Other urls found in this thread:
>last thread got deleted at bump limit
Because it's a dead game.
Is this the tankchad expansion?
>finally got full fucking scaling on accessories so now a 30 iLVL jump is an actual upgrade
>tanks are the most balanced they've ever been period, never mind at the beginning of a patch cycle
>they released a new tank that's not only fun, but fits extremely well with the rest of the tanks and isn't overpowered or piss-weak
Meanwhile Summoners are crying because they're not meta again, also because it's a day that ends in "day"; rangedcucks are upset that they have to put zero extra effort into maintaining uptime and don't do as much damage as jobs that have to actually fucking try, and instead of getting a new healer you all just got turned into WHM with a minor gimmick.
How do I level Gathering?
I'm a level 48 Botanist, level 54 fisher, and level 15 miner
>tanks are the most balanced they've ever been period
yet I still see WARfags cry about not being top damage tank and want buffs
they don't even need them, they will likely be highest dps tank next tier due to crit scaling
I love gunbreaker but goddamn did they fuck up the sound effects, what the fuck were they thinking?
That wasn't the last thread, the last thread was one I made after the one you're talking about was deleted and that one got deleted 5 posts in
Levequests. Once you get to like, 54 or something just start spamming the unholy fuck out of collectibles. Unlike crafting, gathering collectibles are actually worth your time.
sound effects are better now, old ones were fucking wimpy, eat shit.
the old ones just needed to be tuned better, the new ones don't sound anything like a blade and I liked the ringing steel and ricochet sounds from the old Solid Barrel combo, the old explosions were bad only because they sounded really fucking muffled and like they were happening 50ft away from you, but the new ones sound a bit more crisp, but I still prefer the old, but I would definitely have made them louder and more impactful
most people I talk to don't like the new sounds either, usually for the same reason that it doesn't sound like anything a sword would make and the removal of any sort of slicing sound
I always thought of the gunblade as a slicing weapon that cut through anything. Now it just makes explosions.
That's him!
god I am so sick of people fucking dying repeatedly to early mechs in clear parties. FUCK.
Would you an Elezen?
>just quit a Dzemael run after three consecutive wipes in the pull after the 1st boss
Holy honest fuck I think I'm going to unsub until 5.1
Any idea what the next Ultimate fight is going to be?
old solid barrel combo sounds better, new renzokuken combo sounds better
Nope. Best guesses are Nidhogg and/or Knights of the Round, and Alexander, but anything goes and they've already said they don't want to be constrained by obvious choices like those.
tfw no elezen mommy to wake up to
I want Ultimate Thordan where you have to fight all 12 knights at once.
I hope the Ultimate fights offer more original fights and give unique weapons than just glowy versions of existing weapons
we are likely getting an Alex Ultimate and that's cool, but I hope they work on new original ones as well
I want the sepia color of Alexander's time-stops and his cog-clock halo effect on Alexandrian weapons for his ultimate's
Only reason the Ultimates even exist is because they get to reuse assets. I mean the concept itself is just a higher difficulty level, so naturally it's going to be for existing content.
are you talking about the 3 move cartridge spender that you can use continuation with?
because if so thats not renzokuken
It's named Continuation, lit. Renzokuken "Continuous Sword"
>alliance roulette needs dps
>enter it and it says wait time less than 5mins
crafting collectables are worth it for the 150% xp scrolls
itd have been better to give tanks a choice between damage LB and tank LB (maybe based on whether or not tank stance is on), and make GNBs damage LB renzokuken
that would be boss as fuck
Fucking weeb ass nerd
Too bad, Renzokuken is your cartridge combo + oGCD follow-up
>3 wipes
Why are you such a shitter, user?
Weirdly it's not called Renzokuken in Japanese, it's also just the english word Continuation.
Why is this thing so damn cute?
Honestly I'll be shocked if it's actually a new fight and all.
heh... it got me good...
The shitter was the sprout tank pulling everything in sight and the healer failing to keep up
New one sounds like swinging around a wiffle bat
Its a ff8 reference where its called renzokuken even in english
What dead data center you on?
its not
>Team has no coordination, healer can't keep up with other team's burst; not a big deal, it happens
>Retarded healer on the other team won't pick up medals to end the game
Is that fun? Wasting 5 minutes of everyone's time when the match could have been over in 1?
E3S... I've been on this fight since week 2 when I cleared E2S, and I've yet to clear it because for several weeks I simply didn't touch the fight at all. It's just not an interesting fight to me. I had to force myself to bother with it, and now I am so close to finally being done with it and moving onto E4S, but... I can't find a party that doesn't screw shit up
Frontlines is better than ever now.
If you were Raubhan, what would you have done here?
elezen don't look like this and if they did I would have fanta'd into one already
I bet you queued as tank
la hee
if i was nanamo i would have enjoyed being carried around all the time
tucked her in
I'm unironically doing Praeterium right now.
You mean you're not doing it every single day for the exp?
so how much more Eden is left
two more raid sets of 4
It's a snorefest unless you alt tabbed doing something else like shitpost Yea Forums.
I couldn't possibly do it every day. I already get tired out doing expert, leveling, 50/60/70, alliance, trial. Often I don't even do all of those.
there are so many cutscenes you can watch anything or do anything in the background
the lahabrea dilate meme comes from anons having nothing to do but shitpost on Yea Forums while looking at his stupid face in game
When and where do I unlock crafting collectibles
I have a lv58 ALC and I figured there'd be stuff to do in the buildings with NPCs in Idyllshire but they keep turning me away
Level 50 or 51, pretty sure unlock quest is in mor dhona
When I'm leveling a job, the only things I do are leveling, trial, 50/60/70, plus one run of the highest level dungeon I can queue for, and then I'm done for the day. Only other things I might do are fates or beast tribe dailies. Main Scenario is just too fucking painful.
>wants to play the leech role and get carried
If you weren't a shitter you'd be tanking.
>he unironically plays NIN
Explain yourself.
are we going to get Eden Shiva
>WARfags cry about not being top damage tank and want buffs
Any WAR who isn't loving the shit of being able to heal tankbusters all by yourself and being fucking invincible on dungeons is a fairweather faggot.
Naruto fanboys
50/60/70 is garbage exp
you should be doing leveling/alliance/main scenario bare minimum for job leveling and normal raid/trials/at level dungeon spam after that for anything extra
fates/beast tribes are not worth bothering with unless you want to make sure your exp isn't scaled down by a level because you finish any of the roulettes above while being a dog's left testicle away from the next level
its fun
Controller players don't bother with or know that buffs have tooltips that explain what they do. Game should have in giant exclamation marks when in purple "90% DAMAGE TAKEN REDUCED".
They should also make mobs with an invuln/reflected state make your 0dmg 20x as large.
Here's the thing: I don't care. I am not a sperg who values efficiency above all else. I don't play games unless I'm having fun, and bullshit like main scenario or deep dungeon spam isn't fucking fun. I do what I want to do for the day and then I stop playing. I don't care if you get to 80 a week before me, because what's so great about being at 80? Now you can do even more of the same content over and over!
