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Retard. Square, R1, D-Pad, L1 are used as well.

And yet KH2FM is one of the best ARPG's ever made.

Never heard of the retard button before

Good luck with that shit on critical, even proud. Lingering Will is still the best boss I've ever fought in a video game.

Why use the symbol for one and not the other


I wish it was this easy. Those data battles fuck you up something fierce.

>Lingering will
>take off combo finisher
>spam first hit of combo
>repeat until he dies

>He uses cheese strats instead of doing it as intended

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>B-b-but you're not playing Final Mix RE:SleepyBoy RE:CHAIN 2.54225789987 which has a single bonus boss battle that you CAN'T spam X on

It's my nickname for your mom's clit

I love when people make posts like this because it's such a nothing critique. Any game's combat is going to look boring if you just write out a bunch of inputs, regardless of how much variety there is. Repetition also does not necessarily mean the game isn't fun. Take out directions and most platformers would read as a single button over and over.

>he deliberately gimps himself
If you don’t beat it on lvl 1 while on fire, it doesn’t count. Fuck off.


L+R, A+B, L+R, A+B

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>it's not the game's fault for being broken
>blame the player for using broken mechanic

no it's even worse than that OP
>spam limits and drive forms to win
KH >>> KH2
2 is only overhyped by speedrunning trannies


also KH2's MP system is fucking aids and discourages you from using magic

So, how's fifth grade going for you?

This, but with KH1 also being bad

>KH2's MP system is fucking aids and discourages you from using magic
You never played KH2 once in your life
You need to spam fire to beat one of the optional bosses or else you wont win.
Also thunder is a great way to finish since in KH2 you have to use a combo finisher
with thunder it's zap and GOODBYE

You're implying all game's combat is as repetitive as this one, which is wrong.

Magic is arguably better than in 1 since you can never run out and just have to wait for it to cool down. Also you can spam like crazy and cast cure with the last sliver of the bar.

>game has competent combat
>final boss is an aerial fight

xxx, yyy, xxxx, yyyy
you will be sucked

Ansem's final phase is fucking easy anyways
you just suck

Attached: Ansem, Seeker of Pancakes.png (1069x692, 242K)

You sound like the type of person who would read the Prima guide step by step and then claim that he beat the game on his own. Normal people didn't run headlong into every boss fight with two Negative Combos and expect it to work.

KH1 had some tricks here and there like climbing up Darkside's arm to attack his head and casting stop on the clock tower but yeah, it's not all that amazing either.

Thats 2's magic system you retard
1's is pretty much you're out until you wack a heartless enough times or Sephiroth whips your ass enough to fill out a bar or two

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>it's another "action game where you mash square until the end of the combo and then press triangle for a finisher" episode

Where did I complain about the difficulty?

I know. That's why I said it was better than 1's. I wasn't trying to describe 1's.

Because flying bosses are relatively easy

Excuse me I wasn't reading that right
I'm too used to having to explain to a lot of retards on Yea Forums
my bad man

>vanilla KH2 didn't even have dodge roll
What the FUCK were they thinking?

Doesn’t mean they aren’t shit.

>Game is easy
>Just don't do this to make it hard
Fuck yourself.

V-KH2 will always be weird to me
although the funny thing was I beat the game the very first time with nothing but high jump level one
And it took me the third playthrough to realize that drive forms have some benefit to them leveling up
by the time I finally got final mix I knew what to do

>wait for invuln frames to end: the boss
Don't get me wrong, kingdom hearts has some great boss design, but that was not one of them.


>You need to spam fire to beat one of the optional bosses or else you wont win
That doesn't make magic fun to use.

Except that's literally not how the combos+finishers work in kh.

I always figured the wisdom dash was meant to replace it.

>That doesn't make magic fun to use.
Somebody has never went up and down the Mysterious Tower with Final Form and thundaga


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I literally did that on the world that never was when I was a kid to grind levels. Being encouraged to wait for the magic bar to refill is boring and slows the game down.

Nigga this isnt a mechanic that one comes up at their own, this is speedrunning shit and kind of 3 frame perfect.

buy ethers noob

>Being encouraged to wait for the magic bar to refill is boring and slows the game down.
What the fuck are you on about?

>KH2's MP system is fucking aids and discourages you from using magic
You can fucking use limits at 1 hp, the game wants you to use magic you retarded shit.

Sidestep is kinda of alright I guess

Can't wait for him to be in season 2 of smash dlc

retard button number 1
retard button number 2

Not with Disney being a pain in the ass
They botched KH3 because of their meddling and overprotection of their sacred cows

Then either your memory is shit or you're lying. All nobodies drop MP balls when you kill them so it's almost impossible to run out of MP if you're killing everything with final firaga, especially when you make it from one save point to another to do the refill drive gauge trick.

it retards

Attached: duog.jpg (400x338, 42K)

What does the doug button do?

I really tried to get into KH, I can see the appeal, but the combat of the first game was so clunky that I couldn't get past the first 5 or so hours

Does the series ever fix this? I'm willing to at least slog through 1 if 2 and 3 are better


I like what you were going for with that joke, but it doesn't work, since that actually makes sense.

The combat gets more fluid yes in the other games

>the absolute state of Frozen world

Holy fuck that world gave me cancer.

