Beating a Dead horse
Beating a Dead horse
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Please tell me this was edited in some way
No fucking way.
that’s an bird retard
jesus isnt re-
>Bird fishes in water
>Gets fish in mouth
>Instead of eating it spits it out
it doesn't even look like the trainer is an original part of this image
>Slapping an old meme
fuck off
>actually unironically being invested in the Teletubbies of monster-recruiting RPGs while being an adult
the sad thing is it will still sell 30 million in one day
switch draught + pokefags + pokego boomers playing this shit
that is a nice birb
switch drought ended with DQ builders 2 and FE 3H and there is still more to come. pokemon deserves to flounder, but it wont because of indoctrinated manchildren
It was in the trailer
I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed.
whats a good monster-recruiting RPG
where mah pokemon gone
>Switch draught
Have you seen how much stuff is getting released for it lately?
>disappears into own attack effects
>still no actual contact on physical attacks
>feinting is is just shrinking
always remember that they cut most other pokemon specifically to work on improved animations
also remember theres assuredly going to be greatsword/greatshield versions or a single combination version with more added pokemon so buying this one is double pointless
monster girl quest paradox
One game a month should be the standard not some extraordinary feat.
We live in a world where the videogames are ads for the toys and not the other way around
Just fucking end me
there might be a second ability where it its it for health.
SMT Nocturne
Dragon Quest Monsters, especially Joker series
Imagine if Gamefreak poured all of their billions of dollars into making a pokemon game worth a shit
Like it cant be that fucking hard, Im not gonna accept any excuses from the highest grossing franchise in the world
I think that's the bird from Mario galaxy 2
>only exclusives count as releases
Pokemon's done this since Gen 1. What were the land-based Pokemon standing on when you fought wild Pokemon or other Trainers while in the water? Why isn't your Rock, Ground, or Fire-type instantly dead the moment you send it out when you fight in water? Nobody cared then, so why are you faggots making such a shitfarting deal about it now?
>always remember that they cut most other pokemon specifically to work on improved animations
Yeah it really fucking shows doesn't it
b-but user, we only have 150 devs and literally half of them are busy working on some shit game nobody wants and whose name i can't even think of for this post. Surely the first imain series console Pokemon game ever only needs 75 devs, right? incompetent guys who are incapable of porting the models from the 3DS games we literally designed to be reused for the console game but can't figure out how to import, despite a fan being able to do it?
Don't you guys ever get tired of this? We get it, the games are trash.
small indie company
The Switch doesnt have the same limitations as a fucking gameboy, Pokemon hasnt made one real fucking advancement ever since the physical/special split. It's always been single game gimmicks or outright detrimental additions
>always remember that they cut most other pokemon specifically to work on improved animations
that was an outright lie, they can't figure out how to import the models from the 3DS games and have to make new ones from scratch
half their studio is working on a side project, too
im geuinely confused as to where all the fucking money actually goes, it can't possibly be marketing because its been shit for this game so far
did they personally fund the detective pikachu movie? did that drain them? no, wait, it fucking couldn't have because it made over 2x its budget.
this series literally prints fucking money so i seriously would like to know what they do with it all. do they just burn it? throw it in the fucking trash? do they shred it up and use it for salad toppings? its fucking inane to me that a game this goddamn profitable looks like absolute shit
i want to make a comparison point with another company but no other company has a single IP as profitable as FUCKING POKEMON
if this game doesn't bomb you know for a fact they're never putting a single bit of effort into another game ever again either, if they can get away with this shit
And what does that have to do with non-Water Pokemon standing on water when you fight on water?
That doesn't make sense since other games used the same models despite being different engines, like that Japanese arcade game
The toys. The Toys make The pokemon company an obscene amount of money, rivaled only by pokemon go And soon Pokemon Masters
Remember that Game Freak isn't a large company. They've got a smaller staff than Monolith Soft and Platinum. The staff working on any given Pokemon game is usually like 40 - 60 people.
They dont care about the games they only care about the merch it generates and their dumb gachas
>nintendo allowed GF to make a pokemon PC game
>they put their entire budget into actually making the game $0 in marketing, they just get any of the employees to make a single post on Yea Forums once saying this is happening
>limitless space, everyone has huge hard drives. no cut pokemon
>strong engine, no one uses toasters
>graphics as good as they want to make, no art style out of the question
fuck you nintendo
And why don't they have more people?