Miss me with that "here's what you SHOULD be doing" shit.
>fates/beast tribes are not worth bothering with
They're a thing to do while waiting on DPS queue if you're not in the mood to Netflix while waitin.
blm chads what is the aoe rotation now? freeze -> flare -> flare and repeat? do i unbind fire 2 after lv 68?
Pretty much. Also don't forget thunder IV and manafont for another flare, and foul of course. Don't unbind fire II because you'll need it again if you get level sync'd for a lower level dungeon or something. You gave enough space in your hotbars anyway, considering you'll never use blizzard II or even lucid dream.
Sharpcast Thunder 4, use procs and Sharpcast to keep it going
Freeze Fire3 Flare Flare
Cold Flare is an option with really high amounts of mobs I guess?
Expend Foul stacks, Use Swift/Triple to make Flare casts faster, use Convert and Ethers for delicious quad Flares
God I want a Garlean gun-sword for my GNB.
>not being a FSH chad in between queues and making fat cash
>someone saved my image
lol nice joke
>he didn't make 50 million off of whitehorses when 5.0 hit
lmao, do you even fish?
Join the Twin Adders
sorry i was too busy making 2 billion of levekits and the new crafted set
you weren't making shit for the first few weeks of ShB
>right on pace to clear
>party does smokers right
>just need to take out the rest of his hp
>oh wait nope nevermind both healers and half the DPS just got wrecked by the temporary current after smokers
Till sea swallows all, come hells or high water, treehugger
>implying i didnt have a bunch of +xp scrolls for doh and dol saved up and blitzkrieged through them then went balls in on the crafted set meme for boku-bucks
pic not related
does anyone else hates the tails on male toons
based vauthry
most people who play xiv hate male characters because they are thirsty virgins
p.s. kill yourself, they are characters not "toons" you retarded faggot
SAM don't need no buffs, fag
i just dislike the tails user why you hefta be mad
because i cant stand erp nerds and this game is abourt 95% erp nerds
fact: most multiplayer games would be immeasurably improved if you could only create male characters
yeah the gays would still be around but they are tiny in numbers
>literally outDPSd by WHM spamming Glare
Seethe more faggot
most likely
Playing a tank is the ultimate and final cuck
>first in line of queue every time
>first priority of heal
>everything literally hinges on the tanks ability to do stuff
CHAD you mean. CHAD.
Level 56 and the quest is in Ishgard
That's him!
That's Boardwarden Janny!!!
XI is dead.
The starting one looks garlean
So like
talk to them?
if they're a sprout they probably don't know what the fuck to do, you should give people advice and help if they don't immediately understand a mechanic
The Chad is the blm and the other 7 party members are just cucks to funnel him gear. When he is fully equipped, the lesser filth can eat the crumbs from his table
I miss blood weapon giving skill speed and quietus->DA abyssal drain spam
big difference between not immediately recognizing a boss mechanic and just generally being retarded by thinking you can wall 2 wall while minimum level for a dungeon
I mean yeah, that too, but if they were just silent and letting it happen its slightly on them for not telling them what the fuck to do
Smn is getting a rework in 5.1, what do you think they'll change?
Not even him, but you're a huge faggot.
are you fucking stupid? do you have any idea how highly valued the fsh aethersand is? you can make 70k in 3 minutes
Absolutely based, ignore the spergs. I'm doing the exact same thing, and it's what rational level headed people do who have their shit together.
It's the best looking one I've seen, in my shitter opinion. Would be nice to have more in the high-steel style besides the bayonet, which looks garbage in comparison.
NIN is hard
>kill titan savage
>nothing to do for another 3 months
well shit I hope I don't get sick of reclears and ultimate comes soon. guess I still have like blm and war to get to 60 for garo stuff if you wanna call that "content"
>It's a french players hang around discussing boss tactics (incorrectly) at the end of the dungeon episode
>they refuse to roll on the loot you're after, wasting your time long after the abysmal run even when you use the autotranslate dictionary to ask them to roll.
not really, flows very well once u get the basics down, and easy to optimise aswell
*unsheathes katana*
I started leveling whm and have been having a pretty good time in the back seat of the party until
>tanks start doing baby pulls or more than their gear can handle
>dps standing in aoe or not using aoe in a pull
Therea just no winning in these dungeons is there?
Tg mdr
So the tanks are either pulling too much or too little?
Just tell the tank to either slow their roll or do bigger pulls, if they have half a brain they'll listen.
>DPS standing in AoEs
well you can't fix stupid
It's spelt "dilemmata", you pleb.
*gyotens in front of you*
VERY personal, kid
how should the devs go about solving the wall-to-wall question?
just spamming aoe in every dungeon while running fast as possible...you can't tell me some raid trannys didn't invent this method
SMNs are crying because the job is fucking retarded. You have to watch tri d, save ruin 4 procs but maybe spend a couple to use both egi assaults without it feeling like the jankiest shit conceived in vidya and so you don't overcap, watch festers, watch energy drain, there will be one time you have to manually refresh dots, stupid buff, stupid enkindle, stupid res. Shit rarely ever aligns properly, buff comes up at same time as phoenix. It's a real shit casserole.
it's "mdr tg", you fucking twat
>all dungeons feel the same
>crafting /gathering is mind numbing and ultimately a waste of time
>leveling new jobs is boring as fuck even with several xp buffs and most of their questlines are uninteresting
>no point in revisiting zones for anything else than the occasional S mark hunt
>savage raids are fun but there are only 4 relevant ones at a time and you only do them once per week
Give me one good reason to not unsubscribe
Most likely Eden versions of Ifrit, Garuda, Shiva, and Ramuh to cover the remaining 4 elements that are needed for the Empty. Plus 4 original bosses to fill in the remainder
do it pussy
b-but blu mage is fun
>hurr dilate so funny hurr hurr
Fucking shut up. Do you realize how creepy it is you're obsessing about transsexuals so much? It's not funny or clever it's freaky. Knock it off.
Stop acting like histrionic attention whores then. There wasnt this amount of obsession when trannies were just quiet HSTS and not the pile of agp "why wasn't I born as a cute anime cat girl uwu" degeneracy today
I'm sorry, but you lose.
Pretty much a meme at this point. Or do you think people calling each other "fags" refers to their supposed homosexuality? You fucking cretin
I want to do all the role quests but I can't stand playing healers. What should I do
scholar, just level it as summoner and switch to sch to do job/role quests
Let's take Eden prime savage as an example
What kind of DPS is considered good, average, bad.
Just go to fflogs and look at the data
It really depends on your job. If you are a BLM or MNK you are obviously expected to do a lot more than a DNC
I consider 80th percentile to be good for pugs, this is how much you should try to do. Might be harder depending on gear though. Anything above 50th is decent enough though imo and you should be able to clear Titan even with greens now but it'd be better if you didn't have those. Depends on how early you clear the tier too though since the bar is a lot higher now with people optimizing with BiS.