With 2, it's more faster so you don't have to worry about clunky combos. Just make good use of abilities and magic you'll be slashing the ever living fuck out of your enemies.
3 is kinda like 2 but the blocking in it is so unfair.

You forgot to through in one or two R1, Heals in there.

>I really tried to get into KH
Were you 12?
>I can see the appeal
You need to be 12.

Am I the only KH fan who is GREATLY disappointed in Sora as a character? Why would I want him in Smash when he's turned out bad in Kingdom Hearts 2, DDD, and now 3? Sora stopped being a decent character at the end of Chain of Memories the game that ended with him being mind erased of all things. Wow just wow Nomura.

You're right about one thing, yes Disney is indeed a pain in the ass, BUT they don't care about Kingdom Heart's original story and characters. They only strictly care about how their Disney Animation Studio properties are presented. That's all.

In fact I think that in the future Disney may sell the original characters of Kingdom Hearts to Square Enix and frankly I root for this. Square Enix may not be the nicest gaming company around, but I trust them more than the Jews who took control of the Disney Company.

If you can beat 1 then the rest of the series is cakewalk
1 can kick your ass if you're not good enough

yeah the story is shit and the pacing can eat a sack of nobody dicks but I did enjoy the Ice Labyrinth despite it not having to do with the movie at all

>in the future Disney may sell the original characters of Kingdom Hearts to Square Enix
Don't put my hopes up user

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It's always funny to see retards like this who clearly don't know shit about the game throw out their worthless opinions

Funny how it works that way. The fact you had to climb the mountain twice was especially moronic .

I am going to put your hopes up. Disney has this specific trait. That during certain situations they sell acquisitions that obviously they never created and they sell them to their actual original creators.

Case in point? Power Rangers being sold by Disney. So I'm hoping for this scenario to happen yet again. If it happens then in theory Square Enix can make Kingdom Hearts themed games about Non-Disney worlds and that alone would be quite something worthwhile.

I don't see the problem

Power Rangers was sold because it went to shit after Mystic Force

I actually liked Sora in 2, sure he had his weird moments but I personally liked it. DDD Sora was meh. 3 is....I don't even know what to say about him...

I still want him in Smash though.

>just go farm items, equip them before you get into combat, and then stand still and use the item
eh, no, outside of early game items are more of a pain in the ass to use than they're worth.

When you're killing nobodies it's fine but when you're fighting things that don't drop MP orbs it's a shitty mechanic.

....so we need to wait until Disney tries their own version of Kingdom Hearts and it fails devaluing the property and they sell it? Hmm that sounds rough. But I'll take it. Anything to get Sora and co. out of Disney's hands.

>farm items
you can buy ethers
>equip them before combat
are you retarded? thats easy
>stand still and use them
what is customization and assigning buttons?
Are you the Kotaku journalist that failed at Cuphead's tutorial level?

You'll be sucked

I don't enjoy item management, sorry. I know you can buy/synthesize them and that they're dirt cheap but it's still not something I consider worth my time.

It's a moved goalpost anyway, you can use ethers in kh1. They seem more balanced there anyway, I remember I used to stock donald and goofy up with them.

Ok retard

Just fucking keep fighting while your mp is recharging you stupid fucking idiot retard. You're not playing some mage spec in an RPG.

If it makes you feel any better
It took until KH3 to make me completely check out of the plot
Sora doing the thanos and the Yozora ending pretty much convinced me 100% that KH's plot is retarded. I mean DDD, KH2, CoM and BBS did a lot of damage but KH3 takes the fucking cake for not even bothering to properly finish the goddamn story
And I know there will be more games

>I don't enjoy item management, sorry.
Then a good chunk of video games are not for you

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Power Rangers was sold by Disney because around Jungle Fury they weren't getting the billions they wanted and started giving the series less and less of a budget with Mystic Force and Operation Overdrive being completely ass. They were also trying to keep Saban-tier budget cuts like filming in New Zealand and a whole bunch of other stuff instead of actually investing into making a decent show, AND they locked the show to the Disney Channel.
Saban made the same exact problems after he bought it back, Ninja Steel and Megaforce lines were handled horrendously bad to the point that returning actors for Super Megaforce had no early notice to appear in the show (It was literally the week of shooting and they had to pay for everything but the plane trip). Dino Force was the only thing they handled with a modicum of decency and even then they were airing it at the worst times on Vortex and Hasbro wanted the rights so they could make toys and a good show (Which they've been doing with Beast Morphers).

sounds more interactive than
>Hold O

Jungle Fury came after Mystic Force and OO though.
Mystic Force was actually pretty good and then it all fell like a rock afterwards. I enjoyed Jungle Fury when it aired though

oh no the reason why I still bother with KH is because the gameplay is SO DAMN GOOD
and the fanservice via interacting with the disney worlds and characters makes me so giddy.
I fucking loved the fantasia world in DDD

omg best action game ever

Kingdom hears is an incredible game and any faggot who thinks otherwise needs just go eat some pussy to bring them back to their senses.

Kingdom Hearts from a gameplay perspective is one of the greatest series of all time
Kingdom Hearts from a narrative perspective is a hunk of shit that should be in game development textbooks as an example of how to not write a goddamn story
