wow classic is CANCELLED!
wow classic is CANCELLED!
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is there a single game thats not dead in europe? god knows all euroslimes play is fifa
fukkin kek i saw a billboard advertising this and thought
>who actually has time for that grind?
sorry bruv
>daily Yea Forums post server screen at 5am
Try taking a picture some other time than the crack of morning, you damn schmuck
Shit's dying, just not that fast
I mean, yeah, like three people in your country can afford a computer.
fuck off paki
asmongold was right. we all should go back to retail
Remember just a few days ago when people were waiting 6 hours in line to play?
you mean 7pm in the afternoon, not 6am in the morning?
NA everything is either high or full cause we actually play games we buy.
is it really over?
It never was. I'm snownigger that plays at EU, and since day2 there never was queues until 8 AM server time.
At this point at 8AM server time most populated server will be at medium population, and it's fine.
Interesting theory user, let's check!
W-Wait user?! There isn't a single group across not just one server but an entire European datacenter?! S-Surely this is a mistake?! O-Our games a-alive right?!
>logs back on a "low" WoW server and finds a scarlet monastery group within seconds
lmao this guy just appeared and can't even play alone at night because he can't do the forced main story dungeon despite roulette's being easier to find groups than party finder
>tfw 2204 in queue
why did I let my friends pick fairbanks
Have sex.
Nothing to do on FF14 and the expansions only been out 6 weeks. Your game is a borefest outside of new content patches and even that only lasts between 1 day (catch up patch) and 3 weeks (raid patch), at least Classic WoW has other things to do between raid resets and content patches.
cant. just dillated
fuck is ff14 really dead
i wanted to try it after im done with classic to see what the hype was about
The thread was created at 6 AM in europe.
post with a timestamp from today not peak release day retard
not even 2 full servers at a time anymore
If all you care about is doing random corridor dungeons with people to level/get your daily dungeons and the current tier raid content during peak hours then you'll be fine.
Most of the other content you can't find groups for even at peak hours which is a shame because the game is enjoyable but it's always suffered like this. I just play for the raid content because it's fun during progress and that 1 day I log on for 2 hours to clear it.
(You)'re truly desperate, my friend. Here's hoping this satisfies your needs.
oops lol
And OP was never heard from again
things I forgot how annoying they were
>resist resist resist
>mobs running away at full speed
>overpowered heals and dispells on mobs
>visible medium realms
lmao I think retails looking about the same as this now
only the 2nd week hahahaha
>non-zoomer game
>zoomers get bored in a week
>now looks about as steady as retail
insightful post
it's anything but steady, it's going to crater in the next two months like every mmo that's been released since 2010
Difference is they changed the classic algorithm because by retail standards every single realm was "more than full". Now for classic it relates directly to how close the server is to having a login queue.
>EU doesn't have login queues at 5am so it must be dead!!!!
say this again in 2 months and I'll still be here buddy
45$ btw
oh your issue is you can't pay the sub. I get it now
>tiddy goth GF to my
Why did it have to end this way? I'm actually pretty depressed at how much I ended up not liking classic.
>MMOs are a repetitive grind
why all hate agaisnt classic? people cant play games they like nowdays?
it really is like we went home bros
Probably because you're a braindead zoomer that follows trends, classic isn't for you, move on and stop dwelling shrimp dick.
I'm 27 years old. I played RuneScape when vanilla was a thing.
I love zoomer and retail tears. You cant stop us from having real fun while you seethe hard making these threads daily
>27 years old
>I played RuneScape
This is obsession. At first I just wrote it off as shitty trolling but this game lives in your head 24/7. You legitimately start shaking and screaming and dedicate hours to getting mad at people playing a video game. Is it just people who live in other MMOs who feel threatened? More than one video game can exist you know. I wasn't going to play xiv or teso regardless.
OP BTFO Get the fuck out of here /wowg/ scum
I guess they're just invested. All those hours saying it wouldn't happen or would fail. They can't quit now, sunk cost fallacy.
What shitheap of a datacenter did you snap that on in the wee hours of the morning?
EU only has 2 data centers, Chaos and Light. This was on Chaos which is quite a bit bigger than Light by playerbase.
so, just move on and learn not to hype anything too much
>Chaos DC this early in the morning on saturday
what did you expect
It's because people aren't 15 anymore. They have jobs and maybe families too and they either don't have time or feel to tired to spend hours in the game. And even if you just have a 9-5 job, you'll fall behind on Classic, good luck with finding a raid group.