Keep in mind that Eden Prime is a somewhat special case, since a shorter kill time and a longer kill time mean different things in terms of final personal numbers. Just because of the percentage of the fight spent watching that cutscene. Although that only really matters when you're looking at the top percentile of that fight.
50+ percentile means u deserved the clear
>Lalafells get more unique dialogue than Dark Knights
Tatochads wh/@???
>t. caveman
It's just Lahabrea being Lahabrea, calm down.
>Controller players don't bother
Oh so 10K on Eden prime isnt bad. Thank you anons
>Que up as Ast
>Cannot be killed
I still remember that part where he has to clean up boulders and he makes a nanka egg deal with the gobbies instead.
Good shit.
Nah due to gear carried people and Eden Prime being easy as fuck a vaguely decent noob with shit gear but not great execution could've deserved the clear despite a 25.
They won't be able to deserve a Titan clear with that same level of play though.
And fucking remove this pseudo Inner Release garbage.
Maehiro (no longer the MSQ writer) was the one who came up with the idea of including the Warriors of darkness in the last scene of 3.0.
FFXIV hasn't had a "pure evil" character, but Zenos was deliberately created to be like one.
Yoshida was asked if the WoL would return to the source to get involved with Gaius and co and he said that's possible but he can't say any more.
5.1 onwards will head towards the end of the Jet black villains story (shadowbringers in english) and the start of another story will be introduced in the later half of the 5.x series.
Emet Selch's lip movements were specially made and basically all the cutscenes in 5.0 are also like that.
When Yoshida was asked if the story would turn out to be a "galaxy scale" one in the future, Yoshida said it's not likely but he also said he isn't sure what the story will be like in 8.0.
Back in the planning stages, they had ideas such as making "the first" a mirror of the ARR zones and have the WoL/player be invisilble because they are in a different dimension.
They are going to write a proper conclusion for each of the core characters who were involved in the 5.0 MSQ (like the fat miqo'te and her husband)
There's another layer to the question "What are the ascians?" and Yoshida said that the players' expectations will be met in the future story.
Nothing from Hydaelyn's side of the story has been revealed, so they will eventually tell that story in detail.
Yoshida doesn't think the Hydaelyn and Zodiark story will conclude in the 5.x series alone.
The game was intended to be experienced on Lalafell
[5.0 Areas]
Il Meg is the coerthas equivalent in the first and since the first hasn't experienced any calamities, it has maintained a warm climate and they based the area on medival Europe and its fairy culture.
Amarot was originally called Atlantis during development and they aimed to make sure it didn't turn out to be too psi-fi.
[Eden story]
The reason why they had Eden as the first boss is because they wanted to flip over the expectations of "Eden has to be the last boss".
They wanted to include Eden as part of the fight and lore, where he helps us instead of just being the enemy, and they also wanted to get away from everything being so predictable.
Shinryu's image is mixed in with leviathan in the Eden raid.
Yoshida said blame Thancred for saying the words "fall off" before conjuring Titan. He also said you have to consider how Ryne is the one who controlled Eden (to conjuer titan) in the end and she has never seen Titan before, so her image was mixed with the WoL's image.
Gaia (the 2nd boss designed by Tetsuya Nomura) will go on a rampage in the next raid.
[Eden savage raids]
In comparison to previous savage raids, they reduced the DPS checks by 15% on every floor. They usually reduce the DPS checks for the first raid tier of each expansion by 10%, but they went with 15% this time.
The reason why they went so far is because the skill rotations have changed drastically and some roles have had even more changes as a whole.
They no longer create savage content for the "extremely hardcore top players". Yoshida said it's because there's an ultimate difficulty above it now.
The devs expected E4s to last for another day, but it was finished faster than they expected.
It's been a while since they made a whole fight instead of a fight split into the first and second half, but they used this (E4s) as a test case of a long whole fight. If they receive a lot of feed back where players want them to go back to the first half/second half style,
[The future of FFXIV]
The ARR MSQ will be refined during the 5.x series.
They have multiple new elements planned to spread and expand on the variety of the game experience in the 5.x series.
The CEO of SE announced that they had 700k subscribers before shadowbringers launched, but that wasn't the peak and they have way more players currently.
The amount of active players has surpassed a million and the number of subcribers has also reached a never before seen level.
They'd like to update us on the numbers at some point, but they might wait because the numbers are continuing to grow and they haven't reached the peak yet.
Before shadowbringers, the amount of subsrciptions would decrease after the 1st month, but they are still hanging on up to this point. It's not like nobody is leaving, but new players are flooding in to balance out the numbers.
>and the start of another story will be introduced in the later half of the 5.x series.
isn't this obvious? The same thing happened in the other two expansion patches
Making Titan's DPS check any harder with the current job balance would have utterly btfo'd "anything is viable"fags
How is Zenos pure evil? Because he only cares about fighting? He's pure selfish maybe, but the Ascians have far more evil intent, even if they at least have a reason/justification for it.
Inner release garbage yeah, but fuck Clip Weapon. I'm not moving to Japan and transferring to Gaia just to play DRK.
Famitsu: A team overseas cleared Eden:savage in approximately 14 hours. Did you soften the difficulty because it's the first raid encounter in the expansion? Or is it because the top players are too good and improved even more?
Yoshida: In comparison to the usual boss monsters in raids, we reduced their max hp by 15% on all floors. We usually take away 10% of the max hp in the first tier of each expansion, but we made it 15% this time.
Famitsu: Why did you do something like that?
Yoshida: If we exclude the top players, most players are going to be challenging savage without having a proper set rotation, so we decided to adjust the balance like that this time.
Famitsu: Even so, 15% is too.....
Yoshida: We no longer create savage content for the top of the top players. Compared to other MMOs, a lot of people in FFXIV play the savage raids and if we don't get those players to clear, there will be even more less players who challange the next raid tier. We don't even set a proper estimate of "This raid will be cleared by so and so in so and so hours" anymore and instead, we prioritize "this difficulty is what most players will be able to enjoy together".
We made it like that because there's a difficulty above savage called "ultimate", which is designed so players need to fight on their toes. The media always asks "Was this clear time unexpected?" but we think top players can challenge the ultimate difficulty now, so that isn't a consideration factor anymore.
If you can, use AoEs during Meteor-phase if you manage to hit Eden and both meteors and if it's worth it on three targets (Shit like decimate, DNC's AoEs would work well)
Just don't accidentally bait the beam towards the middle.
It was already tighter week 1 than basically anything in Stormblood, including having a "perfect" comp, I'm not quite sure what they were talking about.
Bruh the first E4S clear only happened because of shitty instancing, they got a full 10 seconds they weren't supposed to get because of a timing fuck-up in the boss's script (every normal raid boss has this issue by the way). If they made the DPS check any harder, even a meta comp wouldn't have cleared until they buffed MNK.
>5.1 onwards will head towards the end of the Jet black villains story (shadowbringers in english) and the start of another story will be introduced in the later half of the 5.x series.
