Anyone dissapointed with Aigis Rim...

Anyone dissapointed with Aigis Rim? I thought it was going to be some beat em up with robots or something similar to Odin Sphere but so far it looks like a visual novel with some tower defense shit...

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You and me both. I waited a long time for information only to find out that I'm not interested in buying it after all.

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The strategy part looks shit, so shit as well. I mean even strategy eroges do it better having some battle secuence but this game doesn't

We knew about the tower defense gameplay since last year.
You guys are just idiots living under a rock.

That said, maybe the gameplay part is good enough. The SRW games don't have deep tactical strategic gameplay and they're still very fun.

They showed like 3 seconds of gameplay in a trailer last year, that wasn't enough to determine exactly what kind of game it was.

No I didn't know how it looked. I look like trash in this trailer even a mobile game look better tower defense in that sense. Of course the artistic style for the story is beautiful as always.

>I thought it was going to be some beat em up with robots or something similar to Odin Sphere
You're an idiot for thinking that since nothing ever pointed to it being that way and there isn't anything wrong with tower defense.

Everyone was yelling "tower defense" when they showed those three seconds of gameplay last year, during the paid prologue announcement.
That, the fact that a paid prologue is a pretty big red flag (see: MGSV) and how the project has been on development hell for the past five years made the lackluster reveal unsurprising.

You guys are indeed idiots.

Looks great. Dragon's Crown is still Vanillaware most disappointing game.

I mean yeah but what other couch co op game will i play instead

>guys pulls out that big ass cellphone at 0:56
So I guess this game is set in the 80s or 90s?

That tower defense are some shitty icons smashing at each other at least do it properly with character sprite animation or something.

He already made his dream game/perfected formula with Dragon's Crown, this is basically just him being contracted out

That's a military radio, not a phone.

Is set in multiple time periods

The thing that gets me the most is seeing all of you shitting over smartphone-tier gameplay when all of you eat gacha like a motherfucker.

It's like when all of you bitch about The Last of Us like using the same mouth to sing praises towards Telltale's The Walking Dead, calling it one of the greatest videogames ever made.

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>I thought it was going to be some beat em up with robots or something similar to Odin Sphere
Nothing they've ever shown indicated this. What is it with retards just making things up and then being mad when they finally clue in they're wrong?

>Yea Forums is one person

Yea Forums is a pretty blatant hivemind.
Are you going to pretend that, for example, the entire board doesn't love Nintendo or hate Dark Souls 2?

Personally I though this was going to turn out to be a "avoid getting killed in the disaster" type of game with lots of story elements

>Yea Forums is a pretty blatant hivemind.
Lurk 3 years more kusoge poster.

>anime poster
>is rational and based
Am I in a different fucking world or what

Gacha games still look better than that shit gameplay.

The robots don't look customizable and if they are you won't see them in actions anyway. I'm sad.

Because I've been lurking this place for almost a decade I can claim that it is a hivemind without any shred of doubt.
It wasn't like that years ago, but now it truly is.

Not at all, if only for the sole fact of Aegis Rim being a complete product designed to be completed without unnatural grinding or immoral microtransactions practices.

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Make your bets.
Which ones will be star-crossed loves?
Which ones will go crazy and try to kill everyone?
Which ones will sacrifice themselves to save their friends?
Which ones will do imprudent actions that will cause a lot of suffering?

This is gonna be a giant clusterfuck of a storyline. I demand there be trauma for everyone involved on a scale not seen since Drakengard.

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