are just the non-meme albums of Yea Forumscore meme bands. I shoved teen pseuds like you in the locker back in the good old days.

overwatch is bad because it doesnt allow you to have a 9 engineer + 3 pyro team

Attached: 87a10820.jpg (600x600, 92K)

overwatch is bad because it doesn't allow you to have more then 6 people on a team for the main causal mode

How's your freshman year of college going?

Oh, give me a break. You can't perfectly balance 30+ characters, it just isn't possible, especially when you start putting teams together and some combinations can't help but work better than other combinations.



>pick tank or support
>your dps is a widow and a hanzo

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okay overwatch player

Attached: 81.jpg (762x1042, 114K)

in a world where every team have 2 tanks and 2 supports?
hanzo and widow are just 2 wasted slots


This is the best thing to happen to the game since launch

>widow main
kill yourself

OH NO NO NO They did it again

Attached: wowscrnshot_082311_1927241.jpg (480x270, 134K)

nigga it was going downhill since s5
the day they showed that they listen to the casual players and balance around shitters was the day this game's downfall was guaranteed

>lol keep dreaming, hatfag
its hard for anyone that genuinely plays Trannywatch to call anyone else a fag

>>widow main
Why would I play the most insignificant role in the game

Not really, TF2 has probably 50 times the gay porn OW has.

>anna+ (new) nigga
Why the fuck anything else even bother to exist?
Nice balance

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by dyk i meant mei, god knows the fuck happened here

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Why didn't they just make all the archetypes fun and make it so that you aren't forced to have a specific team composition?

It isn't about roles not being fun, it's about stopping people throwing mattches by refusing to play anything other than their main.

inb4 "people wouldn't have mains if everyone was fun" yes they would.

you don't stop that they just take more time to get into the match
there is no fun tanks to play

I thought the joke was that he was so bad that even the Nazis kicked him out.

It literally does stop people throwing matches by omniroleing.

I liked the game when It cam out and I got my moneys worth.
They changed so much and added so little that it is a different game.
Before you could be causal but now everything is comp like.
Also that mei minigame from xmas never came back. It was the best game mode over watch had.

mei is literally the only fun champ

Based auto generated Blizzard name. My friend also uses SilentStorm.

>can't play the game how you want
Sorry, this just doesn't seem like the game for me.

I dropped this shit game after the free beta
I'm happy to see that not wasting money on this garbage was a good decision
TF2 will jeep going after this shit is long dead not that Im happy for that, it more than about time for tf3

did you not realize how autistic this sounded?

>Overwatch's only lasting achievement was killing TF2 with the retarded matchmaking patch
What an absolutely abhorrent game and company

>tfw DPS cod shitstain
>tfw high dimond thanks to role queue

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Winston is designed to shit on the faggot trinity of Genji, Hanzo, and Widow. Not to mention most healcucks. That's fun right there.

>"hmm today I feel like playing soldier"
>Do so
>If I'm good enough I can carry any game, no matter what counters* the enemy might have against me
>The same applies to any class

>"hmm today I feel like playing Pharah"
>do so
>am forced to switch characters if the enemy team has even a modicum of hitscan dps
>the same applies to any character that gets countered by another character
fuck overwatch

*Sniper is an odd case in that it is only countered by another better sniper and a good sniper will single handedly shit all over the entire server unopposed because sniper was a fucking mistake

>Design characters that are inherently more fun to play than others
>Force people to play the less fun characters
I swear blizzard wasn't always this retarded

Its fine but theres no matchmaking so youll get your dick blown off but Autismo, The Neet

>I just want to play fucking genji.
You are the reason why this change was implemented.

Blizzard: Being a one-trick-pony is a bannable offence

Also Blizzard: You are now required to one-trick-pony in order to play the game.

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>Unironically playing an FPSS (First person shield shooter)

OW and TF2 are both trash, you retards are arguing over which trash smells better instead of leaving the dump.

Now you have dual DPS compositions that dish out zero damage against dual shields, so that you can watch your team lose due to those two retards that won't switch their snipers. Enjoy your role lock.

based centrist


thanks for the (you)

Both games have terrible matchmaking so it's self destructive if anything.

Based retard

TF2 was playable before (((meet your match)))

>literally every single video game community getting hostile and angry


Games are dying over the cultural climate and people are doing fucking nothing

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>This was the only way Blizzard could stop GOATS

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Putting terrible and matchmaking in the same sentence is redundant. Community servers are where it's at.

>getting hostile and angry
if you weren't fucking new you'd know this was always the case
what exacerbates the problem is companies ban you for calling someone bad so instead of a wholesome experience where you call someone a faggot and then you feel good and go back to playing the game you just have people being passive-aggressive, throwing games, feeding etc so they get back at people without getting banned

the best moderation is self moderation, and you can't have that with matchmaking. "toxicity" is a symptom of matchmaking, which ultimately is the cancer that is killing video games

Maybe devs shouldn't lock people in matchmaking "cages" and punish them if they want to get out or play the character they want.

Also Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

>don't even play OW
>spoof off Civvie with "see a lot of these maps are copied and pasted, chokepoints, corridors, death pits, so it gets a little confusing"
>friend who plays it tells me it's accurate

Stop paying for Blizzard trash.

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no he isn't, people that wanted to force others to play a certain way did this

Holy shit they really dialed the chokepoint bullshit up to 11 with Paris. Such absolute cancer.

Yes he is. Retards like him that wanted to play DPS heroes like Genji caused this by frequently creating teams that were 5 DPS 1 Support. If you don't want to be a team player, don't play a team-based game.

>before role queue
>everyone wants to play DPS, every other game has 4 DPS, maybe if you're lucky one of them will be good
>after role queue
>shitters disproportionately queue for DPS, every other game has two braindead DPS who run in by themselves and die repeatedly or try to snipe and never hit anything
I think this game is just shit in general to be honest

Not that user, but i get my blizz account stolen like every fucking day. Constant emails about users logging in in other countried and changing my password. It has a better password than anything else i use. Why is blizzard so shit? I never have this problem on anything else.

>First point is piss easy to capture
>Second point is nothing short of a miracle to capture
>Two tiny chokepoints or one really long indirect pathway which leads past the defending team's spawn
>All of which lead into a fucking huge open space where there's nowhere to take cover from sentry spam or ultimates

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boohoohoo how dare he play as naruto character on quickplay
let me restrict everyone's ability to play as who they want
this shit is fine in comp but quickplay is quickplay

But role queue ensures that your retard mouthbreather weeaboo ass can play Genji without 4 other assholes also playing DPS

Shit looks like your fighting shields more than you actual players

Cant wait for another bowl of authentic German Curry

Wasn't Overwatch suppose to expand on TF2's success with FPS play and casuals, but with waifus added? Why did they try to turn that into some small team competitive mess? No one like competitive TF2 except for the Quake players who got together every once awhile when were bored of dunking scrubs on their dedicated server of choice.

>she always looked like a dyke
Tracer looks likes a straight woman. Dykes aren't this beautiful.

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The Overwatch is dead meme is dumb. Plus, there is still quick play classic which is like it was before the update.

I-it's not l-like I wabt to be plowed by M-McCree! STUPID!

Cant believe you virgin faggots still play hero shooter shit kill yourselves