He murders people for fun, he's evil you dink
Yeah I have no idea what they are trying to say here. I have a feeling Yoshi is just poorly conveying whatever Bobsuke in charge of savage balance told him.
What dialogue?
There were still loads of week 1 clears, including ones that were not too close from enrage. But they took way more optimization than you could get in a single day of playing.
If they looked like that fuck yes.
Giving Titan an extra 5.88% (90 divided by 85) hp would have been absolutely massive. If the DPS check is 72k that would have jumped it to 76k. We would have seen so few week 1 kills with that.
The check is 75k. But yeah, we would have seen way less clears if an extra 5.88% HP was added. It was a very tight enrage the way it was now, even for a speedkill comp.
Yeah I didn't remember the exact number, just wanted to show the amount of extra damage you'd have to squeeze out of your group without gear.
Tanks are cucked as hell. I mained tank from the beginning of ARR to the end of Stormblood and finally dropped them in Shadowbringers because our damage is so fucking pathetic now and to top it all off healers cuck you on the queues and are more sought after.
You will never get partnered by a dancer. Never have an astro give you cards. Never have a dragoon give you dragon sight. The healers may heal you but they heal everyone.
I main black mage now with some dragoon on the side. It's too bad tank is so fucking cucked because it technically has my favorite jobs thematically but I refuse to be the party's bitch and getting no good reward for it and no fun or satisfying gameplay.
Nobody cares about padding anymore now that rdps was implemented into fflogs dude
>The amount of active players has surpassed a million
so the census is real
It's not about padding it's about symbolism and being at the top. The dancer is going to dance with the top performer and a tank will never be on top now that their damage is so pathetic compared to DPS.
Yeah. If you're tuning for week 1 gear, I'd say this tuning is probably perfect, the maximum you can go for. I feel like Gordias Savage was tuned for the halfway point to give gear more of a meaning, but that had a distinct backlash in the community. I think A3S/A4S was definitely tuned for like i200-i205, where as you started the tier in i190.
Did you get your Garo sets yet?
Why would I want it?
They are cool
so do you think we're going to get another y'shtola fake out death
I feel like a scion is dying on the first
Which potato will die?
It's probably Thancred. They love Y'shtola for some fucking reason, the twins are obviously living through this, and if Urianger died we'd find out he was lying to us about it
pvp chads have had the sets for years now
also no because they make you look like a plastic toy
Pull a moenbryda and let Ryne die.
Well krile is invincible thanks to her time in eureka so it must be tataru
Haven't played in a month and thinking of starting back up again, what jobs are statics looking for these days?
good ranged dps or a healer that doesn't overheal
* x waves*
*x lali ho*
Krile is still very desirable.
it way too short for that
also who the fuck decided the GNB battle stance should be constipated Squall ?
literally EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER in the game has a specific pose for it, even Thancred in the trailer
yet we're stuck as a hunchback retard
fuck SE
do people usually do glamours for each job or am I a big gay
I finished getting all my jobs to 60 like 2 months ago for all the titles, and so I can access the gear from the calamity salvager.
Hope you didn’t throw away the shield
They are too short in general. The over the shoulder pose would look better if gunblades werent so short
upboated, gilded and shared on my discord xD
Where the fuck did all the magic dps go? I've been doing roulettes all day and i've only seen physical dps. Where did all the red mages go, at least? Why did they all quit in ShB
What? It can be both, wh*toid.
Where is this from where is this from where is this from???
That's weird I always get a BLM when I queue. Seeing as I am one.
Nope, I have one in my dresser.
That's not why you're big gay.
Red Mages have quietly fallen out of favor after the other classes got buffs whilst it remained relatively the same.
BLM are still destructive beasts though.
What's the best way to get crystal sand?
>10 dollars for Krile costume
>females only
I wasn't really expecting for males to be able to wear a Tactics white mage/Krile white mage hood.
I was done with my tome grind last week, already BiS, don't care to gear alt classes. So no need for dungeons.
Why are you so sexist, it's 2019
Krile is so sexy without her hood
>it's another don't get a single line in Khloe's Journal even though have multiple 3s lined up
fuck this stupid fucking cat holy shit
It's so fucking boring
Dark knight, warrior, or monk?
Name stuff you want in dungeons
>Alternate forced paths like in the ivalice raid
DRK if you like simple and clean
WAR if you like sanctuary
MNK for face my fears
I want something that isn't the three boss format again, like ARR had. At least have actual mechanics like Aurum Vale.
out of all the options you choose to roleplay a nigger child?
DRK it is.
I like all three
>trying to get 23 other retards to do that
Hell you still have retards that can’t attack a add with a blue line in jannie.
Real talk, the Flares on E2S are bullshit and SCH is slow.
Would AST and WHM be enough in terms of raw healage or should I stick with SCH for the shields?
>Halfway through levelling all trusts to max level
>They refuse to AoE
>They say the same shit every run
>Sometimes they go full retard and walk into orange for no apparent reason
Which do you like the most?
For me it's simple and clean > face my fears > sanctuary
can't without making individual mob packs massively powerful so players WILL die if they pull more than one or two packs
The other two are more than capable of doing the job.
We cleared the tier with WHM + AST without many problems with healing.
Trusts respect the content.
I literally pay their subs, they should fall in line.
They are just reiterating it. The expansion story always ends at X.3. So this time it won't be different as well.
Ascians are the heroes from their own point-of-view, Zenos is a sociopath and autist that only cares about his self-fellating hunt to the point his own family sees him as a shark-eyed monster.
They better add something nice for mgp in 5.1. I'm sitting on 4.5 mil mgp here.
>small ego tank main cant handle not being the star of the show
its like poetry
>Yoshida: We no longer create savage content for the top of the top players. Compared to other MMOs, a lot of people in FFXIV play the savage raids and if we don't get those players to clear, there will be even more less players who challange the next raid tier. We don't even set a proper estimate of "This raid will be cleared by so and so in so and so hours" anymore and instead, we prioritize "this difficulty is what most players will be able to enjoy together".
So was this a good decision or what?
Because from my experience, still, PUGs fucking fail at E2S badly.
Sure did
from the Gold Saucer
I think Savage as "the next difficulty level" or the original difficulty design is a good balance now that they've introduced Ultimate as the things for epic-raids-for-epic-raiders.
Ascians had a goal of reunification so that they can be with their comrades again in the real for.
What does onions katana want? That's right, kill people with no care just so he can wank it out with WoL.
What's the point?
I think it's fine, they only really lowered the gearcheck and the actual difficulty is on par with previous savage content and with ultimate added as an extra tier of difficulty it works out very well
Why is MCH not the most damaging job in the game? Guns are the most powerful weapon and yet they do shit damage. When are we getting buffed?
Who was the face titty?
Because ranged dps have the easiest time doing mechanics due to being able to move while doing damage.
>they didn't make the PLD set available for GNB
Fucking why?
AST heals fine. Just know that you will work harder than the other healers with hardly any advantages.
ranged tax and even so it's only like #5 in most clears behind all the melee and BLM
seems fine to me
Someone help.