You can cry about casuals all you want, but one of the reasons ff14 and ESO, which are inferior mmos to Wow (I played ff14 for 3 years and ESO for 2), are popular - they simply don't require substantial time investment.
>that one cuck who bought a billboard advertising the game with his OWN money because he was so hyped for it
and i thought pcbros were bad
FFXIV is slways dead at 7am, literally same crap as OP
peak reddit
That is fucking rough. NA datacenters always have plenty of Tits/Inno(EX) and Eden Savage wipe groups.
>good luck finding a raid group
You're a genuine idiot, congratulations.
memes really are the only weapon you think you have against having shit taste
You do realize Molten Core is not going anywhere? "muh job muh family" shit does not fly when you spend six hours watching the goyvision and yidflix
>having shit taste
Imagine being old enough to view this website and caring about the judgment of Yea Forumsermin shitstains
Hey retard, what percentage of players completed the raids in original Vanilla? What makes you think that now substantially more people will clear them? Because the raids were too hard for them back then and now players are oh so smarter? No, it was always a matter of time investment, not skill.
It didn't go anywhere back in Vanilla and only a small fraction people even entered it.
Where did I imply I cared anymore than you supposedly do?
Considering the topic of this thread was based on player activity in the early hours of the morning it was a fair comparison.
Exactly my point although you're being misleading - when you consider the WoW server population tags are now based on how close they are to having a queue and not active players, it's still very easy to create groups for anything at this time.
Even at prime time it's extremely hard in FFXIV to make groups for anything outside of current raid and current extremes. No PVP groups, no Eureka groups, no ultimate groups, if you're lucky you MIGHT get players to farm some kind of old content for mounts or something novel but I wouldn't get your hopes up.
In Classic WoW it at least feels rewarding to go and farm some money in the wild as at this stage it's still worth something and you can things like Pre-Raid BiS gear and Epic Mount. In FFXIV they throw so much materia and money at you for 0 effort that you never need to go and farm it unless you want some cosmetic so that's one less thing to do as well. I feel like the money I earnt in Stormblood will last me until the entire game dies.
Play it, never get worldfirsts.
Pick-up groups will easily clear molten core you cum chugging niggerfucker. Just because your type 2 diabetes saps your energy does not mean everyone is as sluggish as you.
Old content is for FC buddies unsyched speedclears unless it is an ultimate
>40 people pick up groups
>people are now dumber than ever, with even less time
Yeah right, congrats on your month 3 Molten Core clear with a pickup group of working dads you shitbird.
People play ff14 to erp, glamslut and take pretty screenshots, only 10% does any pve above basic dungeons. And they don't do pvp because it's too aggressive for their little snowflake brains.
Strange image
Runescape came out in 2001, user. 27 year olds played it at launch.
Congrats on your server first clear of a 15 year old raid? What's wrong with clearing MC in month 3 if you have fun and enjoy classic? You don't NEED to be a high speed low drag parsetranny to enjoy, see, and clear content. We already KNOW what is coming.
FC's don't really exist for most of the playerbase anymore, most people join a CWLS for their statics and that's it. Really killed the sense of community.
Look, my argument was that you will fall behind. If you're fine with taking your very very sweet time with everything, that's fine. Still, I don't really think it will be easy to find groups once the initial wave of clears is done. I mean it's 40 people you need.
>sorry guys couldn't grind soul shards my kid was crying the entire evening
>sorry guys gotta call it a night my kid woke up
>sorry guys I can't try any more clears I gotta get up for work early
final fantasy niggers everybody
In a month when a large portion of the playerbase is starting to hit 60 it will be trivial to find players for raids especially on reset days when everyone will want to re-clear it. This will never stop being a thing until the end of Classic as it's free money, chance at loot you probably still don't have because of RNG and fun
This will happen for every raid in the game although full clears of AQ40 and Naxx are extremely unlikely. They will kill some of the earlier bosses however.
>40 people out of literally hundreds of thousands
CWLS is for raid statics, hunt trains, and specialty farm parties
FCs are for friends, hanging out, shenanigans, and bantz.
We'll see. MC is going to have a TON of window licking fucks for sure, but it is easy as shit. Past AQ might get rough though.
>europe is one time zone
It's amazing how Americunts and their ilk rarely acknowledge differences in time zone.
sick projection, but no. you're literally subscribing to an overpriced serviced
our country is four time zones, we know plenty about them little buddy.
That's right but FCs used to bond around things like statics, hunt trains, map, specific farm parties and you'd make friends with these people and do other things.
Nowadays it's a lot harder if not impossible to start a FC and get a ton of active members because most players are already getting their core needs catered to by their linkshells. This makes finding one harder too.