They also dump some work on other companies like models to my knowledge.
if this game bombs then they're probably just gonna cut the cord on it and go full mobile
I'm including the outside companies in the amount of people working on any given Pokemon game. Game Freak is running a large indie game company, not a AAA game company. They're like Nicalis or ChuckleFish
You know its not gonna bomb because right before it releases they'll hype it up with some dumb shit like "NOW ALL THE POKEMON ARE AVAILABLE" because thats the only thing that got the manchildren buttblasted, not literally everything else
99% of the franchise is merchandise and licensing, games are chump change
Indie is based on budget, not size, you can have one guy working on a game but if it makes billions of dollars and is published by Nintendo you're not Indie
japanese developers have a very "if it's not broken, don't fix it" mindset. They could get by at that size making DS and 3DS games and didn't have any voices within the company to spur them to grow.
They don't have to be
They have a dedication to their indie roots and having a smaller group of people who know each other well rather than a big team of drones like Assassin's Creed or some shit.
It doesn't excuse the lack of talent since much better games are made by teams a fraction of the size and budget, but still.
Japan as a whole is fucked, I learned like a week ago that most jap fighting game devs dont fucking know what rollback netcode is because they never bother to look outside of Japan for shit out of pride
Did he stand on the water?
Xenoblade 2
There's a pretty definable line between when they're a small fledgling developer and a huge developer. Even most AA Western games have a bigger dev team behind them than Game Freak.
And that means that, yes, they're putting out the best product they can with their hugely limited time constraints and tiny development team. Pokemon might make a ton of money, but Game Freak isn't using that money to hire new people to ease their development burden.
Indie means independently owned you dumb shit
Cursed webm
I cant vomit because I havent eaten shit today
It has been more than that. The competitors have not even had 1 game a year on the regular.
>rather than a big team of drones like Assassin's Creed or some shit
Considering how stale the series has been, I don't really see the difference
Has Donphan been confirmed yet? I want to run this set in online battles again.
Where are you taking that goalpost my dude
Havent seen him yet. I dont expect a lot of pokes from the less popular gens.
It's not like they do it out of spite or anything, but yes they're very myopic in general. It's almost inconceivable to the west.
Game Freak unironically lost their touch when they tried to get with the times and go 3D. Pretty much every change from Gen 5 to 6 was a bad one, from lowering the base power of strong special attacks (Psychic, Surf, Flamethrower, etc from 95 to 90, Fire Blast, Thunder, Hydro Pump, etc from 120 to 110), to adding the Fairy type, to making Knock Off monstrously powerful, to taking away Steel's resists to Dark and Ghost, to megas, and so on, Game Freak hasn't made a good decision since 2013.
>Think this thread is about how bad the bird is
>Takes awhile to even notice the standing on water shit
All design choices aside, why is the bird's head feather not given the same lighting as the rest of him?
siralim 3
DQ Monsters
There are more.
What fucking pokémon is that fish?
>a bird has green eyes
After the Direct of "you can wear gloves and make curry", I genuinely think they'd be too out of touch to do this, assuming they even could
I love how the most basic RPG shit is considered novel to gamefreak
Seriously why are they so fucking small? They should have 300 devs MINIMUM
>implying you aren't going to buy it anyway
That's the smart way of doing things, honestly. Nintendo makes so much damn money under the same type of conditions. You expand slowly because you never know what the future will bring. GameFreak has no excuses for their shit, though
I have only 1 thing to say to this.
the hell i am retard
Could you imagine if gamefreak actually put effort into this game and took some risks.
It could have been the next BOTW.
>obsess over game every waking day
>all of a sudden "ignore" it once it releases
okay retard
>call the game shit because I like the franchise and want the game to be good
>watch it be even more dogshit on release
>implying id buy this garbage heap
They keep introducing more trash to make fun of
Its like watching a car accident in motion. Everything they are showing as promotional materials looks like absolute shit.
Its fun to watch and laugh but im not going to waste money on it.
I'll get a used copy
imagine if game freak made a game where Scrafty and Toxicroak have to go fight in Vietnam.
They would easily make their money back too.
I mean hell they sell tons of copies of the garbage like sun and moon. Imagine how much a game with effort put behind it would pull.
I'm convinced gamefreak is like sega, just so out of touch with the fans that they will never come back. But unlike sega gamefreak (and nintendo) fucking hate fan games so they would never hire fans to fix their franchise.
Japan is fucking retarded. They almost got shit stomped and conquered like they were african tribes people before the Meji restoration because they were so behind in technology. American navy just showed up in their capitals harbor one day and said “youre trading with us or else”. Japan wont adopt things or change unless theyre severely threatened.
This looks stupid as fuck but considering GameFreak is actually still touching up the game after show that dumb shit off, battles will be like 7th gen where there's a giant rock under everyone in the water.
