Redpill me Yea Forums, is Legend of Dragoon really as amazing as Sonyfags say it is?

Redpill me Yea Forums, is Legend of Dragoon really as amazing as Sonyfags say it is?

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It's above average.

It's good but not great.
It suffers from most PS1 JRPGs where it feels like all the love and care went into the first disc and drops off hard in quality after that.

the FMVs are great, the in-game graphics are dogshit.
the music is alright, there are some great tracks.
the battle system is weird (or at least, I didn't get it when I was a kid).
the girl called Black Rose (I think) is hot.
Yeah, it's good, I say play it

fpbp as usual

It's ok. Has some really comfy locales. I think I didn't use dragoon mode much especially during the latter parts of the game.

I had an easier time replaying it by killing off two party members during boss fights.

The voice acting is beyond shit.

It got a lot of advertising as the "Final Fantasy" killer despite being an average title. When it came to RPGs it was either Final Fantasy 7/8 or Legend of Dragoon.
First time I played it, I was terrible at using additions, used the worst party, and thought it was the hardest RPG ever.
Second run, I got the hang of doing additions, used Haschel/Meru/Shana and thought it was too easy. Goes to show how important the timed hit aspect of gameplay was.

I liked the combat but I'm a sucker for any turn based rpg where you play an active role in fighting other than pressing the attack command.
Game like this, Xenogears, Legend of legia and the mario rpgs are my shit.

Ahem, fuck lloyd, the emperor, fuck the winglies and fuck Melbu Frahma.

it's like a worse paper mario

good thing my favorite JRPGs are all 1 discs only

really though it's alright. Set aside a long weekend, pull up a list of all the stardust locations and get them all, beat the superboss.
Getting the stardust is sorta like getting all the al bhed primers in ffx, it's just something you should do.


Friend lent it to me randomly one day back when it was current, and I fell in love with it. I think it was the first game I ever got 100% completion in.

You did unlock all of his combos before they fucking killed this nigga. right?

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The world is kinda cool but the overall way the plot line pans out is pretty gay
Has the 3D characters 2D backgrounds thing which I feel is pretty ghetto compared to alternatives (breath of fire, legend of legaia, ect)
I like the battle system, normally I want to KMS in late game JRPGs as the combat gets increasingly repetitive but LoD remained alright the entire time
Overall though I'd say it's certainly worth a shot if you like JRPGs

Actual spoiler here OP, be careful

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Combat gets old REALLY fucking quick. Early on its amazing that you don't just mash attack or sit and watch and animation, and timing presses is key to doing well, but holy fuck its a 30-40 hour long game blind so it just adds up over time and breaks you or keeps you.

Game prioritizes animations over everything else. Once you can reliably do the QTE attacks, it's really boring

Best thing about this game is rhytm game when you attack. Everything else is pretty generic for jrpg. Story about saving the world, love story, catchy melodies.
3d models were pretty ba though better than ff7 but worse than ff8

it's good enough to deserve a remaster

Really good JRPG from PS1 era with pre-rendered backgrounds and comfy comfy COMFY music. This was my favorite game for a while and still remains in my top 5.

The duality of man

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