FCs are mostly just chatrooms. Static people do static stuff and they're in their own bubble. There was never any sense of community in that game. The socials and the raiders just irritate eachother and are obstacles to eachother. I have to do a 90th percentile dps to carry a grey idiot and then when I tell him his dps doesn't even pull his weight, he'll call me an elitist.
I disagree, I don't think it will be easy to find groups. You also have to factor in the possibility that people will slowly get sick of Classic and just either stop playing or go back to retail. Personally, unless I had at least 6 hours a day to play Classic, I wouldn't hope to raid.
Vanilla had millions, still, what, 5% of people effectively cleared raids?
You can disagree all you want but it's exactly what has existed on every single private server casual or not. The content in FFXIV is harder than anything in Classic and it's all puggable too. The only difference is you need more players in Classic but they don't have to do anything but press 1 and receive loot.
FCs used to have a sense of community because if you had a FC with a couple of statics in and a bunch of socials you'd have a lot of people you could go "hey, anyone fancy farming some old tier content" with and some might come just for social fun. That doesn't happen anymore.
Imagine being so seething you get up at 6 to 7am in Europe to take a picture and post it on Yea Forums to push your narrative the game is failing. It was fun for me to login during 6am hours and have no one fighting for mobs for once. Was great.
Only thing that sucks is one of my 30 yr old Boomer friends doesn't have the attention span to level in classic anymore. My other friends and I are in our 30s in level and he is still level 12.
Even back in BC he paid me to level his character a little...
There were always statics behind the scenes of "FC raid teams". If you did not know about them, then you were not in the clique and were a social/filler.
I never claimed there weren't statics behind FC raid teams. My point was you'd have several statics in a FC, a bunch of social players and a bunch of fill players maybe hoping to create their own raid teams and generally most people in the FC would get along. So if you wanted to do something obscure or do something just for the sake of it you could grab some people in the FC to do things with, you can't anymore because the community aspect has been largely sucked out of the game.
Obviously there are a few exceptions still, mostly FCs that have been around forever.
The time zones are close enough. It's not an 8 hour difference between the primary countries.
How is Stalagg not super full?
Why are we starting threads with shitpost?
Is it dodge the fact these are just /vg/ threads?
This, most of Europe is only in 2 fucking zones with a 1 hour difference. America has 4 timezones. 5 with Hawaii of you want to pull strings.
9am on a Saturday.
Jesus christ they made so many servers just for English in Europe.
>Chrome instead of Chromium
Why is there a fucking French server? French people just really hate to speak in English I guess. I had someone on FF14 apologize for being French to me one day. As if he is self aware at how horrible his people are.
based Kirtonos player
I might quit. In my entire time playing mmos I have not had this miserable of an experience as a healer. Not in vanilla to cataclysm, not in FFXIV, not in SW:TOR, not in WildStar. I'm not some mmo pro but something feels very very wrong in every 5 man I ever run in classic. I have a feeling this isn't going away at endgame. I've been playing as a healer exclusively in games for almost 10 years and this feels like such cancer. Maybe if my character was a priest I could keep up but my druid has such a hard time watching 4 healthbars bounce up and down as a clothy is tanking mobs and the warrior doesn't do shit. This isn't fun it just feels like misery everytime I step foot in a dungeon, every group is like this even if you confirm it isn't a cleave group. What is attacking the tanks target? What is aggro? What is mana and drinking? I figured this would be resolved by now but this is happening in groups that are nearly level 50 now. These concepts don't exist to them, these people are zoom zoom zoom goggogogogogogogogogogogogogo. People said this game would die and only nostalgia retards like myself would stay but instead they brought their BFA mentality to this game. And if I played BFA I could easily keep up with this pace, we would AOE down the mobs in peace just like we did in wotlk.
I'm going to try to play a dps for the first time since 2006. If this gets boring I'll quit go back to runescape until pantheon comes out. I hate what mmos have become.
Poor dipshits with shit taste, yes I know.
If you run out of mana dont fret, let someone die and then point out you had low mana, if they take aggro and die point out they should learn not to get aggro. You're not wrong about the bad mentality coming over.
>implying Low is bad when blizzard stated LOW is already more players than any Full server back during actual vanilla
druids are so bad, worst Healers. Most hardcore guilds will only take 1 druid for the buff...
Druids are masters at nothing. All other Healers are better. Also try not being a gamer Jesus christ. We went though the entire thread without a dumbass gamer picture.