I don't understand how PUGs are having a hard time with E2S dps check still.
I'll give you an example DPS.
>2 melee DPS doing 12k
>1 range DPS doing 11k
>1 range DPS doing 9k
>2 tanks doing 6.5k-7k
>1 healer doing 6k
>1 healer doing 3k
Is this still not enough?
the 9k dps and 3k healer are holding you back
I like helping people level Blue Mage and get spells.
I like helping sprouts with dumb questions and content in NN channel.
I'm going to be honest when people post the numbers are they using it by ACT or by FFlogs? Because my numbers will say 1k more on act than they do on fflogs.
>NN channel has drama
This is literally the only reason I log into my aether alt.
Yeah that's week 1 average group numbers back when enrage was tight. Except you have a griefing healer and DPS.
FFlogs tax isn't that high unless it's splitting the encounter due to transitions
In any case which numbers are people using? Because I keep getting confused because I think I'm doing okay only to post it and realize oh fuck I'm behind.
>it's another tanking Amaurot episode and somehow the rest of the party dies at the last boss so you have to solo the rest of the boss
On one hand, I'm annoyed that the rest of the party somehow died but on the other hand, it was pretty cool eating the laser beam with all my CDs and living through it fine as DRK. It happened before when I was doing it as PLD but doing it as DRK is more tricky since you don't really have any super good self heals like Clemency. I almost slipped up and got down to like 33 HP but managed to kill it and got three commends.
>Yeah that's week 1 average group numbers back when enrage was tight. Except you have a griefing healer and DPS.
No man. I'm talking about rDPS NOW. Not week one.
Pugging is hell come E2S. Pugging E1s is piss easy. Pugging E2S? Hell no.
Well if you're trying to compare yourself to others then use fflogs numbers
do you have a dancer in the group? what are the other melee dps?
I know you are talking about now. I'm saying that group is capable outside of those two shitters because that's what people were barely clearing with on week 1.
And if you think pugging e2s is hell I can only assume it's one of those you're the only constant situations. My two CRYSTAL pug friends beat Titan weeks ago.
>Nah it's not the shitters doing low DPS
>It's probably you doing all the mechanics and hitting the highest DPS.
I swear to God these anons sometimes.
Post logs, it should show average. But 12k for DRG,SAM and MNK is almost grey zone, so it's bad.
I wish loot and dungeons in this game weren't so boring. I keep watching classic WoW stuff and it's making me remember a lot of cool things about that game that I forgot about. Why don't they do anything fun or interesting in FFXIV? This game could be so much more if every dungeon wasn't just a hallway with a few bosses and if raids weren't just a room with a boss. If loot wasn't just the same items but with slightly higher stats. Even relics are literally just the same. There's nothing exciting or exclusive about them. No flavor. Why?
is it excusable to have a bad parse because you fuck up your rotation because you're keeping a close eye and worried that one of your fellow party members is going to screw up the mechanics and you're unsure if you should call them out on voice or not.
World of Warcraft Classic
If they fuck up mechanics it's their fault and not yours. You should always focus on yourself first.
for loot, it's a balancing nightmare. classic wow may be fun but it's far from balanced with some items or classes being objectively superior to the benefit of the group or objectively worthless where they are a drain on the group.
but they could design better dungeons. it's just them being lazy or understaffed on their combat team.
Is gay
It's more I don't want to waste a run because the fucktard can't stay close to his orb. I'll usually say "YO ORB" but there are times when I think he's close enough where I can just ignore and just attack more on the outside but other times "I" cause the wipe because the retard is like so fucking far away from the orb.
Die soon
Naruto fanboys don't have the cells to execute raiton, let alone keep huton up
The game isn't even balanced right now and their attempts to balance just made the jobs less fun. Tanks and healers are the most unenjoyable they've ever been. At this point I'd rather just take fun and uniqueness over balance.
Warring Triad is an option as well.
>placing Ein Sofs away from where Sophia tilts the arena so that you're in the safe spot when Soar goes off
You're good people. I got a kick out of these threads when somebody said they liked to show off blue spells in starting-game areas to impress sprouts, and that guy that throws tantrums about how Blue Mage is a cuck clown job said doing that was attempting to trap new players into a cuck clown job.
I prefer FFXIVs loot system because it means you get into the content faster instead of hitting a gear wall and there aren't large differences in damage or mitigation between classes depending on if you got lucky with a RNG 20/40 man loot drop or not.
So now that the dust has settled...
Can Ishikawa make Zenos good?
This game is balanced enough where everyone can clear everything without much issue as long as they know what they're doing and meet the minimum ilvl.
Meanwhile in Classic, you got best in slot ret paladins doing less than a blue geared mage.
Only if Yoshida allows her to take the training weights off
Zenos is already lookin' good, the plot's totally working with the fact that Zenos is a one-track-mind autist. Elidibus is leading him around by the dick and telling him about Hydaelyn and Zodiark being primals, knowing full well Zenos has a track-record of possessing primals for power.
Let me guess, WAR player?
He's already good.
It feels soulless and getting item upgrades doesn't even feel very good.
>Meanwhile in Classic, you got best in slot ret paladins doing less than a blue geared mage.
That's partially a numbers issue and partially the fact that the class is just badly designed because it doesn't have any reliable forms of attacking outside of auto-attacks.
PLD and DRK but I dropped them both in Shadowbringers because only DPS get to have fun nowadays.
>Tanks and healers are the most unenjoyable they've ever been.
That's subjective. PLD is more fun to play now and is actually good. Same with WHM.
>Tanks and healers are the most unenjoyable they've ever been.
WAR's the only tank that got hit pretty bad this expac, DRK is about the same quality-mark it was before (and TBN is FUCKIN BROKE). SCH is about the same after it got Energy Drain back, AST traded uniquity for consistency.
Just think of him like a force of nature instead of a person.
>1 healer doing 3k
4k was dangerously close to grey in week 1 and 2.
>It feels soulless
here we go with memes that mean nothing like "comfy"
Judging from the interviews with Yoshida/the panel she did at PAX, Ishikawa had to fight for a lot of her ideas that ended up being popular with players to get put into SHB. I would like to think that her success with SHB would convince Yoshida to give her a little more leeway to implement her ideas but this is Yoshida we're talking about so I don't know.
I think Ishikawa could make the next expansion VERY interesting, but only if Yoshida allows her to do so.
I really hope Varis didn't actually die, you finally get to interact with him for a bit but then he get shanked by his son.
he'll probably come back as a primal or some shit
doing content is supposed to be the good part. loot is just a means to get to the content. I prefer getting into the content fast (FFXIV) than getting stuck at a tall gear wall (WoW).
>that guy that actually bothers for fashion report instead of just getting free 10k mgp
>That's subjective. PLD is more fun to play now and is actually good. Same with WHM.
I disagree. Confiteor and Intervene are the only things about PLD that feel better. Atonement is kinda meh. They lost a lot of defensive abilities and Sheltron was made far less interesting to use. Cover doesn't feel good anymore.