That's not how game development works. Do you think they made the models IN a 3DS and they're somehow stuck there? No, the models are a completely standard file type and can be put anywhere with 0 effort, and the animations MAYBE have to be redone, assuming they can't just copypaste the limb positions regardless of how the final animations were formatted.
Japans bone headed pride is what almost killed sega.
They had to have the white pigu come clean up their mess of a series with sonic mania.
The advantage here is that they don't cave in to "political correctness" or other bullshit but the trade off is that over time they become that old guy in the basement who refuses to come out. Which ends up causing big problems for a long time series.
They make the new people on the dev team make a half assed pokemon game, check in to make sure its just ok, pat their backs and the senior devs have fun making new game knowing their jobs are secure no matter what. Even if it fails they have tons of money to fall back on and the Sr. Team can come back and clean up the next game; not that that would even happen. Total job security. Its LITERALLY the dream job to work at Gamefreak.
>game mechanics never changed since gen 1
>plot can be as generic as possible
How many people do they need to make a decent looking pokemon game?
it actually is though
Pokemon makes more moolah from merchandise than anything else
this is the problem. Same as movies being marketing for toys, eg. Cars 3
>How many people do they need to make a decent looking pokemon game?
Not more than what they could afford.
This is a billion dollar company after all, if the problem is a small dev team use your money to hire a bigger dev team like literally every other AAA company has done in the past.
Yokai Watch 2
A victim
I did the same for YIIK as it raised every possible red flag imaginable and I didn't buy it in the end.
Pokemon Emerald
Pokemon FR/LG
Pokemon Platinum
Pokemon HG/SS
Pokemon B/W
Pokemon B/W 2
>The advantage here is that they don't cave in to "political correctness" or other bullshit
I'm sadly starting to have my doubts on that. 2020 and its upcoming Tokyo Olympics is a sign that it's not looking good.
Dragon quest monsters, joker too
They're standing in shallow water, incel. This is shaping up to be the best-looking Pokemon yet, you tortanic shitters cant change that
"best-looking Pokemon yet" isn't saying much
>that machoke faint
This is hilariously bad in unintentional way. Reminds me of the I don't feel so good meme. How did this make it past quality control?
>an evil pokemon organization tries to take over the world by controlling legendary pokemons
>you go fight in gyms along the way to stop the bad guys
What is the point of playing that many pokemon games?
I don't keep up with the Olympics, what are they doing?
Not that user, but the different variety of Pokemon.
>quality control
Pick one.
Jesus tamed cormorants.
>playing pokemon for the story
>playing video games for the story
Everything else is also the same. Also the actual gameplay is has been exactly the same since gen 1.
The only thing thats different is , which is kind of a stupid reason to play the same game over and over again.
No wonder gamefreak doesnt put any effort to their games.
the gameplay has vastly changed since gen 1. at most you could say its been the same since gen 3, since that is when they phys/special split happened.
you can't tell me that every pokemon game isn't the same damn game every time
sure there are plenty of differences but at the end of the day it's still the exact same shit over and over
>1 v 1 with a pokemon where you just exploit the other pokemons weakness
>every pokemon is funneled down to a specific elemental type that has a fixed attack type and weakness i.e. water types are weak to elecs, elecs are weak to earth
Most likely if you don't attack it it will eat it.
>using different teams each run with unique typing, stats, abilities, etc
>different bosses
>different regions
>different music
>know the game mechanics inside and out
>have typings/weakness of all pokemon memorized
>uuhhh wtf why are these games easy???
do a nuzlocke faggot
>be literally the most valuable franchise in existence, beating out Star Wars, Super Mario, Harry Potter, possibly the NFL, and FUCKING HELLO KITTY
>cannot be arsed to get some fucking talent nor actually use the vast ocean of money to make shit NOT look like an early PS2 game
>could probably be a trillion dollar franchise by now if there was a shred of competence in coding and graphical design
How can one company be so brilliant with a concept yet utterly inept in execution?
In the newer games you cant even die unless you add in some dumb gamebreaking clause like "cant go into pokemon centers"
>go to a beach area
>every fish pokemon is water type
>go to a cave
>every rock pokemon is earth type
It doesnt take memorizing to know their types user.
Isn't that the what every franchise should strive for? Improving the game while still being the same one at its core?
Would you tell me you wouldn't want to see your favorite game being improved upon while still being mostly the same?
Obviously GameFreak isn't a good example of this, every time they make a step forward they take two steps back like the gen 3 culling which lead to the re-release of the Kanto games, but that is the reason the Pokemon games sell well they are still the same games at its core, there are other things like being easy that help in these regard, but this one is a important one.
>water village, rock village, elec village etc..
>water gym, rock gym, elec gym etc...