>literally 5:48 CET
>post hentai, is a """Healer""", and talks about FFagot in one post
>feeling vindicated that Classic turned out to be nothing but hype and nostalgia
>also feel sad, because I actually got my hopes up a little before release
Classic is trash because of the layering thats fucking broken and its very exploitable and the added server delay.
also becuase no WoD models, fuck you they are nice, they should´ve been a toggleable option
P.servers unironically feel more responsive than this shit. I think it has to do with the spell batching.
Stack spirit, level cooking for spirit buffs, get some mana pots, stack spirit! , and try to not cast in between heals so you can recover some mana while in combat
At least that’s how I do it
Queue is still 2 hours in the the evening
I had no idea they filtered cumbr@1n
Priest is the ultimate healer, I kept losing players as a shaman but the main thing would be getting reliable guildies to run dungeons with imo.
>pservers feel more responsive
>when they average a minimum of 150 ping
based retard.
They dont take 5 seconds to loot or to buy shit from vendors like in classic.
Its the fucking meme spell batching thats ruining the game, even people with 20ms report huge delay with interactions.
Kill yourself wowfags
Imagine being this much of a retard. There are still login queues. OP posted the picture at 6am. It's already 9am and servers are already medium. By 12 in Europe they will be back to high. You are just dumb dude.
>the layering thats fucking broken
My bank full of shit and bags full of shekels hope it stays broken lol
>I've been playing as a healer exclusively in games for almost 10 years
Stopped reading there. kys trannie
>onlyheals for 10 years
>post porn
>obviously bad at healing
My God this post is cancer
Ay yo hol up, so you be sayin dat people be sleepin n shiet? Shieeeet.
these posts wouldnt exist if they didnt get over 3 replies faggot
Almost all servers were red yesterday-EU.
he's saying that NA never get world firsts, are you retarded by any chance?
I usually play RPG servers on retail. I started classic on Herod cause I didn't want a dead realm.
How are the classic RP servers, are they active enough it's worth migrating to?
>RP servers
Whatever you say lil zoom.
>muh zoomers
kill yourself
RP stands for retarded people
Retards falling for retards
what servers u bois playing in? (eu only)
I'm playing on the EU RP-PVE realm which is medium population but still feels more populated than high population servers did in classic.
There's a lot of people.
I was going Firemaw but the 26k player queues were a bit much so rerolled Ashbringer for its 1 hour queues instead.
nice, is it still lively? debating if I should sub already or if I'm too late and the servers are dead
Literally anyone in Europe who cares about the game even a little plays on American servers.
what a pathetic, sad way to go about your own hobby
You know they have this thing called layering? They're cramming 10 000-15 000 active players onto a world designed for 2500 players. Even if 80% leave before phase 2 you will still have an active and full server after when they merge the layers.
why is it always retail and ff14 trannies who are so butthurt about classic wow?
...what now?
we stan an empty, dead server.
Nelf is the strongest race
Because nobody cares about their games
>MFW Euros had fun for one week before going back to FIFA
forget server transfers, when the fuck are faction transfers. i'm sick of being the only person in the entire alliance that actually wants to fight on a pvp server instead of zoomercleave
multiple people today told me "theres no honor, whats the point", meanwhile every godamn group of undead has a level ?? warrior hanging with them
I had a 2 hour wait to get into Fairbanks at 8pm. The queue has barely gone down since release.
made for BBTC
>Posting server status at 5am
>alliance faggot
You got exactly what you signed up for dipshit.
Jokes on you, I'm actually playing FM
blacked is literally jewish op.
can i ask what your last name is?
This. All of the Retail realms are Low population during the night too.
>zones with designs beyond "africa" and "dark forest"
>paladins, an actually useful class
all of these and more are reasons to play on alliance, unfortunately everyone that picked it is insufferable
Going to make a tauren warrior named Karaboga and set up rp /shouts like "WHIPS OUT HIS BEEBEECEE, SWORD OF THE BLACK BULL" and /shout BLACKED! on any ability use.
They have to, considering how they're basically the containment servers for all the faggots who don't speak one of the major server languages.
Mate I've played on """medium""" servers. You could also just straight up call them fucking dead instead.
Because you niggers goldbuy your games to death that aren't fifa.
hmm nothing wrong here fellow whites.
my main concern is how empty the lower level zones might be at this point
do NOT post fake (tanned) cirno!!