All tanks do little bitch damage now. TBN is godlike but outside of that DRK doesn't feel very fun to play either.
>AST traded uniquity for consistency.
Yeah consistently getting fucked by which Arcanum you get or whatever they're called screwing you on getting Divination when you want it and being almost as annoying as drawing the wrong cards was before. At least before you could use shitty cards for Royal Road or rare scenarios in which they were actually useful now it's all just samey.
Doing content after the first time is literally only fun if you're playing DPS because optimizing and getting a perfect run after you memorized the fight can be somewhat enjoyable. If you're playing a tank or healer you're fucked and there's nothing fun left to do because competing for damage on tanks and healers is unrewarding and doesn't feel as good.
>At this point I'd rather just take fun and uniqueness over balance.
then you end up like classic where people spam LFM spellcleave comps because everything else is inefficient and trash.
6.0 villian just kills off zenos in the first introduction
how would you feel?
SAM's getting buffs, seeth harder RDM.
>6.0 villian just kills off zenos in the first introduction
Tanks do more damage than they did in Shadowbringers numerically, and as far as scale or proportionally goes they do about the same compared to healers and DPS as they did in Stormblood. I don't care if you feel like you have a tiny penis while playing tank, if you do now you probably did in Stormblood.
honestly the only buff they need is making shoha part of the rotation instead of being a situational skill. if you could use shoha frequently then it could bridge the gap between mnk and them.
SMN requires playing a piano to do mediocre damage, BLM is too big brain for the average player, and people don’t play RDM because it isn’t as strong as the other two
Callouts are evil, I already encountered people in statics that without them become braindead.
>Using a shitty 500 potency skill
>bridging an entire 3k difference lead in dps
Okay weeb.
What a legend.
If you aren't at least 99 at all times you should just kill yourself for being useless
Also by a good guy stronger than WoL.
>not using a gold saucer vip card to make it 11.5k
Reina Hagano
Might as well dumpster the entire genre then
Tanks do more than before but DPS got an even bigger increase and WHM does more damage than tanks. Tanks and healers are not enjoyable anymore and I really wish everyone would just stop playing them like I did so that SE will do something to make them worth playing and fun.
>good guy who goes off the deep end thinking his JUSTICE IS EVERYTHING
Gilgamesh Ultimate
Android saga writing. The could do better but it wouldn't be unexpected
In all honesty I wish SE would start fucking banning:
1. People who openly stream with a parser/mention parser
2. Anyone doing grey DPS in expert content
Remove both forms of cancer at the source
>2. Anyone doing grey DPS in expert content
i wish mentioning numbers wasn't reportable as long as they're respectable about it.
The gap isn't that much. Being able to use Shoha every 30s instead of only 1-2 times per fight would make a huge difference.
But #2 would just mean greys are the lowest 10% still, so it'd get to the point where someone doing acceptable DPS also gets banned because they're not as geared.
I really doubt it. The reason normal mode of raids even exist is so people can experience them in the first place.
How is it painful? All you do is tag a couple teleported, mash buttons on a boss, set yourself to Follow during the magitek reapers, and then tab out to watch anime or something.
I'd rather do that than risk having to wrangle retards in Leveling or 50/60/70
But there's good people that stand behind his brand of justice because it actually saved them
All you really have to do is get clever about it, they can't argue with the feed from the actual battle-log that you can check.
No it wouldn't you can't do math niglet.
What fight is this even? It's certainly not titan.
FFlogs is a mistake.
No, they could have tried during ShB, but judging from the ending nothing changed. Changing him now would be dumb considering he didn't change as character after 2 expansions.
Personally I would like him gone, he overstayed his welcome, he's just not interesting enough to be such a long term villain.
E2S which is harder than Titan.
So every month, the lower 10% gets purged. Til there's only 1 gold.
>You are truly the "Final Fantasy XIV"
>Close ACT for the night
>Reopen ACT
>Error Message
>All my plugins just magically deleted themselves
What the fuck?
>not making an FFlogs account just to make it so that your character doesn't show up on parser searches
Not teaching and enforcing the playerbase how to play their classes was a mistake. Diminish Tank/Healer DPS by 75%, and make all dungeon bosses have increasing soft enrages that mandate adequate DPS output.
Because it's 100% believable that you went through and added up the damage from every ability they used throughout the fight.
>he needs an addon to hold his hand to play FFXIV
Ask why they're appearing rarely in the battle log, why their positioning is so goddamned bad, why they're not using certain skills. Stop thinking you have to have the aggregate of all that data to make any kind of decision that they're bad.
Shut the fuck up Balance tranny.
I use it to check my numbers.
I'm so confused, you fucks ping pong between REEEE MUH PARSING and mentioning numbers. what the fuck do you want?
had one autist in alpha 1 normal sperg out at me for not using a timer, really hilarious, guy was a tank
if i didn't get any coffer from eden savage. i can cen't them anymore until reset? or it's only for a book?
I wish there was a DMC-style ranking system for FFXIV? Maybe if shitters saw a big fat D for dismal after every dungeon they'd get the hint.
Maybe a Yoshida voiceover with 'Job effectiveness will vary by player skill' added in for punctuation
I already do that.
>'Job effectiveness will vary by player skill'
That's mistranslation.
The only thing I want is one of the mounts, are they hard to get?
What happened to him by the way after the aftermath?
Went back to wow?
>look up easy 80 score
>buy two vendor items
>get additional 50k mgp for 5 mins of work
I love this pf pug meme.
Reminder that player skill matters more than anything else.
Have your servers felt the wowfugees going back to their own home?
the difference between a purple sam and orange sam is that the orange sam actually meditate fishes with that one ACT plugin
No seriously Kevin, what the fuck do you want? I'm right outside your house can you answer the fucking door. Let's talk about our relationship. Don't run away.
now i have gray fucked playing on controllers
I think you mean weapon damage.
They left for a week and then came back.
>falls off the arena
so much for that weapon damage
Did we even watch the same panel? I was actually surprised with how hands off Yoshida seems to be with that stuff. It all makes sense because he has a lot of responsibilities at the company no doubt, but he literally asked them for two things: Go to the first, use trusts. The rest was all on Ishikawa.
She killed it too so there's no doubt in my mind she'll be lead writer from now on as long as she wants it.
Maybe you should stop thinking that shitters are going to randomly change their ways because some autismo starts sperging out about them not playing the game like he wants them to
Someone on reddit always shows how to get a easy 80 points with no effort.
Where did all the gunbreakers go? I mostly see Paladins and Dark knights now. How good is warrior atm btw lads?
Hmm? There's more green sprouts on my DC lately, not less. I've been giving Nidhogg tutorials so much this week I feel like I should just macro it.
The WoWfugees have been decent so far, I've only run across one zoomer that needed a kicking
Wasn't she the one who wrote his dialogue in Stormblood?