They've really fumbled the region-variants so far.
I want to see something like the delta species pokemon cards where types are mixed up in a blender.
Shit like tyranitar being fire/steel and omastar being psychic.
Don't just do it with 5 or 6 pokemon though do it with an entire dex of old pokemon.
There also needs to be some central change to the main gimmicks of the game, sun and moon faked this by """removing""" the gyms but in reality just kept them under different names.
honestly I can't say I do
It's been 20+ straight years. I just want something different.
The new games flat out tell you their types before you even know what is it though by labeling all your attacks as super effective or not before you've even used them.
Also if you have to go out of your way to ignore core game mechanics in order to make the game enjoyable that's bad game design.
Do you have an actual arguement?
>the new games
found your problem
>if you have to go out of your way to ignore core game mechanics in order to make the game enjoyable that's bad game design
It's a kids game of course it's going to be easy if you know all the game mechanics. Even then pre-gen6 is moderately difficult if you're not minmaxing/grinding if that's not enough for you you need to make your own fun.
The fish is so big it pokes a huge mound in the back of its neck. Some fish are spat back out by birds becuase they are too big, to spiny and your mom fucked your uncle that one christmas your dad was being an ass to her in front of her family
Why is nobody talking about that fucking horrible UI/HUD or whatever. That shit is embarrassing
for the love of god someone take pokemon away from gamefreak
Those rocks look like actual shit.
What is this?
Jesus christ
Its incredibly minimalist. Nothing about it seems fun. No sense of “POP”. Its all just sort of there and sterile.
>non-Pokemon animals in the Pokemon world is canon again
>Predation and death existing in the Pokemon world is canon again
because its a separate mesh just placed on top of its head
>"Hey, PSS is pretty much perfect, but you know what would be even better? If we scrapped it and replaced it with the dumpster fire that is Festival Plaza."
fucking gamefreak
Gen 6 onwards introduced the Fairy type, Megas, regional forms, and z crystals so stfu
I'm still mad they removed it
Goddammit they struck gold and then threw it the fuck out
All those suck except maybe megas, which wouldn't even be needed if they just foxed the stat spread of those pokemon. Megas were just made to sell toys and to half assed appeal to competitive fags that wanted to use their old favorites.
Id like you to know this was stolen from Pokken, just use them as an example
>A worse Iron Bar's that only activates when using certain moves
It better have unlisted abilities like Water Bubble did.
It reminds me phone games
Better vid
I hope you explained when you did sky battles too
Pokken did a lot of Pokemon justice, they all flow so well.
I just hate that its, well, Tekken
Wasnt this game scheduled to be released in 2020? Why the sudden move to this year? Explains why everything looks like shit tho.
Probably to coincide with Merch and Anime release
That Blastoise looks so fucking weird, why are his limbs so large?
Probably to look less janky when hitting something
>Sky Battles ruined almost all pre gen 7 flying Pokemon idol animation, even though they have grounded idol animations and Game Freak refuses to use them.
I don't get it? They don't exist anymore, so why do they insist on still having Tropius fly like a retard?
That’s fucking pathetic.
>all those poke waifu threads that hype up the game ignoring all of this shit
Why are we focusing on that crummy water when there's a neat Pokemon creature right there?
Because crummy water can’t be walked on.
Jesus walked on water, Peter too.
that screenie is epic af, me and my discy bros always be pulling off memes like that!
>The only thing thats different is #, which is kind of a stupid reason to play the same game over and over again.
And, you know, literally everything else other than the basic outline of the story.
>Wasnt this game scheduled to be released in 2020?
No. It was always this year.
Fairy was gen 5 u pleb
Is that supposed to be the aftermath of wailord taking a dump?
You know, I don't even know why I come here anymore.
>>always remember that they cut most other pokemon specifically to work on improved animations
But they now have 100 types of curry on rice! CURRY ON RICE!
Curry is a quintessential part of British culture and I'm frankly proud they captured it.
Get this, Ultra Necrozma actually has a really elaborate fainting animation. You see none of it because it shrinks into nothingness after 1 second.
>every time they make a step forward they take two steps
motherfucker they're taking a step forward and then BLJing
Lol, it's westernization is what killed the Sonic Franchise. Pre-Unleashed Shonen Sonic was the best
Conforming to western ideas and culture. Japan is fucked lol.
I wasn't really trying to defend the new game there.
I agree with you in that this time they fucked up big time, was just pointing out saying that Pokemon being much or less the same game isn't that bad, but certainly can be done a lot better.
They're temporarily cleaning things up as usual.
genuinely looks like the retarded bird in finding Dory
That new pokemon is so ugly.