I spent 6 entire days inside the game since the start, I'm only level 40. How the fuck do you level so fast like all the others ? I literally play 18 to 20 hours a day and still can't level for shit. First time playing wow tho
There is an add-on that tells you what quests are the most efficient and automatically guides you there. Also some classes can AOE farm. Also please get some sleep
I'm a frost mage, so I should've been 60 already. I can't AOE. It's either not enough mobs or alliance cucks chasing me or I die easily. Guess it all comes with experience
yo wtf is with this starter account bullshit, when i invite someone to group up it says i'm on a starter, same when i mail shit, i paid my dues blizzard how much cash do you demand of me
>you won't be able to play classic for the rest of your life so it's bad
Just play the game normal and enjoy your first levelling experience.
These people don't play video games.
There's no reason to rush to 60. Blizzard is not going to release the phases any faster because you autistic no-lifers demand it. God I can't wait for the bitching, can already see it.
Dunno I'm having fun grinding rich thorium veins and shit all alone. Free money.
I'll have my epic mount today.
This is why you never give players what they want. They all thought Classic would be just like the old days, but they are too dumb to realize that it wasn't the game that was the fun part.
Never EVER listen to fans.
I'm playing it right now, taking a break to eat lunch and browse Yea Forums. I am having fun.
I can only speak for myself but my server is still annoyingly populated on the lower level areas to where you go to a quest zone and all the mobs are dead and being camped. And i'm playing on a medium population server.
Which add-on is this? I tried travelguide but couldn't get it to work on classic.
11 euro every fucking month. not worth it
Are you from the third world? I've only ever seen actually poor people from the third world and retards complaining about subs.
No one has time to play all the vidya in the world. If you're paying sub to some timesucking MMO, you're paying 10-15 euros a month instead of buying a few new console games a month for like 50-70 euros each. It's basically one new game from Steam a month and if you play 8 hours a fucking day or some shit there's no way it's a lot for you.
Wow, it's a moldavian teen on Yea Forums.
It's not poor people, it's kids, maybe so young they don't have a debit card. When I was like 14 I spent my whole allowance every month so paying for WoW was sometimes a problem.
not same dude but it's not just a matter of having the cash, paying monthly fees for something like a video game is still kind absurd to some people and honestly i can't blame them, i usually cringe when I spend cash on shit because i was raised to save every penny and 15 bucks a month for wow is the kinda shit that makes me feel instant buyers regret even if I enjoy it to it's fullest every month, some people just value money more than others
rest in piss
So you have autistic irrational hangups. Very interesting.
>go through literally 5 classes to level 10-30 to find the right one for me
>finally find a fun one
>will end up useless in end game and only solo farming dungeons and dm
Ahhhh now this is classic
i give you that i exagerate sometimes especially since i'm decently well off but the point still stands that 15 bucks a month for a video game is not that commonly accepted as one might think, especially in 2019 where most other companies have stopped doing that
I'm glad you're enjoying it. And I mean that sincerely.
Everybody should have something in their life to enjoy, Even if it's just a video game.
>As if he is self aware at how horrible his people are
he probably is; I've pretended to be American online for at least 10 years
So the sub fee keeps both poor people AND kids out of the game.
I'm a frugal fuck who lives on minimum wage but still got 30k in the bank by penny-pinching. WoW is so great I have no problem paying for it. My reasoning is that I have saved money not buying any games for the last five years since they have all been absolute shit so I have 5 years of video game spending I can tap into.
what a fitting name
>lvl 32
I bet hes trying to do gnomer or rfk two shit dungeons nobody cares about
lol what? I guess German servers are okay (though they're full of Germans), French and RU servers are pure cancer filled with retards
>*destroy retail players*
bit the bullet, joined firemaw to give it a chance, got up to 7 but elwynn forest seems dead desu, even stormwind I only saw up to I would guess 35-45 people? not sure if that's a decent amount or not
>Litterally two mechanics
That's a kill on first pull, just like the entirety of MC
i already quit
blizzard fucked up the game immensely to the point that retards who made private servers did it better FOR FREE
anyone still playing is just in denial
>blizzard fucked up the game immensely
>5 am
>only 2 mechanics bro we can't di-
There will be more players when you're not playing at 12AM.
I'm on Shazzrah and there were never queues at 5am, queues started at roughly 8am until midnight.
Faerlina, layer 4, shard 7, line 12...
lmao, what?
There isn't sharding.
And you're this bad at your own games despite having active playerbases? Damn.
There's your problem. They can't play vidya. 5 EU guilds one shot it day 3-4.
yo since when can you skip queue, my position is going up in front of my very eyes what the fuck is this bullshit
You can't say "Ah, layer 4, layer 12"
80% of EU lives 1 hour apart dumb burger
>he doesnt know about the nogger
>one shot
Even APES wiped once.
fuck outta here