>Elidibus actually makes Warrior's of Light, they're just huge pricks who don't realize they're fucking everything up
Imagine if FFXIV had weapons like PSOBB
Maybe you should stop thinking that shitters are going to randomly change their ways because some autismo starts sperging out about them not playing the game like he wants them to
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:38:07 No.477093608
Someone on reddit always shows how to get a easy 80 points with no effort.
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:38:22 No.477093639▶
File: RiderofResistanceStage1.png (407 KB, 350x497)
407 KB
Where did all the gunbreakers go? I mostly see Paladins and Dark knights now. How good is warrior atm btw lads?
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:39:24 No.477093741▶
File: sam weapon.jpg (59 KB, 686x268)
59 KB
Imagine if FFXIV had
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:39:16 No.477093727▶
>Elidibus actually makes Warrior's of Light, they're just huge pricks who don't realize they're fucking everything up
Depend on the mounts you want
>dps dies to a mechanic and instantly says "wipe" in chat
game's been out since 2013 and you still think micromanaging the casual crowd is going to suddenly get them to carry you in raid
why don't you just find a regular crowd that has raid experience to do content with you dumb nerd
It’s still the same. Always a queue to get in.
> (You)
>Maybe you should stop thinking that shitters are going to randomly change their ways because some autismo starts sperging out about them not playing the game like he wants them to
>Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:38:07 No.477093608
>Someone on reddit always shows how to get a easy 80 points with no effort.
>Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:38:22 No.477093639▶
>File: RiderofResistanceStage1.png (407 KB, 350x497)
>407 KB
>Where did all the gunbreakers go? I mostly see Paladins and Dark knights now. How good is warrior atm btw lads?
>Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:39:24 No.477093741▶
>File: sam weapon.jpg (59 KB, 686x268)
>59 KB
>Imagine if FFXIV had
>Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:39:16 No.477093727▶
>>Elidibus actually makes Warrior's of Light, they're just huge pricks who don't realize they're fucking everything up
Maybe you should stop thinking that shitters are going to randomly change their ways because some autismo starts sperging out about them not playing the game like he wants them to
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:38:07 No.477093608
Someone on reddit always shows how to get a easy 80 points with no effort.
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:38:22 No.477093639▶
File: RiderofResistanceStage1.png (407 KB, 350x497)
407 KB
Where did all the gunbreakers go? I mostly see Paladins and Dark knights now. How good is warrior atm btw lads?
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:39:24 No.477093741▶
File: sam weapon.jpg (59 KB, 686x268)
59 KB
Imagine if FFXIV had
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:39:16 No.4770937
Kevin this isn't cool that you're ignoring me, can you just at least answer the phone, come on Kevin.
I still see a bunch of Gunbreakers. It's Warrior I barely see now.
I hear Warrior is boring now but I've always found the job boring since HW, it's a one trick pony.
RO cards is where it's at
I was talking more about one of the articles that came out this week:
>4gamer: Where did the idea of making Emet travel with us come from?
>Yoshida: It was Ishikawa's idea and at first i told her "It's going to be a difficult task, but can you really finish what you started?". According to Ishikawa, "If we don't make Emet a close existence, his words will never reach the players". Having an enemy as your ally has an extremely high hurdle, but the scenario team really wanted to do it so we decided to go with it.
For example
which one's the least awful looking, I imagine Silver and Black, Gold looks a bit cringe
>Melee brainlets: need a dotted line just to do their rotation properly
>Caster gigabrains: constantly performing calculus entirely in their heads every 2 seconds so as to know how and when to adjust their rotation for maximum dps uptime
> (You) (You)
>Maybe you should stop thinking that shitters are going to randomly change their ways because some autismo starts sperging out about them not playing the game like he wants them to
>Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:38:07 No.477093608
>Someone on reddit always shows how to get a easy 80 points with no effort.
>Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:38:22 No.477093639▶
>File: RiderofResistanceStage1.png (407 KB, 350x497)
>407 KB
>Where did all the gunbreakers go? I mostly see Paladins and Dark knights now. How good is warrior atm btw lads?
>Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:39:24 No.477093741▶
>File: sam weapon.jpg (59 KB, 686x268)
>59 KB
>Imagine if FFXIV had
>Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:39:16 No.477093727▶
>>Elidibus actually makes Warrior's of Light, they're just huge pricks who don't realize they're fucking everything up
(You) (You)
Maybe you should stop thinking that shitters are going to randomly change their ways because some autismo starts sperging out about them not playing the game like he wants them to
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:38:07 No.477093608
Someone on reddit always shows how to get a easy 80 points with no effort.
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:38:22 No.477093639▶
File: RiderofResistanceStage1.png (407 KB, 350x497)
407 KB
Where did all the gunbreakers go? I mostly see Paladins and Dark knights now. How good is warrior atm btw lads?
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:39:24 No.477093741▶
File: sam weapon.jpg (59 KB, 686x268)
59 KB
Imagine if FFXIV had
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:39:16 No.4770937
Is this-
Is this what having a stroke looks like?
Kevin honey, please. I want to make this work for our kids. Please just answer the phone. Nobody else needs to get involved.
>Maybe if shitters saw a big fat D for dismal after every dungeon they'd get the hint.
"Oh, I guess I need more gear to do better".
He's just trying to get ffxiv threads deleted so there's more room for his smash threads.
Kevin, I'm worried for you. I just want to make sure you're okay. You weren't stable during the breakup.
I've been seeing more GW2 and Tera refugees than WoWfugees.
what the fuck is this kevin meme?
Josh, can you please call Kevin. I'm worried about him. He was very suicidal when I last spoke to him.
I think it's sad that they will delete the thread instead of not banning the shitposter. It's like how people used to post loli to get the thread deleted instead of banning the loliposter.
You have to win frontline 10 times for the sliver one and then win 50 more times to get the black one.
>when PF adopts the clearly harder/less consistent setup for a certain raid mechanic
I don't care about Smash. I just want to know if Kevin is okay. Fuck I'm so worried about him
I understand the mentality of wanting to get better, optimise and refine your execution of the game mechanics and your job but all FFlogs really does is end up making a crowd of pigeon brained MMO addict retards run content for parses rather than run content to clear. I play the four tanks and I've started running Paladin the most because every faggot healer is fixated on getting a high parse rather than keeping their tanks topped during raid damage, I've had to use fucking Hallowed Ground to get out of dying from autos in E1S, E2S and E3S but I have no recourse in E4S because absolutely no cunt knows how to execute Stonecrusher properly. I frequently have to clemency myself not to die from Dimensional Shift in E1S and Clemency my co-tank because some fucking retard from R*ddit got it in his head that good healers only have Glare on their bar.
This is the most retarded idea ever because it just means people won't bother running that content anymore. The way the game has casual content and hardcore content is perfect, luckily you're not in charge of any kind of business or game design decisions for FFXIV so the already dwindling playerbase won't outright vanish because someone who doesn't know how to play their job well isn't consistently wiping you for the entire day in a fucking tome farm dungeon.
Thanks, Mr.Happy.
>Not having a macro for every trial, dungeon, and raid
>Being a commlet.
>JP pugs use safe and consistent strats to clear
>NA pugs use unorthodox strats that are risky for a chance to parse higher or clear faster
Kind of resembles the mentality between the FFXIV and WoW development teams.
>FFXIV uses a safe game design formula to attract a consistent subscription base
>WoW tries to reinvent itself with each expansion for a chance to attract a larger subscription count but usually ends up failing in the long run
Simone, I'm about to call Bill. Can you tell him that it's about Kevin.
>24 man raid
>Dps getting hit by literally everything and dying constantly
>"Man I hate these fucking healers"
Yo Ryan, how's it hanging brother. I haven't seen you since Rhonda died.
How many comms is considered high these days, since they stopped giving rewards for it I've lost track
Rod. do you still have the parts for tonight's bust?
>when PF lead don't know the basics of "get everyone to stand around a marker to visually dictate your mechanics spots or just hitting a macro
Thats bad but to be fair the amount of braindead healers you get in alliance raids is fucking infuriating. I've spent way too much time healing and ressing people from other parties because their healers refused or were too slow to do anything.
Is Janny just upset he's not allowed to delete XIV threads on sight anymore or what
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>417 / 81 / 129 / 1
sadly i don't get this meme
first time ive ever seen this art
What class gives the best footjobs
3000 or more because few people own the parade chocobo mount according to census
I think it's the new FFXIV 2020 calendar art
fucking noobs
>still no good looking feet in FF14
Kevin are you there?
>concept art shows high heels
>in-game is slippers instead
false advertising yet again like lyse's boobs
Time to wip out those mods.
how to fix the parsing problem:
- ban all 3rd party tools like ACT without exception
- implement a parsing tool in game that only displays your parse and no one elses
- allow non-disparaging dialogue about numbers because you can’t see anyone elses but your own anyway
Footfags deserve nothing.
(You) (You)
> (You) (You) (You)
>Maybe you should stop thinking that shitters are going to randomly change their
>ban all 3rd party tools like ACT without exception
easier said than done. it's easier to ban file editing mods with a simple launcher check then to stop packet sniffing.
Kevin, answer the door. I got your favorite food.
have you heard of the final fantasy house?
I need a black gf that plays FFXIV.
There are so many I'm actually shocked. Good amount are pretty cute.
When I'm not lazy I'll post the selfie collection later.
have you heard>477092809
about the final fantasyhouseee?
I didn't read that. That's cool he let her run with that idea though. Then we get to learn the story as we go, instead of right at the end in one big exposition dump like the other writers always did. I think that she calls herself a game designer, and not just a writer, is part of what sets her apart from the usual game writer. Like she understands the game comes first. And no one wants to just stop playing a game to read a novella every half hour. Shadowbringers had great flow in that respect. I think Stormblood was pretty good about it overall too, but it had a few points where it felt like it dragged a bit.
I love the cutscenes but some of these dudes need to chill out. You'd think they are getting paid by the word.
there's a black gf that i played with. she's my ex now. Hit up NN in gilgamesh >477096352
How about they just update the combat log to provide as much details and sorting options as ACT itself. You can emit encounter DPS but you can still see how many casts someone does or if they're doing their rotation/uptime incorrectly.
have you heard about the final fantasy house? kevin?KEVIN ANSWER THE FUCKING PHONE
Also ffxiv pet peeves. I'll start.
>dude it's just a dungeon who cares if i play like trash and we're in here for 39 minutes lol
my pet peeve is that kevin won't answer the fucking phone
Cope much, it's just Dilatabrea being his usual self.
>faggot healer is fixated on getting a high parse rather than keeping their tanks topped during raid damage
It feels much worse when you're a healer and you realize your partner forgot what healing is, so you have to do their job and end up tanking your own DPS for it, possibly making obsessed faggots mad at you. I like that healer DPS is a thing since it gives us more stuff to do and think about during fights but this whole mentality where DPS is a higher priority is fucking cancer.
Can we please get Nick to shut the fuck up and stop ruining these threads?
What datacenter do you guys play on? Just curious.
The fun data center, crystal
dancers have busted and stumped out feet from rubbing the floor so much so ninjas by far
They have the athleticism for all types of poses and since they have to be sneaky all the time you know they have soft tender feet that's good for gliding
imagine the smell
If they looked like that, you bet
Isn't that place Tumblr central
Goku is coming for Smash screencap this
is for gay people
bros.. playing this game and being a social autist is hell
You're cool user. You can headpet my lala.
ryan, i thought you moved to WoW classic, why are you stll on here? I missed you.
Why do none of you fucks play Triple Triad?
Bros... Why does yoshi hate us...
Because I play Yu-Gi-Oh instead.
Susan, I still play triple triad. If you want to still play with me? how is the ff8 remaster????
everyone got burned out of it years ago
Sarah?! Did you leave Bill yet?
heard of the final fantasy house, how is ff8 remaster???No this is nic
I'm capped
Send help
Please Yoshi
Gamergate was an actual word regarding ants before /it/ happened
Kevinposter here,
I'm in Aether
Minnie looks weird.
The tranny spammers sure seem upset.
>Emet: "I'm the WoL now."
im not a transsexual or a janny.
Leveling my first melee DPS Ninja (Rouge). Any tips or should i just switch to a different class?
>roll 90 on two items in savage
you seem equally as autistic, at least
Try dragoon to see if you like melee and positionals.
better than rolling a
you're just never satisfied are you
Start running with your arms pointing back irl to immerse yourself.
Dilatabrea, look what you've fucking done to the thread.
Make sure you do Levelling Roulette a day.
Please Yoshi
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)14:18:30 No.477097795▶ (You) (You)
Gamergate was an actual word regarding ants before /it/ happened
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)14:18:54 No.477097830▶ (You) (You)
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)14:19:59 No.477097939▶ (You) (You)
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)14:20:24 No.477097974▶ (You) (You)
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)14:20:36 No.477097995▶ (You) (You)
Kevinposter here,
I'm in Aether
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)14:20:51 No.477098029▶ (You) (You)
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)14:21:15 No.477098069▶
File: shadowbringers 4354453453354.jpg (652 KB, 1536x1514)
652 KB
Minnie looks weird.
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)14:21:38 No.477098112▶
(You) (You) (You)
I really like the aesthetic of the class
Explain me the ins and outs
unga bunga
What the fuck is happening?
Did a Classic thread get deleted or some shit?
Some autist discovered how to use the GW2 general spambot
Nick went insane.
It’s not as bad as that bot and I think it’s just a retard typing random shit and replies.
notice how the spam stopped as soon as the thread hit the bump limit. someone wanted to spam the thread to get it off this board.
He just wanted a new thread.
get that ass banned
I don't know, man. I reported a really long one for extremely low quality and it got deleted shortly afterwards, then it stopped. Considering not all of them got deleted it must have been more than one autist, but now that one's out the others stopped too. Wouldn't be surprised if some clowns in an FC, LS, or even some faggot discord were having a giggle.